(1) 教 員 フリガナ ブライアン ジェイ イングリッシュ 氏 名 (Name) Brian J. English 学 個 人 歴 年月 (YYMM) 2002 May 1999 May 1998 May 1983 May 事 調 書 (Academic 項 (CV) Record) (Descriptions) University of Southern California, Ph.D. in International/Intercultural Education. Course work included a focus on environmental studies, a review of issues related to program development , and specific training in qualitative and quantitative research methods for evaluating and analyzing educational settings. The emphasis of my research has been on social learning, organizational learning and empowerment in community-based education programs. University of Southern California, M.S., Teaching English as a Second Language Completed course work includes: Course Design for ESL; Cultural Transmission in Education; Sociology of Education; Technology in Education. University of Southern California, M.S., International Education. Graduated as a member of the Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society. Completed course work includes: The Role of Language in International Education; Administration of Higher Education; Education in Asia; TESOL Methods. University of Michigan Dearborn, B.A. with a double major in English and Psychology 職 歴 年月 (YYMM) 事 (Career 項 Record) (Descriptions) Tama University-- School of Global Studies- Professor/ Co-Director of the Academic English Program 教授(英語教育)/ Duties include designing and implementing curriculum for the Academic English Program, writing 2014 年4月~ exams and participating in committee projects. From 2012 to the present, duties also include scheduling, planning and various administrative tasks as a Co-Director of the AEP program. Tama University-- School of Global Studies- Associate Professor 准教授 (英語教育)/ Duties include designing and implementing curriculum for the Academic English Program, writing exams and participating in committee 2011 年4月~ projects. From 2012 to the present, duties also include scheduling, 2014 年3月 planning and various administrative tasks as a Co-Director of the AEP program. 2006年3月~ 2011 年2月 Konkuk University 准教授(英語教育)Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Chung Ju, Korea, March 2006 – Feb. 2011. Graduate Courses Taught: Theory of Second Language Acquisition, ESL/EFL Teaching Methods, Practical Application of Teaching Methods and Course Design. Undergraduate Courses Taught: Academic Writing Courses, English Speech and Professional Communication, Pronunciation and Listening. 2004年8月 Woosong University 准教授(英語教育プログラム開発) Director of Woosong ~2006年2月 Language Institute/Assistant Professor, Woosong University MA TESOL program, Woosong Educational Foundation, Daejeon Korea, Supervised fifty foreign instructors, designed and implemented teacher training programs, scheduled courses, chaired graduate theses, liaison for Korean faculty and administration. 2003年1月 University of Southern California アシスタントダイレクター Assistant ~2004年6月 Director of Professional Development, International Public Policy and Management Program, Duties include academic monitoring of this graduate program's students, managing teaching assistants, developing curriculum and web-based supplemental instruction, teaching professional presentation skills and professional writing skills. 2002年8月 University of Southern California TESOL(准教授) Adjunct Associate ~2003年5月 Professor, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. The duties of this position were to design and teach graduate level courses for students enrolled in the M.S. TESOL program. 2002年8月 Los Angeles City College 英語教育方法開発 Adjunct Faculty, Los Angeles ~2003年6月 City College. Responsibilities were to develop curriculum and teach ESL classes. 1998年8月 USC American Language Institute Los Angeles 英語アシスタント講師 ~2002年12月 Assistant Lecturer, USC American Language Institute, Los Angeles, CA. Teaching English for Academic Purposes, graduate and undergraduate level writing classes, curriculum revision. During the Fall 2000 semester, I was given special duties as a supervisor’s assistant. 1998年7月 USC Language Academy, Los Angeles 英語講師 ESL Teacher. I taught ~2002年12月 various levels of oral skills, writing and grammar courses in this English for Academic Purposes program and contributed to the development of course curriculum. Most notably is a course I designed entitled, “Learning English through Current Events”. 2000年7・8月 USC Language Academy 教員トレーナー Teacher Trainer. Developed curriculum and taught classes in methodology and language acquisition for visiting teachers from Taiwan and Japan. 