14:05- 特別講演 分子設計が拓く新しい発光分子ー高効率熱活性化遅延蛍光材料ーの登場 Materials design for highly efficient delayed fluorescence 安達 千波矢 先生 Dr. Chihaya Adachi Director of Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research WPI Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry, Kyushu University 講演者プロフィール 安達 千波矢(あだち ちはや) 九州大学 最先端有機光エレクトロニクス研究センター/ 九州大学 大学院工学研究院 応用化学部門 教授 1991年 九州大学大学院総合理工学研究科材料 開発工学専攻博士課程修了(工学博士) 1991年 (株)リコー化成品技術研究所研究員 1996年 信州大学繊維学部機能高分子学科助手 1999年 プリンストン大学Center for Photonics and Optoelectronic Materials研究員 2001年 千歳科学技術大学光科学部物質光科学科助教授 2004年 千歳科学技術大学光科学部物質光科学科教授 2002年 科学技術振興機構(JST) 戦略的創造研究振興事業(CREST)研究代表者 2005年 10月より九州大学未来化学創造センター教授 2003年 日本学術振興会第142C委員会(有機光エレクトロニクス)主査 2010年 4月より九州大学応用化学部門 教授(兼任:未来化学創造センター教授)5月より、主幹教授 Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 Materials design for highly efficient delayed fluorescence TADF: Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence 3/*!/&"07 !"!3!" .$*!" *)$"4 %"**"'& !"&$% $$*'$"*++ "0"1& $ $2"$=$" !+1" !+ " !"&3 100nm 4 )*!" -.#")",.%*) '$ ( $"'-()" )!#")",.%*) ,!#")",.%*) "*%'($ %(&%'($ 1988 int25% 2001 int 100%! 1965 int=? "- *%'($ 2012 int 100%! ./," $" !+%".& %!&"*% 3rd generation organic light emitting diodes based on delayed fluorescence TADF: Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence : e/h injection, transport and recom. eff. eff. ext = iintt p = r PL p ~ ~100% 25 5+% ~100% ~20% 25+% h+ e– 25% 75% O Ir O N S1 FLUO r: exciton production efficiency efficiency PL: PL quantum efficiency efficiency p: light out-coupling efficiency efficiency 2 T1 Intersystem crossing (ISC) PHOS 1 Ir(ppy)3 ISC ~100% phos~100% Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 1987~ 2000~ $/')*& 2012~ 2012~ !'*(!')*& 3()/')*& TADF: Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence H SO EST First-order mixing coefficient between singlet and triplet states () Hso: Spin-orbit coupling First observation of TADF: SnF2OEP:PVCz 2 Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 ")*+'*)0,'&6&@64 $/')*& !'*(!')*& ($+ :;G?>> Emission intensity 400 &@ +)'& ) "&+&*"+33 !,& 300 200 :;GA> 100 :;G> 0 500 600 700 Wavelength (nm) Thermally activated delayed fluorescence from Sn4+-porphyrin complexes and their application to organic light emitting diodes - a novel mechanism for electroluminescence Adv. Mater., 21, 4802-4906 (2009) Ayataka Endo, Chihaya Adachi et al. )&*"&+'@1+F9&@64 GB>> T=300K 0 4 Time (ms) 6 8 550 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength (nm) RISC S1 ISC Time (ms) 2 600 650 700 Wavelength (nm) 750 GC 800 F91;= T1 Flu. TADF 500 S0 3 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength (nm) 800 Time (ms) )'%(+ $/'7 $/')*& !'*(!')*& Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 %()+/)(&&'"&&@64 RISC S1 $$ '%('&&+ F91;= ISC T1 2.5 Flu. TADF 2.0 S0 1.5 PL quantum efficiency (%) 3.0 1.0 $/')*& 0.5 0.0 !'*(!')*& 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 40 00 Temperature (K) 6 898&@648 )'%(+ $/'7 )&*"&++GB>> Oscilloscope 5 trigger Pulse generator 10 550 Streak scope "&3 Resistor (R=100 ohm) /$*1"+!C>>&* 600 650 700 750 Wavelength (nm) <>7?F+&>7AF+GB>> A. Endo and C. Adachi, Adv. Mater., 21, 4802-4906 (2009) 4 Time (ms) 0 Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 (9'&0)*"'&'+)"($+2"+'&*"&+'*"& $+*++ '0$%'$/$)*" &')!" !