The Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Yamaguchi University 平成27年4月入学 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科 後期3年博士課程 渡日前特別選抜学生募集要項 Application Procedure for Admission to The Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Yamaguchi University April 2015 Enrollment For applicants who wish to be screened for admission without coming to Japan. アドミッション ポリシー 1.国内外から,東アジアで活躍できる指導的高度専門職業人を目指す人を求めます。 2.東アジアの地域特性に対する深い理解と敬愛の念を持つ人を求めます。 3.研究意欲と創造性を備え,研究計画に基づいて自立的に研究を遂行していく人を求めます。 Admissions Policy 1. We seek applicants who aim to be leading professionals with a high level of expertise in fields related to East Asia. 2. We evaluate candidates for admission who have a deep respect for and understanding of the regional characteristics of East Asia. 3. We are particularly interested in strongly motivated, creative students who possess a high degree of competency to carry out independent research based on their predetermined plans. 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科 〒753-8514 山口市吉田 1677-1 The Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Yamaguchi University 1677-1, Yoshida, Yamaguchi City 753-8514, Japan Tel: +81-83-933-5597, Fax: +81-83-933-5514 E-mail: [email protected] I. Number of Admissions Several. There is no fixed limit of number of students that may be admitted. II. Qualified Applicants Those who reside outside Japan, and who meet any of the following are eligible to apply. Those who: 1. Have obtained or expected to obtain a Master’s degree from Japanese institutions by the end of March, 2015. 2. Have obtained or expected to obtain a Master’s degree or its equivalent from institutions outside Japan by the end of March, 2015. 3. Have taken course works in Japan through (remote education) offered by foreign institutions, and have obtained or expected to obtain a Master’s degree or its equivalent by the end of March, 2015. 4. Have finished courses of the educational institutions in Japan approved as having foreign graduate school in their education system, and as having been approved by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Government of Japan, and have obtained or expected to obtain a Master’s degree or its equivalent. 5. Have completed postgraduate programmes and received a degree equivalent to a Master’s Degree from United Nations University or those who are scheduled to receive such degree by the end of March, 2015. 6. Are approved by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Government of Japan. (See VII. 1) 7. Are approved (by individual certification process) by the Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Yamaguchi University, as having academic abilities equivalent to those who hold a Master’s degree or a or its equivalent, and have reached age of 24 by March 31, 2015. (See VII. 2) III. Application Procedure 1. Application Period From October 2 (Thurs.), 2014 till October 10(Fri.), 2014 2. Application Process All application documents (including the application fee) must be submitted to the admissions office by registered mail or by Express Mail Service. Arrival of the documents within the above period is mandatory. 3. The address documents to be sent: Admissions Office The Graduate School of East Asian Studies (Faculty of Economics), Yamaguchi University 1677-1 Yoshida, Yamaguchi City, 753-8514, JAPAN 4. Application Documents Document Details (1) Application Form for Admission The form provided by the Graduate School is required. (2) Examination Card and Mailing Address Card The forms provided by the Graduate School are required (3) Curriculum Vitae/Résumé The form provided by the Graduate School is required. (4) Master’s Program Official Grade Transcript Required for (prospective) Master’s Degree holders. The transcript should be certified and the envelope sealed by the head of the graduate school last attended. (5) Certificate of (prospective) Master’s Degree Required for (prospective) Master’s Degree holders. Certificate of Enrolment is required if the prospective one is not issued. - 9 - (Form 1) (6) 3 copies of both Master’s Thesis and its Abstract, or 3 