SCAFFOLDING | SUSPENDED PLATFORMS | LADDERS | STEPLADDERS | CUSTOM-MADE Relax. It's an Altrex. 14 | 15 INDEX !!"#$ "$%#!"#$"& Overview Rolling- and Folding Towers Rolling Tower single width 5100 / double width 5200 Traditional Stairway Tower double width 5300 Folding / Rolling Tower single width 5400 Folding / Rolling Tower double width 5500 (telescopic) MiTOWER Rolling Tower single width 4100 / double width 4200 Traditional Folding / Rolling Tower single width 4400-POWER !%'($)®(#$ "$"& 30 Explanation Safe-Quick® GuardRail Rolling Towers Rolling Tower Safe-Quick® single width 5100-S / double width 5200-S 32 Rolling Tower Safe-Quick® single width 4100-S / double width 4200-S 36 Relax. It’s an Altrex. Altrex Product Identification Productcategories Laws and Standards Ladders & Stepladders Laws and Standards Scaffolding Large selection of Altrex scaffolds 5000-series Modular Scaffolding System 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Folding / Rolling Tower 3400 38 *+++%$ ,"#(!!"#$-, Explanation 5000-series Modular Scaffolding System Extension Console Aluminium Stage Chimney Scaffold Modular Triangle Bridge (MTB) Modular Triangle Bridge (MTB) as Edge protection Shelter System MTB Scaffolding Shelter System Shelter Tent Edge protection (Colour)coating scaffolding parts 41 42 43 44 46 48 50 51 52 53 53 ",/$$""!$($" Examples of Combination Configurations Façade scaffold from rolling tower parts 54 55 "$$ Scaffold Trailers De Luxe and Basic 56 Safe-Scaf Anti-climb protection 57 Accessories 5000-series 57 (",%,#!!"# Custom-made Scaffolds 59 0*+++%$ Parts 5000-series Modular Scaffolding System Technical specifications - parts 60 71 01+++%$ Parts 4000-series 75 (0##0!", Modular Suspended Platform System (MHB) 77 (",%,# (0##0!", Custom-made MHB 80 PROFESSIONAL HEAVY DUTY HOME & GARDEN 2 | Visit for: INDEX Overview Ladders (Telescopic) Mounter Nevada Rocky Atlas 83 84 86 88 89 Atlantis 90 All Round 91 "0$## Tele-ProMatic Tele-XL 480 TeleLogic 420 92 94 95 !"#$## Overview Folding Ladders Varitrex Prof Varitrex Teleprof Varitrex Teleprof Flex 4 x 4 96 97 98 99 Varitrex Do-it-All Varitrex Plus 100 101 Altavista 102 (",%,### Custom-made Ladders 103 2""0%30## Hoop-/Escapeladder 104 0## Overview Stepladders X-Pro®, stepladder and workbench Taurus (TDO) double sided Taurus (TGB) single sided Taurus (TME) warehouse stepladder Brenta Falco (FDO) double sided Falco (FEO) single sided 106 108 110 111 112 113 114 115 Castor (CDO) double sided Castor (CEO) single sided 116 117 Double Decker Steddy Giant USIT, chair and stepladder Cromato Silver 118 120 121 122 124 "!## Woodytrex-De Luxe Woodytrex-Superieur Woodytrex-Budget 125 126 127 "$#0 ,"#($#($0-, Accessories Ladders & Stepladders Accessories Loft Ladders Accessories and Parts Ladders & Stepladders Modular Industrial Step System Mobile Industrial platform steps Industrial step-overs Straight stairs 128 129 129 130 131 132 132 (",%,#0## (",%,#0"( (",%,#4 "44$&(",%,#0"5 Custom-made Stepladders Custom-made Escape routes Custom-made Several Overview Custom-made projects 133 136 137 139 ## | 3 67$8 67 For more than 60 years Altrex has been a brand which guarantees safety, responsibility and innovation: a global actor with a leading position in many markets. A position based on quality, knowledge, experience and especially innovation. Choosing Altrex is choosing safety. Altrex develops and manufactures high-quality products for both professional users and DIY users. High-quality products designed to help the user with working safely at great heights. The right product for every task! And that’s why: Relax. It's an Altrex. 9; ; <<=9 Altrex offers a complete and innovative range of access equipment. No matter if it concerns rolling towers, folding towers, scaffold systems, suspended platforms, ladders, folding ladders or stepladders. A complete range, with the quality, service, durability and guarantee you can expect % 9< 9< << from an A-brand supplier. Products which are developed by devoted people with knowledge and experience. Altrex people who know what In certain situations, custom-made/special products are required. In these situations Altrex also offers a solution and is the right choice. Altrex has a specialised department for customer solutions, where engineering and manufacturing are performed by our specialists who have the required professional knowledge and expertise. the user needs to be able to work at height safely and comfortably. Also They personally advise customers about the best and safest solutions. for special situations that require No matter if it concerns access solutions for a football stadium, silo access systems or custom-made solutions. climbing towers, Altrex is the right choice. 69 ; <<7 ,9< < < $ 9 Altrex has an international dealer network with partners Altrex has a factory with sophisticated, state-of-the-art production facilities, such as fully automated welding robots. As a specialist in aluminium welding, Altrex is able to realise a consistent, high-level quality in welding, which is guaranteed through our ISO-9001 certification. who have expertise in and knowledge of the access solutions which Altrex offers. Also, various worldwide rental companies have chosen to hire out high-quality Altrex products, such as Modular Suspended Platforms and scaffold systems. Choosing Altrex, means choosing quality and safety. The quality of products is essential in order to work safely at height. Another reason to choose Altrex. The Altrex brand stands for quality of products and quality in service. On a daily basis, the products are distributed all over the world from the modern Altrex logistics centre. $9< 9 Within the Netherlands, Altrex offers Inspection and Repair services at the factory and/or on site. < Altrex has its own training and education centre in The Netherlands, where product training and (safety) education are offered. 60<$>< & ? 3<@ For a number of large organisations, Altrex marks access equipment with "#" $ # " %" tion on climbing equipment on behalf of many rental companies and other >< <<9 * + ;< => ? "+"@ J > ##$ K$ presented manner = possible $>< < < The special Altrex coating has a number of important advantages: Z" because the coating repels dirt. This is a huge advantage for various target groups, such as painters/decorators J"minium warmer to the touch, improving user-friendliness J # > slipperiness when wet $>< 3<9 K#" J >$ +#" 6| 0<< 0"!$" !;9 7 Recognisably Black. Companies and institutions working at the highest professional level in construction, industry or services profit most from the wide ranging product category Professional. These products meet the most stringent requirements. Characteristic for this product category Professional is the colour black, which can be found in or on products (black coating or black parts). Many products have black packaging with product information. PROFESSIONAL 24-#(! ;#$- 9 7 Recognisably Blue. Heavy Duty products are perfectly suited to heavier DIY work as well as a variety of construction, renovation and maintenance tasks. Characteristic for this product category is the colour blue, which can be found in or on products (blue coating or blue parts). The products have blue packaging with product information. HEAVY DUTY 2",A# ; #$- 7 Recognisably Green. The Altrex Home & Garden range of ladders, folding ladders and steps is suitable for a range of household and DIY work. Many products have green packaging with product information. HOME & GARDEN | 7 Laws and Standards A9 & 9= 9<769;9<< <; 9<7 = 9<BB < 7 E I LI e et G V Altrex makes high demands of the quality of its products. This applies to the development of a new product, but also the quality in production. In order to test both, Altrex has its own specialised test laboratory. The working method of the test laboratory is assessed as being of an extremely high standard by various certification bodies. w V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet EN 131 NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) NEN-ENISO-14122-4 <C& F In the Netherlands, all ladders, folding ladders and stepladders have to comply with The Portable Climbing Equipment Decree (Besluit Draagbaar Klimmaterieel) of the Commodities Act (Warenwet). This Act offers a higher safety level than the EN131 EN131 The EN131 is the European standard for ladders, folding ladders and steps. J1K1 The NEN 2484 includes (among other things) additional durability requirements in comparison to The Portable Climbing Equipment Decree of the Commodities Act. The Commodities Act, which applies to ladders and stepladders for professional and DIY use does not offer a sufficient level of safety for professional use. A very significant difference between NEN 2484 K% the dynamic trestle test. This test is not part of the Commodities Act. Durability testing ensures that the ladder/stepladder is suitable for intensive use. Other tests not included in the Commodities Act include, for example, the test load on the brace and the load on the ends of the verticals. %$"L1LJJ The industrial step-overs, straight ladders and hoop/escape ladders comply with EN-ISO 14122 safety of machines, permanent means of access to machines. & Altrex offers excellent service and warranty on its products. The applicable warranty period is given for each product individually. 8 | # In Altrex folding ladders, the Cycle logo shows the durability of the hinges. The European standard EN 131 for folding ladders has a durability test for the hinges in which the hinges have to be opened and closed at least 4,000 times. All Altrex folding ladders of course meet this standard and are able to withstand 4,000, 8,000 or even 12,000 ‘cycles’, depending on the type. (=39 At Altrex, safety comes first. The Altrex Red Sport (on a ladder) and the Altrex Red Step (on a step). The Red Rung/Step indicates a maximum safe standing height: maximum Step Height for safe use. # Altrex thinks the safe use of its products is of great importance. This is why ladders, folding ladders, telescopic ladders and step ladders are supplied with a special booklet with a detailed user manual. 6, Mprovides QR codes " for use, manual and videos for safe use. The QR code gives immediate digital access to the video and/or instructions for use and assembly instructions of the products. $; ; For the up to date product range and detailed information on legislation and regulation go to Laws and Standards< =<9< T & EN 1004 Class 3 EN 12811 EN 1298 = A. /7 0< <<=9 <<9 99< = 699<3 9 L++1 The current European standard for rolling towers is the EN 1004. This standard makes more demands of the rolling towers than the expired standard HD 1004. The Altrex rolling and folding towers referred to on this site meet the EN 1004 standard and are equipped with the required strength and stability calculations. LJKLL The current European standard for facade scaffolds is the EN 12811. This standard applies to all non-rolling scaffolds. LJRK 6; It is recorded in European standard EN 1298 which requirements the manual for assembly and use of scaffolds have to meet. Altrex places great importance on the safety of its products in use. The extensive manuals assembly and use of Altrex-scaffolds are drafted in conformity with EN 1298. S4 Several ladders, stepladders and scaffolds are certified by TUV Nederland or TUV Nord. SAFE-QUICK® %'<M Rolling towers with Safe-Quick® GuardRail are even safer and faster to assemble. When accessing the platform, there is always protection all around. !%#<M With lightweight Fiber-Deck® platforms, a weight reduction of at least 30% in comparison to traditional platforms is achieved. EASY-FIT + 7 + 69 & Altrex offers excellent service and warranty on its products. The applicable warranty period is given for each product individually. Strength and stability calculations < < The European Work at Height Guideline makes requirements of working at height. These requirements are incorporated in the legislation and regulation of the various European member states. The scaffolds are required to be calculated, signed and tested in conformity with these rules. Altrex’ standard configurations are equipped with strength and stability calculations. Altrex has the specialist to make the complex calculations for the special scaffold configurations as well. This does not just concern the carrying out of the calculation, but in particular the analysis and interpretation of the calculation results demands expertise. It is mainly the material characteristics, strengths, element types and element sizes which determine the results. 6, Mprovides QR codes " for use, manual and videos for safe use. The QR code gives immediate digital access to the video and/or instructions for use and assembly instructions of the products. $; ; For the up to date product range and detailed information on legislation and regulation go to %! The aluminium lightweight toe board system of the 5000 series scaffolds is equipped with EasyFit® quick couplings < The patented Easy-Lock® system, which is the triangular stabiliser of the 5000 series scaffolds, is infinitely telescopically adjustable and can be assembled quickly. | 9 < <6@ Working safely at height with aluminium scaffolds? Choose Altrex scaffolds. The scaffold that you choose will depend on your answers to the following questions. L7&<U J7& < U 5000 series Modular Scaffolding System In a wide rolling tower (1.35 m), 2 platforms can be placed at the required working height. In a narrow rolling tower (0.75 m), 1 platform can be placed at the required working height. Rolling towers and folding towers, which can be combined with: extension consoles / Modular Triangle Bridge / Stage / Walkway shelter systems/ Trailer Top model with numerous innovations, modular so can always be combined The 5000 series Modular Scaffolding System offers a wide range of combination options and is equipped with numerous innovations, both in terms of parts and configuration. Various Standard Configurations can be built with the large number of parts, such as rolling towers, folding towers, stairway towers and the Modular Triangle Bridge. Various Combination configurations can also be built using the parts from the 5000 series Modular Scaffolding System, such as a Modular Triangle Bridge between rolling towers. 5000 series ]##^_`` ]##^{`` }###^~`` ]##^`` ]##^^``; < 4000 series ]##_`` ]##{`` ]#``?# series 3000 ]## %> 4000-series Rolling and folding towers/ Trailer The 4000 series rolling and folding towers provide a perfect solution for professionals who prefer a folding tower without to take advantage of the many combination options and innovations offered by the 5000 series. 3000-series If you would like advice from experts about the many options, call or email your Altrex dealer or Altrex: +31 38 455 77 33 or [email protected] W733 6U Folding/Rolling tower 3400 The Altrex Folding/Rolling Tower 3400 is a scaffold in the Heavy Duty range. This scaffold consists of 4 modules (A, B, C and D) which can also be supplied in 4 film-covered packages. 10 | A rolling tower without folding tower consists of separate components, such as frames and braces. A folding tower (also known as a folding scaffold or room scaffold) is collapsible. A folding tower can be extended into a rolling tower, but is also often used alone when the work is at a lower height. Comprehensive information about the Altrex scaffolds can be found in this catalogue and on the website: 170 U 5000-series: 1.85 m / 2.45 m / 3.05 m 4000-series: 1.85 m / 2.45 m 3000-series: 1.65 m *70 U 5000 series: Wood or Fiber-Deck® The Altrex Fiber-Deck® platforms are considerably lighter in weight than wooden platforms. A platform of 2.45 m is 30% lighter! From an ergonomic point of view, a huge advantage. Also choose lightweight Fiber-Deck® platforms by Altrex. 4000 series: Wood 3000 series: Wood [7 T %'<MU You will find two types of rolling tower configurations in this catalogue: Traditional and Safe-Quick®. Traditional In the traditional configuration, braces are used throughout the rolling tower Safe-Quick® and Safe-Quick® Façade-free In a number of countries, the requirements are more stringent in relation to the safe assembly of a rolling tower. To this end, Altrex has developed the SafeQuick® GuardRail. An innovation which means that the rolling tower is even safer and can be assembled much faster. Before entering the platform, there is always all-round protection. In the Safe-Quick® rolling towers, braces are only used in the lowest section. >+# assembled % ># parts J#^``````+ 5000-S and 4000-S Z7&39 U The configuration tables for the various scaffolds in this catalogue show the available working and platform heights. The working height is 2 metres higher than the platform height. Please contact Altrex if you have to work at a height that exceeds the heights shown in the tables. The Altrex specialists will be pleased to advise you! For many jobs it can be very beneficial to be able to work façade free. If the rolling tower with SafeQuick® can be placed no more than 15 cm away from the façade, the Safe-Quick® GuardRails do not have to be used on the façade side. The required strength and stability can be achieved with just a number of diagonal braces in the scaffold. 