Title Author(s) Citation Issue Date Type Knowledge Retention and New Product Development Performance Aoshima, Yaichi Hitotsubashi journal of commerce and management, 31(1): 13-58 1996-10 Departmental Bulletin Paper Text Version publisher URL http://hdl.handle.net/10086/5463 Right Hitotsubashi University Repository Hitotsubashi Joumal of Commerce and Management 3 1 ( 1996) pp. 1 3-58. C The Hitotsubashi Academy KNOWLEDGE RETENTION AND NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE YAICHI AOSHIMA Abstract Drawing on examples from the Japanese automobile industry, this study investigated how differences in the ability to retain product-related knowledge across product generations affect product development performance. Two sets of analyses were conducted on this issue, based on data obtained from 229 key project members in 25 new product development projects. First, we investigated how knowledge retention infiuences perfornrance within well-established component development, which we called local performance. We found that, in general, dependence on archival-based mechanisms, such as documents, reports and computerized tools, rather than on individual-based mechanisms, tended to be associated with higher local perforrnance. Next, we analyzed our data set at the project level. Data suggested that retention of individual experience bases and communication with previous project members have positive impact on several performance indicators at the entire project level. In particular, we found that these individual-based retention mechanisms affected improvement of system performance derived from the complex interactions among diffierent engineering and functional domains. However, data also suggested that retention of prior experience tended to cause problems when projects have to introduce new market concepts. l . In trod uction Large manufacturing companies often have a range of product lines, and successively introduce new products over time. To adapt to changing customer needs, they may replace existing products at regular intervals and add new product lines. In most cases, these new products are not "completely" new for a company, both in terms of technologies and market concepts. A technology developed for one product may subsequently be used in a range of products (Cusumano, 1991; Meyer and Utterback, 1993; Meyer and Roberts, 1988; Nobeoka, 1993; Nobeoka and Cusumano, 1992, 1994; Sanderson, 1991; Uzumeri and Sanderson, 1995). Knowledge about existing customers can also serve as a useful basis for interpreting current customer needs and translating them into technical parameters and physical products (Chris- tensen and Rosenbloom, 1995). Successful new product development, therefore, at least partially may depend on the ability to understand technical and market knowledge embodied in existing products; and 14 HITOTSUBASHI JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT [october adapt this knowledge to support new product development (Iansiti, 1 995; Iansiti and Clark, 1993). In addition, due to intensive competitive pressures, a fast product development cycle has also become a critical source of competitiveness in many industries (Clark and Fujimoto, 1991; Nobeoka, 1993; Nobeoka and Cusumano, 1994; Sheriff, 1988). Under such circumstances, retaining and quickly utilizing knowledge across generations of projects, and leaming from past development activities, may become particularly important both for avoiding redundant problem solving and for finding new solutions to problems in new product develo pment. Few studies to date, however, have systematically dealt with this issue of knowledge retention and utilization. Most existing studies have tended to treat each new project as independent, and implicitly assume that each new product is the outcome of a self-contained and distinct problem-solving process (Kofman et. al., 1 993). For example, various researchers have examined a wide range of factors for successful new product development, such as communication processes (Allen, 1970, 1977; Ancona and Caldwell, 1992), teams' compositional characteristics (Ancona and Caldwell, 1 992; Katz and Allen, 1982), team structures and leadership (Clark and Fujimoto, 1 991; Henderson and Cockbum, 1 994; Imai, Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1985; Larson and Gobeli, 1988), and design of development processes (Clark and Fujimoto, 1991; Eisenhardt and Tabrizi, 1995; Iansiti, 1992). However, researchers have paid little attention to organizational and technological linkages across generations of projects. Although some recent studies explicitly deal with issues cutting across different projects (e.g., Cusumano, 1991; Cusumano and Selby, 1995; Iansiti, 1995 a, b; Meyer and Utterback, 1993; Nobeoka, 1993; Uzumeri and Sanderson, 1995), they are either case-based studies or limited to specific elements of knowledge transfer, such as particular components and design concepts. Broad-based empirical investigations exploring the impact of knowledge retention on organi- zational performance are rare. Compared to continuous improvement activities at the plant level (e,g., Kaizen, TQC), improvement of product development process over time has received less direct attention in academic research. As a result, we have little systematic understanding of the effects of managing multiple generations of products. This paper addresses the issue of the transfer and retention of knowledge as an essential element in product improvement. Drawing on examples from the Japanese automobile industry, this study investigates how differences in the ability to retain product-related knowledge across multiple generations of products affect performance in developing new products. The automobile industry is an especially suitable setting for this study because automobile manufacturers continuously introduce new families of products while upgrading existing ones. Nobeoka ( 1993), for example, showed that, during the period between 1980 and 1991, 2 10 new automobile products were introduced worldwide, nearly 70% of which were intended to replace existing models. Such characteristics of the automobile industry - successive introduction and replacement of multiple products - provide us with a favorable setting for this study because improvement of product performance through learning from past development actrvitres and knowledge retention across generations of projects may be crucial to competitive advantage in rapidly changing markets where multiple new products are repeatedly introduced (Cusumano and Selby, 1995; Iansiti, 1995 b, d; Nobeoka, 1993, Wheelwright and Clark, 1992). While the focus of this study on Japanese companies makes it difficult to generalize, it also eliminates the potential bias of a country effect, one of the strong performance predictors in 1996] KNOWLEDGE RETENTION AND NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE 15 several existing studies (e.g., Clark and Fujimoto, 1991; Iansiti, 1992; Nobeoka, 1993; Womack et. al., 1990). By exploring differences within Japanese projects, this paper can extract explanatory factors independent of the country effect. 2. Conceptual Foundations and Hypotheses This section provides conceptual foundations of the hypothetical relationships between knowledge retention and product development performance. Below, we begin by discussing that different performance attributes involved in new product development activities may call for different types of knowledge retention. We then discuss several mechanisms to retain knowledge across product generations. This is important since an empirical part of this paper focuses projects' dependence on particular retention mechanisms as an indicator for knowledge retention. We close this section by making the specific・hypotheses to be tested in the subsequent sections. 2-1. Performance Attributes and Knowledge Types In the conceptual scheme used in this paper, overall performance of new product development consists of two factors, Iocal performance and system performance, as indicated in Figure I below. Local performance arises only from the local region of product or of product development process, and corresponding development efforts within particular technical and function- al areas (Iansiti, 1995b; Henderson and Cockburn, 1995; Ulrich, 1995). For example, the aerodynamic performance of automobiles, as indicated by an air drag co-efficient (Cd), is almost solely determined by the exterior body shape developed by exterior body designers. On the other hand, system performance characteristics arise from many related elements of a product or a product development process, and their interaction. It is thus the outcome of interactive activities among people in different functional and disciplinary areas. For example, NVH (noise-vibration-harshness) is a critical performance metric for automobiles. While NVH can be individually ascribed to particular technological elements, such as material technologies used in tires and bodies, engine systems, body shapes, and suspension systems, it also comes from the complex set of interactions between these elements. We define local performance as the portion of overall performance reducible to particular technological and functional elements, and system performance as the portion attributed to FIGURE l. LOCAL PERFORMANCE AND SYSTEM PERFORMANCE 16 HITOTSUBASHI JOUl NAL OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT [October interactive effects among these elements. The local and system distinction is also applicable to non-technical performance. For example, development lead time may be shortened either by compressing the lead time of each technical and functional activity (local performance) or by facilitating overlaps among them through appropriate adjustments (system performance) Similarly, in some cases, superior engine technology or effective advertising may become a primary driver for automobile sales in the market-place (local performance); in other cases, an appropriate combination among a product concept, component performance, and manufacturing quality may become critical for sales performance (system performance). This distinction between local and system performance becomes important when examining the impact of knowledge retention on product development performance since projects may have to retain different types of knowledge to improve different performance attributes. Achieving high local performance may require specialized or domain-specific functional knowledge, often based on fundamental scientific understanding. No chassis engineer in automobile development, for example, would join a company without a mechanical engineering background (though engineers of suspension control systems may require electronic backgrounds). While based on fundamental scientific knowledge, development of actual component systems requires a more substantial engineering knowhow that goes beyond what is learned from university education. Such knowhow may be gradually accumulated within companies through long-standing development experiences. Current component system development should benefit from such historically accumulated knowhow. We thus conjecture that differences in local performance, at least partially, depend upon how engineers effectively retain and utilize specialized or domain-specific engineering know-how obtained from prior development activities. On the other hand, system performance may primarily depend on knowledge that goes beyond functional and technical boundaries, which we call integrative knowledge. Development of new "system" products invariably calls for knowledge to integrate potentially fragmented and specialized knowledge to apply specific contexts. In the case of automobile development, for example, body design must be integrated with suspension system design to minimize the noise level and to improve body strength; product design must be integrated into process design to achieve smooth ramp-up and high manufacturability; and the whole product design must be integrated into user contexts to satisfy user needs. All these require knowledge to integrate different functional domains. Some recent studies have realized the importance of such integrative knowledge in the development of complex system products, and have proposed normative mechanisms appropriate for cross-functional and inter-disciplinary coordination, such as co-located crossfunctional teams (Imai et. al., 1985), the heavyweight project manager system (Clark and Fujimoto, 1991; Wheelwright and Clark, 1992), and project organizations (Allen and Hauptman, 1987, Allen, 1987). However, it seem that these structural solutions are easy to imitate (Kusunoki et. al., 1995; Henderson, 199). Thus, we doubt that they become sustainable sources of difference in new product development. In our view, a capability for crossfunctional integration is, rather, a historical product (Fujimoto, 1994), and effective retention of integrative knowledge is of fundamental importance to form a project's ability to solve cross-functional problems, which may have a particular impact on the system portion of new product development performance. The above discussion can be summarized as the following propositions: 19961 KN0wL㎜G喧㎜丁酬丁10NA㎜N・wPROD㏄・DEv肌oPM酬丁冊RF㎝MANcE 17 Proposition1:E価㏄tive retention of domain spec脆c md fu1lctiona1knowledge across generations of projects is positively associated with the1ocal po11:ion of new product development performance・ ・・・…iti…:・脆・ti・…t…i…fi・t…そti・・㎞・・1・d・…m・・・…「・tionsof・「oj㏄ts lsposltlvelyassoclatedwththesystempo竹mofnewpmductdevelopmentperfomance 2−1.Pos附veo・Neg州▼eEπ㏄値ofKmwledgeRetemti㎝ Contra町to tllese propositions,innovation studies have tended to discuss a negative e価ect .f㎞・w1・dg…t・・ti・・㎝im…ti・・p・・f・㎜・・㏄(・・9・,Al1㎝・・dM・・q・i・・1964;L・㎝・・d− Ba計on,1992;Dougherty,1992;Henderson and Clark,1990).A common claim in tllese .t.di。。i・th・tpd・・t・・㎞・1.9i・・1㎞・w1・dg・i・・ft・…t・pP1i・・b1・i・・・…1・it・・ti・・ characterized by innovation;rather,it becomes an obstacle for bringing in new ideas(e.g., Anderson and Tushman,1990;Hendemon and Clark,1990;Christensen and Bower,1994)。 