Overview of Japan’s ICT (From MIC White Paper on Information and Communications in Japan, 2014) October 15th, 2014 Hirosato HAYASHI Director,Economic Research Office Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 1 Characteristics of ICT Investments in Japan (1) • Japan tends to invest at a lower rate in ICT than other countries. • The more a corporation simultaneously works to bring in ICT and to affect organizational change, the more management improvement benefits it will see. Relationship between ICT adoption / organizational change and management improvements ICT investment ratios (ratio of ICT investment to all capital investments) 50 [%] Magement improvement benefit score (six categories, total of 18 points) Japan 日本 米国 U.S. 英国 U.K. Germany ドイツ The more a corporation simultaneously works to bring in ICT and to affect organizational change, the more management improvement benefits it will see 12 8.9 45 9 40 35 0.9 3 30 6.0 2.9 6 Japan invests at a lower rate in ICT than other countries ICT化の進展 ICT adoption progress (高)(high) ICTICT化の進展 adoption progress (low) 0 25 Initiatives / reform score (four categories, total of 21 points) 20 Organizational-change / 組織改革・ human-capital initiatives (low) 人的資本の取組(低) (低) ICT adoption progress score (eight categories, total of 24 points) Organizational-change / 組織改革・ human-capital 人的資本の取組(高) initiatives (high) Comparison of organizational-change / human-capital initiatives between industry sectors 15 5 Score 4 10 4.0 3 5 2 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1984 1982 1980 1978 1976 1974 1972 1970 0 1 0 3.7 3.3 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.3 Agriculture, forestry, Manufacturing 農林水産業 製造業 fisheries (n=100) (n=738) Construction Electricity / gas 建設業 電力・ガス等 (n=452) (n=125) Commerce 商業 (n=512) Finance / 金融・保険業 insurance (n=364) Real estate 不動産業 Transportation 運輸 ICT 情報通信業 Services サービス業 (n=238) (n=300) (n=369) (n=818) 2 Characteristics of ICT Investments in Japan (2) • Japanese corporations invest in ICT more to cut costs than to increase sales. • Sixteen percent of corporations are harnessing ICT to raise profits, but many corporations have room to improve their business performance with ICT. Corporations expanding their ICT investments will contribute to the growth of Japan’s economy. Purpose of ICT investments: boosting sales versus cutting costs Set as a target and saw results 目的として設定し効果もあり Set as a target 目的として設定 50% Looking at the target achievement rates for ICT investments shows that cost-cutting targets outweigh sales-boosting targets 40% 30% 20% 33% 33% 41% 28% 45% 46% 31% 30% 26% 41% 46% 53% 53% 47% 41% 47% 51% 30% 60% 59% 52% ICT contributions to corporate profits Target achievement rate 目的達成率(右軸) (right axis) 37% 49% 34% 33% 44% 43% 27% 25% 40% 33% 38% 50% 33% 47% 40% 19% 10% All sectors 全体(n=4016) 16.1% 36.5% 47.4% Services サービス業(n=818) 17.6% 33.5% 48.9% Transportation 運輸(n=300) Real estate 不動産業(n=238) 15.7% Commerce 商業(n=512) 15.2% Electricity / gas 電力・ガス等(n=125) Set as a target (average): 31% Saw results (average): 14% Average achievement rate: 44% 向上 効果 Set as a target (average): 36% Saw results (average): 19% Saw results (average): 12% Average achievement rate: 52% Average achievement rate: 45% Improve ambition従業員の意欲や満足度の向上 and satisfaction of employees Improve capabilities to formulate and execute business 経営計画の立案と実行能力の向上 plans 組織構造の改善または改革 Improve or reform organizational structures Improve accuracy and speed of decision making by top 経営トップの意思決定の正確性や迅速性の向上 management 異業種間の交流の活発化 Stimulate exchanges between different business divisions Promote collaborations and ventures with other 他社との協働・連携の促進 companies Set as a target (average): 27% 社内効果 Internal benefits Set as a target (average): 34% Stimulate exchange and application of information within company 社内の情報活用や情報交流の活発化 benefits 利益 Cost-cutting コスト削減効果 Improve satisfaction既存の顧客の満足度の向上 levels of existing customers Improve work productivity per employee 一人あたりの作業能率の向上 Improve business processes and operational efficiencies 業務プロセスや作業効率の改善 Reduce staff 人員の削減 Lower 在庫の圧縮 inventory Increase return on investment (ROI) 投資収益率(ROI)の向上 Increasedprofits benefits Improve ability to intake customer feedback and create new 顧客の意見を吸い上げ、新しいビジネスを創り出す能… businesses Improve product-planning capabilities and proposal 商品企画力や顧客への提案力の向上 capabilities to customers Develop new customers 新規顧客の開拓 既存市場の売り上げの向上 Increase sales in existing markets Increase 新市場の売り上げの向上 sales in new markets 