1997年9月 Volunteer Teacher, USC Office of International Students and Scholars (ボ ~1998年4月 ランティア) 1996年7月 カリフォルニア イングリッシュアカデミー、サンフランシスコ/NKS Japanの ~1997年6月 ジョイントベンチャー 英語講師、通訳/Teacher/Interpreter, California English Academy/NKS Japan, San Francisco, CA, July 1996-June 1997. Jointly employed by two companies as a cultural liaison for Japanese golf school students. 1992年4月 横浜 明倫高等学校 英語講師/ High School Teacher, Meirin High School, ~1996年3月 Yokohama 1993年4月 東京 プライムアカデミー ビジネス英語講師/ Business English Teacher, ~1996年3月 Prime Academy, Tokyo 1990年9月 藤沢市 B.E.A 英語講師/ English Conversation Teacher, B.E.A., Fujisawa ~1992年3月 1989年4月 サンフランシスコ 英語アカデミー 英語講師(外国人学生) / ESL Teacher, ~1990年3月 San Francisco Academy of English. Teaching and designing college prep ESL classes for foreign students. 1986年1月 横浜市 朝日コミュニティーセンター 英語講師、新任教員トレーナー / ~1988年1月 Teacher and Assistant Supervisor, ASA Community Salon, Yokohama, 1986– 1988. Developing curriculum, teaching ESL, evaluating students' progress and training new teachers. 1981年4月 ボランティアで高等学校統一テスト不合格者への教育とカウンセリングを担当/ ~1983年3月 Volunteer Educator, Project Start, Detroit, MI—1981-1983. Teaching and counseling ex-offenders for a high school equivalency test. 1980年4月 University of Michigan Dearborn, ライティングチューター / Writing Tutor ~1983年3月 at the campus writing center 学 会 及 び 社 会 に お け る 活 動 等 (Activities at Conference and Society) JALT - Japanese Association for Language Teachers (JALT) Also member of 3 Special Interest Groups 1. Global Issues for Language 現在所属している学会 Teachers, 2. Materials Developers and 3. Teacher Development. (Academic Society KOTESOL - Korean Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages Membership) ALAK- Applied Linguistics Association of Korea KAMALL- Korean Association of Media Assisted Language Learning 賞 年月(YYMM) 罰 事 (Rewards 項 * 賞罰(Rewards and Punishments): rewards: international level and Punishments)* (Descriptions) punishment: criminal records ( 2 + 3 ) 教 育 研 究 業 績 書 (Teaching and Research Record) 研 究 分 野 (Field Research) of 研究内容のキーワード (Keywords of Research) Academic Writing in EFL/ESL morpheme acquisition, error correction, inductive learning, computer-based instruction, collocation Global issues in language education critical thinking, social change, debate, sustainable development, global citizenship Cultural Adjustment of International Students study abroad, cultural adjustment, social integration, academic support systems, supplemental instruction (2)教育上の能力に関する事項 事項 (Items) 1 教育方法の実践例(Examples of Actual Teaching Experiences) (Teaching Records) 年月日 (YYMMDD) 概 要 (Descriptions) 2001年~ Experiential Learning 「私に言ったら、私は忘れるだ (現在に至る) ろう。私に教えたら、私は覚えているかもしれない。私を 巻き込んだら、私は学ぶだろう。」(“Tell me and I will forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I will learn.”) これらはベンジャミン・フラン クリンの言葉であり、私の教育哲学の基礎である。私は、 教員が学習における学生の興味を育てることにより、個々 の独立した学習者となるよう動機付けることができると信 じている。学習のプロセスの中に学生を巻き込んでいくこ とは、学習者の自立性確立への道を進む上での一つのス テップである。もし語学学習者が流暢さにおいて高いレベ ルに到達しようとするならば、この学生に自信を持たせる プロセスは必要不可欠である。従って、言語習得のプロセ スを成功させるためには、語学教員は、プロセスの中で学 生の興味を高めることを通して本来学生に備わっているモ チベーションを育てるような教室環境を作り出さなければ ならない。 “Tell me and I will forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I will learn.” These words from Benjamin Franklin are the foundation of my teaching philosophy. I believe that by nurturing students’ interest in learning, a teacher is able to inspire students to become individual learners. Involving students in the learning process is a fundamental step on the path to building learner autonomy. This empowering process is essential if language learners are to obtain high levels of fluency. Therefore, if the language acquisition process is to be successful, language teachers need to create classroom environments that foster intrinsic motivation through enhancing student interest in the process. 1986年~ 言語習得へのコミュニカティブ・アプローチ (現在に至る) (Communicative approaches to language acquisition) 作業を基本としたエクササイズを完了 させる目的で学生をペアあるいは小グループに分けて学習 させることで、学生の対象言語による意思疎通の機会を最 大化することが可能である。加えて、グループワークとペ アワークは学生のストレス度を低減し、教室内で対象言語 を使用する上での心理的な抵抗を軽くすることができる。 しかしながら、学生の新しい語彙や文法的構造の習得に好 ましい効果を及ぼすために採用する、このような教室内で の学生中心のアプローチのためには、教員はほぼ同時に ファシリテーター、マネージャー、ダイレクターとなれる ことが求められる。おそらく、より重要なことは、教員は 学生の手助けとなる必要があるという点である。これによ り教員は、いかにして教室内での課題を越えて、授業外で も対象言語を練習することができるのかを学生に指導する ことができる。Having students work in pairs or small groups to complete task-based exercises can maximize opportunities for student interaction in the target language. Additionally, group work and pair work also reduce stress levels of students so they feel less inhibited to use the target language in class. However, for such student-centered approaches in the classroom to have a positive effect on students’ acquisition of new vocabulary and grammatical structures, teachers need to be able to be facilitators, managers and directors almost simultaneously. It is necessary to monitor groups and keep students on task while managing the classroom time effectively. Perhaps more importantly, teachers need to be resources so they can guide students on how to go beyond the classroom tasks and practice the target language outside of class. 