【和泉キャンパス】トップスクールセミナー シラバス <新規開講科目> 社会学 特任講師 <2014 年度秋学期開講> Sociology 4単位 1・2 年次 シーダー、チェルシー・センディ Schieder, Chelsea Szendi 授業の概要・到達目標 Introduction to Sociology In this course, students will become familiar with basic sociological terms and methods. Along with learning how to critically read scholarship in English, students will question how social forces form individual lives, how social order is created and disrupted, and how knowledge of sociological thinking can address various social problems. The course is organized into three parts: In Part One, we will discuss what constitutes sociology and society, and the intellectual tools scholars have developed to discuss both. In Part Two, we will think begin to think about three critical social categories: economic class, race, and gender. In Part Three, we will work together to apply the concepts we’ve learned to think critically about social issues such as suicide, poverty, and the internet. I will guide students in creating their own projects, in which they will have a chance to research and present on a topic that interests them. 授業内容 Part One: What is Sociology? 1st and 2nd lecture: Introduction to Sociology: What is "Society"? 3 & 4: The Sociological Imagination: Personal Troubles and Public Issues Reading: Giddens et al, Chapter 1 From Massey: C. Wright Mills, "From The Sociological Imagination" 5 & 6: The Sociological Method: What Makes Sociology Different? Reading: From Massey: Emile Durkheim, "What Makes Sociology Different? 7 & 8: Statistics: Friend or Foe? Reading: Giddens et al, Chapter 2 From Massey: Joel Best, "Telling the Truth about Damned Lies and Statistics" Please set up a meeting time with me to discuss your research project topic 9 & 10: Social Networks and Institutions Reading: Selections from Giddens et al, Chapters 4, 6, and 15 From Massey: Stephanie Coontz, "The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love" Film: Young and Restless in China 11 & 12 11: Deviance and Crime Reading: Giddens et al, Chapter 7 12: Socialization and Obedience Film: The Stanford Prison Experiment From Massey: Herbert C. Kelman and V. Lee Hamilton, "The My Lai Massacre: A Crime of Obedience?" 13 & 14: Midterm Review and Exam Part Two: How do we identify social categories? 15 & 16: Economic Class Reading: Giddens et al, Chapter 8 From Massey: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, "Manifesto of the Communist Party" 17 & 18: Sex vs. Gender Reading: Giddens et al, Chapter 10 From Course Reader: Rosalind Delmar, "What is Feminism?" From Course Reader: Candace West and Sarah Fenstermaker, "Doing Difference" 19 & 20: Race vs. Ethnicity Reading: Giddens et al, Chapter 11 From Massey: Mary C. Waters, "Optional Ethnicities: For Whites Only?" From Course Reader: Jay Caspian Kang, “Immigrant Misappropriations: The Importance of Ichiro” Part Three: How can we think about social issues? 21 & 22: Suicide Reading: From Course Reader: Selections from Robert Alun Jones, Emile Durkheim: An Introduction to Four Major Works From Course Reader: John W. Traphagan, "Japan's Suicide Problem: Searching for Answers" 23 & 24: Poverty and Inequality Reading: Selections from Giddens et al, Chapters 8 and 9 From Massey: John Isbister, "The Foundations of Third World Poverty" Selections from Anne Allison, Precarious Japan 25 & 26: The Age of the Internet and Globalism Reading: Giddens et al, Chapter 5 From Massey: Paul Wapner, "Greenpeace and Political Globalism." 27 & 28: Workshops on student projects 29 & 30: Presentation of student projects / Summary 履修の注意点・準備学習の内容 No preparation. 教科書 1) Giddens, Anthony, et al. 2011. Introduction to Sociology. 8th Edition. New York, WW Norton and Company. (Available on amazon.co.jp) 2) Massey, Garth. 2011. Readings for Sociology. 7th Edition. New York, WW Norton and Company. (Available on amazon.co.jp) 3) Course packet (I will distribute course packet readings in class.) 参考書 None. 成績評価の方法 Attendance and participation. Media assignment. Reading quizzes. Midterm exam. Final student projects. その他 【和泉キャンパス】トップスクールセミナー シラバス <新規開講科目> <2014 年度秋学期開講> 演習テーマ:The History behind the News(ニュースの裏読み) 授業内容・授業の到達目標 600 文字以内 Every day we are confronted by information in newspapers, on the television, Twitter, Mixi, and Facebook called "the news." However, these news stories rarely discuss the deeper history behind the important issues. In this seminar, we will critically approach contemporary news stories. We will read about the history behind topics such as women in the workforce, Japan’s relationship with China and the United States, abortion, the death penalty, nuclear power and environmentalism, and poverty. As a class, we will learn about many of these key debates in Japanese and American society. Since we will consider the English-language media’s importance in forming popular opinion on these issues, this course is particularly recommended for students who will study abroad. All the topics we will discuss are quite complex and emotional, so students are invited to bring an open mind, respect for other opinions, and curiosity about the major social issues of their time. This class is a safe space to explore students’ opinions about difficult and sensitive material. 教科書・使用教材: Course packet (I will distribute course packet readings in class.) 受講希望者に対する希望・準備学習の内容: No preparation 成績評価方法: Attendance and participation, news media journal and final exam. 教員の研究分野…社会学、ジェンダー学 募集人員…10名程度 募集方法…最初のガイダンスで決定する。 政経教養セミナー投稿 無(2012・2013 年度 授業担当なし)
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