7 67< <6@ | 11 *+++%, < > > > 12 | 0"!$" Parts The Altrex 5000-series Modular Scaffolding System offers a wide range of possibilities for safe working at great height. The large number of parts makes it possible to assemble several standard configurations. Due to the great number of parts and the existence of standard configurations, many combinations of configurations are also possible. Some examples of the mentioned parts are: several walkthrough frames, Safe-Quick® GuardRail, triangle bridges, aluminium stages, guardrail frames, braces and scaffold stairways. > With the parts of the 5000-series Modular Scaffolding System Altrex has already developed a number of standard configurations. These configurations are calculated in accordance with present standards and regulations, like EN 1004 and EN 12811. Examples of the standard configurations are: Rolling Towers 5100/5200, 5100-S/5200-S, Stairway Tower 5300, Folding Towers 5400/5500 and the Modular Triangle Bridge (MTB). > When combinations are being assembled from parts and standard configurations from the 5000-series Modular Scaffolding System a strength and stability calculation from Altrex may be required. Altrex has in-house specialists who make the required calculations. Our engineers are able to make both simple and highly complex calculations for any situation. Working safely at height is always of the utmost importance. Because the 5000-series Modular Scaffolding System can be combined endlessly without losing safety. *+++%, < 9777 777 < < < 0"!$" | 13 % ! Altrex offers a wide range of aluminium scaffolds, rolling towers, folding towers, stairway towers, triangle bridges and shelter systems. All Altrex scaffolds are high-quality products that meet current legislation, such as the EN 1004 standard for professional use. Whether you are looking for a single width rolling tower, double width stairway tower, modular triangle bridge, extension console or chimney scaffold: Altrex has the solution for you. Custommade solutions are also available for unique situations. 14 | &&&7]7", % ! *L++3*J++ PAG. 16 PROFFESSIONAL 5300 PAG. 18 1L++31J++ PAG. 26 PROFFESSIONAL 11++%0"& PAG. 28 *1++3**++ PAG. 20 PROFFESSIONAL ,$"& PAG. 24 PROFFESSIONAL PROFFESSIONAL PROFFESSIONAL %'<® SAFE-QUICK *L++%3*J++% PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 32 ® 1L++%31J++% PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 36 PAG. 30 % < 9 *R W1++ PAG. 38 HEAVY DUTY PAG. 56 PROFFESSIONAL &&&7]7", 0"!$" | 15 *L++3*J++ Platform is easy to pick up by the centered cross beams. Equipped with lightweight Fiber-Deck® platforms (optional) Rung printed with assembly instruction 5100 Aluminium toe boards, quick assembly thanks to Easy-Fit® system Innovative wind security system with straps makes disassembly with only one person possible (2.45m/3.05m) Clamped claw-brace attachment with colour indication (horizontal = red, diagonal = black) 5200 *J++6? L7W*7 < 99< 67$< 9 <B 6?*L++ 6<7 =99 +7[* 7/ ; ; TL7K*BJ71*B 3.05 m. #"#" of 10.20 meter (5100) / The maximum working height for #"_{`_`{` assembly is possible, under the provision that the measures prescribed by law or by the supplier are adhered to ?# 5000-series Modular Scaffolding System {^`";{``"2) and for the entire rolling tower 750 kg %>#### "® platforms }] the assembly and use manual 16 | 0"!$" Adjustable stabiliser with EasyLock® Double-brake wheels are 200 mm in diameter. Easy to unlock when in use. 25cm Adjustable spindle. Frames are equipped with a circular robot welded connection > *L++3*J++ (,$$(,"$"&*L++%+7[* 0 CF 2.20 17J+b 6.20 K7J+b &CF 17J+ 6.20 K7J+ 10.20 gL7K* gJ71* gW7+* 77 )7 77 ). 77 Frame Prof 75-28-7 301107 7.6 301107 7.6 301107 )7 7.6 2 4 6 8 Guardrailframe Prof 75-50-2 302910 3.1 302910 3.1 302910 3.1 2 2 2 2 4 Wheelleg + wheel Prof Ø 200 mm Prof 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 4 4 4 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 304410 14.8 304510 18.7 304610 23.6 1 1 2 2 !%#<M9 9 305210 L+7K 305310 13.7 W+*1L+ 17.3 1 1 2 2 Diagonal brace Prof 303721 2.0 303716 2.5 303722 2.7 2 4 6 8 Horizontal brace Prof 303704 1.9 303706 2.3 303708 2.6 6 6 10 10 Triangular stabilizer Easy-Lock® universal 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 - 4 4 4 Head Toeboard set Prof (2) 0.75 Easy-Fit® 305505 4.5 305505 4.5 305505 4.5 1 1 1 1 Toeboard set Prof (2) 1.85/2.45/3.05 Easy-Fit® 305501 8.8 305502 10.9 305503 12.8 1 1 1 1 1.85 C510001 C510003 C510005 C510007 2.45 C510009 C510011 C510013 C510015 3.05 C510017 C510019 C510021 C510023 1.85 *L+++J *L+++1 *L+++Z *L+++K 2.45 *L++L+ *L++LJ *L++L1 *L++LZ 3.05 *L++LK *L++J+ *L++JJ *L++J1 9 !%#<M9 ¹) 2 extra horizontal braces and 1 extra platform are required for assembly. Displayed impressions of configurations can differ from reality. It also is possible to create configurations for uneven platform heights, or configurations higher than the above mentioned. (,$$(,"$"&*J++%L7W* 0 CF 2.20 17J+1 6.20 K7J+1 10.20 12.20 1 &CF 17J+ 6.20 K7J+ 10.20 12.20 L17J+ 12 gL7K* gJ71* gW7+* 77 )7 77 ). 77 )7 Frame Prof 135-28-7 301607 10.9 301607 10.9 301607 10.9 2 4 6 8 10 Guardrailframe Prof 135-50-2 302920 4.1 302920 4.1 302920 4.1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Wheelleg + wheel Prof Ø 200 mm Prof 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 4 4 4 4 4 4 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 304410 14.8 304510 18.7 304610 23.6 1 1 2 2 3 3 Platform without trapdoor (wood) 304420 14.4 304520 18.4 304620 23.3 1 1 2 2 3 3 !%#<M9 9 305210 L+7K 305310 13.7 W+*1L+ 17.3 1 1 2 2 3 3 !%#<M9 9 305220 10.1 305320 13.3 W+*1J+ 16.7 1 1 2 2 3 3 Diagonal brace Prof 303721 2.7 4 8 12 16 20 24 14 2.0 303716 2.5 303722 Horizontal brace Prof 303704 1.9 303706 2.3 303708 2.6 6 6 10 10 14 Triangular stabilizer Easy-Lock® universal 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 - 4 4 4 4 4 Head Toeboard set Prof (2) 1.35 Easy-Fit® 305506 6.6 305506 6.6 305506 6.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 Toeboard set Prof (2) 1.85/2.45/3.05 Easy-Fit® 305501 8.8 305502 10.9 305503 12.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.85 C520001 C520003 C520005 C520007 C520009 C520011 2.45 C520013 C520015 C520017 C520019 C520021 C520023 3.05 C520025 C520027 C520029 C520031 C520033 C520035 1.85 *J+++J *J+++1 *J+++Z *J+++K *J++L+ *J++LJ 2.45 *J++L1 *J++LZ *J++LK *J++J+ *J++JJ *J++J1 3.05 *J++JZ *J++JK *J++W+ *J++WJ *J++W1 *J++WZ 9 !%#<M9 ¹) 2 extra horizontal braces are required for assembly. Displayed impressions of configurations can differ from reality. It also is possible to create configurations for uneven platform heights, or configurations higher than the above mentioned. EN 1004 Class 3 Strength and stability calculations EN 1298 SAFE-QUICK® EASY-FIT %'<® T9 WJ 0"!$" | 17 *W++ Stairway gives safe access to the working area Equipped with walkthrough frame for easy access Equipped with a special stairway guardrail that prevents falling Aluminium toe boards, quick assembly thanks to Easy-Fit® system Platform is easy to pick up by the centered cross beams. Innovative wind security system with straps makes disassembly with only one person possible (2.45 and 3.05 m) The Stairway Tower 5300 (1.35 m x 1.85 or 2.45 m) is the best solution for safe and ergonomic working at height. Thanks to the specially developed stairways, it is also very easy to take tools for instance up to a height. Clamped claw-brace attachment with colour indication (horizontal = red, diagonal = black) J#"#"_{` _`{` provision that the measures prescribed by law or by the supplier are adhered to ?# ^``` Modular Scaffolding System {^`"#^` kg %>#### "® platforms $ ## }] assembly and use Adjustable stabiliser with Easy-Lock® 18 | 0"!$" Double-brake wheels are 200 mm in diameter. Easy to unlock when in use. 25cm Adjustable spindle. > *W++ (,$$(,$&-"&*W++%L7W* 0 CF 2.20 17J+ 6.20 K7J+ 10.20 LJ7J+b &CF 17J+ 6.20 K7J+ 10.20 12.20 L17J+ 11 gL7K* gJ71* 77 )7 77 ). Frame Prof 135-28-7 301607 10.9 301607 10.9 1 3 5 7 9 Walkthrough frame Prof 135-28 307008 10.2 307008 10.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Guardrailframe Prof 135-50-2 302920 4.1 302920 4.1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 Wheelleg + wheel Prof Ø 200 mm Prof 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 4 4 4 4 4 Platform without trapdoor (wood) 304420 14.4 304520 18.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 !%#<M9 9 305220 10.1 305320 13.3 1 2 3 1 5 6 Diagonal brace Prof 303721 2.0 303716 2.5 3 6 9 12 15 18 Horizontal brace Prof 303704 2.3 303706 2.3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Triangular stabilizer Easy-Lock® universal 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 - 4 4 4 4 4 Head Toeboard set Prof (2) 1.35 Easy-Fit® 305506 6.6 305506 6.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Toeboard set Prof (2) 1.85/2.45/3.05 Easy-Fit® 305501 8.7 305502 10.9 1 1 1 1 1 Stairs 5300 steptower (7 steps) 306000 14.3 306015 17.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Handrail brace 306002 3.1 306018 3.9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stairway guardrail 306001 7.7 306019 8.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 Step stirrup 306017 1.8 306017 1.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1.85 - - - - - - 2.45 C530001 C530003 C530005 C530007 C530009 C530011 !%#<M9 1.85 - - - - - - 2.45 *W+++J *W+++1 *W+++Z *W+++K *W++L+ *W++LJ ¹) Tower load above 10 meter max. 500 kg. During assembly 1 extra diagonal brace is needed. Displayed impressions of configurations can differ from reality. It also is possible to create configurations higher than the above mentioned. < << C < j1F7 < 6<C9 1JF; << %'<® T9 W+ EN 1004 Class 3 EN 1298 EN 12811 SAFE-QUICK® EASY-FIT Strength and stability calculations 0"!$" | 19 !3*1++ Can be moved simply through standard door openings Compact to store Easy to build on with standard 5000-series parts Wheels (Ø 125 mm) with anti-slip running surface are particularly suited for interior work &1+++6 3 k+7[*6L7K*7 < 9< 9 <7 %>#### "® platforms ?# 5000-serie Modular Scaffold system. }] the construction & user manual Double-brake wheels are 200 mm in diameter. Easy to unlock when in use. 25cm Adjustable spindle. %'<® T9 W+ 20 | 0"!$" > *1++ (,$$(,!"#$"&*1++%+7[* 0 CF 1.00 L7K+ 2.70 W7K+b *7K+ [7K+b &CF 3.00 W7K+ 17[+ *7K+ [7K+ R7K+ gL7K* 77 )7 Folding tower frame 3 rung 321000 12.0 - - 1 - - - Folding tower frame 6 rung 321005 20.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Frame Prof 75-28-7 301107 7.5 - - - 2 4 6 Guardrailframe Prof 75-50-2 302910 6.1 - 2 2 2 2 2 Set of wheels Ø 125 mm double brake (4 x) 324512 5.5 1 1 1 1 - - Wheelleg + wheel Prof Ø 200 mm Prof 511230 5.2 - - - - 4 4 Platform without trapdoor (wood) 304420 14.4 1 - - - - - Platform with trapdoor (wood) 304410 14.8 - 1 1 1 2 2 !%#<M9 9 305220 10.1 1 % % % % % !%#<M9 9 305210 L+7K % 1 1 1 2 2 Diagonal brace Prof 303721 2.0 - - 1 3 5 7 Horizontal brace Prof 303704 1.9 - 5 5 5 9 9 Triangular stabilizer Easy-Lock® universal 305613 7.6 - - 4 4 4 4 Head Toeboard set Prof (2) 0.75 Easy-Fit® 305505 4.5 - 1 1 1 1 1 Toeboard set Prof (2) 1.85/2.45/3.05 Easy-Fit® 305501 8.8 - 1 1 1 1 1 C540001 C540003 C540005 C540007 C540009 C540011 *1+++J *1+++1 *1+++Z *1+++K *1++L+ *1++LJ 9 1.85 !%#<M9 1.85 ¹) 2 extra horizontal braces are required for assembly. Displayed impressions of configurations can differ from reality. It also is possible to create configurations higher than the above mentioned. Aluminium toe boards, quick assembly thanks to Easy-Fit® system Adjustable stabiliser with EasyLock® Innovative wind security system with straps makes disassembly with only one person possible (2.45 and 3.05 m) Clamped claw-brace attachment with colour indication (horizontal = red, diagonal = black) EN 1004 Class 3 EN 1298 SAFE-QUICK® Rung printed bar with assembly instruction Platform is easy to pick up by the centered cross beams. Equipped with lightweight Fiber-Deck® platforms (optional) EASY-FIT Strength and stability calculations 0"!$" | 21 !3**++C<9<F Folding tower double width 5500 extended with parts out of the 5000 series Modular Scaffolding System Folding tower available with Fiber-Deck® as well as wooden platforms Wheels (Ø 125 mm) with anti-slip running surface are particularly suited for interior work Double-brake wheels are 200 mm in diameter. Easy to unlock when in use. 25cm Adjustable spindle. This folding tower can be assembled using the telescopically adjustable double (1.35 m) folding tower J^^``#" job possible. J" # adjusted for use with platforms and braces of 1.85 m, 2.45 m or 3.05 m #> standard door opening %>## "® platforms $ ## connection ?# 5000-serie Modular Scaffold system }] the assembly and use %'<® T9 W+ 22 | 0"!$" > **++ (,$$(,"0$!"#$"&**++%L7W* 0 CF 1.00 L7K+ W7K+b *7K+ [7K+b R7K+ LL7K+b &CF 3.00 W7K+ *7K+ [7K+ R7K+ LL7K+ LW7K+ gL7K* gJ71* gW7+* 77 )7 77 ). 77 Telescopic folding tower frame 6-rung 322060 29 322060 29 322060 )7 29 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Frame Prof 135-28-7 301607 10.9 301607 10.9 301607 10.9 - - 2 4 6 8 10 Guardrailframe Prof 135-50-2 302920 4.1 302920 4.1 302920 4.1 - 2 2 2 2 2 2 Wheelleg + wheel Prof Ø 200 mm Prof 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 - - 4 4 4 4 4 Set of wheels Ø 125 mm double brake (4 x) 324512 5.5 324512 5.5 324512 5.5 1 1 - - - - - Platform without trapdoor (wood) 304420 14.4 304520 18.4 304620 23.3 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 304410 14.8 304510 18.7 304610 23.6 - 1 1 2 2 3 3 !%#<M9 9 305220 10.1 305320 13.3 W+*1J+ 16.7 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 !%#<M9 9 305210 L+7K 305310 13.7 W+*1L+ 17.3 % 1 1 2 2 3 Horizontal/diagonal brace Prof 303930 3.8 303930 3.8 303930 3.8 - - - - 1 1 1 Diagonal brace Prof 303721 2.0 303716 2.5 303722 2.7 - 2 6 10 14 18 22 13 Horizontal brace Prof 303704 1.9 303706 2.3 303708 2.6 - 5 5 9 9 13 Triangular stabilizer Easy-Lock® universal 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 - - 4 4 4 4 4 Head Toeboard set Prof (2) 1.35 Easy-Fit® 305506 6.6 305506 6.6 305506 6.6 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 Toeboard set Prof (2) 1.85/2.45/3.05 Easy-Fit® 305501 8.8 305502 10.9 305503 12.8 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1.85 C550001 C550003 C550005 C550007 C550009 C550011 C550013 2.45 C550015 C550017 C550019 C550021 C550023 C550025 C550027 3.05 C550029 C550031 C550033 C550035 C550037 C550039 C550041 !%#<M9 1.85 **+++J **+++1 **+++Z **+++K **++L+ **++LJ **++L1 2.45 **++LZ **++LK **++J+ **++JJ **++J1 **++JZ **++JK 3.05 **++W+ **++WJ **++W1 **++WZ **++WK **++1+ **++1J ¹) 2 extra horizontal braces are required for assembly. Displayed impressions of configurations can differ from reality. It also is possible to create configurations higher than the above mentioned. Aluminium toe boards, quick assembly thanks to Easy-Fit® system Adjustable stabiliser with EasyLock® Innovative wind security system with straps makes disassembly with only one person possible Platform is easy to pick up by the centered cross beams. Equipped with lightweight Fiber-Deck® platforms (optional) Throttled claw-brace attachment with colour indication (horizontal = red, diagonal = black) EN 1004 Class 3 EN 1298 SAFE-QUICK® Rung printed bar with assembly instruction EASY-FIT Strength and stability calculations 0"!$" | 23 Mi"& Safe assembly and disassembly by just one person Easy to transport and store Compact and easy to transport through standard door openings Strong and robust The MiTOWER is a unique strong rolling tower that can be assembled and disassembled safely and easily by just one person. A cart can quickly be built using the scaffold equipment, in which the remaining scaffold equipment can be transported and stored. This means compact and very simple transport. The scaffold is available in the working heights of 4, 5 and 6 metres. "#}] assembly and use manual and video 24 | 0"!$" &@ 9 4<9 < 9 Mi"& Product video: Scan QR-Code or go to U <6% 6 pWLC+FWK1**[[WW3 q 67< EN 1004 Class 3 Strength and stability calculations ; 9J+L1 0"!$" | 25 31L++31J++ 1L+++7[* L7K*3J71*u7 J#"_`` both interior and exterior work is 10.20 meters {^`" tower 750 kg }] to the the assembly and use 1J++L7W* L7K*3J71*7 J#"_`` interior and exterior work is 8.20 meters {^`"# 750 kg }] the assembly and use Clamped claw-brace attachment Stepless Adjustable telescopic stabiliser The Rolling Towers are equipped with wooden toe boards with hinges and wooden platforms Double-brake wheels are 200 mm in diameter. Easy to unlock when in use. Adjustable spindle (10 cm) Wooden platforms equipped with a wind security system Frames are equipped with a circular robot welded connection 26 | 0"!