The Effects of Different Time on the Wind Intervals Estimation Abstract The magnitude of the wind speed and the number of the data deduced pictures obtained in different time interval are compared. It is revealed speeds are little affected by the interval of pictures and the number is increased with from that wind of wind data time interval getting shorter. accuracy. 1. Introduction. Initially it was scale feature The anticipated that smaller of the atmospheric factors to come speeds are considered, and then a reliabilty motion of the wind can be detected, as the interval of picture "wind" is getting the wind shorter. However our study fails to substantiate our expectation. Wind from a In Film displacement used The word in this report is defined as vectors obtained by the Loop method. of cloud targets within interval using a loop film consists of four frame imageries. June 27th 1978 a limited satellite was made. Each taken 4 minutes every latitude, and to 6 scan imagery in by tion is shown 1. A purpose speeds are variable with due to poor registration. A more suitable land mark within condition for wind be placed frame in order made by using land those in Asia and and separately to perform daily routine treat full disk imageries, time, at least; each should one precise registration. In of this report is to investigate whether (1) wind Error should be three land marks middle detail of the observa- in Table 2. estimation by tracking clouds is that there was the center of the scan is over 35°N latitude. The we registration is marks selected from Oceania. In the area (30°N-40°N lat.) of this observation, land (2) the number of cloud targets to derive marks satellite wind increase or decrease depending picture speed is discussed. vectors have operationally obtained 90-minute which forth error in wind upon taking. Namely, seeking for a more to get wind none different time interval of intent in However, is land suitable time interval data from Hiroshi YAMASHITA, our are few, the some and east especially of they are 145°E longitude. points can be adopted marks, for example, Shantong as Penin- sula, Pohai Bay, Korea, the coastline near satellite with good Shanghai Kiyoshi ARAI 1 ― etc.. They are very close for MMM-tv^Table 1 Observation &mm<£ m-^ 1979^3n The Time Schedule of Obsevation by Limited Scans Time June from 27th 1978 0400Z to 0510Z Central Latitude Number of Scan Line 35°N 250 lines Number 11 volumes of Segment Initial line Final line 469 719 0407Z 2 469 719 0411Z 3 469 719 0415Z 4 469 719 0419Z 6 469 719 0432Z 7 469 719 0437Z 8 469 719 0443Z 9 469 719 0448Z 11 469 719 0457Z 12 469 719 0502Z 13 469 719 0507Z Segment No. 1 Starting Time of Observation 5 10 precise registration. marks, different from mentioned frame above, So, are of negatives, another land necessary. on and latitudes had been aid of attitude information the loop in the way Each with the of satellite,is the longitudes latitudes at this time. using we which longitudes inserted registered by matching land marks Error films which and achieved vectors of earth shape be fixed at the same And and because they are positions on each frame. accurately, for each picture we used does not differ apparently. intersection regarded Therefore, of longitude-latitude as one of land computing the latitudes inserted in every longitudes imagery can marks. a displacement marks. It is considered error by mine the procedure Namely, that of that a distri- give the magnitude field of of error, tracking the points surrounded is made within Fig. 2, for are noted in the by the latitudes of 30°N 170°E. The Fig. 1, Fig. 2 9. ― obtained us a and 40°N, and by the longitudes and be registration. In order to deter- intersection area an of a intersection bution of the displacement-vectors in such if the prediction of attitude of satel- lite is made of observation point will be equal to computing displacement- same position on the earth surface as the time land features, for example, a zero at the up of coastline of continent, a tip of cape, would located are made that registration had precisely, roughly by described in section 1 will be If it is assumed be caused assessed in this section. been would and results of 110°E are shown in Fig. 3. As shown in example, considerable errors the east of 160°E longitude Meteorological SatelliteCenter Technical