品 T 機 鳳 朧 」 棚 聯闇猟撤欄謬熾 er Charges incured ",or any oい delivered Minimum number of cases or poun(h fo be Additional fue fi any br edl shiPrre nt: 7OO otfrer warehouse disticts: Lead tirne ror deliverio # of day's l? #ofweek's.-.=-- inturmation below: Please provide any other additional vendor Nama Authoized compan sunatuttdcOmpanyOmlJ:__』 yoffid'sNane' レ イ Et'l bl"o't'f Z乙 惚 空 峯 維 一 _一 二 一 一 一 ― 一 ― 一 一 Pageτ 面 FELONY CONⅥ CT10N NO■ FiCAT10N State of Texぉ Le9blalive Smale Bi‖ No.1,Seclion 44.0鉾 ,Noliblion of Cnmitt HbtOry,subseclion(a), stab“ a person or bugness enlり hatentes hto aoontatwim asch001 dstictmustJve advance nolceto entt haS been∞ n宙cted of a febny.´ 丁he he dbttt r he persOn or an owner or operabr of he bllsi舶 nolice must hdude a generaldesc‖ pお n of he∞ ndtt resuttng“h he conuclion of a uony." Subsedon(b)StateS・ a school dbtttt may temhate a contract wilh a person or bushess en」 ty rtne dstrict detemines hat the person or budness entv failed to give nolice as reqdred by Subsecton(a)0「 misrepresented he∞ nductresuning ln he contton。 ■ne disttct must∞ mpensate the person or business entt fOrservices perfomed beFore he teminalion ofhe∞ ntrad." Thb Nolioeヽ Not Required of a PuЫ idy Hdd CorpOralon Vendors Name_ρ /-9″ 胤基 んι´ Au詢o虚 ed COmpmy Omidis Name(Pdnted〉 巨 ■1 ムス ヵ′ “ A. My frm is a publidy held corporalion:herefore:this repoding requirelTlentis not app‖ cable. SbnatureofCompany Oncial B.Mylmに notowned noroperated by anyone ttm has been∞ nvind Ofafebny. Signature of ComPanY Official: C. My firm b ot rned or operated by tre following individual(s) who hadhave been convicted of a fulony. Name of Felon(s): Details of Conviction(s): Signature of Company fficial: Comdete and retum utt ProDOSJ RFP#201410 FULL uNE GROCERY「 EMSWAREHOttSE,artt shぃ Page 17 o129 Requestfor ProDOSal ATrACHMENT A NOTARIZED STATEMENT VAHDATNG「雨 PO面 こ51TENTSNONCOLLuSO世 … To: Region 10 Education Service Center not been,for s快 monhs,diは 町 Or hdtty COncemα pnces ofserv ces pmposed,Or has notinluenced any person to pЮ pOse or not purpose thereon EMS WAREHOUSE,DIRECT i have read lhe compbte PЮ posal RFP♯ m14‐ 10 FULL LINE CROCERY I‐ y of al mfOmaton∞ ntamed m the SHIP fOr member dヽ いctS h Mutt Regbn Co‐ Op and tt he aco」 “ hposal Authorized Vendor fficer Typed name NOTARY PUBLIC 4‐ ステ L`lヶ ィィ _生 竹 ジI万 フ ンタ J MADDOCK d刹 cOm口 お and rdum wtt Pro● osJ 曜器職邸: 」 ユ イ ング マ /ノ `tフ 而 40 画 面 雨 雇 雨 而 RlSwAREHOUSE DlreCt鋪 o RFP12044‐ Page"da Certif ication Regarding Lobbyin g and Contrets Exceeding $100,00C in Federai @ments. Funds. into his transaction and is imposed by Submisson of bis certitcaiion is a prercquisite for making or entering which reliance ,dion rssz, l'ifle 