$" > 1L++31J++ (,$$(,"$"&1L++%+7[* 0 CF 2.20 17J+b Z7J+b K7J+b &CF 17J+ 6.20 K7J+ 10.20 gL7K* gJ71* 77 )7 77 ). Frame BRS 75-28-7 303470 6.0 303470 6.0 2 4 6 8 Guardrail frame BRS 75-50-2 303420 2.6 303420 2.6 2 2 2 2 Wheelleg + wheel BRS Ø 200 mm 511220 3.3 511220 3.3 4 4 4 4 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 305010 14.0 305110 18.0 1 1 2 2 Diagonal brace BRS 304321 2.0 304316 2.4 2 4 6 8 Horizontal brace BRS 304304 1.8 304306 2.2 6 6 10 10 Triangular stabilizer BRS Standard 305662 7.3 305662 7.3 - 4 4 4 Toeboard set BRS 0.75 x 1.85/2.45 m 305565 7.6 305570 13.8 1 1 1 1 0.75 x 1.85 m C410004 C410005 C410006 C410007 0.75 x 2.45 m C410001 C410002 C410003 C410008 ¹) 2 extra horizontal braces and 1 extra platform are required for assembly. = > > (,$$(,"$"&1J++%L7W* 0 CF 2.20 17J+b 6.20 K7J+b L+7J+b LJ7J+b &CF 17J+ 6.20 K7J+ 10.20 12.20 L17J+ gL7K* gJ71* 77 )7 77 ). Frame BRS 135-28-7 303370 9.1 303370 9.1 2 4 6 8 10 12 Guardrailframe BRS 135-50-2 303320 3.4 303320 3.4 2 2 2 2 2 2 Wheelleg + wheel BRS Ø 200 mm 511220 3.3 511220 3.3 4 4 4 4 4 4 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 305010 14.0 305110 18.0 1 1 2 2 3 3 Platform without trapdoor (wood) 305020 14.0 305120 18.0 1 1 2 2 3 3 Diagonal brace BRS 304321 2.0 304316 2.4 4 8 12 16 20 24 Horizontal brace BRS 304304 1.8 304306 2.2 6 6 10 10 14 14 Triangular stabilizer BRS Standard 305662 7.3 305662 7.3 - 4 4 4 4 4 Toeboard set BRS 1.35 x 1.85/2.45 m 305580 9.7 305585 14.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.35 x 1.85 m C420007 C420008 C420009 C420010 C420011 C420012 1.35 x 2.45 m C420001 C420002 C420003 C420004 C420005 C420006 ¹) 2 extra horizontal braces are required for assembly. = > > %'<® T9 WZ EN 1004 Class 3 EN 1298 Strength and stability calculations 0"!$" | 27 !311++%0"&311++%%0"& &@ The hinge system makes the folding scaffold easy to fold and unfold Can be moved simply through standard door openings Compact storage Double-brake wheels are 200 mm in diameter. Easy to unlock when in use. Adjustable spindle (10 cm) 11++%0"& &1+++611++%0"&3 67<9 < 3 <+7[*6L7K*7 J >#"> allowing work to be carried out at various heights with ease # #" system provide extra security K$ # anti-slip profile and a rung distance of 28 cm + extension }] assembly and use Platforms equipped with a wind security system %'<®: 11++%%0"&9 W+ Extendable with 4000 series components to a working height of 7.80 m Product video: Scan QR-Code or go to EN 1004 Class 3 EN 1298 28 | 0"!$" Strength and stability calculations > 11++%0"&311++%%0"& (,$$(,!"#$"&11++%0"&%+7[* 0 CF 1.00 L7K+ 3.50 W7K+b *7K+ &CF 3.00 W7K+ 5.50 *7K+ [7K+ gL7K* 77 )7 Folding scaffold 4400-Power complete 6 rungs 326001 32.0 1 - - - - Folding unit 6 rung 4400-Power 326012 13.0 - 1 2 1 1 Set of 4 collar tubes 324501 0.8 - 1 2 1 1 Frame BRS 75-28-7 303470 6.4 - - - 2 4 Guardrail frame BRS 75-50-2 303420 2.6 - 2 2 2 2 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 305010 14.0 - 1 1 1 2 Set of wheels Ø 125 mm double brake (4 x) 324512 5.0 - 1 1 1 - Wheelleg + wheel BRS Ø 200 mm 511220 3.3 - - - - 4 Diagonal brace BRS 304321 2.0 - 1 2 3 5 Horizontal brace BRS 304304 1.8 - 5 5 5 9 Triangular stabilizer BRS Standard 305662 7.3 - - 4 4 4 Toeboard set BRS 0.75 x 1.85/2.45 m 305565 7.6 - 1 1 1 1 C440005 C440006 C440007 C440008 C440010 0.75 x 1.85 m <_ = > (,$$(,!"#$"&11++%0"&&$2!%'($)M(#$%+7[* 0 CF L7K+ J7K+ 17K+ &CF W7K+ 17K+ Z7K+ gL7K* 77 )7 Folding unit 6 rung 4400-Power 326012 13.0 1 1 1 Set of 4 collar tubes 324501 0.8 1 1 1 4 Frame BRS 75-28-7 303470 6.4 - 2 Frame BRS 75-28-4 303440 3.8 2 - - Safe-Quick® Guardrail BRS 360270 7.4 2 2 4 2 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 305010 14.0 1 1 Set of wheels Ø 125 mm double brake (4 x) 324512 5.0 1 1 - Wheelleg + wheel BRS Ø 200 mm 511220 3.3 - - 4 Diagonal brace BRS 304321 2.0 1 1 1 Horizontal brace BRS 304304 1.8 1 1 1 Triangular stabilizer BRS Standard 305662 7.3 - 2 2 Toeboard set BRS 0.75 x 1.85/2.45 m 305565 7.6 1 1 1 C440023 C440024 C440025 0.75 x 1.85 m = > > (,$$(,!"#$"&11++%0"&&$2!%'($)M(#$%+7[*& < v 0 CF L7K+ J7K+ 17K+ &CF W7K+ 17K+ Z7K+ gL7K* 77 )7 Folding unit 6 rung 4400-Power 326012 13.0 1 1 1 Set of 4 collar tubes 324501 0.8 1 1 1 4 Frame BRS 75-28-7 303470 6.4 - 2 Frame BRS 75-28-4 303440 3.8 2 - - Safe-Quick® Guardrail BRS 360270 7.4 1 1 2 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 305010 14.0 1 1 2 Set of wheels Ø 125 mm double brake (4 x) 324512 5.0 1 1 - Wheelleg + wheel BRS Ø 200 mm 511220 3.3 - - 4 Diagonal brace BRS 304321 2.0 1 1 1 Horizontal brace BRS 304304 1.8 1 1 1 Triangular stabilizer BRS Standard 305662 7.3 - 2 2 Toeboard set BRS 0.75 x 1.85/2.45 m 305565 7.6 1 1 1 C440026 C440027 C440028 0.75 x 1.85 m #_^# = > > 0"!$" | 29 SAFE-QUICK ® 6 %'<® For over 60 years, Altrex has continued to improve products further and further. With a passion for innovation, Altrex is continuously on the hunt for new technologies and applications. With the Safe-Quick® GuardRail Rolling Tower, Altrex offers a world-class innovation which is even safer and quicker to assemble and can even be applied façade-free. A Rolling Tower which meets the increasingly tighter European and national regulations regarding the safe assembly of Rolling Towers. A safer assembly of Rolling Towers will be the future. Therefore choose the Altrex Next Safety Generation Rolling Towers with Safe-Quick® GuardRails which is state of the art. This is what the user can expect from the leading brand Altrex. Always the best. 67$? 67 Product video: Scan the QR-Code or go to Really a lot easier to work with! EN 1004 Class 3 Strength and stability calculations 30 | 0"!$" %'<® ; T 9< << ?]J#; < # ;< } "® GuardRail Rolling Tower, automatic correct assembly ]" J # also be created for wide scaffolds ]J# >##_`` }® QR-code for user instructions is included ;=< 9 " } "® GuardRail easy to assemble by 1 person Z$+_ % # K ; 8 y ;8 ;_^< =>##" #"#> ; %'<® T*+++% 1+++% %#]J## ># own version of the Safe-Quick® GuardRail: the 5000-S and 4000-S ;>"<%]J# (4000 and 5000 series) %'<® T 99< 63! *L++B*J++B*W++B*1++B**++B1L++B1J++ 11++%0"&6@ 0"!$" | 31 %'<® 3*L++%3*J++% %'<® pag. 30 SAFE-QUICK ® new addition to 5000-series Modular Scaffolding System Less parts *L++% Easy to assemble Compact transport Safe-Quick® GuardRail with cross-tube attachment *J++% *L++% %'<® =99 +7[* B*J++% L7W* 7/; ; TL7K*BJ71*B W7+*7 >+# >$"## %>#"> With Mobile Safety QR-code for access to the construction & user manual See page 30 for more information. Platform is easy to pick up by the centered cross beams. Equipped with lightweight Fiber-Deck® platforms (optional) %'<® T 99< 63! *L++B*J++B*W++B*1++ **++ 32 | 0"!$" %'<® Rung printed with assembly instruction Clamped claw-brace attachment with colour indication (horizontal = red, diagonal = black) Aluminium toe boards, quick assembly thanks to Easy-Fit® system Adjustable stabiliser with EasyLock® Innovative wind security system with straps makes disassembly with only one person possible (only 2.45 abd 3.05 m) Double-brake wheels are 200 mm in diameter. Easy to unlock when in use. 25cm Adjustable spindle. & y @ >#" a great advantage. Ideal for a painter, for example. Faulty or unsafe assembly is no longer an issue with Altrex Safe-Quick® Rolling Towers. =]J# _^ façade, the Safe-Quick® GuardRails on the façade can be left out. With just a few diagonal braces in the scaffold, the required stability can be realised! J } " GuardRails. &! y %T + façade side! } "] placed in the middle of the frames &! y %T _^ <15 cm EN 1004 Class 3 EN 1298 SAFE-QUICK® EASY-FIT Strength and stability calculations 0"!$" | 33 > *L++% %'<® (,$$(,"$"&*L++%&$2!%'($)M(#$%+7[* 0 CF 3.20 5.20 7.20 &CF 5.20 7.20 9.20 gL7K* gJ71* gW7+* 77 )7 77 )7 77 )7 Frame Prof 75-28-7 301107 7.6 301107 7.6 301107 7.6 4 6 8 Wheelleg + wheel Prof Ø 200 mm Prof 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 4 4 4 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 304410 14.8 304510 18.7 304610 23.6 2 2 3 !%#<M9 9 305210 L+7K 305310 13.7 W+*1L+ 17.3 2 2 3 Safe-Quick® Guardrail Prof 360260 7.4 360261 8.8 360262 9.2 3 5 7 Diagonal brace Prof 303721 2.0 303716 2.5 303722 2.7 1 1 1 Horizontal brace Prof 303704 1.9 303706 2.3 303708 2.6 2 2 2 Triangular stabilizer Easy-Lock® universal 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 4 4 4 Head Toeboard set Prof (2) 0.75 Easy-Fit® 305505 4.5 305505 4.5 305505 4.5 1 1 1 Toeboard set Prof (2) 1.85/2.45/3.05 Easy-Fit® 305501 8.8 305502 10.9 305503 12.8 1 1 1 1.85 C515001 C515003 C515005 2.45 C515007 C515009 C515011 3.05 C515013 C515015 C515017 1.85 *L*++J *L*++1 *L*++Z 2.45 *L*++K *L*+L+ *L*+LJ 3.05 *L*+L1 *L*+LZ *L*+LK 9 !%#<M9 It is also possible to create configurations for even platform heights, or configurations higher than the above mentioned. (,$$(,"$"&*L++%&$2!%'($)M(#$%+7[*& < v 0 CF 3.20 5.20 7.20 &CF 5.20 7.20 9.20 8 gL7K* gJ71* gW7+* 77 )7 77 )7 77 )7 Frame Prof 75-28-7 301107 7.6 301107 7.6 301107 7.6 4 6 Wheelleg + wheel Prof Ø 200 mm Prof 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 4 4 4 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 304410 14.8 304510 18.7 304610 23.6 2 2 3 !%#<M9 9 305210 L+7K 305310 13.7 W+*1L+ 17.3 2 2 3 Safe-Quick® Guardrail Prof 360260 7.4 360261 8.8 360262 9.2 2 3 4 Diagonal brace Prof 303721 2.0 303716 2.5 303722 2.7 1 1 1 Horizontal brace Prof 303704 1.9 303706 2.3 303708 2.6 2 2 2 Triangular stabilizer Easy-Lock® universal 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 4 4 4 Head Toeboard set Prof (2) 0.75 Easy-Fit® 305505 4.5 305505 4.5 305505 4.5 1 1 1 Toeboard set Prof (2) 1.85/2.45/3.05 Easy-Fit® 305501 8.8 305502 10.9 305503 12.8 1 1 1 1.85 C515019 C515021 C515023 2.45 C515025 C515027 C515029 3.05 C515031 C515033 C515035 1.85 *L*+J+ *L*+JJ *L*+J1 2.45 *L*+JZ *L*+JK *L*+W+ 3.05 *L*+WJ *L*+W1 *L*+WZ 9 !%#<M9 * Facade-free configurations can only be used with a maximum distance of 15 cm between the scaffold and the façade. It is also possible to create configurations for even platform heights, or configurations higher than the above mentioned. 34 | 0"!$" > *J++% %'<® (,$$(,"$"&*J++%&$2!%'($)M(#$%L7W* 0 CF 3.20 5.20 7.20 9.20 11.20 &CF 5.20 7.20 9.20 11.20 13.20 gL7K* gJ71* gW7+* 77 )7 77 ). 77 )7 Frame Prof 135-28-7 301607 10.9 301607 10.9 301607 10.9 4 6 8 10 12 Wheelleg + wheel Prof Ø 200 mm Prof 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 4 4 4 4 4 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 304410 14.8 304510 18.7 304610 23.6 1 2 3 4 5 Platform without trapdoor (wood) 304420 14.4 304520 18.4 304620 23.3 2 1 1 1 1 !%#<M9 9 305210 L+7K 305310 13.7 W+*1L+ 17.3 1 2 3 1 5 !%#<M9 9 305220 10.1 305320 13.3 W+*1J+ 16.7 2 1 1 1 1 Safe-Quick® Guardrail Prof 360260 2 4 6 8 10 7.4 360261 8.8 360262 9.2 Diagonal brace Prof 303721 2.0 303716 2.5 303722 2.7 4 4 4 4 4 Horizontal brace Prof 303704 1.9 303706 2.3 303708 2.6 4 4 4 4 4 Triangular stabilizer Easy-Lock® universal 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 2 2 2 2 2 Head Toeboard set Prof (2) 1.35 Easy-Fit® 305506 6.6 305506 6.6 305506 6.6 1 1 1 1 1 Toeboard set Prof (2) 1.85/2.45/3.05 Easy-Fit® 305501 8.8 305502 10.9 305503 12.8 1 1 1 1 1 1.85 C525001 C525003 C525005 C525007 C525009 2.45 C525011 C525013 C525015 C525017 C525019 3.05 C525021 C525023 C525025 C525027 C525029 1.85 *J*++J *J*++1 *J*++Z *J*++K *J*+L+ 2.45 *J*+LJ *J*+L1 *J*+LZ *J*+LK *J*+J+ 3.05 *J*+JJ *J*+J1 *J*+JZ *J*+JK *J*+W+ 9 !%#<M9 It is also possible to create configurations for even platform heights, or configurations higher than the above mentioned. (,$$(,"$"&*J++%&$2!%'($)M(#$%L7W*%& < v 0 CF 3.20 m 5.20 m 7.20 m 9.20 m 11.20 m &CF 5.20 m 7.20 m 9.20 m 11.20 m 13.20 m gL7K* gJ71* gW7+* 77 )7 77 ). 77 )7 Frame Prof 135-28-7 301607 10.9 301607 10.9 301607 10.9 4 6 8 10 12 Wheelleg + wheel Prof Ø 200 mm Prof 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 511230 5.2 4 4 4 4 4 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 304410 14.8 304510 18.7 304610 23.6 2 2 3 4 5 !%#<M9 9 305210 L+7K 305310 13.7 W+*1L+ 17.3 2 2 3 1 5 Safe-Quick® Guardrail Prof 360260 7.4 360261 8.8 360262 9.2 1 2 3 4 5 Diagonal brace Prof 303721 2.0 303716 2.5 303722 2.7 6 8 10 12 14 Horizontal brace Prof 303704 1.9 303706 2.3 303708 2.6 2 2 2 2 2 Triangular stabilizer Easy-Lock® universal 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 305613 7.6 4 4 4 4 4 1 Head Toeboard set Prof (2) 0.75 Easy-Fit® 305505 4.5 305505 4.5 305505 4.5 1 1 1 1 Toeboard set Prof (2) 1.85/2.45/3.05 Easy-Fit® 305501 8.8 305502 10.9 305503 12.8 1 1 1 1 1 Auxiliary tube toeboard single platform 510007 0.4 510007 0.4 510007 0.4 2 2 2 2 2 1.85 C525031 C525033 C525035 C525037 C525039 2.45 C525041 C525043 C525045 C525047 C525049 3.05 C525051 C525053 C525055 C525057 C525059 1.85 *J*+WJ *J*+W1 *J*+WZ *J*+WK *J*+1+ 2.45 *J*+1J *J*+11 *J*+1Z *J*+1K *J*+*+ 3.05 *J*+*J *J*+*1 *J*+*Z *J*+*K *J*+Z+ 9 !%#<M9 * Facade-free configurations can only be used with a maximum distance of 15 cm between the scaffold and the façade. It is also possible to create configurations for even platform heights, or configurations higher than the above mentioned. 0"!$" | 35 31L++%31J++% 1J++% 1J++% y ; 1L++% y ; 1L++% %'<® SAFE-QUICK ® pag. 30 Safe-Quick® GuardRail with Cross-tube attachment Less parts The Rolling Towers are equipped with wooden toe boards and wooden platforms Compact transport The wheels are 200 mm in diameter. Spindle adjustment (10 cm) 1L++%+7[* L7K*3J71*u7 1J++%L7W* L7K*3J71*7 J#"_`` }#"{` J#"{`` }_~{{ {^`";{``"2) and for the entire tower 750 kg }] >+# >$"## %>#"> 36 | 0"!$" > 1L++%31J++% (,$$(,"$"&1L++%&$2!%'($)M(#$%+7[* 0 CF 3.20 5.20 7.20 &CF 5.20 7.20 9.20 gL7K* gJ71* 77 )7 77 Frame BRS 75-28-7 303470 6.0 303470 ). 6.0 4 6 8 Wheelleg + wheel BRS Ø 200 mm 511220 3.3 511220 3.3 4 4 4 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 305010 14.0 305110 18.0 2 2 3 Safe-Quick® Guardrail BRS 360270 7.4 360271 8.8 3 5 7 Diagonal brace BRS 304321 2.0 304316 2.4 1 1 1 Horizontal brace BRS 304304 1.8 304306 2.2 2 2 2 Triangular stabilizer BRS Standard 305662 7.3 305662 7.3 4 4 4 Toeboard set BRS 0.75 x 1.85/2.45 m 305565 7.6 305570 13.8 1 1 1 1.85 C415005 C415006 C415007 2.45 C415008 C415009 C415010 = > > (,$$(,"$"&1L++%&$2!%'($)M(#$%+7[*! < v 0 CF 3.20 5.20 7.20 &CF 5.20 7.20 9.20 gL7K* gJ71* 77 )7 77 Frame BRS 75-28-7 303470 6.0 303470 ). 6.0 4 6 8 Wheelleg + wheel BRS Ø 200 mm 511220 3.3 511220 3.3 4 4 4 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 305010 14.0 305110 18.0 2 2 3 Safe-Quick® Guardrail BRS 360270 7.4 360271 8.8 2 3 4 Diagonal brace BRS 304321 2.0 304316 2.4 1 1 1 Horizontal brace BRS 304304 1.8 304306 2.2 2 2 2 Triangular stabilizer BRS Standard 305662 7.3 305662 7.3 4 4 4 Toeboard set BRS 0.75 x 1.85/2.45 m 305565 7.6 305570 13.8 1 1 1 1.85 C415011 C415012 C415013 2.45 C415014 C415015 C415016 #_^# = > > (,$$(,"$"&1J++%&$2!%'($)M(#$%L7W* 0 CF 3.20 5.20 7.20 9.20 11.20 &CF 5.20 7.20 9.20 11.20 13.20 gL7K* gJ71* 77 )7 77 Frame BRS 135-28-7 303370 9.1 303370 ). 9.1 4 6 8 10 12 Wheelleg + wheel BRS Ø 200 mm 511220 3.3 511220 3.3 4 4 4 4 4 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 305010 14.0 305110 18.0 1 2 3 4 5 Platform without trapdoor (wood) 305020 14.0 305120 18.0 2 1 1 1 1 Safe-Quick® Guardrail BRS 360270 7.4 360271 8.8 2 4 6 8 10 Diagonal brace BRS 304321 2.0 304316 2.4 4 4 4 4 4 Horizontal brace BRS 304304 1.8 304306 2.2 2 2 2 2 2 Triangular stabilizer BRS Standard 305662 7.3 305662 7.3 4 4 4 4 4 Toeboard set BRS 1.35 x 1.85/2.45 m 305580 9.7 305585 14.9 1 1 1 1 1 1.85 C425007 C425008 C425009 C425010 C425011 2.45 C425012 C425013 C425014 C425015 C425016 = > > (,$$(,"$"&1J++%&$2!%'($)M(#$%L7W*& < v 0 CF 3.20 5.20 7.20 9.20 11.20 &CF 5.20 7.20 9.20 11.20 13.20 gL7K* gJ71* 77 )7 77 Frame BRS 135-28-7 303370 9.1 303370 ). 9.1 4 6 8 10 12 Wheelleg + wheel BRS Ø 200 mm 511220 3.3 511220 3.3 4 4 4 4 4 Platform with trapdoor (wood) 305010 14.0 305110 18.0 2 2 3 4 5 Safe-Quick® Guardrail BRS 360270 7.4 360271 8.8 1 2 3 4 5 14 Diagonal brace BRS 304321 2.0 304316 2.4 6 8 10 12 Horizontal brace BRS 304304 1.8 304306 2.2 2 2 2 2 2 Triangular stabilizer BRS Standard 305662 7.3 305662 7.3 4 4 4 4 4 Toeboard set BRS 0.75 x 1.85/2.45 m 305565 7.6 305570 13.8 1 1 1 1 1 1.85 C425017 C425018 C425019 C425020 C425021 2.45 C425022 C425023 C425024 C425025 C425026 #_^# = > > EN 1004 Class 3 EN 1298 SAFE-QUICK® Strength and stability calculations 0"!