Note No. 1, March 1979 + + 31°N 100°E AT = 25m'n 0 2,5 unit Fig. 1 The distribution of error in magnitude that the information the displacement shows the imageries + due to poor registration. It is assumed of satellite-attitudeis good. of longitude/latitude position of bench are taken mark at time from The intersection by 0407Z 5,0 in m/s which direction of arrows points. error has The been plus indicates mark evaluated. "+ " Used to 0432Z. A5°N 85°E 130°E 120°E 150°E 140°E 16O°E 17O°E rr AO°N ■ i y \ s I I s' >^^^ + 30°N 31° 3°E . AT = A1min x / 0 2,5 unit Fig. 2 5,0 in m/s The same as Fig. 1, excepting that the used imageries are taken at time from O407Z t-n04487. -H85°E 45°N 120°E \_ \! 130°E -^ vj 160°E 15O°E ^ ^,+- ^ ^―i . 1 I + ― 100 .+ °E ^ 31°N x r^ / * X│ y 30°N * aT = 55min 0 unit Fig. 3 40°N The same at time from as Fig. 1, excepting 0407Z ― 5.0 in m/s that the used imagries to 0502Z. 3 2.5 are taken Table Time 12 min. Interval Mean 8.3 due to the lack of bench are in From value and its standard west Table decreases in time interval is lengthened, which can be obtained accurately when one uses pictures which interest to the standard that the large in magnitude Although these two bench above resolution by, one can needed in ing targets gives us the fact to inserted on loop film do will be Displacement bench mark taken in longer of data, it wind be time made includes and should defining a land be taken bench mark decreases of the detection phenomenon. of To structure, of time the discussed meteor- analyze fine mesh and coarse and a fine data space. would space-resolution. the resolution the time are Mak- be led Relation satellite winds in a later section. expectaa certain for the frame 3. A comparison of wind speeds com- interval. It means puted in differentinterval of time. is noticeable time is as possible, time-resolution of the initial and final position of tion.(NB2). of decreasing between beyond interval should which for in terms on a screen, so that desig- is hard operation area requirement atmospheric mark de- displacement. The factors are meant marks time better as many enough deviation is experience estimation that, (2) interval our ological scarcely move a the marks at the short interval. An wind as to obtain it is difficultto interpret what selecting cloud nation in deviation, it is standard speculate as follows. that bench order rather are taken at longer interval. Turning in magnitude (1) the wind implies speeds evident In as that wind in error is recommended that a magnitude 1.7x10 lengthened. of the 160°E longitude. 2, it will be deduced value relative creases deviation 0.82 -1.7x10 x 10 that Now, with 12 pieces of data which the mean markCNB1). 55 min. 1.7 2.2 (m/s) are computed 41 min. 25 min. S.D. (m/s) the mean 2 A vector at time t=ta will be written as N.B. 1: A wind vector is determined from the Vt displacement of a cloud face. The order to do this, bench medium to transform over the earth sur- cloud is to be earth located. marks from Similarly, a vector In board When 4f-)^*-'≫)+^+^ mark makes figure of the character "8". When the ending curve between where the Vto is the time time the starting picture and the picture is so short, the locus forms which (3-2) a 24-hour loop film is projected on a screen, a locus of bench period t= tk (tk>t0) Ft4=FTRUE+( coordinate to earth coordinate. N.B. 2: at time will be are used as a tracking (3.1) 0=FTRUE+£B+£C is a part of the character apparent Ftrue 4 ― vector at t= t0. Vtk is the same a "8". observed is the one at time t= tk- true vector, not contami- Meteorological SatelliteCenter Technical Note No. 1, March 1979 fnr nnr limifprl sran nated. sB, s'B are error in the indistinguishing the initial and -^―dx final points of bench mark-displacement due to its short In by -rj( ^^―)dt was ignored because all these V at / displacement of cloud are computed using distance. sc and e'c are error caused location of the initial and cloud-displacement. general, while ec would the poor final points sB are of be shown the We assume uniformly con- a ventional usage. Let's compare the two that samples around domain, assume and that not the accelaration evaluate hand the two £b, £j3,£ c and have been A term, terms side, (e^―s'B), (sc we can were of the right been that introduced a distributed within a few 5°long. X 5°lat. as shown "i" is written is ox oy Then, in Table that the these differences the three cases are labelled by the will consider + sB+sc vector at a point {xi} yir tt) in Vo is the vector at a point (x0, y0> tQ) targets were cirrus had vectors Alin the "*" in Table 3 and Table 4. We where an than 2.2 m/s in magnitude significant. has arisen. First, we a domain. domain. 