What is Grutto Pass 2015? -Grutto Pass 2015 is a ticket booklet which provides one-time admission or discount to the 78 facilities in Tokyo. How to use -Grutto Pass 2015 allows you one-time admission to each facility and is valid for 2 months from first use. The final expiration date will be March 31, 2016. Please have an expiration date stamped on your Grutto Pass when you first use it. Price ¥2,000 ※Adult price only Where to get Grutto Pass 2015 Grutto Pass 2015 is available at all 78 Grutto Pass facilities / Tokyo Tourist Information Center (1st floor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building) / LIBRO Ikebukuro, LIBRO Shiodome SIO-SITE, LIBRO Chofu / PARCO Book Center Shibuya, PARCO Book Center Kichijoji / Ueno Park Information/ Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center/TIC TOKYO (Nihonbashi Exit of Tokyo Station),etc. Notice -Passes are non-refundable. (No exchanges, extension of validity under any circumstances, including natural disasters.) -Not valid if the front cover or tickets are detached from booklet or doctored. -Not valid without a legible expiration date. Passes are non-transferable. -Please contact each facility for details of discounts and exhibitions. -Not valid with any other discount tickets. -Please check each discount rate when children and seniors (65 years & older) visit facilities. 1 “Grutto Pass 2015” exhibition schedules Autumn and Winter 2015/12/22 上野周辺エリア Around the UENO AREA(14) 施設番号 Museum Number 1 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name 下町風俗資料 館 Shitamachi Museum 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount Permanent Exhibitions - 【Adult \100 off】 Seductive Smiles: Masterpieces of ukiyo-e paintings from the Weston Collection 11/20(Fri)~1/17(Sun) 2 上野の森美術 館 The Ueno Royal Museum - The Ueno Royal Museum holdings Ukiyo-e Exhibition (tentative title) 12/26(Sat)~1/17(Sun) The Vision of Contemporary Art 2016 3/12(Sat)~3/30(Wed) 【Adult \80 off】 Permanent Exhibition 3 国立西洋美術 館 The National Museum of Western Art - <Temporary Closure> 2016.1/12-2/29 <Permanent Collection Temporary Closure> Main Building: 10/10-2016.1/11 Main Building, New Wing: 2016.3/1-3/18 【Adult \100 off】 4 国立科学博物 館 National Museum of Nature and Science Permanent Exhibition - 【Adult \100 off】 Wine The Exhibition 10/31(Sat)~2/21(Sun) 【Adult \100 off】 Permanent Exhibition 5 東京国立博物 館 【Adult \100 off】 Tokyo National Museum - The Great Terracotta Army of China's First Emperor 10/27(Tue)~2/21(Sun) Kuroda Seiki, Master of Modern Japanese Painting: The 150th Anniversary of his Birth 3/23(Wed)~5/15(Sun) 6 東京都美術館 TOKYO “SHO” 2016: Japanese Calligraphy Today TOKYO 1/4(Mon)~1/16(Sat) METROPOLITA N ART New-wave Artists 2016―From the Public Entry MUSEUM Exhibition 2/19(Fri)~3/15(Tue) 7 恩賜上野動物 園 Ueno Zoological Admission Gardens 8 東京藝術大学 大学美術館 9 朝倉彫塑館 Tokyo University of the Arts, The University Art Museum ASAKURA Museum of Sculpture Botticelli and His Time 1/16(Sat)~4/3(Sun) - — Permanent Exhibitions 【Adult \100 off】 - - 2 施設番号 Museum Number 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount Permanent Exhibitions 10 書道博物館 11 一葉記念館 12 石洞美術館 13 アミューズミュー ジアム 14 文京区立森鷗 外記念館 Calligraphy Museum Special exhibition 12/1(Tue)~1/31(Sun) 2/16(Tue)~5/29(Sun) - Ichiyo Memorial Permanent Exhibitions Hall SEKIDO MUSEUM OF ART - Spanish Ceramics: Hispano-Moresque Ware 1/16(Sat)~4/3(Sun) - AMUSE