31, u.s. code. Th'ts ce ification is a matedal re$esenbtion of fact upon file the required person to who fails iransac{ion was mde or entered into. Any for erch subiect b a cMl penalty of not less han $10,000 and not more han $'1([,000 ;ilb..d il.. tli ffia*-tr,,.iiur such failure. The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief' hat (1)NoFederalappopriabdfundshavebeenpailofwillbepaidbyoronbehalfoftheundeBigned,to p"*n for infruencing or attempting to influence an offcer or employee of any agency, a Member of i,iv C,inri"", an .m." or dpbyee ot congress, i. i*rru,r,s.i r reoeratconiract ttre niaking or an empbyee oJ a Member of Congress in connection with of a Federalgrant, the making ol a Federal loan, fre entering modifcation of a agre€rnent, and the exterision, mntinuation, renewal, amendment, or lnO a Federal mnbacl, grant, loan, oI cooperative agreernent ..fi"W. (21 paid to any peron for lf any funds otler than Fderal appropriated funds have been pairi or will be o[ Congms, an offi6r Member a of any agency, iniuencing oi attempting b influence an offcer or empbyee Federal grani or wifi tris or employee ol congresti, or an empbyee ol a Member of congress_in connection 'disclosure Form to agrear;nt, t\e undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Fofin.LLL, coop;t,e Report Lotrbying," in accordance with its instuc{ions. (3) the award Ttre unders(1ned shall require lfrat the larguage of this certificatjon be included in that dl and tiers at all appropriate ioc.uments for all covired subawards exceeding $100,0m in Federalfunds subGcipients shall certify and disclose accordingty' Rh,/., A"L.-,//- s., Name/Address of 0rg anization Er;l< t-L^.L/Q Name/Title of Submitting Official Signature Comple{e and lelunl-Uath EtlPQsa! i[firile cnocenv ,reus tllanEHousE, oked shp RFP { 201+10 Page 18 ofa Aπ ACHMENT B │ SUSPENSION, tre prospective vendu ln mordance with Execuiive order 12549 DEBARMENT AND it nor its principals is presenily debaned' suspended' certifies by submission oifi',i. Proposal, trat neiurer from parlicipating in this transaction by proposed for debarment, oectareo'ineligible, or voluntarily exduded any Federd dePartment or agency, any of ure statenents of tris certification, such wtrere the prospective ofieror is unabre to certify to participant sfrall attadr an exptanation to tris Proposal. il;p*il when this of tre fact upon wiricfr reliance was placed The certification in this dause is materid representation an entered knowingly into. rf it b rater determined trat the prospecrive ofieror transaction ,r.. Mutti-Regional ffre "nt reneoles avairabb b h; Federd Govemment, enoneous certification, in addition h otrer suspension and/ordebarment. coop may pursue ,nv .Jurr.