$" | 37 !3W1++ Compact, easy to transport Can easily be moved through standard door openings User-friendly claw mechanism Wind security system to provide extra safety Fitted with double rail brace and wooden toe boards 62 ;#!3W1++<7CF < =< W7K+Cp/F*7K+ Cp/pF[7K+Cp/pp#F7 The Folding/Rolling Tower 3400 is suitable for semi-professional as well as professional use. This robust scaffold is very easy to assemble because of the folding unit, light in weight, compact and therefore easy to transport. The size 0.75 x 1.65 m is ideal for interior as well as external use. The hinge system makes the 3400 easy to fold in and to fold out. Product video: Scan QR-Code or go to EN 1004 EN 1298 38 | 24-#(- Strength and stability calculations , ,/ , ,# max. 7.80m max. 5.80m max. 5.80m max. 3.80m max. 3.80m max. 3.00m max. 1.80m max. 1.00m , 2 minutes ,p/ ,p/p ,p/pp# 7 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes Four modules are available, depending on the desired scaffold and working height: ,T for a platform height of 1.00 m and a working height of 3.00 m ,CpF/: for a platform height of 1.80 m and a working height of 3.80 m Module B can only be assembled in combination with module A. ,Cp/pF: for a platform height of 3.80 m and a working height of 5.80 m Module C can only be assembled in combination with modules A and B ,Cp/ppF#: for a platform height of 5.80 m and working height of 7.80 m Module D can only be assembled in combination with modules A, B and C _^`"{ %$ ###";_``< J$ # #" $ J""$" `"$#{_^{`;{`"<# `"> }] W1++%!3 0 1.00 m 3.00 m & Art.No. #<9 Folding unit Set of collar tubes (4 in total) Frame Guardrail frame Platform with trapdoor Diagonal brace Horizontal brace Double rail brace Triangular stabilizer Toeboard set (set 4 in total) Toe board bracket Set of wheels (4 in total) Total weight (kg) Counterweight* (415270)* L7K+ W7K+ *7K+ W7K+ *7K+ [7K+ W1+++L W1+++J W1+++W W1+++1 3400 (A) 3400 (A+B) 3400 (A+B+C) 3400 (A+B+C+D) *+W1++ A 1 1 1 22.6 - *+W1+J B 1 2 3 1 1 4 17.2 *+W1+W A+B 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 1 39.8 - C 1 2 1 3 4 36.8 A+B+C 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 4 1 76.6 - *+W1+1 D 1 2 1 3 1 27.8 A+B+C+D 1 3 4 2 3 6 4 1 4 1 4 1 104.4 2 2 *) Or own comparable 40 kg alternativ 24-#(- | 39 *+++%, < 5100 PAG. 16 *1++ PAG. 20 PROFFESSIONAL PROFFESSIONAL 5200 PAG. 16 PROFFESSIONAL 5300 PAG. 18 PROFFESSIONAL 5500 PAG. 22 PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 42 PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 43 PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 44 PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 46 PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 48 PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 50 PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 51 PROFFESSIONAL 40 | &&&7]7", *+++%, < PAG. 52 PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 53 PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 54 PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 56 PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 57 PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 60 PROFFESSIONAL % < 9 *R PAG. 59 PROFFESSIONAL &&&7]7", | 41 6 Roof support-bar is easily adjustable Console mounted to frame Roof-support-bar with rubber protection / 996B <<7 "J6< = 7 J% #^``` {``"{ J > J#_{ "!$($"]$""" 1.85 > with wooden platforms ® !%#< 9 #<9 Extension console 75-135 Wooden platform PROF 185 without trapdoor Wooden platform PROF 245 without trapdoor Wooden platform PROF 305 without trapdoor !%#<®9 < L7K* 9 !%#<®9 < J71* 9 !%#<®9 < W7+* 9 Guardrailframe PROF 75-50-2 Guardrailframe PROF 135-50-2 Head Toeboard PROF set 2 / 0.75 Easy-Fit® Toeboard PROF set 2 / 1.35 Easy-Fit® 42 | 0"!$" 3.05 C500103 C500105 C500107 C500109 C500111 *++L+J *++L+1 *++L+Z *++L+K *++LL+ *++LLJ 77 &CF +7[*6L7K* L7W*6L7K* +7[*6J71* L7W*6J71* 0.75 x 3.05 1.35 x 3.05 363047 304420 304520 304620 305220 305320 W+*1J+ 302910 302920 305505 305506 6.5 14.0 19.0 24.0 11.0 13.0 17.0 6.1 7.1 3.0 5.0 2 1 1 % % 2 1 - 2 2 2 % % 2 1 2 1 % 1 % 2 1 - 2 2 % 2 % 2 1 2 1 % % 1 2 1 - 2 2 % % 2 2 1 EN 1004 2.45 C500101 U <6% 6pWLC+FWK1**[[WW *$"# 2-sided guardrail for an even greater sense of safety (if not positioned against the facade) K> The unique guardrail post is strong and meets all the each other because of in between section safety requirements, can be assembled without tools K # very quickly (within 20 seconds). The stage is also strong stage and sturdy with a maximum load of 200 kg/m2 for the J+ most common sizes of 4 meters to 6 meters. The stage the product, available separately for other can be used between rolling towers. applications + =# > $ % + K{ }+ % {# for water/sand disposal width frame of the 5200 rolling tower =## creating large work floors In the development of the Altrex stage, the aim was for an optimal combination of safety and ease of use. This has resulted in an Altrex product which can be used in a versatile way because of its light weight. (,$$(,$ % 4.32 4.32 5.32 5.32 6.32 6.32 C500201 *++J+[ C500202 *++J+K C500203 *++J+R C500204 *++JL+ C500205 *++JLL C500206 *++JLJ C F <9 C F <9 C F <9 CF K Guardrail on one side > #<9 77 &CF One side Stage 4.00 m excl. hooks Stage 5.00 m excl. hooks Stage 6.00 m excl. hooks Guardrail 4.00 m Guardrail 5.00 m Guardrail 6.00 m Guardrailsupport assembly (without guardrailpost) Guardrailsupport assembly 2 stages Guardrailpost Set of hooks for stage (4 pieces) Toeboard stage 3.00 m Toeboard stage 4.00 m Toeboard stage 5.00 m Toeboard clamp 331004 331005 331006 331224 331225 331226 331220 331230 331223 734531 331233 331234 331235 734526 27.0 34.0 41.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 3.0 4.5 2.0 1.3 7.5 9.2 11.0 - 1 2 3 3 1 - 1 4 3 6 1 - One side 2 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 4 3 6 2 2 6 One side 1 2 3 3 1 - 1 4 3 6 1 - One side 2 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 4 3 6 2 2 6 One side 1 2 3 3 1 - 1 4 3 6 1 - One side 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 2 4 3 6 2 4 8 0"!$" | 43 < Chimney completely reachable Applicable on two sides Easily adjustable telescopic railing For all types of work on the chimney Safe assembly using Modular Triangle Bridge (MTB) with ? sloping Roofs The Altrex Chimney Scaffold makes working on chimneys on a cam a lot easier and safer. The Chimney Scaffold is safe to assemble and suitable for roofs with an angle of 30-45 degrees. The platform is available in lengths of 1.85, 2.45 and 3.05 m. The Chimney Scaffold is part of the 5000-series Modular Scaffolding System. The toeboards, double guardrail braces, horizontal brace and platform are exchangeable with for example the Mobile Scaffold 5200. EN 12811 Strength and stability calculations 44 | 0"!$" < Ladder ridge hook (suitable in combination with every Altrex Professional ladder) ensures easy assembly (available separately: art. no. 229001) The roof console is easy to assemble and has various holes for placing the leg console at the correct angle Chimney Scaffold ridge hook of 30 -45 degrees Correct assembly of roof console and railing console, creates a #"# railings 2$,-!!"# Chimney Scaffold 185 x 75 LK* C500901 C500902 > !%#<M9 *++R+W *++R+1 "<{; 77 # !" #$%&'( )#$% * #$% !%#<M9 LK* 90 +,#$%-&/ :( +,;<%-&/ :( 360170 360171 360172 360173 360174 303704 360220 304420 305220 305501 305505 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 Chimney Scaffold 245 x 75 J1* C500905 C500906 > !%#<M9 *++R+[ *++R+K "<{; 77 # !" +'%&=( )+'% * +'% !%#<M9 J1* 90 +,+'%-&/ :( +,;<%-&/ :( 360170 360171 360172 360173 360174 303706 360225 304520 305320 305502 305505 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 Chimney Scaffold 305 x 75 305 > !%#<M9 C500909 *++RL+ *++R+LL *++RLJ "<{; 77 # !" >;%&$( )>;% * >;% !%#<M9 W+* 90 +,>;%-&/ :( +,;<%-&/ :( 360170 360171 360172 360173 360174 303708 360230 304620 W+*1J+ 305503 305505 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 Parts of this Chimney Scaffold are not exchangeable with the old version (redeveloped in 2009). Altrex recommend you to use 2 ladders with ridge hooks, per roof side. 0"!$" | 45 , /C,/F Unique! Stackable trusses for compact transport Perfect fitting through unique conical couplings ,7% 679 TW%* ,7% 679 T1%Z The Modular Triangle Bridge is equipped with uniquely shaped trusses, available in 2 m, 3 m and 4 m versions. The Modular Triangle Bridge can be used easily, quickly, and for a variety of purposes by painters, plumbers and facade renovation companies for family homes for instance. The Modular Triangle Bridge has been especially developed to obtain ergonomic advantages. The lightweight Modular Triangle Bridge can be assembled at ground level and can be lifted to height easily by using a hand winch. The trusses are stackable because of their unique v-shape. JJ # separate supportstand or between rolling towers and with the shelter system. Flexible platform height adjustable per 25 cm Telescopic support stand with hand winch Revolving end-guardrail ,/ JJ#^``` Rolling Tower together with walk-through frames (double width and single width) #{# _{^`@ 46 | 0"!$" Unique and easy to assemble rolling tower adapter 0 ,/ % * " storage $ > J ># {~>J &9 J# $ # # J# $ # <9< | ;< 99 J#> >## support (250/500 mm) and can easily be moved by one person # ># every required height %>#+~`` ^```` `` J##> be assembled quickly J ># extra safety ,/%, CF 2.00 3.00 17++ 5.00 6.00 7.00 K7++ 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 with supportstand 3-5m C500302 C500303 C500304 C500305 C500306 C500307 C500308 C500309 C500310 C500311 99 1%Z *++WLW *++WL1 *++WL* *++WLZ *++WL[ *++WLK *++WLR *++WJ+ *++WJL *++WJJ #<9 77 &CF Supportstand MTB complete (with handwinch) 3-5m 331535 25.8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 99 ,/<9C <F1%Z 331536 JR7K 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Truss MTB 2.0 m (L = 211 cm) 331502 12.0 1 - 1 - - - - - 1 - - Truss MTB 3.0 m (L = 295 cm) 331503 15.0 - 1 1 2 2 - - 3 - 1 - Truss MTB 4.0 m (L = 421 cm) 331504 21.0 - - 1 - - 1 2 - 2 2 3 Deck MTB 2.0 m 331512 12.0 1 - 2 1 - 2 4 - 5 4 6 Deck MTB 3.0 m 331513 16.0 - 1 - 1 2 1 - 3 - 1 - Guardrailframe PROF MTB 2.0 m 331522 15.5 1 - - 1 - - - - 1 - - Guardrailframe PROF MTB 3.0 m 331523 18.5 - 1 - 1 2 1 - 3 - 1 - Guardrailframe PROF MTB 4.0 m 331524 24.5 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - 3 Endguardrail MTB 331544 3.8 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 - 2 2 1 Revolving endguardrail MTB 331545 4.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ladder support 331546 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Truss coupling set complete MTB 331580 0.3 - - - 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 - 5 m = 4.69 m max. platformheight 4 - 6 m = 5.78 m max. platformheight EN 1004 0"!$" | 47 , /C,/F 9<9 } , /C,/F 99< < 9<9 } 7< 9< =799 ; 99< 7 99< 9B < > <;B 9 79< 9 9< 9 <} B 7 Guardrail frames with or without safety nets are available. The MTB-DRB guardrail frames (1.70m high) with safety net can be split in height (1 m and 70 cm) making transport very easy. The guardrail frames with safety nets are available in three lengths: 2, 3 and 4 meters. This allows for various lengths of edge protection between 6 and 12 meters. In order to be able to continue to guarantee the safety of the safety nets in use, the safety standard demands an annual check of the net. After 4 years, the net must always be replaced as a precaution. The nets are easy to assemble and replace on the guardrail frames. A great advantage of the new edge protection is that it is easy to build by 2 people from the ground. The Triangle Bridge is easy to lift to the correct height with a winch. The Modular Triangle Bridge with edge protection meets the EN 13374 and is approved by the respected independent Swiss test institute SUVA. The edge protection is suitable for class A, B and C, as indicated below. Inclination roof 45˚ 5m 60˚ C 2m Product video: Scan QR-Code or go to 48 | 0"!$" C B A 30˚ 10˚ , /C,/F 9<9 } ] edge protection ] sticker on trolley Z$#" sloping and flat roofs } ` _{ edge protection with 2 supportstands # safety net #" protection EN 13374, class A,B,C $" } ground by 2 people by using hand winch } K stackable trusses K> with fixed guardrail or pivoting end guardrail ,"#($/$#C,/F% 9<C#/F CF > #<9 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 with supportstand 3-5m* C500801 C500802 C500803 C500804 C500805 C500806 C500807 99 1%Zv C500808 C500809 C500810 C500811 C500812 C500813 C500814 77 &CF Supportstand MTB complete with handwinch 3-5m 331535 25.8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 99 ,/<9 <1%Z 331536 JR7K 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Truss MTB 2.0 m (L = 211 cm) 331502 12.0 - - - - 1 - - Truss MTB 3.0 m (L = 295 cm) 331503 15.0 2 1 - 3 - 1 - Truss MTB 4.0 m (L = 421 cm) 331504 21.0 - 1 2 - 2 2 3 Deck MTB 2.0 m 331512 12.0 - 2 4 - 5 4 6 Deck MTB 3.0 m 331513 16.0 2 1 - 3 - 1 - Guardrailframe PROF MTB roof edge protection (DRB) 2.0 m 331622 15.5 - - - - 1 - - Guardrailframe PROF MTB roof edge protection (DRB) 3.0 m 331623 18.5 2 1 - 3 - 1 - Guardrailframe PROF MTB roof edge protection (DRB) 4.0 m 331624 24.5 - 1 2 - 2 2 3 Net MTB roof edge protection (DRB) 2.0 m 331632 2.8 - - - - 1 - - Net MTB roof edge protection (DRB) 3.0 m 331633 4.0 2 1 - 3 - 1 - Net MTB roof edge protection (DRB) 4.0 m 331634 5.2 - 1 2 - 2 2 3 Endguardrail MTB 331544 3.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Revolving endguardrail MTB 331545 4.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ladder support 331546 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Truss coupling set complete MTB 331580 0.3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 - 5 m = 4.69 m max. platformheight 4 - 6 m = 5.78 m max. platformheight EN 12811 EN 13374 E 0"!$" | 49 , /C,/F Quick assembly with twisted swivel coupler and Easy-Lock® Flexible positioning Easy canvas assembly with horizontal braces Easy connection of canvasses due to Velcro -< ; U <6% 6 pWLC+FWK1**[[WW , /< =99 9< ;9B< < <7< 9 < 9 <}6 ;97 #" "® system >##;{^~`^< 2-,,"#($/$#C,/F CF 2.00 3.00 > 17++ 5.00 6.00 7.00 K7++ 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 C500401 C500402 C500403 C500404 C500405 C500406 C500407 C500408 C500409 #<9 77 Supportstand Shelter System MTB 331530 &CF 4.2 Horizontal brace PROF 245-6 303706 2.3 Horizontal brace PROF 305-8 303708 2.6 Shelter canvas 2.45 x 2.65 + velcro connection 360041 2.1 Shelter canvas 3.05 x 2.65 + velcro connection 360042 2.5 < < 50 | 0"!$" - - 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 6 2 4 9 3 - 3 6 2 4 9 3 4 9 3 5 3 9 1 3 The length can be adjusted continuously thanks to the telescopic tubes Minimal number of parts for quick and easy assembly Shelter canvas (fire-retardant) provided with Velcro which allows for easy connection to several canvasses Altrex offers the new multifunctional Shelter System especially for the 5000-series Modular Scaffolding system. Suitable for the lengths 1.85 m, 2.45 m and 3.05 m. # ; "®) -< ; U <6% 6 pWLC+FWK1**[[WW !!"#$2-, #<9 77 &CF > = < *++*+L < L7K* Supportstand scaffolding shelter 360050 9.0 2 1 Horizontal brace PROF 185-4 Shelter canvas 2.45+velcro connection 303704 360039 1.9 6.0 3 1 3 1 > *++*+J < J71* Supportstand scaffolding shelter 360050 9.0 2 1 Horizontal brace PROF 245-6 Shelter canvas 2.45+velcro connection 303706 360039 2.3 6.0 3 1 3 1 > *++*+W < W7+* Supportstand scaffolding shelter 360050 9.0 2 1 Horizontal brace PROF 305-8 Shelter canvas 3.05+velcro connection 303708 360037 2.6 8.0 3 1 3 1 < < 3&KURNC[GFKORTGUUKQPUQHEQPƂIWTCVKQPUECPFKHHGTHTQOTGCNKV[ 0"!$" | 51 The Altrex Shelter Tent is ideally suited to simple maintenance and decorating jobs. It consists of an aluminium # > with horizontal braces (5000-series braces). " } > roof gutter }~{^^ 2 #<9 77 &CF > *++**L &J71* Supportstand Shelter Tent 360025 10.0 2 Shelter canvas 2.45+velcro connection 360039 8.0 1 Horizontal brace PROF 245-6 Double Guardrail brace PROF 2.45 m 303706 360225 2.3 6.2 3 1 > *++**J &W7+* Supportstand Shelter Tent 360025 10.0 2 Shelter canvas 3.05+velcro connection 360037 8.0 1 Horizontal brace PROF 305-8 303708 2.6 3 Double Guardrail brace PROF 3.05 m 360230 7.0 1 "9 9 #<9 77 &CF Adjustable foot Shelter Tent* 360027 4.0 Spacer Shelter Tent* 360028 0.4 * On order % 52 | 0"!$" 9<} J% ##" The Edge protection consists of only three parts: roof console, double guardrail brace and a counterweight. The handy claw mechanism allows for a safe, quick and easy assembly. The double guardrail can therefore be positioned easily. A ballast of 20 kg is required per leg console. The double guardrail braces are available in two lengths 2.45 m and 3.05 m. The toe boards are only necessary if there is no raised border on the roof of at least 15 cm. $" # K K ;< %># ; ; 9%9 LJK EN 13374 CF< The special Altrex coating offers a number of important advantages: Z aluminium frames. This is a major advantage for various target users, such as painters K# various advantages in the field of distinguish ability, company image and theft prevention J"# increases the ease of use % # become slippery when wet Standard: "® platform: red coating (aluminium profiles) ] Braces are available in many RAL-colours $ 9 C<F< < 6 pWLC+FWK1**[[WW 0"!