売上向上効果 Increased-sales benefits External 社外効果 benefits 30% Agriculture, 農林水産業(n=100) forestry, fisheries 53.3% 31.4% 52.8% 36.8% 42.5% 41.6% 42.5% 35.8% 21.7% 0% 39.0% 45.3% 15.9% 10.0% 53.8% 32.8% 10.4% Manufacturing 製造業(n=738) 48.3% 43.3% 13.4% Finance / insurance 金融・保険業(n=364) 49.9% 35.0% 15.2% 8.3% Construction 建設業(n=452) 13% 15% 15% 12% 14% 10% 16% 13% 21% 28% 18% 11% 8% 18% 16% 16% 17% 20% 0% ICT did not contribute to increased profits 利益増加ICT非貢献 ICT 情報通信業(n=369) 50% 50% Profits did not increase 利益非増加 ICT contributed to increased profits 利益増加ICT貢献 59.0% 31.0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Economic growth driven by ICT investment Corporations work to adopt ICT and to affect organizational change Growth rate of information capital stock from 3.2% to 6.8% Higher ICT investment boosts Japan’s real GDP growth rate by 0.5% Saw results (average): 17% Average achievement rate: 51% Note: 2013’s real GDP growth rate was 2.3% (second preliminary figures) 3 Structural Change of ICT Industries in the World The ICT market, which continues to enjoy solid growth worldwide, is shifting from hardware to software and from voice to data. Average annual growth rate 4,323 from 2013 to 2018 4,189 +3.4% 4,053 4,500 4,000 3,641 3,654 3,771 3,500 Market size [in billions of dollars] Breakdown of the global growth rate of the ICT market (estimated) 906 3,000 285 140 2,500 922 299 140 964 320 143 3,912 1,012 +5.0% 1,062 1,117 1,177 +6.9% 342 147 366 151 391 154 418 157 +2.4% 2,000 1,500 1,719 1,749 1,773 1,641 1,633 1,655 1,686 +1.7% 669 660 689 726 755 778 797 Data centers Software Corporate IT services Infrastructure software Storage IT product support Mobile phones Computers / tablets Servers Corporate network devices Fixed (data) Printers Corporate communication applications Mobile (voice) Fixed (voice) Note: Bubble size indicates 2013 market size Percentage of the ICT industry in 2013 [%] Market capitalization of global ICT stocks (using FT500’s industry classifications) +3.9% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Communications Corporate application software The global stock market continues to shift from fixed to mobile and from hardware to software 0 Devices Mobile (data) Strong growth is expected in corporate IT services, mobile, and software. Voice, on the other hand, will experience negative growth. Market capitalization [in millions of dollars] 1,000 500 Average annual growth rate from 2013 to 2018 [%] Global growth rate of the ICT market (estimated) IT services General industry Media Software / computer services Mobile communications Fixed communications Hardware / devices Electrical and electronic components 4 Characteristics of Japan’s ICT Industry NTT, KDDI, Softbank SCSK, Trend Micro Toho, avex Oki Electric Panasonic, Sony Japan Note: Bubble size indicates sales in 2013 or latest year available. Note: Named corporations are leading players in the corresponding layer. Operating profit ratio (2013 or latest year available) Operating profit ratio (2013 or latest year available) Japan’s ICT industry is heavily weighted toward manufacturing and telecommunications, and operating profit ratios in manufacturing remain low China Operating profit ratio (2013 or latest year available) Although China’s ICT industry structure resembles Japan’s, its expansion, with a growth rate over 30% in all layers, is remarkable Sales growth rate (2013 / 2010) Content Platforms Software Communications U.S. Overall, the U.S. industry has high profit ratios and little variance in sales between layers Communication device manufacturing Other manufacturing and components Sales growth rate (2013 / 2010) Sales growth rate (2013 / 2010) Operating profit ratio (2013 or latest year available) ICT industry structure in four countries (comparison of sales by layer) • Japan’s ICT industry is heavily weighted toward manufacturing and the telecom business, whereas the industry in the United States, overall, has high earnings and a good balance between layers. • The ICT industry in China has a similar to structure to Japan’s, but sales growth rates are remarkable in all layers. Manufacturing accounts for a large percentage of South Korea’s ICT industry. Samsung and other manufacturers account for a large percentage of South Korea’s ICT industry Content Platforms Software Communications South Korea Sales growth rate (2013 / 2010) Communication device manufacturing Other manufacturing and components 5 Key Factor