請使用封面資料夾中的檔案 D E X 2 1 0 V 2 _ M a n u a l _ Cove r _ Front _ Fi n a l _ O u t l i n e d. a i Contents Before you begin Assembly Safety Notes – IMPORTANT Symbol Reference Key Assembly Instructions Exploded View Parts List Standard Parts Parts List Option Parts Team Durango Ltd Inhaltsverzeichnis .3. .3. .4. .7. .9. .58. .71. .72. .75. ┠ḟ 僕傾僧僑 ⤌❧僌๓僑䢢 Ᏻ僔僅僧僑䢢䯋㔜せ凕 儛兗兀兏兎儹儅児兗儝 ⤌❧僌 ᒎ㛤ᅗ 儵兠儨兎儝儬 儎儻儛克兗儵兠儨兎儝儬 䣖䣧䣣䣯䢢䣆䣷䣴䣣䣰䣩䣱䢢䣎䣶䣦 .2. Bevor Sie anfangen Zusammenbau Sicherheitswarnungen – WICHTIG Symbol Schlüssel Montage Anleitung Explosionsansicht Ersatzteileliste Tuningteileliste Team Durango Ltd .3. .3. .5. .7. .9. .58. .71. .72. .75. ⴞ䤴 .3. .3. .5. .7. .9. .58. .71. .72. .75. 㓺㻻ࢃ䈪᱄ 㓺㻻 ᆿޞ亱⸛ā䠃㾷έ 䈪᱄Ҝㅜਭ䈪᱄ ㍺㼓↛傕 ⠼⛮ൌ ж㡢Ԭ䴬Ԭ㺞 ᭯㼓Ԭ䴬Ԭ㺞 7HDP'XUDQJR䙙㎗ؗᚥ .3. .3. .6. .7. .9. .58. .71. .72. .75. Before you begin Bevor Sie anfangenࡣࡌࡵ㓴㻵ࡽ䈤᰾ This manual contains detailed step-by-step instructions to show you how to assemble and set-up your new DEX210v2 for optimum performance. We want you to get the most out of your new racing machine, so we suggest that you read this manual through, from cover to cover, before beginning assembly. All Team Durango products are manufactured to WKHKLJKHVWSRVVLEOHVWDQGDUGVVRVKRXOG\RX¿QGDQ\SDUWVGLI¿FXOWWR assemble, please check that you are assembling them correctly. If you don’t follow these instructions exactly, you may damage parts of your DEX210v2. If, for any reason, you decide that you do not want your DEX210v2, you must not begin assembly. Your DEX210v2 cannot be returned to your Team Durango dealer for a refund or exchange if it has been fully or partially assembled. Diese Bauanleitung beinhaltet detallierte Step by Step Anweisungen, die Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie Ihren neuen DEX210v2 zusammenbauen und einstellen müssen, um die optimale Leistung zu erreichen. Wir möchten, dass Sie das Maximum aus Ihrer neuen Renn-Maschine herausholen können und bitten Sie, diese Bauanleitung vorn bis hinten durchzulesen, bevor Sie mit dem Zusammenbau beginnen. Alle Team Durango Produkte werden in den höchstmöglichen Standards produziert. Sollten Sie ein VFKZLHULJ]XPRQWLHUHQGHV%DXWHLO¿QGHQSUIHQ6LHELWWHREHVVLFKXP das richtige Teil handelt und ob Sie es richtig montiert haben. Wenn Sie Ihr Fahrzeug nicht nach der Bauanleitung zusammenbauen, könnten Sie Ihren DEX210v2 beschädigen. Wenn Sie aus bestimmten Gründen Ihren DEX210v2 nicht haben wollen, müssen Sie ihn nicht zusammenbauen. Ihr DEX kann nicht von Ihrem Team Durango Händler zurück genommen werden, wenn das Fahrzeug ganz, oder auch teilweise montiert wurde. ࡇࡢ࣐ࢽ࡛ࣗࣝࡣDEX210v2ࡢ⤌❧࡚ᚲせ࡞ㄝ᫂ࢆࢫࢸࢵࣉࣂࢫ ࢸࢵࣉ࡛⾜࠸ࠊ᭦᭱㧗ࡢࣃࣇ࢛࣮࣐ࣥࢫࢆᘬࡁฟࡍ⤌❧᪉ἲࢆグ㍕ࡋ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ〇ရࡣࡇࢀࡲ࡛ࡢ࣮ࣞࢩࣥࢢ࣐ࢩࣥࡣ୍⥺ࢆ⏬ࡍࡃ᪂ ࡋ࠸࣐ࢩ࡛ࣥࡍࡢ࡛ࠊ⤌❧๓ᮏ࣐ࢽࣗࣝࢆ࣮࣌ࢪㄞࡲࢀࡿࢆ࠾ ⸀ࡵࡋࡲࡍࠋTeam Durangoࡢ࡚ࡢ࣐ࢩࣥࡣ㧗࠸ရ㉁⟶⌮ࡢඖ〇㐀 .3. ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿⅭࠊ୍⤌❧ࡢ㝿࠺ࡲࡃ⤌ࡅࡀฟ᮶࡞࠸ሙྜࡣㄝ᫂᭩ ㏻ࡾࡢᡭ㡰࡛⤌❧࡚ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᮏㄝ᫂᭩㏻ࡾ⤌ࡅࢆ⾜ࢃ࡞ࡗࡓሙྜࠊDEX210v2ࡢࣃ࣮ࢶࢆ◚ᦆ ࡍࡿᜍࢀࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ୍ࠊఱࡽࡢ⌮⏤࡛DEX210v2ࢆ㏉ရࡉࢀࡿሙྜࡣ⤌❧ࢆጞࡵ࡞࠸ ࡛ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋDEX210v2ࡣࡑࡢ㒊ཪࡣ୍㒊࡛ࡶ⤌❧࡚ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ㏉ 㔠࣭ࡣ୍ษᛂࡌࡽࢀࡲࡏࢇࡢ࡛ࡈὀពࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᵜ䈤᰾Җᴹ䈖㓶Ⲵ㓴㻵о䈳ṑᮉᆖˈᛘਟ➗䈤᰾ҖⲴᮉᆖˈᶕᆼᡀᴰ 䘲ਸᛘⲴ䖖փ䇮ᇊDŽᡁԜᐼᵋᛘ㜭ཏ䈳ṑࠪҾᛘⲴ㔍֣䇮ᇊˈᡰ ԕ൘ᔰ㓴㻵ࡽˈ䈧࣑ᗵݸ䈖䈫䈤᰾ҖⲴ㓴㻵о䈳ṑᮉᆖDŽᡰᴹⲴTeam Durango䜭ᱟԕ亦㓗Ⲵ⭏ӗḷ߶࣐ᐕࡦᡀⲴˈᡰԕˈᖃᛘਁ⧠൘㓴㻵кᴹ ԫօ䰞仈Ⲵᰦˈى䈧ᛘṨሩᛘⲴ䈤᰾Җᇩˈ⺞ᇊᛘᱟԕ↓⺞Ⲵ㓴㻵ᯩ ᔿᶕ䘋㹼㓴㻵DŽ 㤕ᱟԕ䈤᰾ҖᮉᆖԕཆⲴᯩᔿᶕ࣐ᐕᡆ㓴㻵ˈᛘⲴDEX210v2ਟ㜭Պഐ䭉 䈟Ⲵ㓴㻵ᯩᔿ㘼ሬ㠤нᗵ㾱ⲴᦏՔDŽ 㤕ᛘഐѪḀӋ䴰≲㘼䴰㾱䘰䘈ᛘⲴDEX210v2ˈࡉ䈧यᴹԫօ㓴㻵ࣘDŽ ᡰᴹⲴTeam DurangoⲴ䍙আ୶൷нሩᐢ㓴㻵֯⭘Ⲵӗ૱䍏䎧ᴤᦒᡆ䘰䘈 䍓ԫDŽ Assembly Zusammenbau ⤌❧࡚๓ 㓴㻵 Contained in your DEX210v2 box are different parts bags. Each bag is marked with a number. Within each bag are all the parts required to complete a build-stage of the kit. As noted in ‘Before you begin’ (above), you must ensure that you only open one bag at a time, following the correct sequence of assembly. Before starting each build-stage, check that you have the right quantity and size of items for the build-stage. To assist you with the assembly of your DEX210v2, we have included full-size images of all the hardware parts laid out, so that you can place items on top of the images to check they are the correct size/length. Other items, such as those found on the mould tree, are also shown, but are not full-size. Der Inhalt Ihres DEX210v2 Baukastens enthält verschiede Teile-Beutel. Jeder Beutel ist mit einer Nummer markiert. In jedem Beutel sind genau die Teile, die sie für den Zusammenbau eines Bauabschnittes benötigen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass jeweils immer nur ein Beutel geöffnet ist, folgend der Baustufen. Bevor Sie mit dem Zusammenbau beginnen, stellen Sie sicher, dass alle benötigten Teile im Beutel enthalten sind. Um Ihnen zu helfen, haben wir alle Teile in Originalgröße abgebildet. So können Sie Ihre Teile im Zweifel auf die Abbildung legen, um die Größe/Dimension zu prüfen. Andere