島山公園 Tranquil Day in Gangnam! DOSAN PARK “If you love your country, you should Àrst work on being a solid human being. (a quote from Dosan).” Dosan Ahn Chang Ho, known for being one of Korea's greatest patriots, and a hero of the Korean independence movement during the Japanese era, was buried and commemorated in Dosan Park. In Korean, ‘Dosan’ means, ‘island mountain,’ which serves as a Àtting name for the man and the park. The park serves as a tranquil island escape from the hectic and chaotic streets of Gangnam. A simple walk around this ‘island mountain’ is sure to relax your mind and body and prepare you for the rest of your day in Gangnam. CAFE 誰よりも韓国を愛した独立運動家の安昌浩(アン・チャンホ)氏が眠っている島山(トサン)公園。 江南の真ん中にあるここは、高い建物もギラギラした光もない。 ゆったりとした時間が流れる安らぎの場所だ。 公園を散策するだけで、幸せな気持ちになれるだろう。 The fashionable and luxurious cafés around Dosan Park wouldn’t be out of place in the fashionable Apgujeong district or the luxurious Cheongdam-dong district. A cup of coffee at one of the listed cafés will be the perfect way to start or end your time at Dosan Park. 島山公園周辺のカフェは洗練された狎鴎亭と高級感溢れる清潭(チョンダム)を融合させたような場所だ。軽装で公園散策に訪れた人も臆すること なく気軽に入れる雰囲気のカフェが立ち並ぶ。 どこのカフェもあなたの心を軽やかにしてくれるだろう。 A-1. MY SSONG A-2. MUIMUI Enjoy lovely brunch at this cute little place. A cozy place for some delicious dessert. Try their famous green tea bingsu (ice shaved dessert). ニューヨークスタイルのブランチを楽しめるカフェ ▶TIME : 10:00 A.M.~10:00 P.M. ▶PRICE : 10,000~20,000 WON ▶TEL : 02-518-0105 ▶ADDRESS : 650-17 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL 広い空間が印象的なカフェ A-3. LE CAFÉ A-4. MANGO SIX ▶TIME : (1F CAFÉ) 11:00 A.M.~12:00 A.M. ▶PRICE : 10,000~20,000 WON ▶TEL : 02-515-3981 ▶ADDRESS : 653-4 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL Enjoy delicious food and your favorite drink at this modern and stylish café. A café with a large seating area and high ceilings. Famous for its appearance in the SBS TV Show, “A Gentleman’s Dignity.” カジュアルな雰囲気のブランチカフェ ▶TIME : 11:00 A.M.~12:00 A.M. ▶PRICE : 10,000~20,000 WON ▶TEL : 02-344-3700 ▶ADDRESS : 651-9 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL FOOD ドラマのロケ地として有名になったデザートカフェ ▶TIME : 9:00 A.M.~12:00 A.M. ▶PRICE : LESS THAN 10,000 WON ▶TEL : 02-6716-7266 ▶ADDRESS : 97 NONHYEON-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL Feeling a little hungry after your time in Dosan Park? Well, if you are not, prepare to be! Let’s take a stroll and Ànd something to appetize you. Listed are some of your tastiest options around the park. 公園を散策してお腹が空いてきたころではないだろうか。 さあ今日は何を食べようか、幸せな時間の始まりだ。 心を癒した後は、お腹を満たしに出発しよう。 B-1. BLOOMING GARDEN (Western, イタリア料理) B-2. GEUMSUBOKGUK (Seafood, シーフード料理) モダンな雰囲気の伝統イタリアンレストラン すっきりした味わいが逸品のフグ料理専門店 ▶TIME : 11:30 A.M.~12:00 A.M. ▶PRICE : 20,000~50,000 WON ▶TEL : 02-518-1962 ▶ADDRESS : 623-4 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL ▶TIME : OPEN FOR 24 HOURS ▶PRICE : 10,000~20,000 WON ▶TEL : 02-3448-5488 ▶ADDRESS : 627-12 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL B-3. CHARCOALO (Western / Steak, イタリア料理 / ステーキ) B-4. CHEONGDAM SUNDUBU (Korean, 韓国料理) 赤いコンテナの独特な外観が印象的なステーキレストラン おぼろ豆腐チゲ専門の有名店 ▶TIME : 12:00 P.M.~10:00 P.M. ▶PRICE : 10,000~20,000 WON ▶TEL : 02-515-3983 ▶ADDRESS : 654-12 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL ▶TIME : OPEN FOR 24 HOURS ▶PRICE : 10,000~20,000 WON ▶TEL : 02-545-4840 ▶ADDRESS : 654-14 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL Authentic Italian dining with a modern atmosphere. Seafood restaurant specializing in fugu dishes. Enjoy American style dining. It is hard to miss, just look for the bright red truck containers that house the restaurant. SHOPPING Try some sondubu, a hearty Korean tufu soup, here at this traditional Korean restaurant. The shopping around Donsan Park, with quaint shops and luxurious boutiques, will add to your tranquil day, well, until you look at the prices. However, anyone familiar with high-fashion shouldn’t be surprised. Please feel free to window shop, it is also enjoyable and might even be more relaxing. When shopping in this neighborhood, be sure to stop into the shops listed here. 島山公園エリアは、 周辺のショップも文化と共存している。 清潭の高級感と狎鴎亭の洗練されたセンスに島山公 園独特のゆったりとした感性が加わったところ!