from The Journal of Physica1 Chemistry, 1982,お,1488. Reprinted Copyright C 工982by the Ameriean Che面cal Socjety and reprinted by permission of tbe copyright owner IIEi;1:│ Anomalous Concenlrallon Depend●nce of the lnner-Sphere Hydratlon NumberChange ln Aqueous EuC13 and GdC13 SOlullons H.Kanno゛ WQダQs7一昨.M幽6/四大,Wy9ず。匍w? ar・d J. HIral●hl 鳩1齢r鳩1(恥脚1・必a/1)かC9如y蝕’jrxねS吻y−y ySIS加,7S4戯ぬ卯鴫JrbSylg∂S。匈WIr陶eSlyed;○咄泌Sリ,y卯ず; jf7戸恥sぴα7y7; F・lytsyj瓦ず甜匈 Raman spectra of the aqu。-ral・e earth k)。[Ln(H20),i]3゛(Ln゛+denotel a rare earth ion,n − 8 and/or 9)in gla朗y ral・eearth chloride solutions were obtained a8 a function of Mlt concentration. The population of ra:re earth ions holding nine water oleculea in theil・innerlnost hyd】・ation spheres increase with incl・easing 詰lt concentration in EuC13 nd GdC13 solutions. A qual峨ative discussion is givel for thia peeunx・ behavior. I皿troduetion Recent Some x-ray difi・lctionl and Ramali2 with aa3unlulated tiess-6 of aqueous studiel togeth一・ traa8port a.nd thermodytlamic proper・ ra,eearth electrolyte lolution8 have EuC13 weighing and out mer&Uy water methodi Detans of the members to eight for heavy ones. Purthermore,thisco ordination number cbange may be a major cause3・i・7of the h7egula:rities observed for log.K(LK is the 8tibiUty con- same According to the ext411sivl wozk by Spedding et al,,4.11 the avellage hydration number gy畠du畠Ilychanges 6・om ㎡ne to eight in the Nd9゛ to Tb3゛ region at ordina】・ytemper畠 tuzes. 0n the other hand, a&掴tic change is obaerved in 七 the 7'l{gls8 tramition tempersture}vs.Z plot for raze earth peichlorate solutions.6 and several a coonng thermal quenched the quenched den(ytes solution to the that is きen8itive found (400-900 K/min)gave change8 in these portance of the discretene腿 in solvent molecule● to solu tion properties. ln this Letter, we zeport tlle anomslaus behavia・ of the totany conoentration dependexe of the hydlatiQn 皿mberchangl between eilht and nine in aqueou麹EuCls axld GdC13 so・ lutions: the rse eaith ionsholding nhle watar molecules りbands irltheizhmermost with increasing ln the GdC13 were the across solution ofjR Aqueousale earth chloride soMjo㎜were prepared by di8soMng thair oxides in excess HC1, sub舶quently drying under an infz‘aredlamp, snd d皿utixlg with ditiUea wite£ series. were obtained (1)A.H・besasl and F. H。9p・ddilg,J.alm,j勿s.,70,2797,37S8 1979);7a,44211980)。 − W ̄ ㎜ ■ ■ ' ■ ̄ 叫!!,!C・zl!!o ad J. Hizailhi. aey7i。PSys, 敗馬具Speddi㎎.M,J.Pa;al,adiS.0.λyes. 244a(1966). 12s4 11g a965}. J. Pliys, aik, ̄i; (り瓦・芦・_!lpeddilg.P.l`.Cden,adA.Hab・sdxuss.J.j゛1りl.als一一 7S.110611974). (10)S.P.Sinh●,lfe1.CZzj・.jlcま,2,S8,1978(1976), (11)(a)F.H.Sp。 ald J. A.Rsd.J.昂y・,asl.,7S,1435 A.R・rd.J.J¥t:yl., 胆丿叫ぞ・1!・jsp¥d1・g uld 帥74);(b)F.H.SpMdilll,J.P.Wajtgs,and J. L,Baiey,J.a。,,j恥S. ZJaia. 20. 189, 4a8(1975);(c)F.H. Sp●ddilg, J,A.R鯵d,ud A. Ha・ benschuas.J,jコ?iys.Cll・,n.,81,106911977)。 