(日本語参考訳) ニューバーガー・バーマン、 創立 75 周年を迎えるにあたり 毎年恒例の社会奉仕活動 「Celebration with Service」を実施 世界各地で学校・公園・住宅の再生、就業支援、識字教育支援などの活動 2014 年 4 月 25 日(ニューヨーク)-世界有数の独立系資産運用会社のニューバ ーガー・バーマン・グループ LLC(以下「ニューバーガー・バーマン」又は 「当社」)は、創立 75 周年を迎えるにあたり、毎年恒例の社会奉仕活動 「Celebration with Service」(以下「CwS」)を実施します。4 月後半から 5 月 初旬にかけて、1,000 人を超える当社従業員が、ボストン、ニューヨーク、シカ ゴ、ダラス、デラウェア州ウィルミントン、ロンドン、ロサンゼルス、香港、台 北、東京など世界各地で合わせて 75 を超える社会奉仕活動にボランティアとし て参加します。 「CwS」は、当社の慈善事業プログラム「NB インパクト」の柱となる取り組み です。当該プログラムは、当社のあらゆる資源(従業員の関与とリーダーシップ および資金的貢献)を動員して、地域社会の重要なニーズに応えようとするもの です。過去 3 年間で、世界中で 4,500 人を超えるボランティアが 5,000 人を超え る若者たちと協力して、800 人の高齢者に支援の手を差し伸べ、合わせて 2,000 時間近くを費やして公園やその他の公共スペースの美化に取り組みました。 「NB インパクト」の基盤であるニューバーガー・バーマン財団は、非行に走る 可能性がある子どもや若者の学力強化、就労訓練、大学進学支援に取り組む組織 を対象に、支援金を提供しています。 当社の最高経営責任者(CEO)ジョージ・ウォーカー(George Walker)は、 「世界中の活動拠点で地域貢献することによって、この重要な節目を祝えること を嬉しく思います」と述べた上で、「当社は、その長い歴史の中で一貫して、良 き企業市民であることの重要性を訴えてきましたが、『CwS』はその信念に基づ いて行動するすばらしい手段です」と語っています。 今年、世界中で実施される 75 を超える社会奉仕事業のうち、主なものは次の通 りです。 ニューヨークでは、今年の看板イベントとして、ニューバーガー・バーマ ンの従業員がボランティア団体ニューヨーク・ケアーズ(New York Cares) を通して地元の若者たちと一緒に、ニューヨーク市住宅公団(NYCHA) が管理するブロンクス・リバー低所得者住宅地内のブロンクス・リバー・ コミュニティ・センターの美化と再生に取り組みます シカゴでは、スペシャル・オリンピックスの競技者が、競技大会出場に向 けての準備の手助けや、慈善団体ティーン・リビング(Teen Living)の 支援を受けるホームレスの若者が面接技術を磨く手助けを行います ダラスでは、慈善団体シチューポット(Stewpot)の炊き出しの手伝い、 非営利の自然教育施設 ストーンウォール・ガーデン(Stonewall Gardens) における園芸作業、貧困家庭の児童の学習支援に取り組む ヴォーゲル・ アルコーヴ(Vogel Alcove)での子どもたちの世話など、複数の慈善活動 に参加します 香港では、成長希望基金会(Changing Young Lives Foundation)と連携 して、子どもたちが学習センターに展示する絵を描く手助けをします ロサンゼルスでは、米国赤十字社と協力して献血者登録の手続きをサポー トします メルボルンでは、フェアシェア(FareShare)と協力して、家もなく食事 も満足にとれない人々に食事を提供します 東京では、東京台場の海岸や小児病院での清掃活動などを実施します 本件に関するお問い合わせ Alexander Samuelson, +1.212.476.5392, [email protected] Anji Steward, +, [email protected] <ニューバーガー・バーマンについて> ニューバーガー・バーマンは創設75年を誇るプライベート経営による独立系資産 運用会社です。株式、債券、オルタナティブ等の多岐にわたる資産クラスについ て、世界各国の機関投資家、アドバイザー及び個人投資家にインカム、グロース 及び元本確保等の個別の投資ニーズに則したソリューションを提供しております。 また世界16ヶ国に2,000名以上の従業員を擁し、Pensions & Investmentsの「2013 Best Place to Work in Money Manager」に選出されました。長期安定にフォーカスし、 独自の思考に基づく投資カルチャーを提供しております。グループにおける資産 運用残高は2,420億ドル(2013年12月末現在)です。詳細につきましては、 www.nb.comをご参照ください。 上記はニューバーガー・バーマン・グループ LLC が作成した英文の記事の日本 語による参考訳です。原文と本抄訳の間の差異に関しては、原文が優先します。 Neuberger Berman Group LLC 605 Third Avenue New York, NY 10158-3698 Tel. 212.476.9000 Media Contact: Alexander Samuelson, Neuberger Berman, 212.476.5392, [email protected] Anji Stewart, Neuberger Berman, +44 (0)20 3214 9013 [email protected] NEUBERGER BERMAN COMMEMORATES FIRM’S 75TH ANNIVERSARY WITH ANNUAL “CELEBRATION WITH SERVICE” Global Projects Include School, Park and Home Revitalization, Career Counseling and Literacy Efforts New York, April 25, 2014 — Neuberger Berman Group LLC, one of the world’s leading employee-controlled investment managers, is pleased to mark its 75th anniversary with its annual “Celebration with Service” program. The community service initiative in late April and early May includes more than 1,000 Neuberger Berman volunteers participating in over 75 projects globally in cities including Boston, New York, Chicago, Dallas, Wilmington, Del., London, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Taipei and Tokyo. Celebration with Service is a key component of Neuberger Berman’s signature philanthropic program, NB Impacts, which brings together all the resources of the firm – employee engagement, employee leadership and financial contributions – to meet critical community needs. Over the past three years, NB Impacts has engaged more than 4,500 volunteers globally who have worked with more than 5,000 youth, reached 800 seniors and spent nearly 2,000 hours sprucing up parks and community spaces. The Neuberger Berman Foundation, a cornerstone of NB Impacts, makes grants in support of organizations that provide academic enrichment, job readiness and college preparedness programs for at-risk children and youth. “We are excited to celebrate this significant anniversary by helping the communities in which we work worldwide,” said George Walker, CEO of Neuberger Berman. “Throughout our long history, we have stressed the importance of being good corporate citizens, and Celebration with Service is a great way to act on that commitment.” Of the more than 75 projects occurring globally this year, select highlights include: This year’s marquee event will feature Neuberger Berman volunteers working alongside local youth, through New York Cares, to beautify and revitalize the Bronx River Community Center at the New York City Housing Authority’s Bronx River Houses. Volunteers in Chicago will work with Special Olympics Athletes