価格帯は高めだが、 満足度はその何倍にもなるだろう。 C-1. JE NE SAIS QUOI ‘JE NE SAIS QUOI’ literally translates as, ‘I don’t know what.’ As the name implies, there is something mysterious and unexplainable about the unique and interesting styles here. You’ll just have to see for yourself. コンテポラリーファッションからアクセサリーまで幅広く取り扱うセレクトショップ ▶TIME : 11:00 A.M.~9:00 P.M. (12:00 P.M.~8:00 P.M. SUNDAYS) ▶TEL : 02-515-3151 ▶ADDRESS : 650-11 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL C-3. TOM GREYHOUND Stylishly designed fashion items from world famous designers. 個性と実力のある多くの海外デザイナーを取り扱うセレクトショップ ▶TIME : 10:00 A.M.~8:00 P.M. ▶TEL : 02-3442-3696 ▶ADDRESS : 650-14 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL GANGNAM TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER C-2. SANTA MARIA NOVELLA The beauty products offered here are masterfully created using only natural ingredients of the highest quality. 最高品質の自然材料のみを使用して製品を作っているビューティーショップ ▶TIME : 11:00 A.M.~8:00 P.M. ▶TEL : 02-546-1612 ▶ADDRESS : 650-18 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL C-4. THANKS FROM DWIJA Thanks from DWIJA is a collaborative project between fashion designers and clothing companies to show their appreciation. 10 to 30 of the proÀts are donated. 売り上げの一部を寄付する寄付型セレクトショップ ▶TIME : 12:00 P.M.~10:00 P.M. (CLOSED ON SUNDAYS) ▶TEL : 02-533-0824 ▶ADDRESS : 645-8 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL The new landmark for Gangnam tourists! Make your trip to Gangnam gnam even more memorable, thanks to the one-stop service from the Gangnam Tourist Information Center. One-Stop Tourist Information Center / Medical Tour Center / K-Wave Experience Zone 新しい江南のランドマーク! 観光客のためのワンストップサービスでさらに充実した江南の旅に! 総合観光案内センター / 医療観光センター / K-Wave体験ゾーン ▶ TOURISM AND TRAVEL INFORMATION HOTLINE Just call 1330 from your phone 韓国観光案内電話 コリアトラベルホットライン ダイヤル1330番 ▶ DASAN CALL CENTER TRANSLATION SERVICE Just dial 120 from your ur phone ソウル市観光案内電話 タサンコールセンター ダイヤル120番 GANGNAM TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER 江南観光情報センター 161 Apgujeong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul / ソウル市江南区狎鴎亭路161 Tel +82-2-3445-0111 Fax +82-2-3445-0572 www.visitseoul.net CULTURE The area around Dosan Park may be the most cultural spot in Apgujeong-dong and Cheongdam-dong. This area is Àlled with great galleries, exhibiting art for a wide range of tastes. No matter what kind of person you are, you will Ànd an exhibition here that suits you. 狎鴎亭洞や清潭洞では満たすことができなかったカルチャーが発展した場所、島山公園。様々なテーマの、様々な人のた めに多彩な展示が開かれている。きっとあなたのための展示も行われている島山公園へ行こう。 D-1. HORIM ART CENTER D-2. ASSOULINE LOUNGE 現代文化の中心地で伝統文化遺産の価値を発信している博物館 世界三大アートブック出版社のASSOULINEが運営するブックギャラリー&カフェ ▶TIME : 10:30 A.M.~6:00 P.M. ▶TEL : 02-541-3525 ▶WEB : www.horimartcenter.org ▶PRICE : ADULTS 8,000 WON / YOUTHS & SENIOR CITIZENS 5,000 WON ▶ADDRESS : 651-16 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL ▶TIME : 10:00 A.M.~10:00 P.M. ▶TEL : 02-516-0316 ▶ADDRESS : 631-36 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL D-3. OPERA GALLERY D-4. 313 ART PROJECT Situated in Korea’s most cutting-edge neighborhood, the Horim Art Center preserves, exhibits and passes down the cultural heritages of Korea. A book gallery and café run by Assouline, the world famous art book publishing company. From masterpieces of European artists to modern Asian art, a wide ranging art collection can be seen at this gallery. Contemporary art from around the world and Korea. 世界現代アートの流れを生き生きと伝えるギャラリー ▶TIME : 11:00 A.M.~6:00 P.M. (CLOSED ON MONDAYS) ▶TEL : 02-3446-3137 ▶ADDRESS : 630-31 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL ヨーロッパの巨匠の作品からアジア現代美術品まで幅広いコレクションを取り扱うギャラリー ▶TIME : 10:00 A.M.~7:00 P.M. ▶TEL : 02-3446-0070 ▶ADDRESS : 92 NONHYEON-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL NIGHTLIFE So, after your tranquil day in Dosan Park, you’re wanting something a little more exciting? Well, just stay right here. This neighborhood comes alive at night and you will be surprised by its transformation. Listed below are some of the best places to expend all the energy you saved on your tranquil day! 島山公園の夜も穏やかでのんびりした日中と同じような雰囲気だろうと考えるのは早計。