Year 7 Japanese

Year 7 Japanese
The aim of this course is for students to be able to communicate and understand
everyday Japanese vocabulary and phrases. Students will also be able to increase
their knowledge about Japanese culture, history and geography.
Delivery (mode, time requirements, lessons):
Students are expected to undertake independent study on their own program to
complete lessons, tasks and assessment in accordance with the Work Rate
Calendar. Students also have access to a teacher supported two hours of scheduled
lessons each week. Lessons are delivered via Blackboard Collaborate and
Student Requirements:
Computer, access to internet, email, printer, scanner, telephone or headset with
microphone, exercise book, 10mm grid book (48 pages), stationery.
Resources: Nil.
Subject Fee: Nil.
Year 7 Japanese
Term 1
Speaking Task
Listening Task
Reading Task
Writing Task
Term 2
UNIT 2: Food
Functions: Greetings (before and after a meal), expressing what
one eats and drinks, expressing at what is eaten at each meal,
expressing likes and dislikes.
Grammar/Sentence Patterns: いただきます・ごちそうさま・おいしい!
__を のみます/のみません・__を たべます/たべません. 朝ごはん
に__を たべます、昼ごはんに__を たべます、晩ごはん__をたべ
Cultural contest: Introduce Japanese food culture (seasonal foods,
geography of Japan, seafood). Sushi – varieties and when sushi is
eaten. Greetings.
Speaking Task
Listening Task
Reading Task
Writing Task
UNIT 3: Hobbies
Functions: Saying and asking about hobbies/ favourite activities,
types of sports, days of the week in kanji and hiragana, time words
(o’clock/frequency words), describing hobbies.
Grammar/Sentence Patterns: しゅみ は なん ですか。__ を し
ます。__ が すき/すきじゃない です。Time word (に)_をしま
す。_は adjective です。
Cultural contest: Characteristics of Japanese sports/ hobbies,
different ways to spend one’s spare time between Japan and
Speaking Task
Listening Task
Reading Task
Writing Task
UNIT 4: Family
Functions: Introducing family members, describing physical
appearance/ personality, naming body parts, counting people,
colours, telling/asking what someone likes.
Grammar/Sentence Patterns: おとうさん,おかあさん,おにいさ
ん,おねえさん,おとうと,いもうと,おじいさん,おばあさん は
adjective です。なんにんかぞく ですか.
Cultural contest: Comparing Japanese and Australian families.
Speaking Task
Listening Task
Reading Task
Writing Task
Semester 2
Semester 1
UNIT 1: Getting to know you
Functions: Greetings, self-introductions, asking / answering
questions to get to know people (name, age, birth month, where
someone lives, school grade, hobbies, telephone numbers, pets),
numbers, colours, animals (pets), seasons.
Grammar/Sentence Patterns: 元気ですか。はじめまして。どうぞよろ
Cultural contest: Look at levels of politeness. Use of honorific お.
Hobbies in Japan. Characteristic of Japanese seasons.
Term 3
Term 4
Units and Learning Experiences