2014 NEW RELEASE ●GT SUCTION INFORMATION P1 P1 86/BRZ ●EVC6 IR P2 ●HIPERMAX Ⅳ GTAVE30(IS300h)/GSE30(IS250)/GSE31(IS350)/ ANF10(HS250h)/GGA10(MARK X zio) DBA-JH1(N-WGN Custom)/ DBA-LA600S(TANTO CUSTOM) P4 ●Incompatibility of Exhaust System P5 ●Incompatibility of Exhaust System RC1(ODYSSEY) ●Cool Style ●Product Compatibility to Toyota Harrier, Honda N-WGN, and Vezel for Outlander (DBA-GF8W/4J12 12/10〜) NEW LINE-UP ●HIPERMAX S-style C 3 P2・3 P4 for Demio (DBA-DE3FS/ZJ-VE 5MT 07/07〜) ●Compatibility of HIPERMAX S-style C P5 P5 EVENT INFORMATION ●2014 HKS PREMIUM DAY in FSW」REPORT P5 TOPICS ●HKS Pro SHOP GARAGE ACTIVE /t-get works P6 NEW RELEASE NEW RELEASE GT SUCTION 86/BRZ DBA-ZN6(86)/DBA-ZC6(BRZ) Engine Output Features NORMAL GT SUCTION(EVC GTによる補正有) GT SUCTION(補正なし) Variable suction enables well-modulated sound between a factory suction and Racing Suction. "GT SUCTION" is a variable intake system to suit driving conditions. Butterfly valve is operated by a vacuum actuator for reliable and accurate control. The EVC-GT controls valve opening between 1000-5500rpm. 2000 By setting the valve programming correctly, performance is equivalent to Racing Suction. EVC-GT installation harness is available separately. Vehicle Model DBA-ZN6 DBA-ZC6 Engine FA20 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (rpm) NORMAL Interior RACING SUCTION R Sound S GT SUCTION(Close) Image GT SUCTION(Open) Valve holder is included for simply and tidy mounting. 86 BRZ 3000 Model Year 12/04~ Main Unit Size Code No. φ200-80 70025-AT001 7000 8000 Sound Control Range R Remarks ■ECU Free Harness Purple : Airflow Output Wire Black : Ground Wire ・When installing GT Suction Valve Controller and/or electrical parts, installation can be done without damage to the stock ECU wiring. ・Main wires such as power source or airflow output have different colors for easy recognition. Vehicle 86 BRZ White : Engine RPM Wire Blue : Throttle Position Signal Wire Model DBA-ZN6 DBA-ZC6 Engine FA20 Model Year Code No. 12/04~ 45999-AF004 Remarks Red : 12V Power Source Wire EVC6 IR Features DISPLAY 100 90 80 高回転時のブーストの「垂れ」 を補正 70 60 EVC6 IR ORIGINAL FUNCTIONS セッティング前 セッティング後 50 40 Indicates the current boost mode. Displays the warning value or peak hold value. 30 20 Displays the speed or engine RPM. Indicates one of the following: INtake Manifold Pressure, Speed, Engine RPM, and Throttle Opening Angle. Displays the throttle opening angle. Redesigning the color pattern of the 10 ジング」 を回避 New Color「サー Pattern main display improved the visibility 0 0 5000 6000 7000 8000 1000 3000 4000 TFT LC 2000 Display rpm ブースト立ち上がりを抑えて during driving. Enlargement of the correction map grid point to 10x 10 from 5×5 enables more precise correction. Segmentalized Correction Map 従来EVC6 マップポイント 5ヵ所 120 110 Displays the current boost value. Blinks and buzzes with the bar graph when a certain value exceeds the warning value. EVC Display Unit Size 新EVC6-IRマップポイント 10箇所 110 100 90 80 EVC Valve Unit Size 従来EVC6マップポイント 5箇所 高回転時のブーストの「垂れ」 を補正 70 Easy and securely setup are possible by these 4 buttons & monitor navigate system. kPa Blinks and buzzes while the scramble function activates. 