2003年~ インターネットを使用した補完的指導 (現在に至る) (Web-based supplemental instruction) 大学生の興 味を引く教材を用いることで学生のモチベーションのレベ ルを上げることが可能である。インターネットは教員に とって貴重な財産となった。それは、教員が適切で有意義 な教材を考案するために使用可能な信頼のおける英文テキ ストを掲載した大量のウェブサイトが存在するからであ る。さらに、マルチメディア資料と作業を基本とした課題 とのコンビネーションは、学生のモチベーションのレベル を上げ、居心地が良く、英語によるコミュニケーションの 練習を促す上で好都合である。教室内で学生をさらに巻き 込み、言語習得プロセス上で教室外でもより積極的になる よう働きかけることを通して、教員は学生に、より成功し た語学学習者となる自信を与えることができる。Using materials that interest university students can raise motivation levels. The internet has become a valuable resource for teachers because there are a plethora of websites with authentic English texts that teachers can use to design appropriate and meaningful lesson material. Furthermore, the combination of multi-media material with task-based assignments can be advantageous to raising motivational levels and creating a classroom environment that is comfortable and conducive to practicing English communication. Through involving students more in the classroom and encouraging them to take a more active role in the language acquisition process outside the classroom, teachers can empower students to be more successful language learners. Bridging Structures -- An academic writing 2 作成した教科書、教材(Materials and Text books made for teaching) 3 教育上の能力に関する自己評価(Self evaluation of own teaching competency) 4 実務の経験を有するものの特記事項 (Special remarks for those who have experiences of non-academic careers) text book for C-level students in the AEP. Bridging Views -- An academic writing text book for A and B-level students in the AEP. Web-based Supplemental Instruction -- A website with extensive materials available for all AEP teachers and students: http://sgsaep.weebly.com/ Although there are some specific challenges to teaching students with low English proficiency, I approach those challenges with realistic goals, optimism, encouragement and patience. Based on the work that students have produced in my writing classes, I believe there have been significant improvements in their academic writing. The writing classes are “high maintenance” for both the students and the teachers. However, the use of scaffolding helps students gradually understand concepts and language structures through practice before moving on to more difficult concepts and structures. For these writing classes, much of the teaching comes in the form of written feedback on assignments and during the one-to-one conferencing sessions. For a writing teacher to make a difference, it is important to be available for conferencing when students need the extra help with idea-generation, organizing and revising their essays. In my self-evaluation, I think that I have been successful in helping the students in my classes develop their critical thinking abilities to organize, write and revise academic essays. Since the listening and reading classes focus on receptive skills rather than productive skills, my approach is different. Although my goal is to increase students’ intrinsic motivation by introducing interesting material into the class, I feel I have not been completely successful in this regard. Therefore, this is a point on which I continually reflect and try to improve. Perhaps my strong point in teaching reading and listening to the B-level and C-level students is encouraging them to become individual learners by reading books and practicing listening outside of class. I try to continually raise students’ awareness of easily available materials that they can use to improve their reading and listening comprehension. Based on interaction I have had with students, I believe there have been some successes; however, realistically the students that take advantage of these supplemental materials are probably not the majority. 5 その他(Others) ( 3 ) 研 究 業 績 等 に 関 す る 事 項 著書,学術論文等の名 単著・ 称 (Title of Books 共著の and Papers) 別 (single or coauthor) (Research Records) 発行又は 発表の年月 (Date of Issues) 発行所,発表雑誌 概要 等 又は発表学会等の 名称 (Publisher/Journa ls/Conference Presentation) (Descriptions) 2-Oct-12 Publisher: CreateSpace 385 pages ISBN-10: 1477631682 ISBN-13: 9781477631683 This is an environmental novel about a Peace Corps volunteer in the Philippines. The novel also maintains an eco-feminist perspective as it implies that the environmental problems in the Philippines are a product of capitalist patriarchy. The story illuminates the connections between environmental degradation and capitalist greed while emphasizing that it is the poor, especially women and children, who suffer the most when resources become scarce. The story draws parallels between class domination and environmental degradation. 