Fall 2014 Japanese C1201 General Information Second Year Japanese I Instructors and Hours Section Time Room Instructor Phone & (MTWR) E-mail (UNI) 001 11:40am 405 Kent Jisuk Park x45502 12:45pm jp2194 002 1:10pm 405 Kent Shigeru Eguchi x43523 2:15pm se53 003 2:40pm 522A Kent Miharu Nittono x45500 3:45pm mn70 004 4:10pm 522D Kent Naofumi Tatsumi x45500 5:15pm nt2358 Office of East Asian Languages and Cultures: 407 Kent Hall (x45027) Office 520 Kent 514 Kent 516 Kent 516 Kent The Main Goals of the Course Second Year Japanese I focuses on the mastery of basic Japanese grammar in the four language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing). In this course you will learn to use and understand complex sentences. You will also learn to handle a variety of everyday situations. More aspects of Japanese culture will be introduced throughout the course. Textbooks and Other Materials Textbooks are available at your instructor’s office. 1. Minna no Nihongo Shokyuu II: Main Textbook 2. Minna no Nihongo, Shokyuu II: Translation & Grammatical Notes 3. Minna no Nihongo, Shokyuu II: Hyoojun Mondai-shuu 4. Minna no Nihongo, Shokyuu II: Chookai Task 25 5. Minna no Nihongo, Shokyuu II: Shokyuu de yomeru Topic 25 6. Minna no Nihongo, Kanji II 7. Supplementary Materials 8. CD (mp3 files): Audio files to be used for drills at home (Renshuu B & C) 9. https://www1.columbia.edu/sec/cu/lrc/Japanese/ Minna-no-Nihongo-Audio-Files-2nd-Year-Fall-Semester.html Audio files of each lesson’s kotoba, bunkei, reibun and kaiwa. Course Requirements 1. Everyday participation in class is necessary for learning, therefore, you must attend class on time. (You would be surprised at how much you would miss if you miss even a part of one class!) If you are absolutely unable to attend class, please submit a written explanation (such as a doctor’s note). 2. You are encouraged to speak Japanese as much as possible in class, and outside of class whenever you have the opportunity to do so (such as with your instructors/classmates, at the Japanese Chat Club, etc). 3. If you are late for the daily quiz, you will receive only half credit for the day’s attendance. 4. No make-up will be permitted for quizzes, or examinations. 5. Homework should be submitted when due. No credit will be given for late submission. However, if you must turn an assignment in late, you should still do so in order to get feedback from your instructor. 6. You are expected to study at least two hours outside of class for every hour the class meets. This includes but is not limited to reviewing previous material, doing homework, studying Grammatical Notes, and listening to audio files. 7. No auditing or “registration credit” is allowed. No PASS/FAIL is allowed. 8. A one-week absence from class without notifying the instructor will be interpreted as an unofficial withdrawal from the course. Grading System Your final grade will be determined based on the following: Final Exam Midterm Exam Other Exams (4 Exams) Oral Exam Attendance/Performance Quizzes Assignments 22% 15% 24% 2% 10% 15% 12% 100% 93 and above 90 – 92 87 – 89 83 – 86 80 – 82 77 – 79 73 – 76 70 - 72 60 – 69 59 and below A AB+ B BC+ C CD F A final grade of C+ or above is required to go on to Second Year Japanese II (C1202) in the spring semester. Otherwise, you must pass the placement test given at the beginning of the spring semester. Chat Club Chat Club is a bi-weekly informal language table. You are encouraged to attend it to speak with native speakers and other students of Japanese for free conversation. (9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/7 & 12/5 1:30pm – 2:30pm, Student Lounge-403 Kent Hall) EALAC Statement on Academic Integrity for Course Syllabi Students are expected to do their own work on all tests and assignments for this class and act in accordance with the Faculty Statement on Academic Integrity (http://www.college.columbia.edu/faculty/resourcesforinstructors/academicintegrity/statement) and Honor Code (http://www.college.columbia.edu/ccschonorcode) established by the students of Columbia College and the School of General Studies. Because any academic integrity violation undermines our intellectual community, students found to have cheated, plagiarized, or committed any other act of academic dishonesty can expect to fail the class and may be referred to the Dean’s Discipline process. It is students’ responsibility to ensure their work maintains the standards expected and should you have any questions or concerns regarding your work, you can: a) Talk with your TA b) Ask the instructor c) Refer to the Columbia University Undergraduate Guide to Academic Integrity, which includes information on what constitutes a violation of academic integrity and specific guidance on how to cite sources: http://www.college.columbia.edu/academics/academicintegrity. Second Year Japanese I (C 1201) Fall 2014 Course Schedule Required Assignments for Each Lesson: 1) (Kanji Sheet) ) (Conjugation Practice Sheet) ) (Exercise Book) ) 25 (Listening) ) 25 (Reading) 6) Content Questions 1 2 3
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