Presentation on Annual Action PIan for lullMP 2014‐ 15 Summary of IWMP Batch‐ : {2009‐ 10) 1 3 No. of Projects 4 Project Area Project Cost (Rs. Cr.) 5. Funds received (Rs. in Cr.) Ce ntra l+State 6. 7 8 9. Total Expenditure (Rs. in Cr. ) DPRs sanctioned Projects Closed/ ca ncellation Timelines for DPRs Batch‐ (2010… 11) ll Batch‐ :‖ (2011‐ 12) Batch:V (2012‐ 13) (2013‐ Batch V 14) IWMP - Abstract of Fund Requirement by SLNA during 2014-15 (1) l (2) Batch― │ (SanCt10ned in 2009-10) 2 Batch― ‖ (SanCtiOned in 2010-11) 3 Batch― │‖ (SanCtiOned in 2011-12) 4 Batch― IV (SanCtiOned in 2012-13) 5 Batch― V (SanCtiOned in 2013-14) 6 Batch― VI (TO be Sanctioned in 2014-15) Total (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) IWMP - Monthly proposed expenditure during 2OL4-15 1 April 2 May 3 June 4 」uly 5 August 6 September 7 October 8 November December 9 10 11 January February 12 March Total IWMP - Fund Requirement for year 20L4-L5Batch-l (Projects sanctioned in 2009-10) (Amount in lac) Fund SL Budget Component No. イ ー DPR PA 2 3 Training & IEC 4 へdmin.Cost 5 /Vatershed Work 6 Tota! funds received Remarks Required for (Tirnelines Expenditure Expe nd itu year 2014Tota! ot fo (31.03.2014) re etc.) 15 │ │ │ ivellhood Production Sys. 7 & icroenterprises Vlon itoring rn 8 9 10 │ │ valuation Consolidation 「 otal │ │ヽ ⅣMP‐ FundiRequirement for vear 2014‐ 15腱 Batch-ll (Projects to be sanctioned in 2010‐ 11) (Amount in lac) Sr. No. Budget Component DPR 2 3 EPA Iraining & IEC 4 Admin,Cost 5 Watershed Work 6 Livelihood 7 Production Sys. & rn icroe nte rp rises 8 Vlon 9 10 itoring valuation Consolidation Total Tota! 丁ota! funds Expenditure recelved (31.03.2014) Fund ot lo Required Expenditure for year 2014‐ 15 Remarks (Timelines etc.) へdmin,Cost 5 Watershed Work 6 ivelihood Production Sys. 7 & rn icroenterprises 8 N4onitoring 9 valuation 10 Consolidation 「 otal S t C 4 ●●■■■″ IEC e Training & r PA 2 0 ′I ■ ■ ИI︰ DPR DF Budget Component Noロ 3 一 SL h C t a B IWMP - Fund Requirement for year 2AL4-15to be sanctioned in 2011-12) (Amount in lac) Total funds received 丁otal % Expenditure Expend itur (31.03.2014) e Fund Required for year 2014‐ 15 Remarks (Timelines etc.) IWMP - Fund'Requirement for year 2OL4-L5Batch-lv (Projects to be sanctioned in 2aI2-13) (Amount In Sr. No. Budget Component DPR Training & 4 Admin.Cost 'atershed Work velihood roduction Sys. & icroenterprises M on itoring valuation 10 1Consolidation Total funds recelved 丁otal ol lo Expenditure Expenditur (31.03.2014) e Fund lac) Remarks Required for year 2014‐ 15 (Timelines etc.) IWMP - Fund Requirement for year 20L4-L5Batch‐ V{PrOiectS tO be sanctioned in 2013口 14〕 (Amount in lac) Srロ Budget No. Component 丁otal Total fu nds received Expenditure (31.03.2014) l DPR 2 EPA 3 1:ning& 4 Admin.Cost 5 Watershed Work 6 Livelihood Production Sys. & 7 mrcroenterpflses 8 Monitoring 9 Evaluation 1 0 Consolidatlon 丁otal │ Fund ot lo Required Expenditu re for year 2014‐ 15 Remarks (丁 imelines etc.) MP_ Fund Requirement for year Z0L4-I_5Batch‐ vi (Projects to be sanctioned in ZOL4-15) luノ (Amount in lac) Budget Component DPR PA ralnlng EC dmin. Cost atershed Work ivellhood roduction Sys. & icroenterprises onitoring Evaluation onsolidation btal(100%) Fund Required for ear 2014‐ 15 Remarks Timelines etc. ∩000o訂<”⊆〓Q一 ⊃∞ 喘 ∽ ∽計∞汁① ͡ のくの一 〇ヽ ∞〓 一 