for Success in the ICT Industry An analysis of transitions and changes at leading ICT corporations around the world underscored the importance of the pursuit of economies of scale, speed, and personnel and technology. Example of international horizontal specialization: Use of EMS Key Factor for Success in the ICT industry U.S. (SMT) U.S. (TAB) U.S. (LCD) U.S. (LCD) U.S. (DVC) U.S. (NOTE) U.S. corporations make maximum use of LCD: LCD televisions EMS Capturing growth 成長市場の取り込み markets (developed countries and (先進国と新興国) emerging nations) Pursuit of economies of scale International 国際水平分業 horizontal specialization EMS percentage in 2013 J (NOTE) Responding to the globalization of the ICT industry Incorporation of a global environment J: Japanese corporations SK: South Korean corporations C: Chinese corporations U.S.: U.S. corporations U.S. corporations C (SMT) C (NOTE) J (DSC) J (LCD) J (SMT) C (TAB) SK (NOTE) SK (DSC) C (LCD) SK (TAB) DSC: Digital still cameras DVC: Digital video cameras SLR: Digital single-lens-reflex cameras NOTE: Notebook computers TAB: Tablets SMT: Smartphones South Korean corporations* Bubble size and value indicates average produce large volumes on production volume per corporation in 2013 [in their own thousands of units] South Korean corporations SK (SMT) J (SLR) Note: EMS are manufacturers who J (DVC) manufacture and assemble products and components by bulk order from multiple corporations Global production share in 2013 Example of accelerating decision making: IBM (U.S.) Choice and focus on a business domain IBM (U.S.) changed to a globally optimized organization in response to advancing globalization. The company accelerated its decision making by optimally deploying its internal functions in different countries. Speed Single-country optimization model (export model) Personnel development and training Strategy HR Planning Develop ment Procurem Productio ent n Sales Manage ment Develop ment Procurem Productio ent n Global optimization model (global integration) Sales Manage ment Home country head-office functions Country A HR Planning HR Country C Home country head-office functions Planning and management Personnel and technology Manage ment Strategic and organizational aspects Execution Prompt decision making Multi-country optimization model (multinational) Develop ment Country E Country G Country F Country H Procurem Productio ent n Country D Sales Country L Country J Country I Country B Local subsidiary functions in each country Local subsidiary functions in each country Planning Country K Functions in each country 6 Prospect of Overseas Expansion of Japan’s ICT Industry Japan’s ICT corporations see India, China, and the ASEAN region as the most promising, and a majority predicts higher domestic investment and more hiring in tandem with more overseas expansion. Predictions of future growth of overseas expansion (survey) Most promising countries / regions according to ICT corporations (survey) 0 Response rate [%] Japan’s ICT corporations see India, China, and the ASEAN region as promising [No. of respondents] 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 輸出(直接/間接) Exports (direct / indirect) 31.3 [same industry] Own capitalization (100% investment) [同業種]独資(100%出資) India Direct直接投資 investment China Vietnam Brazil Myanmar 12.8 3.4 [different industry] Own capitalization (100% investment) [異業種]独資(100%出資) 2.9 [different industry] Merger with local corporation [異業種]現地企業との合弁(50%以上) (investment of 50% or more) [different industry] Merger with local corporation [異業種]現地企業との合弁(50%未満) (investment of less than 50%) 3.0 2.0 [異業種]その他 [different industry] Other investment 1.2 業務提携 Operational partnership 17.3 Predictions in tandem with future growth of overseas expansion (survey) Indonesia Thailand A majority of respondents who forecast greater overseas expansion also predicted higher domestic investment and more hiring 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Singapore Russia ICT devices 18.4 [同業種]その他 [same industry] Other investment U.S. Broadcasting / publishing 21.6 [same industry] Merger with local corporation [同業種]現地企業との合弁(50%以上) (investment of 50% or more) [same industry] Merger with local corporation (investment [同業種]現地企業との合弁(50%未満) of less than 50%) Domestic 国内投資 investment Software Electrical devices SIer / NIer / information services Precision devices Other Note: A survey of employees with understanding or awareness of certain management polices at ICT corporations