Teile, wie Teile eines Plastik-Baums sind auch zu sehen, aber nicht in voller Größe. DEX210v2ࡢ࣎ࢵࢡࢫࡣࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢ⤌❧࡚ࢫࢸࢵࣉᛂࡌࡓࣃ࣮ࢶࣂ ࢵࢢࡀධࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࡲࡍࠋࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢࣃ࣮ࢶࣂࢵࢢࡣ␒ྕࡀ࣐࣮ࢡࡉࢀ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛࣂࢵࢢࡣࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢ⤌❧ࢫࢸ࣮ࢪᛂࡌࡓࣃ࣮ࢶࡀᚲせ ࡞ࡔࡅࣃࢵࢣ࣮ࢪࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛ⤌❧ࢫࢸ࣮ࢪᚲせ࡞ࣃ࣮ࢶࣂࢵࢢ ࡔࡅࢆࢫࢸࢵࣉᛂࡌ࡚㛤ᑒࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ྛ⤌❧ࢫࢸ࣮ࢪࢆ㛤ጞࡍࡿ๓⏝ࡍࡿࣃ࣮ࢶࡀᚲせᩘධࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ☜ ㄆࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋᮏㄝ᫂᭩ࡣྛࣃ࣮ࢶࡢᐇ≀⏬ീࢆグ㍕ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋṇࡋ࠸ࣃ࣮ࢶ㸦ࢧࢬ㸧࠺Ᏻ࡞ሙྜࡣࡇࡢ⏬ീᐇ㝿ࡢ ࣃ࣮ࢶࢆ㔜ࡡྜࢃࡏࡿ࡛☜ㄆࡀྍ⬟࡛ࡍࡢ࡛ά⏝ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᛘⲴDEX210v2⭡н਼Ⲵ䴦Ԧवሶ亩䴦Ԧ࠶ᔰव㻵DŽ⇿њ䴦Ԧव䜭ᴹḷ ⽪㕆ਧˈ⇿њ䴦Ԧव䜭ᱟањঅа㓴ᡀ〻ᒿᡰ䖜ॆⲴDŽྲ਼Nj㓴㻵ࡽ䈤 ᰾njᡰᨀࡠˈ䈧⺞ᇊᛘ⇿⅑Ⲵ㓴㻵〻ᒿ䜭ਚᔰ䴰㾱Ⲵ䴦Ԧवˈᒦ䚥➗ᮉ ᆖᇩᤷ⽪䘋㹼㓴㻵〻ᒿDŽ ൘㓴㻵ѻࡽˈ䈧⺞ݸ䇔ᛘⲴ䴦Ԧᮠ䟿о㿴Ṭ䜭઼䈤᰾ҖⲴᤷ⽪аṧDŽѪҶ ᴤᴹ᭸ൠॿࣙᛘᆼᡀDEX210v2Ⲵ㓴㻵ˈᡁԜՊ൘䈤᰾Җкঠࠪо䴦Ԧᇎ 䱵ቪረ਼Ⲵ⽪മˈԕׯᛘ∄ሩ䴦ԦⲴ㿴Ṭቪረᱟ↓⺞DŽ⭡Ҿກᯉ䴦 ԦⲴቪረٿབྷф᱃Ҿ䗘䇶ˈᡁԜሶਚኅ⽪ަ⽪ޣമնнՊԕᇎ䱵∄ֻ ኅࠪDŽ .4. Safety Notes – IMPORTANT THI S K I T I S N OT A TOY. This kit is not intended for use by anyone under the age of 14. For anyone under 14, adult supervision and assistance is recommended when building and operating the kit. This kit is a high-performance radio controlled model racing product and could cause harm and personal injury. Team Durango Ltd accept no responsibility for any injuries caused by using or making this kit. This kit is designed for use on r/c car race tracks. It should not be used in general public areas. Team Durango Ltd accept no responsibility for any injuries caused by making or using this kit. Please read this manual carefully to understand which ancillary items (tools, electrics, electronics etc) are used with this kit. Team Durango Ltd accept no responsibility for the operation of any such ancillary items. It is entirely the owner’s responsibility to ensure this product is in good working order before operation. Many of the items in this kit are small enough to be accidentally swallowed and are, therefore, potential choking hazards, making them potentially fatal. Please ensure that when assembling the kit, you do so out of the reach of small/young children. All liquids etc contained in the kit are not intended for human FRQVXPSWLRQ6KRXOG\RXVZDOORZDQ\RIWKHÀXLGVVXSSOLHGZLWKWKHNLW (such as shock oil, differential grease etc), please consult a physician LPPHGLDWHO\ 6RPH RI WKHVH OLTXLGV HWF DUH ÀDPPDEOH 1HYHU VPRNH cause sparks or excessive heat near these items. Team Durango Ltd accept no responsibility for any injuries caused by any of the parts contained within or required to make the kit. 1HYHUWRXFKURWDWLQJSDUWVRIWKHFDUDVWKLVPD\FDXVHLQMXU\ Do not run your car in poor light or if it goes out of sight. Any impairment to your vision may result in damage to your car or, worse, injury to others or their property. As a radio controlled device, your car is subject to radio interference from things beyond your control. Any such interference may cause a loss of control of your car, so please consider this possibility at all times. Sicherheitswarnungen – WICHTIG D i e s e s Fa h r ze u g i s t ke i n S p i e l ze u g Alle Flüssigkeiten des Baukastens sind nicht zum Verzehr geeignet. Sollten Sie eine Flüssigkeit versehendlich verschlucken, begeben Sie sich sofort zum Arzt. Einige Teile des Baukastens sind leicht entzündlich. Rauchen Sie niemals beim Zusammenbau und Betrieb dieses Modells. Funken könnten Teile des Modells entzünden. Team Durango Ltd übernimmt keine Verantwortung für Verletzungen, die während des Zusammenbaus, oder Betrieb des Modells durch diese Dinge hervorgerufen werden können. Berühren Sie niemals rotierende Teile des Modells. Dies könnte ernsthafte Verletzungen hervorrufen. Dieser Baukasten ist nicht geeignet für Jugendliche unter 14 Jahren. Bei Jugendlichen unter 14 Jahren muss eine erwachsene Person für den Zusammenbau und den Betrieb des Modells anwesend sein. Betreiben Sie niemals das Modell bei schlechten Licht, oder wenn es außer Sichtweite ist. Jede Störung Ihrer Sicht, kann Ihr Modell beschädigen, oder schlimmer noch, Personen, oder Eigentum beschädigen. Dieses Modell ist ein Hochleistung Wettbewerbsfahrzeug und könnte erheblichen Schaden und Verletzungen hervorrufen. Team Durango Ltd übernimmt keinerlei Haftung für eventuelle Schaden, die beim Zusammenbau, oder Betrieb des Modells hervorgerufen werden. Als ferngesteuertes Modell kann Ihr Modell Interferenzen ausgesetzt sein, die die Kontrolle des Modells stören können. Jegliche Interferenz kann Ihr Modell außer Kontrolle bringen. Bitte beachten Sie stets diesen Umstand. Dieses Modell ist für den Betrieb auf Rennstrecken ausgelegt. Es sollte nicht auf öffentlichen Bereichen betrieben werden. Team Durango Ltd übernimmt