copies of equivalent Research Report The abstract of the applicant’s Master’s thesis should be approximately 2,000 Japanese characters or 800 English words. Furthermore, an off print or copy etc. that shows the announcement or abstract may be submitted in the case research results taking a form, other than a master's thesis, of a paper, or academic lecture etc. Form 2 should be photocopied and used as the front pages of the Master’s thesis, Master’s thesis abstract, or Research Report. Form 2 The form provided by our Graduate School is required. Form 3 Applicants should prepare and submit a research proposal, using the stipulated format, having discussed its content in advance, with their prospective research supervisor. (7) Research Proposal An introduction to the staff of the Graduate School of East Asian Studies can be found at Please e-mail us at the address below for the contact details of academic staff. Graduate School of East Asian Studies Admission Office [email protected] ¥30,000(Japanese Yen) Sent by Bank Transfer to the account stated below, by adding ¥2,500(Japanese Yen) to cover the paying bank’s charges. Any other remitting charges must be paid by the applicant in case required. Please note that the remittance should reach our account by the application deadline and that a copy of the application for remittance with declaration to certify the applicant’s payment should be enclosed in the mail of application documents. Furthermore, the Application Fee is not refundable. And we do not accept any cheques, postal money orders or other remittance means except Bank Transfer in Japanese yen. Bank name Branch name Branch address (8) Application Fee YAMAGUCHI BANK LTD Yamaguchi 2-5-5 Ekidoori, Yamaguchi-shi, Yamaguchi, JAPAN KOKURITUDAIGAKUHOUJIN YAMAGUCHIDAIGAKU GAKUCYOU OKA MASAAKI Account name Account number BIC (SWIFT) (address) Phone Number 6531091 ode MBKJPJT Yamaguchi University 1677-1 Yoshida Yamaguchi-shi Yamaguchi 753-8511 JAPAN +81-83-933-5103 (9) Foreign Language Proficiency Certificates Copies of any Language Proficiency Certificates, e.g. TOEIC/TOEFL scores, Certificates of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (日本語能力検定試験) held by the candidate. (10) Confirmation of your name and nationality Required only for international applicants. Applicants should submit either (a) a Certificate of Citizenship of your nation or (b) a copy of your passport. - 10 - (11) A letter of recommendation Written by a supervisor or a person who is able to certify the applicant's achievement, including mention of the following: 1) The applicant's academic career and achievements (degrees, prises, publications, etc.) 2) an evaluation of the applicant's academic achievements and potential 3) his/her ability to complete the doctoral program 4) his/her motivation for academic activity 5) his/her personality The letter should be written in Japanese or English. The relationship between the writer and the applicant should be specified, the letter should be signed, and the envelope sealed. (12)Certified proof of financial support adequate to meet expenses while studying at the graduate School of East Asia Studies Required only for international students. A certificate of your bank balance, a document certifying that you have been, or will been granted a scholarship or student loan, etc. (13) Identity photograph (2 Copies) 4-by-3 cm photo of showing the head and shoulders of the applicant, hatless, taken within the 3 months. IV. Screening Procedure The screening of applicants is based upon the evaluation of the application documents. The Graduate School of East Asian Studies evaluates the applicant's specialization, foreign language proficiency, Japanese proficiency (for international students), and research proposals. V. Announcement of Screening Results and Admission Procedures 1. The results of screening will be mailed to all applicants by December 8 (Mon.), 2014 Successful applicants’ registration numbers will be shown at the Web site of the Graduate School of East Asian Studies. 