Research Trends and Results Promotion of Climate Change Countermeasures using Sewerage YAMASHITA Hiromasa , Head; TAJIMA Atsushi , Senior Researcher; SHIGEMURA Hiroyuki , Senior Researcher; MICHINAKA Atsuko (Dr. Env.), Researcher; OGOSHI Masashi , Researcher; ONISHI Shohei , Researcher; KAMATANI Satoshi , Guest Research Engineer Wastewater and Sludge Management Division, Water Quality Control Department Keywords: climate change, biomass energy, dinitrogen oxide, resource circulation 1. Introduction To promote climate change countermeasures, the Water Quality Control Department is proceeding with studies on the dissemination and promotion of technology for reducing GHG emissions by controlling the generation of dinitrogen oxide ("N2O"), one of the greenhouse gases ("GHG") emitted from water treatment processes and utilizing the biomass resources and energy available from sewage. Standard method Nitrogen removal rate (%) 2. Control of GHG emissions from water treatment processes As for the N2O generated by bio-reaction, since there are still many unclear factors including its development mechanism, sufficient measures are not taken to control the generation of N2O from water treatment processes. This division, therefore, conducted a survey to grasp the status of N2O generation at actual sewage treatment facilities, and found that the N2O conversion rate was low and that generation was controlled at treatment facilities with a high nitrogen removal rate, particularly by MBR method (Figure Fig. 1). As the result of microorganism community analysis conducted to examine the development mechanismdeveloping factors, it was found that the MBR method successfully keeping kept high the abundance ratiopercentage of slow-growing nitrite-oxidizing bacteria high since nitrite-oxidizing bacteria are retained for a relatively held long period of time and the design allows for longer A-SRT (time during which active sludge is under aerobic conditions), which resulted in sufficient nitrification and control of N2O generation. Therefore, the possibility was suggested 新 that 技 術 even a treatment facility that has not adopted the MBR を 導 method can control N2O generation with an appropriate 入 し operating method, such as longer A-SRT. Since な the い survey so far shows a sudden increase in N2O generation in the treatment facilities where no Yes nitrogen is removed, measures for such phenomena should be sufficiently considered. introduction of energy recovery technology is required in light of the potential of the country’s sewage treatment facilities. This division, therefore, formulated guidelines for considering the introduction of recycling / energy recovery technology for sewerage (Fig. 2), and calculation tools for estimating the effect of introduction into target treatment facilities, in order to support the dissemination of technologies that effectively use sewage sludge. These materials are expected to promote the dissemination of technologies that reduce GHG emissions in sewerage projects. AO method Processing method with nitrogen removal (except MBR method) MBR method AMX method N2O conversion rate (%) Figure 1: Relationship between Nitrogen Removal Rate and N2O Conversion Rate by Treatment Method 課 題 Issues No 技術面での可能性確認 Check technical feasibility Assume technology to be 導 入 技 術 の 想 定 introduced No No 経 economic 済 性 検 証 Verify efficiency Determine whether detailed 詳細検討実施の判断 study is required 事業スキームの想定 Assume project scheme No 3. Climate change countermeasures by Yes effective use of sewage sludge In recent years, treatment facilities that introduce recycling / energy recovery technology (biogas power generation, solid fuel forming, etc.) using sewage resources have been increasing, mainly in large cities. However, since the rate of energy recovery from sewage sludge as of the end of fiscal 2010 is about 13%, further 必要な手続きの確認 Check necessary procedures Table手引き of Contents Chapter 2: Evaluation of technology introduction 2 章:技術導入の評価 2.1 Project objective and outline of introduction 2.1 事業目標と導入技術の概要 technology 2.2 循環利用技術の導入効果 2.2 Effect of cyclic-use technology introduction 2.3 事業ポテンシャルの確認 2.3 Verification of project potential 2.4 Example of potential user evaluation method 2.4 潜在的ユーザの評価方法例 2.5 Possibility of project collaboration 2.5 事業連携の可能性 2.6 Evaluation of technical feasibility 2.6 技術面での可能性評価 2.7 Reference 2.7 参考図書books Chapter 3: Project feasibility evaluation 3.1 Project cost estimation method 3 章:事業の実施可能性の評価 3.2 Economic evaluation of technology 3.1 概算事業費の算定方法 3.3 Environmental assessment 3.2 導入技術の経済生評価 3.4 Determination of whether detailed study is 3.3 環境評価 required 3.4 詳細検討実施の判断 Chapter 4: Examination for launching project and necessary procedures 4.1 Examination procedure and schedule Concept of project scheme 4章4.2 :事業化に向けた検討手順と必要な手続き 4.3 Procedures in local government 4.1 検討手順とスケジュール 4.4 Discussion / Coordination with the national 4.2 事業スキームの考え方 government 4.3 自治体内での手続き 4.5 Coordination with citizens and other concerned 4.4 国との協議・調整事項 parties 4.5 市民等関係者との調整事項 4.7 Role-sharing 4.7 役割分担 Detailed consideration 詳細検討へ Figure 2: Guidelines for Considering the Introduction of Recycling / Energy Recovery Technology --- Table of Contents and Flow (Draft)
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