keine Verantwortung für den Zusammenbau, oder Betrieb dieses Modells. Bitte lesen Sie die Bauanleitung genau durch, um sicherzustellen, welche weiteren Werkzeuge, oder Elektronik zum Zusammenbau und Betrieb des Modells notwendig sind. Team Durango übernimmt keine Verantwortung für den Gebrauch dieser zusätzlichen Gegenstände. Für den einwandfreien Zusammenbau und Betrieb ist Modells ist alleinig der Besitzer verantwortlich. Einige der Bauteile sind sehr klein und könnten eingeatmet werden, was Erstickungen hervorrufen könnte. Stellen Sie sicher, dass keine Kleinkinder in die Nähe des Arbeitsbereichen kommen können. .5. Ᏻࡢࡓࡵ̽㔜せ㸟 傹僔儑儧儬僕⋵ල働僕储僰僤僁價 ᮏ〇ရࡢ᥎ዡᖺ㱋ࡣ14ṓ௨ୖ࡛ࡍࠋ13ṓ௨ୗࡢ࠾Ꮚᵝࡀ⤌❧࣭ࡈ⏝ ࡞ࡿሙྜࡣᚲࡎಖㆤ⪅ࡢ┘╩࣭⿵ຓࡢඖ࡛సᴗࢆ㐍ࡵ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᮏ〇ရࡣ㧗ᛶ⬟࡞➇ᢏ⏝ࡢࣛࢪ࢜ࢥࣥࢺ࣮࣮࡛ࣟࣝ࢝ࡍࠋ⏝᪉ἲࢆㄗ ࡾࡲࡍᡃࢆࡍࡿᜍࢀࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ Team Durango Ltdࡣᮏ〇ရࢆ⤌ ❧୰ࠊ⏝୰Ⓨ⏕ࡋࡓ࠸࡞ࡿᡃᑐࡋ࡚㈐௵ࢆ㈇࠺ࡶࡢ࡛ࡣ࠶ࡾ ࡲࡏࢇࠋ ᮏ〇ရࡣࢧ࣮࢟ࢵࢺ㉮⾜ྥࡅࢹࢨࣥࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾබඹࡢሙᡤ㸦බᅬ࣭ 㥔㌴ሙ➼㸧࡛ࡢ㉮⾜ࡣ㐺ࡋࡲࡏࢇࠋ ⤌❧๓ᮏ࣐ࢽࣗࣝࢆ࠾ㄞࡳ㡬ࡁࠊࡢࡼ࠺࡞ᕤල࣭ࣃ࣮ࢶࡀᚲせ ⌮ゎࡋ࡚ୗࡉ࠸ࠋTeam Durango Ltdࡣ⤌❧⏝ࡋࡓᕤල➼ࡼࡿ࠸ ࡞ࡿᡃ࣭ᦆᐖᑐࡋ࡚㈐௵ࢆ㈇࠺ࡶࡢ࡛ࡣ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ ᵜӗ૱Ѫ儈ᙗ㜭Ⲵ䚕᧗ㄎ䙏⁑රˈഐҾӗ૱⢩ᙗˈ㤕ᡆ֯⭘нᖃᰦˈ ਟ㜭ᕅਁሩӪփⲴՔᇣDŽTeam DurangoሩҾԫօнᖃ㓴㻵ᡆк䙐ᡀ Ⲵཆнާԫօ䍓ԫDŽ ㉮⾜๓ࡣᚲࡎᮏ〇ရࡢࢳ࢙ࢵࢡࢆ⾜࠸ࠊᏳࢆ☜ㄆࡋ࡚ࡽ㉮⾜ࢆ㛤 ጞࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋR/C࣮࢝ࡢ㉮⾜ࡣ࡚࠾ᐈᵝࡢ㈐௵ࡢඖ⾜ࡗ࡚ࡃࡔ ࡉ࠸ࠋ ᵜӗ૱Ѫуሩ䚕᧗䖖⁑ර䎋䚃ᔰਁⲴㄎ䎋䖖DŽ䈧य൘а㡜Ⲵᔰ᭮ൠ֯⭘ ᵜӗ૱DŽTeam DurangoሩҾԫօнᖃ֯⭘к䙐ᡀⲴཆнާԫօ䍓ԫDŽ ᮏ〇ရࡣከᩘࡢᑠࡉ࡞ࣃ࣮ࢶࢆྵࢇ࡛࠾ࡾࠊㄗ㣧ࡋࡲࡍ❅ᜥࡢྍ⬟ᛶ ࡀ࠶ࡾኚ༴㝤࡛ࡍࠋ⤌❧ࡢ㝿ࡣᚲࡎᑠࡉ࡞࠾Ꮚᵝࡢᡭࡢᒆ࡞࠸ሙ ᡤ࡛సᴗࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᮏ〇ရྵࡲࢀࡿᾮయ࣭ࡑࡢࡣ㣧≀࡛ࡣ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋࡀ୍ࡇࢀࡽ 㸦ࢩࣙࢵࢡ࢜ࣝࠊࢹࣇࢢࣜࢫ➼㸧ࢆㄗ㣧ࡋࡓሙྜࡣࡍࡄ་ᖌࡢデ ᐹࢆཷࡅ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ୍㒊ࡢᾮయࡣྍ⇞ᛶ࡛ࡍࠋⅆẼ࣭⅖ࢆ㏆࡙ࡅࡓࡾ ᢞࡆධࢀࡓࡾࡋ࡞࠸࡛ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋTeam Durango Ltdࡣ࢟ࢵࢺྵࡲࢀࡿ ࣃ࣮ࢶࡸᾮయ➼࡛㈇ࡗࡓ࠸࡞ࡿᡃ࣭ᦆᐖᑐࡋ࡚㈐௵ࢆ㈇࠺ࡶࡢ࡛ ࡣ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ ᅇ㌿ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࣃ࣮ࢶࡣᡃࢆࡍࡿᜍࢀࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࡢ࡛⤯ᑐゐࢀ࡞࠸ ࡛ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ R/C࣮࢝ࡀど⏺ࡢእ⾜ࡗࡓሙྜࡸⷧᬯ࠸᫂ࡾࡢඖ࡛ࡢ㉮⾜ࡣ༴㝤࡛ࡍ ࡢ࡛࠾ࡸࡵࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋど⏺ࡢᝏ࠸≧ែ࡛㉮⾜ࢆ⥆ࡅࡲࡍ㉮⾜୰ࡢR/C ࣮࢝ࢆ◚ᦆࡋࡓࡾࠊேᡃࢆ㈇ࢃࡏࡓࡾࠊჾ≀ࢆ◚ᦆࡍࡿ༴㝤ࡀ࠶ ࡾࡲࡍࡢ࡛ࡍࡄ㉮⾜ࢆ୰Ṇࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ R/C࣮࢝ࡢ㉮⾜୰ࡣእ㒊ࡽⓎࡏࡽࢀࡓ㟁Ἴ➼ࡼࡾR/C࣮࢝ࡀࢥࣥࢺ ࣮ࣟࣝࢆኻ࠺༴㝤ᛶࡀᖖ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋR/C࣮࢝ࡢ㉮⾜୰ࡣᖖ㟁Ἴ㞀ᐖ Ⓨ⏕ࡢ༴㝤ᛶࢆ⪃៖ࡋ࡞ࡀࡽ㉮⾜ࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ ᆹޘ享⸕̢䟽㾱ʽ ᵢӝ䶔⧟ޭ㊱ ᵜӗ૱н䘲⭘Ҿॱഋԕлݯㄕˈ㤕ᛘⲴᒤ喴ᡆ㘵֯⭘㘵ᱟվҾॱԕл Ⲵݯㄕˈ䈧⺞䇔൘ԫօ㓴㻵оᰦˈᴹᡀᒤӪ䲚਼ԕ䱢ԫօн䙐ᡀ䚇 DŽ .6. 䈧࣑ᗵ䈖䈫ᒦҶ䀓䈤᰾ҖѝޣҾޣ䖵ࣙᐕާⲴ֯⭘ᯩᔿDŽTeam DurangoሩҾԫօ䖵ࣙᐕާѻнᖃ֯⭘ᡰ䙐ᡀⲴཆнާԫօ䍓ԫDŽ ᵜӗ૱Ⲵᇎ䱵ᙗ㜭㺘⧠ˈѪ⭘ᡧһࡽ䈳ṑо㓴㻵ѻ䍓ԫDŽ ⭡Ҿ䜘ԭ䴦Ԧቪረ䖳ሿˈਟ㜭ᕅ䎧ᒬ਼伏ǃર೬䙐ᡀཆ˗䈧⭘ᡧ൘㓴 㻵ᡆ֯⭘ᵜӗ૱ᰦˈ⺞؍ᒬㄕ䘌ԕᡯཆਁ⭏DŽ ӗ૱䘀ѝˈ䈧य䀖⻠ԫօ䘀䴦Ԧԕ䱢ཆDŽ ᵜӗ૱ᡰਜ਼ѻ⍱䍘䜘૱ˈ൷䶎Ӫփᡰ㜭੨᭦⎸ॆDŽ㤕ᛘнय伏⍱䍘 䜘૱ˈ䈧࣑ᗵ・ণੁ५⯇অսራ≲ॿࣙDŽ䜘ԭ⍱䍘ӗ૱ءᴹ᱃⟳ᙗˈ䈧य ൘⍱䍘䜘૱ᯱ੨✏ˈᡆᱟӾһԫօՊᕅਁ✝Ⓚкॷᡆ⚛㣡Ⲵ㹼ѪDŽTeam DurangoሩҾԫօнᖃ֯⭘⍱䍘ӗ૱ᡰ䙐ᡀⲴՔᇣءн䍏ԫօ䍓ԫDŽ 䈧य൘ݹ㓯н䏣ᡆᱟ䎵ࠪᛘ㿶䐍ཆⲴᛵߥл֯⭘ᵜӗ૱DŽ⭡Ҿ㿶㓯н㢟ᡰ 䙐ᡀⲴཆˈ䜭ਟ㜭нᕅ䎧ᛘⲴ䖖փᡆ㘵ަԆ⢙૱кⲴᦏᇣDŽ ⭡Ҿ⭥⌒ᒢᢠ䰞仈ˈᛘⲴ䖖փਟ㜭Պ㻛ԫօ䶎ᛘᡰ᧗ࡦⲴ⭥⌒䇟ਧᒢᢠDŽ 䘉Ӌᒢᢠ⭥⌒ਟ㜭Պ䙐ᡀᛘⲴ䖖փཡ᧗ˈ䈧ᛘ൘ᔰ֯ᵜӗ૱ࡽˈ⺞ᇎ 㘳㲁↔аᒢᢠഐ㍐DŽ Symbol Reference KeySymbol Schlüsselࢩࣥ࣎ࣝࣜࣇࣞࣥࢫ䈤᰾Җㅖਧ䈤᰾ The symbols below are used are various stages throughout the build of your kit. Paying close attention to these symbols, and following them properly, will ensure your kit is built properly. Die untenstehenden Symbole werden Sie in den verschiedenen Baustufen wiederfinden. Bitte achten Sie auf diese Symbole und folgen Sie den Anweisungen, um einen korrekten Zusammenbau Ihres Modells zu gewährleisten. Symbol .7. ࡇ㺘ѝⲴㅖਧሶՊ൘㓴㻵ᮉᆖѝࠪ⧠DŽ䈧ᛘ⢩࡛⌘Ҷ䀓䘉ӋㅖਧⲴѹо ࠪ⧠ս㖞DŽ↓⺞ൠ䚥➗ㅖਧⲴᤷ⽪ˈሶՊॿࣙᛘ↓⺞ൠᆼᡀ㓴㻵ᡀᒿDŽ Description (English) Assembly path of one item into another Press/Insert one item into another Length after assembly Deutsch Zusammenbau-Linie von einem Teil zum anderen Einsetzen, oder einpressen eines Teils in ein anderes Länge nach Zusammenbau Gap between two items Spalt zwischen zwei Teilen Folgen Sie dem Richtungspfeil beim Zusammenbau Follow arrow for direction of assembly 1 2 3 ୗグࡢࢩࣥ࣎ࣝ㸦グྕ㸧ࡣ࢟ࢵࢺ⤌❧ࡢྛࢫࢸ࣮ࢪ࡛⏝ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࢟ࢵࢺࢆṇࡋࡃ⤌❧࡚ࡿⅭࡇࢀࡽࡢࢩࣥ࣎ࣝὀពࡋ࡞ࡀࡽ⤌❧ࢆ㐍ࡵ ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ Japanese 㛗ࡉ Chinese 㓴㻵㓯䈧ᤷ⽪㓴 㻵Ҿਖа⢙Ԧк ㇝ཤ㓴㻵㓯䈧ᤷ ⽪クޕ䴦Ԧս㖞 㓴㻵䴦Ԧ䮯ᓖ 㛫㝸 䴦Ԧ㓴㻵䐍 ⤌❧࡚ࡢ᪉ྥὀព ࡋ࡚ୗࡉ࠸ 䈧➗ᤷᔿᯩੁ㓴㻵 ⤌ࡅ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ ࡣࡵ㎸ࡴᢲࡋ㎸ࡴ Follow steps in this order Reihenfolge beachten 㡰ᗎᚑࡗ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ ࠸ 䈧ḷ⽪亪ᒿ Gear grease Getriebefett ࢠࢢࣜࢫ ⏖━⋩ Silicone Grease Silikon ࢹࣇࣞࣥࢩࣕࣝࢢ ࣜࢫ ᐞ䙏⋩ Thread Lock Schraubensicherungsmittel ࢿࢪࣟࢵࢡ 㷪э㕪≗㜦 Pay special attention Besondere Bedeutung ≉ὀពࡋ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ ࠸ 䈧ሿᗳ༴⨶ 1RW,QFOXGHGLQWKLVNLW 1LFKWLP%DXNDVWHQ enthalten ࡇࡢ࢟ࢵࢺࡣྵࡲ ࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࡲࡏࢇ ᵜӗ૱нवਜ਼↔亩 䴦Ԧ Use double-sided tape to secure Mit doppelseitigem Klebeband befestigen ୧㠃ࢸ࣮ࣉ࡛ᅛᐃࡋ ࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸ 䈧⭘ৼ䶒㜦പᇊ Required items (not included in k it) S er vo M o to r Co ntro ller 2S LiPO batter y Batter y Charger Receiver A A B at t e r y Transmitter 6 4 d p Pinion Diff and Shock Oil Inserts D o u b l e - s i d e d Tap e Tyres C A glu e Needlenose Pliers Cross Wrench Hex Driver 1.3mm / 0.05inch 1.5mm .8. 