120 kPa ●Basic performance as a boost controller is the same as EVC6. Correction map grid point is enlarged to 10×10. Pressure correction range is increased to ー180~180. More precise correction is possible for modern smaller sized turbo. ●EVC6's TFT full color monitor is upgraded for better visibility with a new color pattern. ●Monitor Navigation System easily leads the user to the correct setting and logging screens. ●The proven Stepping Motor is utilized as a valve unit. 60 セッティング前 セッティング後 50 40 30 20 ブースト立ち上がりを抑えて 「サージング」 を回避 10 0 0 120 1000 110 2000 3000 4000 rpm 5000 6000 7000 新EVC6-IR マップポイント 10ヵ所 8000 100 新EVC6-IRマップポイ 90 80 高回転時のブーストの「垂れ」 を補正 kPa 70 60 セッティング前 セッティング後 50 40 30 20 ブースト立ち上がりを抑えて 「サージング」 を回避 10 0 1 Product EVC6 IR Code No. 45003-AK011 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 5000 6000 7000 8000 備考 120 110 従来EVC6マップポイ HIPERMAX S-style C RC1(ODYSSEY) S-style C is the basic model of new S-style series. The simple structure provides beautiful style and great quality! ■Vehicle/Model ODYSSEY / RC1 ■Product HIPERMAX S-style C Model Model Year ODYSSEY RC1 K24W 13/11〜 Spring Height (mm) Default ride height Range (High-Low) Code No. F=−31 (−5〜−74) R=−31 (−10〜−62) 80110-AH120 F=250 (Barrel) R=Special Upper Mount Upper Mount change Spring rate change F=Rubber R=Rubber Not available F=Available R=Not available JAN Code 4957266330579 COMPONENTS 3 DAMPER *It may be changed without prior notice. Engine Spring rate N/mm (kgf/mm) F=49 (5) R=68 (6.9) Code No. 80110-AH120 ■The following suspension sets are available: Front Full Set, Rear Full Set, Front Damper Set, Rear Damper Set, Rear Ride Height Adjuster Assembly, and Rear Spring Set. (Contact your dealer for availability.) ■Some dampers’spring rate change service is available. See the application chart for availability. 1 Application Vehicle Product FULL KIT NEW LINE-UP NEW LINE-UP Remarks 2 Vehicle image with product HIPERMAX Ⅳ GT AVE30(IS300h)/GSE30(IS250)/GSE31(IS350) Next generation suspension with higher controllability for circuit driving and improved ride quality for street driving. ■Vehicle/Model IS300h / AVE30, IS250 / GSE30, IS350 / GSE31 ■Product HIPERMAX Ⅳ GT Model IS300h IS250 IS350* AVE30 GSE30 GSE31 2AR-FSE 4GR-FSE 2GR-FSE Spring Height (mm) F=79 (8) R=88 (9) F=250 R=250 JAN Code 4957266320839 COMPONENTS 3 DAMPER *It may be changed without prior notice. Engine Spring rate N/mm (kgf/mm) Code No. 80230-AT011 ■The following suspension sets are available: Front Full Set, Rear Full Set, Front Damper Set, Rear Damper Set, Rear Ride Height Adjuster Assembly, and Rear Spring Set. (Contact your dealer for availability.) ■Some dampers’spring rate change service is available. See the application chart for availability. 1 Application Vehicle Product FULL KIT Default ride height Range (High-Low) F=−26 (0〜−72) R=−25 (0〜−61) Model Year 13/5〜 Code No. 80230-AT011 Upper Mount Upper Mount change Spring rate change Remarks F=Rubber R=Rubber N/A F=Available R=Available *When installing to IS350, the front spring rate is recommended to change to 88N/mm(9kgf/mm). 