P1,P2,P3,P4 - 太田市

太田インフォルマ 2014 年 11 月 10 日号(英語版)
P1. 第 23 回国際ふれあいパーティー開催
P2. 臨時福祉給付金の申請期限を延長します・子育て世帯臨時
P3. 秋の全国火災予防運動・勤労青少年ホーム冬季限定教養講座
P4. おおたこども映画 Day「ポケモン・ザ・ムービーXY 破壊の繭
P5. 年末調整や確定申告には証明書が必要です・群馬県最低賃金
・SOS 外国人のための法律相談
P6. 休日当番医・急患のみ診察可能な救急指定病院・平日夜間
急病診療所・休日歯科診療・市税の 11 月納税・外国人市民相談
Come with family and friends to this grand international
party and enjoy musical entertainment, dance performances,
food, and a raffle!
Date: December 7, 2014 (Sun.)
Time: Starts at 18:30 (Reception starts at 18:00)
Place: Quattro Stagioni Marriyell Ota (1F)
Tickets: Advance
At door
Children from ages of 6 to 12
2,000 yen
(Assoc. Members: 1,500 yen
2,500 yen
500 yen
2,000 yen
500 yen)
Nishiyajima-Cho 601
Lafayette Dori
Tatebayashi →
OTA Sta.
Burbank Dori
KOBAN (Police
Oizumi →
Information and ticket sales: Ota International Association
Ota City Hall (11F) Address: Ota-Shi Hama-Cho 2-35 TEL: 0276-48-1001
The Temporary Welfare Benefits “Rinji Fukushi Kyuukin” deadline’s date that was scheduled until November 4 (Tue.),
will be extended until December 26 (Fri.).
※The application will be valid as long as the postmark is stamped on the deadline’s date.
●Eligibility: Persons who were registered under Ota City’s Resident Record on January 1, 2014 and were exempt from
the FY2014 Municipal Inhabitants’ Tax.
※Except for dependent relatives of taxable persons and recipients of public assistance.
●How to apply: Fill out the application form and attach a copy of the required documents of all members of the household
such as; Resident “Zairyuu” Card, a copy of the bank booklet of your preference to receive the direct deposit. Please submit
it by postal mail to Ota City Hall, Temporary Welfare Benefits Counter “Rinji Fukushi Kyuufukin Madoguchi”(〒373-8718,
※It is not necessary to write the address).
For more information: Ota City Hall, Temporary Welfare Benefits Counter “Rinji Fukushi Kyuufukin Madoguchi” (6F)
TEL: 0276-47-1917.
We are accepting applications for the Temporary Special Benefits for Child-Rearing Households “Kosodate
Setai Tokurei Rinji Kyufukin”.
Those who have received the application form, please submit it as soon as possible.
Deadline: November 28, 2014 (Fri.)
For more information: Ota City Hall, Children’s Affair Division “Kodomo-Ka” TEL: 0276-47-1942
Underhanded traders are using misleading words to aim at senior citizens’ retirement check
and/or savings!!
Elderly scam victims have been increasing!
The consultations from senior citizens concerning consumer damage have been increasing, because of the large
amount of damages caused by underhanded traders.
The underhanded traders are good on using misleading words by taking advantage of the senior citizens’ worries
and uncertainies about old age.
Let’s recognize those underhanded traders and turn them away.
Why did the elderly become a target?
 Many people think that Senior Citizens have a lot of money.
 Many senior citizens live by themselves without anyone around to help them deal with such issues.
 The underhanded traders uses the senior citizens worries and uncertainies about the future after reaching an old
 The underhanded traders know that senior citizens are vulnerable, so they take advantage by misleading them on
a sale without having them realize what’s happening!
※ To avoid scams, please consult the Consumer Affairs Center before signing a contract or making a payment, if you
feel that something is not quite right!
Consultation Hours: 9:00 ~ 16:00 (except weekends, holidays, and year-end/Year End holidays)
※The consultation is strickly confidencial.
For inquiries Consumer Affairs Center “Shouhi Seikatsu Center” ( Ota City Hall, 2F) TEL: 0276-30-2220.