2014年3月 Tama University School of Global Studies Bulletin, Issue 6, 2013 This paper intends to offer rationale for combining the teaching of L2 reading and L2 writing as well as offer suggestions on how to design courses that bridge connections between reading material and writing assignments. The bifurcation of L2 reading and L2 writing courses can lead to incongruent pedagogical approaches and goals. An examination of the inherent relationship between reading and writing provides rationale for a reading-for-writing approach in EFL programs. This paper argues that the emergence of new junior universities in Japan deems a rethinking of the approach to faculty development initiatives so that they encompasses a greater focus on organizational development and accountability while still maintaining a reasonable degree of teacher autonomy. (著書) (Books) Tides Ebb as Islands single Dream (学術論文) (Papers) "You Write What You Read: A Case for Combining Reading and Writing in EFL Programs" single "Faculty Development single in the Balance: Autonomy vs. Accountability" 2013年3月 "Using Environmental single Themes In the Classroom" 2012年10 月 Tama University School of Global Studies Bulletin, Issue 5, 2012 KOTESOL International Conference Proceedins pp. 315-319 This paper discusses how a didactic approach of combining green themes with linguistic skill building can help students form an environmental ethic and develop critical thinking skills while acquiring relevant vocabulary and grammatical structures. "Preparing Japanese University Students for Study Abroad" single 2012年3月 SGS Bulletin #4 “The W’s of Computer-Assisted Language Learning” single “Coral Reefs Face Many Natural and Human Threats” single 2005 author/ one chapter pp. 11-27 This paper discusses the inherent challenges for Japanese international students and then explains how predeparture orientation programs can minimize the negative aspects of a prolonged cultural-adjustment period. 2010年6月 The English Reviews the theoretical rationale for Connection a using CALL approaches and then describes KOTESOL practical approaches for designing webpublication based language-learning materials. Volume 14 Issue 2 In Are the World’s Coral Reefs Threatened? A book chapter that explains the various threats to the world's coral reefs. Greenhaven Press, 2005. ISBN: 0737726970 “Integrated Coastal single Resource Management: A Prescription for Sustainable Development” 2003年12 月 Electronic Green This paper discusses how international Journal. aid agencies and NGOs interact with Also appears as a national policy makers and local chapter in communities in integrated coastal Global management programs to promote Environment: sustainable development. Problems and Policies, vol 1. 2007 ISBN: 81“The Need for Environmental Education in Schools” single 2003年4月 Teacher Focus Monthly Provides explanation of how the foci of environmental education are changing a new paradigm in education should include environmental education as an approach to curriculum design. “Ecofeminist Theory single in Sustainable Development: Moving Toward a New Environmental Paradigm” 2002年12 月 Academic Exchange Ecofeminism emerges as an alternative theory for framing the issues and answers of sustainable development. An ecofeminist perspective more fully describes the connections between environmental degradation and the social inequalities that plague the povertystricken victims of pollution, urbanization, deforestation, and other by-products of over-development. “Environmental Education in Community-Based Coastal Resource Management: A Case Study of Olango, Philippines.” single 2002年 University of Southern California Doctoral dissertation that describes the education process of developing a community-wide environmental ethic for coastal resource management. “Guidebook for International Teaching Assistants” contrib 2000年 uting author Center for Excellence in Teaching, USC As a contributing writing for the manual, I wrote Module 10, a section on support systems for International Teaching Assistants that also provided exercises in classroom management. “Cultural Adjustment of Japanese International Students” single 1998年 University of Southern California Master’s thesis describing variables that influence the success of Japanese international students in the American Higher Education system. The discussion provides suggestions for English language programs that prepare students for tertiary education in the United States. “Social Integration single and International Students.” 