「11736,Taγ Rahata,日 st・ AhmednagT4M S:)'h.・ 124η・2“ 既 E‐ lna‖ Ⅲ Op"R帆 9色 :IⅢ “ NCP government. "The BJP should work to show they are ldifferent..."hesaid. . Ther utriedtoplaydown the isScs-T-am sure Khadse did not mean to ridicu.le farmoFpЮ spedus and Apメ icafOn Fomヽ Rs,100"、 Prospectus andApメ :“ 10n FomsAvttabb atb‖ owing ers. What he must hav6 meant is farmgrs should dnsure they GURCAON:K K Bhatnagal PIMS‐ Liaison Omcet c_564,Sushant Lok PhaSe― │,Land MaFk,Ne don't default on making payments for electricity. As if they PUNE fail to make the payments they willhave to face the inconven- Huda Ciじ MetrO Sta‖ on,Gurgaon,Haryana l 122009,Tel― (o124)4108433/34/35 : Mr. Anant Kshirsagal Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Pune Kendra, 407/408,Dr.K.M,Munshi Mar9,ofF SenapatI Bapat Road,ShivalinagaL PЧ ne.Te卜 (02o)25653413 ‐ :Pravara Medicl:irust's omce,Kamana Housing Sociev Bu‖ ding No.2,Eノ 4,Ground 日oOL Near Sddtt Vinayak Tem口 e,PrabhadeⅥ ,DldO「 VL Tel_(022)24310088ノ 66 :Manager Finance,Pravara institute of Modical Sciences,Loni-413736 Taた Rahata Dist:AhmednagaL(Maharashtra)Phone‐ o2422‐ 271425 and Application Form is also available on website www.pravara.com. Colleges & Courses are recognised by respqctive-counciis. STATE BANK OFINDIA 島配品 漏 ‖ ぉ 黒 #躍響淵ま 鍔 鵠 器講1絆∵ 鳥誦器 鶴晰淵1器曇 獄 ∬1lT,lfT綱 ′ :誦 譜ヽ S● 0330dAsJⅢ Mai:昴 montB品 from d m the ensuⅢ o '911?OVeliジ on the authorized website ol d Fbo1 0pp.VS Hoζ plaば brdge, i SALE OFIMMOVABLE ASSETS CHARGED TO THE BANK U‖ DER THE SECURmSAT10‖ AND Tlre undwsigned as Au0ixized 0fficbr of State Baot of lndia has taken over possession ol the tolowing p(op€rries Act PuЫ たathrgettinfmedttatl● uctlon{underSARFAESiAct 2002}ofttChargedpropetteshthebelowmen」 t f(a) of Uro 'l/s onedcases I Webttta{1)httl:〃 SuⅢ MdhOm,2)smt Radhika MJhotra, {4}Shn su話 & foonam duos as on 24:22014 :」 Malhom!● gal helr of Jlgal Юshore Mdhora {docoased}. (5) Ms. Madhu legal dues includes intere;t and made on various dates) + IER MiLLS LTD. Pune 411 033 ShOpS No l boonghgto Su面 l MahOm 8 Poonam ideCeased)lnd shOp N● 2 bdonging to KIshore MalhotFa {deCeased)8 Radhlka 02030613388 &E‐ VO¬ NG. ●Ol Nc. lad 2, on $e Gmurd Floor d DMakh Apaftneflts Coop HsU. Ltd.Near Poonam Nagtt Mahab‖ Caves Road,developed upon hnd SyΨ 増・17,lⅢ Yqり Maas,Tabka Kutt B S Dゥ aionttth minor Harsh Malhota he COmpany wI‖ be hJd and 7 50 mts.晰 de Rcad・ P,ne 411 033 on Satu● ay・ the lctlh9り u11鰯 as set6叫 わ 響 Survey詢 ,4,Hissa Nol.