
ロ-マ字名:HIRANO, Keiko
氏名: 平野 圭子
学位(Highest Academic Qualification): Ph.D. in Linguistics
所属学会 (Academic Organizations) : 社会言語科学会、日本英語学会、日本英文学会、
Methods in Dialectology, International Association for World Englishes
専門分野 (Main Research Area): 社会言語学
担当科目 (Classes Taught) : 社会言語学ゼミ、社会言語学研究、卒業論文、英語、英
主要著書・論文 (Publications):
A new-dialect formation in an L2 setting: A rudimentary levelling among native speakers of
English in Japan. Online Publication of the 19th International Congress of Linguists, 2013.
University of Geneva, Switzerland. http://www.cil19.org/abstract/contribution/529/. 2015年.
Contact-induced levelling: The beginning stages of koineization of English in Japan. In H.
Paulasto, L. Meriläinen, H. Riionheimo and M. Kok (eds.), Language contacts at the crossroads
of disciplines. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2014年.
Dialect contact and social networks: Language change in an Anglophone community in Japan.
Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 2013 年.