2. Period of Admission Procedures Date: from March 12(Thurs.), 2015 till March 13 (Fri.), 2015 Detailed information will be sent to successful applicants. VI. Further Information 1. Applicants with disabilities who need special arrangements for academic life at Yamaguchi University are advised to make inquiries in advance to the Graduate School of East Asian Studies (Faculty of Economics) 2. Those who wish to make inquiries about the application procedures should e-mail in either Japanese or English to: [email protected] In the case that there should be any omissions or errors in the application documents, they may be rejected and return all along with all fees. 3. Application documents will not be returned and their contents cannot be changed after their submission. Furthermore, any person who making false statement in any application document may forfeit their right to admission even after formal admission has taken place. 4. Any person who does not complete the admission procedure within admission procedure period defined above will be assumed to have declined admission. 5. Fees to be paid on entering the Graduate School: (1) Matriculation Fee: ¥282,000 (Subject to change, Payable at admission ) (2) Tuition Fee : ¥267,900 for the First Semester. (Subject to change, Payable at Entrance ) ¥267,900 for the Second Semester. (Subject to change, Payable at the end of November ) Please Note: i) In case that the University decides to revise the fees and tuition for 2015 entrants after the publication of this document, the revised amounts will be applied. If the revision is made after the entrants finished the admission procedures, the difference in amount will have to be paid. - 11 - ii) Payments of the tuitions while in The Graduate School of East Asian Studies evaluates will be made to the University via automatic withdrawals from the students’ (or the guardians’) accounts at the Post Office. The dates of transfer will be May 31 for the First Semester and November 30 for the Second. It is required to have enough amounts at the accounts by the day before each transfer. iii) As for the tuition, if the revision is made while a student is in the program, the new tuition amount will have to be paid. iv) In exceptional cases, based on consideration of an applicant’s family and financial circumstances, he/she may be admitted free of the matriculation and tuition fees. VII. Certification of Applicants’ Qualifications 1. Certification relating to II. Qualified Applicants 6 “Are approved by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Government of Japan.” refers to graduates who have been engaged in research in universities and/or research facilities for at least two years after completing a bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree. Eligible applicants for the Graduate School of East Asian Studies at Yamaguchi University are required to demonstrate by way of their research results that their academic abilities are on a par with those of Master’s degree holders in their specialist research fields. To be more specific, the applicants are required: a) To have been engaged in research for two or more years after graduating from university in education facilities, research institutes, local government, corporations, etc. b) To be equipped with academic abilities equivalent to those of Master’s degree holders, illustrated by way of academic publications or other forms of research report. (1) Applicants who wish to be certified by this procedure should submit all the documents listed in VII-3 to the Graduate School of East Asian Studies (Faculty of Economics), Yamaguchi University. Deadline: September 1(Mon.), 2014. (2) The Graduate School of East Asian Studies will notify of the result of certification screening by September 26 (Fri.), 2014. 