Male: Female = 54:46 in total 177 / 5 classes 1.You are Male 1.You are Female Questionnaire about Students’ Internet Use Situation 46% 54% Do you use a cell phone? 2.Do you have a cell Phone? Yes 2.Do you have a cell Phone? No 1% Which do you use, smartphone or feature phone? 2→Yes Smartphone 2→Yes feature phone 3% 99% Do you usually use “LINE”? 3.Do you usually use "LINE"? Yes 3.Do you usually use "LINE"? No 2% 97% How long do you use “LINE” a day? 4.How long do you usually use "LINE" a day? Less than 30 minutes 4.How long do you usually use "LINE" a day? About 1 hour 4.How long do you usually use "LINE" a day? About 2 hours 4.How long do you usually use "LINE" a day? About 3 hours or more 20% 98% 20% 25% 35% 1 Who do you talk to with “LINE”? Reasons I don’t use 5.Who do you usually talk to with "LINE"? Family • “LINE” is not necessary for me. 5.Who do you usually talk to with "LINE"? Friends 5.Who do you usually talk to with "LINE"? Classmates, or club member 5.Who do you usually talk to with "LINE"? Other people who aren't related to school 5.Who do you usually talk to with "LINE"? Some one who happen to know through LINE or other SNS • It’s a pain in the neck if I get in troubles. 0% 15% 13% 33% 39% Why do you use “LINE”? 117 7% Other reosons 8 Killing time or having no special… 17 Easy to find acquaintances In fact, I want to quit, but I'm… 10 Easy to secure personal… 10 27 Feel easy to access 9 Just out of curiosity Habit Free 7.Have you met some troubles or felt embarrassed in using or seeing "LINE"? No 55 37 Many people around you use it 7.Have you met some troubles or felt embarrassed in using or seeing "LINE"? Yes 114 Stamp are cute 144 Have you met some troubles? 93% 6.Why do you use or access LINE? What kind of troubles? • I got my friend angry when I made a typing error and sent a wrong message. • I had a trouble about delayed response. • Written only in letters, my true intension did not come across to the receiver. • I got messages from someone I didn’t know over and over again. Feel easier to post messages on? 8.Which do you feel easier to do? Posting some messages on "LINE" 8.Which do you feel easier to do? Facing someone to talk directly 8.Which do you feel easier to do? Both 8.Which do you feel easier to do? Neither 4% 24% 48% 24% 2 Do you use other services? On-line games I am usually use 99 70 33 12 Others 3 Mobile applications Open-up your own Blog Facebook mixi 18 Twitter On-line games 32 Skype 44 On-line Games • PUZZLE & DRAGONS • GREE • mobage • FPS Mobile Applications • KAkAO TALK • comm • Moga-supe 小説 • WIND runner • Hello Kitty World • ひよこだらけ 9.Do you use other SNSs or on-line games? How much do you pay for on-line games? Paid for GAMES? 10.Have you ever paid for some items of the games? Yes 10.Have you ever paid for some items of the games? No 11% 89% Are you addicted? 11.Do you think you are addicted to the following things? "LINE" 11.Do you think you are addicted to the following things? On-line games 11.Do you think you are addicted to the following things? Blog 11.Do you think you are addicted to the following things? none • • • • • • • • 1,000 yen 1,500 yen 3,000 yen 5,000 yen 6,000 yen 8,500 ~ 45,000 yen 60,000 yen 70,000 yen Are you careful in using the Internet? 12.Are you usually careful when you use the Internet such as SNS or on-line games? Yes 12.Are you usually careful when you use the Internet such as SNS or on-line games? No 11.Do you think you are addicted to the following things? other 12% 41% 36% 46% 1% 59% 5% 3 What I am careful about in using the Internet • • • • Try not to expose personal information Refrain from membership registration Try not to pay for games Give a lot of attention to the way I put my words on messages • Try to keep control ① High ownership of smartphones Students’ Analysis InterAct Club Members More information • スマートフォンの所有率が高い。(97.0%) • 《理由》 • ◎みんなが持っているから。 • スマートフォンは学割のおかげで割安 そのためユーザーが増える • ◎企業の料金設定がスマートフォン向きに移 行している(学生限定) • ◎使いやすく便利。 • 企業側の戦略としては、学割が切れたとき引 き続き大人料金でのユーザー確保 • 学割が切れたときは、大幅に使用料金が増 える ③Explosive Expansion of “LINE” • “LINE”の使用率が驚異的に高い。(98.0%) • “LINE”はサービス施行開始わずか2年で爆発 的に普及した。 • メールの使用率が減少。 • “LINE”はSMS・通話・ビデオ通話が無料!! ④ Surprisingly much money spent on On-line Games! • 課金額の高さに驚愕! • (課金者割合:11.0% 最高課金額70000円/1 人) • 課金はお金を使っている感覚がないから危な い。 4 ⑤ Too much dependence on cell phones 携帯電話に頼り過ぎている。 ⑦ Read Icon • “LINE”の『既読』機能が不便or便利 • 人それぞれ。 ⑥Access mainly to Friends • “LINE”の使用相手は97%が友達、77%がクラ スメイト・部活仲間、35%が家族と続く • 多くの人がLINEは友達専用のコミュニケー ションツールとして使っているようにみえる。 ⑧ Try to find effective ways of using time • “LINE”使用理由の約3分の1が暇つぶしだっ た • もっと別のことに時間を使った方が良いので はないだろうか? What do you think about the result of the questionnaire? 5
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