the Alh,L results in glassy moles and on accu;rate Raman hydration one From with x-ray number the state ghls8 that diffraction that tl`an' a value 8tate studies there of are two [Ln(H20)9]s゛ (JR=24)and concentration between (12)H.Raw恥n,“ln(qdcG1朗s Formi4 Londo71,1967,Chapters l and 2. (13)H.Kanno and J,HIrai8hj,J.Ra,ua state is a Uquid the l・esults shown know EuCI3 change 8pectrum glassy for the liquid iolls・ ゜"lely for the 8olutions assignment Rarnan i8 the results advantage frequency to 79. glassy chloride of salt)。 aqueous it is certain we of the for the solution important near the earth for theR=20 The Spedding,1 radius except rare at ol: high肘thsll e“th ionic of water/moles state together 吻(包oり9yo-r811e The of the state, renecting very (i・l is the aquo-Ilare flleq`lellcy chs"ge a nonequinbrium Habenschuss of the rate structural of the gla息sy state.2.1s A [Ln(H20)813゛ions,in (R=20)solutions。 31 so- cooling i,l results in the l gla88y s&mple sman vibl・ation measurements for a glassy F4μΓe a ljlba:nd i8 on21y pos8n)leinthe at a temperature in the to 【Ln・ the solutioM. sitioil telllpel`atuie(7g).Thus obtained £・letJS,S53(1960) al).{l.R.ChospjD −  ̄ − − 〃 (3)G.R.Ch。DDin sd snd A. J.G踏鰹・・,j{・sl.Cial.,4 J.GzafSo.jn・rl.Cajlyl.。4.12s4 in diagram. aりl cel'taill tempei8tlfl'e ( changes the ・l result8 state i8 that solution of course of the is 唸e in the glas8y for the rate summarized the solution, of the wak ions cooling only solution to ascertain ㎞)in a funetion =24(jR included in the sample made earth ioll to show ofca.rl・ying out Raman Seetion is de・ to a glassy gla闘,12 Therefore, were a rare stretching eaith solutions rates 8tate state same aqueous earthion[Ln(H20),,]34')as GdCI3 the Discussion displays 8ymmetric of吟el戸e quenched a Uquid l・ise to gla88y by e弱entiany ratio of 【Ln(馬O)9ls゛ (H20)8rios(Ln3゛ 1ution3.1Ve were the coohg and made a glass is in a nonequi・ of the on at (ほferent whether from histories measurement8 dration ExperimentaI rate by crystals solution8 meagurements nnal on just of com- results。 state, the pendent l coordination spberes increase in number salt concentration ㎞solution. Raman same quenched librium and of the im- the that As F4ure solution, indicative give made amount8 ol・GdCI3.6H20 connrming reported.2 Results of ions i wel・e 幽o required as previously The significance of tllese observation息is that solution properties ale greatly dependent Qn the inner-sphere by・ number the EuC1316馬O thereby different state solution8 mixing avanable dis闘ed cleally shown that the inner・sphere hydration number of rare earth ions changes fyom nine lk}r light rare ealth ・stant)s.Z(atx)mjcnumber)or y・(ionicr●dius)ploll,which a:re c匯Iled 8uch thinp a圓“tetrad",8“double-double',9or “inclined W"1o effects. GdCI3 and and Gd(馬 dependence eight and System', Academjc nine h,ss, Sped,・(Mc.,9.85(1980〉. Letters 77?θ必tjms/ Ce Lj FT Nd P罰 Eu Tb T● 河O 沚Vy此a/aer吻吟,吻り眠尚.9,79∂2 1489 Lu 0 0 1P n QJ z _i3/1jlUS てbcり R・IS S●C13 ∧ 寵●26 7 0 3 MVM¥1 351 1,05 1,ロロ ヨ側IC Ojo 0.95 0、a5 RADIUs o iりaREEsTM 101 / i Fllur●i. Fr●quendes ・舗le ijlbanillorihe lLn(HIO)l]s゛lons (rl °a. 9)ln glassy rare earth chkl`ld● s olutlon●. I I 哩1410 390 370 39D 370 350 330 RAMAM SH]FI /CM ̄1 咋:ぷこ流:口吻7認にr¨cl・ tt雲丿勁迄ごs諧な:な乙 coordjination number of Eua゛ iom㎞3.23 M aqueous EuC4 旨詣な詰二次昌芯;?