2. Certification relating to II. Qualified Applicants 7 In exceptional circumstances, the graduate School of East Asian Studies will consider applicants who do not hold all of the qualifications specified in II. Application Requirements 6, if the Graduate School believes that their educational attainments can be said to be equivalent to a Master’s degree. Applicants eligible for consideration as those who “Are approved (by individual certification process) by the Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Yamaguchi University, as having academic abilities equivalent to those who hold a Master’s degree or a or its equivalent, and have reached age of 24 by March 31, 2015.” are graduates from junior colleges, colleges of technology, and specialized training colleges and miscellaneous schools, plus those who have completed courses in other educational facilities both at home and abroad. (1) To this end, the Graduate School of East Asian Studies will examine the course contents of the educational institutions that the applicants attended, and the content and quality of the applicants’ business practices and research results (academic publications and/or other forms of research report). Examinees considered to be qualified “equivalent to Master’s degree” will be certified to apply for the Graduate School of East Asian Studies. (2) Applicants who wish to be certified by this procedure should submit all the documents listed in VII-3 to the Graduate School of East Asian Studies (Faculty of Economics), Yamaguchi University. Deadline: September 1(Mon.), 2014. (3) The Graduate School of East Asian Studies will notify of the result of certification screening by September 26 (Fri.), 2014. 3. Documents necessary for the applications relating to II. Application Requirements 6 and 7 Document Details (1) Application Form for Certification Screening The form provided by the Graduate School of East Asian Studies is required Form 4 (2) Graduation Certificate Issued and sealed by the head of the educational institution last attended. Graduates from the advanced courses (専攻科) of junior colleges or colleges of technology are required to submit both the College Graduation Certificate and the Advanced Course Completion Certificate. - 12 - (3) Official Grade Transcript Issued and sealed by the head of the educational institution last attended. Graduates from the advanced courses (専攻科) of junior colleges or colleges of technology are required to submit the Grade Transcripts both of the college and the advanced course. (4) Report on Previous Research Studies Applicants are required to list their academic publications, oral presentations, patents granted, etc. A4-sized paper should be used. (5) Research Experience Certificate Applicants should indicate their research experience and have it certified by the heads of the educational or research institutes, and/or corporations they have worked for after finishing formal education. A4-sized paper sheets should be used. (6) An International Reply Coupon For the notification of the results of screening. There are certain documents such as application forms that new university entrants must submit to the Graduate School of East Asian Studies for applicants who wish to be screened for admission without coming to Japan. As regulated under Article 9 -2 of the Law about Protection of Personal Information any personal information collected will not be used for any other purpose by a third party without the applicants consent. - 13 - The Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Yamaguchi University East Asia consists of countries or regions with various languages, cultures and religions, and possesses its own distinctive characteristics formed in the long course of history. Global changes of economic and social structures have sometimes reduced regional differences, but on occasion have accentuated them, which has caused friction. In particular, the economic and political turmoil in the East Asian nations which originated in financial friction in the late 1990s, has brought up a lot of social and economic issues. Understanding how the state of affairs in East Asia influences the world situation is a vital key to forecasting the future of mankind. The Graduate School of East Asian Studies aims to train students to be talented and leading professionals who will be able to exhibit expertise in solving various problems from a broad range of perspectives. The students’ understanding of the regional characteristics of East Asia