Emph・・i・i・gth・…ti・i・・d・・p・・t・fth・p・・t㎞・wl・dg・,・・dth・i…it・b1…d・・t・m・ti・ mtureof㎞owledgeretrieval,studiesofi㎜ovationtendtoaddresstheissuesofhow tobreak ・・・・…m・ti…t・…f・・i叩・・・・…g・1・・・…t・…k…1ed・e・}nco甲・a「ison・P「ocesses ・f・・1・t1㎎㎞・wl・dg…t・・tm,・pPll・・t1・・,・・dt・…f・・h・・・・…1・・d11ttl・・tt・・tm Organizatiom11eaming literature has also somew1lat contradictory conclusions on tlle e脆ct of knowledge retention on organizationa1performance,0n the one hand,it has been …ξ・・t・・t・・t・m・1・・・・・・…中・・・・…弓b!i・dd・・i・ig・make「stonewis・ectsof envlmnm㎝ts and thereby compromlse an orgamzatlon’s e価ect1v㎝ess(March,1972,Nystrom and Starbuck,1984;Walsh and Fahey,1986).Memo町ret㎝tion facilitates a si㎎le−loop learning(ArgyHs and Schon,1972)and,thus,enhances the existing mutines that may not be apP・ophat・fo・thenewsitu・ti㎝s・ 0n the other hand,successful organizations embed their adaptation activities as organi− zational routines.Such routines,often reHected ill the standard operating Procedures・Pro− 9・・m・,・t・bl・・。mm・i・・ti…h・m・1・,・・d・・g・・i・・ti・ml・tm・t・・…f・m・・dti・・lp・・t・f organizational memories.Since organizational memories stored as such routines are automat− i・・11y・・td…d,・・g・・i・・ti・・・・・…d・・・…t・・・…i・t・dwith・・…h・・d・・p・・im・・t・ti㎝ and thus increase task e冊ciency(March and Sim㎝,1959;Ne1son and Winter,1982; Thompson,1967). This contradiction is pa㎡ia1ly explainable by considering d冊erences in organizations’ environmental characteristics.Memory retenti㎝may increase organizati㎝al perfomance 。・lywh㎝・・g・・i・・ti・・・…f・・i・g・t・b1…d㏄れ・i・…i・・㎜・・t・th・t・・11f・…p・titi・・ problem so1ving.Routines in tlle form of standard operating procedures md programs can m。。t・価・・ti・・lyf・・i1it・t…g・・i・・ti…1m・mb…’1・・mi・gf・・…hp・・b1・m・・1・i・g・P・・pl・ wh・・mph・・i・・dp・・iti・…p㏄t・。f㎞・wl・dg…t・・ti・・m・ypHm・・ily1・・k・t・・g・・i・・ti㎝・ f・・i・g・・1・ti・・ly・t・bl・㎝・i・㎝m・・t・.0・th・・th・・h・・d,th…wh…d・・・・…d・・g・ti・・ ・・p・・t・・fp・・t㎞・wl・dg・mightp・y・tt・・ti・・t…g・・i・・ti…f・・i・g・…1・・d・・…t・i・ situations.This is why studies of innovation tend to emphasize problems associated with ㎞owledge ret㎝tion. The above discussion leads to t1le fo1lowing proposition: HITOTSUBASHI JOURNAL OF COMMl3RCE AND MANAGEMENT Proposition 3: The relationship between knowledge retention and product development performance is moderated by the degree of task newness involved in new product development activities. However, other researchers have suggested that prior experiences are important, and even help firms adapt to new environments (Cusumano, 1991; Cusumano and Selby, 1995; Neustadt and May, 1986; Huber, 1991; Walsh and Ungson, 1991). Recent theoretical argument in the area of design studies also tend to assume that any design work is based on past experiences and accepted tradition, and that past knowledge becomes critical, even to non-routine and creative design work (Gero, 1990; Oxman, 1990). As an empirical study, Iansiti (1995 a, b, d) found that system integrators' past experiences in developing the same type of product are positively correlated with development efficiency and technical performance. Furthermore, different types of task newness may differentially moderate the relationship between knowledge retention and product development performance. While some studies found that technological discontinuity bents to new entrants (e.g., Henderson and Utterback, 1991), others claimed changes in product functionality pose a substantially changes market dominance, from incumand Clark, 1990; Tushman and Anderson, 1986; Suarez that a change in the customer base and associated more serious threat to incumbents than technological change (Christensen and Rosenbloom, 1995; Christensen and Bower, 1994; Iansiti and Khanna, 1994). We shall take into account these factors in our data analyses. 2-3. Retention Mechanisms and Product Development Performance One of the critical problems involved in the empirical research dealing with knowledge retention is that it is not an easy task to measure the amount of retained knowledge, especially when considering less observable integrative knowledge. One way to overcome this problem may be to focus on several possible mechanisms for knowledge retention and specify boundary conditions as capabilities to facilitate knowledge retention across generations of projects. They are, for example: 1 . the transfer of project members 2. communication with people who have substantial experiences in past development pro jects 3 . the involvement by organizational units that coordinate development activities across generations. 4, the use of documents and reports describing past problematic and successful practices 5, the use of design standards, design tools and standard design/test procedures 6. the use of computerized information systems, such as CAD and CAE If any of these mechanisms prove to be more appropriate to retain integrative knowledge than domain specific knowledge, we can use a projects' dependence on such mechanisms as an indicator of the retention of integrative knowledge. To do so, however, we need to understand a difference of the nature between integrative knowledge and domain-specific one. One of the reason why researchers have paid significant attention to knowledge cutting across different specialized domains, integrative knowledge, is that such knowledge tends to be less articulable, thus, it may form the foundation of firm-specific capabilities. There are a couple of reasons why integrative knowledge tends to less articulable. First, 1996] ICNOWLEDGE RETENTION AND NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE 19 there is no established languages to communicate integrative knowledge. Domain-specific and scientific knowledge is often supported by particular disciplinary areas with well-established languages for teaching and communication. We have social mechanisms for accumulating disciplinary knowledge, such as professional communities and educational and research institutions. On the other hand, there is no universal language to communicate integrative knowledge. There is no social support for its accumulation. In particular, since integrative knowledge involves knowledge to translate different languages between different thought worlds, it tends to be difficult to articulate. Second, integrative knowledge tends to be context-specific: it is knowledge of the particular circumstances of time and place. It may also be embedded in specific personal relationships (Badaracco, 1991; Spender, 1994). Thus, it may be difficult to express it in the fonn of facts and propositions. For example, in the case of automobile development, while the best vehicle styling to solely maximize aerodynamic performance can be theoretically determined and generalizable, appropriate linkages between the styling, the body structure, the engine shapes, and the suspension types may be different among vehicle types with different sizes, platforms, and customer bases. The most direct way to transfer and retain less-articulable and context-specific integrative knowledge may be to transfer to or retain individuals with first-hand experience in appropriate decision settings. For example, Cohen (1991) pointed out that the concept of procedural memory proposed by Anderson (1983), which refers to methodological knowledge in use as opposed to facts and propositions, may be better transferred by means of personnel rotation. When knowledge is embedded in specific relationships between people, it might be required to make a group of people active for long time. For example, Wilson and Hlavacek (1984) found that firms which benefited from technologies created in past projects kept knowledge alive by the active presence of a core group of people. However, there are obvious limitations in completely depending on a particular individual or group: when people leave, knowledge disappears. If integrative knowledge can be shared with, and transferred to, other people and groups, firms can more effectively leverage that knowledge. In this respect, Nonaka ( 1 994) suggested that tacit knowledge embedded in individuals can be transferred among individuals by having shared and common direct experiences. He called this type of knowledge transfer (conversion) "socialization." Thus, if companies can create a chain of overlapped common experiences among people, tacit knowledge can be retained for a long time. Direct face-to-face interactions may also help individuals share integrative knowledge. Although fully embedded knowledge may not be directly expressed by words, direct interactions lead to gradual understanding of contextual factors behind artifacts, providing better ways of knowledge retention than documents or blueprints. Accordingly, we hypothesize that integrative knowledge is most effectively retained through individual-based retention facilities, such as the direct transfer of individuals and a group of people, shared experiences among individuals, and intensive face-to-face interactrons among individuals. On the other hand, domain-specific and functional knowledge tends to be more articulable and generalizable. Therefore, retention of such knowledge will most benefit from the use of archival mechanisms, such as documentation, standardization, and computerized systems In accordance with the above discussion, Propositions I , 2, and 3 can be rewritten to the 20 HITOTSUBASHI JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT [October following hypotheses. Hypothesis I : The use of archival-based knowledge retention mechanisms, reflected in documents, reports, standards, and computer-aided design systems, will be associated with high local performance in new product development. Hypothesis 2 : The use of individual-based knowledge retention mechanisms, reflected in continuity of project members across generations of projects and communication among project members in successive generations of projects, will be associated with high system performance in new product development. Hypothesis 3 : The relationship between the degree of projects' dependence on knowledge retention mechanisms and product development performance will be moderated by task newness, reflected on either or both technical and market newness. 3. Research Methods This study used a cross-sectional questionnaire survey to address the research questions. In common with most previous studies, the focal unit is an individual project, but the level of analysis (Rousseau, 1985) is the inter-project level. Therefore, the questionnaire has a particular emphasis on the transfer of product-related knowledge from past development activities, focusing on linkages between present and past development activities. We distributed a questionnaire instrument between March and May 1995 to key members of projects at seven major Japanese automobile manufacturers. In distributing the questionnaires, we asked a contact person at each company to select recent new product development projects that satisfy the following two conditions. First, projects should be responsible for "major" new product development. The meaning of "major" is fairly clear among Japanese companies since they divide product development projects into "minor model change" projects, "full model change" projects, and "new model development" projects based on the common criteria. The latter two types are categorized as major new product development projects to which the Ministry of Transport imposes additional testing requirements not applicable to minor model changes. The second condition is that projects should develop new models that replace existing models, that is, "full model change" projects. The number of projects we requested varied from company to company depending on its size. We asked for a total of 29 projects and received data on 25 projects. Ten key members of each project were asked to respond. Those ten key members include a project manager, vehicle test engineers, Iayout engineers, body design engineers, chassis design engineers, exterior/ interior designers, engine design engineers, electronic component design engineers, marketing planners, and production engineers. We tailored the questionnaire according to the needs of different team members to account for the uniqueness of their tasks. While we obtained all 10 responses from 17 projects, there is some missing data for the remaining eight projects, since we were unable to obtain responses from some project core members. As a result, the sample comprises 229 core members. 1996] KNOWLEDGE RETENTION AND NEW PRODUCT DEvaLOPMENT PERFORMANCE 21 We also conducted in-depth interviews with project managers and other core-members at 14 projects. Of the 14 projects, 10 projects participated in the questionnaire research as well. Therefore, we were able to use qualitative information obtained from in-depth interviews to interpret the survey results as well as to design the questionnaire instrument. 3. I Research Design To examine the hypotheses discussed above, we conducted two sets of analyses. First, we focused on development activities within each component development area, such as body design, engine design, and chassis design, to explore the impact of knowledge retention on local performance. We thus empirically regarded local performance as performance of particular component development attributed only to activities within each component design group. Next, we analyzed data at the project level. As already mentioned, performance of an entire project can be infiuenced both by each functional or component development activity and interaction between them. Therefore, comparison of the results between component level analyses and project level ones presumably identifies differences between capabilities to improve system performance and those to improve local performance. The comparison of results obtained from different samples, however, has limitations. Therefore, we also attempted to compare between factors affecting system performance and those affecting local performance within the same project-level sample. Finally, we examined the moderating effects of market and technological newness on the relationships between experience-based retention and project performance as a partial test for Hypothesis 3. 