2mm 2.5mm M4mm M3mm Assembly Instruc tions .9. A1 320215-2 A 1:1 CS M3x6mm 704004x2 320215-1 CS M3x8mm 704006x8 320269-4 320240 704006 704006 704006 704006 704006 704004 704004 .10. 704006 A2 F C FRONT B DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN 1:1 330602 BH M3x8mm 705002x2 704001 320157 601023 SHIM 3x5x0.1mm 709018x4 715001 320124-13 330602 330602 709018 601023 340004 Shim 3x6x0.5mm 709032x2 320124-10 340004 320124-13 709018 715001 320124-4 BB 3x7x3mm 601023x4 320124-3 S TO P N U T: M 3 LO W 715001x2 709018 ENSURE FREE MOVEMENT 601023 P I V O T B A L L C -T Y P E 330602x3 709018 601023 CS M3x18mm 704001x2 709032 709032 320124-11 STEERING KNUCKLE BUSHING 340004x2 705002 705002 .11. Thread Lock A3 1:1 CS M3x6mm 704004x3 704004 704004 704004 .12. A4 1:1 BH M3x6mm 705001x1 320124-7 320124-8 320124-9 "23-Sanwa / KO / JR" "24-Hitec" "25-Futaba" 320124-6 BH M3x8mm 705002x5 709032 320124-5 Shim 3x6x0.5mm 709032x4 705002 SETSCREW M3x12mm 701007x1 Use the screw that comes with your servo or: 709032 705001 P I V O T B A L L A -T Y P E 330033x1 705002 709032 705002 330033 330591-1 701007 330591-1 Assemble the drag link as shown. 2mm .13. Thread Lock Centre the servo, then install the servo horn as shown. A5 1:1 CS M3x10mm 704007x6 BH M3x14mm 705011x2 705011 704007 705011 320124-2 320124-1 704007 704007 704007 .14. B1 B 704003 330601 1:1 1 2 mm 330363-1 CS M3x12mm 704003x2 2 320123-2 330601 330363-1 CS M3x14mm 704005x4 CS M3x18mm 704001x4 320123-2 704005 P i vo t B a l l C -Ty p e 10mm Long 330601x2 320123-1 704003 704005 330598-1 330578-4 704001 .15. B2 1:1 BH M3x10mm 705005x2 SETSCREW M4x8mm 701010x2 330594-2 705005 330352 320269-2 701010 330348 Set droop screws level with wishbone as shown 330594-1 1:1 35mm 330352 .16. L B3 1:1 BH M3x10mm 705005x2 RIGHT 330601 Front Hubs R 705004 715001 330363-2 Lef t X2 340004 LEFT 330601 705005 330363-1 BH M3x12mm 705004x4 330339-3 330340-10 709032 S TO P N U T: M 3 LO W 715001x4 330339-1 330340-3 NOTE: Right/Left orientation Shim 3x6x0.5mm 709032x2 330349 R ight 330363-1 705004 715001 STEERING KNUCKLE BUSHING 340004x4 340004 330339-4 FRONT P i vo t B a l l C -Ty p e 10mm Long 330601x4 .17. 330339-2 Thread Lock Total Castor - RIGHT FRONT 35˚ 35˚ 30˚ 30˚ 25˚ 25˚ 20˚ 20˚ 15˚ 15˚ Total Castor - LEFT B4 1:1 BH M2.5x4mm 705029x4 X2 705029 705029 330353 330363-1 1:1 25mm 330353 .18. 4mm L C1 C RIGHT R R ig ht 330339-6 330312-2 LEFT 1:1 DRIVESHAFT PIN A -T Y P E 2 . 0 m m 310123x2 709015 4 601003 310113 601017 1 ROLL PIN 1.6x14mm 310135x2 310135 330363-1 310254 310437 3 2 310123 330602 BB M5x13x4mm 601017x2 330340-8 TOE-IN INSERT SYSTEM LEFT 330339-5 RIGHT Lef t BB 10x15x4mm 601003x2 Gear Grease R+1 R-0.5 R+1.5 R-0.5 R-1.5 -0 L-1 L-1.5 L-0.5 +0 L+1 L+0.5 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 TOTAL TOE-IN Shim5x7x0.2mm 709015x4 .19. L+1.5 X2 P I V O T B A L L C -T Y P E 330602x2 R-1 DRIVESHAFT BUSHING (2.0mm) 310113x2 1.52 .0 2.5 3.03 .5 4.0 4.5 TOTAL TOE-IN Pay close attention to orientation of inserts to correctly set optional toe-in. C2 L 1:1 R X2 R ig ht BH M2.5x4mm 705029x4 330363-1 705029 DROOP SCREW 701001x2 2m 330712-2 Set droop screws level with wishbone as shown 701001 330363-1 330351 2m m 705029 Rear Lef t 1:1 37mm 330712-1 330351 .20. m C3 1:1 330578-1 CS M3x10mm 704007x2 CS M3x8mm 704006x2 P I V O T- B A L L A - A R M 330037x2 709032 Shim 3x6x0.5mm 709032x2 330363-1 330350 330599 330037 704007 704007 704006 704006 1:1 41mm .21. Thread Lock 330350 D1 1 3 2 601003 310417 D 310033 310033 SMALL 1:1 310263 603005 705030 603003 LARGE SHIM 5x7x0.2 709015x1 710002 C-CLIP PLIERS RECOMMENDED 310262 SHIM 10x12x0.1mm 310033x4 601020 709015 BB 5x8x2.5mm 601020x2 601020 310263 F3-8 Caged Thrust Race 603005x1 PRE-COMPRESS SPRING 310266 708012 310417 310033 BB 10x15x4mm 601003x2 310033 For further information please refer to the Team Durango online build guide: 601003 3mm Ball 603003x14 .22. Circlip 8x0.8mm 710002x1 Black Grease Silicone Grease For rear motor follow steps on left side pages 1:1 For mid motor follow steps on right side pages .23. w w w.team- durango.com/dex210-motor- config E1 210033 E 210033 1:1 601022 310238 BH M3x22mm 705013x1 310459-1 310459-2 BH M3x15mm 705003x1 601002 310247 705003 Idler Gear Pin 310247x1 709033 709032 705013 Shim 3x6x0.5mm 709032x2 Idler Gear Shim 5x8x0.5MM 709033x2 BB 5x8x2.5mm 601022x1 .24. Gear Grease 2 0 t L ay s h a f t G e a r 210033x1 34T Idler Gear 310238x1 BB 5x10x4mm 601002x2 E1 E 1:1 BH M3x22mm 705013x1 210033 BH M3x15mm 705003x1 210033 601022 310247 709033 601002 Idler Gear Pin 310247x2 310459-1 Shim 3x6x0.5mm 709032x2 310247 601002 705003 Idler Gear Shim 5x8x0.5MM 709033x4 709033 310248 BB 5x8x2.5mm 601022x1 709032 310459-2 705013 BB 5x10x4mm 601002x4 .25. 