What is Grutto Pass 2014? -Grutto Pass 2014 is a ticket booklet which provides one-time admission or discount to the 78 facilities in Tokyo. How to use -Grutto Pass 2014 allows you one-time admission to each facility and is valid for 2 months from first use. The final expiration date will be March 31, 2015. Please have an expiration date stamped on your Grutto Pass when you first use it. Sale price ¥2,000 ※Adult price only Where to get Grutto Pass 2014 Grutto Pass 2014 is available at all 78 Grutto Pass facilities / Tokyo Tourist Information Center (1st floor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building) / LIBRO Ikebukuro, LIBRO Shiodome SIO-SITE, LIBRO Chofu / PARCO Book Center Shibuya, PARCO Book Center Kichijoji / Ueno Park Information/ Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center/TIC TOKYO (Nihonbashi Exit of Tokyo Station),etc. Notice -Passes are non-refundable. (No exchanges, extension of validity under any circumstances, including natural disasters.) -Not valid if the front cover or tickets are detached from booklet or doctored. -Not valid without a legible expiration date. Passes are non-transferable. -Please contact each facility for details of discounts and exhibitions. -Not valid with any other discount tickets. -Please check each discount rate when children and seniors (65 years & older) visit facilities. 1 “Grutto Pass 2014” exhibition schedules Autumn and Winter 2014/12/15 上野周辺エリア Around the UENO AREA(13) 施設番号 Museum Number 1 施設名 Museum Name 下町風俗資料館 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name Shitamachi Museum 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount Permanent Exhibitions Closed up to 11/10~1/1 【Adult \100 off】 2 上野の森美術館 The Ueno Royal Museum 国立西洋美術館 The National Museum of Western Art - The Vision of Contemporary Art 2015 3/14(Sat)〜3/30(Mon) 【Adult \80 off】 3 - Permanent Exhibition Closed up to 1/13~3/2 Permanent Exhibitions 4 国立科学博物館 【Adult \100 off】 National Museum of Exhibitions Nature and Science 10/15(Wed)~1/18(Sun) 3/3(Thu)~4/19(Sun) HIKARI – The Wonder of Light 10/28(Tue)~2/22(Sun) 【Adult \100 off】 Permanent Exhibition 5 東京国立博物館 Tokyo National Museum - 【Adult \100 off】 Masterpieces of Buddhist Sculpture from Northern Japan 1/14(Wed)~4/5(Sun) 6 東京都美術館 TOKYO METROPOLITAN ART MUSEUM Ueno Zoological Gardens TOKYO "SHO" 2015: Japanese Calligraphy Today 1/4(Sun)~1/16(Fri) New-wave Artists 2015―From the Public Entry Exhibition 2/19(Thu)~3/15(Sun) Admission 【Adult \100 off】 Neo-Impressionism, from Light to Color 1/24(Sat)~3/29(Sun) 7 恩賜上野動物園 - 8 Tokyo University of 東京藝術大学大学 the Arts, The 美術館 University Art Museum 9 朝倉彫塑館 ASAKURA Museum Permanent Exhibitions of Sculpture 10 書道博物館 Calligraphy Museum 11 一葉記念館 Ichiyo Memorial Hall 12 石洞美術館 SEKIDO MUSEUM OF ART Exhibition 7/12(Sat)~12/24(Sun) 1/10(Sat)~4/5(Sun) - 13 アミューズミュージ アム AMUSE MUSEUM BORO-the Paintings on Fabric Shabbily Beautiful~ 10/8(Wed)~ - — - Permanent Exhibitions Special exhibition 10/11(Sat)~3/22(Sun) - Permanent Exhibitions Special exhibition 10/1(Wed)~12/24(Wed) - 2 東京・皇居周辺エリア TOKYO・Around the Imperial Palace AREA(11) 施設番号 Museum Number 14 15 施設名 Museum Name 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount TIME OF THE MEZZOTINT COLORS BEYOND THE STARS Muse'e Hamaguchi 10/11(Sat)~12/23(Tue) ミュゼ浜口陽三・ヤ Yozo:Yamasa マサコレクション Collection Sense modern 1/10(Sat)~3/22(Sun) 三井記念美術館 Mitsui Memorial Museum - Snow,Moon and