Comm unications 38.5 Domestic 国内雇用 hiring 51.6 33.2 Expand 拡大 50.4 Maintain 維持 Reduce 縮小 100% 9.9 16.4 Note: Respondents who answered “Will increase” about future overseas expansion 7 ICT Utilization in Japan (1) — Analysis of Big Data Domestic data distribution in 2013 was about 8.7 times higher than eight years ago, and the application of data is generating various kinds of new value, such as contributing to a sales boosting effect totaling ¥60.9 trillion. [Transitions in domestic data distribution] [Estimate of data-use benefits in sales (2012)] (TB) 14,000,000 13,516,492 Total for all industries was ¥60.9 trillion Equivalent to 4.6% of sales by all industries in 2012 (¥1,335.5 trillion) 12,000,000 Distribution in 2013 was 13.5 exabytes (about 8.7 times more than eight years previously) 10,000,000 Breakdown Distribution industry (wholesale and retail) All other industries ¥28.1 trillion ¥32.8 trillion 8,020,140 8,000,000 [Analysis of the relationship between data distribution volumes and economic growth] 6,050,339 6,000,000 Data sets where an increase in data distribution shows a positive effect on real GDP 4,913,064 4,076,772 4,000,000 Customer data, accounting data, POS data, work operations logs, voice logs, fixed and IP phones, mobile phones, e-commerce logs, GPS data, e-mail, blogs and articles, access logs, movie viewing logs 3,477,480 2,614,878 2,004,730 2,000,000 1,556,589 Note: The prefix exa means 10 to the power of 18, or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. (見込) ) (estimated 2013年 2012年 2011年 2010年 2009年 2008年 2007年 2006年 0 2005年 Data sets where an increase in data distribution has yet to show an effect on real GDP RFID data, meteorological data, traffic information, security cameras, sensor logs 8 ICT Utilization in Japan (2) — G-Spatial Information and Open Data • Local governments are actively looking to expand applications for GIS, particularly in the area of disaster management. • However, the provision of open map information needed by corporations has not progressed sufficiently. [Promising fields for GIS application expansion] [Public data being provided or being considered for provision as open data] 20% 40% 60% 80% City infrastructure 57.6% 49.7% Tourism 55.5% 52.6% Healthcare, nursing, and welfare 53.9% 52.6% 40.9% 35.6% Traffic 37.8% 34.0% Education Various kinds of information in energy and the environmental 33.8% 29.4% Industry 32.2% 28.9% Government services 30.2% 26.8% Employment FY 2014 survey(N=733) 0% 100% 49.4% 48.6% Security Local communities (Local governments) 82.5% 78.1% Disaster management (Corporations) (企業) (地方公共団体) (地方公共団体) (Local governments) 0% [Public data needed as open data] 20.3% 18.1% 9.1% 7.7% FY 2013 survey(N=895) Survey and statistical data sets Information on government services and resident services Information on disaster management Information on public facilities (location, usage instructions, etc.) Sightseeing information Healthcare, nursing, and welfare information Information on education Map, topography, and geological feature information Information on public transportation Information on energy and the environment Information on land uses and infrastructure Information on crime prevention Information on the location and changes to private-sector… Local community information Information on employment Information on industry 20% 40% 60% 70.4% 23.0% 14.0% 50.7% 42.3% 22.0% 38.0% 17.0% 32.4% 18.0% 22.5% 15.0% 22.5% 11.0% 21.1% 17.0% 16.9% 14.0% 16.9% 11.0% 14.1% 14.0% 12.7% 16.0% ■ Public data that is being 11.3% provided 9.0% (N=71) ■ Public data 9.9% being 8.0% considered 7.0% for provision 7.0% (N=100) 4.2% 10.0% ※オープンデータを実施中または実施の方向で検討中と答えた自治体への質問 Note: Question asked to local governments that had indicated they provide or are considering the provision of open data 0 80% 20 40 60 59 地図・地下data Maps and underground 43 Public transportation 交通 Disaster management and 防災・保安・安全 security 38 City planning and construction 35 都市計画・建築 Healthcare and nursing 医療・介護 30 Statistics and surveys 統計・調査 30 Individual / resident 個人・住民情報 information 19 Disclosure methods 公開方法等 18 Meteorological information 貴省 16 Bids, procurement, and 入札・調達・補助金等 subsidies 13 Environment and energy 環境・エネルギー 12 Patents 特許 11 Company information 法人情報 8 Permits許認可 and licenses 8 Radio電波 spectrum 4 Laws and ordinances 4 法令 Other その他 42 (社) 80 ICT Utilization in Japan (3) — ICT Applications in Medicine and Healthcare 9 • There is a growing number of advanced