*itable remedies, induding rj whom this provide immediate written nofrce to the person to Additionapy, the prospective vendor shail when erroneous \yas pnoposar is submitted ii at any time tre p*p".ri* ofieror reams trat its certification submittedorhasbecomeerroneousbyreasonofdrangedcircumstances. Theprospectivevendoragreesbysubmittingtrisformtrat,shouldtreproposedcoveredtransactionbe person or firm uf,ro is debaned' anV tttnt*en't9.*'I entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into t ii.ig;r., oi;oruntariry exdui.o tro* suspended, decrared autrorized by tre Multi-Reghnal CeOp' participation in this cowred tansaction, unless tre previous paragraph, if a prospective ofieror in a covered Except for transmlhns authorized under who E suspended' debaned' ineligible' or o into a transaction-*itf' transactbn knowingly Federal "nt in aooition to other remedis avairabre to tre voruntariry excruded frun participation in tre and/or suspension pu*" and a[ availabre remedies, induding Govemment, tre Mutti-Regiond coop rry t pb*i tr*.*ti-, debarment. Potenjal 1/endo「 Narne: Ti[e of Autrorized Represenralve: Uf Ma面 ng Address: SSnature: COFnplete and retum囃 h ProDOSal D'rect StrF RFP # 201+10 P39e20 of" unl日 d SahE and SerVLes,LC PH:201・ 251300 FX:201・ 251・ 6507 CONFuCT OFiN■ RST QUES■ ONNA:RE For vendo「 o7● ther per"nd● lng buslness wlth:oca:g● vernme喧 entity Fi:当 £ 】∠ 5 likcly to receiv. taxrblc k tfie local tovemment officea na m.d in this 3lction r. om. irom the filer of t,r! quetdonnalre? Cl Y- E rsrh! fitc' of t Equetionn sction of th! ,local Eorrmrnent l ts Ali,lntor *A local go\rlanmcnt *.n.income I rrorn or.tthe oftccr namg[]6 thh scction AltD the tex.bh in.ome .nt\? A "- f ls not from A th. fihr of this qu6ti -r}.t, or rr.. busanes. cntity tfiet the " "n.r/n"**. an officer oi di.cctor. or holdr an own.rship of 10 parcent or orflcr servg,/s al govamtnant ,re? O yn flrfi / Oesaribe each or buCrcss relation3hlp. / 6 LtC A● FULL LltE GROCERY「 EMS WAREHOuSE,C rectSll● RFP#2014‐ 10 1/1272● ● 5 ● プ國 工 pee 22 o129 嚇 ,LC PH:露 1・251300 “ 251・ 製 FX:201‐ unlbd sabs and SeⅣ 「ACHMENT C A7‐ "7 ONOIAIRE 'AITEREST dolng btrrin6t -tth l*l go"t-tntnt'l oth.t For vrndor or Pcrson COI'IFIICT qUES OF, @ier:76cf Go\remment Codc by a parson doint hlsineas FORM i:€ io<.I"ntiry whh the 8ov*nmantal entiv' CIQ OFFIC[uSE ONtV qucstiodn.ire mtrst bc ilcd witi lrrc rcco.ds ldmlnktrat6r ofthe locll govemment not l.t r dlan fhe 7th business tLy lftrr tl1! date the person b'come' iware of facs that requit! the stateoentb bG 6lcd. see Scction 176 006, tocal By law this Gov.mmlnt A Codc. pcnon codmitt an offlnsc if