3 and Table 4, it is considered some to samples samples domain difference more will average a there are mark we of though among Now, under number a domain as Vi is the at its vector in the domain within at a point ot center of vector eliminate s'c, vectors vector the geometric £c)- To averaged. wind are distributed Fo is the mean Eq. (3.4) had (3.3) assumption from of equals to Fo. +(e*-ea)+(ec-ec) Apart term center. In such a case, it is reasonable vectors. )d(tk-t0) *.-",=(\ discussion, the firstframe is taken at 0407Z, in this case. a Gaus- operators follow above loop films of different time interval whose bias error in sian distribution. Other letters and -^.― dx = Q been the difference are aware why that anvil selected as cloud target this area. In another area, most of cirrus clouds associated with jet stream. within In Then, a Hubert eB=constant=C guidance care in tracking penetrate sc = 0 for selecting et. al. (1971) stated clouds tracers, that; "Take that appear to vertical shear layers. In these cases, try to track the upshear edge rather If there vector are in many the samples domain, of the wind than the center of mass. Eq. (3.3) is reduced For areas of active convection to F,= ro+C grows (3.4) The where algebraic "―" bar mean. indicates As the an domain operator rapidly area) moves dle- and low-level wind. is small 5 ― of anvil growth. origin of anvil (brightest area at rear of the growth of because example, in the cloud area The with the mid- leading edge Table 3 Symbol u and v indicate u- and v-component within an area 5°long, x 5°lat.. Symbol included in the area. The values labelled the mark significant difference among Time Interval (min.) respectively, which n indicates the are averaged number of sample "*" are considered to have the three cases. Longitude 105 55 E 110 E u 22.7 V 14.2 n 2 u 20.1 V 14.2 n 3 u V n 115E 120E 125 E 130 25.6 13.5 8 21.5 4.1 4 25.6 -3.8 6 38 24.3 14.6 5 12.4* 4.5 2 25.1 -4.3 5 37.2 -9.1 4 22.0 27.2 10.9 10.3 8 25.7 -3.1 8 -6.6 5 22.6 4.2 6 16.4 1.1 1 17.7 -4.5 2 -8.2 E 1 10 9 3 40° N I 41 35°N 25 u 55 V n 35° N I 41 u 13.7 V -0.2 3 n 30°N u 25 13 7 2 V n Table 4 The 0 same 7 16.3 2 6.9* -6.2* 2 14.9 -4.1* 5 1 1.3 2 as Table Time 3 Longitude Interval (min.) 130 u 55 17 11.4 2.9 2 4 33.0* V n E 135 E 33 -13 3 4 0 WOE 145 E 36.7 -8.2* 2 155 150 E 22.6 -9.2 2 24.5 16.5 9 22.3 -11.8 5 22.9 17.3 8 -17.3 -7.1* 1 22.2 -9.1 5 25.4 15.1 17 18.7 -4.2* 10 19 1 11 3* 3 E 160 21 3 -4.4 5 40° N I 41 35° N 25 u 34 V -10.0 n 4 33.7 -5.4 1 u 32.3 -6.7* 8 28.7 -4.8 5 6.3* 11.8 3 10.3 -7.8 2 11 -13 12 6.1* -8.6 4 9.9 -13.4 11 12.2 -7.8 9 12 -11 15 V n u 55 v n 35° N I u 41 30°N V n u 25 V n 3 3.7 -1 1.8 2 9 -10 1 0* 0 6 ― 6 3 9 4 19 -4.0 5 4 22.3 -6.5* 8 13.7 -19.0 1 5.2* -1 .4.4 9 6 11.9 -14.5 5 10.2* -16.6 6 12 14 9 13 21 4 9 10 14.1 -20.2 15 13. 17. 13 6* 4 0 9 12.2 -13.8 10 E Meteorological SatelliteCenter Technical Note No. 1, March 1979 of the anvil, while advancing high-level wind, may with the be moving 4. Relation of the number more slowly than the wind because of evaporation. Thus val of picture acquired. the leading edge of growing Some guidelineson selectinggood target cirrus plumes should be avoided." We had feel that the differencesin magni- tude among of cloud targets for wind estimation tointer- been presented by Hubert et al. (1971). Taking these guidelinesinto con- three cases will probably be caused by evaporation or by a fact that sideration,we height of anvil cirrusvaried with time. some From Table 3 and Table 4, we are not aware, however, how these three cases The number of targethaving been tracked is shown in Table 5. The differin wind the sample number increases as the time Fig. 4 speed totally. Fig. 3 and made an effort to track cloud targets as much as possible. tendency that intervalis shortened was recognized. are graphical representation of Table 3 and Table 4, including such data deduced from anvil cirrus which Table was regarded as inaccurate data. In these Figures, broken lines indicate an upper Time Interval (min.) Number of sample 5 12 25 41 55 213 205 147 146 and lower limites of error,±2.2m/s, describedin section 2. From show the result that little change acquired, it is speculated / / 40 field deduced from that a cloud vector displacement represents the characteristic scale feature. 