URA セミナー開催要項 「UC-Irvine に学ぶ外部資金獲得支援〜国際リサーチデベロップメントへの挑戦〜」 1.日 時 平成 26 年 6 月 12 日(木)14:00~15:40 2.場 所 筑波大学 産学リエゾン共同研究センター(ILC) 106号室 3.趣 旨 URA 研究支援室では、昨年秋よりカリフォルニア大学アーバイン校(UC-Irvine)との大学間 研究連携を模索する中で、同校のリサーチデベロップメントオフィスと協力して研究者交流を 支援してきた。UC-Irvine リサーチデベロップメントチームは、外部資金獲得支援に特化した活 動を展開している。またチーム長は全米リサーチデベロップメントプロ組織(NORDP)の役員とし ても活躍されるなど、その経験と知識は筑波大 URA が取り組む外部資金獲得支援に大いに役立 つものである。 UC-Irvine リサーチデベロップメントチーム長 Jacob E. Levin 氏が来日するこの機会に、 UC-Irvine での外部資金獲得支援状況と NORDP の活動について、本学 URA および教職員に対して ご紹介いただけることとなった。また合わせて、本学と UC-Irvine 間で進められている研究連 携の支援状況について紹介し、今後 URA 研究支援室が国際研究連携支援に取り組むことへの期 待、要望など意見交換を行う。 4.対 象 筑波大学 URA、学生(URA 希望者)、研究者、および研究支援職員等 5.日 程 案 13:30 受付開始 14:00 開始 司会進行 加藤 英之 主幹 URA 筑波大学 URA 研究支援室 趣旨説明 藤根 和穂 主任 URA 筑波大学 URA 研究支援室 14:05~14:35「UC-Irvine Research Development Office & National Organization of Research Development Professionals (NORDP)」(仮) Jacob E. Levin Ph.D. Assistant Vice Chancellor - Research Development, UC-Irvine. 14:35~14:55 Q & A 14:55~15:10「Promotion of international collaborative research between University of Tsukuba and UC-Irvine」 Kazuho “Kazu” Fujine Ph.D Associate Research Administrator, University of Tsukuba. 15:10~15:15 Q&A 15:15~15:35 全体議論「海外大学とのリサーチデベロップメント連携について」 閉会挨拶 TBD 15:40 閉会 「外部資金獲得支援に関して URA に望むこと」 産学リエゾン共同研究センターのご案内 大学中央口 国土地理院 学園平 第二エリア前 第二エリア前 筑波実験 植物園 松見口案内 センター 北駐車場 妻木 交差点 i 遺伝子実験センター TARA センター前 筑波学院 大学 北大通り 筑波大学 スプレス 春 日 地 区 →大学循環左回り けやき通り 筑波大学 附属病院 つくばエク つくばセンター ⑥ 番バス乗り場 研究学園駅 筑波大学中央 本部棟 土浦 学園 線 【 駐 車 場 に つ い て 】 駐車証は産学連携課事務室にて発行いたします。 i マークの松見口案内センターまたは中央口案内センターでは 中央通り線 ルートのご案内のみいたします。 至 水戸 学園 筑波宇宙 センター ( JAX A) TX出口A3 通り さ さ ぎ 大角豆 交差点 R354 R イ 6バ TX 出口 A4 パス 至 水戸 R6 土浦 谷田部 I .C つ く ば 牛 久 I. C 至 東京 駅 つくばクレオスクエア つ く ば J CT 道 ② ③ ① ④ バス降り場 常磐 車 自動 エレベーター ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ t Q’ 至 上野 ひたち野 うしく駅 至 成田 駅 荒川沖 タクシー のりば TX 出口 A5 桜 土 浦 I. C ⑧ バス発券窓口・待合所 産業技術 総合研究所 ( AIS T) 東大 学園西大通り R408 サイエンス大通り つくば駅 つくばセンター バスターミナル つ くば中央 I .C TARA センター前 P ゆりのき通り つくば 市役所 TARA センター B棟 塚線 8 0 4 R 至 秋葉原 春日 1 丁目 交差点 産学リエゾン 共同研究 センター 台坪 交差点 東大通り 柴崎 交差点 i A棟 P 筑波大学中央 本部棟 ◆JR「土浦駅/ひたち野うしく駅」からバスの場合 ・ [筑波大学中央行バス/約35分]̶「第二エリア前」下車。 ・ 「つくばセンター」 で乗り換えて筑波大学循環バス(右・左回り)は 「TARAセンター前」下車。徒歩3分。 ↑大学循環右回り 筑波大学 産学リエゾン 共 同 研 究 セ ンター ◆TX「つくばセンター」からバスの場合 ・ [筑波大学中央行バス/約10分]̶「第二エリア前」下車。 ・ [筑波大学循環バス (右・左回り)]ー「TARAセンター前」下車。 i 徒歩3分。 I Research Development A set of strategic, proactive, catalytic, and capacity-building activities designed to facilitate individual faculty members, teams of researchers, and central research administrations in attracting extramural research funding, creating relationships, and developing and implementing strategies that increase institutional competitiveness. n a time of dwindling research funding and significant shifts in national and international funding priorities, many universities have chosen to invest in a strong institutional knowledge base to support, and even grow, their research enterprise. To ensure success, investing in dedicated professionals with extensive knowledge of the national and international competitive research landscape is essential. These professionals perform a broad array of activities designed to facilitate the effort of individual faculty members, teams of researchers, and central research administrations to attract extramural research funding, create research relationships, and develop and implement strategies that increase institutional competitiveness. NORDP is the leading professional organization designed to provide professional training, mentoring and networking opportunities in the challenging field of Research Development. Alicia Knoedler, Ph.D. NORDP President Benefits of Developing a Relationship with NORDP - access to a nationwide network of strategically-placed administrators who interface with Deans/VPs/VCs of Research and faculty - liaisons with faculty experts and senior academic leadership for input on position papers, RFPs, and sponsored conferences - easy and broad dissemination of material for informative or evaluative purposes - institutional coordination to implement regional workshops by agency staff - encourages diverse responses to RFPs through diverse membership - enables proactive responses to novel RFPs - coordination of multiple universities, encouraging regional or national collaboration Research Development Professionals Provide National Organization of Research