記憶結合 ラ の集合論アプ チ

Japanese Psychological Review
,**3, Vol. /,, No. ,, ῍ῌ῎ ῍ ῍῍῎
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Set-theory approach to memory conjunction errors :
Clarification of two models and a proposal of a new process dissociation procedure
Takashi TSUKIMOTO and Tetsuji HIRANO
The University of Tokyo
Osaka University of Human Sciences
This article aims to clarify the differences between two models proposed for memory
conjunction errors. One model emphasizes a distinction between features and configurations of stimulus components 7Reinitz, Lammer, & Cochran, ῍῏῏῎89 The other is based on
a dual-process model 7Jones & Jacoby, ῎ῌῌ῍89 Recent studies have been attempting to
determine which model has greater explanatory power, but there is room for criticism that
the differences between the models may not be particularly marked. We refined both
models to clearly distinguish the two using the set theory. Each of the improved models
is more coherent and can more rationally explain the existing data. Especially, in the
analysis of Jones’ model, we developed a “new process dissociation framework” that can
separately estimate the contributions of familiarity versus recollection to response in
recognition as a traditional process dissociation procedure 7PDP89 In addition, the new
framework can estimate the contribution of a new construct “false recollection.” Our
framework, termed “PDP-q”, includes the traditional one as a special case, so it will
contribute towards investigating the conscious state of cognition in more detail than PDP.
Key words : memory conjunction errors, set theory, model, process dissociation, false recollection
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