28T Idler Gear 310248x2 2 0 t L ay s h a f t G e a r 210033x1 Gear Grease E2 + 1:1 Shim 3x6x0.5mm 709032x3 310255 BH M3x32mm 705027x2 601013 310243 BH M3x36mm 705026x1 709032 BB 5x11x4mm 601013x1 705027 705027 L ay s h a f t S p a c e r 5x6.5x11mm 310243x1 705026 DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN .26. Thread Lock 709032 310459-3 310459-4 E3 Adjust the slipper so that when the car accelerates from stationary there is a small amount of slip + 1:1 SHIM 5x7x0.2mm 709015x2 This will leave approx 2mm 2mm of exposed thread on the slipper assembly Shim 3x6x0.5mm 709032x2 PRE-COMPRESS SPRING Pin 1.5 x 7mm 310239x1 715002 310240 S TO P N U T: M 3 H I G H 715002x1 709015 709032 310244 2 310031 310246 310362 310031 310244 1 .27. Thread Lock 310239 F1 F 330601 1:1 715001 330601 Carefully note direction of shock tower. 705002 320126-1 CS M3x14mm 704013x4 320227-1 S TO P N U T: M 3 LO W 715001x1 330598-2 320126-1 P i vo t B a l l C -Ty p e 10mm Long 330601x2 704013 BH M3x8mm 705002x2 705003 704013 704013 705028 BH M3x15mm 705003x2 704013 1 2 .28. BH M3x30mm 705028x1 F1 F Carefully note direction of shock tower. 1:1 330601 330601 330598-2 BH M3x15mm 705003x2 715001 705003 BH M3x30mm 705028x1 705003 CS M3x14mm 704013x4 320126-2 704013 S TO P N U T: M 3 LO W 715001x1 704013 P i vo t B a l l C -Ty p e 10mm Long 330601x2 705028 1 320126-2 .29. 2 F2 1:1 705005 320270-3 320270-1 705005 .30. BH M3x10mm 705005x3 F2 1:1 BH M3x8mm 705002x2 705002 705002 320270-2 .31. F3 705004 705004 705005 1:1 8mm 705004 705005 705005 701008 705005 BH M3x10mm 705005x4 BH M3x12mm 705004x4 705004 320269-1 CS M3x10mm 704007x2 701008 320128-1 CS M3x8mm 704006x2 320270-5 320270-5 704006 704007 704007 .32. 704006 SETSCREW M3x16mm 701008x2 F3 8mm 1:1 701008 CS M3x10mm 704007x4 705005 320128-1 701008 320270-4 705005 BH M3x10mm 705005x2 320270-4 SETSCREW M3x16mm 701008x2 320128-1 704007 704007 704007 704007 .33. F4 705003 705014 705014 1:1 705003 CS M3x8mm 704006x2 CS M3x10mm 704007x2 715001 CS M3x30mm 704059x2 320128-4 BH M3x15mm 705003x2 310459-4 BH M3x20mm 705014x2 S TO P N U T: M 3 LO W 715001x2 704007 704007 704006 704059 704059 .34. 704006 F4 705014 1:1 715001 705014 320128-4 CS M3x10mm 704007x2 CS M3x30mm 704059x2 BH M3x20mm 705014x2 S TO P N U T: M 3 LO W 715001x2 310459-4 320269-3 704007 704059 .35. G1 330591-2 330591-2 + 330129 G 330591-5 / 330591-4 330343 1:1 1:1 330591-2 Front Left Camber Link 19.5mm 1:1 Front Right Camber Link 19.5mm 1:1 Steering Link (2 Pcs) Rear Left Camber Link (MM) .36. Rear Right Camber Link (RM) 7mm 1:1 Step 4: Attach your assembled turnbuckle linkages WR\RXUYHKLFOHDQGPDNHDQ\¿QDODGMXVWPHQWVZLWK the supplied turnbuckle wrench. 7mm Rear Right Camber Link (MM) 1:1 Step 3: Thread the ball cup onto the turnbuckle once again, and continue until you reach the VSHFL¿HGOHQJWKIRUIURQWVWHHULQJDQGUHDUOLQNDJHV 7mm 1:1 Step 1: Thread the ball cup onto the turnbuckle. Continue until all the turnbuckle linkage thread is inside the ball cup shaft. Step 2: Unthread the ball cup from the turnbuckle completely. This will fully form the internal thread pattern inside your ball cup. 20mm 1:1 To achieve the optimum turnbuckle assembly, follow this step-by-step guide and you will build the perfect linkages. Prior to assembling your turnbuckle linkages, apply a small amount of silicone grease directly to the thread area of each turnbuckle linkage. 7mm Rear Left Camber Link (RM) G2 + 1:1 Front Left Camber Link Front Right Camber Link Steering Link .37. Steering Link G3 1:1 Rear Left Camber Link (RM) Rear Right Camber Link (RM) .38. G3 1:1 Rear Left Camber Link (MM) Rear Right Camber Link (MM) .39. H1 + H Note the piston direction and location on shim 709009 705008 1:1 BH M2x5mm 705008x4 1:1 709009 SHIM2.6x5x0.5mm 709009x4 330596(Front) SHOCK O-RING 330609x8 330597(Front) S H O C K S TO P P E R 330027x4 330609 330011-3 330609 4 2 . 5 mm 330011-4 330312-5 X4 330011-5 330169(Rear) 330027 330043(Rear) .40. Shock OIL Front 400CST Rear 300CST 330590-3 2x1.7mm 330590-4 3x1.7mm (Front) (Rear) Thread Lock Use correct front and rear pistons 5 2 mm H2 + X2 1:1 Shock Rod End P i vo t B a l l 330346x2 Front P I V O T B A L L B -T Y P E 330034x2 Rear 330591-3 330346 Ensure shock length is set as shown 330591-3 330034 FRONT: 22.6mm REAR: 32.7mm .41. H3 1:1 + 2 13X1 330160 330181 2 BH M2x5mm 705008x4 M2X5 705008 BB SHOCK CAP O-RING 330160x4 1 1 330312-1 Ensure the spring perch is seated between the lower ball and shock stopper 330600-1 (Front) 330600-2 (Rear) .42. Shock OIL Front 400CST Rear 300CST H4 3 2 + Note smooth witness mark, insert upper ball on this side 1 Press upper ball into shock cap 1:1 715001 S TO P N U T: M 3 LO W 715001x4 330312-3 BH M3x18mm 705012x2 Front Shock Assembly 715001 SHOCK MOUNT SCREW M3 x24mm 708013x2 708013 FRONT 2 1 Note direction 705012 X2 .43. H5 5 + 4 3 2 1 1:1 S TO P N U