o ͡ 000∞0一 計く ∞C〓Q一 〇ヽ ∞3 つ∞ ﹁一 一﹁ Qの﹁ のQ O﹁⊃〇ダ の0∞﹁ い0﹁ 〇喘∽計∞πの 0一 , の o くくすの計すの﹁∩” ﹁一 〇くのQ σ< ∽FZb″∞⊃Q Q∞計 ∞⊃ ∞00﹁ ⊃ 〇﹁ ∞oo﹁〇く∞一σく ∽FZ > ・ O rD Q rD σ 、 rD ∽ rD ● くく下の計 ①ヽ∩” ﹁一 〇∞QのQ O⊃ ∽FZゝ′くくのσL計の ∞⊃ ⊆0一 , . ― バ rD す ∞ 下 く 〇 ヽ ⊃ 〇ダ QJ r「 ¨ ∽ ● くくすの計すの﹁ 玉 OQ⊂一 の∽ 〇﹁ ﹁ 〇ヽ∞〓 〇計͡ ①Q〇ヽ⊃ の0∞﹁ 0﹁ 23 0h⊃⊇ 引 rD く Capacity Building ' . ' Whether Modules of Training in language have been approved by SLNA or and date of approval. Whether approved Modules are uploaded on SLNA Website or not. Whether calendar of Training for 201,4-1,5 I have been finalised whether it or not?, if finalised, is uploaded on SLNA's Website or not. O IA/hat is the total budget required for Capacity Building during 201"4-1,5. Proposed Capacity Building Plan for 20L4-15 No. of persons proposed to be trained during2AL4-L5 All amounts are Rs. in Lakh No.of Subjectof Nameof Beneficiaries Training Training Level of :f -*? Training program lnstitute stakeholder SLNA level District level (DLRC) WD丁 level (CLRC) VVC level (Village) Total ProPosed Expenditure lMPLEMENTAT10N SttRATEGY FOR PROJECttS PROPOSED FOR 2014‐ 15 Area a‖ ocated for 2014‐ 15(lakh ha) No. of Projects No. of Districts Timeline for completing the initial capacity building Timeline for completion of DpRs Completion Of EPW Constitution of WCs Training of WCs 濶Ⅳlド ート‖larlclal largets 3oF澪 け瑠4饉 Zじ 15 Name of the State : Annual Funds Re:eased Sr. No. Components 2 1 Administrative cost 2 Monitoring 3 Evaluation 4 5 6 7 Entry Point Activity (EPA) lnstitution& Capacity building Detailed Praect Report(DPR) NRM VVork(Total) Live‖ 8 hood forthe asset― less persons 9 Production System & Micro-enterprises 10 Consolidation Phase TOTAL Expenditure up to previous up to previous year year target for 2014‐ 15 Unspent (31‐ 3‐ 14) (31‐ 3‐ 14) Balance as On (31‐ 3… 2014) 4 5 6 Actual :stQtr l!nd Qtr ‖lrd Qtr !Vth Qtr TOTAL Requirment 7+8+9+1 of grant 0) ア 9 ′0 ブ2 Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase of IWMP Name of State: For Proiects SL.No. items sanctioned in 2009‐ 10 1 :│]1llllξ f T』ffi[lent° Status of Evaluation of 2 賄吊翼レ 常lling/not done) 3 fi[]│#:I:lc:ll‖ :I:llen lf completed then status of submission of Evaluation 4 RepOrt anlong with ATR to DoLR(Submtted/not Submtted) 5 lf not submitted,then time 1ine report submission along with ATR For Prolects For Proiects sanctioned in sanctioned in 2010‐ 11 2011‐ 12 い0 いい V ﹁ 一 ﹁0ヽ﹁ヽ 0﹁一 ヽ 0 こ0〇 ∽ 0一 oO絆∽ ¨ ” o ”50 030Q¨ 5NOOO, い050汁¨ 0うOα 一 5 NOい0, ∽計 戸∽﹁す∞∽のO﹁Fこジゝ﹁ ∞計⊆∽O﹁mく∞一 ⊆∞二〇⊃〇﹁くく〇ヽ Z∞ヨ一 の0﹁∽計 ∞計 o一 ∽r・ 20・ FOヨ ∽ ﹁ 計 の ぅ 。 一 い ¨ ¨ 彎 ﹄ ¨ 一 一 一 ¨ い 一 ﹄ ¨ ¨ ﹄ m ∽″ ^ く0﹁ ∞汁 Cい0﹁ くo一 CωLoう0﹁く ∽ 計 o︵ 00う つOr w oαヽoコユ D∞ヽ 一 ﹁す●い ∞o一 うo汁Qoうo︶ の コ ω ﹂ 〓 摯 一 ﹂ 一 一 一 ¨ 一 ¨ ¨ ﹁ ¨ 一 ¨ 一 ¨ 一 o ﹁00ヨ o一 一 け の計 のα汁すo5∽ o汁C∽o﹁ ∽Cσコニい∽一 0う0﹁[くり一 C∞計一 oつ 〓コ>﹁”計 一ωう一 、 ヵ000、 0う”‘ヽ o oor Pacσヨ一 鮮oQ ヽうo計 ∽cσヨ一 ♯03 ﹁ う0計 いC σ コニ 計計の0 汁すo う 計一3 o 一 ヽ >﹁ カ 〓うo ヽo oo ヽ計 ∽⊆σ ●ュ ∽L o 5 ∞一 o う” ´ ミ〓 , Status of engagement of Agencies for Concurrent Monitoring a nd Evaluation Name of State: ltems SL.No. I Date of Advertisement 2 Status of selectiorr of Agencies 3 t 5 lf not done then timeline for completion. lf completed then status of submission of Report along with ATR to DoLR. (Submitted/ not Submitted) lf not submitted, then time line report submission along with ATR I
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