2 Vehicle image with product 2 HIPERMAX Ⅳ GT ANF10(HS250h)/GGA10(MARK X zio) NEW LINE-UP Next generation suspension with higher controllability for circuit driving and improved ride quality for street driving. ■Vehicle/Model HS250h / ANF10 ■Product HIPERMAX Ⅳ GT JAN Code FULL KIT 80230-AT012 4957266320846 COMPONENTS 3 DAMPER *It may be changed without prior notice. Vehicle Model Engine Model Year HS250h ANF10 2AZ-FXE 09/7〜 Spring rate N/mm (kgf/mm) Spring Height (mm) Default ride height Range (High-Low) F=49 (5) R=49 (5) F=220 (Barrel) R=200 (Barrel) F=−47 (0〜−46) R=−49 (0〜−71) Upper Mount change Spring rate change N/A F=Available R=Available F=Rubber R=Normal Code No. ■The following suspension sets are available: Front Full Set, Rear Full Set, Front Damper Set, Rear Damper Set, Rear Ride Height Adjuster Assembly, and Rear Spring Set. (Contact your dealer for availability.) ■Some dampers’spring rate change service is available. See the application chart for availability. 1 Application Upper Mount Product Code No. 80230-AT012 Remarks 2 Vehicle image with product ■Vehicle/Model MARK X zio / GGA10 ■Product HIPERMAX Ⅳ GT Vehicle Model Engine Model Year GGA10 2GR-FE 07/9〜 Spring rate N/mm (kgf/mm) Spring Height (mm) Default ride height Range (High-Low) Code No. F=49 (5) R=49 (5) F=220 (Barrel) R=200 (Barrel) F=−30 (0〜−55) R=−25 (0〜−65) 80230-AT012 Upper Mount change Spring rate change N/A F=Available R=Available 2 Vehicle image with product memo 3 JAN Code FULL KIT 80230-AT012 4957266320846 COMPONENTS 3 DAMPER *It may be changed without prior notice. MARK X zio F=Rubber R=Normal Code No. ■The following suspension sets are available: Front Full Set, Rear Full Set, Front Damper Set, Rear Damper Set, Rear Ride Height Adjuster Assembly, and Rear Spring Set. (Contact your dealer for availability.) ■Some dampers’spring rate change service is available. See the application chart for availability. 1 Application Upper Mount Product Remarks NEW NEW LINE-UP LINE-UP Cool Style Applicable to New Regulation enforced as of April, 2010 Cool Style 構成図 Code No. 31028-AH004 純正触媒側フランジ ●Vehicle ……… N-WGN Custom ●Model ……… DBA-JH1 (TURBO) ●Engine ……… S07A ●Model Year … 13/12~ Type of Muffler Main Material Diameter of Tip Diameter of Mid Pipe Exhaust Noise Stock Level HKS Vehicle's Height Height with Exhaust Measured Position System(*4) Remarks KC1 Titan (Cool Style) SUH409 (*2) φ75×2 φ42.7 (*3) 75dB (★55dB) 78dB (★59dB) 127mm Center silencer JQR No. 純正球面ガスケット ラバーステー 中間パイプ メインマフラー 純正 スプリング 純正ボルト ボルト(M10 P=1.5 L=25) プレーンワッシャ ガスケット(φ45)×2枚 プレーンワッシャ スプリングワッシャ ナット(M10 P=1.5) ボルト(M10 P=1.5 L=25) プレーンワッシャ ラバーステー テールパイプ ラバーステー スプリングワッシャ ナット(M10 P=1.5) プレーンワッシャ ガスケット(φ45) Normal HKS Remarks TANTO CUSTOM(DBA-LA600S) 構成図 純正触媒側フランジ 純正スプリング 純正球面ガスケット ●Vehicle ……… TANTO CUSTOM ガスケット 純正 ラバーステー ●Model Year … 13/10~ ナット (M10 P=1.5) スプリングワッシャ(M10) プレーンワッシャ(M10) ナット(3/8) スプリングワッシャ(M10) ボディーステー ワイヤグリップ Uボルト(3/8) 純正牽引フック Cool Style Code No. 31028-AD004 JQR No. 