Examination for AIDS & Other Specific Infectious Diseases
~ The consultation and examination is Free, Confidential, and Anonymously ~
Every week on Mondays (except on holidays) from 9:00 to 11:00, only on the 1st Mondays of every month are also
available from 17:30 to 19:00 (Both schedules need to make an appointment in advance by telephone)
Location: Eastern District Health & Welfare Office “Toubu Hoken Fukushi Jimusho”
Address: Ota-Shi Nishihon-Cho 41-34, TEL: 0276-31-8243
Note: Located along Ota Route 312, near junction with Route 2.
Certificates are necessary for
declaring year-end adjustment of
withholding tax and income tax
During the first 2 weeks of November, Japan Pension
Service mails out the Certificate for Deduction “Koujo
Shoumeisho” for Social Insurance Premium (National
Pension Insurance (NPI) Premium “Kokumin Nenkin
Hokenryou”) Payments, a certificate in postcard form, as
proof of payments made on NPI premiums.
This certificate for deduction and receipts of payment of
NPI premiums are necessary for the year-end adjustment of
withholding tax “nenmatsu chousei” and declaration of final
income tax “kakutei shinkoku”; please keep this certificate
(postcard) and receipts in a safe place for doing the needed
Koujo Shomeisho’s private dial at: 0570-058-555
Ota Pension Office “Ota Nenkin Jimusho”
TEL: 0276-49-3712
Attorneys will give counsel on issues regarding immigration
(resident status, etc.), family (divorce, inheritance, etc.), labor
(unpaid wages, dismissal, workman’s compensation, etc.), and
others (debt, traffic accident, etc.).
November 16 (Sunday)
Time: 13:00 ~ 17:00 (Advance reservations are
recommended. Registration on the day of the counseling will
be closed at 16:00.)
Location: Ota Gyousei (Community) Center (Ota-Shi Hon-Cho
Interpreters: English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Chinese
Counseling time: 60 minutes per person (maximum). No fee
is required.
Information & reservations:
Gunma Bengoshikai (Gunma Bar Association)
TEL: 027-233-4804
Minimum Wage in
Gunma Revised
From October 5 (Sun.), the minimum wage in
Gunma Prefecture has been revised to 721 yen per
The Gunma Prectural Minimum Wage applies to
all workers and their employers in all workplaces
within the prefecture.
Also, “specified (industry- classified) minimum
wages” have been set for specific manufacturing at
markedly higher hourly rates.
・Gunma Labor Bureau
“Gunma Roudou Kyoku,”
・Ota Labor Standards Inspection Office - “Ota
Roudou Kijun Kantokusho,” TEL: 0276-45-9920.
December 7, 2014(Sun.)
Place: Isesaki City Hall Higashi Kan (5F)
Addr.: Isesaki-Shi Imaizumi-Cho 2-410
Time: 10:00 ~ 15:00.
Consultants: Lawyers, Administrative
Procedure Specialist “Gyouseishoshi” (for visa
and other matters) and Certifiied Social
Insurance Labor Consultant.
Information and Reservations
(Making reservations is recommended):
Gunma Association of Tourism, Local
Products & International Exchange, Tel.:
027-243-7271 or 090-1215-6113 (the
latter number is only for consultation days)
Free Consultation (in Japanese)
Legal Advice
(Note: This service is available only to Ota City residents.)
・Place: Ota City Hall (3F / Counter 39)
Date and time: Every Wednesday, 9:30~12:00.
Capacity: 14 persons.
・Place: Nitta Fukushi Sogo Center(“Fukushi Tou” Block)
Date & Time: November 20(Thu.), 10:00 ~ 12:00.
Capacity: 6 persons.