$" | 53 > 6 9 > *+++%, < When combinations are being assembled from parts and standard configurations from the 5000-series Modular Scaffolding System a strength and stability calculation from Altrex may be required. Altrex has the in-house specialists who make the required calculations. Our engineers are able make both simple and highly complex calculations for any situation. Working safely at height is always of the utmost importance. Because the 5000-series Modular Scaffolding System can be combined endlessly without losing safety. Rolling Tower with Extension Console Combination of MTB with Rolling Towers (5.00 meter) U < 6% or Altrex at pWLC+FWK1**[[WW Combination of MTB with Rolling Towers (12.00 meter) 54 | 0"!$" > Paint Scaffold Coupled Rolling Towers ! < < < 9 ^```}}% _{``{```# ### >##_{__ $>##$ 0"!$" | 55 < 6999< B/ < #67 ;9< ;9 9 < =97 }%# _{{`;_{`#"<} "® rolling towers up to 7.20 m platformheight (9.20 m workingheight) }%####_^{^~`^ J}J> >#%$ >]J % (RDW) for the Benelux or Europe. K#>;$< < #6 J >>" prevents the unintentional loss of scaffold equipment " J"#$ (the actual lock is not supplied as standard) $ %^_```^ ;#<+ 3.6m x 1.8m x 1.85m +{`" ^`" < / < % " $ # %+^_``` ;#<+ 3.6mx1.8mx1.85m +{^" +^`" 56 | 0"!$" %< %<9< The frames of the Anti-climb protection cannot be removed unintentionally The access door is fitted with self-closing hinges and lock %< %<0< ; ; < 9< C %<9<F. K > + - Protects the rolling tower from unauthorised access - The user is no longer able to climb the outside of the tower J} } # J##} } $#J construction <<< The new Altrex Rolling Tower Trolley is a specially designed mean for transport and storage of rolling towers and exists of two trolley units. The trolley units, combined with wheels and guardrail frames of a rolling tower, form the rolling tower trolley. With the trolley units a complete rolling tower configuration of up to 8.20 meter platform height (10.20 meter working height) can easily be bundled and transported. < #< Fit four Scaffold Discs to the corners of a scaffold and you will prevent unnecessary damage to walls, window frames, radiators and doorposts. Simple to fit. Accessories Rolling Towers Description Trolley-unit for Rolling Towers (2 pieces required) Scaffold Disc 362000 510009 0"!$" | 57 $ ;<69 9B call or email your Altrex dealer or Altrex: +31 38 455 77 33 or [email protected] % < Suspended maintenance scaffold Corridor protection Scaffold with intergrated ladders Suspended maintenance scaffold Compact scaffold Mobile scaffolding for maintenance Balcony scaffold U < 6% Altrex at pWLC+FWK1**[[WW [email protected] Drying tower Climbing tower 0"!$" | 59 0 *+++%, < 6*+++%, < < 9 7 9 ; <> 97# 9 6< <> B < <> 97 6 99 T B B B B B <B 7 << <<=9 9 B 9 < <6 7 B <6@*+++% , < < < <97 I69 *+++%, < 9 !, Rolling Tower frames Safe-Quick GuardRail® " 48 48 Folding frames 49 "® platforms # 50 ^` 0!", "/"# SAFE-QUICK ® EASY-FIT J# ® systeem 51 / 51 &2#/0 52 $(/$$~ 52 ]$""" $/, 53 "$"&$### 53 0$&-"&*W++ 53 0,"#($/$#C,/F 54 0$ 52 55 02 56 56 "(&$2#"(&$22"# 56 02-, 57 0#0"$" 57 &(00"##0 60 | 0"!$" 0 *+++% = Rolling Tower Triangle Bridge) = Stairway Tower = Scaffolding Shelter System = Folding Tower = Shelter Tent = Extension Console = Edge Protection = Modular Triangle Bridge = MTB with Edge Protection (DRB) U <6% 6 pWLC+FWK1**[[WW = Aluminium staging = Shelter System (Modular ! *+++% ! %>{#;`^_~^< ;_< ;{< J$ # #{ J$ # > ^_#"{ %$ # " # > J > ~`# # " ; <$" ] # Rung printed with assambly instruction ! [*%JK%[0 Width (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.75 2.00 7.60 301107 ! [*%JK%107 Width (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.75 1.00 4.50 301104 ! LW*%JK%[07 Width (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.35 2.00 10.90 301607 Rung printed with assambly instruction ! LW*%JK%107 Width (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.35 1.00 8.60 301604 <9*+++ Article number 733521 %'<® Safe-Quick® GuardRail Scaffold length (m) Weight (kg) Article number SAFE-QUICK® 1.85 7.40 360260 2.45 8.80 360261 3.05 9.20 360262 Auxiliary tube toeboard single platform Weight (kg) Article number 0.4 510007 0"!$" | 61 0 *+++% & & [*%JK%[ Narrow & Width (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.75 2.00 9.00 307020 1.35 2.00 10.20 307008 Walkthrough frames single- and double-width #" placed on both façade- and street side ! LW*%JK Width (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.35 2.00 11.00 307000 ! %>{#~ J#;^^``< ~`# # " ; <$" Rung printed with assambly instruction !W%[*3LK* Width (m) Height (m) length (m) Weight (kg) Artikelnummer 0.75 0.95 1.85 12.00 321000 Rung printed with assambly instruction !Z%[*3LK* Width (m) Height (m) length (m) Weight (kg) Artikelnummer 0.75 1.80 1.85 20.00 321005 <9<!W%LW*3LK*%J1*%W+* Width (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.35 1.80 29.00 322060 J >" J{{ %$ # " # > [*%*+%J Width (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.75 1.00 3.10 302910 LW*%*+%J Width (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.35 1.00 4.10 302920 9 Weight (kg) Article number 62 | 0"!$" 2.00 364001 = Rolling Tower = Stairway Tower = Folding Tower = Modular Triangle Bridge = Extension Console = Aluminium Staging *+++%!%#<®9 !%#<®9 The rolling towers can also be equipped with lightweight synthetic Fiber-Deck® platforms that have a number of important advantages: J## >#~` #># platforms. J ; _^ #<$ # >## the platform to be dismantled by a single person J J ># "> {``" $#_``~ J ? " ] !%#<0 LK* 9 Width (m) Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.60 1.85 10.10 305220 0.60 2.45 13.30 305320 0.60 3.05 16.70 305420 0.60 2.45 13.70 305310 0.60 3.05 17.30 305410 }] to the construction & use manual on platforms !%#<9 LK* 9 Width (m) Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.60 1.85 10.80 305210 &9 J "> J {``" $#_``~ ? " ] &9 LK* 9 Width (m) Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.60 1.85 14.40 304420 0.60 2.45 18.40 304520 0.60 3.05 23.30 304620 0.60 2.45 18.70 304510 0.60 3.05 23.60 304610 }] to the construction & use manual on platforms &9 LK* 9 Width (m) Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.60 1.85 14.80 304410 0"!$" | 63 = Rolling Tower = Stairway Tower = Folding Tower = Modular Triangle Bridge = Extension Console = Aluminium Staging %<®*+++% EASY-FIT J#$ # "® couplings } # K# 2 J3[*%LW* %! Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.75 3.10 305505 1.35 4.50 305506 J3LK*%J1*%W+* %! Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.85 6.10 305501 2.45 8.00 305502 3.05 9.60 305503 / <*+++% J# #$ #% J# > # %#" 2k < Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number (< 1.85 1.90 303704 2k < %>>]% ; 53) 2.45 2.40 303712 # < (< 1.85 2.30 1.20 303721 # < Scaffoldlength (m) Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 3.05 2.60 303708 < Scaffoldlength (m) Weight (kg) Article number Scaffoldlength (m) Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 2.45 2.30 303706 2.45 2.80 2.50 303716 3.05 3.30 2.70 303722 %>>]% ; 53) < 1.85 2.30 1.80 303741 2.45 2.80 2.30 303727 3.05 3.30 2.70 303742 <9<k 3 < Scaffoldlength (m) Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.85/3.05 1.85/3.35 3.80 303930 # < Scaffoldlength (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 64 | 0"!$" 1.85 0.60 4.90 360220 2.45 0.60 6.20 360225 3.05 0.60 7.00 360230 " tower because of the minimum number of parts %# " height at working platforms ?># = Shelter System MTB = Shelter System = Shelter Tent = Edge protection = MTB + Edge Protection (DRB) & 9 *+++% &pJ++ Diameter (mm) Weight (kg) Article number 2.00 5.20 511230 #; {``<"" " # #" ## its original position when the rolling tower is moved J ;{^<## horizontal manner J#>" K # > Also locks and unlocks without maximum load capacity /61 7LJ*C19<F Diameter (m) Weight (kg) Article number 125 5.5 324512 %##^``^^```` ?] "# $ ## use / 9 Adjustable Weight (kg) Article number yes 1.6 511210 no 0.4 309002 k %<®(; *+++% J" "® system the triangular stabiliser can be quickly assembled and continuously be adjusted in a telescopic manner J > J$ ##" k <(; Length (mm) Weight (kg) Article number 2.60 5.80 305612 3.00 7.60 305613 6<*+++% Please see page 42 for more information. 6< | +7[*%L7W* Width (m) Scaffoldlength (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.75/1.35 1.85/2.45/3.05 6.50 363047 0"!$" | 65 = Rolling Tower = Stairway Tower = Folding Tower = Modular Triangle Bridge = Extension Console = Aluminium Staging / < *+++% < Length (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.85 0.55 4.90 360301 2.45 0.55 6.40 360302 3.05 0.55 8.10 360303 = # constructions, for example the expansion of working space ;<9 < Weight (kg) Article number 2.50 733582 *+++% # " $ $ # $ # $ ## 9 Width (m) Scaffoldlength (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.50 1.85 14.30 306000 0.50 2.45 17.00 306015 9% [+ Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.95 7.40 306013 0 *W++ Please see page 18 for more information. 2 < Scaffoldlength (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.85 3.10 306002 2.45 3.90 306018 Scaffoldlength (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.85 1.10 7.70 306001 2.45 1.10 8.70 306019 66 | 0"!$" ##" $ # # 99 Width (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number $ ## 0.45 0.35 1.80 306017 = Shelter System MTB = Shelter System = Shelter Tent = Edge protection = MTB + Edge Protection (DRB) 0 , /C,/F Please see page 46 for more information. 99 <9,/ < W%* 1%Z Weight (kg) Article number 25.8 331535 29.8 331536 #<,/ Length (m) Width (m) Weight (kg) Article number 2.00 0.60 12.00 331512 3.00 0.60 16.00 331513 3.00 0.60 0.70 15.00 331503 4.20 0.60 0.70 21.00 331504 " hand which that subsequently brings the MTB at height $ ## {~ length is possible J_{"# > J# $ # finished with steel rings for durable use ,/ Length (m) Width (m) Width 2 (m) Weight (kg) Article number 2.10 0.60 0.70 12.00 331502 % * " $ # $ # " #{~> Z$ 9<9,/ Weight (kg) Article number 0.30 331580 ,/C19<F Weight (kg) Article number 1.00 331583 ,/ Length (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 2.00 1.00 6.10 331522 3.00 1.00 8.00 331523 4.00 1.00 12.00 331524 ,/#/ Length (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 2.00 1.70 15.5 331622 3.00 1.70 18.7 331623 4.00 1.70 24.5 331624 ,/#/ Length (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 2.00 1.70 2.8 331632 3.00 1.70 4.0 331633 4.00 1.70 5.2 331634 #{~> desired platform length J$ # " ;#< J$ # board " #/ J J " #/ ,/ Width (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.60 1.00 4.00 331545 #/ 0"!$" | 67 = Rolling Tower = Stairway Tower = Folding Tower = Modular Triangle Bridge = Extension Console = Aluminium Staging 9 , /C,/F $ # " ,/ Width (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.60 1.00 4.00 331544 #/ CJ9<7F <,/ Length (m) Article number 0.50 331543 0.25 331548 #/ 0 Please see page 43 for more information. C6<7F Length (m) Width (m) Weight (kg) Article number 4.30 0.60 27.00 331004 5.30 0.60 34.00 331005 6.30 0.60 41.00 331006 4.00 3.00 331224 5.00 3.50 331225 6.00 4.10 331226 $ # J# widths %>> Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number $ #" 9 Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.00 2.00 331223 99 Extra long (incl. coupler) Weight (kg) Article number no 3.00 331220 yes 4.50 331230 $ # " 9 Width (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.45 1.00 5.80 331227 Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 3.00 9.00 331233 4.00 12.00 331234 5.00 15.00 331235 Weight (kg) Article number 68 | 0"!$" staging platform the adapter can easily be assembled Z> 1.50 734531 = Shelter System MTB = Shelter System = Edge protection = MTB + Edge Protection (DRB) = Shelter Tent 9<><9 Please see page 52 for more information. 7 Weight (kg) Article number 0.10 723034 | Length (m) Weight (kg) Article numberv 4.00 4.00 360027 # < Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.40 0.40 360028 < 9 < Weight (kg) Article number 0.10 723035 99 Weight (kg) Article number 10.00 360025 < ; Width (m) Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 3.05 4.20 8.00 360037 & 99 9 & 99 < Weight (kg) Article number 6.00 309100 9*L++%*J++ Weight (kg) Article number 1.50 309104 < Weight (kg) Article number 5.00 415271 99 Weight (kg) Article number 2.00 415277 0"!$" | 69 = Rolling Tower = Folding Tower = Edge protectio = Shelter System 9<><9 < Please see page 51 for more information. 99 Weight (kg) Article number 9.00 360050 < ; Weight (kg) Article number 8.00 360037 9<><9 0< Please see page 53 for more information. <9< Weight (kg) Article number 9.60 360407 ;;9< Weight (kg) Article number 3.50 360408 9< Weight (kg) Article number 1.80 360409 Weight (kg) Article number 70 | 0"!$" 20.00 415270 << 9<>< %9 ! Z%C*1++F 280 1680 1807 ! 1966 301107 W+LZ+1 W+LL+1 321005 <9< Z%C**++F 1966 1807 280 840 280 968 ! W%C*1++F 1680 301607 735 321000 729 A 1341 1965.5 2561.5 3104.5 322060 &3!%#<®9 500 36 A B C 1057 609 566 A B Platform 1.85 m 1991.5 1909.5 Platform 2.45 m 2586.8 2504.8 Platform 3.05 m 3129.8 3047.8 met of zonder luik leverbaar C 1811 2407 2950 678 729 &J++ k; &LJ* 1290 1341 302920 / < 765 157 van 370 tot 610 1057 500 1010 36 302910 Ø 200 125 511230 WJ1*LJ 305613 7 9 4 6 8 21 16 22 Horizontaal ”185” Horizontaal ”245” Horizontaal ”305” Diagonaal ”185” 2214 Diagonaal ”245” 2743,8 Diagonaal ”305” 3247 2 / 1909,5 2504,8 3047,8 2118 2647,5 3151 1813,5 2408,5 2951,5 2294 2823,5 3327 1989,5 303704 2584,5 303706 3127,5 303708 303721 303716 303722 0"!$" | 71 77 << 9<>< %9 / *J++ 61 mm & *J++ & *L++ 1290 mm 183 mm 1954 mm 6x280 = 1680 mm 1630 mm 219 mm 779 mm 499 mm 1339 mm 1059 mm 627 mm 1619 mm 1899 mm 612 mm 1341 mm 307020 The basic walk-through frame has been designed to span obstacles, or to create a passageway (for example on a pavement). If two (or more) scaffolds are connected lengthwise, the walkthrough frame allows you to walk from one scaffold to the other. W+[++K 307000 < ”305” 2352 mm 1757 mm 360301 0 74 2895 mm 2440 mm 1845 mm 560 610.8 74 0 560 74 610.8 ”245” 0 560 610.8 ”185” 2985 mm 360302 360303 Lattice girders are used as platform support on the long sides of the scaffold. They are available in 1.85, 2.45 and 3.05 metres design and are attached with couplings (excl.) between the upright tubes of the assembly frames at the long sides of the platforms. / 9 Replacement for wheel brake (inside use) on an even floor. 72 | 0"!$" 309002 << 9<>< %9 # < 9*+++ ”185” ”245” The guardrail upright is used to mount guardrail braces in interconnected scaffolds at the highest floor level. 110 571.6 520 2504.8 mm 520 1814 mm 2409 mm 2004.5 mm 2549.8 mm 360220 390 571.6 1909.5 mm 80 1080 360225 ”305” 1188 mm 520 571.6 1188 mm 547 3047.8 mm The double guardrail brace is used as a rail instead of the horizontal braces. They are attached with claw fastenings. 603 2952 mm 3142.8 mm klauw 360230 WZ1++L LK* J1* 306000 306015 [+<9% 2k % <B | 304 270 303930 70 .0° 8 L 2026 2595 3122 2304 2817 3310 194 Type 75 x 185 75 x 245 75 x 305 135 x 185 135 x 245 135 x 305 600 525 306013 0"!$" | 73 << 9<>< %9 2 < C*W++F ”185” 306002 ”245” W+Z+LK C*W++F ”245” ”185” 306001 306019 9%9 306017 74 | 0"!$" 0 1+++% ! 1+++% ! ! [*%JK%[/ Scaffoldlength (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.75 2.00 6.40 303470 ! [*%JK%1/ Scaffoldlength (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.75 1.00 6.00 303440 ! LW*%JK%[/ Scaffoldlength (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.35 1.00 9.10 303370 ! LW*%JK%1/ Scaffoldlength (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.35 1.00 8.60 303340 %'<® SAFE-QUICK® Safe-Quick® Guardrail Scaffoldlength (m) 1.85 Weight (kg) 7.40 8.80 360270 360271 Article number 2.45 ! [*%*+%J/ Scaffoldlength (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.75 1.00 2.60 303420 LW*%*+%J/ Scaffoldlength (m) Height (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.35 1.00 3.40 303320 !! )JZ Scaffoldlength (m) Height (m) Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.75 1.80 1.85 13.00 324400 0"!$" | 75 0 1+++% / <1+++% 2k </4 Scaffoldlength (m) Weight (kg) Article number 1.85 1.80 304304 2.45 2.20 304306 1.85 2.30 2.00 304321 2.45 2.80 2.40 304316 # </ Scaffoldlength (m) Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number &1+++% &pJ++7/ Diameter (mm) Weight (kg) Article number 200 3.30 511220 /61LJ* Diameter (mm) Weight (kg) (4 pieces) Article number 125 5.50 324512 &9 1+++% 0 9/ Width (m) Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.60 1.85 14.00 305020 0.60 2.45 18.00 305120 }] the assembly & user manual on platforms 0 9/ Width (m) Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 0.60 1.85 14.00 305010 0.60 2.45 18.00 305110 ; <91+++% k / Length (m) Weight (kg) Article number 3.00 7.30 305662 * 2.50 4.00 305660 Weight (kg) Article number /4CF 99 Scaffoldwidth (m) 0.75 0.75 1.35 1.35 Length (m) 1.85 2.45 1.85 2.45 Weight (kg) 7.60 13.80 9.7 14.9 Article number 305565 305570 305580 305585 Weight (kg) Article number 76 | 0"!