MUSEUM BORO-the Paintings on Fabric Shabbily Beautiful~ 4/1(Wed)~ - Mori Ogai Memorial Museum Exhibition 12/11(Fri)~2/7(Sun) 2/11(Thu)~4/3(Sun) - 2 施設番号 Museum Number 15 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name ミュゼ浜口陽 三・ヤマサコレク ション Muse'e Hamaguchi Yozo:Yamasa Collection 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount 4 month in Paris HAMAGUCHI Yozo & AKIYAMA Shotaro Ⅱ 12/1(Tue)~1/24(Sun) Yozo Hamaguchi (tentative title) 2/7(Sun)~5/8(Sun) Generations of Mitsui Family Treasures 11/14(Sat)~1/23(Sat) 三井記念美術 館 Mitsui Memorial Museum 17 ブリヂストン美 術館 Bridgestone Museum of art 18 東京国立近代 美術館フィルム センター National Film Center, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Cuban Posters for Films From the Takeo Poster Collection 1/7(Tue)~3/27(Sun) - 19 相田みつを美術 館 Mitsuo Aida Museum The 62nd Plan Exhibition "When You Meet a Word" 12/8(Tue)~3/13(Sun) - 16 Special exhibition 2/6(Sat)~4/3(Sun) For new construction, closed a few years from May 18 【Adult\200 off】 20 出光美術館 Idemitsu Museum of Arts - Power of Characters, Power of Calligraphy III Styles of Calligraphy 1/9(Sat)~2/14(Sun) Commemorating the 290th Year of Birth of the Artist The Nikuhitsu Beauty Paintings of Katsukawa Shunshō — Elegance of the Female Image 2/20(Sat)~3/27(Sun) 21 印刷博物館 22 昭和館 Printing Permanent Exhibitions Museum,Tokyo Showa-Kan Permanent Exhibitions - - 3 施設番号 Museum Number 23 施設名 Museum Name 科学技術館 Science Museum 入場形態 Entrance form 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount Permanent Exhibitions - MOMAT Collection 12/22(Tue)~2/28(Sun)、3/8(Tue)~5/15(Sun) 24 東京国立近代 美術館 The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Welcome to Japan / Asia―Tourism and Oriental Image in the 1920–30s (tentative title) 1/9(Sat)~2/28(Sun) 【Other discounts】 Onchi Koshiro 1/13(Wed)-2/28(Sun) Selected Nihon-ga from the Museum Collection 3/8(Tue)~5/15(Sun) 25 東京国立近代 美術館工芸館 Crafts Gallery, The National Modern Japanese Crafts from the Museum Collection Museum of (tentative title) Modern Art, 12/23(Wed)-2/21(Sun) Tokyo Form Creation of Serizawa Keisuke―From the Collection of Kaneko Kazushige (tentative title) 3/5(Sat)-5/8(Sun) 目黒・港・世田谷エリア MEGURO・MINATO・SETAGAYA AREA(16) 施設番号 Museum Number 施設名 Museum Name 入場形態 Entrance form 無料 Free-of-charge 26 パナソニック 汐 溜ミュージアム Panasonic Shiodome Museum 27 菊池寛実記念 智美術館 Muse'e Tomo - 28 泉屋博古館分 館 Sen-oku Hakuko Kan, Tokyo - 割引 Discount The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - English Garden: Showcase for Flowers and Plants of the World 1/16(Sat)~3/21(Mon) - 【Adult \300 off】 森美術館 【Adult 20% off】 Mori Art Museum 29 Sumitomo Syunsui, Collector of True Art(tentative title) 2/27(Sat)~5/8(Sun) 【Adult \200 off】 - 東京シティ ビュー Kikuchi Biennale Ⅵ 12/19(Sat) ~ 3/21(Mon) Tokyo City View Murakami Takashi: The 500 Arhats 10/31(Sat)~3/6(Sun) 【Adult \100 off】 30 国立新美術館 The National Art Center,Tokyo - 18th DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow Exhibition The Achievements of the Japanese Government Overseas Study Program for Artists provided by the Agency for Cultural Affairs 12/12(Sat)~1/24(Mon) The Best Selection of the Ohara Museum of Art 1/20(Wed)~4/4(Mon) MIYAKE ISSEY EXHIBITION: The Work of Miyake Issey 3/16(Wed)~6/13(Mon) 31 戸栗美術館 Toguri Museum Masterpieces of the Nabeshima Ware of Art 1/7(Thu)~3/21(Mon) - 4 施設番号 Museum Number 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount 【Adult \200 off】 32 山種美術館 Yamatane Museum of Art The 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Ito Jakuchū Jakuchū's Happiness and Taikan's Auspiciousness: All Hapiness Comes to the Homes of Those Who Smile 1/3(Sun)~3/6(Sun) - Special Exhibition 3/19(Sat)~5/22(Sun) 33 松岡美術館 Matsuoka Special Exhibition Museum of Art 1/5(Tue)~4/16(Sat) 34 国立科学博物 館附属自然教 育園 Institute for Nature Study, National Museum of Nature and Science - 【Adult \100 off】 Admission 35 東京都庭園美 術館 OTTO KÜNZLI THE EXHIBITION TOKYO 10/10(Sat)~12/27(Sun) METROPOLITA N TEIEN ART Emile Gallè –Nature and Symbol MUSEUM 1/16(Sat)~4/10(Sun) 36 目黒区美術館 Meguro Museum of Art,Tokyo It closes from October 5 to January 15. - 37 郷さくら美術館 東京 Exhibition Sato Sakura 12/12(Sat)~2/28(Sun) Museum Tokyo 3/15(Tue)~5/15(Sun) - アクセサリー ミュージアム ACCESSORY MUSEUM 39 五島美術館 The Gotoh Museum 40 世田谷文学館 38 Setagaya Literary Museum - The World of Sparkling Textured Beadwork ~Your Heart Will be Fluttered in the Art World~ 11/25(Wed)~1/30(Sat) Flower Preservation ~On Exhibition of Appeal of Blossom~ 2/3(Wed)~4/28(Thu) Exhibition 12/12(Sat)~2/14(Sun) 2/20(Sat)~3/27(Sun) - 【Equivalent of group discount】 Museum Collection Special Exhibition 1/16(Sat)~3/31(Thu) 【Equivalent of group discount】 41 世田谷美術館 “Two Artists’ Works” Series: Junsaku Koizumi and Setagaya Keisei Kobayashi Museum of Art Museum Collection III 12/20(Sun)~3/27(Sun) Julio González Retrospective: Master of Iron Sculptor 11/28(Sat)~1/31(Sun) Pleasure in the History of Fashion From the Akira Ishiyama Collecttion 2/13(Sat)~4/10(Sun) 新宿・練馬・池袋・王子エリア SHINJUKU・NERIMA・IKEBUKURO・OJI AREA (13) 施設番号 Museum Number 42 施設名 Museum Name 新宿区立新宿 歴史博物館 Shinjuku Historical Museum 入場形態 Entrance form 無料 Free-of-charge It closes from November 30 to March 25. 割引 Discount - 5 施設番号 Museum Number 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount 【Adult 20% off】 43 SEIJI TOGO 東郷青児記念 MEMORIAL 損保ジャパン日 SOMPO JAPAN 本興亜美術館 NIPPONKOA MUSEUM BUNKA GAKUEN COSTUME MUSEUM The Way of Painting 2016 12 FACE Award Winners 1/9(Sat)~2/14(Sun) - Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Art Award Exhibiton 2/20(Sat)~3/27(Sun) 44 文化学園服飾 博物館 Exhibition 12/17(Thu)~2/17(Wed) 45 刀剣博物館 46 古賀政男音楽 博物館 47 東京オペラシ Tokyo Opera City ティアートギャラ Simon Fujiwara White Day Art Gallery リー 1/16(Sat)~3/27(Sun) - 48 NTTインターコ NTT Inter John WOOD and Paul HARRISON ミュニケーション Communication 11/21(Sat)~2/21(Sun) ・センター[ICC] Center[ICC] - 49 新宿区立林芙 美子記念館 50 ちひろ美術館・ 東京 - The Japanese Hamon -Variations of the Temper PatternsSword Museum 1/5(Tue)~3/27(Sun) Koga Masao Museum of Music - Exhibition 8/1(Sat)~11/29(Sun) 12/1(Tue)~3/31(Thu) - Admission Hayashi Fumiko Exhibition Memorial Hall 10/7(Wed)~1/5(Tue) 1/6(Wed)~ - All about the Chihiro Art Museum -- The World’s First Picture Book Museum Chihiro Art 10/28(Wed)~1/31(Sun) Museum Tokyo - Closed on February 1 to 29 【Adult \500 off】 51 練馬区立美術 館 Nerima Art Museum - HAMADA,Kiyoshi 11/21(Sat)~2/7(Sun) isao toshihiko Collection 2/19(Fri)~4/10(Sun) 52 古代オリエント 博物館 Ancient Orient Permanent Exhibitions Museum - Traveling Japan guided by “Paper” 9/12(Sat)~2/28(Sun) 53 紙の博物館 Paper Museum The Beauty of Japanese Woodblock Print 3/12(Sat)~6/5(Sun) 54 北区飛鳥山博 物館 KITA CITY ASUKAYAMA Permanent Exhibitions MUSEUM - 両国・深川・臨海エリア RYOGOKU・FUKAGAWA ・BAY AREA(10) 施設番号 Museum Number 55 施設名 Museum Name 東京都江戸東 京博物館 Tokyo Metropolitan Edo-Tokyo Museum 入場形態 Entrance form 