様式1(1/2) Application for the Special Financial Support Program for Students of the International Exchange Program of Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (国際交流協定校特別支援申請書) INSTRUCTIONS(記入上の注意) 1. All items of the application should be filled out. Paste a (すべての項目に記入すること) passport-sized 2. The application should be written in block letters, or typewritten if possible. photograph taken within the past 6 (明瞭に記入し,可能な場合は印字すること) 3. Numbers should be written in Arabic numerals. months. (数字は算用数字を用いること) 4. Year should be written in Standard International format. (yyyy/mm/dd) (年号は西暦とすること) (3cm×4cm photo) 1. Name in full, in Roman block capitals, same as on your passport (姓名,ローマ字でパスポート記載のもの) , (Family name) , (Given names) 2. Nationality(国籍) 3. Date of birth(生年月日) (yyyy/mm/dd) 4. Sex(性別) ☐ Male / / Age ☐ Female 5. Present address, telephone/fax number, E-mail address (現住所,電話/ファックス番号,E-mail アドレス) (Present address) (Telephone/Fax number) (E-mail address) 6. The name of the university from which you graduated. (It must have an international exchange agreement with Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) (あなたが卒業した,帯広畜産大学国際交流協定締結大学) (The university) 7. Date you intend to enroll(入学希望年月日) (yyyy/mm) / 様式1(2/2) 8. Academic background(学歴) Name and Address of School (学校名及び所在地) Elementary Education (初等教育) Elementary School (小学校) Secondary Education (中等教育) Lower Secondary School (中学) Upper Secondary School (高校) Higher Education (高等教育) Undergraduate Level (大学) Year and Month of Admission and Completion (入学及び卒業年月) Duration of attendance (修学年数) Name(学校名) From(入学) years(年) Location(所在地) To(卒業) months(月) Name(学校名) From(入学) years(年) Location(所在地) To(卒業) months(月) Name(学校名) From(入学) years(年) Location(所在地) To(卒業) months(月) Name(学校名) From(入学) years(年) To(卒業) months(月) Major(専攻) Location(所在地) 9. Language proficiency(語学力) *Evaluate your ability as “Excellent”, “Good”, “Average”, “Fair”, “Poor” in the blank. Listening (聴く能力) Speaking (話す能力) Reading (読む能力) Writing (書く能力) English(英語) Japanese(日本語) Others ( ) (その他) 10. Program you are applying to and the name of your intended supervisor (希望する専攻と指導教員) ☐ Life Science and Agriculture ☐ Food Science ☐ Agro-environmental Science ☐ Animal Science and Food Hygiene (Name of supervisor) (Signature) ◆ Details of the Special Financial Support Program(特別支援制度の内容) 1. Special Scholarship : 50,000 yen / month (two-year limit) (特別奨学金:月額 5 万円(2 年間を限度)) 2. Exemption from the admission fee and tuition (two-year limit) (入学料と授業料の免除(2 年間を限度)) NOTE: This program cannot be utilized together with other scholarships. (注意: この支援制度は,他の奨学金と併用することはできません)
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