(一社)日本リモートセンシング学会 第57回学術講演会論文集 2014年11月 U3 |ÿ=SQ$ŠĴk¹ SAR ćk4ąaºþ$ŠÐ¤ Height estimation for low-rise buildings from a single high-resolution SAR image NL6R67Q 1R ®°ÙŘ 1 Wen Liu and Fumio Yamazaki Abstract : Recently, the detection of building heights as a part of inventory information draws significant attention. Owing to the development of satellite sensors, it is possible to obtain building heights from high-resolution satellite images. In this study, the heights of low-rise buildings were estimated from a single TerraSAR-X (TSX) intensity image. According to the geometric characteristics of SAR, a building height is proportional to the length of its layover. An automatic extraction of building layover was proposed for the TSX image of San Francisco, California, USA. Comparing with Lidar data, the obtained results showed a reasonable level of accuracy. Keywords : TerraSAR-X, building outline, layover, building height, backscattering intensity 1. %+" Ō´ñŅþ$Åř%ţÀç/NKSE@Q =Q9sŎ" 1ōį!ĺş$ 1 1ºþ Š%ţŌ´ĉ¬$ĸf-ý¥ß" 1ºþĮ¥ $ÊÓ"ãw!Îò1TÚţŃ·@Q;Éī $ĉ¬".0ţŠĴk¹m£ćk ÆőPSB (SAR)ćkÁ/21."!$+ţĬ Þćk4ąºþŠÐ¤ĥ"!¯° / 1)%ţ0.6m Ĵk¹$ QuickBird ćk 3m Ĵk¹ $ TerraSAR-X (TSX)ćk/ċıºþŠ4Ð ¤)ţ2 ê$ SAR ćk4ąµûqĂ" .1Š$Ф,Ī32(Bolter and Leberl 2)) åĐĕ%ţ1 =SQ$ŠĴk¹ TSX ćk/º þ$h2ł*ę4ĦxĊ"îrţºþŠ4 Ф1Èø4Ñì1)ţTSX ćkŃß äÔ¾2ĨĖóPS<S(Lidar)DSA4ą ţФĠë$Ĝ¹4ĸf1 2. §ļćkDSA åĐĕ%ţFig. 1(a)"đě;QHMQ=? :´$TŊ4§ļ1§ļo$ºþ%ţ Y"a(30m ^V)$ïÛĶ-±12011 · 10 â 9 Ü"§ļ4Ô¾ WorldView-2 (WV-2)ćk4 Fig. 1(b)"đa$ºþ +ţm£ćk" 1ºþ$ܾďţ¾4ą ŠÐ¤%ś1 ţåĐĕ% 2011 · 10 â 13 Ü"Ô¾ 2 TSX ćk4ąºþŠ$Ф4ĪTSX ćk%ŠsĴĥ$ HighSpot (HS)KSFţVœľň / HH jùÔ¾2ćkXÂ" 1IJü ij¹% 39.88°0ţIJüÚŇĪÚ" 1 Ĵk¹%,"ĝ 1m 1Ñe2DSA% Single-look Slant-range Complex (SSC) D S A 1 ô` zĩ £ £Ŕ±£ĐĕĒ ºĚRŌ´Ē£¨Ö ( Ç 1263-8522 zĩčzĩ´Ĕöy»ĄĆ1-33) (ņġl Tel: 043-290-3528, E-mail: [email protected] ) 1+ţ5>J?PQ>Ú$Ģ! $vqĂ 4ĪvqĂ¿$˾2 TSX ¼¹ć k4 Fig. 2(a)"đm£ćk/cÆ2ºþ ŀŋDSA4 TSX ćk"ō#1ţ¿Ú×ZgØ $Šh2ł*ęŀŋ$@Q;Ú"1h 2ł*$ŐºþŠõd1+ţ$ę 4îr1".0ºþŠÐ¤1 (a) (b) Fig. 1 The study area in the part of San Francisco, USA. (a); the WorldView-2 image of the target area taken in Oct. 9, 2011 (b) (a) (b) Fig. 2 TerraSAR-X image of the target area taken in Oct. 13, 2011, with the GIS data of building footprints (a); a close-up of the white frame in (a) after emphasizing the high backscattering areas that are considered as layover (b). 