s.irtsYl 3,r&ll gstdll tt Jl JtlYl 0# (6*"11 4lull) 4#L Ar.5 ql$-Jl L,.lt isfo"lt J (dJ$t{rl)6YY4"5 tJS.. Ji General Scientific and Academic Collaboration Framework Between Taibah lJniversity, (Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia And Marmara University( Istarrbul ) Turkey /′ ― Determined to promote international collaboration in various academic and research oudooks, in addition to partnerships with an inter nationally renowned higher of Marmara with the intention of developing education 3り び 出 ひ 6ト メ 16“国│」 ゝ ひ 1ヽ 」 1 夢 ムゝ1 由ッ リ し ご ふ │。鼻 メ│ ●り 。 ´ 4■ 名 与 【¨ `御 御 ξ卿 い 口IJ口 lf■ 」1口 …Ⅲ 勢 1♂ べ│ジ 」 4タ Taibah Universif s (Taibah U) desire in creating education institution exemplified by the university ,井 │」 │ `` ひ」 J6エ リ ‐ 卜しり。│し ■ ♂ lR^1ハ ‖ programs and the advancement of scientiftc and │ academic collaboration between both parties. かメ │い ば ぶち ♂ │● J国 │タ 知 RST PARTγ " i '&Yl d..JEll' :も い。 り6リ メ Refers tO Taibah universl撃 (344)Al― Madinah Al― Munawarh, P.0.Box。 メふ 4+_"ll asL^ll e6;:il1 Kingdoln Of Saudi Arabia。 oicotaibahu.edu.sa 」1川 平 こJり う represented by。 ℃ECOND PAR7V" 4+-ll r(y t ヽ 、 ハtt t) .9.(F r(+111 1 tA tV \ t t t I ) : d'rsl.i Email Addr― :Oicotaibahu.edu.sa A.Al― Mazr00a(President). L袖`も Y.ro 4!jsi, (+111\ tAt1. . ) : jjrE ,q:jn-Jl Tel,(+9661484600)ext.2035-2036 Facsimile(+9661484719941) D「 .Adnan │も 」ヽ1'ヽ ひ OL工 /リ メ :, ( YY . '1 js-.lSJYI +-tCl 』 JL 4勢 び 自│“ 脚 ト (」 J■ コ│)6ン タ ■ い■工墨 Refers tO Marrnara unNぶ撃 Ostanbul) , (+t . Y'1110 \ trAY) :Lj sd3 .い メ :嬌 │´2J Tel:(+902166514375‐ +9021663381402 Fax:+902166514383 `(+へ 。Yヽ 1loヽ εヽ人ヘ Email Addl璽賜:Kandu■ omarrnara.edu.tu Prol D「.Hamza Kandur(vcelh"idelnt)。 lntematiOnal Co‖ abOrad。 ■ . おr 鍔 J ttL Ч u」 `3ハ /メ 」 'IЧ ・φ 」│の・ 1与 り 1‐ Pagelof2 鰤■u │ムL日 ヽ ハ YO´ ヽ4` と L。 い The purpose of this framework is to strengthen and coordinate both parties' respective relationships through scientiftc and academic collaboration efforts 亀刈 │タ メ J!凄 メ 1卍 ノJ島 びり び 出口│ぼ ≦ゝりζ週│● J国 Jム ・ ゝ ♂←]│タ メ」l ζ rり J甲 叉凶IJェ ゝ いい 」 │ !リ on student development, preparation programs, and faculty professional development programs. The following initiatives out line some of the areas both parties intend to achieve: l. Faculty visit exchange programs involving teaching and research. り♂ 1山 y甲 │」卿 夕 &´ メ ハ い J :甲 ゝ ぃ な│メ しbい │こ■ 1● Lメ │ 」14■ Jヽ ・・ 1山 しい υ うJ」 いびり ♂ ひり .♂ │どヽJIJ(事 」│● yt_ 2. To accept the scholarship ofteaching assistants of the ftrst party in the graduate ♂ 」Jゝ ■メ │ひ め井興1由 口 IJメ programs at the second party's institutions to study the masters, doctoral degrees and clinical training. 札 │り 」ご口│■ メ │`」 写日1山 Lb』 ぴ │タ Jυ 」 .ヴ ,メ i甲 Jυ 」 が」IJり 井→Lll 3. Student exchange and visits for professional and cultural enrichment. も ヽ」山もコldp Ⅲ】日1山 │り ゝメI JoL │り .♂ {. Participation in organizing professional development including meetings, conferences, and continuing education Programs. 5. The exchange of information and educational materials and documents available to the institutions, which would contribute to enrich the scientific background ofthe other party. The parties retain the right to with hold documents that are confidential or private to the institution itself. Page2of! 