4. Knowledge Retention and Local Performance 4. I Sample Out of the 229 entire sample, we focused on only component design engineers to examine local performance. Although our data sets comprises 1 18 component design engineers, the final sub-sample analyzed included only 83 engineers because of missing values for some explanato- ry variables. All these 83 members were key project members, representing five different engineering or design areas, exterior/interior design, chassis design, body design, engine design, and electronics component design 4. 2 Performance Measurement In the questionnaire, we asked respondents to assess perforrnance derived only from design activities within their engineering areas, as opposed to the performance of overall product development projects. Using 5-point Likert scales, they rated their satisfaction in development cost performance, component cost performance, adherence to schedules, manufacturability of component systems, novelty of component systems, and technical performance of component systems. Table I below shows summary statistics for these performance indicators. 22 mTOTSuEASH1JOu皿NAL OF COMMI…RCE^ND MANAGEMENT ・ 【Ootobor TA肌E1. DEscR1PTIvE STATIsTlcs FOR PERF0RMANcE INDIcAT0Rs N=83 Mem S.D. Min. M田■. Component cos−Pe㎡ormヨ皿06 3,33 1,04 1,OO DewIopm6nt oost perfomanoe 3,04 0,09 一.o0 5,00 Adhor611ce to sch6dul0 3,13 1,01 1.O0 5,00 Manufo伽rability of compon㎝t systems 3,14 0,70 1,O0 5.O0 Novoltyofoomp㎝㎝tsyslems 3,21 1,01 1.O0 5,00 T㏄hllicaI perromla皿ce of compomellt systems 3.74 0.74 2.OO 5.OO 5.O0 5−poin1L此帥Sca]es,fmm l E llot s田tisf田c−oη,to5三ve町satisf刮ctoη. 4.31≡:叩1amatory V8血阯es Table2below illdicates descriptive statistics for explanatory variables considered in the ・・b・・q…t…1y・…E・・h・・plm・t・・y・・由bl・・・・…p・・d・t・・…fth・・i・㎞・wl・dg・ 「etentionmechチnisms:d…m・・t…d・…れ・…子・d子・d・…叩・t・・一・id・d…t・m…i・㏄t trms此r of prqject members,face−to−face commumcatlon,and mvo1vemellt of mdependent orga1lizational units.Below,we brieHy explain how we constmcted t1lese measures. σ舵ヴル・”リ・1〃・伽沁㎜∫・1)㏄・㎜θ〃M・〃印・舳,・〃∫伽伽必 Ou「oセse「vation「evealsthatJ・・・・・・…t?m・bi1…m・子・i・・…t・・t・・・・…。・㎜g・t・ to store pr1or knowledge The趾st type descnbes standard1zed knowhow such as techmca1 standards,standard desigll procedures,and standard test met110ds,which engineers must follow.Non−standardized knowhow or lessons obtained耐om past activities were retained thmgh several other foma1and infomal repo血s and memos such as the test repoれs,the kllow110w documellts,alld the user−claim repo11=s,t11e problem−11andling document,and t1le COmmuniCatiOn memOS. A1tlloug1l the boundary betweell standards and noll−standardized knowhow is not clearly TAB岨2. DEscR1PTlvE STATIsTlcs F0R Ex肌ANAT0RY VARlA肌Es N=80 Mean S.D. Mi皿. Max. Ref61−ence to doo11mellts與皿d reporユs 3,78 O.91 1,00 5,00 Impo肘a皿㏄ofst㎝dards 3,92 0,99 1.O0 5,O0 US60f COmputer Si血阯OtiOn 3,22 1,25 1.O0 5.O0 Compu倣一b㏄ed d6sign祀telltioll 3,63 0,90 2,00 5,00 Dir㏄t oreation of p耐s pm酊om by CAD/CAM 3.48 I皿tm−f㎜Cti0皿al COmmu血Cati0皿 193,2 1.32 1.O0 5.00 72,9 12.0 240.0 Cross−fmction』comm皿micatio皿 47,0 19,7 4.0 110,8 Comm皿nicatio皿witll ot116r proj㏄t m6mbers 22,7 18,4 2.5 94,3 Com㎞cati㎝舳prlvio岬ojlctmemb1耐 21.O 18.4 2.5 67.1 Re1ativepoweroff㎜oti㎝alma㎜ge胴 R61atiwpoworofl㎝g・templ㎝mi㎎9mps −O.24 1,23 −3,OO 2,00 −1I55 1,56 −4,00 9る of P1−evi0皿s p1−0ject me血1bers 0.18 0.14 0,OO 3,O0 0.75 1996] KNOWLEDGE RETENTION AND NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE 23 defined, we tried to separate them in the qu.estionnaire. First, we asked respondents to rate how frequently they referred to documents and reports that described design solutions and problems identified in the past development activities on a 5-point Likert Scale, from I = not refer at all, to 5 = refer very frequently (mean = 3.78, s. d. = 0.91). Second, respondents rated the importance of standards in designing components during the project on a 5-point Likert scale, from I = not important at all, to 5 = very important (mean = 3.78, s. d. = 0.99). Standards here include design standards, standard testing procedures, standard design procedures, and sfandarej design tdols. Use of Computer-aided Systems We requested respondents to rate the importance of computer-aided systems within six different areas: CAE simulation (vehicle performance), CAE simulation (structural analysis), CAD/CAM with direct creation of parts programs, sharing of design information among engineers by CAD/CAE, standardized parts database, and reuse and edit of past design information stored in CAD/CAE. Respondents rated the importance of each of these according to a 5-point Likert scale. Some of these six variables are conceptually distinct. For example, the first two variables together indicate the use of CAE simulation tools; the last two variables indicate the use of computer-stored past information. Along with this conceptual distinction, a principal component analysis enabled us to group these variables into three indicators. The first is the use of computer simulation consisting of CAE simulation for structural analysis and CAE simulation for vehicle performance (alpha = 0.83). The second indicates the computer-based past design retention that consists of the standardized database and the reuse and edit of past design information (alpha = 0.78).] Third, we preserved a variable of CAD/CAM with direct creation of parts programs as a separate variable. Continuity of Engineers Across P?ioduct Generations Each respondent provided the total number of engineers in his or her area involved in the project. They were then asked for the number of these engineers who also had been responsible for the previous generation of a project. Based on these numbers, we calculated the percentage of engineers having experience in the previous project generation. Because of confidentiality issues, some respondents did not provide us with these numbers. We obtained data only from 90 out of 1 1 8 respondents, which 'significantly decreased our sample size. The average percentag of engineers having experience in the previous projects as estimated by the engineers themselves was 18% (s.d. = 0.14). Communication Respondents estimated how often, on average during projects, they communicated with nine types of individuals indicated by the 3 x 3 matrix' in Table 3 below.2 Respondents rated the frequency of communication on 6-point scales, with I = two to l The second factor obtained from the principal component analysis consisted of these two variables as well as the design information sharing variable. However, the computer-based past design retention is conceptually different from design information sharing. Therefore, we excluded the information sharing variable, and then averaged seores for the remaining two variables. 2 Although our speeific concern is the impact on local performance of communication with individuals who previously developed the same component systems, we also considered other types of communication, since the 24 [o吃to㎞r HITOTSUEASH110URNAL OF COMME皿CE^ND MANAGEMI…NT TABLE3. TYPEs0F C0MMUNlcATI0N RBP0RTED (Ineasur6d in app正oxhnate days per year,N = 80) Communication with Project Members the same project another project belonging to . the same engineering area the previous generation of the pro ject (1) (2) (3) Mean: 193.2 Mean: I13.l Mean: 84.83 S.D.: 72.9 S.D.: 91,l S.D.: 94, 1 1 (4) (5) (6) Mean: 58.7 Mean: 17.2 Mean: 18.0 S.D.: 29.8 S.D.: 19.2 S.D.: 15.8 (7) (8) (9) departments Mean: 36.0 Mean: 15.1 Mean: 15.1 and suppliers S.D.: 19,l S.D.: 17.9 S.D.: 16.5 different engineering areas within the product engineering department different functional The di価erent fullctio皿a]d6paれments sllown in tlle −hird row i皿c]ude production, m町k6ti皿g/pmdlIct p1a㎜1ing,蘭1os,quality imsumnce,purchasing,cost momgem6nt, 1ong−term planni1lg groups,aIld supPliers. three days per year or less,2=once a month,3=two or three days a month,4=on㏄a week,5=two or tl1ree days a week,and6=every day.Based on a240−day working year, eachscorewastmnsfomedtothcmmberofdaysinthefollowingway:1=2.5days;2=12 days;3=30days;4=52days;5=120days;and,6=240days.Then,we calculated scores for the above nine types of communication,if required,by averaging tlle number of days for communication with appmpriate individuals.The means and standard deviations are s110wn in the table3above. To id㎝tify an under1ing pattem,we subjected these nine indicators to a principal components analysis.Four factors emerged.Based on tllis amlysis,we collstmcted four measures for d冊erent types of communication by averaging coπespondil1g communication scores・These are intra−fmctional and withill−Project communication,cmss−functional and within−project communication,inter−project communication,and commullication wit1l the previous proj㏄t members(cmss−9㎝emtiona1communication).3 07goπ乞αゴoηo1∫ψ〃ε肌θ Respondellts rated the inHuences of functional mamgers,1ong−term teclmology plaming groups,and project ma1lagers in technology selection decision−m早king,on5−point Likeれ sca1es,from1=not involved at a11to5:played a very impo11=ant role.Based on these answers,we constmcted indicators of t1le relative inHuence between project mamgers, functional managers,and long−tem plaming groups,by subtmcting scores for project managers’mHuences fmm scores for t11e otller two1㎡1uences As a result,we obtamed two indicators for relative innuences:olle indicates the in肋ence of a・functioml manager re1ative to that of a project ma㎜ger;the other refers to the inOuence of a lo㎎一tem t㏄㎞o1ogy existing studies deal with both imtm−md in16r−functiom1commuIlication wit11people within/ouふde proj㏄t b㎝mdaHes asi岬舳ntp6rfomo㏄ep祀diot㎝(e−g一,杣㎝,et.刎.,1979;Anoon“皿d C副1dw61止1992a). ,How6ver,the㏄m6砥u燗am mt completeIy i皿depend6nt,since some proj㏄t moml〕e冊mi曲t be tmmfeπ6d fmm the p祀vious gen町ation of pmj㏄ts,o−11洲o worked on multiple projects simuItaneo㎜1y.In suoh c砥es, 。om㎜ni・・ti㎝withi・th・pmj・・ti・m・・干・…1・・・・…1榊dwithi・脈Pmj㏄・㎝di皿t・・一g・…舳ml OOmmuniCati011. 1996] KNOWLEDGE IU TENTION AND NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE 25 planning group relative to that of a project manager. Control Variables In addition to the above explanatory variables, we considered five control variables that presumably have strong infiuences on component development performance. These control variables are summarized as follows. Bubble economy: respondents involved in the projects that introduced new models during 1991 were coded as 1: O otherwise Micromini Car: respondents who worked on micromini car development were coded as 1; O otherwise Design Newness: the percentage of change in the component from the existing design Engineering area: a dummy variable indicating respondents' engmeenng areas Company: a dummy variable indicating respondents' companies 4. 4 Results and Discussions Table 4 below shows the correlations among performance variables and explanatory variables. Results in Table 4 appears to support our proposition that local performance is positively associated with archival-based knowledge retention capability.4 For example, component cost performance was positively correlated with the reference to documents and reports (r = .33, p < .O1), the use of standards (r = .25, p < .05), and computer-based design retention (r = . 3 1 , p < .Ol). Development cost performance has a positive association with the reference to documents and reports (r = 0.27, p < 0.05). Technical performance was positively related with the reference to documents and reports (r = .44, p < .O1), and the use of CAE simulation (r = .32, p < .O1). On the other hand, organization-based and individual-based mechanisms tended not to be associated with performance indicators. First, none of the communication-related variables was significantly associated with performance. Second, among the organizational influence variables, the functional manager's relative power against a project manager had a positive association only with component cost performance (r = .22, p < .05). Third, the percentage of engineers who worked on the previous project was found to be positively related with technical performance (r = .25, p < .05), but has no association with any efficiency-related 4 Among the explanatory variables, the reference to documents and reports, and the use of standards, are highly correlated (r = 0.58, p < 0.01). As we see in later analyses, this high correlation seems to cause problems in parameter estimates for some of the fitted regression models. However, we preserved these two as separate because we are interested in how differently knowledge retention in standardized forms affects performance from that in non- standardized fonns. 9昌⋮き;⋮ま目邑 − M H>邑F団壮1 OO戸■L両︼ド>一﹁−OZ⋮㌧FH天−︼︻ −O−O^ −o.oN ρ塞峯 OlOO 〇一8 o−8 −o.ou 〇一淫華 −o.〇一 −O’OM 010M 〇一−O O.O− O‘〇一 01uoo萎O.−O︸ −O‘−O o.ooo 〇一〇〇 〇‘−︼棄 〇.MO# O’−O奉 o.凄韮一 一 蜆 ,﹄目一〇H−o﹃ρ舳o〇一 −o.2 −〇一〇〇 0100 0.︹−一 〇.O下 −O.︹UO −Su華−o18 o−= o18 ] 小 HO﹁o蜆蜆−田o目“﹃巴巨o目 −o6u O.O︸ −o﹂o 〇一〇σ 〆o−巴一−’、o,o︷0Ho﹃﹃目目〇一−o目凹− o.童 ■画9;O︸O︷99FO目胴−一9目 −〃n︸π﹃冊目o冊一〇−︺oo‘−目一〇目一咀凹目旦 ︸−凹目目︸目胴︹︸﹃o目o −o1ou 〇.ou −o.o^ −ρOOO o−8 −o.冒 o.−岨‡ o’oひ o’o^ o.−一 −︹■.︹■N o.o5 o﹂︺蜆 o.−u 101−OO‡ 10.−一 〇.u︼姜−O■OOO 10−Ou O.−M韮 O.OO −O.O0 −〇一−−葦−O.uひ韮−O.Oひ 010︸ o.−︸‡ o.ou O.u壮韮−OIO︸ o.阯い姜o.u甘葦 O.−N −O1Ou o.o也 o.旧o‡ ^︺1o︼ ︹−一〇5 −〇一〇u −O﹂Oo O﹂小 O.Oα 〇.−一 〇‘u−毒o‘N−姜 O1Ou −O.uO‡ −O‘−一 O.−︺華 O.u一幸 OIu−姜O.uoo彗 〇一; o.s ob︸ o1o− o.−o‡ o1︸−姜 O.ど姜 冨 = 5 −O﹂u −〇一〇︷ 一〇 = 3 −o.o︸ o.o− o■−o oo目−唱o目o目一︹−o蜆一、o□−ロヨ目−巴目oo $o︸零25;手εog峯o目ま冨 −o.o︸ o>o\o>⋮ 冒亮g冒募雫£冒ヨ3,昌昌 〇堅眉﹁目ざ目き昌 >旦−“﹃冊目o而一〇閉o−而旦‘−一〇 U塞喜目童O畠;。きゴ凹⋮ 声冊君募 ρ♂韮 ○需亀o些漕ω冨邑胃身 −Ob一 冒宙目智晒雪 一]望WO、︵︸O目−OE一〇﹃−咀一〇﹃OO︸富一 一 ﹄ 明 o o ︸ o>−︸ω︸□目冒−芭一−〇一− “︵片o叩蜆ーコE目o旨o目巴 一 一}o〇 一〇 }一心uu一 一 〇 −ρ−o ρOu O.Oo −〇一〇︸ −O−O︷ OOO O.−舳^ −〇一心u −O﹂一 〇.−一 〇’O− −O’M一 −o■−oo lo‘oひ o.−一 −︵F0耳 O’主棄O﹂N O﹂− O.Ooo o’−一 −︹Fou o■︸u姜〇一〇“ −〇一〇ひ O.−一 〇一〇u 1〇一〇u ︹■.︹■︸ 01−N 01−Oo 〇.3幸 〇一二 −o.−o O1M小韮 O﹂小 〇一u︸崇 〇一〇u −O1OO O.OO 〇一全姜O.壮−姜O﹂小 〇■uoo毒o.︷u毒 〇一〇一 5 = ;凹目E爵〇一EH田庁︷自一− −〇一; −o.