1999年 unpublished This is an unpublished paper that describes how supplemental instruction can increase social interaction between domestic and international students resulting in higher levels of language acquisition and core content learning. 2012年11月 This presentation emphasized the importance of looking deeper into the Joint Faculty cause and effect relationships of social Development issues when discussing controversial Workshop, Tama topics in the classroom. Opinions may University -arise from what people see on the surface School of Global of an issue. This narrow perspective can Studies and hinder critically considering all aspects Lakeland College of a political situation, health Japan challenge, environmental concern or ethnic conflict. (その他) (Others) Conference Presentations "Controversial single Issues in the Classroom: What's Under the Rock" "Using E-Texts to Foster Independent Learning" single 2011年11月 JALT Conference, This presentation describes how EFL Tokyo Japan, instructors can build E-texts and Eportfolios that promote learner autonomy through raising students’ interest in English language websites. “Integrating Online single Materials to Facilitate the Writing Process” 2011年10月 KOTESOL International Conference, Seoul, Korea, This presentation offers advice for university EFL writing instructors that want to design web-based writing courses that promote critical thinking and provide students with useful models that raise awareness of vocabulary use and syntax. “Paint it Green” single 2011年10月 KOTESOL International Conference, Seoul, Korea, Environmental awareness and language courses -- The major goals of introducing “green” topics into language lessons are to raise consciousness about environmental conditions and to promote environmentally appropriate behavior. “Global Perspectives: International Volunteering as Leadership Training” single 2007年10月 Konkuk University Encouraging students to volunteer Future Leaders internationally as a way of learning Association social responsibility and developing leadership skills. “English as a Global Language” single 2007年5月 Konkuk University Provides examples of how learning English Future Leaders can facilitate attaining leadership roles Association as global citizens. Also provided advice for becoming an individual learner of English. "Methodological Guidelines for Teaching Writing to ESL Students" single 2006年10月 KOTESOL, Seoul, Korea Describes approaches and methods for teaching the writing process using portfolios. Offers advice for providing feedback and using both inductive and deductive approaches to error correction. “The Who, What, Why, Where, When, and How of CALL/CALT” single Multiple dates from 2004 2007 This is a teacher-training seminar that presents guidelines for developing webbased supplemental lessons and other computer-assisted language learning methods. The Korean Government EPIK Program/Korea National University of Education “Climbing the EFL single Ladder: Getting That Next Job” 2005年10月 KOTESOL, Seoul, Korea A professional development presentation on how teachers plan their careers through involvement in learning communities, conference presentations and maintaining teaching portfolios. “MA TESOL Programs single and the Job Market” 2005年5月 “Academic Support and Supplemental Instruction for International Graduate Students” single 2003年11月 Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Western Regional Conference, Los Angeles “Tips for Teaching Writing” single 2003年4月 California Tips for motivating students, providing Teachers of feedback and developing meaningful English to writing assignments. Speakers of Other Languages (CATESOL) “Environmental single Education In Small Island Communities” 2003年3月 Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), New Orleans, LA A presentation on my doctoral research that described the factors that both facilitate and inhibit the dissemination of environmental knowledge in small island communities. “Qualitative Research in Environmental Education” single 2002年4月 USC’s Graduate Program Student Senate 5th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference Presents a theoretical basis for using qualitative research in environmental programs. Provides examples of studies and advice for researchers. “Environmental Education in Community-Based Coastal Resource Management” single 2000年1月 Greening