THE JAPANESE SCHOOL OF MELBOURNE ABN 21 005 914 474 6 ELLINGTON STREET, CAULFIELD SOUTH VICTORIA, 3162 AUSTRALIA TELEPHONE: 03 9528 1978 FAX: 03 9528 6150 E mail: [email protected] 平成26年7月31日 保護者の皆様 メルボルン日本人学校 運営理事会 理 事 長 川 崎 俊 彦 非留学生と留学生の分類及び授業料について 平素より皆様には、学校経営に絶大なるご支援を賜り、厚くお礼申し上げます。 さて、表題の件、豪州政府より学校助成条例(School Assistance Act 2008)の見直しが行われ、 ビザサブクラスに依る非留学生の分類が改正となり、2013年5月21日より施行されています。 改正された主な分類項目は下記(1~6)のようになります。メルボルン日本人学校では、下記 の分類項目に該当しないビザサブクラス保持者は、留学生扱いとし、平成26年度(2014年4月 1日))より別途、留学生用授業料を適用しています。 詳細につきましては、本校のホームページに記載いたしますのでご参照ください。 非留学生の分類 (1) オーストラリアの外交官として任務についている人の子供 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) オーストラリアの公機関の協定で公的任務についている人の子供 オーストラリアの教育機関の協定でスポンサーや奨学金をもって留学している人の子供 豪州政府の奨学金をもってオーストラリアの教育機関や団体で研修している人の子供 オーストラリアの教育機関に交換留学プログラムの一貫で研修している人の子供 下記、移民条例(Migration Act 1958)に記載されているビザ保持者の子供 (6) 非留学生ビザサブクラス リスト Visa Class 101 101 102 103 BC AH AH AX Temporary or Permanent P P P P Subclass title Spouse Child Adoption Parent 105 AJ P Skilled – Australian-linked 106 110 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 AJ BC BO BO BO AH BY AN AU P P P P P P P P P Regional Linked Interdependency Aged dependent relative Remaining Relative Carer Orphan Relative Designated Parent Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme Labour Agreement 121 124 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 AN AL AT AD AD AD AD AD EA P P P P P P P P P Employer nomination Distinguished Talent (Australian Support) Independent Business Owner Senior Executive State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner State/Territory Sponsored Senior Executive Investment-Linked Business Talent 134 135 136 137 138 139 143 151 155 BR AT BN BN BQ BQ CA CB BB P P P P P P P P P Skill Matching State/Territory Nominated Independent Skilled — Independent Skilled — State/Territory-nominated Independent Skilled — Australian-sponsored Skilled-Designated Area Sponsored Contributory Parent Former Resident Five Year Resident Return 157 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 BB TP UR UR UR UR UR UR P T T T T T T T Three Month Resident Return Provisional Resident Return Business Owner (Provisional) Senior Executive (Provisional) Investor (Provisional) State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (Provisional) State/Territory Sponsored Senior Executive (Provisional) State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Provisional) 173 175 176 186 UT VE VE EN T P P P Contributory Parent (Temporary) Skilled - Independent Skilled - Sponsored Employer Nomination Scheme 187 RN P Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme 188 189 190 200 201 202 203 204 300 EB SI SN XB XB XB XB XB TO T P P P P P P P T Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) Skilled – Independent Skilled – Nominated Refugee In-country Special Humanitarian Global Special Humanitarian Emergency Rescue Woman at Risk Prospective Marriage 302 303 309 310 401 403 411 415 416 TI TI UF UG GB GD TE TH TE T T T T T T T T T Emergency (Permanent Visa Applicant) Emergency (Temporary Visa Applicant) Spouse (Provisional) Interdependency (Provisional) Temporary Work (Long Stay Activity) Temporary Work (International Relations) Exchange Foreign Government Agency Special Program 418 419 420 420 421 422 423 426 427 TH TH GE TE TE UE TE TG TG T T T T T T T T T Educational Visiting Academic Temporary Work (Entertainment) Entertainment Sport Medical Practitioner Media and Film Staff Domestic Worker (Temporary) — Diplomatic or Consular Domestic Worker (Temporary) — Executive 428 442 444 445 446 447 448 449 TE TH TY TK TD XB UJ UJ T T T T T T T T Religious Worker Occupational Trainee Special Category Dependent Child Confirmatory Secondary Movement Offshore Entry (Temporary) Kosovar Safe Haven (Temporary) Humanitarian Stay (Temporary) 450 451 457 457 UH XB UC UC T T T T Resolution of Status — Family Member (Temporary) Secondary Movement Relocation (Temporary) Temporary Work (Skilled) Business (Long Stay) 459 UL T Sponsored Business Visitor (Short Stay) 461 470 475 476 485 485 487 495 496 UP UV VF VF VC VC VC UX UZ T T T T T T T T T New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship Professional Development Skilled Regional Sponsored Skilled – Recognised Graduate Skilled - Graduate Temporary Graduate Skilled - Regional Sponsored Skilled Independent Regional (Provisional) Designated Area Sponsored (Provisional) 497 576 695 785 786 800 801 802 804 UQ TU VA XC UO BE BS BT BP T T T T T P P P P Graduate — Skilled AusAID or Defence Sector Return Pending (Temporary) Temporary Protection Temporary (Humanitarian Concern) Temporary Asylum (residence) Spouse Child (Residence) Aged Parent 808 814 820 826 831 832 834 835 836 AK BS UK UK AO AO AW BU BU P P T T P P P P P Confirmatory (Residence) Interdependency Spouse Interdependency Prospective Marriage Spouse Close ties Permanent Resident of Norfolk Island Remaining Relative Carer 837 838 845 846 BT BU BH BH P P P P 850 851 851 UH BL CD T P P Orphan Relative Aged Dependent Relative Established Business in Australia State/Territory Sponsored Regional Established Business in Australia Resolution of Status (Temporary) Resolution of Status Resolution of status (permanent) 855 856 857 858 BV BW BW BX P P P P Labour Agreement Employer Nomination Scheme Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme Distinguished Talent 859 BZ P Designated Parent 861 862 863 864 866 880 881 882 883 DB DB DB DG XA DD DE DE CC P P P P P P P P P Skilled — Onshore Independent New Zealand Citizen Skilled — Australian-sponsored New Zealand Citizen Skilled -Onshore Regional-sponsored New ZealanCitizen Contributory Aged Parent Protection Skilled — Independent Overseas Student Skilled — Australian-sponsored Overseas Student Skilled — Designated Area-sponsored Overseas Student Skilled – Designated Area-Sponsored (Residence) 885 886 887 888 890 891 892 893 956 VB VB VB EC DF DF DF DF UD P P P P P P P P T 995 TF T Skilled - Independent Skilled - Sponsored Skilled - Regional Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) Business Owner Investor State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner State/Territory Sponsored Investor Electronic Travel Authority (Business Entrant — Long Validity) Diplomatic ※ 下記ビザサブクラス保持者も非留学生の分類に入ります。 a) hold a visa or are included in a visa in force under the Migration Act 1958 as set out below; and b) who, immediately prior to obtaining or being included in the current visa, held or were included in a substantive visa listed in section 6 above. Visa Class 010 020 030 040 041 050 WA WB WC WD WD WE 051 060 070 WE WF WR Temporary or Permanent T T T T T T T T T Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L00860 Subclass title Bridging Visa Class A Bridging Visa Class B Bridging Visa Class C Bridging Visa D (Prospective Applicant) Bridging Visa D (Non-applicant) Bridging Visa E (General) Bridging Visa E (Protection visa applicant) Bridging Visa F Bridging visa R (Removal Pending)
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