ICT applications in medicine, such as healthcare services using EHR or the cloud. • MIC has set up the Conference for Smart Platinum Society Promotion to promote the nationwide development of a coordinated healthcare and nursing information platform. EHR reducing loads on facilities (Sado Himawari Net) • • A network for participating hospitals, medical clinics, dental clinics, pharmacies, nursing homes, and others to share patient information — such as disease type, medication details, and examination results — centered on receipt data (started operation in April 2013). The network is expected to enable clinics, hospitals, and nursing homes to provide unified healthcare and services, understand therapeutic precautions, check for jointly prescribed drugs and contraindicant drugs, and avoid redundant dosages and examinations. Specific health guidance using the cloud (Harasuma Diet) • • • Hitachi developed the Harasuma Diet, a cloud-based healthcare assistance service for the Specific Health Checkups and Specific Health Guidance program started in 2008. Aiming to reduce metabolic syndrome cases and improve lifestyle diseases, the service helps users manage their weight who enter data each day about their weight and diet. The Harasuma Diet service encourages users to improve their lifestyles and lose weight and has a function where public health nurses and other practitioners can send regular comments to users. Cloud Server ・Disease name ・Prescription ・Test result ・X-ray image ・Endoscope image ・Medical checkup data etc. Interactive network Pharmacies Automatic data collection Various database systems of hospitals Communication tools Nursing homes Medical checkup providers Medical test providers Home medical care services MIC’s Conference for Smart Platinum Society Promotion • • The conference promotes the nationwide development of a coordinated healthcare and nursing information platform based on a high-quality, inexpensive, minimal model using the cloud. It also promotes the establishment of ICT health models (disease prevention) to extend health and allow people to live independently. Under a policy of future overseas expansion in the ICT healthcare field as a leading problem-solver in the area of super aging societies, the conference is promoting international collaborative frameworks, including collaborations with overseas universities, research institutes, and ICT businesses, when examining expansion models. ICT Utilization in Japan (4) ー ICT Applications in Disaster Prevention and Traffic 10 In the field of disaster prevention, utilization of cloud technology in disaster prevention system has attracted attention based on the experience of the Great East Japan Earthquake. In the field of traffic, sophistication and streamlining of on-demand traffic service using ICT are promoted. Fujinokuni disaster prevention information share system FUJISAN (Shizuoka Prefecture) • Construct a system enabling sharing of information in real time among related organizations using cloud GIS aiming at rescuing victims within 72 hours after occurrence of disasters. • By the adoption of cloud, even if a prefectural government building is damaged by disaster, risk that all system is damaged can be avoided. Moreover, the system operation has flexibility that allows ten times of users than normal time to use the system. On-demand bus (Tamaki town, Mie Prefecture) • Data that has input based on telephone from passengers to operators is transmitted to on-demand traffic server. Then, operational boarding time candidate is indicated to passengers. In this way, operation and introduction cost of the system is reduced significantly compared to conventional type of system. • The FY2012 extra budget for “project of development of safe and lively city planning using ICT” is used for constructing a common platform where data related to information for citizens, on-demand bus utilization data, service utilization data for citizens, etc. are accumulated and linked with each other, to be utilized for creating new services. Basic Resident Register Nursing Care Insurance Fixed asset valuation etc. Usage history of On-demand bus PR magazines Contact information Disaster prevention wireless Local government services Nursing care services Disaster prevention communication Disaster prevention communication On-demand bus Medical checkup communication Shopping assistance Food delivery service
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