冒 ♂︿﹂ #−︿1員 萎、︿も− 一 一 〇 〇 − − −−o田−︸0H−o﹃目−口冒oo. zoきξ o〇一〇、U1小u一 [October M^NAGEMENT HITOTSuEASm JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND 26 1996] , KNOWIJ3DGE RETENTION AND NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE 27 performance indicator. ' Table 5 below shows the results of , fitted regression models for each performance dimension. Model I includes only control variables for each performance indicator. When sets of dummy variables indicating engineering areas and firms were not significantly associated with performance, we excluded them in the subsequent models.5 Model 2 includes variables related to archival-based retention mechanisms in addition to control variables; ' Model 3 includes variables for organizational capabilities. Model 4 for each performance indicator shows the full fitted regression model. However, we found that the observed high correlation between the reference to documents and reports, and the use of standards (r = 0.58), seemed to cause some problems in parameter estimates, so we excluded either of these variables in turn from Model 5 and Model 6, respectively. Results from the regression analyses are mostly consistent with those from the correlation analyses. First, as shown in the full models (Model 4), data suggest that the more frequently engineers referred to documents and reports, the higher performance they reported, in general. Specifically, this variable was positively associated with component cost performance (p < .05), development cost performance (p < .O1), manufacturability (p < .O1), and technical perforrnance (p < .Ol). This implies that reference to documents and reports to learn from past component development practices has a broad impact on local performance dimensions, both in terms of development efficiency and technical performance, as hypothesized Contrary to our hypothesis, the full regression models show that the use of standards is negatively related to development cost performance, manufacturability, and technical performance. However, all these negative relationships were no longer significant after excluding the use of documents and reports as shown in Model 5, indicating a problem of multicollinearity.6 Second, computer-based design retention was positively associated with component cost performance at the 5% significance level. Since a high score for this variable also indicates the high degree of reuse of previously-designed parts, this result is understandable. However, computer-based design retention was not significantly related to any other performance indicators. Although it was consistently positively associated with efficiency-related performance indicators, the relationships were not statistically significant.7 Third, the use of computef simulation tools was significantly associated with technology- 5 we conducted thc increment-to-R-square test to examine the impact of sets of dummy variables. When either the firm or area dummy variables together did not significantly increase values of R-square (5% Ievel), we excluded them in the subsequent regression models. 6 The signs of regression coefficients were, however, still negative. It might be that there is some real negative influence from the use of standards on performance. Problems of dependence on technical standards generally arise when engineers use outdated technical standards and take it for granted. New products were introduced after 1993 in 21 out of the 25 projects in our sample. This means that most projects developed new products after the record-breaking economic boom in the late 1980s. As we mentioned in the previous section, engineers had to significantly change the way to develop component systems to adapt to much more price-conscious customers in the 1990s. For example, engineers were required to dramatically reduce component costs and the nunrber of parts. In such circumstances, companies had to revise many existing technical standards that had tended to put too much quality on component systems by sacrificing cost performance (Fujimoto, 1994), as several interviewees pointed out. Thus too much reliance on existing technical standards during this period might lead to low performance, particularly in efficiency-related performance dimensions, at least, in the engineer's subjective evaluation. 7 In the additional analysis which excluded exterior/interior designers from the sample, we found that the CAD/CAM variable was significantly associated with manufacturabi]ity. 28 HITOTSuEASHI mURNAL OF COMMI…RCE AND MANAGEMl≡NT TA肌E5. 【Ootobe正 REsULTs0F T朋FITTED REG㎜ssI0N ANALYsEs P0R LOcAL PERFORMANcE INDIcAT0Rs Compo06皿t Cost DowloPmoot Co筍t 岬‘om皿㏄ 1,or‘o而日田皿‘=ε 11IIIII∀VV1 阯眺E・・m叫 一0.ψ榊刈.50榊一0.47榊伽1榊仙7榊一〇.48榊 I1IIIIIVVVI −0.30材刈.35榊一0.29榊一〇.33榊{.2フ榊一〇.27軸 Miom C町 0,16 0.24榊0.15‘ O.19舳0.19}O.21 O.26 0,13 0,15 0,12 0,12 0.I2 D6sign Ncw皿偉蝿 O.07 0.08 −0,06 0.02 −0,03 0−03 −0.I1 −0.10 −0.11 −O.14 −O.24 −O.23‡ Fim NotSig. Not Sig. EllgimeH−1g A祀a Sig. Im, I皿o. Im. I皿c. Illo. Not Sig。 0.45榊 0.24柚 0.43榊 Roforo皿c6to Dooumc11ts O.20壮 O.28一ヰ 0.19‡ 一0.39榊一〇.17 一〇.39榊 U舵of D6sig11St旦皿dards −O.09 −O.16 −O,02 ComplIt6一一b舶ed D巴筥igI1R巴to11ti011 0.17‡ O.21抽 0.21柚 O.1畠‡ O.15 Di祀ct P舳昌Pmgrom by CAD/CAM0.16 006 0−11 0−06 0.01 U舵of CAE S㎞阯1ation O.02 0.05 −O.01 0.02 0.15 刈一02 −O.1ブ −O.15 Rc1帥i冊Power=FM O.10 0I08 0,09 0.07 O.04 Rc1舳c Power=L㎝壇一tem Plm −O.07−O.02 −O−07 −O,04 −O.18‡ Com皿㎜1ic田ti01i1冊皿ctio皿a] 刈.12 −O.04 −0.05 −O.03 一〇.03 =Cm艶一FuI1ctio−ial −O.02 0,03 0,01 0.03 0,03 Cm5s−G6ncmtio皿 一〇.04 −O.19 −0.17 −O.16 0.08 =I皿ter−Prqエeot −0.19‡ 一〇.12 −O.07 −013 −O.04 0.01 %of P1=evio山5Mcmb6rs O.10 0,01 0,02 0.01 0.04 −0,10 0,02 0.00 −0.05 O.18 0.04 0.08 −O.03 −O.19‡ 刈.23柚 O.08 −O.15 0.00 −O.01 0.11 一〇.02 −O.13 0,05 0,00 0.oo −O.09 刈.13 −O.10 −O.06 −O.03 −〇一05 d.『OfreSid11創S 69 75 68 68 69 69 69 75 68 68 69 69 Ad」咽t6d R一㎎o肌e 0.41榊O.46榊O.38榔O.47榊0.44榊O.47}帥 0.12ヰ 0.27榊0.09‡ 0−23榊0.11‡ O.15芯 Mmufocto岨刷ity Adhe祀皿c6to Solleduk 1 II I11 1V V VI Eubble Economy −O.06 −O−01 0.01 −O.04 O.OO O.02 Mic正o Cπ O.41 0,04 0,08 0.02 0,02 0.08 D閑ig皿Now血醐 刈一31榊一〇.26壮一〇.28拙一〇。22‡ −O.26,ヰ ーO.22 IIlIIIIVVVI −OI31‡一一〇、36榊一〇.26榊一〇.34榊一〇.27‡一一0.27甘 O.=一9串一 〇.09 0,12 0,11 0,11 0,16 0,06 0,11 0.O0 0.05 −O.03 0.06 Not Sig− Fim Not Siε. E皿gimorillg A爬a Not Sig. Not Sig一 Use o『Desig皿St田皿d田rd5 −O−14 −O.1喀 0.40}ヰ O.21‡ O.34榊 O.10 Re‘or61100to DoouIne皿t5 0,17 0.19 一〇.36軸一〇.15 一0.32} 刈一08 Computer−bas6d Dosi筥11Roto皿tio皿 0−05 0.07 0,08 O.02 O.O] O.04 Di■㏄t P耐s Pmgr㎜by CAD/CAM−O,02 −O.01 0,02 0,05 0.i2 O.06 0,12 U舵o『CAE Si皿1凹1ation 一一〇I01 0.02 0,01 0.04 0.11 0,08 0,05 Ro1巴tiw Pow航:FM 0,01 0IOO 0,02 Re1砒ive Power=Loilg−term Pla日 O−09 015 0.13 Com皿111Ilic巴tio皿・Flmctlona1 −O.09 −O.11 −O.12 一〇.03 O.06 刈.01 −0.01 0.12 刈.11 =Cmss−F山mtio皿al O.OO O.02 0,02 0,01 Cro鵬一Gellcmtlo皿 0.03 −O.04 0,05 0−02 0.09 −0.04 −O.Oヨ 刈.01 −O.03 ーO.03 −O.01 −O.02 O.06 0.03 −O.18 0.03 −O.01 0.01 刈.02 0.02 0,03 0.Ol 0.09 −O.03 ・I皿t6r_Projcct 0,14 0,14 0,13 O.17 −OI21オ 刈.16 −O.19 −0.16 %of P祀vio唖Mombe耐 一〇.03 0.10 0.11 0.03 ¶.15 −O,18 {.15 −0.18 0.11 d.rof−esid山田1s 69 75 68 68 69 69 69 75 68 68 69 69 Adj㎜ted R一明u肛e −0,01 0.Ol 0.02 −O.02 −O.03 −O.02 0.13紳 0.14榊O.05 0.I2‡ 0,03 0.05 ㌔< .1,柚pく .05,榊p<.O1 1996】 KN0wu≡DGl≡㎜…丁酬丁10N AND M…w PRoI〕ucT D旧v肌oPMl…NT PERF0RMANcE 29 TA肌E5. REsULTs0F THE F1TTED REG㎜…ss10N ANALYsEs F0R LocAL PERF0RMANcE IND1cAT0Rs(continued) 丁畠o1111ic田1 T㏄h㎞cal Nowlty I,01=fO『口1田11C巴 IIl1IIIVVVI IIlI1IIVVVI 旧11bblo I…ε01iomy 0−16 0.19ヰ O.20‡ O.19‡ 0.19‡ O.18 −O.09 −O.03 0.08 −O−05 0,04 0.01 Miom C趾 O.23 −0.05 −O.14 −O.12榊一0−12柚刈.13 0,24 0−04 −O.06 −0.06 刈.06 −O.Ol D齪ig皿N・㎜。・・ O.13 0.l10−00 0.l10・12 0・11 刈・07 0・OO¶・30−0・04仙5刈・03 Fim NotSig− NotSig・ E㎎㎞・・d㎎ル・・ NotSig− N・tSig・ M鵬皿o.t.D。。。m㎝t. 0.08 −O.04 0,02 0.55榊 O.50榊 O−38榊 U・。。fD齪卿S伽由{ 0,05 0.l1O.09 −0・22} 一〇・24#0・02 C㎝叩t肚一b冊ωD㏄i即R・t・皿ti㎝O.03 −0−09−O.09伽8 −0・06 ■0・07−O・05■O・15 1)iI㏄t P舳s Pmg正a皿by CAD/CAM−0−05 0,09 0,08 0.11 −O.13 −O,09 −0−02 −O.07 UsE0f CAE Si皿汕刮ti011 0,13 0.27帥 O.27# O.30# O.32榊 O.38I蛛O.35伸一〇。38帖= Ro1田t∼e Powr=FM 0,07 0,04 0,04 0,05 0.19‡ O.11 0,16 0.09 R.1.tiΨ。p.w。。:L㎝g一。。mpl。皿 刈.2g榊一〇.35榊一〇。34榊刈。34榊 一〇.28榊一〇一25榊一〇.31榊一〇.27榊 Co皿munic田ti011=F凹mti011a1 −0.22壮一0.25榊刈.25柚刈.25柚 刈.17 −O.19ヰ ー0.22柵刈.18‡ =Cmss.Functi011al O.00 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,12 0,11 0,10 Cross.Gemmtio皿 0,10 0,07 0,06 0,07 0.13 −0,11 0.06 −O.06 :1皿蛇・一Pmj舳 0,17 0.30壮〇一30林O.30柚 一〇・10 0・080・04 0・09 %of Provio㎜Mombe晒 O.05 0.OS O.08 0,07 0,13 0,14 0,18 0.12 d.f of I=csidods 69 75 68 68 69 69 69 75 68 68 69 69 Adju5t巴d R一判11趾e −〇一04 刈.01 0.11榊 O.13帥 O.14榊 0.15軸 0」2‡ O・25榊一〇・12# O・32榊〇一17# O・29蝸‘ ㌻〈.1,柚p〈.05,榊p〈。Ol related perfommce:novelty ofcomp㎝ent systems and compone皿t technicalperfomance. However,it was negatively associated with development cost performance.This result may suggest that tlle use of CAE too1s resu1ts in higher t㏄hnica1performan㏄at the cost of development e術ciellcy,In this respect,several engineers poi1lted out that,whi1e CAE tools signincantly impmved qua1ity of the first design prototype,it llad Ilot yet achieved projected development e冊ciency improvement,partia11y because CAE tools tel1d to make engineers spendtoomuchtimefomarginal perfo㎜an㏄improvement・ Contrary to archiva1mecllanisms and computerized systems,organization−based and individual−based㎞owledge ret㎝tion mechanisms did mt show any positive impact㎝ perfomance indicators:some were actualiy found to havea negativeimpact. Amollg the communication−related variables,communication with the previous project membershadnosign岨cantassociationwithanyperfo㎜anceindicator.SurpHsing1y,commu一 nication with engineers in the same engineering area was negative1y associated w仙technical− related perfomance such as novelty of comp㎝ent systems and technical perfomance of components.。 011the other hand,communication with the other prqj㏄t members was positive1y associated with performance in novelty of component systems(p<0.05).This may indicate l・・1甲・i・・…1・・…乎・1l・戸…h・i・.…t・・h干・1・・i・・1i亨…p・com㎜nic干tin・with mdlv1duals outslde thelr pm]ects There ls anothe正mterpretat1on Smce tec1mo1og1ca11y−new 8This m劃y i皿dicate t]le inhe祀nt pf0b]ems ill communioation studies=lhe mo正e pmblems o㏄叫the more f正明11e皿t1y6皿gi鵬crs h別ve to commullicate with t11e other engi皿e帥to solve pmb16ms一 HITOTSUBASHI JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT components are typically developed for multiple projects, newness of component systems might require engineers to communicate with ・ other project members to adjust component development activities across projects (Nobeoka, 1 993). ' Organizational influence variables also had no positive impact on any performance indicators. Although correlation analyses showed that a stronger influence by functional m4nagers than project managers is associated with better component cost performance, this association was no longer significant in the regression analysis. Involvement of long-term planning groups had a significant negative impact on technology-related performance such as novelty of component systems _(p < 0.01) and technical performance (p < 0.01). Since long-term technology planning groups often play a critical role in facilitating carry-over of existing component systems, it is understandable why their involvement may lead to less novel component systems. Finally, continuity of engineers in successive generations of projects had no significant association with any performance indicators. This result implies that knowledge retention through people may not be critical to improve local performance. In summary, results in this section partially supported Hypothesis I . We found that dependence on documents and reports for knowledge retention had a broad positive impact on local performance; dependence on computer-stored prior design information improved product cost performance; and use of computer simulation tools was associated with higher technical perfonnance of component systems. On the other hand, organization-based and individual-based mechanisms for knowledge retention had either no association or negative associations with performance indicators. These results imply that investment in formalizing and articulating knowledge may be critical to improve performance within well-defined component system development areas. 5. Knowledge Retention and New hloduct Development Performance at the Project Level 5-1 Sample The project level analyses below include data obtained from 229 respondents at 25 new product development projects. Some project-level data was obtained directly from questionnaires specifically designed for project managers; other data was constructed by aggregating project members' responses, as'described below. Because of 2 1 missing responses, we could not includes all 25 projects in our analyses. We excluded the three projects from the analyses which lacked responses from the project managers, resulting in a usable sample of 22 projects. 5-2 Analysis Strategy Because of the small sample size, we could not utilize fully multivariate techniques to specify the relationships between project performance and knowledge retention capabilities. Instead, we take the following steps in the subsequent analyses. First, we explore the bivari,ate relationships between project perforn}ance and performance predictors, In the analyses, ' we consider both overall performance aid system perform- 1996] KNOWLEDCE ' RBTENTION AND NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE '3 1 ance. System performance is statistically separated from overall performance as desc,ribed below. One of the objectives of this correlation analysis is to explore whether there is any difference between factors affecting overall performance and system performance. The correlation analysis also identifies important control variables which should be considered to specify the relationships between project performance and knowledge retention capabilities. Additionally, we examine the fitted regression models to further confirm results of the correlation analyses. Since we have only 22 sample projects, these models include only selected control variables and indicators for knowledge retention capabilities. Finally, we examine Hypotheses 3, which refers to an interaction effect between experience-based knowledge retention capability and task newness. We fit regression models including interaction terms between a technical or a market newness indicator and individualbased knowledge retention capability indicators, and examine how newness indicators moderate the relationships between individual-based retention capabilities and product development performance. 