{part} ogeshtti{East}lnOW.Andhen 」 "可of Mumbai city and suburban : . Sub Disrict L“ :Proper● of」 "Madhu Bu‖ :Roa4/Propew"he Madhu BuildersPvtttd・ 恥 ol ders Pvt Ltd 0 : “ 口embett olthe Co"pani. have boen"Ⅲ decLOnttv rme:n“加 口1400pJ■ m2.mp■ 1.血 u‖ imlつd extensЮ ns The members whO soね │ lo regヽ teF ther is also availabls on qttd timc for on all working a !fr. d d rc$sst OM″ 014 I Ino ofinspdon ofthe"摯 耐お plrytoattoDirand nol be a member. rubmis&n WNl掘 繊鵠湖趾肝辣 1柵常露 1:品爾淵 鵠出謂棚鵬 . 場調譜洲:ihⅢ lよ 蜃 . 撚、 器鷺棚 : : llmday,tp 15iDeoember,2014 at9.00am. : Tuesday, tr 16[ Decernber,20.14 [email protected]. nol be allotYed beyond 6.00 p.m. on is ava‖ able atthe webslo olthe www.evotlng.karvy.com. may go hough he 鯰 :llfooi'er, 鋼 Ⅲ南 地 I】 脚鳳悧辮 L疇 詭 品 Ⅲ 瘤 Ⅲ Supp● Ito枷 面 。 事暇 躍 叫 net PrOsp∝ deド T∬ 脂品:d躙 鴫 器出罵:寵 may∼ 百 10nlnemmm90ne_aucloロ … "ebに 缶 屈 晴 呻 wsdu鴫 衝い たmm側 ¨ ∞∞轟 赫 inq;iios regardrfo u" tt" *p.p&i* prton 甲甲 ヽ treintending-uodirs shrild matgtheirowri inaepanoent am "ir*o,Jr,*", dblEtdtighti/du€daf€criry dr fopeny, priorto sbmininq ltloirbU. Tho eAlrtin advs.tismeflt dos na cmtfune and wit not "uai* b€ dean€d to cqlsti[,t8 any coffinitndlt or ary tenaes€Iltaliil of tho bal{L Encontanca: Dmr to thc tinc ol Rrlll,20,E55.0|t rt m 2t.m.20ll lowardsmaimensnc{Eododtrdta.g€sdt}nhklaApartnnBCo.opHousingSocie,tyLtd,Mmbai.finrElcrmtnaccl: l{otXmwo. Tha propeny isbeing sddwih aldnexisit4adtnim drilmbrmcG whedrer kpwn sunkmn totho bad- IhoAj0|orisqloffs/S&usd Crediiorshallnotboruspoos&lsinalrywayhffiythildpa.lydaimyrigthtydr€s. TlEsatssh8[b€$bjsdrorubJcorditionsp.€scribedunds $e Ssqritisation and Foconsfucdm dtirlanci:rAsssts dd Eflforcsmfltof Seority lntefestAct,2m2. Tha EMo shall bo pt able dmr4h NEFI/ RTGS h tio folowing Accoort 3f066015329, ilarnc ol rlc Ay'c. : SBl, SII,B AIIIEDAB It REC0YIRYAGCOUI{T, llemoftto Boraficbrr STAIE 8AI{f0t ll{Dul, IFSG Codc: SBltIUl06926, Ploaso notothat$eGh€queygemand Draft shallnotbsaccoptsdssEMDamol.ct instnEtions in ing and h case danyquenes/gnevanoos he Frequenly Asked Ouedlons(FAOs) available at lhe download Mr. S. V. Baju 400160761‐MJl‖ dwing iO.00 am● 4.00 / Mr Mohan Kumar ol Byorderolthe R.M. 1 ・ ︲︱︲ ‘l li l i ︲ ︱1 1 1 1 ヽ ︲Vせ 1 ■■. キ 〓 ● L 一■卜 ● ﹁ 中 ︱ ′ 7■ ・ to be held 1蔵 1組 for,verification of :0190,1'al!Way ReCrulment Fh:PattmsЙ ・ :鳳 1辮 Ih. rucco..frrl liddd .h.[ hryr to:dcpo.it 25X d thc birl / ulo .moont loss EMD immodirtoly ttuough I{EFT/ f,IGS ro tte folfowinS Acaourn t{o,316e6015329 0fS Cod. SBll{qn6926l.Ihc rucc.