T: M 3 LO W 715001x4 708013 BH M3x12mm 705004x2 SHOCK MOUNT SCREW M3 x24mm 708013x2 330312-3 3 2 1 715001 Rear Shock Assembly .44. X2 715001 705004 Press upper ball into shock cap Note smooth witness mark, insert upper ball on this side H6 + 1:1 BH M3x8mm 705002x2 BH M3x5mm 705006x2 705006 Shim 3x6x0.5mm 709032x4 Pinion (Not Supplied) 709032 705002 GEAR CHART INTERNAL RATIO 2.6 7.80 7.50 7.22 6.96 6.72 6.50 6.29 6.09 5.91 5.74 5.57 5.42 5.27 5.13 78 9.22 8.82 8.45 8.11 7.80 7.51 7.24 6.99 6.76 6.54 6.34 6.15 5.96 5.79 81 11.081 10.531 10.031 9.57 9.16 8.78 8.42 8.10 7.80 7.52 7.26 7.02 6.79 6.58 84 13.651 12.851 12.131 1.49 0.92 0.40 9.93 9.50 9.10 8.74 8.40 8.09 7.80 7.53 87 15.08 4.14 3.31 2.57 11.91 11.31 10.77 10.28 9.83 9.43 9.05 8.70 81T Spur gear included in kit PINION GEAR 75 .45. 705002 SPUR GEAR 48Dp 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 310256 709032 705006 I1 + Full I Half (B a None se Setting) 1:1 480003 390085 320126-3 320126-3 390085 Drill here for DEX210v2 Cut out Line up to marks on wing 1:1 Scale - Place clear wing on illustration .46. I2 + 1:1 320128-3 320128-3 320128-2 390298 .47. I3 + 1:1 BH M3x6mm 705001x2 BB 5x10x4mm 601002x4 NUT M4 FLANGED R I F F L E D F L ATST YLE 708005x2 510017 708005 601002 601002 510018 705001 .48. X2 I4 + 390001 1:1 390001 SETSCREW M3x3mm 701004x1 701004 .49. I5 1:1 Cut along cut line 402031 390085 390085 .50. I5 Cut along cut line 1:1 402031 390085 390085 .51. .52. .53. .54. .55. Notes .56. Notes .57. Exploded View .58. Steering 704001 320124-6 330602 709018 330602 704001 601023 320157 715001 330602 320124-13 320124-10 709032 705002 709018 320124-5 709032 705002 601023 715001 320124-4 320124-13 705001 705002 340004 709032 709032 [Servo Screw] 705002 320124-3 709032 320124-7 [23T] 320124-8 [24T] 320124-9 [25T] 709032 705002 330033 601023 705002 701007 709018 330591-1 704007 601023 709018 320124-11 704004 320124-2 704007 704004 .59. 330591-1 320124-1 Front/Rear Hubs 330312-2 310135 330363-1 601017 330602 Rear R ight 330340-8 709015 330339-6 310113 310254 601003 330339-2 330339-4 705004 R ight 330601 715001 Front 310437 340004 330339-1 310123 330363-2 330601 330363-1 330339-3 705005 Le f t 330340-3 330340-10 Lef t 709032 330339-5 705004 .60. 330363-1 715001 340004 330349 Front Assembly 320128-3 320128-3 330601 320128-2 330594-2 330601 330363-1 701008 705011 701008 330363-1 320215-2 704003 705011 320123-2 330598-1 390001 704005 704005 320269-4 320215-1 320269-2 320123-1 330348 704003 330578-4 320123-2 705005 701010 330594-1 330352 705029 320240 704006 704001 704006 704004 705029 704006 704006 704006 330353 704007 704007 704006 704001 704006 330363-1 .61. 704004 704007 704007 701004 B a l l D i f fe re nt i a l 601020 709015 310263 310262 310266 603003 [14pcs] 310033 310033 310417 601003 601003 708012 310033 705030 310033 601020 310417 603005 710002 310263 .62. G e a r b ox 705006 704013 330598-2 330601 310256 310246 330601 310031 705006 310239 704013 310255 310031 310244 310244 310362 310459-3 601013 705002 709032 709032 310240 705002 709015 310243 709032 715002 310459-1 709033 601002 310459-4 310238 310247 210033 709033 601022 210033 709032 310248 601002 705003 601002 709033 709033 310247 310459-2 601002 709033 705027 601002 310247 705013 709032 705026 .63. 601002 709033 310248 Rear Assembly 705004 705005 705005 320270-3 705014 705005 705002 705005 705003 320126-1 705004 705003 715001 705005 320270-1 705003 715028 715001 330712-2 705005 320128-4 320227-1 320269-1 330599 330037 330578-1 310459-4 330350 330363-1 320128-1 330712-1 320270-5 705029 709032 701001 330351 705029 320270-5 704059 704007 704007 330363-1 704007 704006 704006 .64. 704006 704007 704007 Rear Assembly 705002 705014 320126-2 705014 705005 705028 320270-2 705005 705003 330712-2 715001 320270-4 320128-4 310459-4 320270-4 330599 330037 330578-1 330363-1 320128-1 330350 709032 330712-1 320128-1 320269-3 705029 701001 330351 705029 704006 330363-1 704006 704007 704059 704007 .65. 704007 704007 Shock Assembly 705008 330181 705008 330160 Front 330181 330596 705008 330011-3 330609 330590-3 330011-4 330346 709009 705008 330609 330011-5 330590-4 330312-5 709009 330597 330027 330160 330591-3 330043 330169 330312-1 330011-3 330312-1 330136 330609 330011-4 330609 330011-5 330600-1 330312-5 330151 330027 330591-3 330034 330600-2 .66. Rear Front Shock Tower Assembly 330591-2 330129 330591-2 330591-2 330129 715001 330591-2 330312-3 715001 708013 510018 705012 601002 601002 705001 .67. Rear Shock Tower Assembly 708013 330591-4 330343 330591-5 715001 330591-2 330312-3 715001 510017 705004 708005 .68. Final Assembly 390085 320126-3 390085 320126-3 402031 390085 480003 390085 .69. Final Assembly 390085 320126-3 390085 402031 390085 320126-3 390085 .70. 