5-3 Performance Measurement Selected project members rated each of the following seven project performances in a 5 -point Likert scale, from I = not satisfactory to 5 = very satisfactory. They also rated this performance relative to the previous generation of projects in a 5-point Likert scale, from I = the same level or worse than the previous project (model) to 5 = much better than the TABLE 6. SUMMARY STATISTICS FOR PERFORMANCE INDICATORS RATED BY SELECTED PROJECT MEMBERS Pcrformance Satisf action Perf ormance Improvement from the Previous Projects Descri ption Indicators Product cost performance Rated by project managers, Iayout engineers, and marketing planners Mean S.D. Mean S.D. 3.21 O. 8 1 3.18 l .03 Development cost perfonnance Rated by Project managers 3.02 1.01 3,25 1.41 Adherence to Rated by project managers, Iayout engineers, and marketing planners 3.15 0.61 2.83 o.69 Rated by project managers and production engineers 3.39 0.81 3.23 0.97 Match to customer need Technical Novelty Rated by project managers, Iayout engineers, and marketing planners 3.54 0.69 3.34 0.77 3.46 1.14 3.23 1.38 Technical Rated by projeet managers with respect to 15 technical performance 3.97 o.37 3.78 o.s9 schedule Manuf acturability Performance Rated by project managers. items * * The 15 items are: space utility, comfortability, nois, vibration-harshness, driving stability, acceleration, braking performance, engine performance, handling response, safety, painting quality, body strength, exterior/ interior styling, aerodynamics, and vehicle weight. 32 HITOTSUBASHI JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND MANACEMENT [october previous project (model) . In the questionnaire, we clearly requested them to rate overal/ project performance, as opposed to performance of activities within each engineering area. Scores obtained from multiple respondents were averaged for each project to construct project level performance measures. Performance ratings encompass seven areas: product cost perfonnance, development cost performance, adherence to schedule, manufacturability, technical performance, technical novelty, and degree of match to customer needs. Table 6 shows summary statistics for these performance indicators. In the following analyses, we call a set of indicators shown in the third column of this table, which relate to the current project only, as performance satisfaction , and another set of indicators in the fourth column, which compare perfonnance to the previous project, as performance improvement. In addition, we considered market performance, measured by the ratio of realized average monthly sales volume to the targeted volume announced at the time of introduction. We calculated sales achievement ratios only for the first year of model introduction so as to maintain data comparability across sample projects. The mean score of this indicator across sample projects was 1.01 (s,d. = 0.36). 54. Decomposition of Overall Performance To separate system performance from local performance, we regressed each of the six indicators for overall performance (product cost performance, development cost performance, adherence to schedule, manufacturability, technical novelty, and technical performance) on corresponding local performance indicators. For example, overall product cost performance was regressed on component cost performances, as rated by component engineers representing body, chassis, electronics component, engine, and exterior/interior design areas. Indicators for local performance were the same as used in the analyses in the section 3. Since two market-related performance indicators, "degree of match to customer needs" and "sales achievement," have no corresponding local performance indicators, we did not make a system and local distinction for these two. From the fitted regression models, we used the sets of residuals as indicators for system performance. We thus conceptualize system performance as the portion of overall performance that cannot be explained by performance reducible to the outcome of activities within each engineering and functional area. Since residuals capture all the variance not explainable by selected local performance variables, our system performance indicators may include more than the exact system performance. However, they reflect system performance more accurately than do original performance indicators. Thus, the comparison between factors affecting original overall performance indicators and those affecting residuals enables us to identify fac- tors that have a stronger association with system performance than with local performance.9 9 Appendix 2 shows the results of regression models. The results mdicate that efficiency-related perfomrance is strongly related to performance within body engineering, implying that the body design may be a critical path in automobile development. Among these overall performance indicators, product cost performance and technica] novelty were most explained by local performance. This implies that these two performance indicators havc fewer system performance characteristics. 19961 KNOWLEDGE Rl TENTION AND NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE TABLE 7. 33 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS FOR EXPLANATORY VARIABLES N = 22 Mean S D Mm Max Experience-based retention O,OO l.OO - 1.59 Cross-generational communication 15.7 7.02 5.06 29.3 l Reference to documents and reports 3,73 0.22 3.43 4.28 Use of standards and computer-stored 3.76 0.3 1 3 . 20 4.37 1.78 inf ormation Use of computer simu]ation 3.53 0.41 2.65 4.21 Involvement of long-term planning groups 2.06 O. 79 1 .OO 3 .46 Involvement of super-project managers 3.05 1.40 1.00 5.00 5-5. Explanatory Variables Table 7 below indicates descriptive statistics for a set of explanatory variables examined in the subsequent analyses. Below, we briefly explain each of these variables. Experience-Based Knowledge Retention We considered four indicators for experience-based knowledge retention capability. These four indicators are particularly related to integrative knowledge retention as explained below. First, we took a percentage of integrators transferred from the previous generation of projects to indicate experience-based knowledge retention capability (mean = 0.59. s,d. = 0.29),ro We regarded project managers, vehicle layout engineers, and vehicle test engineers as such integrators in automobile development. Direct transfer of these individuals from the previous generation of projects thus indicates a project's ability to capture integrative knowl- edge embodied in the past product. Second, we considered a percentage of project core-members responsible for the previous generations of a project to be the second indicator (mean = 0.34, s.d. = 0,19),. Integrative knowledge may be stored in these people as collective memories (Badaracco, 1991; March, 1988; Huber, 1991; Spender, 1994; Walsh and Ungson, 1991). Third, degree of common past experiences at the project level was considered. To measure it, we asked respondents whether or not they had worked with the other project core-members in anypast major development project. Based on this information, we made a 10 by 10 matrix that demonstrated the combination of project core-members who had worked for the same project before. Since 10 project core-members were included in each sample project, the maximum number of combinations was 45. We divided the observed number of combinations of people with common experiences by 45, which gave us an appropriate indicator for degree of common past experiences at the project level (mean = 0.61, s.d. = O. 14) Fourth, we considered how much project members had expected to be assigned to the focal project before their actual appointment. The idea here is that people who have a high expectation of assignment to a particular project may store usable information for that project in advance, and th t transfer of such people will be associated with retention of useful prior ro As explained in the previous section, only when projeet members spent an average of a minimum of 30% of their time for six months in the previous project did we count them as previous project members. HITOTSUBASHI JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT knowledge. Respondents wdre asked to rate how much they had expected the appointment to the focal project on a 5-point scale, from I = O% sure, 2 = 25% Sure, 3 = 50% sure, and 4 = 75% sure to 5 = 100% sure. Obtained percentages were averaged for each project (mean = 0.51, s.d. 0.17). We subjected the above indicators to a prinpipal component analysis to identify an underlying pattern. One factor emerged (eigenvalue = 2, 38).ll We thus used the frst factor as a composite measure for experience-based knowledge retention capability. Communication-Based Retention We examined the frequency of project members' cross-functional communication with members in the previous generation of projects as an indicator for the communication-based retention capability. Since we are interested in the retention of integrative knowledge, we distinguished this from communication with the previous project members within the same engineering areas. Respondents rated frequency of communication with previous generations of project members outside their engineering areas on a 6-point scale. Then, we converted each point to an estimate of the number of days, as explained in the previous section. Scores obtained from these project members were averaged to form project level measures. Archival and Computer-Aided Mechanisms for Knowledge Retention We examined five indicators for archival-based knowledge retention capability: ( I ) the reference to documents and reports to learn from the past; (2) the use of standards; (3) the reuse or editing of computer-stored information (including parts database); (4) the use of computerized simulation tools (CAE); and (6) the creation of direct parts programs by CAD/ CAM. Component engineers, vehicle test engineers, vehicle layout engineers, and production engineers rated these five indicators on a 5-point Likert scale. Project managers rated the importance of these archival and computer-based systems for several design and testing activities on behalf of the entire project. For each of the above five indicators, scores obtained from these project members were averaged to construct project level measures. Using a principal component analysis, these indicators yielded two factors. The first three indicators, all of which are directly related to knowledge retention, seemed to be clustered: the use of documents and reports, the use of standards, and the use of computer-stored information. However, a factor loading for the use of documents and reports was less than the 0.7 cut-off line, and it is also conceptually distinct from the other standard-based retention mechanisms, so we kept it as a separate variable. We averaged scores for the use of standards and the use of computer-stored information to measure the standard-based retention capability (mean = 3.76, s. d. = 0.31, alpha = 0.69). While the use of computer simulation was clearly loaded on the second factor, the use of CAD/CAM was almost equally loaded on two factors. We kept only the use of computer simulation as a separate variable for the later analyses to indicate degree of the use of computer simulatioh. ll Factor loadings are O.82 for the integrators' experience variable, 0.79 for the core-members' experience, 0.74 for the common experience, and 0.75 for the expectation for assignment. 19961 KN0wL嘔DG旧 Rl≡TENTlON TABLE8、 AND N旧W PRODUCT Dl…Vl…LOPM1…NT P1…RP0RMANcI… 35 SUMMARY STATIsT1cs0F INDIcAT0Rs F0R TEcHNIcAL C0NTENT, SUPPLIER INv0LvEMENT,AND Ec0N0M1c C0NDITl0Ns Indic田tors Description 1≡‘ubble EconOIny A dummy柵dable that indicates pmj㏄t e皿ded Mem S.D. befo1=e1992 Micro C町 A dlmmy vari田ble th^t indicates proj㏄ts町e miCm C趾pmj㏄t. New Parts Rotio New Plal=folrm Ratio Per㏄nt田geof血ew1ydosigmdp劃rts(i皿 血umbcrofpais)一 0,69 0.17 Peroent副ge of mw desigll in u皿de正一佃oor O.43 0.27 panels alld suspension systems(ob帖i皿ed fmmthequeStiOnnai祀S〕 New Platfo㎜Mio2 Agsembly Propriet田町P囲rts Newness of platform d6sigIl based on New O]d Nobeok田’s cliss胴cation scheme(Nobcok田, (code− 1) (code=0) 1993) 9 16 Pe1℃ent田ge of p邑rts developed6ntire1y by O.09 0.23 asscmbly make耐(see C1趾k a皿d Flユjimoto, 1991for the de血血ition) Black Box P割r的 Pa竹s whose b田sic e皿gineering is done by ca正 O.45 0.25 皿田kefs a皿d whos6detailed engi鵬ehng is doIle by pa灯s suppliers(see C]ark and Fujimoto,1991) SupPlier]旦ngi皿eehllg Parts Parユs d6vcloped entiroly by l〕arts s11pP]i6耐 O.一6 0.15 (sc6,C1趾k ond Fujimoto,1991) 〃ソoル2㎜θ〃ψ〃此μ〃ゐ〃0rgoπ‘z〃jo〃σ1σ〃施 There are severa1independent orgallizational units tllat coordinate new product develop− ment activities across generations ofprojects.In the questiomaire,we asked project managers about the degree of inf1uence of t11e following organizational units or individua1s:the long−tem tec㎞ology plami㎎group,the1ong−tem pmductplami㎎group,the design for manufactuh㎎group,the1ong−tem1ayoutp1劃minggmp,andtheseniomanagers1ocated above individual project mamge正s(we cal1t11is super−Project manager・)・Proj㏄t managers rated the degree of in肋ence of these groups or individuals across a mnge of deve1opment activities and d㏄ision makillg,on a5−point Lik帥scale. Aprincipa1componentana1ysisyie1dedtwofactors.Thefourindicato㎎wereclustered. We thus averaged scores for these four㎞dicators to generate a measure of the degree of involvement by1㎝g−tem p1ami㎎gmups(mean=2.06,s.d.=O.79,alpha:O.70)。We kept an indicator for invo1vement by s叩er−pmject managers as a separate variable. τεc伽たα1Co〃ε〃,∫〃〃1’α〃リo1リε胴2〃,oπ∂0肋〃Po∬必1εCo〃701吻〃o〃ε∫ Fina1ly,Table8sllows the other variab1es we considered in t1le analyses,wllich inc1ude teclmica1content,the degree of supplier invo1vement,and economic conditions。 