/('&0)*"'&"&3 N N N N N N N N N N N N Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 083302 (2011) Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 247401 (2013) Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, 093306, (2012) *" &)/$')*%$$EST EH :HOMO Energy EL : LUMO Energy K :Exchange Energy F324E F3242 K = L (1)U (2) (HOMO) 1 L (2)U (1)d 1d 2 r12 (LUMO) (HOMO) ) EST %$$EST Donor Molecular Design μ2 EST=2K X Acceptor Donor-Acceptor backbone X:Introduction of steric hindrance Rather high radiative decay rate μ= (1) L U (2)r 12L (2)U (1)d 1d 2 5 (LUMO) Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 Advanced Molecular Structure for TADF S. Y. Lee, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, 093306, (2012) Calculated by Gaussian 03 at the B3LYP/6-31G (d, p) N N N N N N N HOMO = 5.29 eV CC2TA LUMO = 2.03 eV ES-T = 0.06 eV L Large distortion between electrondonating and accepting units L Small overlap between HOMO and LUMO Strong electron-donating (bicarbazole) Transient Photoluminescence TADF confirmation 0 N 2 N 4 6 CC2TA N N N Time (μs) 0-200 ns 200 ns-10 μs TADF N N 8 10 400 450 500 550 600 Wavelength (nm) Temperature dependence of TADF 0 Intensity (a. u.) 10 5K 50 K 100 K 150 K 200 K 250 K 300 K 325 K -1 10 -2 10 Fluorescence Luminescence lifetime (by Streak camera) -3 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (μs) 6 Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 OLED with TADF Al 80 nm LiF 0.8 nm Al 80 nm LiF 0.8 nm Al 80 nm LiF 0.8 nm 6 wt% CC2TA:DPEPO 20 nm TPBi 30 nm DPEPO 10 nm 6 wt% CC2TA:DPEPO 20 nm TPBi 30 nm DPEPO 10 nm 6 wt% CC2TA:DPEPO 20 nm m-CP 10 nm m-CP 10 nm 6 wt% CC2TA : m-CP 10 nm -NPD 40 nm -NPD 40 nm -NPD 40 nm ITO/Glass ITO/Glass O/G ITO/Glass DPEPO 40 nm Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 L J-V characteristics L EQE-J External quantum efficiency (%) Current density (mA/cm2) 30 Driving Voltage = 9.2 V 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 EQE > 12±1% 1 10 0 10 -1 10 -3 10 Voltage (V) -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 2 10 10 2 Current density (mA/cm ) )3!" !"&3 7 3 10 Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 $""# 1 Al LiF 4CzIPN 4CzTPN-Ph 2CzPN TPBi -1 10 6wt% 4CzTPN/CBP -NPD 0 10 2CzPN 4CzIPN 4CzPN 4CzTPN 4CzTPN-Me 4CzTPN-Ph Normalized PL intensity 10 External EL quantum efficiency (%) ITO/Glass -2 10 -3 -2 10 10 -1 0 1 2 10 10 10 2 Current density (mA/cm ) 400 10 500 600 Wavelength (nm) 700 HOMO LUMO 5A>D DFT (M06-2X/6-31G(d)) % 1)*")2")"!",%0.%0"- Prompt Delayed -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 10 20 30 Time (μs) 40 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 400 0 500 600 Wavelength (nm) 50 100 150 200 250 Temperature (K) 14.2 EST = 83 meV 14.0 13.8 13.6 13.4 13.2 ln(kRISC) 0 Total Prompt Delayed 0.9 efficiency PL quantum Normalized PL intensity 1 1.0 T = 300 K 0 10 Normalized PL intensity T = 300K T = 200K T = 100K 13.0 12.8 HOMO LUMO DFT (M06-2X/6-31G(d)) 12.6 12.4 3.5 4.0 -3 4.5 -1 10 /T (K ) 8 5.0 300 Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 E0-0(3LE): 2CzPN>4CzTPN,4CzIPN>4CzPN 2CzPN 4CzPN 4CzIPN 4CzTPN 2.94 eV 1CT 3CT 2.63 eV 2.60 eV 3LE 2.53 eV 2.63 eV 2.43 eV 2.53 eV 2.45 eV 2.34 eV Lifetime in toluene 166 μs 14 μs 5 μs 2 μs The energy difference between 1CT and 3CT are almost the same in these four compounds. CT molecules can emit efficient and short-lifetime (a few μs) TADF, satisfying the requirements of a small energy gap between 1CT and 3CT states and higher energy of the 3LE state than the 3CT one. "Promising operational stability of high-efficiency organic light-emitting diodes based on thermally activated delayed fluorescence” Scientific Reports, 3, 2127 (2013)) H. Nakanotani, K. Masui, J. Nishide, T. Shibata and C. Adachi a a EOD 2.4 3.0 2.1 ITO 5.5 HAT -CN TrisPCz 5.6 2.4 mCBP 3.0 3.4 4CzIPN T2T 5.8 2.7 LiF/Al ITO BPyTP2 T2T [30] mCBP [30] 3.4 T2T 4CzIPN [10] 5.8 6.0 6.5 5.7 6.0 3.0 2.7 LiF/Al BPyTP2 [80] 5.7 6.5 6.5 -9.5 b HOD c ITO 5.5 HAT -CN [10] 2.1 TrisPCz [30] 5.6 2.4 mCBP [30] 3.4 4CzIPN 5.8 2.1 TrisPCz [50] Au 5.6 6.0 -9.5 Projected half lifetime ~3000hr 9 Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 /)$/%"**"'&)'% J Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 14706 - 14709, 2012 EL ITO/-NPD/TCTA/CzSi/10wt% emitter: DPEPO/TPBI/LiF/Al Pure blue CIE(0.14, 0.08) tBuCz-PS TADF only occurs in a bipolar system where donor and acceptor centered 3* states