忿が に鴬だこ惣雷昌宏酋tこ惣 ゴ酋ヒ雷ぷ旨昌ごZた 1 。 次ご雲旨ぼ忿1昌む雲たご(こ ご1ご惣忿忿次回昌之7昌1こ worthwhile to further examine hy(1ration numbel, change 忿:智之tlご亡酋ご謔・な り0 410 390 370 350 mented experimental ゴ痙燐勁酋迦だ昌之ごこ QIG 伺0 370 350 330ヽ・- the ana】ogy between in rare earth aquo the ions and the data for the latter casel“19 and the RAMAN SHIFI/cM'│ \ FISぽ●2.Varl畠110n Df the heりband l,1band EuCls and GdC13 solullons. in the Figure glassy 2. corre8ponds ∼394 and molt and ExarninaUon of the EuC!a with EuCls sddon in solutioD昌匯re of Figure the Raman salt ln glassy 9lassy shown in 2 show鳥也atinthec醵e peak disappes・s ions, increasesbl concentration euri)piumions when may be interpreted by the R while =15.This are in the form comment tl・ation dependence must be made of the SmC13 here about the concen, and TbCI3 solutions. As 忿ご巴渚ばrた忿こ忿ご at ∼369cm'1,which intensity the peak indicates fな忿こなな芯i営次ここtご at al-l, corrspondi㎎to[Eu{H20}a】゜゛iom,d・icxlasee almost cha:nge in ra:re ea】・thions anだ2j;・ GdCIB to [Eu(H20)91s゛ an increase wlth satt salt concer11ralon concer霜atlon 忿昔瓢iご燐≧堂な昌旭 that of the equinbrium reaction between eight and nine coordi- glassy EuC13 solution of R =15. gadonnium ions exist in the for nation8 is displa。ed to one side in SmC13 and TbC13 sohl・ tions at low temperatures, at leastjn the glas8・forming glassy GdC13 &olution of j? =25,the appears ln in the R =20 8olution and aljpuars ule 几=zU 801ul;10n an(IDeconleS niore (10n11nant than the lGd(H20)813゛ species in the glassy j? =15 芯コ剽;臨なご口たt忿た昌 solution,A:n allomal(m point of these observations is that the ral・eearth ions having the lal・gerinner,sphere hydJ・ation ゴt忿乙旨応コご忿訟ゴこ:?nation ln the R =15 solution, there a:re15 water numbel・(Le.,9)increase in number with a decrea騎in water content in the solutions. A 8traightforwalld conclu息ion 巴こ;応ご忿こ雲仙ごご旨ば from the expelimental results is that, when sufficient water molecules&re not available to form a complete second hydration sphere ajround a Eu3゛ or Gd3゛ ion,the coordination number of nine becomes mol・e stable than eight at 沿ぱ昌諮げ幄燃ほU昌‰ k)w temperatu.res.This anomalous behavior is 侭l apparent reversal of what the law of mas8 action teU8‘us when we coMider the reactionexpressed in a conventional wayj.e。 [Ln(H20)913ハ==[Ln(H20)8134'+H20 Unfortunately we cannot at present がve a c!ear-cut ex・ molecules for 。。佃copy", ≒混ta忿ぶ・ぼ昌 ,昌‰ Rzrg ys.aem。66.57(1962); Appl. Clie,71.,6,23(1963)。 昌t C‘ A Angen “d DI M‘ Giu°I J. 7″゛o゛ぎ.M゛cl. Clle゛'1Z9゛2243 (l 問昌1昌だ聚迦なぷ忿こ酋緊2昌: tごだ昌旨tむ胎;7r s°1'゛'・ c. `‘゛・`j・・ 1490 weakly hy&ogen bonded to other water molecules). Among wate】・molecu!es trapped in these three configurations,thewaterm幽cules in the nrst envbnment(type l)al・e con3idered to be the most stable at low temperatures.Next in stability a】・ethose in the second ration and the mo倦t un8table configuration。 ones co 「igu- are tho8e in the third From x・ray diffraction studies,uo it is now firmly estabnshed that even in these concentratsd chloride solutionj ○ iND CR=15−25)the earth ion is made Mhttp://www.