$" 2.00 415277 <91+++ 1< Weight (kg) Article number 5.00 415271 0.80 324501 Article number 733522 , 90 C,2/F The Altrex Modular Suspended Platform System (MHB) is a unique system for safe working at great height. The following pages of this catalogue will provide a summary of the possibilities of the Modular Suspended Platform } %%¢~_;`<~^^~~ &&&7]7", | 77 , 90 C,2/F The Altrex Modular Suspended Platform System (MHB) is a unique system for safe working at great height. 0 C% 99;F The Modular Suspended Platform System (MHB) consists of many parts with which various standard configurations can be built. The standard suspended platform configurations are CE approved The Modular Suspended Platform System consists of three main elements: platforms, aluminium roof beams and hoists. 1. Platforms J7 3. Hoists 1. Platforms #} "} ? #"J} } #K} "K #%K} J7 The Altrex aluminium roof beam is available in 4 different models: ]``"# ]``"# ]``" ]``" W72C% 99;F Besides suspended platforms and roof beams, Altrex also provides hoists for the Modular Suspended Platform range. As standard, within Altrex’s CE approval there is a choice of two brands of hoist. If other brands of hoist are to be used, please contact Altrex. / 0 {_` % J 78 | 0"!$" =; >T =; T 9< 99< , 9 0 C,2/F T } % K ]> ? K K ##£ K K $+_`> = 98137 EC (CE approved) " + = > The versatility of the Altrex Modular Platform System is ideal for projects where traditional scaffolding is not practical or cost effective. EN 1808 U <6% 6 pWLC+FWK1**[[WW3 q 67< % , 90 With the various components of the Modular Suspended Platform System many custom-made configurations can be built. Altrex offers a solution for various complex access situations. The Altrex specialists are pleased to provide advice about the various options. A number of special suspended platform configurations are possible, such as the double wide modular suspending platform and the use of several corner sections. 0"!$" | 79 % ,2/ Suspended Catwalk during music concerts Suspended platform under bridge U <6% 6 pWLC+FWK1**[[WW [email protected] T-shaped suspended platform Football stadium maintenance installation Gantry platform Maintenance platform 80 | 0"!$" % ,2/ Suspended Platform equipped with a telescopic Cantilever Building Maintenance unit (BMU) Inspection platform Temporary triangular platform for maintenance on a light pole Maintenance platform under a bridge with horizontal movement Football stadium maintenance platform Suspended Maintenance platform (under a bridge) Inspection platform for silo’s, tanks and spray dryers Inspection platform for silo’s, tanks and spray dryers 0"!$" | 81 C<9<F The Altrex range of aluminium ladders, hoop and escape ladders, folding ladders, telescopic ladders, stepladders, modular industrial step systems and loft ladders includes a range of solutions for locations that are both easy and J > % systems and ladders meet legislative requirements, and where applicable legislation governing professional use. 82 | &&&7]7", C<9<F ,"( PAG. 84 PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 89 PROFFESSIONAL %]1K+ PAG. 94 HEAVY DUTY NEVADA PAG. 86 PROFFESSIONAL ")PAG. 88 PROFFESSIONAL %0",$ ® PROFFESSIONAL PAG. 92 $ PAG. 90 HEAVY DUTY % 9 L+W "(# PAG. 91 HOME & GARDEN %"$1J+ HOME & GARDEN PAG. 95 &&&7]7", | 83 , Easy and safe push up due to automatic swivel hook The unique light-weight I-profile with D-shaped rungs simplifies the handling of the ladder This I-profiled ladder is comfortable in use due to extra wide horizontal anti-slip D-shaped rungs (45 mm deep) Spreading lock prevents unexpected closure of the ladder (3-part combination ladder) Robust stabilizer (combination ladder) Easy to handle along side a façade due to top rollers (rope operated ladder/ 3-part combination ladder) For many years, the Mounter ladder has been one of the most successful ladders in the Altrex range. This l-beam ladder is suitable for very intensive professional use is suitable for extremely intensive professional work. The Mounter (available in various types) is equipped with a dirt-resistant black coating. # (27 cm) J" ># handling the ladder 84 | 0"!$" , J6K W6K <9 < 9 2-part rope operated ladder 2-part combination ladder 2-part combination ladder 2-part elevator machineroom ladder ,"(% C <9< F 6 CF , 67 %9CF Max. CF 4.45 7.95 - 8.75 22.7 5.00 8.80 - 9.55 26.7 2 x 20 5.55 9.85 - 10.60 32.5 ZR 2040 2x 8 2.30 3.90 3.20 4.80 13.9 ZR 2050 2 x 10 2.80 5.00 3.75 5.90 16.2 122412 ZR 2060 2 x 12 3.35 6.05 4.30 6.90 18.6 122414 ZR 2070 2 x 14 3.85 6.90 4.75 7.70 21.0 3-part combination ladder 123608 ZR 3055 3x 8 2.30 5.30 4.00 6.15 18.8 (incl. stability beam and top rolls) 123610 ZR 3072 3 x 10 2.80 6.65 4.55 7.50 23.9 123612 ZR 3083 3 x 12 3.35 8.00 5.10 8.80 28.2 123614 ZR 3099 3 x 14 3.90 9.35 5.65 10.10 34.1 2 x 80 2.30 - - 3.70 Art. No. 9 2-part rope operated ladder 124816 ZS 2080 2 x 16 (incl. rope lifting system and 124818 ZS 2090 2 x 18 top rolls) 124820 ZS 2099 2-part combination ladder 122408 (incl. stability beam) 122410 #<9 2-part elevator machineroom ladder 125016 ZML 2040 u CF & CF 14.0 * 2-part rope operated ladders are not equipped with a stability beam (only required for combination Ladders). To secure more stability, you can order an additional stability beam ( 736092) E I LI e w et G V !; ; 9% << 9 LJK%LW+ V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg EN 131 0"!$" | 85 ; Unique ergonomic ladder profile with ERGO-GRIP for a natural position of arms and hands Extra high (30 mm) and deep rungs for extra comfort and support Comfortable mounting due to extra deep anti-slip horizontal standing surface on rungs (41 mm) Synthetic parts create smooth sliding action Easy to handle along side a façade due to top rollers (2-part push-up ladder/ 2- and 3-part combination ladder) 3-part combination ladder The Nevada is an ergonomically innovative ladder equipped with ERGO-GRIP. Due to its ergonomically designed tube >J a unique ergonomic grip for a natural position of hands and arms. The rung is comfortable to stand on and to lean against. The Nevada (various types push-up and combination version) is equipped with bent beams and equipped with a dirtresistant black coating. 86 | 0"!$" Extra stability due to its bended beams (push-up and combination ladder) J$ # " which prevents unexpected closure of the ladder # (28 cm) J ~ J" ># handling the ladder single straight ladder 2-part push-up ladder 2-part combination ladder 4#% C <9< F #<9 Art. No. Single straight ladder 9 CF 6 CF , 67 %9CF Max. CF & CF 240108 NZER 1024 1x 8 2.45 - - 3.40 6.0 240110 NZER 1030 1 x 10 3.05 - - 4.00 7.0 240112 NZER 1036 1 x 12 3.60 - - 4.50 8.5 240114 NZER 1041 1 x 14 4.15 - - 5.05 9.5 240116 NZER 1047 1 x 16 4.70 - - 5.60 10.5 240120 NZER 1058 1 x 20 5.85 - - 6.70 13.5 2-part push-up ladder 241210 NZO 2052 2 x 10 2.95 5.15 - 6.05 15.0 incl. top rollers (from 2 x 12) 241212 NZO 2063 2 x 12 3.50 6.25 - 7.10 19.0 241214 NZO 2072 2 x 14 4.05 7.10 - 7.90 26.0 2-part combination ladder 242208 NZR 2041 2x 8 2.35 4.00 3.30 4.90 12.0 incl. top rollers (from 2 x 12) 242210 NZR 2052 2 x 10 2.95 5.15 3.90 6.05 15.0 242212 NZR 2063 2 x 12 3.50 6.25 4.45 7.10 19.0 242214 NZR 2072 2 x 14 4.05 7.10 4.95 7.90 26.0 3-part combination ladder 242308 NZR 3058 3x 8 2.45 5.80 4.25 6.65 19.0 (incl. top rollers) 242310 NZR 3075 3 x 10 3.05 7.50 4.80 8.30 28.4 242312 NZR 3083 3 x 12 3.60 8.30 5.35 9.10 33.2 242314 NZR 3094 3 x 14 4.15 9.45 5.90 10.20 41.3 E I LI e w et G V !; ; 9% << 9 LJK%LW+ V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg EN 131 0"!$" | 87 < Extra stability due to its bended beams for stability and safety The 3-part Rocky is easy to handle along side a façade due to top rollers The 3-part combination ladder Rocky is easy to handle along side a façade due the spreading lock The Rocky industrial ladder is an aluminium combination ladder, it is equipped with extra wide anti-slip rungs. These rungs have a horizontal standing surface with a depth of 27 J > makes the ladder exceptionally strong and durable. ")-% #<9 CF 6 CF , 67 %9CF Max. CF & CF Art. No. 9 150210 DR 2 x 10 2 x 10 3.00 4.95 3.95 5.85 14.0 150212 DR 2 x 12 2 x 12 3.55 5.80 4.45 6.65 19.5 150214 DR 2 x 14 2 x 14 4.10 6.95 5.00 7.80 24.5 3-part combination ladder 150310 DR 3 x 10 3 x 10 3.00 6.95 4.75 7.80 27.5 (incl. top rollers) 150312 DR 3 x 12 3 x 12 3.60 8.10 5.35 8.90 32.0 E I LI e et G V 2-part combination ladder w V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg 88 | 0"!$" EN 131 Atlas The deep horizontal D-rungs (37 mm) provide extra support for your feet, which allows you to work in a comfortable position !; ; 9% << 9 LJK%LW+ The Atlas ladder (single straight) is developed especially for various jobs at the building site. This blank ladder has a $#= > use. % #<9 E I LI e w et G V Enkel rechte ladder V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg CF Max. CF Art. No. 9 & CF 111010 AER 1029 1 x 10 2.90 3.85 6.0 111012 AER 1034 1 x 12 3.40 4.35 7.5 111014 AER 1040 1 x 14 4.00 4.90 9.0 111016 AER 1045 1 x 16 4.50 5.40 10.0 EN 131 0"!$" | 89 The 3-part combination ladders are fitted with handy top rolls and a spreading lock prevents unexpected closure of the ladder 37 mm Extra standing comfort because of the 37 mm deep, horizontal standing surface of the unique Altrex D-shaped rungs Spreading lock prevents unexpected closure of the ladder (3-part combination ladder) Automatic hook with safety catch which automatically locks when the desired height is reached Stabilizer prevents subsiding. A Ladder Mat is available for soft surfaces Altrex introduces the Atlantis. This blue coated ladder is sturdy in design and is available as a 3-part combination ladder. This Heavy Duty ladder is suitable for both DIY and professional use. $% CF 6 CF & Max. CF CF & CF 77 9 2-part combination ladder 119210 ATR 2046 2 x 10 2.60 4.60 3.60 5.65 11.9 119212 ATR 2056 2 x 12 3.10 5.60 4.10 6.60 13.9 119214 ATR 2064 2 x 14 3.60 6.40 4.60 7.30 15.9 3-part combination ladder 119310 ATR 3062 3 x 10 2.60 6.20 4.30 7.10 17.7 (incl. stabilizer and top rolls) 119312 ATR 3077 3 x 12 3.10 7.70 4.80 8.50 23.0 E I LI e et G V #<9 w V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg 90 | 24-#(- EN 131 Mobile Safety® Extra standing comfort because of 32 mm deep, horizontal standing surface of the D-shaped rung Top rollers make it easier to slide the ladder up and down the facade and prevents damage The automatic hook with safety catch prevents unexpected sliding of the ladder The combination hook allows easy repositioning to A-position Stabilizer prevents subsiding. A Ladder Mat is available for soft surfaces The All Round ladder is very light and perfectly suited to all inside and outside jobs around the house. It is available in single straight as well as a 2 and 3 part combination ladder. The combination ladder can also be used as a rope-operated ladder. "(#% #<9 6 CF CF , 67 , 67 %9CF CF & CF Art. No. 9 Single straight ladder 108308 108310 108312 AR 1020 AR 1025 AR 1030 1x 8 1 x 10 1 x 12 2.05 2.55 3.05 2.05 2.55 3.05 - 3.00 3.50 4.00 3.2 3.9 4.7 2-part combination ladder (incl. stability beam) 108408 108410 108412 108414 AR 2040 AR 2050 AR 2060 AR 2065 2x 8 2 x 10 2 x 12 2 x 14 2.05 2.55 3.05 3.55 3.65 4.65 5.65 6.15 3.10 3.65 4.05 4.55 4.55 5.50 6.50 7.00 7.7 9.2 11.8 14.4 3-part combination ladder 108507 108519 108510 108512 AR 3045 AR 3060 AR 3070 AR 3080 3x 7 3x 9 3 x 10 3 x 12 1.85 2.35 2.60 3.10 4.40 5.90 6.65 7.65 3.60 4.05 4.30 4.80 5.30 6.75 7.50 8.45 10.8 14.0 16.5 21.8 E I LI e w et G V (incl. stability beam and top rolls) V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet MAX. 150 kg EN 131 Mobile Safety® 2",A# | 91 . %0, <® J ^¤> along upwards } % The Tele-ProMatic® with an integrated wall positioning mechanism including a Toolbag. This telescopic ladder is automatically extendible and has extra deep rungs. The Tele-ProMatic® can be used at variable working heights. The ideal ladder for professionals who need to carry out work on location, such as inspections, repairs or maintenance. The Tele-ProMatic® is easy transport in the separately available Backpack. E I LI e w et G V Worldwide Patent V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet Backpack Trolley NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) EN 131 MAX. 150 kg Compact transport 92 | 0"!$" Integrated Toolbag Deep rungs: standing comfort <9< Easy to transport, thanks to the matching Backpack Trolley (available separately) Extra deep rungs with unique pressure distribution for your foot, provides extended standing comfort Unique one-handed handling. After it is unlocked, it can be fully automatically extended in one go Unique integrated wallsupport can also be used without wall positioning mechanism. Special caps protect the wall Extremely compact to store (folds up to 48 x 77 cm) and transport Robust anti-slip feet Product video: Scan the QR-Code or go to %0",$®% <9< of CF Max. CF Max. CF & CF #<9 77 Tele-Promatic 420 500338 1 x 11 0.83 3.20 4.20 12.3 Tele-Promatic 480 500339 1 x 13 0.89 3.80 4.80 14.9 Backpack Trolley 420 500344 Backpack Trolley 480 500345 Height 4.20/4.80 m With Toolbag Protective caps Anti-slip feet 0"!$" | 93 L6LL Usable at eight variable working heights up to 4.20 m 9 cm 83 cm 49 cm Very compact for storage (folded 48 x 77 xm) and transport Very easy to operate with one hand Robust feet with anti-slip Easy to carry because of ergonomic grip The TeleSmart 1 x 11 is a very user-friendly professional telescopic ladder which is usable for a variety of activities. This telescopic ladder has a variable working height with a maximum of 4.20 m and a comfortable standing surface because the rungs are 40 mm deep. The TeleSmart is suitable for more intensive DIY, but also for professional work. Product video: Scan QR-Code or go to %]1K+% <9< 77 Tele-XL 480 500336 E I LI e et G V #<9 w V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg 94 | 24-#(- EN 131 CF Mobile Safety® 1 x 13 0.83 Max. CF Max. CF & CF 3.80 4.80 13.9 L6LL Usable at eight variable working heights up to 4.20 m 8 cm 77 cm 48 cm Very compact for storage (folded 48 x 77 xm) and transport Very easy to operate with one hand Robust feet with anti-slip Easy to carry because of ergonomic grip The TeleClimb 1 x 11 is a very user-friendly telescopic ladder which is usable for a variety of activities. This telescopic ladder has a variable working height with a maximum of 4.20 m and a comfortable standing surface because the rungs are 40 mm deep. Suited for use in and around the house. Product video: Scan QR-Code or go to %]1K+% <9< 77 TeleLogic 420 500337 1 x 11 E I LI e w et G V #<9 V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet MAX. 150 kg EN 131 CF , 67 CF Max. CF 0.77 3.20 4.20 & CF 10.9 Mobile Safety® 2",A# | 95 ! 4$]0"! PAG. 97 4$]#"%$% PAG. 100 PROFFESSIONAL HOME & GARDEN 4$]0"! PAG. 98 PROFFESSIONAL 4$]0( PAG. HOME & GARDEN 101 4$]0"! !]PAG. 99 4$ PAG. 102 PROFFESSIONAL HOME & GARDEN Altrex aluminium folding ladders (telescopic) are available in a range of models. The aluminium folding ladders are multi-purpose and can be used in multiple positions. All step systems and ladders meet legislative requirements, and where applicable legislation governing professional use. 96 | &&&7]7", Varitrex Prof The 3 pin Auto locking® guarantees optimal safety (also when folded) thanks to its automatic hinge The bended beams with a wide base and anti-slip feet make the folding ladder extra stable Optional 2-part aluminium platform The Varitrex Prof is a multifunctional folding ladder suited to intensive professional use. This folding ladder can be assembled in different positions. J# A-position, ladder position, platform position and wall distance position J"" ladder does not rub off on your hands A 0.95 m B 1.75 m C 2.55 m D 3.50 m E 3.55 m F 4.45 m 4$]0"!% C F Art. No. #<9 503553 503598 E I LI e w et G V Varitrex Prof 4 x 3 (anodised) Varitrex-platform CF V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg 4x3 - 0.95 - & CF 12.0 2.5 EN 131 0"!