Service at both places requires
making an appointment beforehand;
you can make one up to 2 weeks in
For appointment & information: Ota
City Hall, Residents’ Activity Support
Division “Shimin Katsudou Shien-Ka,”
TEL:0276- 47-1897
I.M.: Internal Medicine
I.M. / Pediatrics
Nov. 16
(Sun.) Orthopedics / Plastic Surgery
Nov. 23
I.M. / Pediatrics
(Sun.) Dermatology/ Plastic Surgery/ Pediatrics
Nov. 24
I.M. / Pediatrics
(Mon.) Ophthalmology
I.M. / Pediatrics
Nov. 30
I.M. / Surgery
(Sun.) Orthopedics
Hirahara Naika・Shoukakika (Komaigi-Cho), (0276) 45-3891
Murota Naika Iin (Yabuzuka-Cho), (0277) 78-2711
Kenmochi Seikeigeka (Higashihon-Cho), (0276) 25-2537
Kasuga Iin (Hon-Cho), (0276) 22-2257
Kojima Iin (Kumano-Cho), (0276) 25-0378
Noguchi Hifuka Iin (Iizuka-Cho), (0276) 60-1211
Taniguchi Clinic (Josai-Cho), (0276) 33-7756
Asahi Clinic (Yabuzuka-Cho), (0277) 78-7575
Honmachi Shinryoujo (Obara-Cho), (0277) 78-2254
Ito Naika Shonika Clinic (Iizuka-Cho), (0276) 46-3311
Yamada Clinic (Kamikobayashi-Cho), (0276) 40-2121
Kayama Seikeigeka Iin (Iida-Cho), (0276) 45-0511
Shiina Naika Iin (Yabashin-Machi), (0276) 45-8699
Yamaguchi Geka Iin (Nishihon-Cho), (0276) 31-3561
Ichinose Naika Iin (Tadakari-Cho), (0276) 37-4498
Harigaya Ganka (Komaigi-Cho), (0276) 47-8101
Ugajin Clinic (Iizuka-Cho), (0276) 40-1414
Watanabe Clinic (Iida-Cho), (0276) 40-1811
Kutsuna Clinic (Yura-Cho), (0276) 60-4475
Fukuda Jibiinkouka Clinic (Shimokobayashi-Cho), (0276) 60-3130
I.M. / Pediatrics
Dec. 7 I.M. / Surgery / Orthopedics
(Sun.) I.M.
I.M. / Pediatrics
Dec. 14 I.M. / Neurosurgery / Pediatrics
(Sun.) I.M. / Surgery
*Note 1: The doctors and dentist above are on duty only for seeing emergency patients. Other patients are asked to
seek treatment on weekdays.
*Note 2: Emergency medical services are subject to change. Please call the telephone number below for confirmation.
Hospital Guidance Telephone Service for Emergency Cases: 0276-45-7799
Designated Emergency Hospitals providing medical services only to emergency patients
Ota Kinen Byouin TEL : 0276-55-2200, Motojima Sogo Byouin TEL: 0276-22-7131,
Horie Byouin TEL : 0276-38-1215, IMS Ota Chuo Sogo Byouin TEL : 0276-37-2378,
Shiroyama Byouin TEL : 0276-46-0311, Kouaikai Dai Ichi Byouin TEL : 0277-78-1555
Weekday Night Emergency Infirmary (I.M. or Pediatrics)
Location: Ota-Shi Hoken (Public Health) Center, 1F Address: Iida-cho 818
Consulting Days: Monday ~ Saturday (excluding holidays, year-end and New Year holidays)
Hours: 18:45~21:45 Types of services: Internal Medicine or Pediatrics Tel.: 0276-60-3099
Dental services on Sundays, Holidays, and year-end/New Year holidays (10:00~13:00)
Ota Nitta Shika Ishi Kaikan TEL : 0276-45-7320
Upcoming Payment Deadlines of
Municipal Taxes for Fiscal Year Heisei 26
・National Health Insurance Tax
“Kokumin Kenkou Hoken Zei”( 5th period )
Payment due:
→December 1, 2014 (Monday)
Please don’t miss making these payments by the due date.
For inquiries concerning tax payments, contact the Tax
Payment Division “Nouzei-Ka” in Ota City Hall (2F / No. 23),
TEL: 0276-47-1820.
Every 1st & 3rd Thursday
(except holidays), 13:00 ~ 16:00
Locastion: Ota City Hall (1F)
Consultation Corner for Foreign
Residents “Gaikokujin Shimin Soudan
Madoguchi” (near Counter 5)
Information: Ota City Hall,
TEL: 0276-47-1111 (general)
・OTA CITY HALL, Exchange Promotion Division “Kouryuu Suishin-Ka” and
Address: 〒373-8718 Ota-Shi Hama-Cho 2-35 (Ota Shiyakusho)
TEL: 0276-47-1908 & 0276-48-1001 FAX:0276-48-1012 e-mail: [email protected]