will be supported by a suitable geographical environment and by the accumulated research traditions and varied international exchanges of Yamaguchi University. Features of the Graduate School of East Asian Studies • Four divisions depending on the individual student’s research project and his/her future career intentions after the completion of the course COURSES AIMS Asian Comparative Culture Course Graduates who understand the own and other cultures comparatively and sympathetically on history, culture and societies in Asia. Asian Economy, Management and Law Course Graduates who have deep understanding of regional characteristics and social economy of Asia, who are equipped with strong and flexible analytical power with deep knowledge of specialty, and who are devoted to realistic problem solving. Asian Public Administration Course Asian Education Course CAREER PROSPECTS government officers, university faculty and high school teacher, researcher in research institute, language teacher, translator & interpreter, journalist, museum curator & research staff, staff in Graduates who have the capability of planning international agency, NGO and executing development projects effective staff, corporate manager, in developing countries corporate strategy planner Graduates who recognize educational issues and engage in theoretical and empirical research for solution, through the research and educational exchanges in Asia. • Seminar-based curricula supported by two or more supervisors per student In each division of the Graduate School of East Asian Studies, students are encouraged to develop their problem-solving abilities, mainly through seminars which provide training for practical applications of these abilities. Courses offered include: Basic Seminars joint seminars directed by a group of supervisors specializing in the research fields concerned; designed to equip students with diverse approaches to the issues of interest. Project Seminars seminars held in a workshop style with two or more supervisors. Special Lectures lectures which complement the Project Seminars; various field-researches and case studies are involved. Dissertation Supervisions professors provide individual students with practical advice and insights to support them toward the completion of their dissertations. Each student gets attentive care and supervision on their research and training from his/her chief-advisor plus - 14 - sub-advisor(s). Students are required periodically to make progress reports in the Project Seminars according to their research schedules. They are regularly given instruction and advice to develop their abilities and knowledge sufficient to conduct their researches successfully. • Guarantee of foreign language proficiency It is indispensable to be competent in the languages used in the regions if one wishes to be actively involved in the East Asian academic or business scenes. Therefore, to those who need additional language training, the Graduate School of East Asian Studies offers classes of communication skills in Japanese and/or the student’s language of emphasis. Requirement for the Degree In order to complete the degree at the GSEAS, it is required that the student earn the specified minimum number of credits in good standing during the three years (excluding non-registered period) of residency, and that the dissertation draft be approved on the Preliminary Examination and satisfy the rigorous standard of the Final Examination. As for the period of residency, in case of special approval of the GSEAS that her/his research achievement has shown exceptionally high standard, one year residency at least is required. The degree granted at the GSEAS will be doctor of philosophy. 