36 工Octobcr HlTOTSUEASHl,OuRNAL OP COMMERCl…^ND MANAG1≡MENT 5−4.Ros111ts amd I〕is61Issi0皿s Coπε肋fo〃ルψ∫2∫ Tab1es g to12be1ow show results of correlation analyses betweel1sets of exp1anatory variab1es andindicators forovemllperfomancesatisfactionandperfomanceimpmvement. Table11and12speci丘cauyshowresu1tsfo正systemperfoman㏄thatwestatisticallysepamted TA肌E g C0R㎜…LATI0Ns BETw朋N ExPLANAT0RY VARIA肌Es AND1NDIcAT0Rs F0R OvEMLL PERFORMANcE SATIsFAcTI0N Pmd皿ct Development Adhe− Cost Per・ Cost Per一 祀nc6to M㎜ufac− Match to T㏄lmic田1T㏄hnical t皿rability ‘o㎜mce iom田㏄e Schedule Exped㎝㏄一B鵬d O,11 0,35 0.41ホ‡ S創6s C1ユstomer Novelty Perfor・ Achiev6− N㏄ds maI1㏄ mon 一0,08 0.47申^ 0.16 O.06 −O.12 Ret6ntioIl X−Gemratio皿^1 一〇.09 −O.17 0.04 O.15 0.47‡‡ 0.47“ヰ O.23 −O,15 一0.32 −O.13 −0.07 O.08 −O.45‡ホ 0.23 O.29 −O.32 Super−PI=oject 0,27 −O.03 0.06 一0,08 0,35 0.07 Man田gers Stalld趾ds&Computer Commu皿ioation L㎝g−Te㎜Plaming Gr㎝ps 一〇.05 0.07 O.14 −O.11 −O.08 O.35‡ 一〇.07 0.43ヰ^ 一〇.04 −O.13 Stored I㎡omati㎝ Dooumcnts and Rcports O.19 0,01 0.13 O,26 0,10 0.22 一〇.02 0.07 Computer Simu1田tion O.19 0,28 0.38ホ O.50‡‡ 一0,05 0,29 0.60‡‡‡一〇.06 (CAE Tools) #P<.10 榊p<.05 ‡オ‡I〕<、01 TABLE10. C0RRELATI0Ns B1…TwE酬Ex肌ANAT0RY VAR1A肌Es AND lNDlcAT0Rs FOR OvEMLL PERFORMANcE IMPROvEMENT Pmd㏄一Dev61opm㎝t Adher㎝㏄Monufact1■ra−Motoh to Cost Cost to Sohedu1e bimy Custom6r Tech皿ical T㏄hnical Nove1ly Perfom㎝㏄ P6rfoma皿㏄Pe㎡oma㏄e Needs Exped㎝㏄一Bas記 0,17 0.36‡ O,44‡‡ 0,05 0,13 0.01 O.47榊 0,21 0,22 0.26 O.56榊‡ Rete皿ti011 X−Gene祀tioml 一〇、01 0,01 0,19 L㎝g−T6m P1田mi㎎ 一〇.30 −O.24 −O,55‡‡‡ Communication 一0.11 −0,08 0.31 一0.09 Groups Super−P1−ojeot O,14 −0,02 0.29 O.10 0,16 0,02 一〇.20 M田皿age耐 Standards&Computer Sto祀d Infomati㎝ Documents and 一〇.05 0.04 −O.06 一〇.14 0.39ホ O,30 0,17 O.09 0,14 0.15 0,01 0,11 0.17 O.08 O.22 0.37‡ O.04 O.28 −0,20 0.26 O.22 R6po■s Computcr Simulation (CAE Tools) ‡pく、lO 榊p<.05 榊‡p<.Ol 1996] KNOWu≡DGE R1…TENTlON AND N1;W PRODUCT DEV肌0PMl…NT PERF0RMANcE 37 TABLE11. C0RR肌ATI0Ns BETwEEN ExPLANAT0RY VARIABLEs AND INDIcAT0Rs FOR∫γ∫胞㎜μψ7㎜0〃Cθ Product D6velopmellt Adher㎝㏄ Mamfactu祀一 Cost Cost to Schedule bility P6『fo『nlance Pe㎡0m副皿㏄ O.17 Experience−Based 0.50榊 O.35‡ Technical T㏄hnica1 Novelty Perfom副n㏄ O,08 0,32 −O.01 RetentioIl 0.17 −O.09 0.03 0,16 0.60‡‡‡ 0.18 L㎝g−T6m Plmning Gf0ups O.14 −0.17 −O.08 一〇.26 0,22 0.一0 SupeI=一P1=oject O.33 −O.08 −0.04 O.09 0.18 −O.07 Mmagc祀 St田nd肛ds&Comp汕er O.22 −O,06 −0.08 0,08 0.44北‡ 一〇.09 0,09 0,03 0.27 0.37} 0.24 −0,16 0,31 0,13 0.47^} O.48‡‡ O.20 0.33 X−Generationa1 Communicatioll Stored Infomati㎝ Docllments and Repo竹s Comput6f Simulati011 (CAE Tools〕 ‡p<.lO州P〈一05 榊ホpく.01 TABLE12. C0R㎜;LATI0Ns BETwEEN ExPLANATORY VAR1A肌Es AND INDIcATORs FOR∫ツ∫犯㎜ρθψr〃一0”C2f〃!ρ70ソθ〃!ε〃’ E叩eH㎝ce・B副sed Prod1ユct Developm6皿t Adher㎝㏄ Manufoctura− Cost Cost to Schedule bility Pe他m田nce Perfommce O.56ヰ榊 0.48榊 0.37オ TechIlical Teclmic刎 Novelty Perfoma皿ce 0,25 0.OO O,39ヰ Retention X−Gcner舳onal O.54#‡ヰ O.08ホ O.19 O.28 0,28 0.52^^‡ Communication Lo㎎一Tem Plan㎡㎎ O.09 0.OO −O.52‡北 一〇.30 0.44‡非 0.12 O,07 −0.21 −O.01 一〇.12 0.OO −O.08 Groups Super−Pmject Mamgers Stalld肛ds&Computer 一〇.04 0.05 −0.17 一〇.17 0.09ホ O,24 Sto肥d Infom田ti㎝ D㏄um6皿ts and 一0,06 0,09 0,08 Repo廿s Computer Simulatio11 O.26 0.32 −O.11 O,02 0,31 0,06 O.29 0.39北 0.11 (CAE Too]s) ‡p<.10榊p<.05舳p〈.Ol f。。ml。・・lp・・f・・m・…t・i・di・・t・p・・f・m・・…h・…t・・i・ti・・d・d・・df・・mi・t・…ti・・s among individual engineering domains. R。。。lt.h。。。i.di。。t.th・tb・th・・p・h・…一b…d・・t㎝tio… p・bi1ity・・d・・…一 9。・。・・ti…1・・mm・i…i㎝…畑ti・・1y・・1・t・dt・・・・…lp・・f・m・・・・…i・b1…tth・ P・句・・tl…1.Sp・・i丘・・lly,・・p・・i・…一b…d・・t・・ti・・w・・p・・iti・・1y・・…i・t・dwithtwo P。・f・m・・・・…i・f・・ti㎝…i・bl・・一・dh・・・…t…h・d・1・(・=・41・P<・05)・・dm・t・hto 。。。t.m。。・。・d・(・一.47,P<.05)一,・・dth…p・・f・m・…imp・…m・・t…i・b1・・一 38 HITOTSUEASHI JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT [october adherence to schedule (r = .44, p < .05), development cost performance (r = .36, p < . 1), and technical performance (r = .47, p < .05). This suggests that retention of experience affects broad performance dimensions ranging from development process efficiency and customer satisfaction to technical performance at the project level. Cross-generational communication was positively related to performance satisfaction in technical novelty (r = .47, p < .05) and in match to customer needs (r = .47, p < .05), and technical performance improvement (r = ,56, p < .Ol). This implies that cross-functional communication with the previous project members may be an important source both for technological and market knowledge. However, cross-generational communication has no association with any efficiency-related performance. Tables I I and 1 2 also show several positive correlations between experience-based retention and cross-generational communication and system performance indicators. In particular, we found that they have broader relationships with improvement of system performance. Specifically, the experience-based retention variable was positively associated with improve- ment of product cost performance (r = .56, p < .Ol), development cost performance (r = .48, p < .05), adherence to schedule (r = .37, p < , l), and technical performance (r = .39, p < . 1); cross-generational communication was associated with improvement of product cost performance (r = .54, p < .O1), development cost performance (r = .38, p < .1), and technical performance (r = .52, p < .O1). These results are consistent with our expectation that the retention of integrative knowledge has a particular contribution to improvement of system performance derived from complex interactions among different functional domains. Compared to the impact of individual-based retention capabilities, the impact of archivalbased retention on product development perfonnance seems to be limited. For example, results here show that the reference to documents and reports has no significant association with any performance indicator, except for its modest relationship with the system performance indicator on manufacturability. This suggests that, while retention of articulated knowledge has a significant impact on local performance, it may not be related to system performance at the project level. The impact of knowledge retention through standardized information, such as technical standards and CAD/CAE for design and parts reuse, seemed to be limited as well. It was only positively associated with both performance satisfaction and performance improvement in technical novelty (r = .43, p < .05), and moderately related to satisfaction in manufacturability (r = .35, p < . 1). A positive association with manufacturability may reflect recent significant efforts that Japanese automobile producers have made to formalize knowledge about manufacturable designs, In addition, since reuse of existing parts designs generally increased the reliability of component systems, it may lead to fewer problems in manufacturing. The result may also imply that knowledge about a design-manufacturing interface might be more articulable than we expected. On the other hand, the positive relationship between knowledge retention through standardized information and performance on technical novelty seems to suggest that efficient design reuse for mature parts of the product design enabled projects to focus on new technical solutions in less mature partsl2 The use of computer simulation was positively associated with several overall perform12 Most of our sample projects, which came after the Bubble economy period, built from a realization of the wasteful development styles of this period of opulence. Eighteen out of the 22 sample projects introduced new 39 KNOWu…DGl…R1…TENTION AND柵W mODuCT D嗜VI…LOPM酬T PI…RFORMANCE 1996] TA肌E13. SUMMARY REsULTs0F T肥C0RRELATI0N ANALYsEs F0R OvEMLL AND SYsTEM P1…RF0RMANcE SATIsFAcTI0N AND SALEs AcHIEvEM酬丁 Experience-B ased Retention X-Genetional Communication Long-Team Planning Group Standards & Computer-Ttored Information Documents and Reports Com puter simulation (CAE Too]s) Overall System Overall System Overall System Overall System Overall System Overall System Product Cost Development Cost * (-) * * Schedule ** ** * * Manufactura-bility Tech. Novelty ** ** ** ** *** ** ** Tech_ Performance *** Match to Customer ** ** Sales Achievement ‡p〈.1, ”p<.05, ‡舳p<.01 TABLE14. SUMMARY REsULTs0F THE C0RRELATl0N ANALYsEs F0R OvEMLL AND SYsTEM PERF0RMANcE1MPR0vEMENT Experience-Based Retention X-Genetional Communication Long-Team Planning Group Standards & Computer-Ttored Information Documents and Reports Com puter simulation (CAE Tools) Overall System Overal] System Overall System Overall System Overall System Overall System *** Product Cost * * ** ** *** * (-) * * (-) * Schedule * Development Cost Manufactura-bility ** * Tech. Perforrnance ** *** * Match to Customer * * Tech. Novelty ㍉〈.1, ‡‡pく.05, 榊㍉<.Ol products舳er1993,which implies that most sample pmj㏄ts teIlded to b600st comcio皿s.If th6se cost comci011s proj㏄ts had to add i−mo柵tive f㎝turos to th6ir pmdmcts,th6y pmb田bly would llavo to com膵n鯛t6for th6 舶sooiated additio皿d oost by rel1sing o■isting d6sig珂s for othor p耐s.The田bove res皿1t may iIldicate this6脆ct一 40 HITOTSUBASHI JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT [October ance indicators, especially those for technical-related performance. For example, it was related to perfonnance satisfaction in manufacturability (r = .50, p < .05) and technical perform- ance (r = .60, p < .O1). Engineers we interviewed also pointed out that use of CAE simulation has a particular contribution to technical performance and product reliability or quality, not to development efficiency. However, data suggest that the use of computer simulation only has a moderate relation- ship with improvement in development cost performance (r = 0.37, p < . 1). In addition, despite its significant relationship with overall technical performance satisfaction, Table 12 shows that the use of computer simulation is not significantly related to a system performance indicator on technical performance. This implies that the use of computer simulation tends to affect local technical performance more than system performance. The involvement of long-term planning groups was negatively related to some performance indicators. Especially, this had a significant negative impact on performance improvement in adherence to schedule (r = -.55, p < .O1). This may simply indicate that long-term planning groups do not work properly from a project member's point of view. Since the long-term planning groups play critical role in coordination among different projects as well as across generations, the strong involvement of these groups may indicate that projects needed to adjust development activities with other related projects, which might cause problems in adherence to the schedule (Nobeoka and Cusumano, 1994; Nobeoka, 1993, 1995). The result may also indicate a potential confiict between the autonomy of individual projects and inter-project coordination by the long-term planning groups (Clark, Fujimoto, and Aoshima, 1991). The long-term planning groups usually impose several constraints on individual project activities. For example, in our sample of projects, their involvement had a strong negative correlation with the new parts ratio (r = -.67, p < .Ol), implying that it prevented engineers from designing new parts from scratch. As a result, they may have tended to ascribe low project performance to the long-term planing groups. Tables 13 and 14 below highlight differences among factors affecting overall performance and those affecting only system performance. These tables show clearly that experience-based retention and cross-generational communication, in particular, have positive associations with indicators for improvement of system performance. On the other hand, archival-based retention and computer simulation tended not to be associated with those indicators. The tables also seem to indicate that experience-based retention and cross-generational communication are related more to system performance than overall performance indicators, although this difference for performance satisfaction indicators is not as clear as for performance improvement indicators. Regression Analyses To further examine the results from the above correlation analyses, we fitted the regression models including selected control variables and indicators for archival-based and individual-based knowledge retention capabilities. We excluded other explanatory variables because of the small sample size. Appendix 3 and 4 shows results of regression analyses.13 13 For each performance indicator, Model I includes only control variables. We selected these control variables by considering both conceptual reasoning and resu]ts of correlation analyses with performance indicators. Au the Model 2s include controi variab]es and indicators for the standard-based retention capability, the use of documents and reports, and the use of computer simulatron. Model 3s include controt variables and individuat-based retention 41 ICNOWLEDGE Rl3TENTION AND NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE 1996] TABLE 15. A SUMMARY TABLE FOR THE RESULTS OF REGRESSION ANALYSES FOR RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE RETENTION CAPABILITIES AND performance satisfaction Computer simulation Standard-based retention Experience-based retention X-generational communication Product cost performance * Development cost performance *** Adherence to schedule Manufacturability * ** Technical novelty *** Technical perf ormance * ** Match to customer needs Achievement of sales target *p<.1, **p<.05, ***p<.O1 Results from Models 4s in Appendix 3 for the standard-based retention and computer simulation. Results from Models 5s in Appendix 3 for the experience-based retention; Model 6s for the crossgenerational communication TABLE 16. A SUMMARY TABLE FOR THE RESULTS OF REGRESSION ANALYSES FOR RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE RETENTION CAPABILITIES AND performance improvement Standard-based retention Com puter srmulation Experience-based retention X-generational communication Product cost performance * Development cost performance ** ** Adherence to schedule * Manufacturability Teehnical novelty Technical performance ** *** Match to customer needs *p<.1, **p<.05, ***p<.Ol Results from Mode]s 4s in Appendix 4 for the standard-based retention and computer simulation. Results from Models 5s in Appendix 4 for the experience-based retention; Model 6s for the crossgenerational communication capability indicators. Model 4s include all these explanatory variables except for the use of documents and reports which showed no significant