ε 麟回l F19u「●4. Schematlc two-dimenslonal presentatlon of a ooncentrated aqueous rarg earth chbride s4)lutlon:(A)all rare earlh lons are elght c4xydlnated;(B)allrlre sarth ions are nile cooai姻ed.Some of 廿1● type 3 water rrK)│●cules(closed small clrcles)ln the A solution enter l陶the p岫ry騨白呻聊s ln the B so 、o喝軸t吻becorr啼 (rK)「e stable. Comparlson of the two solu110ns shows that the molar yolume of the B solutk)n ls 8maller tharl that foi‘ the A solutlon,wNch means that more eff●ctlve approaches between catjons and anlons are posslble in the B sQlutlon. shen of a r&re eajrth molecules to share and哨ree chloride molecules may be theae intrinsic of the te仕ahedral earth earth ion where catioil lol・ “ \ for the hydration chloride fact ion water molecules in mind, anom&lous number water solutions, structure and configurations: the where a watel・ molecule chloride a water or a chloride is one earth of 8olvent thi8 water and where rare water a con・ cha.nge as follows。 concentrated configuration rare 6−7 of water With exphmation typical is one hydrated sharing anions. dependence given only scarcity qualitative centration ln and remain each ions.The extensive cations tentative, three between imposea between ion, there a water anioll ions (a type molecule ion (a type i8 no molヽe in8tead there first one to both l water);the 2 water);and c(x)rdinates second to either the a rare the salt concentration increases, some water molecules outside of the inner一息here hydration ghens become a kind of dangling state due to a lack of water molecules and the resulting breakdown of the second hyd:ration spheres. Therefore,maximizatk)n of the type l water molecules or minimization of the type 3 water molecules, which means that some of these danghg wa細,molecules(蛸冶3 water molecules)enter into the imlermo8t hydration spheres, is the most stable state for the sokions at low temperatuJ・es, Ile8ulting in the increa8e of nine-coordinated rare earth ions.This situation may be weU exemplified schematicajly in Figure 4 in which type 3 water molecules in the A solution al・e shown to enter into the innermost hydration sphere8 in the B solution to become more stable。 At the moment the explanation is rathenpeculative and itis evidenUhat cloaer examinations are needed before we get a fuU quantitative acoount of the behavior. More extensive wolrk is in prog7ess and win be reported 8hortly。 Acho 歹dgmeM. We al・ethankful Angd for hi8 valuable suggeetk)n3.This a3sisted by a Grant4n-aid for Sdantifk Ministry of Education。 to PI・ofessor C. A, wol・k ws partja恥 Re8earch from 函3 third to neithel・a 3 `゛tel・ ゜olecule・jt around a r&re molecules. As are is the coordinates coordinates molecule (8 type thge innermost coordination up exclusively of water l“y be 99}(!!),¥・!・・j吻legdDJ・W呻,J.Am.aa・.SQc・, 98. 4424 (1976);(b)L.&Smith,Jr,,aild D. L,Wertz,J.MQri.7V・1.alm.,39, 95(1977);(c)M. L. Steelj and D. L.Wertz,Z,z。,i.Cみ4,。。,16,1225(1977)。
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