1. Credits Earned Credits requirement is the minimum 12 including the followings: Dissertation Supervisions Basic Seminars Project Seminars Special Lectures : 6 Credits : 2 Credits : 2 Credits : 2 Credits 2. Doctoral Dissertation Student who would want to take the Final Examination for the degree after the application for and the approval of the Preliminary Examination has to submit the application form for the degree. In order to apply for the Preliminary Examination, it is required that: (1) The Dissertation Proposal be turned in and be approved by the GSEAS at the student's second year (in principle), and (2) The Preliminary Dissertation Report be done which will be held twice a year, after the approval of the Dissertation Proposal. - 15 - 東アジア研究科教員専攻分野と研究テーマ一覧 Staff members and Research Area and Topics 履修コース Course of study アジア比較文化 コース Asian Comparative Culture Course アジア経済・ 経営・法律コース Asian Economy, Management and Law Course アジア公共管理 コース Asian Public Administration Course 氏 名(Name) 専攻分野・研究テーマ(Research Area and Topics) 纈 △ 纐 KOUKETSU Atsushi 厚 近現代日本政治史 : 近代日本の政軍関係と対アジア政策 Modern Japanese Political History : Civil-Military Relations and Japanese Asian Policy in Modern Japan 更 科 慎 SARASHINA Shinichi 一 中国語学 : 中国語音韻学,多言語対訳文献の研究 Chinese Linguistics : Historical Phonology of Chinese, Study of multilingual materials 髙 木 智 TAKAGI Satomi 見 中国先秦史 : 祖先観念および文化史一般の研究 Pre-Qin Chinese History : Ancestors-worship and Cultural History 高 橋 征 仁 TAKAHASHI Masahito 社会心理学・教育社会学 : 青年と青年文化に関する研究 Social Psychology/ Sociology of Education : Adolescents and Youth Culture 田 中 晋 TANAKA Shinsaku 作 日本考古学 : 考古学からみた日本列島における国家形成過程に関する研究 Japanese Archaeology:Archaeological Evidence for State Formation in the Japanese Archipelago 坪 郷 英 TSUBOGO Hidehiko 彦 富 平 美 TOMIHIRA Miwa 波 中国語学 : 中国語音韻学,中国語学史 Chinese Linguistics : Historical Phonology of Chinese, History of Chinese Linguistics 根 ヶ 山 NEGAYAMA Toru 徹 中国文学 : 中国近世戯曲演劇史 Chinese Literature : Drama in the Ming-Ch'ing Period 物質文化研究 : 日本の民家及び生活用具の地域研究,伝統的技術文化の再評価と継承 Material Culture Research : The Area Study of the House and also Life Equipment of Japan, The Reassessment and Succession of a Traditional Technology Culture 橋 本 義 則 HASHIMOTO Yoshinori 日本古代史 : 日本古代宮都,平安宮の成立及び衰退過程 Japanese Ancient History : The Japanese Ancient Times Metropolis, The Materialization and also Decline Process of the Heian-Kyu Palace 馬 MA Biao 彪 中国史 : 中国古代における出土資料と社会史についての研究 Chinese History : Study of Ancient Chinese Sociological History 森 野 正 MORINO Masahiro 弘 日本古代文学 : 平安文学における表現構造の研究 Japanese Ancient Literature : A Study of Expression Structure in Japanese Ancient Literature 湯 川 洋 YUKAWA Yoji 司 民俗学 : 山村生活の変容と歴史,民俗の現代的再評価 Folklore : Transformation and History of Mountain Village Life, Revaluation of Folkways in Modern Society 横 田 尚 YOKOTA Naotoshi 俊 社会学(地域社会学,災害社会学):災害とコミュニティに関する研究 Sociology of Community and Region, Sociology of Disaster : Community System Responses to Disaster 朝 水 宗 ASAMIZU Munehiko 彦 観光 : 移住,エスニック研究 Tourism : Migration, Ethnic Studies 有 村 貞 ARIMURA Sadanori 則 国際経営:ダイバーシティ・マネジメント International Business Management:Diversity Management 石 川 耕 ISHIKWA Kozo 三 開発金融論 : アジアの経済発展と金融 Development Finance : Economic Development and Finance in Asia 石 田 成 ISHIDA Shigenori 則 リスクマネジメント : 海外プロジェクトのリスク管理,リアルオプション Risk Management : Risk Management of International Projects,Real Option 植 村 高 UEMURA Takahisa 久 制度論経済学 : 経済秩序と制度変化・多様性 Institutional Economics : Economic Order, Institutional Changes and Variation 内 田 恭 UCHIDA Yasuhiko 彦 人的資源管理論 : 競争優位と人的資源管理 Human Resource Management : Competitive Advantage and Human Resource Management 木 部 和 KIBE Kazuaki 昭 古 賀 大 KOGA Daisuke 介 欧米経済史 : イギリス金融史 European Economic History : British Financial History 城 下 賢 SHIROSHITA Kengo 吾 ファイナンス : 株式市場のアノマリー分析 Finance : Stock Market Anomaly Analysis 石 SHI Longtan 潭 行政法 : 第三セクター The Administrative Law : The Third Sector 龍 立 山 紘 TACHIYAMA Koki 毅 塚 田 広 TSUKADA Hiroto 人 日本経済史:近世海運史、近世漁業史 Japanese Economic History:Shipping History of Japan Early Modern Japan,Fishing History of Early Modern 憲法学 : 国家の基礎理論とその変動, 基本的人権, 表現の自由とメディアの自由 Constitution : Fundamental Theory of Nation State and its Transformation,Fundamental Human Right, Freedom of Expression and Media 福祉国家論 : 福祉国家の基礎理論と現代福祉国家の現状分析 Theory of Welfare State : Analysis of its Basic Theory and Present Situations - 16 - 履修コース Course of study アジア経済・ 経営・法律コース Asian Economy, Management and Law Course アジア公共管理 コース Asian Public Administration Course アジア教育開発 コース Asian Educational System Development Course 氏 名(Name) 専攻分野・研究テーマ(Research Area and Topics) 角 田 