シラバス シ ラバス 2014 年度の講義概要のデータベースを検索します。 ■学部・研究科 法/文/経/政策/外/シ/環/化 ■時間割コード 00735 ■科目名 サブテーマ Ja p a nes e Economy(Topics in Ja pa nes e Economy and Discussion) ■授業形態/単位 秋/2 ■担任者名 松下 敬一郎 ■曜限 ■授業概要・ 到達目標 ■授業概要 ■クラス 火3 <秋> A series of lectures and discussions on the Ja p a nes e economy will enable students to understand the current economic conditions and policy issues in Japan. ■到達目標 <秋> Students are expected to observe characteristics and changes in Japanese economy and understand basic economic views introduced in the text books. It is encouraged to participate actively in discussions in the class. ■授業計画 ■授業計画 <秋> Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 1. Introduction - 3F Japanese 2. Historical Background (Ito, Ch. 2, Flath, Ch. 2 and 3) 3. Postwar Economic Growth (Ito, Ch. 3, Flath Ch. 4) 4. Data Resources and References for 'Japanese Economy' 5. Business Cycles and Economic Policies (Ito, Ch. 4, Flath, CH. 6) 6. The Bubble and the Lost Decade (Ito's article in Saxonhouse) 7. Economic Development in Japan, General Discussion 8. International Trade (Ito, Ch. 10, Flath, Ch. 8) 9. Individual Topic and Discussion 1 10. Industrial Organization and Policy (Ito, Ch. 7, Flah, Ch. 9 and 12) 11. Labor (Ito, Ch. 8, Flath Ch. 15) 12. Financial Markets and Monetary Policy (Ito, Ch. 5, Flath, Ch. 13) 13. Puclic Finance and Fiscal Policies (Ito, Ch. 6, Flath, Ch. 10) 14. Individual Topic and Discussion 2 15. Individual Topic and Discussion 3 ■授業時間外学習 ■成績評価 の方法・基準 ■成績評価の方法 <秋> 定期試験を行わず、平常試験(小テスト・レポート等)で総合評価する。 Attendance (30%) and a 15 - 20 page term paper (70%) ■成績評価の基準 <秋> Grades depend on attendance and the score of the term paper. ■教科書 ■参考書 <秋> Takatoshi Ito The Japanese Economy MIT Press David Flath The Japanese Economy 2nd ed. Oxford Robert C. Hsu The MIT Encyclopedia of the Japanese Economy MIT Press Saxonhouse and Stern (ed.) Japan's Lost Decade - Origins, Consequences and Prospects for Recovery - Blackwell ■備 考 <秋> Feel free to ask questions in the class.
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