Development Professionals 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2250 Chicago, IL 60606 1-855-737-3381 [email protected] www.nordp.org - funding opportunity identification and targeted dissemination grant/contract proposal development strategic initiatives for research technical writing and editing research team building interaction with funding agencies and governmental offices limited submissions review process coordination with institutional research administration and leadership training and outreach activities a resource for institutional knowledge and information NORDP 6th Annual Research Development Conference May 19-21, 2014 Portland, Oregon More information available at: http://nordp.org/conferences NORDP Officers Alicia Knoedler, Ph.D. NORDP President Associate Vice President for Research and Director, Center for Research Program Development & Enrichment University of Oklahoma David Stone, Ph.D. NORDP Vice President and President-Elect Associate Vice President, Division of Research and Graduate Studies Northern Illinois University Anne Windham, Ph.D. NORDP Secretary Assistant Dean of the Faculty Brown University Peggy Sundermeyer, Ed.D. NORDP Treasurer Executive Director, Research Advancement University of Minnesota Ann McGuigan, Ph.D. NORDP Immediate Past President Director of Research Development The University of Arizona NORDP Board of Directors Jeffrey M. Anderson, Ph.D. Associate Vice President for Research, Florida Atlantic University John M. Carfora, Ed.D., CCEP Associate Vice-Provost for Research Advancement and Compliance Loyola Marymount University Matthew Christian, M.B.A. Associate Dean, Division of the Social Sciences University of Chicago Rachel Dresbeck, Ph.D. Director, Research Development & Communications , Oregon Health & Science University Jacob Levin, Ph.D. Assistant Vice Chancellor, Research Development, University of California, Irvine Marjorie Piechowski, Ph.D. Director Emerita of Research Support, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Jaine Place Director of Research Proposal Development, North Carolina State University NORDP Members’ Institutions ALABAMA Auburn Univ. HudsonAlpha Inst. Univ. of Alabama Tuscaloosa Univ. of Alabama Birmingham Univ. of Alabama Huntsville Univ. of South Alabama ARKANSAS Univ. of Central Arkansas ARIZONA Arizona State Univ. Univ. of Arizona CALIFORNIA Alliance for Commercialization of Technology Cal State Chico Cal State Dominguez Hills Cal State Fullerton Cal State Monterey Bay Cal State Sacramento Cal State San Diego Cal Tech Chapman Univ. Claremont Colleges Grant Writers Seminars & Workshops Loyola Marymount Univ. Mission Viejo Research National Univ. Salk Inst. Skid Row Housing Trust Southern California Inst. Of Architecture Stanford Univ. UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Merced UC Office of the President UC Riverside UC San Diego UC San Francisco UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz Univ. of San Diego Univ. of Southern California Univ. of the Pacific COLORADO Colorado State Univ. Metropolitan State Univ. of Denver Univ. of Colorado Boulder Univ. of Colorado Denver Univ. of Northern Colorado CONNECTICUT Yale Univ. DELAWARE Univ. of Delaware FLORIDA Brevard Public Schools Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ. Florida Atlantic Univ. Florida International Univ. Nova Southeastern Univ. Sanford-Burnham Inst. Univ. of Central Florida Univ. of Florida Univ. of North Florida Univ. of South Florida GEORGIA Emory Univ. Georgia Southern Univ. Georgia Tech Univ. of Georgia Valdosta State Univ. IOWA Grinnell College Iowa State Univ. Univ. of Iowa Univ. of Northern Iowa IDAHO Boise State Univ. Univ. of Idaho ILLINOIS Aurora Univ. DePaul Univ. Kaplan Univ. Illinois Inst. of Technology Loyola Univ. Northern Illinois Univ. Northwestern Univ. Southern Illinois Univ. The Tobin Touch Univ. of Chicago Univ. of Illinois Chicago Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign INDIANA Butler Univ. Indiana Univ. Bloomington Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Indianapolis Purdue Univ. Taylor Univ. Univ. of Notre Dame KANSAS Kansas State Univ. Univ. of Kansas KENTUCKY Univ. of Kentucky Univ. of Louisville LOUISIANA Louisiana State Univ. Health Sciences Center Shreveport Univ. of New Orleans MASSACHUSSETTS Brandeis Univ. Harvard Univ. MIT Northeastern Univ. Springfield College Tufts Univ. Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst Univ. of Massachusetts Dartmouth MARYLAND J. Rosario et Al, LLC Johns Hopkins Univ. Loyola Univ. Maryland Univ. of Maryland USDA Agricultural Research Service MICHIGAN Eastern Michigan Univ. Michigan Technological Univ. Univ. Of Detroit Mercy Univ. of Michigan Wayne State Univ. MINNESOTA Univ. of Minnesota MISSOURI Kansas City Univ. of Medicine & Biosciences Univ. of Missouri Columbia Univ. of Missouri St. Louis Washington Univ. Webster Univ. MISSISSIPPI Mississippi State Univ. Univ. of Mississippi NORTH CAROLINA Appalachian State Univ. Duke Univ. East Carolina Univ. Guilford College Hanover Research Council Johnson C. Smith Univ. N. Carolina Ag. & Tech. State Univ. North Carolina State Univ. UNC Chapel Hill UNC Charlotte UNC Greensboro Wake Forest Univ. NEBRASKA Univ. of Nebraska Lincoln Univ. of Nebraska Omaha NEVADA Univ. of Nevada Reno NEW HAMPSHIRE Keene State College Plymouth State Univ. Univ. of New Hampshire NEW JERSEY Cancer Inst. of New Jersey Montclair State Univ. Rutgers Univ. NEW MEXICO New Mexico State Univ. Santa Fe Inst. Univ. of New Mexico NEW YORK Battalia Winston Bronx Charter School for Excellence Columbia Univ. Cornell Univ. CUNY Borough of Manhattan CC CUNY City Univ. CUNY Staten Island Elsevier Hunter College InfoEd Global John Jay College Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Cent. North Shore-LIJ Health System Rockefeller Univ. Rochester Inst. of Technology Salisbury Univ. St. John Fisher College St. John’s Univ. SUNY Buffalo SUNY Inst. Of Technology Syracuse Univ. The New School Univ. Of Rochester OHIO Case Western Reserve Univ. Harris / IIC Partners Miami Univ. Ohio State Univ. Ohio Univ. Heritage College Univ. of Dayton OKLAHOMA Univ. of Oklahoma Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Oklahoma State Univ. OREGON Lewis & Clark College Oregon Health & Science Univ. Univ. of Oregon Western Oregon Univ. Willamette Univ. PENNSYLVANIA Carnegie Mellon Univ. Lehigh Univ. Penn State Univ. PPG Industries, Inc. Temple Univ. Univ. of Pittsburgh Univ. of Scranton RHODE ISLAND Brown Univ. Johnson & Wales Univ. Providence College Rhode Island College Rhode Island School of Design Univ. of Rhode Island SOUTH CAROLINA Clemson Univ. Coastal Carolina Univ. Medical Univ. of South Carolina SOUTH DAKOTA Univ. of South Dakota TENNESSEE Tennessee Technological Univ. Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville TEXAS Academic Research Funding Strategies Angelo State Univ. Baylor Univ. Konstantinidis Consulting Methodist Hospital Research Inst. Rice Univ. Southern Methodist Univ. Strategic Research Development & Evaluation Texas A&M Univ. College Station Texas A&M Univ. Corpus Christi Texas A&M Univ. Engineering Experiment Station Texas Heart Inst. Texas Southern Univ. Texas State Univ. San Marcos Texas Tech Univ. Texas Woman’s Univ. Univ. of Houston Univ. of North Texas Univ. of Texas Austin Univ. of Texas Dallas Univ. of Texas Medical Branch Galveston West Texas A&M Univ. UTAH Brigham Young Univ. Univ. of Utah Utah State Univ. VERMONT Univ. of Vermont VIRGINIA Christopher Newport Univ. Eastern Virginia Medical School George Mason Univ. James Madison Univ. Longwood Univ. Old Dominion Univ. Radford Univ. Virginia Commonwealth Univ. Virginia Tech West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine WASHINGTON Seassociates, Ltd. Univ. of Washington Washington State Univ. Vancouver WASHINGTON DC AAAS George Washington Univ. Hanover Research Council MWW Group Smithsonian Institution WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia Univ. WISCONSIN Carroll Univ. Univ. of Wisconsin Milwaukee INTERNATIONAL Ana G. Mendez Univ. System, Puerto Rico Austrian Research Promotion Agency Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, Netherlands Inst. de Empresa Business School, Spain McGill Univ., Canada Nara Inst. of Science and Tech., Japan National Univ. of Ireland Maynooth Univ. of Bath, United Kingdom Univ. of British Columbia, Canada Univ. of Ottawa, Canada Univ. of Melbourne, Australia Univ. of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands © 2013 National Organization of Research Development Professionals. All Rights Reserved.
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