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount 【Adult 20% off】 Permanent Exhibitions LEONARDO DA VINCI -BEYOND THE VISIBLE 1/16(Sat)~4/10(Sun) 6 施設番号 Museum Number 56 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name 江東区芭蕉記 念館 Basho Museum 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount Exhibitions 12/23(Wed)~4/24(Sun) 【Equivalent of group discount】 Tokyo Art Meeting (VI) 11/7(Sat)~ 2/14(Sun) Permanent Exhibitions 57 東京都現代美 術館 Museum of MOT Collection PART 3 Contemporary 11/7(Sat)~2/14(Sun) Art Tokyo MOT Collection PART 4 3/5(Sat)~5/29(Sun) YOKO ONO: FROM MY WINDOW 11/8(Sun)~ 2/14(Sun) MOT Annual 2016 (Tentative Title) 3/5(Sat)~5/29(Sun) PIXAR: 30 Years of Animation 3/5(Sat)~5/29(Sun) 58 江東区深川江 戸資料館 59 江東区中川船 番所資料館 Permanent Exhibitions Fukagawa Edo Museum Special exhibition 1/2(Sat)~1/11(Mon) Nakagawa Funabansho Museum - Permanent Exhibitions - Permanent Exhibitions 60 地下鉄博物館 Metro Museum Special exhibition 11/17(Tue)~1/11(Mon) 3/1(Tue)~4/17(Sun) 61 葛西臨海水族 園 Tokyo Sea Life Admission Park - 62 夢の島熱帯植 物館 Yumenoshima Tropical Admission Greenhouse Dome - 63 パナソニックセ ンター東京 リ スーピア Panasonic Center TOKYO Permanent Exhibitions RiSuPia - 日本科学未来 館 National Museum of Emerging Permanent Exhibitions Science and Innovation(Mirai kan) - 64 - 多摩エリア TAMA AREA(14) 施設番号 Museum Number 65 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name 武蔵野市立吉 祥寺美術館 Kichijoji Art Museum 無料 Free-of-charge 割引 Discount Collection Exhibition : Hamaguchi Yozo Memorial Room, Hagiwara Hideo Memorial Room Ⅲ 10/22(Thu)~2/28(Sun) ⅳ 3/3(Thu)~ the 110th anniversary of birth Migishi Setsuko Exhibition 11/21(Sat)~12/27(Sun) Konishi Toshiyuki Exhibition 1/16(Sat)~2/28(Sun) 66 井の頭自然文 化園 Inokashira Park Admission Zoo - 7 施設番号 Museum Number 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name 67 三鷹市美術ギャ ラリー 68 三鷹市山本有 三記念館 69 調布市武者小 路実篤記念館 70 神代植物公園 無料 Free-of-charge Mitaka City YONETANI Kiyokazu Gallery of Art 1/16(Sat)~3/21(Mon) MitakaCity Yuzo Permanent Exhibitions Yamamoto Memorial Exhibition Museum 9/12(Sat)~3/6(Sun) Mushakoji Saneatsu Memorial Museum Exhibition 12/12(Sat)~1/24(Sun) 1/30(Sat)~2/28(Sun) 3/5(Sat)~4/17(Sun) Jindai Botanical Admission Gardens 割引 Discount - - - - 【Equivalent of group discount】 71 府中市美術館 Fuchu Art Museum Permanent Exhibitions ISAMU WAKABAYASHI Flying Leaves and Oscillation 1/9(Sat)~2/28(Sun) Fantastic Deams and Fantasies of Edo Paintings 3/12(Sat)~5/8(Sun) Permanent Exhibitions 72 府中市郷土の 森博物館 Kyodo no Mori Exhibition Fuchu City 10/10(Sat)~3/31(Thu) Museum 2/6(Sat)~3/13(Sun) - Plum festival 2/6(Sat)~3/13(Sun) 73 多摩六都科学 館 Planetarium show Tamarokuto Science Center Dome Theater show「Aurora」 10/10(Sat)~ - 8 施設番号 Museum Number 入場形態 Entrance form 施設名 Museum Name 無料 Free-of-charge 74 江戸東京たても の園 Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum 75 小平市平櫛田 中彫刻美術館 KODAIRA HIRAKUSHI Permanent Exhibitions DENCHU ART MUSEUM 76 多摩動物公園 割引 Discount Admission Exhibitions 7/28(Tue)~2/21(Sun) Tama Zoological Admission park - - - Sakatsu Collection Japanese Artistic Retro & Modern Poster 12/5(Sat) ~1/24(Sun) 77 78 八王子市夢美 術館 Hachioji Yume Art Museum 町田市立国際 版画美術館 Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts MASUMURA Hiroshi Exhibition Featuring the Works of Hokusai ATAGOAL × HOKUSAI 2/6(Sat)~3/27(Sun) Kobayashi Kiyochika: A Retrospective 3/12(Sat)~4/17(Sun) -
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