lfi? pcrron vbLtls s.clion Code. An offensa undcl thas sa<tion lt 1吹 a 176 0o5; bc'l 6oYemm'-nt cLasC mitdcmeenor' 耀こ 賢 饗毀搬鰹二澤半 躍墨≧翌盟墨買としC 『 _ □ CheCk thL box r vou are nlln3 an update to a pr^`uJy rLd qucstlonnJre 0● 1こ W requtres■ at"口 ■にan updat“ ∞ mpleted ques● ∽ naiに wnn“ appropnate Fling ty dぼ rbedin sectOn 176 0"● ).tOC爛 hter than Septen・ be,1● Fthe,o「 fOr wHch an tcい ′ Odr, Is p.idi'lt..d tEcqtrcs krcomplata tt! rbt la!! $tn 7th buCn !. oa lnacarrata-) day after fie dalr dl. o'idntltY tfl'd に 満 い tal en判 3 to alocal government o― Ofttr g― rnmental en● ,wlth resI AND desc● be the a綸 !iatton● r bln― reladonsh● . E選ぶ 昇魏 ゞ /_ 4 Nanne cach local government I=よ 電 『 lenu″ ッ ppoints o. etr'ploys local tovcmdent officers of the questlonn.lt" b filcd AND describe thc affiliation or bl.6inc's ffio tiis a / AI● pt● d■ 1/02′ 0●5 ばL山 Disc10m“ 嚇 戴 織 m出 ¨ 調器 ず 躙 吊鑓普 LI - 3 Rcportl,p● Adion' ..bid/offer/lpplisrioB u. initht a*ud 2. Ststus of Fcdcr.l of Fedctal Action: U - a. @ntract 6. grrnr Approvcd bY =器 OMB 1. Typ€ … : □II思 『 臨n" c. Pos(_awrtd c. coopantivc iSrccmoat d. loan c.looD gnlran&e I loan hsurencc 5 1f RepOrtinB Ellllty in No 4 1ぅ 4 Neme and Addre6S Of RepOrtin3 Endtyl □PttC and AddrcsS Of Prine: □lttr3fk"。 w・ kogrstn NalEc / DascriPlion: 6. Frateril Depinment / Agcncy: litinaiviouat. tasr name, firsl nsde' me“ ソ ii-Erm heck響 11蟹 “ of PrYment ("heck cIじ MI)l 品:」 I話 lsS・ ふ ffe re口 13 Type of PaymentrCheck a“ ? !. retainat ? b. one_liln. fcc :∬ ;レ omヽ 0 ● 10aXは ヽname, that apply): ? c. connksion ? d. cotrdngclt fc' rll ? a caSh ?b in‐ kind,sPCary: ? c. defcrred ? f. orher: specify: f]Ir"r*.a ot to br Pcrfoflnrd and lndicatcd in lrctn 11: ) "f-ffi-,lr"l,rdfi "fil(s), Shcet(3) SF-I-LL-A, enptovec(s)' or Membe{s) if n'ccssary) Red(s)lF LLL‐ Aa● achCd'Yes 'No 帥 _^.t.ri"l :咄 出嚇 欄 鋤聾b' Ptaccd ,"o,"s"nt",ton of {act upon wnrc0 rclia;ctwas 1澱 ;・ ffi fi i";;,il;; ;*i: :l'-(o l,l u?'.11',',:!:+T'T1"',X',1*;x ri r'\ disclosure is lequired Pursuenl semian!-uauv consress in.' i, IJilii'ipl"l,li Ti.Il,:"J;::"' l:H'Jl[$fr "J:Tt+];f '"':l'ii:i:iqlJ'i:iit"ji:;ilf : [il;;;.:;; a,oA'ooo ror cacn such railurc' EMS vVAREHOtlSE.Drecl ― AuthOrized Fot■ ●Cal Rep:● S● ndard From‐ I.LL Sh"RFI#2014‐ 10 Paoe 23 ol E duC,iOロ PROPOSAL FORM Ibr CERTIFICAT10N RECARDl‖ G TmSFAMlLY CODE :by Sa“ 驚露 合 調翼盟鑑麟棚 柵 鷺 'ActS,ん に ttR RS 1993i,郡 晦Ы J tt folbttng afndav■ ∞ntact ADDRESS PRINTED NAME AND TrTLE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATⅣ ■ SlGNATURE Co一 LlNE rEMO WttHOuこ、●lrd ship prp輩 2044_10 Paoe b Or29 ms ha manufacmtt mdb ds"bute food O熱 日 需糀謂督 、 :訓障窯鮒露出 t群 鷺 峨縞 認轟 鰐胤 鰐蹴総 器 1榊 蹴暴1躙 還1』麟 鵬 朧ぶ織淵鮮財 n. epamentOf Healh lTDH): Texas Depattent of Heab Manuractured Food O市 biOn l100W饉 綱鰤Strd Au30n TX 7879■ 31" 18881987111 A∞ py Grne oflhe Food WhObSa:● r LiCOnse mustbe induded wtt PЮ anO pOSal fiUe ot nuhorized Representative Proposal: Yet Copy ot Food wholesaler License inchrded with *@....