純正ラバーステー JQR20143015 第一中間パイプ プレートワッシャ(M10) (TURBO) ●Engine ……… KF KC1 Titan (Cool Style) SUH409 (*2) φ75×2 φ42.7 (*3) 78dB (★58dB) 83dB (★64dB) 155mm Center silencer 純正ボルト O2センサー ボルト(M10 P=1.5 L=25) ●Model ……… DBA-LA600S Type of Muffler Main Material Diameter of Tip Diameter of Mid Pipe Exhaust Noise Stock Level HKS Vehicle's Height Height with Exhaust Measured Position System(*4) Remarks JQR20143016 NEW LINE-UP N-WGN Custom(DBA-JH1) ボルト(M10 P=1.5 L=25) プレートワッシャ(M10) スプリングワッシャ(M10) ナット(M10 P=1.5) ラバーステー 第二中間パイプ ガスケット ナット(M6 P=1.0) スプリングワッシャ プレーンワッシャ メインマフラー 防振ゴム ボディステー Normal HKS Remarks プレーンワッシャ スプリングワッシャ ナット(M6 P=1.0) *2:Main material in the component figure. □ SUS304/ High quality stainless steel. ■ SUH409/ Stainless steel commonly used for stock exhaust. *3:About center pipe. Diameter of center pipe is the portion that has the largest diameter. (Excluding silencer and tip.) It is the condition with stock suspension. *4:Minimum road clearance between HKS muffler (Any parts included in the kit) and road surface. Therefore, it may be different from actual road clearance of the vehicle. The data is basically the condition with stock suspension. However, please understand that some items have data with low down spring or ride height adjustable suspension kit. Caution : Hook, bracket, stay may be changed without prior notice. ★ Exhaust noise level at idle. Application Product Compatibility to Toyota Harrier, Honda N-WGN, and Vezel Compatibility of the following products to Harrier (DBA-ZSU60W,ZSU65W/3ZR-FAE 13/11~), Vezel(DBA-RU1,RU2/L15B 13/12~), Vezel Hybrid (DAA-RU3,RU4/LEB-H1 13/12~) and N-WGN/N-WGN Custom (DBA-JH1,JH2/S07A 13/11~)has been confirmed. Vehicle HARRIER Classification DBA- Model ZSU60W,ZSU65W Engine 3ZR-FAE Model Year SUPER HYBRID FILTER SPARK PLUG HYBRID SPORTS OIL FILTER 13/11~ 70017-AT017 M-HL Series VEZEL DBA- RU1,RU2 L15B 13/12~ N/A M-HL Series 52009-AK001 DAA- RU3,RU4 LEB-H1 13/12~ N/A M-HL Series 52009-AK001 N-WGN, N-WGN Custom DBA- JH1,JH2 S07A (NA) 13/11~ Remarks N/A VEZEL HYBRID S07A (TURBO) 13/11~ INFORMATION INFORMATION 70017-AH015 M-HL Series 52009-AK001 N/A M-HL Series 52009-AK001 4 Incompatibility of Exhaust System for Outlander (DBA-GF8W/4J12 12/10〜) Legamx Premium (32018-AM010) for Outlander (DBA-GF8W/4J12 12/10~) cannot be installed if the tires are INFORMATION changed to the factory option spare tires. Vehicle Classification Model Engine Model Year OUTLANDER DBA- GF8W 4J12 12/10~ Muffler Style Code No. Remarks LEGAMAX Premium 32018-AM010 Not compatible with vehicles with factory option spare tires. Incompatibility of Exhaust System for Demio (DBA-DE3FS/ZJ-VE 5MT 07/07〜) Silent Hi-power (32016-AZ006)for Demio (DBA-DE3FS/ZJ-VE 07/07~) cannot meet the acceleration noise regulatiion when installing it to 5MT. Vehicle Classification Model Engine Model Year Muffler Style DEMIO DBA- DE3FS ZJ-VE 07/07~ Silent Hi-Power Code No. Remarks 32016-AZ006 Grade「13CV」not confirmed. Not available for 4WD & 5MT. Compatibility of HIPERMAX S-style C Compatibility of S-style C (80110-AT112) for Aqua (DAA-NHP10/1NZ-FXE 11/12~) to the following vehicles has been confirmed. Vehicle Model NSP130 VITZ Engine 1NR-FE Model Year Type SCP90 2SZ-FE 05/02~10/11 SPADE NSP140 1NR-FE 12/07~ TREZIA NSP120X 1NR-FE 10/11~ S-style C Remarks 80110-AT112 EVENT INFORMATION EVENT INFORMATION 2014 HKS PREMIUM DAY in FSW」REPORT The 7th「HKS PREMIUM DAY in FSW」was successfully held in January 26, 2014. The number of visitors keeps rising every year; this event has become an annual event for HKS fans. It is usually very cold in the area of Fuji International Speedway this time of the year; however, it