Fall 2014 Admission International Program for Life Sciences (IPLS) Graduate School of Life Sciences Application Documents Checklist: ● Please print all forms double-sided. ● Documents 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 and 9 must be original versions. ● Documents will be accepted as original if they bear the original, authorized seal of the issuing agency (The seal must be original. Photocopied seals will not be accepted). ● All forms and documents must be in English or Japanese or accompanied by an English or Japanese translation. 1. Application Form 【University-designated FORM 1】 2. Research Plan Form【University-designated FORM 2】 3. Declaration of Financial Resources【University-designated FORM 3】 4. Original certificate of graduation or expected graduation from most recent academic institution attended 5. Original certificate/transcript of grades from most recent academic institution attended 6. Copy of Documentation showing objective proof of linguistic ability (e.g TOEFL® TOEIC® ) *Copies are acceptable. 7. Copy of proof of payment for the application fee 8. Copy of applicant’s passport, if applicable (must show applicant’s picture and name) 9. Letter of recommendation by the dean, or person of higher position, at the applicant’s school or institution【University-designated FORM 4】 * Not compulsory to submit. * Must be addressed to the Dean of the Graduate School of Life Sciences 10. Graduates of Chinese institutions : PDF copy of 教育部学歴証書電子注冊備案表 (graduates of universities in China, only) or PDF copy of 教育部学籍在線験証報告書 (students currently enrolled in Graduate School or university in China, only) Application period: Friday, May 30, 2014 – Friday, June 13, 2014 All documents must arrive by express mail before the deadline. Please allow sufficient time for delivery. -1- 【FORM 1】 Applicatio n Form Fall 2014 Admission International Program for Life Sciences (IPLS) Graduate School of Life Sciences Ritsumeikan University INSTRUCTIONS(記入上の注意) 1.The application should be typed. (明瞭に記入すること。) 2.Numbers should be in Arabic numerals.(数字は算用数字を用いること。) 3.Years should be written using the Anno Domini system. (年号はすべて西暦とすること。) 4.Proper nouns should be written in full and not abbreviated. (固有名詞はすべて正式な名称とし,一切省略しないこと。) * Personal data entered in this application will only be used for selection purposes. (本申請書に記載された個人情報については,選考以外の目的では使用しない。) (Sex) 1.Name in full in native language (姓名(自国語)) (Family name) In Roman block capitals (ローマ字) (Family name) , , □Male(男) (First name) (Middle name) (Marital Status) (First name) (Middle name) (Write your name exactly same as is printed in your passport) □Single(未婚) □Married(既婚) 2.Nationality ※ Possesion of Japanese nationality (国 籍) □Yes, I have.(はい) □No, I don’t have it.(いいえ) Paste a passport sized photograph 3.Date of birth (生年月日) or digital image taken within the 19 Year(年) □Female(女) Month(月) Day(日) Age (as of April 1,2012)年齢(2012 年4月1日現在) past 6 months. Write your name and nationality in block letters on the back of the photo. (4.5cm×3.5cm photo) 4.Present status with the name of the university attended or employer (写真(4.5cm×3.5cm)) (現職(在学大学名又は勤務先名まで記入すること。)) 5.Present address and Cell phone number, home phone number, email address (現住所及び携帯電話番号,自宅電話番号,Email アドレス) Present address(現住所): Cell phone/Home phone number(携帯/自宅電話番号): Email address: * If possible, write an email address that can be used for periods including the time before you come to Japan, your stay in Japan and the period after you return home.(可能な限り、渡日前~日本留学中~帰国後にわたり使い続けることが予想される E-mail アドレスを記入すること。) 6.The Course you plan to take at Graduate School of Life Sciences (Please select from the drop-down list). Level 課程 Major 専攻 Advanced Life Sciences Course コース Specific topic of study in Japan(特に○○に関する研究): -2- 7.Your desired supervising professor and your contact status(希望指導教員および連絡状況). Name of Professor(希望指導教員名) Contact Status(連絡状況) Yes, I have been in contact with this professor. No, I have not been in contact with this professor. 8.Field of specialization studied in the past(Be as detailed and specific as possible.)(過去に専攻した専門分野(できるだけ具体的に詳細に書くこと。) 9.Educational background (学歴) Name and Address of School Year and Month of Entrance and Completion (入学及び卒業年月) (学校名及び所在地) Amount of time spent at the school attended (修学年数) Name (学校名) From (入学) years (年) Location (所在地) To (卒業) and months (月) Name (学校名) From (入学) years (年) Location (所在地) To (卒業) and months (月) Name (学校名) From (入学) years (年) Location (所在地) To (卒業) and months (月) Name (学校名) From (入学) years (年) Location (所在地) To (卒業) and months (月) Name (学校名) From (入学) years (年) Location (所在地) To (卒業) and months (月) Elementary Education (初等教育) Elementary School (小学校) Secondary Education (中等教育) Lower Secondary School (中学) Upper Secondary School (高校) Higher Education (高等教育) Undergraduate Level (大学) Graduate Level (大学院) Total years of schooling mentioned above as of April 1,2014 (2014 年 4 月 1 日現在、以上を通算した全学校教育修学年数) * If the blank spaces above are not sufficient for the information required, please attach a separate sheet. ((注) 上欄に書ききれない場合には,適当な別紙に記入して添付すること。) -3- years (年) Diploma or Degree awarded, Major subject (学位・資格,専攻科目) When taking leave of absence, the period and reason. (休学した場合はその期間・理由) 10.State the titles or subjects of books or papers (including graduation thesis authored by the applicant), if any, with the name and address of the publisher and the date of publication.