由 TSUNODA Yuka 佳 医療経済学 : 看護の経済論 Health Care Economics : Economic Analysis of Nursing 中 田 範 NAKADA Norio 夫 原価計算と管理会計 : 病院の経営管理 Management Accounting and Cost Accounting : Management of Hospital 仲 間 瑞 NAKAMA Mizuki 樹 公共経済学と公共政策 : 日本財政論,財政政策,課税帰着 Public Economics and Public Policy : Japanese Public Finance, Fiscal Policy, Tax Incidence 成 富 NARITOMI Takashi 敬 情報学 : 高性能計算,情報の質評価 Informatics : High Performance Computing,Information Quality and Evaluation 野 村 淳 NOMURA Junichi 一 応用計量経済学 : 時系列分析,マイクロデータ分析 Applied Econometrics : Time Series Analysis, Econometric Analysis of Micro Data 濱 島 清 史 HAMASHIMA Kiyoshi 社会政策論と労働経済論 : 東アジアの社会政策,日本的雇用慣行とキャリア形成,労働経済の歴史的段階論 Social Policy and Labour Economics : Social Policy in East Asia,The Japanese Employment System and the Career Development,The Historical Stage Theory in Labour Economy 横 田 伸 YOKOTA Nobuko 子 東アジア社会政策論 : 就業体制の日韓比較,日本と韓国の労働市場 Comparative Study of Social Policies in East Asia : Comparative Analysis of Employment System between Japan and Korea,Labor Market in Japan and Korea 李 LI Haifeng 峰 国際経済学 : 中国社会経済論,消費者行動の国際比較研究 International Economics : Chinese Economy and Society, Consumption Economics 渡 邉 幹 WATANABE Mikio 雄 政治学 : 政治思想,政治理論 Political Science : Political Thought, Political Theory 有 元 光 ARIMOTO Mitsuhiko 彦 言語学 : 日本語諸方言の音韻理論,社会言語学,進化言語学 Linguistics : Phonological Theory on Japanese Dialects, Sociolinguistics, Evolutionary Linguistics 石 井 ISHII Yuri 由 理 比較教育学 : 学校教育カリキュラム政策における国際理解教育 Comparative Education : Education for International Understanding in School Curriculum Policy 葛 GE Qi-Wei 崎 偉 情報科学 : ネット理論とその応用,スケジューリング,公開鍵暗号 Computer Science : Net Theory and Its Applications, Scheduling, Public-Key Cryptography 田 中 TANAKA Rie 理 絵 教育社会学 : 子どもの発達、教育問題、学校文化 Educational Sociology : Socialization,Educational Problem,School Culture 村 正 △ 西 NISHIMURA Masato 登 教育哲学 : 道徳教育 Educational Philosophy : Moral Education 福 田 隆 FUKUDA Takamasa 眞 美術教育課程 : アジアの美術と教育課程 Curriculum of Art Education : Art and Art Curriculum in Asia 海 松 岡 勝 彦 MATSUOKA Katsuhiko 応用行動分析学 : コミュニティ行動分析,行動コンサルテーション Applied Behavior Analysis : Community Behavior Analysis, Behavioral Consultation 村 上 林 MURAKAMI Rinzou 造 日本近代文学 : 長塚節研究 Modern Japanese Literature : Study of Takashi Nagatsuka 森 下 MORISHITA Toru 徹 日本近世史 : 労働史,身分論 History of Early Modern Japan : Labor History,Theory of Social Status 吉 村 誠 YOSHIMURA Makoto 日本古典文学 : 万葉集,古事記の文学論的研究 Japanese Ancient Literature : Studay of "Manyou-shu" and "Kojiki" (五十音順) 注)・△印を付してある教員は,主指導教員として希望することはできません。 ・Faculty members marked with △ will not accept new students. - 17 - 受験番号(Applicant No.) ※印欄は記入しないでください。 ※ Leave the ※-marked column blank. 平成27(2015)年4月入学山口大学大学院東アジア研究科(後期3年博士課程) 入 渡日前特別選抜 学 願 書 Application Form for Admission to the Graduate School of East Asian Studies at Yamaguchi University 写真貼付 出願前 3 ヶ月以内に 撮影したもの。 上半身、脱帽正面 縦 4cm、横 3cm ふりがな 氏 名(自署) Paste a 4-by-3cm photo of your hatless head and shoulders, taken within the 3 months. アルファベット(外国人のみ) Name(signature) 生年月日 年 月 日 Date of birth Year Month Day 性別 Sex 男 Male ・ 女 Female 本籍 Nationality 都 道 府 県 (外国人は国籍を記入) 志望専攻・コース 東アジア専攻 コース Division you wish to enter East Asian Studies Course 修士論文等題目 Title of your Master’s thesis or research report 研究課題 Research Subject 希望する主指導教員名(1名以上)Enter the name(s) of one or more supervisors under whom you wish to study. 現住所 Present address Tel Fax E-mail 合格通知等連絡先 Mailing Address (if different from the present address) Tel Fax 最終学歴 University or Graduate School last attended 年 Year 企業名等 Organization 月 Month 所属部課名 Department 勤務先 Current place of employment 所在地 Address Tel Fax 日 Day 卒業・修了・修了見込 Date of completion 職名 Position 平成 27(2015)年 4 月入学山口大学大学院東アジア研究科 The Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Yamaguchi University, April 2015 Enrollment 渡日前特別選抜 For applicants who wish to be screened for admission without coming to Japan. 受験票/Examination Card 受験番号 ※ ※欄は記入しないでください。 Leave the ※-marked column blank. (Applicant No.) 志望専攻・コース DIVISION 東アジア専攻 コース East Asian Studies course フリガナ 氏名 NAME (外国人のみ) ○あて名票1 Mailing address card 1 〒 ○あて名票2 Mailing address card 2 − 〒 住所 住所 Address Address 氏名 氏名 Name 様 Name − 様 ○合格通知等の発送時に使用しますので,連絡を受ける際の郵便番号,住所及び氏名を記入してください。 