Hitoshi TABATA, Dr. Sci. The Univ. of Tokyo School of Engineering Dept. Bioengineering&Electrical Eng. Professor Research Field(s) / Research key word(s) Tokyo Tel +81-3-5841-8853 E-mail [email protected] Web http://www.bioxide.t.utokyo.ac.jp Spatiotemporal resolution 空間的な分子構造制御 E = −∑(wij xi x j + ∑h j x j ) Bio & Oxide Electronics and Photonics i, j Inter molecule interaction ターゲットからの信号増強 i, j Receptor Cell 自己組織化 Self organized ナノ構造 Nano-ronds Axon Neuron Non labeling detection 分極ナノ構造の局所電場誘起 i x1 x2 x3 Research Interests / Topics / Facilities, etc. (1) Oxide Spintronics (2) Oxide Plasmonics (3) Ferrite Engineering for Solar Energy Harvesting System (4) Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging for Nano-bio Sensing Devices. (5) “Yuragi” System based on Spin-glass and/or Relaxor Materials for Brain Mimetic Devices. E = −∑ J ij S j Si − B∑ Si j Synaptic w1 w2 w3 θ y wn xn スピングラス材料と脳シナプス結合との類似性 Spinglass and synaptic network Recent major publications 1. “Strong optical reflection of rare-earth garnets in the terahertz regime by reststrahlen bands”, Phys.Rev.B (2014) in press 2. “Investigation of the sol-gel transition of gelatin using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy”, J.Appl.Phys., 115, 143103 (2014) 3. “Oxide surface plasmon resonance for a new sensing platform in the near-infrared range” Advanced Opt. Materials, 1. 397 (2013). 4. “High spin polarization at room temperature in Ge-substituted Fe3O4 epitaxial thin film grown under high oxygen pressure”, Short biography Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 212404 (2013). Graduate form Kyoto University. He worked in Osaka University from 1994. He was a professor of Nano-science and Nano-technology 5. “Enhanced photocurrent in Rh-substituted α-Fe2O3 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition”, Center at Osaka University form 2002 to 2006. After 2006, He is a professor at The University of Tokyo. He received a Japan Appl. Phys. Express 5, 115801 (2012). Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Prize in 2008.
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