²³´´µ b+3¶ + · +3¸,+ 19 ,**+ ῌ The effect of parathyroid function on cardiovascular disease of maintainance dialysis patients KANEKO Tetsuya, KITAMURA Hiroshi, MIZUI Masayuki, MATSUI Isao, YAMAMOTO Satoshi, FUJITA Yoshimasa and FUJII Masamitsu Key words : &|1-'{jY - D x}?~z1 -'{jY . D CaP 12"!E#="j ! Y F3J J 34F/%@A! !"#$%&'()*"+#,-.!$ῌ/ 1,#="YG7U;:'T34'5 %&012'34'5 63 7 631,'7 78(19:;<='5 > 19:; Rostand SG ZHI+D ,-. ?@A BC PTHD E)* + +F3 GH! 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