Flowers: national Treasure "Pine Trees in the Snow"and Seasonal Flowers 12/11(Tue)~1/24(Sat) - Special Exhibition 2/7(Sat)~4/5(Sun) Bridgestone Museum of art Willem de Kooning From the John and Kimiko Powers Collection 10/8(Wed)~1/12(Mon) 16 ブリヂストン美術館 17 東京国立近代美術 National Film Center, Film History in Posters Part 2: Musical Films The National Museum 館フィルムセンター of Modern Art, Tokyo 1/6(Tue)~3/29(Sun) - - The Third the 57th Exhibition Mitsuo Aida Birth 90th Lifelong passion lifelong youth 9/9(Tue)~12/21(Sun) 18 相田みつを美術館 Mitsuo Aida Museum Hall 2 Simultaneous Exhibition Life it's fullest -MAYUMI TAKAHASHI Doll Exhibition10/7(Tue)~12/21(Sun) - The 58th Exhibition Mitsuo Aida The life without title 12/23(Tue)~3/8(Sun) 【Adult\200 off】 Ninsei, Kenzan and Crafts of Kyoto —Utensils of Elegance 10/25(Sat)~12/21(Sun) 19 出光美術館 Idemitsu Museum of Arts - Monogatari-e Illustrated Narrative Painting — "Words" and "Forms" 1/10(Sat)~2/15(Sun) Commemorating the 50th Year of the Death of the Artist Kosugi Hōan —Love for the "East" 2/21(Sat)~3/29(Sun) Permanent Exhibitions 20 印刷博物館 Printing Museum,Tokyo 21 昭和館 Showa-Kan Permanent Exhibitions - 22 科学技術館 Science Museum Permanent Exhibitions - 23 The National MOMAT Collection 東京国立近代美術 Museum of Modern 11/11(Tue)~3/1(Sun) 館 Art, Tokyo 3/7(Sat)~5/17(Sun) 24 Modern Craft Art Japan:The Beauty of Japan Through Sele cted Masterpieces:From the Museum Collection Crafts Gallery, The 東京国立近代美術 12/5(Fri)-2/15(Sun) National Museum of 館工芸館 Modern Art, Tokyo Nakamura Minato(tentative title) 2/24(Tue)-4/19(Sun) - Exhibition 10/18(Sat)~1/12(Mon) 【Other discounts】 Takamatsu Jiro:Mysteries 12/2(Tue)-3/1(Sun) - 3 目黒・港・世田谷エリア MEGURO・MINATO・SETAGAYA AREA(17) 施設番号 Museum Number 25 施設名 Museum Name パナソニック 汐溜 ミュージアム 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name Panasonic Shiodome Museum 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount Giorgio de Chirico 10/25(Sat)~12/26(Fri) Jules Pascin 1/17(Sat)~3/29(Sun) 【Adult \300 off】 26 菊池寛実記念 智 美術館 Muse'e Tomo - Special Exhibition 10/11(Sat)~1/12(Mon) 1/24(Sat) ~ 3/22(Sun) 27 泉屋博古館分館 Sen-oku Hakuko Kan, Tokyo - Closed up to 12/15~3/6 森美術館 Mori Art Museum 【Adult \300 off】 Lee Mingwei and His Relations 9/20(Sat)~1/4(Sun) 28 MAM Project 022 : Jacob Kirkegaard 9/20(Sat)~1/4(Sun) 東京シティビュー Tokyo City View Closed up to 1/5 ~4/24 【Adult \100 off】 29 国立新美術館 The National Art Center,Tokyo - "17th DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow" Exhibition 12/13(Sat)~1/25(Sun) Musée du Louvre. Peinture de genre. Scènes de la vie quotidienne. 2/21(Sat)~6/1(Mon) 30 戸栗美術館 Toguri Museum of Art Kokutani,Kakiemon style and Nabeshima ware 10/4(Sat)~12/23(Tue) Exhibition of Imari ware adapted to the Edo period lifestyle. 1/6(Tue)~3/22(Sun) 【Adult \200 off】 31 山種美術館 Yamatane Museum of Art - Special Exhibition: The 15th Memorial: Higashiyama Kaii and Four Seasons in Japan 11/22(Sat)~2/1(Sun) Kaleidoscope of Birds and Flowers 2/11(Wed)~4/12(Sun) 32 Tokyo Metropolitan 東京都写真美術館 Museum of Photography Closed for renovation From September 24, 2014 to the end of August, 2016 - Decorations of Vessels - Matsuoka Collection 10/8(Wed)~12/21(Sun) 33 松岡美術館 Matsuoka Museum Artists Who Painted Scenes of Water of Art 10/8(Wed)~12/21(Sun) - Exhibition 1/6(Tue)~3/29(Sun) 34 Institute for Nature 国立科学博物館附 Study, National Admission 属自然教育園 Museum of Nature and Science - Rei Naito: the emotion of belief 11/22(Sat)~12/25(Thu) 35 