are close to or higher than the triplet intramolecular charge transfer (3CT) state, control of the -conjugation length of both donor and acceptor is considered to be as important as breaking the -conjugation between them in blue TADF material design. '#%"# "! & EQE20% 10 PLQY 0.70 0.80 10 μs 1 ms Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 '**""$"+3')) Advanced Materials (in press) EQE 17.5 ± 1.5%, EL~610nm CIE (0.60, 0.40) J. Li, T. Nakagawa, J. MacDonald, Q. Zhang, H. Nomura, H. Miyazaki, and C. Adachi (Kyushu Univ. & CSIRO) &$"%"+'$/$)+)/+/)*' a)) CZ-PS EST0.32eV max419nm EQE9.9% J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 14706 (2012) 4CzPN EST0.12.eV max531nm EQE 18% EST0.10eV max485nm EQE10% Spiro-CN EST0.025eV max495nm EQE16.5% Spiro-CN EST0.06eV max540nm EQE4.4% Angew. Chem. 2012, 51, 11311 Chem. Comm. (in preparation) Chem. Com., 48, 9580 (2012) 4CzIPN EST0.01.eV max513nm EQE:19% 4CzTPN EST0.06.eV max544nm EQE17% Nature, 492, 234 (2012) (2012) PIC-TRZ EST0.1eV max466nm EQE5.3% Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 83302 (2011) PIC-TRZ 2 EST0.01eV max505nm EQE14% Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press) CC2TA EST0.07eV max493nm EQE11% PXZ-TRZ EST0.0084.eV max522nm EQE15.5% Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, 93306 (2012) Chem. Com., 48, 11392 (2012) EST0.24eV max570nm EQE0.01% SnF2(OEP) Adv. Mater., 21, 4802 (2009) 11 Melem HAP-3TPA EST0.17.eV max610nm EQE17.5% Adv. Mat., (online) Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 1'/+')"($+)0*,& ')" !9"&3 $/')*&** A new route to harvest triplets for fluorescence OLED Intramolecular CT ./," Fluorescence based OLED Long lifetimes of operational stabil High color purity Flexibility of material design Theoretical limitation of r 25% - 62.5% (by using TTA proc Intermolecular Exciplex ./,"$*.* TADF as a host &)*.)%".'/(%.."! $/')*&1"+!!'*+ '& $",%*''(),'&$*+"$"+3 " !'$')(/)"+3 $2""$"+3'%+)"$*" & !'),$$"%"+,'&')9?>>F 12 Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 TADF molecules as a host for singlet exciton generation function Carrier recombinatio n A new route Conventional route Förster energy transfer h+ e- 25% h+ e- 75% 25% 75% FRET RISC S1 2.30 eV ISC S1 2.38 eV S1 2.18 eV T1 2.23 eV T1 2.03 eV Up-conversion of triplet excitons T1 1.14 eV N O N O N N Al O N N PXZ-TRZ TBRb N O Alq3 %+)"$')!'*+%'$/$* High reverse intersystem crossing efficiency (RISC) 41% High photoluminescence quantum efficiency in neat film. 45% PXZ-TRZ H. Tanaka et. al., Chem. Comm. 2012, 48, 11392. Delayed component PXZ-TRZ neat film )1 /#,3$#43D4 .&'%3D4 ."-3D4 .63D4 >=? => ;@ 13 :; =: 03*(4 :1< Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 Emission and absorption spectrum N O Al O N R0 6.5nm N O R0 5.9nm TBRb Alq3 emission TBRb Abs. PXZTRZ emission Photoluminescence spectra of co-deposited films N N PL = 80% TBRb 14 O Al O N O PL = 80% Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 Transient PL characteristics of co-deposited films Delayed Fluorescence Host 18ns Guest ~ 0.84 μs Clear delayed component was observed, indicating efficient upconversion of triplet exciton into singlet state and successive Forster energy transfer from host to guest. /))&+"&39/%"&& N O N 15 O Al O N Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 " !"&35$'19'*+&/&$"%"+%'$/$)*" & ' ) :99D " *)! ")",.%*) $)'$" $- $*-+$*,"- ") " $%,! ")",.%*) 1+",3/*,"- ") " Promising for RGB emission with 100% electron into photon conversion with conventional aromatic molecules %,-. ")",.%*) '! ;>D '/*,"- ") " %() %+ /%%)3 " !"&3*'&* /*+7 &1)'/++'!)0*++)"($+*/*"& %'$/$** !'*+5)*/$+"&!" !9"&3/')*&**7 16 Reaxys Prize Club Symposium in Japan 2014.3.28 !'/')3'/)-&,'& #&'1$ %&+ *)!%"&3/*!/&"07&'$$')+')* !"*1')#1**/((')+"&()+3/&"& )' )%')')$9"& &&'0,'&='&"&&!&'$' 3: ;& 7 17
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