国IJ。 国し神メ し■♂1珀■」 │ lJ.t 年 口1山 ШIご ´メ │い な」ヽ ξ絆饉 ♂ │メ 出 │卜 国│び りJ`│メ メし │・ 6E:ll_r i+ ll;ll rldlr g.ll-JJl dJi ,l-i! .t' !..A1.,,Jl +iLi ..x t'$l_l 6Ji6-,-jJl crJ Li'i-., ci ,rb :JiYl GJLU 4+^tll +l+--lt 6-.1s_91lll ヴッ ごLLり ♂ 1山・ 』_圏 │` .“ .l(. 'i',4..*,,jnlt+ Υい Yム ヽこヽハ 。L二月 │ cr\- -li .o Collaboration on joint research projects with aspirations to facilitate research funding from the different national and international sources for faculty at both parties. tヽ なメヨ│ム ヽ 国 '1ご J∴ J.│♪ !ξ ●り ‐lJ_dゃ 」 ヴ3Lll″ 」│じ■ げり」IJ、 ■ │。 。 早 Lミ 出 _‖ 亀デ 劇 J云 こ υJ、 ` い ♂ 日し 出 ひ 1 ざ ぃ │`j国 1渉諄出Lツ' │ Designing and conducting specialized training programs for faculty members by both parties. eL:c) e.a.aii. t*-,,rS elf tie3 frF.-i 。ご口│■ メ 1出 ひ 鯛 り」1乳 h Admission of First Party's faculty in fellowships and mini-residency programs offered by the Second ξ Pa.U. .V J夕 ■ メ │ぃ ILぬ J二 ^i」 メ 鯛 メ .A ♂│(亀 Lソ リfリ メ 1望 J」 し亀Lメ │び り Exchange of scientific publications issued by both institutions, such as journals, books, and any other related materials. ` J‐ J山 Jメ │」 さ L 。1 -ltメ │ム ` 脚 "り 椰 し御 1山卜 」│ル JLメ │ぃ が │り │り .dム 」 戸J Both parties have agreed that the proposed term will be for a period ofthree (3) years effective upon ● 3国 4ヽ 脚 16・oll oJ“ ニ ●it」 c● LJユ」メ .び メ│む メ い 山│ル │に (▼ )な signature. Page!of4 tひ ハ Υ 云`こヽ │ X」 メロ │ Both parties have agreed that in order to implement any service, program, and/or activity that may instigate from this agreement, should be drafted under specific service contracts. Sufficient financial and technical support for such contracts should also 」びLノ J亀 エヴiムL!め i許 oLメ lt算 い 静 」J日 │● り国 IJゝ ひ 喚 工 上出 lA与 二 。 ● 井 Jノ!」 ゝ ´ J許 .1-ハ ミ │ glli \J;irl e;)Jl qrjill3 g;r1ll pcrJl p;$: .び 」 be arranged between both parties upon signature. Both parties will nominate a representative to facilitate communications in addition to ensure continuance of relations between parties. The representative is also responsible for implementing the programs listed in the agreement in addition to coordinating activities to ensure the success of this U:_l* 川 凄メ IⅢ 羹 L甲“ 。 押 藁 劇 Ⅲい が ぃ 出 ハ蝉‐ 誹 脚 IF勇 ス` 出ム L“ ●1ム ` リ ●´9Lll ●申 」 rlJ。 │ │ `ツ い 区 .静 メ │い ■― 亀光 島し 」り ∼ ヽ ス 1出 L!♂ ふム り び│メ 1逃 │"Y鼻 “よヨ ´メ │ぃ 山Lt」 │み逼Jdメ ロ103国 │ │ partnership. l. な │ジ 」│。 ゝ こぃ 。1^ヽ ス` The previously mentioned programs and activities 山ゝ LJメ i。 光 i山 ut」 IJ山 yへ 出 ひ =墨 ッ ヽ 出 ・ド 押│夕 JJ≦ 」` do not involve participants' family members and/or dependents. 2. All participants in educational programs offered by the Second Parq must meet all program requirements including registration. Page4ofg .1 積口 │び │メ │ひ J≦ メロ │が よ ニメ │.γ 。 ツ│ムJメ │メ Jご 国│“ メ │`」 ■ ∼ `t劃 .い 」c卜」1山 │♪ !│メ JJび │メ ∼ │夕 o on │ L Li"- 亀 五ム い)」円 沖メ│´ P,J(∼ ■ ・ 仏 ヽ〔▼。/・ 〔/ヽ ・ On behalf of Second Party fuYl {-i..JEIl ue _率 基 二 8脚 On behalf of First Party Signature: メ│ム 1平 む OL工 こJυ 」 D「 .Adnan │ .。 A.A卜 Mazrooa LL』 │夕 L ‐ 8FL‐ ‐ ・‐饉 ゞ │ “ 8L島出メ │ un市 ersity Preddent Pagegof6 1 ct^ o L-i,-
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