Architects / 1933 / Shirokane: TOKYO 東京都庭園美術 METROPOLITAN Look at Art Deco Architecture 11/22(Sat)~12/25(Thu) 館 TEIEN ART MUSEUM The 30th Anniversary of the Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum Fantaisie Merveilleuse: Classicism in French Art Deco 1/17(Sat)~4/7(Tue) 36 目黒区美術館 Meguro Museum of Exhibition Art,Tokyo 2/14(Sat)~3/22(Sun) - 4 施設番号 Museum Number 施設名 Museum Name 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name 無料 Free-of-charge 42 Exhibition 新宿区立新宿歴史 Shinjuku Historical 12/6(Sat)~2/22(Sun) 博物館 Museum 3/8(Sun)~5/6(Wed) 37 郷さくら美術館 東京 38 アクセサリーミュー ACCESSORY ジアム MUSEUM 39 Sato Sakura Museum Tokyo 割引 Discount - Exhibition 12/20(Sat)~3/1(Sun) 3/7(Sat)~5/10(Sun) Historical Button Collection ~Antique・Brilliant・Elaborate~ 11/8(Sat)~2/1(Sun) Women’s Dresses in Work Place ~`80’s Power Mode~ 2/4(Wed)~4/25(Sat) 五島美術館 Exhibition The Gotoh Museum 12/13(Sat)~2/15(Sun) 2/21(Sat)~3/29(Sun) 世田谷文学館 Setagaya Literary Museum - 【Equivalent of group discount】 40 Museum Collection Special Exhibition 10/18(Sat)~12/21(Sun) 1/24(Sat)~3/31(Sun) 【Equivalent of group discount】 41 世田谷美術館 Setagaya Museum of Art The Shioda Collection Works of Rosanjin Kitaoji 9/28(Sun)~12/21(Sun) The Imaginary World of Fumio Nambata -Exploration of Word and Image 12/6(Sat)~2/8(Sun) Setagaya Artists Associated with TOHO STUDIOS 1/4(Sun)~4/12(Sun) TOHO STUDIOS Innovative Filmmakers Gathering in Setagaya 2/21(Sat)~4/19(Sun) 新宿・練馬・池袋・王子エリア SHINJUKU・NERIMA・IKEBUKURO・OJI AREA (13) 施設番号 Museum Number 42 施設名 Museum Name 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount Exhibition 新宿区立新宿歴史 Shinjuku Historical 12/6(Sat)~2/22(Sun) 博物館 Museum 3/8(Sun)~5/6(Wed) - 【Adult 20% off】 43 東郷青児記念 損 保ジャパン日本興 亜美術館 The Exhibition from the Collection of Seiji Togo Memorial Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Museum of Art 11/15(Sat)~12/25(Tue) SEIJI TOGO MEMORIAL SOMPO JAPAN NIPPONKOA MUSEUM QuintetII: Five-StarArtists 1/10(Sat)~2/15(Sun) FACE 2015 Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Art Award Exhibiton 2/21(Sat)~3/29(Sun) 44 文化学園服飾博 BUNKA GAKUEN COSTUME 物館 MUSEUM 45 刀剣博物館 46 古賀政男音楽博物 Koga Masao 館 Museum of Music The Japanese Sword Museum Exhibition 12/17(Wed)~2/14(Sat) - New Year Exhibition 1/6(Tue)~3/ - Exhibition 12/2(Tue)~3/31(Tue) 【Adult \200 off】 47 東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery - Zaha Hadid 10/18(Sat)~12/23(Tue) 150 Years of Swiss Design 1/17(Sat)~3/29(Sun) 48 NTTインターコミュ ニケーション ・センター[ICC] NTT Inter Communication Center[ICC] 49 新宿区立林芙美 Hayashi Fumiko Memorial Hall 子記念館 "OTOMO Yoshihide" *tentative title 11/22(Sat)~2/22(Sun) - Admission Closed up to 12/8 ~ 2/16 5 施設番号 Museum Number 施設名 Museum Name 50 ちひろ美術館・東京 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name Chihiro Art Museum Tokyo 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount From Yumeji to Chihiro-Pioneers of Children’s Books 11/6(Thu)~1/31(Sat) - Closed up to 2/1 ~ 2/28 51 練馬区立美術館 Nerima Art Museum Closed up to 2/10 ~ 3/31 - Standing Exhibition : Time Travel to Ancient Near East 12/6(Sat)~12/25(Thu)、1/4(Sun)~3/31(Tue) 52 古代オリエント博物 Ancient Orient 館 Museum New Year Gallery : The Year of the Sheep / Pararell to Standing Exhibition 1/4(Sun)~2/13(Fri) - Closeup Gallery : Digging Indus Civilization / Pararell to Standing Exhibition 2/14(Sat)~3/29(Sun) Traveling Japan guided by “Paper” 9/13(Sat)~3/1(Sun) 53 紙の博物館 Paper Museum SAKURA 3/14(Sat)~5/31(Sun) 54 