3. ºþŠ$ФÈø h2ł*ę4Ìr1+"ţćknb$¿Ú ×ZgØ$¶i1-10.5dB ^U$G8@O4 h2ł*ęİ! 1 "Ò1$]$G 8@O4 0 1Fig. 2(a)$TŊ4Í ţ0-1 ̶ 95 ̶ ćk"Ò4(b)"đ2.0ţ º þ$h2ł*ę%¦Ý"ĵü1ţªº þ$h2ł*$Ő%ċıü1ś 1ţºþ$ŀŋDSA4ąţh2ł* ę$Ő4Ħx"ĵü1Èø4Ñì1 )ţºþ$Š 1.5m 2m $ß" 1h 2ł*$Ő4ćk$Ô¾æ_/Ęr1ºþ ŀŋ4@Q;Ú'ţÁ/2Ős4ēx1 ēx 2 $ŀŋ$Œ4täCQIPSE cÆ1"ţºþŠ 0.1m Č½$h2ł *Ő4Ęrţ1 s$ēxĽŚ1täC QIPSE4@Q;Ú'ţÁ/2ēx ĽŚs4ēx1ēx"ţCQIPSE " 1h2ł*ę$}ãā4ĵĘ1CQI PSEh2ł*ę2&ţēx4ğ[ţ áğēxĽŚ/ºþŠ4Ф1 åĐĕ%ţCQIPSEo$h2ł*ęā 40%^V"!2&ţîĞ4ğ[1)ţºþ à 2m ^U1+ţtäCQIPSEo"h 2ł*ę¢!2&ţēx4ő¡! ĹФ4ª1+ţºþŀŋo"1G8@ O%(h2ł*ę/ŕ~$Úø" .1h2ł*ę$Ìrø4 Fig. 3(a)"đ Fig. 3(b)"đ."ţŠĈ!1 2 í$ºþ ŗÏ1 ţß"CQIPSE$ēx4 ĪţaºþŠºþ$h2ł*ę4îĞ ŠÐ¤21$+ţºþ%@Q;/ $ĽŚ$Ş"îĞ4Ī@Q;"ŃÚ$ºþ /l"Ф4ĪţîĞ2ę4J?81 ".0ţ^œîĞ2!!1 4. Ð ¤Ġëîķ Fig. 2(a)"đ TSX ćk4ąţºþŠ4Ð ¤Ġë4 Fig. 4(a)"đ§ļo"1 116 í$ºþ$ţ86 í$ŠÐ¤2Ф !ºþ%ţY"@Q;Ú"u$ºþŗ ÏtäCQIPSE4cÆ!Ф Ġë$Ĝ¹4îķ1+ţLidar DSAÁ/2 D>AOĭKDO(DSM) DEM $²4ºþŠ ÷+ţFig. 4(b)"đ$WĤ".1 ºþŠ4õĿ1ţð#Tħ1 /"ţ@Q;Úšè{Ţ" 1 Lidar DS A$ºþŠ$¶i4ĘrţФĠëõĿ ,$4 Fig. 5(a)"đФĠë$¶Ĺ²% 0.4m ţRMS Ĺ²% 2.5m 1àń$ºþ$Ŗ Š1 3m .0ª+ţåÈø4ąºþ ŖØ$Ф"ãw1"đĹ²á, 2 í$ºþ$pĎ4 Fig. 5(b)"đºþ a %«U"¸é1+ţ2".1h2ł*ę ºþİ!2ţŠÐ¤2)ţºþ (a) (b) Fig.3 Simulation of the template for layover searching (a), and the definition of boundaries for two connected buildings with different heights (b). (a) (b) Fig.4 Detected heights by the proposed method (a); the reference heights obtained from the Lidar data (b). (a) (b) Fig.5 Comparison of the detected heights from the TSX image and the reference one from the Lidar data (a); two ground photos of the buildings that have the largest errors, cited from Google Earth (b). b %ţ@Q;Ú"ŗÏ1$©h2ł* ęĹÌr2+ţŠÐ¤2 5. )+ åĐĕ%ţě;QHMQ=?:´$aºþ 4Ô¾ 1 =SQ$ TSX ćk/ţºþŀŋ4 ą 3m ^V$Ĺ²ºþŠ4ФФ Ġë$Ĝ¹%§ļ$Łă"¾ŝ21 +ţ\¿%ućk'$ʼnąÈø$Õ4Ī ģÙĀ 1) ¯°úÄţNL6R67Qţ®°ÙŘŤm£@Q;ćk" 1Ü¾Ő SAR ¼¹ćk" 1h2ł*ŏ " ºþŠŜ".1h$îrţÜåŜ±£`ĻÙř ė 12 ³ţė 6 ţpp.133-146, 2012. 2) R. Bolter, and F. Leberl, Detection and reconstruction of human scale features from high resolution interferometric SAR data, In: Pro. 15th Int. Conf. Pattern Recog., Vol. 4, 2000, pp. 91–294. ̶ 96 ̶
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