A Delayed Emergence from Anesthesia after a Small Dose of Fentanyl

 ,3ῌ . ῌ ,-1,-3
ž ^Med. Bull. Fukuoka Univ._ “ ,3^._, ,-1῍,-3, ,**,
A Delayed Emergence from Anesthesia after a
Small Dose of Fentanyl
Chieko H6G696, Tadakazu S6@JG6<>, Masanobu Y6HJBDID,
Takashi M6N6B6 and Kazuo H><6
Department of Anesthesiology, Fukuoka University School of Medicine, Fukuoka, Japan
Abstract : We report a case of a delayed emergence from anesthesia after a small
dose of fentanyl. A /0῍year῍old man with renal failure due to diabetic nephropathy
on regular hemodialysis underwent vitreous surgery. The patient received fentanyl
+** mg and anesthesia was maintained with a target controlled infusion of propofol at
- mgῌml. At the conclusion of surgery, the infusion of propofol was stopped. It was
predicted that he would awaken within +* minutes. However, he did not awaken by
, hours after the surgery and showed a respiration of 0 timesῌmin. As a result, we
finally administrated naloxone *4, mg intravenously, his respiration rate immediately
increased and he awakened. Anesthesiologists should be aware that even a small
dose of fentanyl can result in a delayed emergence from anesthesia in some patients.
Key words : delayed emergence, fentanyl, propofol, targetῌcontrolled infusion
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