多彩なカルチャー を楽しめる島山公園一帯の夜はまた違った魅力が溢れるところだ。昼とは180度異なる島山公園の夜を体感 してみよう。 E-1. MARIMO E-2. MAAK HOLIC こじんまりとした家庭的な雰囲気の日本式居酒屋 洗練された雰囲気のマッコリ専門店 ▶TIME : 6:00 P.M.~4:00 A.M. ▶PRICE : 20,000~40,000 WON ▶TEL : 02-545-5885 ▶ADDRESS : 653-14 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL ▶TIME : 6:00 P.M.~2:00 A.M. (CLOSED ON SUNDAYS) ▶PRICE : 20,000~40,000 WON ▶TEL : 02-549-9772 ▶ADDRESS : B1F 92-2 NONHYEON-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL E-3. PLATOON KUNSTHALLE E-4. DALBIT SULDAM A Japanese style pub. A stylish pub and bar specializing in makgeolli (rice wine). A multi-purpose space with a café, bar, and club, that holds art exhibitions and music performances. A cozy bar specializing in makgeolli (rice wine). こじんまりとしたカフェのようなマッコリ専門店 ▶TIME : 5:30 P.M.~2:00 A.M. ▶PRICE : 10,000~20,000 WON ▶TEL : 02-541-6118 ▶ADDRESS : 644-19 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL バーやクラブから展示や公演まで楽しめる複合文化施設 ▶TIME : 11:00 A.M.~1:00 A.M. (LUNCH 12:00 P.M.~2:00 P.M. / DINNER 6:00 P.M.~10:30 P.M.) ▶PRICE : 20,000~40,000 WON ▶TEL : 02-3447-1191 ▶ADDRESS : 97-22 NONHYEON-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL Cecil Art Hall DOSAN PARK Woori 1 Apgujeo ngrodeo Station Gangnam Tourist Information Center The Galleria Luxury Hall West Kookmin Kookmin The Galleria Luxury Hall East 7 Hyundai Dept. Store 1 6 3 2 HSBC Shingu Middle School Apgujeong Rodeo St. Jaseng Hospital of Oriental Medicine Eonju-ro E-4 4 3 5 4 Bundang Line Kookmin o g-r on uje g Oil Bank Ap KDB Apgujeong Station 5 2 6 Dalbit Suldam 10 Corso Como Seoul C-4 Thanks from DWIJA Line 3 Blooming Garden B-1 Apgujeong Catholic Church Somang Church Dosan Park CGV Shinhan Samwon Garden Soul to God 島山公園 A-2 MuiMui Designer's Club Charcoalo B-3 Dosan Ahn Chang-ho Memorial Hall E-1 Marimo B-2 A-1 Je Ne Sais Quoi My ssong C-1 Geumsubokguk Santa Maria Novella C-2 Kookmin Assouline D-2 Lounge B-4 CGV -daero Dosan eori ng sag Hak-do Hana Tom Greyhound Maison Hermes Horim Art Center D-1 Yedang Cheongdam Sundubu Le Café A-3 C-3 Mcdonalds E-2 Maak holic Fire Station 313 Art Project D-4 D-3 Opera Gallery ori age o s A-4 Mango Six r e -da san Do Benz Kookmin 島山公園 DOSAN PARK 도산공원 E-3 Platoon Kunsthalle Youngdong High School [CAFÉ & FOOD] A-1. MY SSONG 650-17 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-518-0105 A-2. MUIMUI 653-4 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-515-3981 A-3. LE CAFÉ 651-9 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-344-3700 A-4. MANGO SIX 97 NONHYEON-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-6716-7266 B-1. BLOOMING GARDEN 623-4 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-518-1962 B-2. GEUMSUBOKGUK 627-12 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-3448-5488 B-3. CHARCOALO 654-12 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-515-3983 B-4. CHEONGDAM SUNDUBU 654-14 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-545-4840 [SHOPPING & CULTURE] C-1. JE NE SAIS QUOI 650-11 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-515-3151 C-2. SANTA MARIA NOVELLA 650-18 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-546-1612 C-3. TOM GREYHOUND 650-14 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-3442-3696 C-4. THANKS FROM DWIJA 645-8 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-533-0824 D-1. HORIM ART CENTER 651-16 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-541-3525 D-2. ASSOULINE LOUNGE 631-36 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-516-0316 D-3. OPERA GALLERY 92 NONHYEON-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-3446-0070 D-4. 313 ART PROJECT 630-31 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-3446-3137 [NIGHTLIFE] E-1. MARIMO 653-14 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-545-5885 E-2. MAAK HOLIC B1F 92-2 NONHYEON-DONG, GANGNAMGU, SEOUL / TEL.02-549-9772 E-3. PLATOON KUNSTHALLE 97-22 NONHYEON-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-3447-1191 E-4. DALBIT SULDAM 644-19 SINSA-DONG, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL / TEL.02-541-6118
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