KITA CITY 北区飛鳥山博物館 ASUKAYAMA MUSEUM Permanent Exhibitions - 両国・深川・臨海エリア RYOGOKU・FUKAGAWA ・BAY AREA(10) 施設番号 Museum Number 施設名 Museum Name 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount 【Adult 20% off】 55 Tokyo Metropolitan Permanent Exhibitions 東京都江戸東京博 Edo-Tokyo 物館 Museum Closed up to 12/1 ~ 3/27 Explore! Experience! Edo-Tokyo 12/2(Tue)~3/8(Sun) Sekigahara(tentative title) 3/28(Sat)~5/17(Sun) 56 江東区芭蕉記念館 Basho Museum Exhibitions 12/18(Thu)~4/19(Sun) 【Equivalent of group discount】 Permanent Exhibitions 57 Museum of 東京都現代美術館 Contemporary Art Tokyo Twentieth Anniversary Special MOT Collection Contacts 9/27(Sat)~1/4(Sun) Twentieth Anniversary Special MOT Collection Collection Becoming 1/24(Sat)~5/10(Sun) Tokyo Art Meeting (V) Seeking New Genealogies- Bodies/ Leaps/ Traces 9/27(Sat)~1/4(Sun) Around Michel Gondry's World 9/27(Sat)~1/4(Sun) Kishio Suga 1/24(Sat)~ 3/22(Sun) Gabriel Orozco 1/24(Sat)~ 5/10(Sun) Constellation (Tentative Title) 1/24(Sat)~ 3/22(Sun) Permanent Exhibitions 58 江東区深川江戸資 Fukagawa Edo 料館 Museum 59 Nakagawa 江東区中川船番所 Funabansho 資料館 Museum Permanent Exhibitions - 60 地下鉄博物館 Metro Museum Permanent Exhibitions - 61 葛西臨海水族園 Tokyo Sea Life Park Admission - 62 63 64 Special exhibition 11/11(Tue)~2015.10/25(Sun) Yumenoshima 夢の島熱帯植物館 Tropical Admission Greenhouse Dome パナソニックセン Panasonic Center ター東京 リスーピ Permanent Exhibitions TOKYO RiSuPia ア 日本科学未来館 National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation(Miraikan) Permanent Exhibitions - - - - 6 多摩エリア TAMA AREA(14) 施設番号 Museum Number 65 施設名 Museum Name 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name 武蔵野市立吉祥寺 Kichijoji Art 美術館 Museum 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount Collection Exhibition : Hamaguchi Yozo Memorial Room, Hagiwara Hideo Memorial Room Ⅲ 11/6(Thu)~2/22(Sun) Ⅳ 2/26(Thu)~ - Kobatake Tatsunosuke Exhibition 1/10(Sat)~2/22(Sun) 66 井の頭自然文化園 Inokashira Park Zoo Admission - 67 三鷹市美術ギャラ リー - 68 MitakaCity Yuzo 三鷹市山本有三記 Yamamoto 念館 Memorial Museum 69 Exhibition 調布市武者小路実 Mushakoji Saneatsu 12/20(Sat)〜1/25(Sun) 篤記念館 Memorial Museum 1/31(Sat)〜3/1(Sun) 3/7(Sat)〜4/12(Sun) 70 神代植物公園 Mitaka City Gallery Exhibition of Art 1/10(Sat)~3/15(Sun) Permanent Exhibitions Jindai Botanical Gardens Exhibition 11/8(Sat)~3/1(Sun) 3/7(Sat)~9/6(Sun) - - Admission 【Equivalent of group discount】 71 府中市美術館 Fuchu Art Museum Permanent Exhibitions 100th anniversary of the birth ; OYAMADA Jiro 11/8(Sat)~2/22(Sun) 250 Years of Animal Pictures 3/7(Sat)~5/6(Wed) 72 Kyodo no Mori 府中市郷土の森博 Fuchu City 物館 Museum Permanent Exhibitions Plum festival 2/7(Sat)~3/15(Sun) - Planetarium show 10/10(Fri)~12/27(Sat) 73 多摩六都科学館 Tamarokuto Science Center Dome Theater show 10/15(Wed)~3/31(Tue) - Admission 74 江戸東京たてもの 園 Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum Studio Ghibli: Architecture in Animation ~3/15(Sun) - The history and archeology of Musashino 1/10(Sat)~3/8(Sun) Permanent Exhibitions 75 KODAIRA 小平市平櫛田中彫 HIRAKUSHI 刻美術館 DENCHU ART MUSEUM 76 多摩動物公園 77 Hachioji Yume Art 八王子市夢美術館 Museum 78 Tama Zoological park Special exhibition 8/27(Wed)~10/19(Sun) 10/25(Sat)~12/7(Sun) 12/13(Sat)~2/8(Sun) 2/11(Wed)~5/24(Sun) Admission - - Winning Works of Yume Biennial Public Contest 12/20(Sat)~1/29(Thu) THOMAS & FRIENDS Original artwork exhibition 2/11(Wed)~4/5(Sun) Machida City 町田市立国際版画 Museum of Graphic Closed up to 3/5 ~ 6/30 美術館 Arts -
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