$" | 97 (9 ;B ; 9J+L1 surface ?" anodised beams 4 69 C999 F Several working heights possible because of unique Telelock® locking mechanism Unique 3 pin Auto locking® hinge system guarantees optimal safety thanks to automated hinges Completely telescopic adjustable ladder which allows adjustment of the ladder to required working height Uses very little space when folded (one fourth of its extended length) Extra stable because of bended beams and anti-slip feet C B A Varitrex Teleprof 4x4 min. max. A 1.15 m - 1.95 m B 2.35 m - 4.10 m C 3.30 m - 5.00 m Varitrex Teleprof 4x5 min. max. A 1.45 m - 2.55 m B 2.95 m - 5.30 m C 3.90 m - 6.25 m The Varitrex Teleprof is a lightweight telescopic folding ladder suited to a very wide range of professional uses. The unique hinges (easy to maintain) and the telescopic mechanism make the ladder very multifunctional. Varitrex Teleprof can easily be used on uneven surfaces such as a stairwell for instance. 4$]0"!% Art. No. #<9 Varitrex Teleprof 4x4 Varitrex Teleprof 4x5 E I LI e w et G V 503754 503755 V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) 98 | 0"!$" MAX. 150 kg EN 131 CF 4x4 4x5 1.25 1.50 & CF 12.0 15.5 (9 ;B ; 9J+L1 surface ?" anodised beams 4 69!6161 C999 F 4 independently adjustable feet ensure optimal use on uneven surfaces The Varitrex Teleprof Flex in 4 x 4 version, a telescopic folding ladder with four adjustable feet. Ideal for uneven surfaces, #J# #"J independently from each other and can be adjusted up to a maximum of 25 cm. 4$]0"!!]% <9< Art. No. #<9 Varitrex Teleprof Flex 4 x 4 CF E I LI e w et G V 503756 V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg 4x4 1.25 & CF 14.5 EN 131 0"!$" | 99 4 6#%% The six durably fitted flex-hinges allows the folding ladder to be set up in various working positions Unique telescopic part allows for different working heights Usable at uneven levels because of telescopic part Including 2-part aluminium platform for safe usage in scaffolding position The Varitrex Do-it-All is a unique telescopic aluminium folding ladder which is very multi-functional because of its many options. The folding ladder is very compact when folded and suitable for use up to a maximum working height of 4.30 m. Fitted with 2 stabilising bars with robust anti-slip feet Product video: Scan QR-Code or go to A B C D E F G min. max. 0.60 m - 0.90 m 2.65 m - 2.90 m 1.40 m - 1.65 m 2.30 m - 2.55 m 3.25 m - 3.50 m 2.85 m - 3.40 m 4.00 m - 4.30 m H F B D G C E A 4$]#"%$%% #<9 E I LI e w et G V Varitrex Do-it-All (incl. platform) V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet MAX. 150 kg EN 131 100 | 2",A# Art. No. CF 503580 2 x 3 / 2 x 2 (3) 0.90 & CF 16.1 4 60 The Flex hinges allow the ladder to be placed easily and quickly in different positions Includes a 2-part lightweight plastic platform for safe use in scaffold/workbench position Compact, easy to store and transport Fitted with 2 stabilising bars with robust anti-slip feet The Varitrex Plus is a handy aluminium folding ladder which is very multifunctional because of its many options. The folding ladder is very compact when folded and suitable for use up to a maximum working height of 4.30 m. A B C D E F G + 0.90 m 2.90 m 1.65 m 2.50 m 3.50 m 3.40 m 4.30 m ) & F % ' ( Product video: Scan QR-Code or go to 4$]0(% #<9 Art. No. 503538 E I LI e et G V Varitrex Plus (incl. platform) MAX. w V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet 150 kg CF 4x3 0.90 & CF 14.0 EN 131 2",A# | 101 ; Standing height is 50 cm. Working platform with large surface (0.35 x 1.00 m) Extra safety due to automatic locking hinge Compact, easy to store and to transport Double catch with red push button for simple folding/unfolding Compact, easy to store and transport. &4$% 9 Art. No. #<9 507841 E I LI e et G V New Altvista w V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet EN 14183 EN 131 MAX. 150 kg 102 | 2",A# 0 % CF , 67% CF 0.50 2.50 & CF 6.1 % Container ladder with work platform in parked position Ridge hook: fits on all Altrex ladders Two-part container ladder fitted with hooks parked vertically Steel cable ladder Hoop ladder for industrial use The piling bracket fits on all Altrex ladders in the Professional range Step ladder with hooks and rails fitted on both sides Ladder attachment point Custom-made ladder with hooks to provide access to the hatch 0"!$" | 103 29%3< 9 Hoop fitted with unique rounded tube profiles without obstacles on the inside Wall-brackets in U-shape and provided with slot holes can be adjusted at any preferable height Optional available: exit and entrance protection (Length: 220 cm, Height: 110 cm) Optional available: horizontal hinging hoop enclosure with padlock (controllable from both above and beneath) Optional available: safe access by 33 cm deep rung 29 93< 9 9 The Altrex Hoop-/Facade ladder is a no-maintenance aluminium ladder with stainless steel mounting elements, of which the length accurately matches any desired climbing height up to 10 meters (from 10 meters, a rest platform is obligatory every 6 meters from 3 meters climbing height a safety cage is obligatory). This ladder is suitable as access ladder on facades of a wide range including company MAX. NEN-ENISO-14122-4 150 kg 104 | 0"!$" Technical data Ladder width (outside) Ladder width (inside) Rung distance Hoop diameter Distance form the wall Wall brackets 56 cm 50 cm 28 cm 67 cm 20 cm 200 cm 29%3< 9 J~` #" climbing comfortable %#__` #" } # *> = legislation applies. Ask Altrex about this. % _~ " U <6%# 6 pWLC+FWK1**[[WW 0##%9 2""0##% 9 Art. No. CF & CF Art. No. & CF 202109 202110 202111 202112 202113 202114 202115 202116 202117 202118 202119 202120 202121 202122 202123 202124 202125 202126 202127 202128 202129 202130 202131 202132 202133 202134 202135 202136 1.12 1.40 1.68 1.96 2.24 2.52 2.80 3.08 3.36 3.64 3.92 4.20 4.48 4.76 5.04 5.32 5.60 5.88 6.61 6.44 6.72 7.00 7.28 7.56 7.84 8.12 8.40 8.68 2.33 - 2.61 2.62 - 2.89 2.90 - 3.17 3.18 - 3.45 3.46 - 3.73 3.74 - 4.01 4.02 - 4.29 4.30 - 4.57 4.58 - 4.85 4.86 - 5.13 5.14 - 5.41 5.42 - 5.69 5.70 - 5.97 5.98 - 6.25 6.26 - 6.53 6.54 - 6.81 6.82 - 7.09 7.10 - 7.37 7.38 - 7.65 7.66 - 7.93 7.94 - 8.21 8.22 - 8.49 8.50 - 8.77 8.78 - 9.05 9.06 - 9.33 9.34 - 9.61 9.62 - 9.89 9.90 - 10.00 202208 202209 202210 202211 202212 202213 202214 202215 202216 202217 202218 202219 202220 202221 202222 202223 202224 202225 2.06 - 2.33 2.34 - 2.61 2.62 - 2.89 2.90 - 3.17 3.18 - 3.45 3.46 - 3.73 3.74 - 4.01 4.02 - 4.29 4.30 - 4.57 4.58 - 4.85 4.86 - 5.13 5.14 - 5.41 5.42 - 5.69 5.70 - 5.97 5.98 - 6.25 6.26 - 6.53 6.54 - 6.81 6.82 - 7.09 "$ Accessories Step out protection set 22 cm Step out step 33 cm Hoop enclosure bottom hoop Hoop enclosure top of hoop Wall support set Suspended support set 77 202301 202303 202304 202311 202305 202306 202308 202309 0"!$" | 105 9 The Altrex range of aluminium ladders, hoop and escape ladders, folding ladders, telescopic ladders, stepladders, modular industrial step systems and loft ladders includes a range of solutions for J are listed for every aluminium ladder, step system or folding ladder. All step systems and ladders meet legislative requirements, and where applicable legislation governing professional use. 106 | &&&7]7", ((#" PAG. 110 PROFFESSIONAL ((/ PAG. 111 PROFFESSIONAL ((, PAG. 112 PROFFESSIONAL 9 ]%0"® PAG. 108 PROFFESSIONAL !"!#" PAG. 114 / PAG. 113 PROFFESSIONAL "#" PAG. 116 #"(/#) HOME & GARDEN PAG. 118 ##PAG. 120 PROFFESSIONAL HEAVY DUTY HOME & GARDEN !"!" PAG. 115 "" PAG. 117 $ PAG. 121 PROFFESSIONAL HEAVY DUTY HOME & GARDEN % 9 9 LWW ($ PAG. 122 HOME & GARDEN "," PAG. 124 HOME & GARDEN &&&7]7", | 107 ]%0®B9 < The new X-Pro® is a multi-functional construction and industrial ladder. This versatile ladder can be used for a range of different proceedings. Both upright and horizontal, the X-Pro® can be used as a workbench. The ladder is easy to move thanks to the integrated handle in the rung. The X-Pro® is the best workmate for every professional! E I LI e w et G V By unfolding the ladder and unfolding the unique brace, a workbench is created. The unique patented hinge system provides extra stability. V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg Product video: Scan the QR-Code or go to X-Pro® : the top workmate for every professional! EN 131 Unique Design 108 | 0"!$" Compact Ideal work table Horizontal contact surface ]%0®B9 < 1 2 3 W64% 9 1. large, e.g. for a beam 2. medium, e.g. for a slat 3. small, e.g. for a tube > ="* Solid professional ladder with anti-slip rungs and extremely large standing surface By unfolding the unique brace, you create a stable workbench Also usable as a workbench when in horizontal position Easy to use and transport thanks to handle in tread Anti-slip foot in two directions Compact storage ]%0"®%%< << #<9 77 CF , 67 CF Max. CF X-Pro® 500930 2 1.05 0.50 2.50 Upright contact surface Robust and solid Professional ladder & CF 10.0 Easy to transport 0"!$" | 109 C#"F 2 sec. Compact. Equipped with fold up guard rail for easy transport (optional) Self-locking spreader prevents unexpected closure (from 2x3) Enclosed hinge system protects fingers from getting hurt Large anti-slip feet provide extra stability The robust double tube-profile > extra high and rounded steps for extra comfort and leg support (TDO/TGB/TME) The Taurus stepladder is without doubt the top stepladder within the Altrex Professional range. The double access version ;J<$ with a dirt-resistant black coating. Product video: Scan QR-Code or go to ((#"(/$##% 9 C << F Art. No. 9 Double sided without guard rail * with guard rail 192502 192503 192504 192505 192506 192607 192508 192610 192612 TDO 2 TDO 3 TDO 4 TDO 5 TDO 6 TDO 7* TDO 8 TDO 10* TDO 12* Fold up guard rail 733180 TDO E I LI e w et G V #<9 V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg EN 131 110 | 0"!$" 9 CF 2x 2 2x 3 2x 4 2x 5 2x 6 2x 7 2x 8 2 x 10 2 x 12 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 , 67 CF , 67 CF 0.45 0.70 0.95 1.20 1.40 1.65 1.90 2.35 2.80 2.45 2.70 2.95 3.20 3.40 3.65 3.90 4.35 4.80 & CF 3.5 5.8 7.3 8.9 11.0 14.7 14.0 20.2 24.3 C/F This ladder has a double platform for extra safety and comfort Increased stability through enclosed hinge system and sketch braces on the front and rear parts The self-unlocking hinge system and the self-locking spreader make this stepladder very userfriendly Self-locking spreader prevents unexpected closure (from 6 steps) The guardrail is equipped with a handy tool tray In addition to the Taurus double sided version, Altrex now presents the single sided Taurus: a range of stepladders for very intensive use. With the same proven top-characteristics as the double sided Taurus (black dust-resistant coating, robust < Product video: Scan QR-Code or go to (($$##%9 9 C << F Art. No. 9 Single sided 191503 191504 191505 191506 191507 191508 191510 191512 TGB 3 TGB 4 TGB 5 TGB 6 TGB 7 TGB 8 TGB 10 TGB 12 E I LI e w et G V #<9 V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg 9 CF 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 1.45 1.70 1.95 2.20 2.45 2.70 3.20 3.70 , 67 CF , 67 CF 0.70 0.95 1.20 1.40 1.65 1.90 2.35 2.80 2.70 2.95 3.20 3.40 3.65 3.90 4.35 4.80 & CF 7.4 8.5 9.6 13.0 14.2 14.6 17.9 20.3 EN 131 0"!$" | 111 C,F 9 The Taurus is equipped with a single platform and extra high guardrail (85 cm) Ergonomic guardrail for easier handling and safer working Self-locking spreader prevents unexpected closure of the stepladder Easy to store when folded Easy to move due to its fixed wheels In addition to the Taurus double sided and single sided stepladder, Altrex also offers a single sided warehouse stepladder. This warehouse stepladder has a number of unique characteristics. Product video: Scan QR-Code or go to ((% 9 C << F Art. No. 9 Single sided 193206 193207 193209 193211 TME 6 TME 7 TME 9 TME 11 E I LI e w et G V #<9 V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg EN 131 112 | 0"!$" 9 CF 6 7 9 11 2.45 2.70 3.20 3.70 , 67 CF 1.40 1.65 2.10 2.60 , 67 CF 3.40 3.65 4.10 4.60 & CF 16.0 18.0 23.6 27.1 / The faint inclination of the steps makes it easy and safe to climb Big and solid steps with anti-slip profile provide extra comfort Easy to move due to its wheels at the backside Fitted with foldable support brace with handy tool tray as standard(except 2-rung) Support brace with handy tool tray (except 2-rung) The single sided stepladder Brenta is a robust stepladder from the Little Giant range by Wing Enterprises. This stepladder is also very suited to use in a storeroom. /%9 9 #<9 Art. No. 503002 503003 503004 E I LI e et G V Brenta 2 Brenta 3 Brenta 4 w V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d MAX. Warenwet 150 kg EN 131 9 CF 2 3 4 0.80 1.10 1.40 , 67 , 67 CF CF 0.45 0.70 0.90 2.45 2.70 2.90 & CF 6.8 9.1 11.3 Voldoet aan sterkte-eisen NEN 2484 0"!$" | 113 ! <C!#"F @ ; , <J+L1 Fold up guardrail (optional) Self-locking spreader which prevents unexpected closure of the ladder Enclosed hinge system protects fingers from getting hurt Extra high and rounded steps for extra comfort and support to the shin bone Added stability because of the large anti-slip feet The Falco is a stepladder for intensive professional use. This robustly designed stepladder is available in a double sided and a single sided version. !"% 9 C< F #<9 Art. No. Double sided without guardrail 192322 192423 192424 192425 192426 192428 192430 E I LI e w et G V * with guardrail V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg EN 131 114 | 0"!$" 9 FDO 2 FDO 3 FDO 4 FDO 5 FDO 6 FDO 8 FDO 10* , 67 9 CF CF 2x 2 2x 3 2x 4 2x 5 2x 6 2x 8 2 x 10 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 0.45 0.70 0.95 1.20 1.40 1.90 2.35 , 67 CF 2.45 2.70 2.95 3.20 3.40 3.90 4.35 & CF 3.3 5.5 6.8 8.3 9.9 13.0 18.1 ! <C!"F @ ; , <J+L1 Guard rail with tool holder Self-unlocking hinge on the platform for easy handling Added stability because of the steps’ single tube-profile (FDO + FEO) Extra high and rounded steps for extra comfort and support to the shin bone Added stability because of the large anti-slip feet The Falco is a stepladder for intensive professional use. The robustly designed stepladder is available in a double sided and a single sided version. !"% 9 C< F Art. No. Single sided 191323 191324 191325 191326 191327 191328 191330 E I LI e et G V #<9 w V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg 9 FEO 3 FEO 4 FEO 5 FEO 6 FEO 7 FEO 8 FEO 10 9 CF 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 1.45 1.70 1.95 2.20 2.45 2.70 3.20 , 67 CF 0.70 0.95 1.20 1.40 1.65 1.90 2.35 , 67 CF 2.70 2.95 3.20 3.40 3.65 3.90 4.35 & CF 6.1 7.0 8.0 9.1 10.1 11.3 12.5 EN 131 0"!$" | 115 C#"F Double work surface Fold up guardrail for compact transport and easy storage (optional) The extra high, rounded steps offer optimal leg-support Enclosed hinge system protects fingers from getting hurt Stability on different surfaces is enhanced with extra large anti-slip feet and the sturdy design of this step-ladder The Castor is a robust aluminium stepladder, applicable to semi-professional work. Double sided stepladder, accessible on both sides, creating a double work surface. Its relatively low weight makes the stepladder easy to move and transport. Product video: Scan QR-Code or go to code182011 "C#"F% 9 Art. No. 9 Double sided 503325 503326 503327 503328 CDO 5 CDO 6 CDO 7 CDO 8 E I LI e w et G V #<9 V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg 116 | 24-#(- EN 131 , 67 9 CF CF 2x5 2x6 2x7 2x8 1.30 1.55 1.80 2.05 1.15 1.40 1.65 1.90 , 67 CF 3.15 3.40 3.65 3.90 & CF 8.8 10.0 11.2 12.5 C"F The high support rail offers extra safety and is equipped with a tool holder The extra high, rounded steps offer optimal leg-support Stability on different surfaces is enhanced with extra large anti-slip feet and the sturdy design of this step-ladder Extra solidity because of robust construction The Castor is a robust aluminium stepladder, applicable to semi-professional work. Its relatively low weight makes the stepladder easy to move and transport. Product video: Scan QR-Codeor go to "C"F% 9 Art. No. 9 Single sided 503105 503106 503107 503108 CEO 5 CEO 6 CEO 7 CEO 8 E I LI e et G V #<9 w V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet NEN 2484 Professioneel gebruik (Arbo) MAX. 150 kg , 67 9 CF CF 5 6 7 8 1.95 2.20 2.45 2.70 1.15 1.40 1.65 1.90 , 67 CF 3.15 3.40 3.65 3.90 & CF 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 EN 131 24-#(- | 117 ##< J" the unique double step and the platform with special charcoalcoloured anti-slip coating =# large standing areas for additional safety, comfort, stability and security ##< the platform can be locked and unlocked comfortably, easily and safely J using the HandGrip 2 9 jobs around the home and housework K# closed J the closed aluminium lid Smart/6 %}® QR code for the user manual: always to hand for additional safety ] > showing the various advantages E I LI e et G V The Double Decker household stepladder has many extras. It has the new SmartBox, HandGrip, the reliable DoubleDeck, Altrex Mobile Safety® QR code for the user manual and a modern colour scheme. The Double Decker by Altrex is and will always be the very best household stepladder! MAX. w V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet 150 kg EN 