relationship with any performance indicator in Model 2s. Model 5s and 6s exclude either the experience-based capability or the cross-generational communication indicator to avoid multi-collinearity, which seemed to be caused by a high correlation between these two indicators (r = 0.51, p < .O1). HITOTSUBASHI JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT Tables 1 5 and 1 6 below summarize the results shown in Appendix 3 and 4. Results for the standard-based retention and the use of computer simulation come from Model 4s. Results for the experience-based retention and cross-generational communication are obtained from Model 5s and 6s, respectively, to eliminate problems of multi-collinearity. These results generally supported the results of the correlation analyses, and indicated even stronger relationships between experience-based retention and overall performance indicators. Especially, an experience-based retention variable was significantly associated with development process efficiency. For example, the full regression models show that experience- based retention is related to performance satisfaction both on development cost and on adherence to schedule, at the I % significance level. It was also related to performance improvement in development cost and in adherence to schedule at the 5% Ievel. The finding that experience-based retention capability tends to be positively associated with development process performance may indicate that critical experiences retained from the past development activities is related to knowhow or knowledge to effectively manage the development process by the mutual adjustment of working relationships. In contrast, the cross-generational communication variable was specifically related to technical- and market-related performance indicators, such as satisfaction on technical novelty and improvement in technical performance, and satisfaction on the match to customer needs, but not to efficiency-related performance indicators,14 Similar to results of the correlation analyses, this result indicates that cross-functional communication with the previous project members is an effective way to acquire technological and market knowledge. The results are also consistent with the correlation results for retention capabilities indicated by archives, standards and computerized systems. For example, the standard-based retention variable had only a moderate relationship with satisfaction in technical novelty, as indicated in Model 4 (p < . 1). The use of computer simulation was strongly related only to satisfaction in technical performance (at the I % Ievel). It had moderate relationships with improvement in development cost performance and in manufacturability (at the 10% Ievel). In summary, the above correlation and regression analyses seem to support our hypotheses, at least, for some performance dimensions. Contrary to the results in the previous section regarding local performance, the above analyses generally indicate that individual-based knowledge retention capabilities are required to improve product development perforrnance at the project level. Particularly, we find that their impact is stronger, or broader, on system and improvement performance rather than on static and local performance. On the other hand, we found that archival-mechanisms for knowledge retention tended not to have a substantial influence on product development performance at the project level. Moderating Effects by Task Characteristics on Relationships Between Project Performance and Individual-Based Retention Capability Hypothesis 3 suggests that task newness may have moderating effect on the relationship between experience-based retention capability and product development performance. To examine this possibility, we fitted regression models including interaction terms between ' h fact, Model 4s show that cross-generational communication was negatively associated with satisfaction in devetopment cost performance. However, this negative rdationship is probably due to multi-collinearity since results in Model 6s no longer showed significant negative relationship between cross-generational conununication and satisfaction in development cost performance, though the sign was negative. 1996] KN0wu弧GE㎜…TENTl0N AND NEw PR0DUcT DEvEL0PMl…NT PERF0RM^NcE 43 illdividua1−based retention capability indicators and either technica1or m虹ket llewness in− volved in1lew product development, New platform mtios we正e used to indicate tec1mical newness invo1ved in the proj㏄t tasks. Market newness was iden舳ed by consideri㎎pmject mamgers’self−eva1uations,bmnd mme cllanges,and market class changes,as described il1Appendix5. Appendix6shows resu1ts ofregression analyses that examine t1le moderating e脆cts eitl1er of tecl1nical or market newness on performance satisfaction,while Appendix7s1lows results fortheirmodemtinge価ects㎝perfomance improvement.All the Model lsinclude㎞teraction te㎜s for the expehence−based正etention variab1es,while Mode12s include those for the cross−9enerational communication vahable. Hypothesis3implies that we sllould expect negative signs on the regression coe冊cients for intemcti㎝te㎜s.Indeed,wefo㎜dsign冊cantneg囲tivecoe冊cientsfortheintemcti㎝terms TA肌E17. EF冊cTs0F INTEMcTI0Ns BETw朋N THE INDIvmUAL・BAsED RETENTI0N AND THE TAsK CHARAcTERIsTIcs0Nμψr伽σ〃cε∫α1ψα10π X-generational communication X Experience-based retention X Market newness Technical newness Market newness Technical newness Product cost performance Development cost performance * * (-) * * (-) Adherence to schedule * (-) Manuf acturability Technical novelty * * * (-) Technical performance Match to customer needs Achievement of sales target * * * (-) * (-) ヰp<.1,榊p〈.05,榊‡p<、O1 Astemks血em that mtemctlo皿s between ret611tlon mechanlsms and t田sk newmss havc slgm血c田mt mgatiw imp田cts㎝porfom田n㏄indic担t㎝。 TA肌E18. EF冊cTs0F INTEMcT10Ns BETw朋N T朋IND1vIDUAL−BAsED Rヱ丁酬丁10N AND THE TAsK CHARAcTERIsT1cs0N1,εψ7㎜o”c2ゴ㎜ρ1oソ色㎜ε〃’・ Experience-based retention X Market newness Product cost performance Teehnical newness X-generational communication X Market newness Technical newness * (-) Development cost performance Adherence to schedule Manufacturability Technical noveity Technical performance Match to customer needs ‡p〈.1,榊p〈.05,‡舳P<一01 Ast6risks mean tllat intemctio瓜betwee11祀tentio皿m㏄hanisms and task mw116ss h州e siglliiicmt negativ6impa眺on perfomallc6i皿dicato凧 44 HITOTSUBASHI JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND MANAOEMENT [October in the regression models. This implies that projects tends to benefit from retention of prior experience bases when they develop new products based on existing platform designs toward familiar customers. Especially, the results seem to suggest that market newness is more likely to moderate relationships between individual-based retention capabilities and product development performance than technical newness. Tables 17 and 18 below summarize the results. As these tables show, we found expected moderating effects by market newness on relationships between experience-based retention and satisfaction in development cost per- formance (p < .05) and sales achievement (p < .1). This implies that, when projects developed new models targeted to new customer bases, retention of prior individual experiences may negatively affect development efficiency and market performance We also found that a similar expected moderating effect by market newness on relationships between cross-generational communication and satisfaction in development cost performance (p < .05), in manufacturability (p < . 1), achievement of sales target (p < .O1), and improvement of product cost performance (p < . I ) . These results suggest that retention of prior knowledge through face-to-face communication may not be appropriate for projects developing new products with different target markets from the previous models. Our variable indicating communication with the previous project members also partially captures transfer of previous members (as we already explained, the more members are transferred from the previous projects, the more current intra-project communication overlaps communication with the previous project members). Therefore, these results may generally indicate that, while retention of embedded knowledge may be particularly important in the case where there is continuity of customer needs, it creates some problems in adapting to new market conditions. On the other hand, technical newness had a significant moderating effect on the relation- ship between technical performance and cross-generational communication variables (p < .O1). This suggests that, when projects developed new platform designs, communication with the previous generations of project members negatively affected technical performance. However, technical newness had no other significant moderating effect.15 These results may indicate that knowledge about linkages to the customer base is more context-specific than technical integrative knowledge, as some researchers have pointed out (e. g., Christensen and Rosenbloom, 1995; von Hippel, 1994), and thus tend to become obsolete when there is a significant change in the customer base. On the other hand, existing technical knowledge might be more widely applicable in different settings, implying that prior knowledge may be useful even in developing novel technological concepts (Iansiti, 1995b). 16 15 In fact, close examination in the scatter plot indicates that the observed strong moderating effect by technica] newness for technical performance was, in fact, strongly influenced by one data point as a outlier. 16 Although we found that technical newness tended not to moderate the impact of experience-based retention on performance, it may not be appropriate to conclude that retention of experience bases is always important regardless of technical discontinuity. This is beeause, first, our technical newness indicator merely shows the newness of the platform design, not of fundamental technological approaches, and, second, because automobile technology is generally "mature". This implies that what is new in this industry may not be sufficiently new to indicate the degree of technological change that might occur in newer mdustries. 1996] KNOWLEDGE RETENTION AND NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE 45 6. Implications and Conclusions 6-1. Importance of Explicit Management of Knowledge Retention While existing literature on management of new product development has identified coordination and communication across specialized activity areas as critical to development speed, productivity, and product quality, our findings suggest that such coordination and communication alone may not be enough to achieve project-level integration for high product development performance. We showed that the success of projects also hinges upon their ability to learn from past integrative experiences. These findings imply that instantaneous structural solutions such as cross-functional teams and heavy-weight project structures may not be the only answer to improve development performance. Projects may be able to execute their integration activities most effectively when they deeply understand potential interactions across different knowledge domains through past development experiences. However, our results also implied that knowledge retention may not always be desirable. Especially, we found that prior experience bases seem to prevent projects from successfully introducing products for new markets or unfamiliar customers. This suggests that managers have to explicitly manage knowledge flows from previous projects in accordance with the specific objectives for each new product development project. For example, when projects are trying to introduce a new product line for new customer groups, companies may want to isolate those projects organizationally from other projects. In such a case, it might also be appropriate to form projects with members who do not have too much experience in developing a particular product line. 6-2. Different retention mechanisms for performance improvement Our results showed that, while improving local performance may require capabilities to retain knowledge in articulated forms, such as documentation and computerized CAD files, improving system performance at the project level may call for the transfer of individual experience bases. This implies that archival-based and individual-based mechanisms for knowledge retention are not necessarily substitutes, but, rather, they are complementary. Companies may greatly benefit from formalization of knowledge within well-established engineering domains. Especially, we believe that advanced computer-aided design systems will increasingly capture design know-how once embedded in experts and craftsmen in these specialized domains. However, as long as a new product is the outcome of complex interactions among different knowledge domains, retention of individual experiences may remain important. Besides, once knowledge is fully articulated and standardized, it becomes relatively easy to transfer it across companies, which decreases its competitive value. Therefore, the increasing articulation and standardization of automobile design knowledge do not necessarily devalue individual experience bases, but rather, they may increase their value if they have integrative charaeteristics. Although both archival-based and individual-based knowledge retention are important, the relative emphasis between these may differ across industries and different stages of industry 46 HITOTSUBASHI JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT [october evolution. First, the nature of product architecture may affect the relative importance. When a product is completely modularized both in terms of the physical design and the design process, its overall performance may be influenced mostly by the initial architecture or design of how the individual components work separately as well as together, rather than on how the components interact as a system.11 In this case, investment in archival and computerized mechanisms for knowledge retention may become important. On the other hand, when