Write down your name and address for mailing you the results. 様式 1(Form 1) 履 書 Curriculum Vitae/ Résumé 歴 ふりがな 氏 名 (自署) Name (Signature) 生年月日 Date of birth 性 別 Sex 志望専攻・コース Division you wish to enter 学 年/Year 歴 男 Male ・ 女 Female Educational Background If you have been educated outside Japan, begin with your elementary school. If educated in Japan, begin with your senior high school. From To 都 道 府 県 (外国人は国籍を記入) コース East Asian Studies enrolled: graduated: 日本で教育を受けた者は高等 学校卒業から記入してくださ い。 資格・賞罰等 Licenses, Awards and/ or Penalty 本 籍 Nationality 日/Day 東アジア専攻 外国で教育を受けたことのあ る者は小学校入学から記入して ください。 職 歴 Business Career 月/Month Course 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 月入学 月卒業 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 自 月 至 月 月 月 月 年 年 月 月 年 月 年 月 年 月 年 月 上記のとおり相違ありません。 I hereby swear to the authenticity of this document. 年 月 日 Year Month Day 氏 名(自署)Signature 注意 資格については,研究上有効と思われるものを記入してください。 Note: When listing your additional qualifications, include only those relevant to your research. 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科 様式 2(Form 2) 修 士 論 文 Master's Thesis 修 士 論 文 要 旨 Abstract of Master's Thesis 研 究 レ ポ ー ト Research Report 受 験 番 号 ※ Applicant No. 研 究 課 題 Research Subject ふ り がな 氏 名 Name 志望専攻・コース Division you wish to enter 東アジア専攻 East Asian Studies コース Course ※印欄は記入しないでください。 Leave the ※-marked column blank. (注意) 1.この用紙を複写し,修士論文,修士論文要旨,研究レポートのそれぞれの最上部に貼付 して表紙として使用してください。 2.「修士論文」「修士論文要旨」「研究レポート」のいずれかの該当する表題を残し,不 要の項目は抹消してください。 3.※印欄は記入しないでください。 4.修士論文要旨については,A4判の用紙を使用し,日本語の場合は2,000字程度, 英語の場合は800語程度で作成してください。 5.研究レポートについては,A4判の用紙を使用し,日本語の場合は8,000字程度, 英語の場合は3,200語程度で作成してください。 Notes: 1. Photocopy this form, and use the copies as the front pages of your Master’s thesis, the Master’s thesis abstract, and/or your Research Report. 2. For the relevant document, choose one from “Master’s Thesis”, “Abstract of Master’s Thesis” and “Research Report” printed at the top, and cross out the other two. 3. Leave the ※-marked column blank. 4. For the Master’s thesis abstract, use A4-sized paper. The length of the abstract should be approximately 800 words in English (2,000 characters in Japanese). 5. For the research report, use A4-sized paper sheets. The length of the report should be approximately 3,200 words in English (8,000 characters in Japanese). 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科 様式 3(Form 3) 研 究 計 画 書 氏 名 Name Research Proposal 志望コース Division you wish to enter 東アジア専攻East Asian Studies 1.これまでの研究経過 (日本語の場合は500字程度,英語の場合は200語程度で記述してください。) Progress Report on Your Research-How much progress have you made with your research? (in approximately 200 English words or 500 Japanese characters) 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科 コース course 2.本研究科における研究計画 (日本語の場合は700字程度,英語の場合は280語程度で記述してください。) Your Research Proposal (in approximately 280 English words or 700 Japanese characters) 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科 様式 4(Form 4) 入学試験出願資格認定申請書 Application Form for Certification Screening 山口大学大学院東アジア研究科長 殿 Dean of the Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Yamaguchi University; 貴大学大学院東アジア研究科後期3年博士課程入学者選抜試験に出願を希望します。 つきましては,「学生募集要項 Ⅱ 出願資格6・7」の認定を受けたいので,所定の書類を添えて申請します。 To be certified eligible to apply for the Graduate school, I apply for the Certification Screening with all required documents. ふ り が な 氏 出願資格認定申請番号 Numbers of the Certification Screening 名(自署) (○で囲んでください) (Circle as appropriate) Name (Signature) 6 生年月日Date of Birth 性 別 Sex 年 月 日 Year Month Day 男Male ・ 女Female ・ 本 籍 Nationality 7 都 道 府 県 (外国人は国籍を記入してく ださい) 志望専攻・コース 東アジア専攻 コース Division you wish to enter East Asian Studies course 研 究 課 題 Research Subject 〒 ― 現 住 所 Present Address 認定通知等連絡先 〒 Tel( ) ― Tel( ) ― ― Mailing Address (if different from the present address) 最 終 学 歴 Educational institution last attended 年 月 在学中 Date of expected graduation 卒業・修了・退学Date of graduation (注)「Ⅶ 出願資格の認定について」を参考にして本申請書の該当する出願資格認定申請番号を○で囲んでく ださい。 Mark the number of the Certification Screening which you apply after reading "Ⅶ Certification of Applicants' Qualifications".
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