131 118 | 2",A# Product video: Scan QR-Code or go to ;9 @ The lightweight aluminium Double Decker is safe, stable and has now been fitted with even more useful additions. The new SmartBox is useful for placing tools in or on whilst doing jobs around the home or when doing the housework. Thanks to the new HandGrip, it is now even easier to lock and unlock the platform. The name of the Double Decker is derived from the DoubleDeck: the useful double step and the platform with special charcoal-coloured anti-slip coating. This provides two comfortable workplaces designed for additional ease of standing. The combination of charcoal grey, aluminium and red gives the stepladder a contemporary appearance. Beautiful and indispensable in every home! % safety J " steps extra user friendly connection for extra safety J}# doing the housework for, for example, a bucket, sponge and chamois leather J}# red bucket hook platform edge feels pleasant and comfortable $ HandGrip on the steps J%]} by the red platform edge and states the maximum safe standing height home, it is safe and useful to place tools in and on the SmartBox J~ the SmartBox: for, for example, a hammer, screws and nails SmartBox provides a large working surface } be placed in the SmartBox and on the lid, such as a paint tin and a brush # feet provide additional stability # stepladder > K #"(/#)% 9 #<9 Art. No. 9 9 CF CF , 67 CF & CF Single sides 502103 D 803 3 1.45 0.60 2.60 4.8 with double step 502104 D 804 4 1.65 0.85 2.85 5.4 502105 D 805 5 1.90 1.05 3.05 6.0 502106 D 806 6 2.10 1.25 3.25 7.1 502107 D 807 7 2.35 1.45 3.45 8.2 502108 D 808 8 2.60 1.70 3.70 9.4 2",A# | 119 The knee stirrup ensures optimal support The rounded steps are pleasant to touch when leaning against them The solid platform locking increases user safety The anti-slip foot ensures the step stands solidly The Steddy is a lightweight stepladder which is perfectly suited for household work. The stepladder is very pleasant to use because of a number of user-friendly applications. ##-% 9 Art. No. #<9 e w et V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d , 67 CF , 67 CF & CF 508503 S 503 3 1.35 0.60 2.60 3.4 S 504 4 1.55 0.80 2.80 4.2 508505 S 505 5 1.80 1.05 3.05 4.7 508506 S 506 6 2.05 1.25 3.25 6.0 E I LI Warenwet 9 CF 508504 G V Single sided 9 MAX. 150 kg 120 | 2",A# The Giant is fitted with extra wide anti-slip steps (20 x 30 cm) for optimal standing comfort The sound construction means the Giant guarantees durability and safety The Giant very compact which makes it easy to store. When folded it is only 3.5 cm thick The Giant household stepladder is a two-step household stepladder. The aluminium anodising ensures the step is pleasing to the touch. $% 9 C F #<9 E I LI e et G V 2-step stepladder MAX. w V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet 150 kg Art. No. 9 507802 G 402 9 CF 2 0.90 , 67 CF , 67 CF 0.45 2.45 & CF 3.2 EN 131 2",A# | 121 ($ Finally ... a chair safe to climb Kitchen Living Shop Bedroom ($ ($ < The use of strong aluminium combined with the warm appearance of wood makes the USIT beautiful, comfortable to sit, and safe to climb. +#> chair to reach a higher level. Quick and easy. Unfortunately with this action yearly thousands of accidents happen. 7 6%7< By recognising this problem, we started a detailed research to develop a new product to meet the required demands: safe to climb with the comfort to sit and beautiful enough to keep standby in any interior! # Maarten Olden (the Netherlands, 1972) graduated as an interior designer at the Royal Academy of Fine arts in the Hague (KABK) and as an industrial designer at the prestigious Design Academy in Eindhoven. 122 | 2",A# ($ ($9TJ W9 Table height to reach standard levels and bar height to reach even higher levels. ($ Unique combination laminated wood and aluminium. ($; All details of this beautiful design are engineered and guaranteed in accordance to the highest safety and quality standards. e et w V ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d V s ei 1 E I LI G Product video: Scan QR-Code or go to EN 14183 Warenwet 5 4 508122 508120 Wood Solid White Wood Nature 508121 Wood Nature Black 6 2 3 508132 1 2 3 4 5 6 508130 508131 1. Easy to fold with a high-quality and durable connection. 2. Slip resistance feet for your safety and to protect 3. Aluminium support legs for great stability. 4. The patented combination of aluminium and wood creates an extremely strong step construction with a safety test load of 350kg for safe use up to 150kg. 5. Comfortable seat with arm- and back rest. 6. Extra spacious strong steps with anti-slip ribbing. 2",A# | 123 ; High support rail (for 2-plus and 3-plus) ensures optimal support Handy to use because of the simple unlocking mechanism Extra stability because of the large robust rubber foot The two-step version can also be used as a chair Big and solid steps with antislip profile provide extra comfort The Cromato Silver is a design household stepladder (steel), available in a 2 or 3 step versions. ","$4%9 #<9 Art. No. 9 CF , 67 , 67 CF CF & CF 500949 2 0.95 0.47 2.47 500950 2 1.15 0.47 2.47 5.5 Cromato Silver 3-plus 500951 3 1.42 0.70 2.70 7.3 E I LI e et G V Cromato Silver 2 Cromato Silver 2-plus MAX. w V s ei ol ll en d o e t a a n a en v a n e Wa r d Warenwet 150 kg EN 131 EN 14183 124 | 2",A# 5.2 &6%#6 Equipped with a 46** mm thick insulated trapdoor for saving on heating costs. Finished with white panelling on both sides. The springs of the swivel arms are fitted on the inside of the steps No larger than trapdoor when folded up Standard delivered with safety guardrail, polyester feet and finishing strip Fitted with coated hinges The Woodytrex-De Luxe is a beautifully designed and easy to assemble 3-part loft ladder. The opening (height 17 cm) is equipped with a robust weather-strip for improved insulation and a better J>>~ safety door and a safety lock (page 139). Ask about our FSC certified products &""#-]#(]% #<9 Art. No. 3-part wooden loftladder "9k C6FC<F "9 C<F , 67< C<F , 67 C<F << C<F 505061 110 x 70 17 280 135 155 505062 120 x 60 17 280 135 155 505063 120 x 70 17 280 135 155 505066 140 x 70* 17 280 135 155 *) In stock, 4 weeks delivery time **) with the exception of 140 x 70: 26 mm thick hatch The dimensions given are opening dimensions, the construction openings are 1 cm larger EN MAX. 150 kg 14975 0"!$" | 125 &6%9 Equipped with a 26 mm thick insulated trapdoor for saving on heating costs. Finished with white panelling on both sides The springs of the swivel arms are fitted on the inside of the steps Standard delivered with safety guardrail, polyester feet and finishing strip Ask about our FSC certified products The Woodytrex-Superior is a beautifully designed and easy to assemble 3-part loft ladder. The stepladder is equipped with a safety guardrail and plastic feet as standard. Safe to use because of wide anti-slip steps. There are various accessories available including a 3-sided safety door and a safety lock (page 139). &""#-](0$(% Art. No. #<9 "9k "9 C6FC<F C<F , 67< C<F , 67 C<F << C<F Woodytrex-Superieur 505024 110 x 60 13.5 280 135 155 (3-part fold-in) 505025 110 x 70 13.5 280 135 155 505026 120 x 60 13.5 280 135 155 505027 120 x 70 13.5 280 135 155 505029 140 x 70 13.5 280 135 155 The dimensions given are opening dimensions, the constructions openings to be 1 cm larger. EN MAX. 150 kg 14975 126 | 24-#(- &6%/ The springs of the swivel arms are fitted on the inside of the steps Opening (height 10 cm) is fitted with a weather strip for better isolation and tidy finish Fitted with a 26 mm thick insulated hatch for savings on heating costs Ask about our FSC certified products The Woodytrex-Budget is a loft ladder which is very simple to assemble. This loft ladder is supplied fully pre-assembled J $ # J>> 3-sided safety door and a safety lock (page 139). &""#-]/(#% #<9 Art. No. "9kC "9 6FC<F C<F , 67< C<F , 67 C<F << C<F Woodytrex-Budget 505016 120 x 60 10 280 135 155 (3-part fold-in) 505017 120 x 70 10 280 135 155 The dimensions given are opening dimensions, the constructions openings to be 1 cm larger. EN MAX. 150 kg 14975 2",A# | 127 << A9 !993 Ideal to work on the same rung for longer periods of time. & 99 For extra stability an safety! Ideal to work on large gutters. A smart solution wich fits on every ladder. 0 4 6016W For extra comfort and safety. Also handy when used as a workbench. Fits on every ladder, to store brushes, paint and (large) tools. 2 sec. !9 C#"F The Taurus fold up guardrail is simple to fit on all Taurus double sided stepladder types. Even on old Taurus steps! Ease of use is of prime consideration: can quickly be folded in and out (2 sec.) and compact to transport. , CLW+<F The LadderMat has been designed such that when properly used the chance of the ladder slipping away is reduced to a minimum. # > # >" > > $ 9" %} # ##"¥ on’, without having to make a risky sideways movement. For additional safety, a multifunctional "}>J J} ##"} %?> ladders. 128 | 0"!$" << / This wooden balustrade is made from sustainable FSC certified pinewood. The balustrade is easy to fit and provides additional safety in the loft or attic. Can universally be custom made for all dimensions. This black coated guardrail can easily be fitted to the left or right of the loft ladder. It increases safety when climbing the ladder. ! 0 A white plastic frame to give a beautiful finish to the loft ladder. The presentation stand with a red coating presents the loft ladder beautifully in the showroom. The stand is only available for loft ladders with a housing width of 70 cm. << 0 A9 "$C!"#$F###C"!F0## 0C!"#$F###C"!F0## #<9 ! Beam endcap red for Mounter ZR 3X Rubberfoot red for Mounter left Rubberfoot red for Mounter right Rubberfoot right for Nevada 72 mm Rubberfoot left for Nevada 72mm Rubberfoot right for Nevada Rubberfoot left for Nevada Rubberfoot L/R for Rocky 2x2 Rubberfoot L/R for Rocky 2x14 till 3x14 Endcap red for stabilizer Mounter Stabilizer universal Endcap red for stabilizer All Round Rubberfoot Challenger Rubberfoot red All Round Stabilizer 2-part All Round Stabilizer 3-part All Round/Atlantis Set of top wheels 2 pcs. 77 #<9 720008 720009 720010 720108 720109 720110 720111 720122 720123 723069 736092 720041 720055 720045 736091 736095 737016 !9 Rubberfoot back for TGB Rubberfoot front for TGB and front and back for TDO Rubberfoot back for Falco/Andes (FEO/AEO) Rubberfoot front for Falco/Andes and front and back for FDO/ADO Hinge for guardrail Taurus Hingecap for guardrail Taurus Mounting kit Guardrail Taurus TDO Rubberfoot back for Castor Rubberfoot left front for Castor Rubberfoot right front for Castor Rubberfeet front Double Decker 2 pieces Rubberfeet back Double Decker 2 pieces Rubberfeet front for Steddy 3/5-step per 2 Rubberfeet back for Steddy 3/5-step per 2 Rubberfeet front for Steddy 6/7-step per 2 Rubberfeet back for Steddy 6/7-step per 2 Rubberfoot front for Giant Rubberfoot back for Giant 720053 720054 720100 720101 733183 733184 733185 720091 720092 720093 509028 509029 509032 509033 509034 509035 723139 723140 ! Rubber foot Varitrex Teleprof Step edge protection Varitrex Teleprof Step edge protection with hole Varitrex Teleprof Rubber foot Varitrex Prof Stabilizer Varitrex Plus Endcap of stabilizer Folding ladder Plus Stabilizer Varitrex Do-it-all 509139 509143 509145 723119 509137 509138 509142 ! Rubber foot black loftladder Woodytrex 2 steps 505112 77 ! Ladder step out 228010 Locking system for ladder step out 228011 Wall support 509008 Set ladderhooks 509010 LadderCaddy 509018 LadderMat 509023 Footsupport Atlantis/Allround 509084 !9 Guardrail for Falco/Andes 733074 Guardrail for Taurus 733180 Set of springy wheels for stepladder 737020 ! Platform Varitrex Do-it-all 503597 Platform Varitrex Prof 4x3 503598 Platform Varitrex Plus 509152 ! Fence loftladder* 505099 Handrail loftladder Framework loftladder * 505097 505098 Presentation support Loftladder 505050 *) Suitable for all (opening)dimensions **) Only suitable for Loft ladders with a (bucket) width of 70 cm 0"!$" | 129 , $ 9 1. industrial steps mobile with 4 wheels 2. industrial steps mobile with 2 wheels 3. industrial step-overs 4. straight stairs with or without platform %;^`< fitted with deep (21.5 cm!) steps Wheels fitted with a brake and rubber running surface Option 1: sturdy anti-slip step Option 2: crude profiled punched steps Round, curved railing These modular industrial steps are the ultimate permanent or mobile access solution. Dependent on the height required and the space available to erect the stairs, Altrex offers different angles of inclination (45o or 60o), step widths (60, 80 or 100 cm) and different heights. % >^``" and max. 150 kg per step J #_~_ Commodities Act. The industrial step-over and straight stairs comply with EN-ISO 14122-3 for permanent access solutions to machines mobile industrial step-over, please contact Altrex, this also applies for custom-made models U 0 < <6 6pWLC+FWK1**[[WW 130 | 0"!$" EN 131 NEN-ENISO-14122-4 ,$ 9 9 ,$ 9 9 < 7 ,$ 9 91 ##;{#><# K^` K #``_`` K steps (both 21.5 cm deep) }`^ ~{^ = > + ,$ 9 9J J ;< ` K #``_`` K steps (both 21.5 cm deep) }`~ { = > { # delivery, in terms of price, this model is lower than the version with 4 wheels &9<U0 < < 6 6pWLC+FWK1**[[WW ,"/$$#($0!",0 ,$ 9 9Z+C1F 9 ?@ B ? =;@ ,$ 9 91*C1F 9 ?@ B ,$ 9 9Z+CJF 9 ?@ (D 3 1 5 6 7 K 9 10 12 73 98 122 147 171 196 220 344 294 226003 226004 226005 226006 226007 226008 226009 226010 226012 3 1 5 6 7 K 9 10 12 L1 16 64 84 104 124 144 164 184 204 244 284 324 224503 224504 224505 224506 224507 224508 224509 224510 224512 224514 224516 3 1 5 6 7 K 9 10 12 73 98 122 147 171 196 220 344 294 "9 & $;#;; & =;E$;#;; &! & &- 0"!$" | 131 $ 9%; The industrial step-overs are often used as access bridges to machines to perform inspections or as a passageway over obstacles. B B H H ^ ` S S K^` K #``_`` K steps (both 21.5 cm deep) }`` {{` ?># assembly + % dealer or Altrex $#($0%"4 $ 9%;1* 9 F ?@?!@ ?@?@ ( ?@?H@ Step Guardrail $ 9%;Z+ 9 F ?@?!@ ?@?@ ( ?@?H@ Step Guardrail "9 & $;#;; & =;E$;#;; 3 1 5 6 7 K 9 10 11 48 68 88 108 128 148 168 188 208 173.5 213.5 253.5 293.5 333.5 373.5 413.5 453.5 493.5 64.5 64.5 64.5 64.5 64.5 64.5 64.5 64.5 64.5 224523 224524 224525 224526 224527 224528 224529 224530 224530 224543 224544 224545 224546 224547 224548 224549 224550 224551 3 1 5 6 7 K 9 61.5 86 110.5 135 159.5 184 208.5 139 167.5 195.5 224 252.5 280.5 309 64.5 64.5 64.5 64.5 64.5 64.5 64.5 226023 226024 226025 226026 226027 226028 226029 226043 226044 226045 226046 226047 226048 226049 The straight stairs are available with and without platform. The straight stairs ;< K^` K #``_`` K ;{_^ cm deep) }`` ` The straight stairs with platform also has: ;$ #< } #= available separately 132 | 0"!$" % < Podiumstep Podiumstep Container stairs/tanker stairs in various height positions Evacuation stairs Mobile entrance stairs Aeroplane ladder Load protection system for trucks 0"!$" | 133 % 9 Container ladder: safe access and safe workplace Anti-burglary ladder U <6% 6 pWLC+FWK1**[[WW [email protected] Step-over for industry Container ladder Step-over on a parapet 134 | 0"!$" Mobile industrial steps/aircraft stairs (60 degrees) for use in warehouses Straight ladder % 9 Safety guardrail system for tankers (during loading) Straight ladder with parapet step-over guardrail Container stairs/tanker stairs with folding truck fall protection side ways Container stairs/tanker stairs with folding truck fall protection side ways Mobile industrial steps with double platform and brake spindles Container ladder with work platform in parked position Step-over 0"!$" | 135 % < 9 Hoop ladder with platform Emergency exit Fire escape with anti-climb protection Anti-burglary ladder Anti-burglary ladder 136 | 0"!$" Fire escape towers 4 <% 9|< Wind turbine lift Work platform under a tower Walkway over machine Work platform around stovepipe U <6% 6 pWLC+FWK1**[[WW [email protected] Fall protection / Fencing Work platform between 2 walls Safety Gantry Work platform around tank 0"!$" | 137 % Altrex provides a wide range of access equipment. However, in some situations customized work or project approach is necessary . Customized solution specialists personally advice customers for the best and safest solution in ladders, scaffolds, suspended platforms and other constructions. The engineering and production is carried out by a special team that has the necessarry expertise and experience. U <6% 6 pWLC+FWK1**[[WW [email protected] 138 | % % page 103 % 9 page 133 % < 9 page 136 % < page 59 % ,2/ page 80 4 % 9|< page 137 | 139 139 All rights reserved. 6/747 P.O.Box 30160 8003 CD Zwolle (NL) Tel.: +31 38 455 7733 Fax: +31 38 455 7744 [email protected] [*+L1K0+L3J+L1 6/747 Postbus 30160 8003 CD Zwolle (NL) Tel.: 038 455 7777 Fax: 038 455 7788 [email protected]
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