a product architecture is highly integrated, including complex interdependencies between differ- ent components, improvement of product performance may require more subtle knowledge of interactions among individual components. In such a case, the retention of individual experience bases may play a critical role. Second, the characteristics of user requirements may also influence the relative im- portance between archival or computer-based and experience-based retention. When the required product functionality is stable and consists of only a few clear dimensions, knowledge about user-design interfaces is relatively simple, thus, a project can concentrate only on technical issues. We conjecture that, in such a circumstance, archival and computerized mechanisms may be important ways to retain knowledge. On the other hand, some products, such as an automobile, can satisfy customers in a number of ways, such as in styling, acceleration, space utility, and mileage. An appropriate combination of different performance dimensions is often very subtle, which even customers may not be able to articulate. In such a case, knowledge to integrate customer needs with physical designs may have to be kept as tacit and embedded knowledge by individuals. Although we assume in this paper that automobile development involves substantial complexity and uncertainty both in the product architecture and user interface, this may change in the future. For example, our interviews revealed that automobile design is increasingly being modularized to enable more efficient sharing of components across different models. This may result in more importance of archival and computerized mechanisms for knowledge retention. On the other hand, some interviewees mentioned that it had become increasingly difficult to understand user needs. This may indicate that roles of persons who manage linkages between user needs and product designs will become more critical than before. In any case, managers may need to consider the required level of integration activities involved in new product development to appropriately invest in different knowledge retention facilities. HITOTSUBASHI UNIVERSITY 17 However, even if the interfaces for each component isolate interactions, the system can be highly integrated when important performance characteristics arise from the physical properties of multiple components. 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The results from t1lis are shown below: REGREssI0N REsULTs BETwEEN OvEMLL PR0個cT PERF0RMANcE AND LOcAL PERFORMANCE Deve1opmel1t Cost Pe正fom田皿㏄ Product Cost PerfOma㏄e Ad1lere皿ce to Schedu1e I 1I I II I II Body D6sig皿 0,63榊 O.68ホ榊 O.59舳 O.63榊‡ O.54榊 O.45榊 Ch困sis Design 一0,44 一〇.05 一〇.07 一〇.02 O.13 O.20 Extedor/Intehor D閨igIl 0.44‡ −O.09 −O.04 0,02 −O.02 −O,14 Electm皿ic Comp011ellt Design 一0.21 −0,29 0,13 0.31“ −O.21 −O.38竈 E1lgine Desigll −O.37‡ 0.07 0.24 O.09 0.18 一〇.02 d.f.of residua1s 16 16 16 16 16 16 Adjusted R−squa祀 0.27‡ O.28‡ O.38“ヰ 0.64‡‡“ O.18 0.31‡‡ Mo皿uf㏄伽mbnity Tec]mic刎 I 皿 I Body Desigll O.07 O.10 O.07 Ch田ssis D6sign 0.54榊 0.23 0.40舳 Extedorハntedor Dcsigll 一〇.02 −0.51榊 O.61‡州 Electmnio Compom耐DosigIl 0.06 一0,33 E㎎ineDesign −O.27 0.18 T㏄1mioa1 I1 NOVe1ty P6㎡oma皿㏄ I 皿 0,05 O.53舳 O.25 0,20 O.40} 0.47“ 0.54ホ榊 一〇.36ヰ O.36 0,18 O.22 0,04 0.10 0.08 0.28^ 0.19 −O.15 d.f.ofI=osidu坦1s 16 16 16 16 16 16 Adjl1sted R一刈11町6 0.27‡ O.05 0.39‡‡ 0.56‡‡‡ O,34}‡ O.20 I=P6rfom㎜㏄Satisfacti㎝トP6rio㎜a㏄6㎞pm6me皿1 ㌔<.1舳P<.05‡榊p〈.O1 >勺勺−⋮7=︺−︶︻N. −4^w’︷、−芭一︸O﹃日口 O>弔>雲昌H冒ω>ZOま夷き旨⋮ミ畠冒嚢oミoミ −︷−⋮吻一﹂■H蜆◎﹃ −︷H⋮︹川肉固ω吻−◎7,>z>Fくω−⋮ω﹃◎〆−︷一⋮−ド>↓−ozω■−勺ω︸籟一﹃峯−⋮−⋮z ︸Hoo目9009 −︵z◎峯一ピ一四−︺︵︸]両 −︷H四一一四z一﹁−o7, −︶^⋮︷o−oo冒−耐目一〇〇蜆一 自 Ioしひ 毫 ー〇一ぎ く −〇一uo ≦ −o.u− 1o.M︺ −o’0N lo.oN − − Io.uい −o.N甘 ーo.ooo −o.一〇 目 ミ −o.u一 Io.−oo 1o.−o lo.oN < ≦ 弔血﹃弍口﹃日口値自oo 自 l〇一uひ −︸o円曽︺−コ一一閏目oo − I〇一S o.N00 1〇一−u o.N︷ 5 〇一〇甘 ; −〇一〇一 −ひ −o.一〇〇 ζ 〇一3卓 〇一ミ ‡‡‡ o■ひ: ■■ ; l01︸N 1oI= −o.哀‡ 〇一︷N:・ 〇一a −o.oひ −〇一s OI︺^ 〇一8 −〇一ω企 〇一全 0.O− 6 O−〇一 IOしOo 〇一〇一 −O.−O 1〇一ビ O.O甘 −o.3 O.〇一 10一ビ O﹂u 1〇一墨 O’〇一 邑;9o向8 昌 目 ︸ ω一〇目O閏﹃01−︼芭蜆OO天〇一08一−O−− −o.Noo O.ビ ; 〇■] 〇一ご O.NOO obo. ; 〇一旨 −o﹂o O.NO^ く 冒 尋 1o.N︷ −o.ε o−N0 −〇一軍 ミ 昌 1o.N一 竃邑目冒−凹〇一自H凹σ目旨︸ − 1oしoo −〇一〇ひ O.S 一〇 − 1o.uo o−ωN 0一壮− 〇一心o o.ωひ o1No O■︺甘‡ O.ωO‘ ; ; −o.o︼ 0.N一︸ 5 oINoo I〇一ご ol3 o.N︸ −〇一〇〇〇 o.uo −O−ω一 Io’= −〇一〇σ ; 〇一〇一 〇一旨 ‘‘ 〇一NN ○し− 6 −〇一〇壮 −︶oo冒目−o目お俸戸o句o﹃R蜆 −:句く−8一、o︿.o− I oo自−o冒p0Hω⋮目−E−凹一﹂o目 ×.O彗o8ユo 量 − O o 8 目 − 自 邑 S 旨 含 要肩ユ彗8由窒&ズgg一一旨 O. “ O︷H^W叩︷旦‘﹄閏−蜆 .o︿ >9目岨一〇〇勾−叩O目O﹃冊 >o−ωH0−−o冊 ωO宇^W〇一−−O 自 毫 く − − −O.N︸ 1O.Nひ IO.Nひ o.0N ーo’い一■‘,−o.uo“’“−o.甘− −〇一旨 −〇一−い 〇一〇〇 Ol^一’ 1〇一昌 l I o. o t¥ov] ). >蜆器昌巨雪弔凹コ咀 ^■ ■■ 1o.uu −o.−o O.︺壮 〇一uu O.Ou O.いO‡ 6 −o 〇一〇甘 o■^o‘‘‘ ︹F心o ま ; O−︸O:‡ 〇一旨 o.uω ご ■,‘ O.ま ‘‘, −〇一Noo ,‡‘ O.a 〇.6 〇一NN O.ひN −〇一−− ○しu ミ ■o, o.−oo ︸.‡lO.壮︸ >蜆蜆冊目,σ−血H、芭﹃p蜆 zoξ∼−出一︸σ﹃︻目 冒;巨冊要旨O昌︸ ω一芭冒旦固﹃o■‘︺凹蜆o旦−μω一〇目一−o−一 −︺oo目目−oヨ一蜆俸宍①oo﹃房 〇〇昌君一雪2目邑き旨 ︼︵1︵︸^W一−冊﹃田一’O自固− ︵︺Oヨ日ヨヨ一−目−O田一−O■ O.Nひ^. OlNN 量 豪 企一 向■弓o﹃︸o目o①−−w団蜆o旦戸〇一〇目一−o目 o. ﹃. o−H①蜆旦−’−胆−蜆 、o︿ ご、 、 O ︿ 一 〇 甘 一 、 、 、 O ︿ ‘ O − >島目叩⇒oo宍−閉o冒o﹃① ρ oo { October HlTOTSu皿ASH1 JOURNA1−OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEM嘔NT 52 > 弔 ︸−⋮z−︺−︶︵−. zo’︷弔−閂一弍︺﹃日コ ︸■げσ−o︼四〇〇目o目□︸ >叩閉o臼口一︺−冊H︸円﹃H蜆 ω 一 凹 目 O O 凹 H O − げ■蜆耐^−声〇一^W目一︷O目 −︶oo自H目o自一 蜆 俸 〆 耐 o o ﹃ H 藺 9昌毛喜望目巨き昌 肉田◎戸向閉吻−◎z>z>Fく閉田ω︸◎■声向■>H−ozω雪−︸吻宙団H峯固■z ‡‡ ミ zoきξ 一リ冊o−=﹂o■− O.O壮 く ≦ H o.uo‡ 〇−5 o■NN o.−一 〇.企O^. O.いい‡‡ O﹂O O.〇一 O.甘企^‡‡ OIu企‡‡‡ O.企]‡“ 〇一二 o.u壮葦 O.OOo 〇一ま:・ 〇一uu‡; o.s: 1o.−o ‘‡‘ 旨 ; −o ≦ 自 O.室⋮ 一﹁oo−ヨ日−o宵− ︸0H︸o﹃目−凹一−oo OluO‡‡ O.^− 尋 く ◎.s ≦ o.−oo −o.−甘 1o.−ひ ‡‡‡ o.き = o−o甘 o’哀‡ −01昌 〇一δ IO.−OO 〇.企−‡t o.壮u ま −一 ■■, 〇一宅 −oo OIひO‡‡‡ O.︷− −O.︺Oo lO.N壮 ■^ −︵z◎峯F−⋮−︺︹︸団〆]回一﹁−⋮zH−◎z O.ひO:・ 1〇一−o o.ooo −〇一δ O.︷O:‡ = ミ 〇.ω一 〇一N一 く 〇一︺一 ≦ ω芭−o眈一﹁芭H胴①↓ >o−︷^⋮くo日コo目一〇︸ 〇一s 自 o.s − O.企u‡t O.甘ひ.^, O.−杜‡‘ 5 ‘‡‘ o−い企ヰ: く O﹄OO ‡‡’ ‡“‡ 〇.ωO‡ O.uN ol5 −O﹂O o.uu ◎.δ lo.一〇 O.8 ○しO o.; −〇一−ω O.Nい o−3: lo.−︸ 〇一s o−企一‡ −〇一筍 o.s: −o.s 〇一〇ひ 臭 ︵︺■冊一〇︼日−0Hzooo蜆 竃go宇一〇 ○ムω = OI甘小 −〇一s ︸‘‡ O>︸>雪巨H冒閉>ZOきさ、§oミo雨旨︸菩ミざ; ■ 〇一二 o.︸一 01企N ; 〇一〇一 O■u 〇一u^ O.Oひ ‡‡ 自 O.甘ひ: −〇一章 O.Oω −〇一〇〇〇 ; 101O仁 冨 O.O︸ ご ‡^ −o.6 O1O︺ o.0N ; 1o.8 −o.o− 豪 −O﹄企 −oo −oーミ o1oひ −o.; o−N]“ 冨 Io.= o.N岨葦 ; −〇一= 〇一Nひ・ ご O.O− O﹂N 〇一企壮: 〇一竃: 二 O.O− 01Nu O.−Oo o1室 olo甘 旨 O㌧u亡 o−昌 O.室 〇一;: s o.企u − o.M甘 −o 〇一いo‡; − −︷−四ω一﹂︼﹁一﹃眈 o司 ︼︵−︵︸^⋮目oH芭巨o目芭−Oo自一自−‘■−o出一−o■ 向■ioユω目oo−宙凹咀oo〆〇一ω自一﹂o自 o.︷.o︷H0叩︷o=芭−叩 >且−目蜆一冊o■−蜆o冒凹H0 ZO︷−︸−凹一−O﹃日口 宙冒げげ−o■oo目o目−︸ >眈咀o目二︺−o﹃−︸芭﹃p眈 ω一芭自α芭﹃o−一︺與蜆o^−犀^⋮Ro目一−o目 −︶oo■日目o目 一 閉 俸 天 o o o H 一 叩 oo目⋮奪ω巨巨葦昌 o︿.op 、O︿.O− ︶︵−︵Ψ冊自oH芭ユo自芭−oo日一目−E目−o田oo目 要O邑雪8−冒邑寄雪一巨 o.﹃■o,Hn叩−o自田−蜆 、i︿’一、 >g自叩⇒oo勾−蜆0E問H0 ‡ 目 目 昌 目 53 KNOWLEDGE RET酬丁10N AM〕M…W PRODUCT DE珊LOPM1…NT冊RFORMANC1≡ 19961 O>、>厨冒−↓−田吻>ZO−ミ;︷吊ミ一雨昌、まさ、§83o耐 、;o冒opo畠一 − I〇一い一 自 Io’壮N 目 i〇一いO ミ 1o.ωい < IO■ωひ −O.Nい ≦ − ーolN︸ 1o.ωu −o−ω] 自 目 ミ 1o.ωω −〇一N︸ < ≦ 、g♂コ自彗8 1oI企u 、雪δ⋮田目8 ○望9ξ昌彗一〇〇腎 寄閉昌畠亀寄男嚢δz童>;竃二昌寄;昌婁畠舅邑胃;雲︻き書冒富寄畠zHδz >︸、田z昌xω. >窒o昌9雪、由μ閉 z彗;ま目 〇一uO・ 1o.o︸ −〇一ビ 06壮 −〇一いoo o.u企“ IOービ 〇一3 o.罵 −O.N一 1o’oひ o.︼ひ・ ξ 〇一昌 −一 oIoN ミ 〇一〇− 〇一いo・ 〇一小−: −oo r〇一〇N O−ひO・・ 〇一ご −〇一ω^ 〇一〇N ミ −O■N 〇一〇M ≦ − 自 目 −O−全 臭 −〇一企o・ く 1o.仁N. ≦ −oIN甘 1o.企u・ 1〇一S 10一uO. −〇一Nひ 〇一岩 O.Nu −O.uO o.ω“ o.N0 1〇一= O.−心 O‘NO‘ 5 ; 〇一〇︸ 〇一い^・ 1o1uo・ −〇一−OO o.uo■ I〇一〇u O.ωい・ 〇一8 〇一N企 ミ ミ O.OO O‘−−‘ O.量 O.OOO ξ −o o.8 10一主. 雪彗自安o旨冨巨ξ NO ■^ −o.Nψ 2彗箒胃宇σ窒 & 宍 g 雪 一 ︸ o 目 ーo﹂o o.NN O.〇一 〇一; ーo﹂o 〇一︼壮 OlN︸ o.ぎ −〇一; I〇一童 OOヨ嗜o薯 ω 巨 巨 き 昌 −〇一〇甘 〇一ωO 〇一NO・ −o 〇一S −o.o甘 〇一N企 5 く o.8 1〇一NN ooo、 〇一NOO 08自昌雪8淳寄君量 穿潟ユ昌8由葛 & 声 g o 昌 一 昌 ε O﹄u・ ミ 〇−ビ −〇一壮一 一〇 O.]心 ーO−心一: I〇一〇u oI6 ‘^ 〇一s o﹂甘 〇一u− ; 〇一壮o: O.Nひ・ ご ーo.ou 〇一ビ O.5 ‘“ ,‡ ミ ‘, ‘“ ,‘ ωg&邑o >旦−雪雪8 目 O.N一 −〇一企ひ 〇一3 1o.o− o.ωM = ρ x・os雪き昌邑oo昌昌自邑o芭巨旨 o.−艮H霧巨 E 竺 吻 N,o 、oo、 冒夢一〇黒o昌昌︸ ‘■ 自 〇一N甘 − 〇一企o −Olu︸ >島易一g甲岩畠冨 o−讐 −〇一]一’ 〇一〇壮 −ひ 〇一量 oI−− −o.心ω >窒o目⊆呂、田ユo ρ 2彗妻豪昌 冒;一而雰昌o目︸ ω冨目旦OH01げ凹蜆O旦刃^⋮一冊目昌O目 oo昌凄§蟹目旦き昌 両岩邑昌8白畠&茅5目饒o旨 o− ひU1 o8E昌雪房俸寄署妻 、、O︿1Ou..,‡O︿.O− ρ X・Oo目0H昌ざヨ邑OO冒目E自すo巨o目 o.[o﹃冒咀邑 E 邑 叩 、勺く >g冨一&甲8畠冒 r [October HlTOTSUEASH1JOURNAL OF COMMERCl…AND MANAG1…M唱NT 54 > 勺弔向z一︺−︼︵ 宙o事−o向89目︸ O>︸>宙−F−H−日吻>ZO−ミ唱、o弓⑭§oミ、尋尋、§o冒o砧 一﹁oo−目︸o凹− ︸0H−oヨ目凹目oo ■■ 冒閉⊂■■蜆o勺声同Q■■閉閉−◎z>z>Fくω固ω、07冒F>↓−ozω=−、吻邑固Hξ−⋮向z︻zo峯F田oo団戸向↓同z↓−◎z u. 一﹁‘WO旨ヨーO凹一 zo毒ξ 目 毫 く O’小心. O.企N亡. O−トー o.Nu O.企O.. O’甘O.. − 自 O‘u− O.uO O.; く ≦ o’心M, o.u小 o﹂ω 目 冒 O1ωN O﹂O 目 O.企ひ‘‘ O.宝. O﹂OO O.−O 〇一uひ − O■NOO O.^N. olu^o oIuoo‘ ZOξ︸−凹一−O﹃一 ] 目 O.套: ○しい >蜆蜆o目一σ−0H、 閂 ﹃ , 蜆 〇一uu ρ3 ω一閨目oΦ凹Ho−σ芭閉oo内①一〇目饒oヨ o‘−ひ o.−︸ 〇一〇ひ o.5 ρoo O1−壮 −︶OOE目−“目房俸刃OOO﹃冨 Ol壮ω; 〇一企u: O.〇一 9二 ミ 〇一企ω:・ = ○しO:ヰ ρ3: 〇一ωOO・ 〇一企u: 旨 ol企u; −oo ρ= ≦ O㌧︸ ρ ≦ O㌧ひ: 〇一2 −O −O﹂O 〇一N0: 〇一いOo‘.‘ O.−O O.^い‘巾 O■企心t. 5 旨 −OlNOo IO﹂ひ 0.ωN.. O.企O.‘ 二 5 ■■宅Φユo自oo− 宙 凹 蜆 ω o 勾 o ⇒ o 目 R − o 目 ; 皇 < 〇一uu O1NO 1o.ω甘・ −〇一−^ o.いo o.ω− O.u企 O.]OO. −o.ωoo‘ 1o’^o■, 1o.︼oo −o’︼一 o−量 o’ω甘 ; 〇.︼− O■心Oo O.u︸,亡 O.]一t^ −甘 ; ■, 9企N; “, 〇一NN oo日■宅目一〇HωF目E−凹巨o目 ■‡‘ 壮一 X1︹︸o目^⋮﹃芭饒o旨団−Oo目−目自;’o凹一﹂o目 0一ビ 目 6 自 ○ト甘 −o.全 旦’﹃O﹃︻^W閉⋮ O 目 芭 − 叩 − o.ωひ 1o’u一・ >g自蜆一〇〇勾−蜆o目固﹃蜆 ⋮昌o−一〇 ○ト一: io.全: ︵︺冒閉一〇目−0Hzooo閉 Z冊ξ弓−閂一﹃O﹃日目 〇−N00 二 O.uO O.Ooo >蜆蜆o目−σ−o﹃︸ 凹 ﹃ H 四 ○しひ 〇目σσ−冊同oo目o目−︸ IO.= 1o﹄o ω一芭自O田H0−げ■閉OOカ“一^W=一﹂O目 −︶OOE目−耐旨 一 蜆 俸 〆 O O O ﹃ 房 o o 目 − 唱 目 一 0 H ω−目−∈−凹饒o目 o−−oo^ ; X■Qo目o冒ユo自竺Ooヨ冒自目‘Sユo自 穿潟ユ雪8白鶉&零一彗−一昌 O㌧Oo: ︺O ,。O︿‘O甘、 一 、︿lo− o.﹃o,H8︸o自固−閉 .o︿ご >島目蜆一〇〇宍−蜆^自円﹃o : : 55 KNOWu…DGE R旧Tl…NT10N AND冊W PRODuCT D臣V肌0PM酬丁肥RFORMANCE 1996】 56 HITOTSUBASHI JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT [October Appendix 4: Market Newness First, project managers were asked to choose the most appropriate descri tion of their products from the following three descriptions: "(a) mamly targeted to the exrstmg customer base;" "(b) targeted both to the existing customer and the new customer base;" and "(c) mamly targeted to the new customer base " When a proJect manager chose (c), we categorized his project as "new market"; when he chose (a), we categorized this as an "existing market." As a result, four projects were categorized as "new market" and five projects as "exrstmg market " For remammg 1 3 proJects we further classlfied four models as "new market" since these products were given different brand names from the predecessor models with substantial price differences. Finally, we classified one product as "new market" since this new model was clearly positioned in a different market class from the previous model. As a result, seven projects were classified as "new market," and 1 5 projects as "existing market" >、、−⋮⋮z−︺︸× − lOlN^ −9o− 018 O.︸]‘‡“O.u一“ 自 − ZO邑ξ 零まヨ菖S H8ぎ−s− H8ぎ−s− −〇一6 o−ビ 〇一︺㌢ I〇一畠 −ou^ ouo o.旧o − ε目實z鶉夢 蟹雰↓胃胴g 〇一ωo’ o1o“ − ol小u.. O㌧冒‘ o.o] o1塞‡‡ −o.oo o.冒︺ ; o.u一 o﹄oo.^ ; o1δ O.−一^‡ 冨 −ol^o^^^ O.; 〇一s^“ 竃閂一〇チ一〇〇’−叩−>O−−−^WくO日日冊目一〇︸ H日■雲ω邑田H峯田団Z−ZO−≦OO>■1邑>ω田O■向H固Z昌OZO>㌔>雪■胃冒吻>ZOH>ω︻Z■峯Z籟窒 寄閉⊂■Hω◎司■田o戻田ωω−oz>z>Fくω田閉勺◎■勺向刃︸o戸峯>20固ω>↓−ω︸>0H−oz−−zoFG0−zo−zH■■>0H−oz 甘. − 巨ξ 雪閂−−一Eず〇一‘−H與. − 自 − O1〇一 o−甘小‡‘ o−童,‡ o.o︸ 〇一止u‘‘‘ ol^o“‘ ; o1]N o‘冨 o.oト 香目雪z霊ま ω巴雷冒品g o−亀‡ −ol−oo 〇一含. 〇一−O lO1; O.^一^‡ lo.= o1s ;o.壮− −o−小一‡ 01u] −o.小oo^“ −︹■.ひ−‡巾巾 〇‘−ひ, O.OO O.u一^. ; 5 二 〇一8 010^ O.MOo^^ = ; l01ε ⋮胆一〇−一〇〇冒蜆.>O−−耐くO目−而目一〇、 −oo 〇lMτ 二 〇一6 o.oひ −o.o︸ −o︼o o1]一‡ −o.主巾‡ ミ o.昌 OIO− −o.−一 Io﹂一 101o甘 o.oo O.O] ; OI6ーo.ou o.︸=“^ 冒 −Ol; o.︸τ‡‡ −01塞:fO1︸㌢.−ρ畠 −o.8 −o‘; −o.−い o■Nu 1o−峯 o.お‘ l〇一$o‡−o㌧δ‡ − − 零oきgoogU望o百膏目一〇婁>畠雪彗o二〇 霊H寄﹃冒竃8 霊﹃ず昌−彗8 吻g&邑o 自 −01u一 − 1〇一]ひ lo−ω︷ o.o︸ 1o.s o‘−− −O.〇一 F' − − o.−u − O︷昌O彗;ま邑婁潟﹃8冒昌O二き争9昌 5〇一邑冒胴冒§貫δ冨≦亭冨一3冒亮⋮婁 zoミコ昌8冒 国自げ巨①d8目o冒︸ >叩眈①目目一︺−ωH−︸ 芭 ﹃ H 蜆 ×1o目n自nH田巨o自巴oo目−目−■自−o凹饒o自 1o.; o1−壮‡ ; H8,邑s− − 勺呂8﹃冒凹冒o ↓8−邑s− − O−O︸ ρ8:■ρざ lo.二 01小Oo■, 〇一−O 一〇、 冒弓&彗8−宙豊&寮8目ぎ目 OO目−日日自昌−O田一﹂O自“ZO毫︸−凹↓−O﹃目一 〇一Mψ.‡ 竃閏目冒♂o言冒・ − 目 − 自 − ZOきξ 目 彗ξ − o.o^ o−o蛆 1o.−o o−o蜆 −〇一宝‡ O1MO −o‘o蜆 o.︸冒‡ −o−竈 −o1o^ 1〇一〇一 〇一〇ひ lo.oト o.8 −01甘㌢, −O.O− O−Oひ O.−] IOl−O IO﹂一 〇一〇︼ −O.Oひ o.s‡‘ loし− 〇1M︺ O−−] 01︺蜆■‘ 〇一〇ひ −ひ −ひ −ふ −一 −O.u甘 Ol−一 〇’甘O.^.01−u‡ −O﹂ω −ひ −ひ −ひ −ひ −〇一〇〇t‡ −o.s −o.o] 10.O−‡‡10■甘Ot‡IO’O︸‘‘〒01$i‡凸TO.#い −o.u︷ 1o.u︸ o−−o 1o.o︸ 1o.N① −O.5 ︹■.u−‡^ O.]O‡ 01−ひ‡ ; ; ; 101^o‡‡ o.−甘 10−小一‡‡iO.︸一 1o.6 小一 1o.ε 零き目彗8 雰き⋮菖8 ωo訂⋮o ρ 要喀ユ彗8,z彗コ凹書昌 o﹂.o︷H匪巨畠−閉 1 o︿.o− 、o︿.ポ 、、宅く.o︸、 >g冒叩一〇〇〆1蜆o自芭Ho o︷昌o昌;ま萱婁零Hδヨ昌o二き蓄3昌 - ミo旨90富二︺葦喜目oミO婁>肇呂昌o二〇 、〇一 目 ρ : oo ooa¥ ρ 目 − 5o旨皇目o目巨o冒邑畠閉三旨暑豪ヨ鶉⋮婁 >叩岨o臼日−︺−o﹃弔凹﹃︻蜆 z①ξ雪算δH昌 宙自げげ−o−四〇〇目o−目︸ zo毫⋮胃斤g u^.胴①■0H巴邑o自芭−︹⋮o胃−目−=自︷o芭ユo自 要o&88﹄窒&寄一昌R一昌 、、、宅く’o− ︵uOヨー自−=目−O凹巨O目’ZOξ弔−芭一−O﹃﹁目 寮潟ユ昌畠、z姜雪凹豪昌 匝.︹g篶蜆己冒−蜆 .、︿ボ 、弓く.o甘− >g冒蜆一冊藺丙−眈o:凹H0 ρρ ○与 O一 O oo = 57 KNOW岨DGE一岨Tl…NT1ON AND NEW PRODUCT D1…V肌OPMENT冊RFORMANC正 996 一﹁耐oチ目−o凹− 一﹁no−−目山o凹− 一﹁向夫ζω5籟﹁﹃峯向祠7︸−7=︺−<−−︶F︸>F1邑>吻団−︺−富H]両ZH−OZO>、>国−−−一一=⋮吻>7;︺一り>吻−︻Z田峯7−向閉ω 一〇 呂凹目−−茅〇一目H凹. 自 一〇︼日−0H2ooo蜆 −〇一5 、o﹃︸σヨ目凹−−oo O■心−‘‘ O.心u‘“IO−−ひ 〇一小O: 〇一8:・ O.S −oo 〇一6・ ミ 〇一]o“ −o.ミ O‘−− −Ol竃 〇一N0 一〇−目0Hzoo^−蜆 〇一uo 1o.= 〇一〇ω −〇一ご 〇一垣:. o.M甘 ρ企−妄 0一u㌢ H 目 − zoきξ 〇一N0 o−量 巨円一〇−−一〇〇一−蜆− >電雲昌Xひ1申雲昌富富冒O冨竃02>Zきき易9■冒︸■O嵩竃雲H冒竃O戸ζ>Z8二ZO;昌ZO云畠套O昌婁 >旦−−o︸o−一〇〇 自 ωo冒oo巳o 茎ξ − 自 − o1s lOl; 〇一宝:・ 〇一壮ジ・ −oo −O.Oω o1ooo 〇一︼O: IO.Oい O.8. 自 ︸血﹃弍口﹃,目田目oo − ○ト一: −O.冒 ○ム一: 1〇一〇〇 o.企o: 1o﹂o O.NO I〇一uo O.−O.. ; 呂固一〇−一〇︵︶E閉一 = 〇一Mい I〇一uu 〇一−oo 一﹁OO−一日﹄O與− o.旨・ − 〇一uN: o−]oo lo.N0 −〇一uu 〇一S: ; 〇一〇− 〇一u企: ; −〇一6 〇一︸壮: zo至ξ ↓8巨冒ざ邑 ミ 1〇一〇︸ oe −︺OOO目O^⋮旨一く芭ユ芭σ−Φ叩“宅OH,Oヨ目田目O①−目−i﹃OくO目一〇目一 −︶o︷〇一〇〇目−o目一︹“o咀− 自 自 一 軍δ目彗8 − 1〇一5 〇一N壮 1o.全‡ 〇一= 〇一巳 −OI心Oo“,−O.u︸‡ −O.^O‡ o■−い o■Noo 〇一N企 −O.〇一 ○しO:‡ IO−N一 −oo 〇一〇^ 窒”一−’−−凹〇一’−−印− o.s: ミ >旦−−0H0目o〇一〇 − ;ξ 自 ωoデoo巨o − −o.N一 し一 −川﹃o旦−−〇一︵︺o蜆一 自 〇一〇壮 O.O甘 1〇一u] 1oluN −OI8 l〇一〇〇 ol企㌢ −〇一〇u 自 lpu企 〇.−Oo 1o−u一 〇一〇〇 −o.ビ 〇一= −〇一; o.−o 0一NOO 1〇一6 −〇一uu −〇一〇〇 o1−− 1o’ωい P ○ −∼耐﹃∋︺﹃日目胆目oo − 1〇一壮㌢ 1o.; 〇一S Io■N −◎一企ジ −O.uoo O﹄oo 〇一8 1o. −︶o’6−o句一目o目一〇〇咀一 − 1〇一昌 ︸oH︸σ﹃目一凹−−oo −O㌧O o.8 −〇一ωOO ○しN 1〇一−o }一 −目O−冒O−昌OO−自一^⋮HO〇一﹂O目蜆ミー一−O−田一白口﹃一自自^Wミ=聖蜆 zoξ弔−凹一↓o目目 ■冒げげ−血要o自oH5︸ >蜆咀冊目−−︺−0H∼芭﹃H蜆 団■、O﹃■冊目O皿−−W易^WO〆O^O昌一−O目 ×1胴o目0H芭一﹂o■凹−Oo自−目−自目︸o芭一﹂o自 −u■ooユo目oo . z o 尋 ︸ − 凹 一 弍 口 一 ﹂ 目 − 〇一N㌢ 二 −〇一uoo 1o.N0 I〇一〇〇 −〇一2 〇一]oo‡ −^ o、一 Oo目目自邑S巨o㍉Zoξ里93ヨ O■ ﹃ O﹃HO岨−O‘−O−蜆 亡o︿.ご ‡、句く.o︸’ .‡‡o︿.o− >旦−=匝一〇〇■−蜆^E声H0 −目O−冒O︸目OO−目一〇︸芭〇一−O昌蜆尋﹂一旨O−閂一日Oヨ目−昌而ξ目霧蜆 申︸00自〇一︵uO蜆一 自 ∼O﹃﹃O﹃,■一田目OO − l〇一3 1oI6 −〇一曽 1o.S l〇一8 二 1〇一〇^ o一 、o,I o・ 自 Uo需邑雪;主き−窒寝まヨ彗o巴目召皇彗雪一 zo’,︼∼−宙⇒饒︺﹃目− 宙亭巨冊雰昌O昌︸ >唖肋o日目げ−ωH︸田﹃^叩 zo’弓峯凹﹃岸〇一 〇一s 1o.u? −〇一〇ω 向 ■ 句 ① ユ O 目 O O −宙曙OO犀〇一^W目一−O目 x ・ 需 冒 曇 一 昌邑oo昌目昌一〇き昌 O.Oひ 〇一3: 旨 o一 しooo 日■弓OユO目Oω.ZOξ︸−凹一︸O﹃目− o.N00. o ○蜆 企一 】一 〇、1 ξ ミ ○彗⋮きき昌2毫妻甘旨昌 ,。。O︿lO− ρ ρ o} ωoo o o. ﹃ o,Ho叩⋮o ’ − 芭 − 田 ぜく﹂一.。o︿’ε >9自叩一〇〇■1閉O昌円HO O− o、、』 t.J ρ o o一 ひ一 0 一、I o u・ o o. F) o O [October HlTOTSl〕EASHI,OuRNAL OP COMM1…RCE AND MANAGEMENT 58
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