was warm and nice day this year. We could finish the event contents in the circuit and product displays as planned. This event could not succeed without your support and cooperation. We do appreciate for expressing your opinions to us and highly value your input. The number of visitors this year is shown below, which is the highest number ever. Again, we appreciate for your visit to HKS Premium Day in FSW. 2014 HKS PREMIUM DAY in FSW Executive Committee SUMMARY Visitors 5,335 (5,209) Exhibiting Companies 46 (51) 5 Code No. 10/12~ OPT ION FSW SUPER LAP ENTRY 45 (28) HKS CUSTOMIZED CAR CURNICAL ENTRY 127 TRACK EVNET/HIPER CHALLENGE ENTRY 148 (150) ( ) Last year number TOPICS GARAGE ACTIVE Yukuhashi, Fukuoka We are Garage Active in Fukuoka. We can handle various types of GT-R such as the latest R35 GT-R, BNR34 GT-R, Drag specs BCNR33 GT-R, street specs BNR32 GT-R. We own many democars with various specifications. We collect and affirm many data by actual driving of our demo cars under various situations, and we feedback them to our customers' cars. We support a permanent preservation of GT-R as well as tuning. Also, We have a demo car using many of HKS parts. Please visit us if you come to this area. You are always welcomed! TOPICS HKS Pro SHOP GARAGE ACTIVE /t-get works t-get works Gyouda, Saitama We are t-get in Saitama. We have been in this business for 19 years. We suggest many ways of tuning for various type of cars such as GT-R, Impreza, RX-7, R35, 86, BR-Z, etc. using our 19 years of accumulated experience and knowledge. We are making great effort to let our customers know the fun of tuning. We are the F-CON Meister and Expert; so, the total tuning and settings using F-CON V Pro, F-CON iS, and Flash Editor are offered with our great deal of experience. Also, we can advise and plan together with our customer to meet various requests. We always suggest the best and totally balanced tuning plan with a customer's budget. Please visit us. We welcome all of customers here. Address 1407-1 Imai, Yukuhashi, Fukuoka Address 3-1-2 Fujiwara-cho, Gyouda, Saitama TEL 0930-25-4488 TEL 048-554-1345 URL http://www.g-active.co.jp/ URL http://www.t-get.com/ Business Hour Weekday: 9:30〜20:00 Weekend & Holidays: 9:30〜19:00 Business Hour 10:00~20:00 Close Close Tuesday Monday 6 3 2014.vol. BEST LAP : 1'39.853 HKS Co., Ltd. ● Head Office 7181 Kitayama, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka 418-0192, Japan http://www.hks-power.co.jp/ Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited. The applications were confirmed by JANUARY 2014. ■Prices shown in this publication are the manufacturer's suggested retail price. ■Specifications may be changed without prior notice. Printed product images shown in this publication may be different from the actual product. ■HKS will not be responsible for any damage caused by improper installation and/or installing to other inapplicable vehicles. ■The product may not be compatible with vehicles even the model and/or engine type are the same as shown in the application chart. ■Data shown in this publication are based on the in-house data prepared under certain conditions.
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