高知リハビリテーション学院 平成26年度 学科試験問題 入学試験 (試験選考A) 英語Ⅰ・Ⅱ № 1 Ⅰ.次の英文を読んで, 下の問1~9に答えなさい。 One afternoon Tom arrived in a hurry ( 1 ) Mary's apartment. Mary lives with Nancy and Kate. “I don't know what to do. I can't find it,”he said. “I've looked in all the rooms of my house. I can't remember where I left it.” He was very much excited. “Tom, what is the matter? Just sit down and have some coffee,”Mary said. “( ① ) First tell us. Perhaps we can help you.” “I'm sorry,”he said and ② ( she, the, cup, gave, took, him ). She filled it with coffee. “That's fine, thanks,”he answered. “Well, you know I came here last night to talk to Mary and we were all playing about with my green ball pen. But I can't find it now.” “We don't have it,”Nancy said, and Kate said, ③“Why are you so excited about a little thing like a ball pen?” “Well, you see, old Aunt Polly bought me that pen three weeks ago. This morning I met her on the street and she said she would come around to see me tomorrow. And you know what she is like. When she gives somebody a present, she always wants to see it later. So I have to find it ( ④ ) to see me tomorrow.” “Oh, let's look for it, then,”Kate said. “But if it isn't in this room, I don't think we will find it in any other place.” “You can buy another one like that, ( 2 ) ( 3 )?” Nancy asked from under the table. “Perhaps,”Tom answered. “But there are so many different ball pens and so many shops that I don't know where I can find one.” Soon Tom gave up and decided to go. “I'm sorry I troubled you,”he said as he went out. The next afternoon Tom was at home. He was happy because he had a green ball pen in his pocket. Then the door bell rang. He thought ( ⑤ ). He put the pen in the middle of the living-room table and went to the door. It was Mary. “Here,”she said, and held out a green ball pen just like ( 4 ). She said,“We didn't know how to get you another one. But Kate's brother John knew where we could get such ball pens. He bought one there and gave it to me. ⑥ ( ) you are.” At that moment she saw another one on the table. “Oh, you've found yours. Where was it?” “No,”Tom said. “This isn't the one I lost. Yesterday I went to five or six shops, and at last I found this ball pen.” “So now you have two and you don't know ( 5 ) one you want to show Aunt Polly,”Mary said. Then there was a knock. But before Tom could think what to do with these ball pens in his left hand, Aunt Polly came into the room. Tom quickly put his left hand behind his back and held out his ( 6 ) hand to shake hands with her. But Aunt Polly stood there, opened her bag and said,“You are becoming careless, young Tom. You dropped this on the street yesterday when we met.” 問1.文中の(1)~(6)に入る適切な1語を書きなさい。 問2.文中の( ア. イ. ウ. エ. ① )に入る文として最も適切なものを, 次のア~エの中から1つ選び, その記号を書きなさい。 What do you want to drink? What are you looking for? How long did you look for it? Where are you going today? 問3. 文中の ② の( )内の語を正しい順に並べ替えなさい。 問4. 文中の ③ の下線部を日本語に直しなさい。 問5. 文中の( ④ )が「彼女が来ないうちに」の意味になるように, ( 問6. 文中の( ⑤ )に入る最も適切なものを, 次のア~エの中から1つ選び, その記号を書きなさい。 ア. イ. ウ. エ. it it it it was was was was one of the girls Mary Nancy Aunt Polly )内に入る3語を書きなさい。 № 問7. 文中の ⑥ の下線部が「はい, これをどうぞ」の意味になるように,( 2 )内に入る1語を書きなさい。 問8. 次のア~オの中で, 本文の内容と一致するものを2つ選び, その記号を書きなさい。 ア. イ. ウ. エ. オ. It was quite easy for Tom to find the ball pen he lost. Mary was kind enough to bring a new ball pen to Tom. Kate's brother was asked to buy a ball pen by Tom and bought one. Tom thought his aunt would be glad to see the green ball pen on the living-room table. Aunt Polly thought that the ball pen on the living-room table was her present. 問9. 次の問いに日本語で答えなさい。 Why did Tom want very much to find his ball pen? Ⅱ.次の1~5の文中の( )内に入る最も適切なものを, それぞれア~エの中から1つずつ選び, その記号を書きなさい。 1. “It won't stop raining by noon.”“I'm afraid ( ア. that will イ. it will ウ. it won't ).” エ. it's rainy 2. How ( ) rain do they have in Canada? ア. many イ. much ウ. often エ. good 3. We know that our teacher is very ( ア. good イ. better ) at speaking English. ウ. well エ. afraid 4. After a long walk in the field on a cold day, I wanted ( ). ア. something to drink hot イ. hot something to drink ウ. to drink hot something 5. It was so warm yesterday that the snow on the roof ( ア. became イ. got ウ. grew エ. something hot to drink ) into water. エ. turned Ⅲ. 次の1~5の各組の中で, 最も強いアクセントのある母音の発音が, 見出し語と同じものを, 右のア~オの中から1つずつ選び, その記号を書きなさい。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. cultivate democracy parade advice violin ア. ア. ア. ア. ア. earthquake envelope escalator masterpiece difference イ. イ. イ. イ. イ. delay origin package planet library ウ. ウ. ウ. ウ. ウ. wonder occur nickname decision unite エ. エ. エ. エ. エ. supply exact dangerous invitation recorder Ⅳ.次の1~5に続く最も適切なものを, ア~キの中から1つずつ選び, その記号を書きなさい。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. He has collected fifty stamps He is so old It isn't easy Work hard, I was walking in the park ア. イ. ウ. エ. オ. カ. キ. that he cannot run fast. or he will be in time for school. and you will succeed. since he came to Japan. as he was strong when he was young. when you visited me. for you to read this book. オ. オ. オ. オ. オ. bullet alone graduate finally important
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