$lul ti.td*:titt tnveto rlepocit bahncc 7591of be bid amountrttmugh I{EEIBTGStodlc abov. rccoont-widir 15 dry!frornthc datc olaoctim. Fu inipection oftha properties, plmse coracltheBankonTsl, ilo.0?9265!1oEt. rOlXXr{2605 c-rnail lD: rbi.0{[email protected]. ││ 11 Jhismaybsreatedas$sStatltory30drysSaleNoticsurdtrlhsSARFAES|ActZm2a*rulostherwnd* to$eBonoworsandGffirartors as statd aboys abdrt holding d aEtion sale pobfished Ihe o$ertemsand cooditjons ofths e-auclionre in thero[owingwebsites. laddressss dthewebsitesl 1. tttEr/31*.srclioodocr,nlt 2. ht$r'Arvyry.sli.coin. S. tO'//taodo6.tov.in DATE : 25.112014 00MPANY SECRETARY │:: 蠅欲●,機 で 暉鵬●●り● MuMMI 鴨 H 鑢 ‖ 輛 菊薦薩種悪轟嚢爾露頭 薄 営茸 1襲鮮 淋1:!憫鐵鷲難趨轟鶴 ∬ 書 棚 ∬ 面醤 麹 如∞ 温 ξ :昴 洲J構鸞輛蕗 :1:1 qolo3/lVElq/S i d 階 '■ ■・ ■ ■ ■ ■ ・.■ ■ ・ ■ 鴻書 l聾電 リ ン 鰹 爵 ん島1%71_ =│・ 繋 駆轟黒 i黒 :黒 鯉 絡 鳳癬翻 果 澗 調齢 F― 鏑 ― 欄 お 赫 螂 ‐ Ⅲ 繹 ,`Rヽ Iq+* w*".udYer'in {T 謡諭 哺 輌 輛 納 輛 ミ 赫 諭 繭 )m,Ro守 … , 窯 瀬 oq載 `Ч :詰 猛 赫!● Ⅲ ]』 鶴 謂紹 跳 可 躊 」轟 [ … . ゃ、υЧ口ぃ。 磁 編 ︲︱ ヽ﹁ヽ ︲ ■│■ ':鮨 ` "´"■ '2''│■ 02 奪漂褻轟誦魏i麟場 讐..■ i:Iデ D‐ Rahata L昴 i塁 :l聾 Ⅲ 輛・ 鰤 呻 (空 聖 , 理 ‐ 輻 靡 焉 ,1熙 需 襦楡燻濡 Ч 面 )篤 鳳 ,H,S[mffiffi,tr#J*,*g ;; "e*"' m*n a**' 1oT1 ffi 糀 棚 iTl#";:';;#'*' Uiil#i,i#il; t'*'r*T.3T I ^Y.*# 組 繹 や 習 獅 淵 蕗 辞 為島品 :玉 … セ浦 い・H‖ 榔 t(Y Ⅲ RoRY゛ い Roヽ nmiar q-twAwe'E+ t-rcn │ 06/07"15輛 「 :酬 : … “ Ri― 赫 ― 論 巖 下 Ⅲ Ⅲ :│:│││:│:│││ 満 │わ 濶 ¨ Tttf黒 憮‐ gffi ffiHHH*ffi il, f*a 953r040:tt5, tls,0794m16876, ;I#il#H. ili i r1 ru1 11 ' iin€shisriwda@sucriooiigt'tlst 7 /8r 8/or s/820. {r !ii.''tm'r. ^1 srPPort@atdiomigor'rEt{qrq trcr,r' '}dtd<' ffit i. +sr' t' {-ffit +d;Erer rystu'"'t'gqi= iIotn' 19 *drmi{t crd srt "i;E; ffi ;;;,;|i a*iffit o "tdG * t *"*'a. titmt<tir *arlur* q {' Ffugd 3nE <iEI {ft-a . o*-5"r., nwa* -"tla 1,9 "'*#"flot 6sqff. ftlrr{nr qia'ttqt "ra*lrlqla#'#' t*tt y d"e qmlt arqx qr&'-m :21'09'2014 i-it{fic Affr|lFlr tlqli *'au't tftnt" ftflr{ art{?|kr firfr *"mA i"#.,"t-a'ffi) d1D 'A "tA "**n 3,qr€r<id.alqtrft,,"y",ran..t i"i*-U#rf;Ji***i**Un.+0.26,665'sss;qq1'mafft' nqrsra r adqr& r i"qif,rt *ry f ;'il;fr R'*t *"t*"#Ht o qrnqqt. *iilr m 6n *," &ryrr-airrr cr'rdRrsil *t{f, d€ "t#t * dqn-*tt in "*|{* m, a HH## *** r*, tqo,to' qd ffi6d sturt / ftql "ili. oJt*r. .m,e"wt****.r*ilcffi,ti*'m*l*n",E"*l"l*tt atttmfu5at-tn*"t* imto,rtostotslzs,.-At"'**1I.#*i'H"iJtt**'t*t*acE'qrdrq*il6'ltsccod€:sBlN0006s26'vcqr 薇 赫 …繊 IT‐ "嬬 鸞 満 瀾 園 呻 赫 f25,1、 山 1.2014 鷺 : “ 悩 朧 淋膠 `隕椰 酪翁 I● イ , 瑯琲 酪翁 ■● 留
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