30 c Accordingly, E 20 cloud selected in such LO ii H- speeds / m/s in the wind with interval of picture representative a targets density wind should be as to obtain field. Increasing the 10 <3 number of wind vectors does not mean a vector field of a small scale can be reproi 10 i 20 AT= Fig. 4 The comparison i 30 i m, A0/s duced, because it appears that the neigh- 25min. of u-component time interval 25 minutes Broken lines indicate within ±2.2 m/s. AT V in the 5 and 55 minutes. the range of error 20 = 25min. -20 Judging reasonable from it will 10 20 m/s be -10 that there are little differences in magnitude words, wind inspection, -10, among -20 three cases, in other speeds are independent m/s of the Fig. 5 The comparison of v-component. time interval of pictures acquired. Others are the same as Fig. 4. 7 ― %Miffim.*vfi- &M&& mm- boring satellite-wind vectors are not independent each 1979^3^ m 4 other. 0 u (35°N 40°N) Therefore, the conclusion in this section is: Although the number of cloud targets apparently increase when the time interval of picture is made small scale may shorter, wind fieldin 30 not be obtained. Q LlJ LJ a. if) za ^ 5. A wind fieldrepresented by statellitewinds. Wind vectors respond obtained by to the atmospheric 20 the RAWIN motions rang- mm Casei(55) ― Case 2 (41 ) Case 3 (25) ― > ing from ultra long scale motion. winds wave The response to atmospheric The area nearly to be to intermediate motion analysed small to analyze which field in ber 110 too the for analysing intermediate Therefore, instead of making analysis strictly, we search what is is wave would scale of atmosphric Fig. 6, Fig. 7, and of Fig. 8 are Table The distribution of u is a mean in 140°E longitude. wave of which Fig. 6 3000 km The zonal distribution of w-component num- u treated here is a algebraic mean to wind m/s 20 graphical Table 4. speed (30°N LU Q. to 15N a z the 10 that the 5 110 is 2000 km- 120 and smaller exist. Fig. 7 is also in phase completely. wave waves, of which length 2000 km-3000 km is recognized The of v at 35°N-40°N is shown which the wave speed around 140 150 160°E Fig. 7 The zonal distribution of w-component along the belt 30°N-35°N. Scale and symbols are the same as Fig. 6. distribution in Fig. 8, in having the minimum 150°E and V LONGITUDE those in Fig. 6 The in the Figure, however. 35°N) 130°E and It is likely pattern differs from an area 5°long, x 5° u the distribution of u at 30°N-35°Nlatitude, whose within of the Q LU at 35°N-40°N (≪ length 16O°E along the longitudinal belt, 35°N-40°N. like Fig. 6, in which wave 150 field are and value is found around 140 scale. value within an area 5°long.X 5°lat.) is shown maximum 3 130 LONGITUDE a imbedded. representation 120 a vector fieldin synoptic scale, but it is enough vector is studied. this time 1000 km X 5000 km, 10 of satellite- the wind wind found. maximum speed at the Probably to a ultra long r _ west this wave wave. On of longitude is may be related this wave, the Meteorological Satellite CenterTechnicalNote No. 1, March 1979 these grid point values and running mean m/s 15 V 10 (35°N 40°N) min Case 1 (55) Case 2(41 ) Case 3(25) ― \ \ 5 of 11 grid point lated for the 35°N latitude obtained Q UJ are are and such been Fig. 10. and along results are shown It is revealed of which approximately calcu- The a procedure the waves the ^-field have y-component respectively. with in Fig. 9 and there values u- 600 km wave to that length 2000 km in in the w-field. Composited ! wind \ Q 5 -5 ^ / /> \\ ■ * \ ed /; '* -10 /■' vector in Fig. field using 11. the 300 mb its pattern By u and v is display- comparing weather map, coincide Fig. we with 11 found each to that other, / although /, the numerical values differ in -15 115°E 110 120 130 140 160°E 125°F 135°E U5°E 155°E 6 5" 4 LONGITUDE Q LU 2 Fig. 8 The distributiono f ^-component along 35°N-40°N.Scale and 0 symbols are the Q -2 same as Fig. 6. -4 wave of seems to be imbedded. A 2000 km-3000 smaller wave km wave length -6 Fig. 9 