(著書,論文(卒業論文を含む。)があればその題名,出版社名,出版年月日,出版場所を記すこと。) 11.Employment Record: Begin with the most recent employment, if applicable.(職歴) Name and address of organization Period of employment Position Type of work (勤務先及び所在地) (勤務期間) (役職名) (職務内容) From To From To 12.Japanese language proficiency: Evaluate your level and insert an X where appropriate in the following blank space. (日本語能力を自己評価のうえ,該当欄に×印を記入すること。) Excellent (優) Good (良) Fair (可) Poor (不可) Reading (読む能力) Writing (書く能力) Speaking (話す能力) 13.Accompanying Dependents (Provide the following information if you plan to bring any family members to Japan.) 同伴家族欄(渡日する場合,同伴予定の家族がいる場合に記入すること。) * All expenses incurred by the presence of dependents must be borne by the grantee. He/She is advised to take into consideration various difficulties and the great expense that will be involved in finding living quarters. Therefore, those who wish to be accompanied by their families are advised to come alone first and let their dependents come after suitable accommodation has been found. ( (注)なお同伴者に必要な経費はすべて留学生の負担であるが,家族用の宿舎をみつけることは相当困難であり賃貸料も非常に割高になるのであらかじ め承知されたい。このため,留学生はまず単身で来日し,適当な宿舎をみつけた後,家族を呼び寄せること。 Name Relationship Age (氏 名) (続 柄) (年 齢) 14. Person to be notified in applicant's home country in case of emergency: (緊急の際の母国の連絡先) ⅰ) Name in full: (氏名) ⅱ) Address: with telephone number, facsimile number, email address (住所:電話番号,ファックス番号及び E-mail アドレスを記入のこと。) 現住所(Present address): 電話番号/FAX 番号(Telephone/Facsimile number): Email address: -4- ) ⅲ) Occupation: (職 業) ⅳ) Relationship: (本人との関係) 15.Immigration Records to Japan(日本への渡航記録) Date(日付) Purpose(渡航目的) From To From To I understand and accept all the matters stated in the Application Guideline for Fall 2014 Admission, and hereby apply for admission to Ritsumeikan University. Date of application: (申請年月日) Applicant's signature: (申請者署名) Applicant's name (in Roman block capitals): (申請者氏名) -5- 【FORM 2】 Research Plan Form In the spaces below please provide a statement of your planned field of study and tentative study plan. Please write in English, do not use abbreviations, and use the Anno Domini system for any dates (e.g. “I graduated in 2007.”) Title: Subject: Plan & Method: Please refer to the following web site for the researchers to determine your desired Supervisors. URL: http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/gsls/eng/academics/researchers.html/ Desired Supervising Professor Reason Have you obtained approval for your research plan above? 1 2 3 *If you plan to take Master’s Program at GSLS, you do NOT need to obtain approval from your desired supervising professor here. -6- 【FORM 3】 Declaration of Financial Resources 1. Do you expect to enroll under a scholarship from a government, private organization, etc.? □ YES □ NO Please specify the benefactor: 2. If “Yes” above, ・Please specify the scholarship periods: from to ・Please submit proof of the scholarship award or conditional award together with the other application documents. 3. Please indicate the source and amount of funding for the entire duration of your studies at Ritsumeikan: Source of Support Amount (in Japanese yen) Personal Savings ¥ Parent or Sponsor *Please specify: ¥ Scholarship *Benefactor: ¥ ¥ Others: ¥ ¥ TOTAL *Please provide copies of award letters for all private scholarships or bursaries. I hereby certify that all information submitted is true and accurate and that the stated funds are available for my educational expenses at Ritsumeikan University. Applicant’s Signature: Date: -7- (Month/Day/Year) 【FORM 4】 Confidential Appraisal Form To the Recommender: The candidate named below has applied for admission to a Master’s/Doctoral program at Ritsumeikan University. Please complete this form to aid us in our assessment of the candidate. Once completed please seal the form in an envelope and return it to the candidate. Thank you. Applicant’s Name: (Family) (First) (Middle) Please comment on the candidate’s academic performance, potential, and motivation to the best of your knowledge, including any research or involvement in campus activities. Feel free to add any details that you feel will help us in our evaluation. Recommender’s Information Name: Signature: Institution: Position: Relationship to Referee: Date: -8-
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