--- Comdete and retum哺 th FULL LINE CROCERYITEMSヽ ″想 EHOUSE,Dred Ship RFP#201410 OSal PЮ ● Page 26 oF29 RECEIVED MAY 2 9 2014 8uSiNESS SERVICES Clean Alr and Water Act issued puBuant to the l, the verdor, am in compliance witr all applicabb standards, qI!98 oI Iesulations ilean Air Acl of 1970, U.a.C. i368),-E as nmended (42 U.S.c. 1857(hD, Seclion 508 *utve ofhe clean Water Act, as amended (33 grder 117389 and Environmenhl Proteclion Agenry Regulation, 40 CFR Part 15 as required under OMB Circular A'102, Attachment States o, Paragraph 14 (1) regarding reporting violations to the grantor agency and to the United Envircnment Protection Agency Assistant Adminislrabr for the Enforcernent- Potential Vendor Nam€: ″ MJ‖ ng Addressi ルん 2s44?. stc `Ч `2' 鈎 MLC Comdete and rmm wlth Pr● ●osJ 日」LL LINE CROCERY ヽ VttREHOUSE,D熙 RP F2044・ 10 Page 2ア of29 CERT:FICATЮ N OF PROPOSAL SPEC:FiCAT10NS「 RFP抑 14・40 ERMS&CONDIT10NS :朧 aCCepted h輌 鴫 祠 躙朧 鼻 聰 、 俳 coMPttY NAME ′胤 る ,珍 ∠こ ―ノ/Q′ tO Sue・ ayes ノ Addttss 洗 生 墨 必 ■ 」 t出 弟 cじ 見 需惚 一 聯鰍 '7・ vendor 冴 Typed Nal,… ZI「 gイ ″ S 夕 7助 じ 均 Jこ Z写静 一 ―… … … …… … RESIDENT VENDOR C[RTIFICAT10N h orderlor prOposd 10 be consdered,he fo‖ 蛹 w infomaton mutt be pЮ vded FJに re to cOmdete mav 麒 朧 躙 轟選 fぷ出鵠 ompanyis a“ resident vendori Signature 躙酬 酬 僻 1憫 [脚躙 置涙 剛 ; Company City 0 0 pl=l:i1T:S]: !nh06e plincipd Does your'residence state' requiE vendors vendols wno6e [esf,lElr{./E lrcre rD ure II話 .rrtti.,z "Resrdence state' Ireans lhe staie in r6ich : :H"'i#1:tffiitl ざ 網oqrrE ∬ξ 鵠:‰冨高滞よ ド獅│"lli型fte史四聖 鯛lEl空 i蹂糖 iirprlriii, YE漁 NO 悪扇 hat l ce耐ゾ Typed Name χ lagθ principal place of business is located ___=% ∞mCt htabOVe mbmtton、 〃 POSitiOn ´ ] compa■ y Name Fage 28 of FUL UNE GROCERYITFMS WttEHOUSE,Dlrect Shlp RFP#"1410 I PROPOSAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT FULL LiNE CROCERYITEMS WAREHOuSE,DlRECT SHiP IRFpr櫛 1■ lq TO:Educaton Servlce Center Regbn 10 臨itts‰ 肥∵開冨躙 鶉 blony Con■cton Notce or Clean Ar and Waterた 0 cable state or federa!laws 傲榊i榊撚隅]隣絋│ 獣贈 胤轟‰朧蹴 nl:蹴 s継 謎 肥鵠澪柵 織 は :調 器 霧懲 1 iξ Name of Firm: Datel slgnature: Name/Ti{e: ′ レ イ し レ 島 ‐ ‐ ′ ′ ζ L´′ タ = rirn'sxar*s: /O&r '5477, Lt*b& ζ夕 ″ 25'4 アイ′ `イ Phone #: Fax #: ss。「FedlD l: PROPOSAL ENVELOPES SHOULD BE PLAINLΥ MARKED: 400 East SPring Va!:ey Rd. 眈 hardSOn,Texa9 75081 DUE:Thursday,May 29,2014 at 4:30 pm Comdde and retum輌 OroDOSJ 面 面 蔽 蘇 乃SE Dred鮎 I RFP# 一 Paoe 29of29
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