to help them prepare for competition and help students from Teen Living hone their interviewing skills. In Dallas, employees will take part in several projects, helping to serve meals with Stewpot, gardening at Stonewall Gardens and working with children at Vogel Alcove. Partnering with Changing Young Lives, volunteers in Hong Kong will work with children to create paintings for their learning center. Working with American Red Cross, volunteers in Los Angeles will help register blood donors. In Melbourne, volunteers will help prepare meals for the homeless and hungry with FareShare. In Tokyo, projects include cleaning a local beach and a hospital serving young children. For information on the Neuberger Berman Foundation and Celebration with Service, please visit https://www.nb.com/corporate_social_responsibility/. About Neuberger Berman Neuberger Berman is a 75-year-old private, independent, employee-controlled investment manager. The firm manages equities, fixed income, private equity and hedge fund portfolios for institutions, advisors and individuals worldwide. With offices in 16 countries, Neuberger Berman’s team is approximately 2,000 professionals and the company was named by Pensions & Investments as a 2013 Best Place to Work in Money Management. Tenured, stable and long-term in focus, the firm fosters an investment culture of fundamental research and independent thinking. It manages $247 billion in client assets as of March 31, 2014. For more information, please visit our website at www.nb.com. ### All information is as of March 31, 2014, unless otherwise indicated and is subject to change without notice. Firm data, including employee and assets under management figures, reflects collective data for the various affiliated investment advisers that are subsidiaries of Neuberger Berman Group LLC. Firm history dates back to the 1939 founding of Neuberger & Berman (the predecessor to Neuberger Berman LLC). This material has been issued for use by the following entities; in the U.S. and Canada by Neuberger Berman LLC, a U.S. registered investment advisor and broker-dealer and member FINRA/SIPC; in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East by Neuberger Berman Europe Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority and is registered in England and Wales, Lansdowne House, 57 Berkeley Square, London, W1J 6ER, and is also regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority as a Representative Office; in Australia by Neuberger Berman Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 146 033 801, AFS Licence No. 391401), which is licensed and regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission to deal in, and to provide financial product advice for, certain financial products to wholesale clients; in Hong Kong by Neuberger Berman Asia Limited, which is licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission; in Singapore by Neuberger Berman Singapore Pte. Limited (Company No. 200821844K), which currently carries out the regulated activity of fund management under the Securities and Futures Act (Chapter 289) (“SFA”) and operates as an Exempt Financial Adviser under section 23(1)(d) the Financial Advisers Act (Chapter 110) (“FAA”) of Singapore; in Taiwan to specific professional investors or financial institutions for internal use only by Neuberger Berman Taiwan Limited, which is licensed and regulated by the Financial Services Commission (“FSC”) and a separate entity and independently operated business, with FSC operating license no.:(102) FSC SICE no.011, and address at: 10F, No. 1, Songzhi Road, Taipei, Telephone number: (02) 87268280; and in Japan and Korea by Neuberger Berman East Asia Limited, which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Agency of Japan and the Financial Services Commission of Republic of Korea, respectively (please visit http://www.nb.com/japan/risk_eng.html for additional disclosure items required under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan). Except for the foregoing, this material is not intended for use or distribution within or aimed at the residents of any other country or jurisdiction. This document is not an advertisement and is not intended for public use or additional distribution in the following jurisdictions: Brunei, Thailand, Malaysia and China. The “Neuberger Berman” name and logo are registered service marks of Neuberger Berman Group LLC. © 2014 Neuberger Berman Group LLC. All rights reserved.
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