480003 Par ts List- Standard Par ts Parts# Description TD210033 TD220005 TD310031 7' 7' 7' TD310238 7' 7' TD310244 TD310246 7' TD310254 7' TD310256 7' TD310263 TD310264 7' TD310362 7' TD310459 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' TD320215 TD320227 7' TD320269 TD320270 7' TD330027 TD330033 TD330034 7' LAYSHAFT SET BALL DIFF SET SLIPPER CLUTCH PAD (2pcs) '5,9(6+$)7%86+,1*PP'(;56SHFSFV '5,9(6+$)73,1$7<3(PPSFV 52//3,1[PP'(;56SHFSFV IDLER GEAR SET 3,1[PPSFV 6/,33(5&/87&+635,1* SLIPPER HUB SET (1pr) SLIPPER SHAFT ,'/(5*($53,1SFV REAR AXLE (2pcs) $/80,1,80027253/$7( GEAR COVER %$//',))0$,1*($5 BALL DIFF PLATES (2pcs) BALL DIFF OUTDRIVES (LIGHTWEIGHT - SHORT) (1pr) %$//',))6&5(:635,1*$1'187 SPUR GEAR 81T (48DP) %$//',))287'5,9(6/21*SU GEARBOX SET (TYPE B) )5217723'(&. 67((5,1*$1'6(592+2516(7 :,1*028176 %$77(5<675$3$17,52//%$5028176(7 $/80,1,8067((5,1*3/$7( CHASSIS SIDE POD SET (+8mm) MOTOR GUARD (Type B) 0$,1&+$66,63/$7(PP7<3(% BUMPER & REAR TOP DECK SET (TYPE B) REAR CHASSIS BRACE SET (Type B) 6+2&.&$575,'*(3,67216(7SFV SHOCK STOPPER: RUBBER (4pcs) PIVOT BALL A-TYPE (4pcs) PIVOT BALL B-TYPE (4pcs) 6863(16,21$503,927%$//3&6 .71. Parts# Description 7' TD330169 TD330181 TD330312 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' TD330363 7' 7' TD330596 7' TD330598 7' 7' TD330601 TD330602 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' TD510017 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' TD603003 7851%8&./(67((/0[PPSFV BIG BORE SHOCK BODY: 31mm STROKE (1pc) BIG BORE SHOCK CAP (4pcs) 3/$67,&6+2&.&2//$56PP+(;(66+2&.67$1'2))6(7 67((5,1*.18&./(+8%6(7 +8%.18&./(,16(576(7 7851%8&./(0[PPSFV 6+2&.52'(1'3,927%$///21* $/80,1,80)5217+,1*(3,1%5$&( $/80,1,80)5217$;/(SFV +,1*(3,15($56863(16,21,11(5PPSFV +,1*(3,15($56863(16,21287(5PPSFV +,1*(3,1)52176863(16,21,11(5PPSFV +,1*(3,1)52176863(16,21287(5PPSFV PLASTIC SPACER SET ',0(&;%$//(1'6(7%/$&. 6863(16,21$506)5217SDLU/()75,*+77<3(% BIG BORE SHOCK BODY: 21.5mm STROKE (1pc) 6+2&.6+$)7)5217PP3&6 SHOCK TOWER SET (TYPE B) 556863(16,21+$1*(5PP/5&'HJUHH7\SH% %,*%25(635,1*5(7$,1(57<3(% 2mm HEX BALL M3x10mm (4pcs) 2mm HEX BALL M3x7mm (4pcs) 6,/,&21(25,1*3[PPSFV63853/( 6863(16,21$5065($5SDLU/()75,*+77<3(% 67((5,1*.18&./(%86+,1*SFV $17(11$78%(&$3SF 675$,*+7:,1* WHEEL RIM REAR: 14mm HEX YELLOW (2pcs) :':+((/5,0)5217<(//2:SFV %$//%($5,1*3&6[[PP %$//%($5,1*3&6[[PP %$//%($5,1*3&6[[PP %$//%($5,1*3&6[[PP %$//%($5,1*3&6[[PP %$//%($5,1*3&6[[PP %$//%($5,1*3&6[[PP 3mm DIFF BALLS (14pcs) Parts# Description TD603005 TD701001 TD701004 TD701007 TD701008 TD701010 TD704001 TD704004 TD704007 TD704013 TD704054 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' TD708005 7' TD709001 TD709002 7' 7' 7' TD709032 TD710002 7' 7' TD490037 TD402031 CAGED THRUST RACE DROOP SCREW M3x13MM (10pcs) SETSCREW M3x3mm (10pcs) SETSCREW M3x12mm (10pcs) SETSCREW M3x16mm (10pcs) SETSCREW M4x8mm (10pcs) FLAT HEAD HEX CS SCREW M3x18mm (10pcs) FLAT HEAD HEX CS SCREW M3x6mm (10pcs) FLAT HEAD HEX CS SCREW M3x10mm (10pcs) FLAT HEAD HEX CS SCREW M3x14mm (10pcs) FLAT HEAD HEX CS SCREW M3x30mm (10pcs) %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV %87721+($'+(;6&5(:0[PPSFV 06(55$7('/2&.187)25:+((/6'(;56SHFSFV 6+2&.028176&5(:0[PPSFV SHIM 5x10x0.8mm (10pcs) SHIM 4x8x0.3mm (10pcs) 6+2&.3,6721:$6+(5&+520(PP,'SFV ',67$1&(6+,0[[SFV ',67$1&(6+,067((5,1*3/$7([[PPSFV STEEL SHIM 6x3x0.5mm (20pcs) CIRCLIP 8x0.8mm (4pcs) /2&.1870/2:352),/(SFV /2&.187067$1'$5'3&6 DEX210 DECAL SHEET DEX210 CAB FORWARD BODY SET (Includes DECALS & MASKS) .72. Par ts List- O p t i o n Par ts Parts# Description TD210034 TD210038 TD230004 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' TD310001 TD310002 TD310003 TD310020 TD310226 TD310243 7' 7' TD310252 TD310253 TD310257 TD310258 TD310259 7' 7' TD310275 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' GEAR DIFF SET CVD REBUILD KIT (2.Omm) 1/10 ELECTRIC BIG BORE SHOCK SET: 23mm STROKE %,*%25(635,1*6(7PP/(1*7+3DLUV %,*%25(635,1*6(7PP/(1*7+3DLUV %,*%25(635,1*6(7+$5'PP/(1*7+3DLUV %%$/80,1,806+2&.&$36(7%/$&. %%$/80,1,806+2&.&$36(72/,9( DIFF. GEAR 14T (2pcs) GEARED DIFF. AXLE (2pcs) DIFF. 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Parts# Description Parts# Description 7' 7' 7' 7' TD330282 7' 7' TD330285 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' TD330342 7' TD330345 TD330347 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' TD330400 TD330453 TD330454 TD330455 TD330456 TD330457 TD330458 TD330459 TD330460 TD330461 TD330462 TD330463 TD330464 TD330465 TD330466 TD330467 TD330468 TD330554 TD330555 7,7$1,801,75,'()52176+2&.6+$)700%/$&.SFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP<(//2:JIPP %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP3853/(JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP/,*+7%52:1JIPP %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP2/,9(*5((1JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP25$1*(JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP%25'($8;JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP'$5.