could not be apparently- depicted, because the data is plotted every the waves from difference between and its running mean running mean corresponds point a data method. data by The the wave, scale of a wave the abcissa the ordinate to a scale of an amplitude the original data on a w-field ex- interpolated the original data, corresponds of to a length, respectively. value is computed. As the original data are not distributed uniformly, scale waves from 5°longitude interval. In order to extract the small Smaller tracted set composed value has been produced 115°E 135°E 125°E 145°E 155°E 8 of grid 5" by the aid 6 e of objective analysis (correction method). Differences then were Now, Q LU U & calculated. a set of the grid point value of 51 pieces had been prepared inspection, the wave in order of 1000 km be found having to rough a wave is found, which lengh -6 may -8 with 11 grid point values over a certain latitude. Then o g-2 5 -≪ for a longitude (from 110°E to 160°E). According o *■ Fig. 10 Others differences between 9 - Smaller are scale the same waves as Fie. on 9. a v-field. MMM -fev ^ - 120°E 110°E &WM^ W, 1 -^ 19794p 3 J! 140°E 130°E 150°E 160°E 40°N 30° WIND Fig. 11 the The interpolated latitude, while the SPEED wind speed abscissa N (mis) field. Unit is in m/s. The ordinate is is the longitude. served by the RAWIN 300 mb pressure-level. Accordingly speculated that vector between are those on the the them difference it is of wind is due mainly to the height difference of wind level. Next, we Fig. 12 The 1978. 300 mb The interval chart at 0000Z June solid lines show of which is 120 contour, meters. the The will discuss a relation between divergence computed from polated with of ysis. which is 20 m/s. magnitude Wind The area of more speed is stippled. vectors treated in this report cirrus level, while 110°E 120°E The wind vectors divergence u and v which fieldis are inter- of the former to region of the East China Japan Sea and with Here, convergence ob- downward 130°E 140°E West several are cumulus mostly clouds. is predominant where motion is expected. Cirrus clouds 150°E 160°E (xicrV) Fig. 13 The divergence fieldcalculatedfrom interpolatedu- and v-component,in which 1°longitude/latitudeis used as the grid interval. Positive areas are stippled. Unit is in x 10 the the aid of an objective analcomparison are DIV. and the latter follows. The cloud free (see Fig. 12). field (Fig. 13) satellite picture. This dotted lines indicate iso-tach, the interval than 40 m/s in wind on 27th the 5sec"1 and interval of iso-valueis 4. 10 ― Meteorological SatelliteCenter Technical Note No. 1, March 1979 MULTISEGMENT-01 78 JUN 27 04: 07Z GNS-1 IR % * * ■ MULT I SEGMENT-0 2 78 JUN 2 7 04:11Z GMS-1 IR Fig. 14 IR imageries. Frames of limited scan taken by the GMS specialoperation,from which satellitewind vectors are derived. "White" shows clouds,"black" shows earth-surface. The inserted mark " + " indicates position of bench marks. (See our text.) are extensive over the sea in the east of vector fieldin the synoptic and/or Japan. Here, divergence the intermediate upward motion These is found where can be expected. two are led to the that satellite-winds respond (5) Cloud targets should It can be said Although are reliable on Summary. The results obtained in this report are with (2) (3) To the interval get a good a should taken. mark be interval enough (4) velocity including The still remains, the Satellite-wind for little varies data, number of time an of land should distinguishing vector. be a area an respond the are not inde- to the craved, cirrus accuracy of the order of assigning levels on comparing 300 mb here, that cloud height wind a skill with be developed. marks Reference taken bench- Hubert, Wind to satellite-wind accuracy as is found vectors It is reasonable displacement. Satellite-winds wind determining of pictures. wind in a satellite-wind vectors of 2-3 m/s, the problem as follows. (1) that the vectors close to each other scale. pendent. 6. be tracked vector field. wind vector field in the synoptic scale or in the intermediate scale motions. density as to obtain the representative conclusion to the in wind L.F. Pictures. 11 ― and L.F. Whitney, Jr. (1971): Estimation from Geostationary Satellite Mon. Wea. Rev., Vol. 99 665-672.
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