%52:1JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP1,*+7%/8(JIPPSFV +'%$//(1'6(7%ODFN 7,7$1,801,75,'()52176+2&.6+$)700*2/'SFV 6863(16,21$506)5217SDLU/()75,*+7 6863(16,21$5065($5SDLU/()75,*+7 )5217%8/.+($'5)6863(16,21028176(7 SHOCK TOWER SET 556863(16,21+$1*(5'HJUHH SHOCK SHAFT: REAR (55mm 2pcs) PIVOT BALL C-TYPE 10mm (4pcs) $/80,1,805($5+8%&$55,(56SDLU %,*%25('8$/7$3(53,67216[PP+2/(6SFV %,*%25('8$/7$3(53,67216[PP+2/(6SFV %,*%25('8$/7$3(53,67216[PP+2/(6SFV 67((/)5217$;/(SFV DEX210 Imperial Steel Front Axle (Pair) %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(6<(//2:JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(63853/(JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(6/,*+7%52:1JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(62/,9(*5((1JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(625$1*(JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(6%25'($8;JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(6'$5.%52:1JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(61,*+7%/8(JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(6<(//2:JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(63853/(JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(6/,*+7%52:1JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(62/,9(*5((1JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(625$1*(JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(6%25'($8;JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(6'$5.%52:1JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.635,1*6PP:+,7(6(5,(61,*+7%/8(JIPPSFV %,*%25(6+2&.35(/2$'187$/80,1,8025,1*SFV*2/' %,*%25(6+2&.35(/2$'187$/80,1,8025,1*SFV5(' TD330556 7' 7' 7' 7' TD330576 TD330577 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' TD390003 TD390026 TD402012 TD490020 TD510015 7' TD704008 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' TD709058 TD709059 TD710001 7' 7' 7' 7' %,*%25(6+2&.35(/2$'187$/80,1,8025,1*SFV2/,9( 6+2&.&$3,16(57SFV 6+2&.6($/&$3$/80,1,80SF%/$&. 6+2&.6($/&$3$/80,1,80SF*2/' 6+2&.6($/&$3$/80,1,80SF2/,9( PIVOT BALL (3.5*6mm 4pcs) PIVOT BALL (3*6mm 4pcs) )5217%8/.+($'6863(16,21028176(77\SH% 556863(16,21+$1*(5'HJUHH7\SH% %,*%25(6+2&.3,67216(76SHF% 6,/,&21(25,1*3[PPSFV6%/8( 6,/,&21(25,1*3[PPSFV6&/($5 BODY CLIP SMALL (10pcs) 635,1*5(7$,1(5%$77(5<+2/'(5',67$1&(%86+,1*6+,06(7 DEX210 CAB FORWARD BODY (+8mm) (Includes DECALS & MASKS) DEX210 DECAL SHEET WHEEL RIM REAR: 14mm HEX WHITE (2pcs) :':+((/5,0)5217:+,7(SFV FLAT HEAD HEX CS SCREW M2x10mm (10pcs) $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV*2/' $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV*2/' $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV*2/' $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV*2/' $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV5(' $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV5(' $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV5(' $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV5(' $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV2/,9( $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV2/,9( $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV2/,9( $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV2/,9( $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV*2/' $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV5(' $/80,1,8063$&(5[[PPSFV2/,9( SHIM 3.5x8x0.5mm (4pcs) (BLACK) PVC WASHER (2.1*3.5*0.2mm 16pcs) (GREY) E-CLIPS FOR DIFF 4mm ID (10pcs) ;5,1*)25',))PP'LDSFV :+((/',67$1&(%86+,1*$/80,1,80[[PP :+((/&21(5($5SFV ',67$1&(6+,0[[SFV .74. Team Durango Ltd Team Durango Ltd Team Durango Ltd is registered in Derbyshire, England, UK Team Durango Ltd is in Derbyshire, England, Großbritannien registriert Internet: Internet: www.team-durango.com [email protected] www.team-durango.com [email protected] The contents of this owner’s manual and all associated material are copyright © Team Durango Ltd. No part of this owner’s manual or associated material may be reproduced or distributed in any medium or media without the express, written permission of Team Durango Ltd. Der Inhalt dieser Bauanleitung und alles dazugehörige Material unterstehen dem Copyright Team Durango Ltd. Kein Teil dieser Bauanleitung, oder dazugehöriges Material darf weder kopiert, oder in jegliches Medium vertrieben werden, ohne die schriftliche Zustimmung von Team Durango Ltd. Team Durango Ltd Team Durango 䙙㎗ؗᚥ Team Durango Ltd Ⓩグఫᡤ㸸Derbyshire, England, UK ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ Team DurangoⲺ㚊㔒൦൶φDerbyshire, England, UK www.team-durango.com [email protected] ᮏ᭩ࡢෆᐜࡣⴭసᶒἲࡼࡾಖㆤࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡢෆᐜࡢ୍㒊ࡲࡓࡣ㒊ࢆTeam Durango Ltdࡼࡿ ᭩㠃ࡢチྍ↓ࡋ↓᩿㌿㍕ࡍࡿࢆ⚗Ṇࡋࡲࡍࠋ .75. 㖇㔒ؗᚥφ www.team-durango.com [email protected] ᵢ䈪᱄Ҝфެީؗᚥᇯθެᡶᴿᵹ⭧Team Durangoᡶ ᴿȾᵠ㔅Team Durango䇮ਥθ⾷↘ԛԱᖘᕅ䖢䖳 請 使 用 封面 資 料 夾 中 的 檔 案 D E X 2 1 0 V 2 _ M a n u a l _ Cove r _ B a c k _ Fi n a l _ O u t l i n e d. a i
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