Compares and contrasts types of Conference (UCLA) community-based programs for promoting environmental awareness. TESOL San Antonio A panel discussion on the quality of MA Texas TESOL programs, goals of MA students in TESOL and the prospects they have for employment after finishing their degrees. A summary of how learning communities, peer mentoring and online supplemental instruction were used to create an academic support system for international students in the USC-IPPAM MA program. “An Eco-Feminist Perspective of Coastal Resource Management” single 2000年2月 Graduate Program Using eco-feminism as a theoretical Student Senate framework this presentation explores how (USC) important it is to involve women in coastal resource management. “Community Empowerment in Coastal Resource Management” single 2000年3月 Comparative and A presentation on how community-based International coastal resource programs can help to Education Society empower communities. (CIES), San Antonio, Texas “American Education single Workshop” 2000年8月 USC Language Academy “Cultural Adjustment into a New Academic Environment” single 1999年8月 American Explores what measures universities can Language take to help facilitate the cultural Institute adjustment of international students. Professional Training Workshop Educational Reform in Japan” single 1997年11月 Comparative and Reviews the Japanese Ministry of International Education's reforms for English Education Education Society in Japan (CIES), Los Angeles A presentation to teachers from Taiwan and Japan about the historical and cultural background of the American education system. (4)委員会活動その他業績(Achievement of Committee Activities and Administrative Duties including Admission, Recruitment, Students' Supports and others) 事項(Items) Admissions Committee 概要(Descriptions) • Demonstration lessons • Mock interviews • AO interviews and evaluation • Providing feedback on essays for the university pre-entrance prep program • Teaching classes for the university pre-entrance prep classes in January and March • Preparing materials for the university pre-entrance prep program • Writing questions for the university entrance exam • Suggesting approaches for recruiting students Academic Affairs Committee • • • • • Advising students about classes at the beginning of the semester Monitoring 1st year students' attendance Liaising with the study support tutors about AEP assignments Attendance at fall graduation and entrance ceremonies Attendance at parents' day Chair of Entrance Exam Committee (English questions) for 2012 and 2013 • • • • • • • Duties include determining a timeline Organizing meetings Delegating duties to committee members Writing questions with the team for 6 separate exams Editing questions with the team Meeting with the printer Attendance at Tama Campus on the exam days Chairperson for the Faculty Development Committee (2012) • Contribute to the development of a "Best Teaching Practices Guide" • Chair FD meetings • Assist in organizing language lessons for faculty • Assist in the planning of the Joint Faculty Development workshops with Lakeland College Japan • Plan additional faculty development activities • Make suggestions regarding VOICE AEP Administrative • Scheduling of FT and PT teachers each semester Tasks • Coordinate writing component of AEP program • Holding norming meetings for writing teachers • Provide teaching notes and suggestions for new writing teachers • Establish guidelines for evaluating students • Oversee grading meeting at the end of the semester • Develop supplemental materials for AEP faculty • Design, maintain and manage a resource website for AEP teachers and students • Counsel and advise PT faculty that are new AEP instructors • Email announcements to AEP faculty • Liaising with the administrative co-director • Liaising with administrative staff (5)大学を代表して行なう地域及び社会的貢献(Community and Social Contribution as a representative of Tama University) 事項(Items) 概要(Descriptions) Kanagawa Education Presentation on "Communicative Approaches to Teaching Grammar" and Center Teacher workshop for Fujisawa high school and junior high school teachers. Training 8/2/13 and 8/1/12 Pre-entrance academic prep program for incoming reshman at SGS -- Dec 2012 -March 2013 High school visit to Shonan Gakuen in Yokosuka 10/20/12 Contributor to JALT's Japanese as a Second Language Newsletter 6/2012 This program involved participating in 2 workshops for incoming freshman, giving several lessons on weekends to students and providing a number of online assigments for students to complete prior to entering SGS in April. Speech Contest Judge SGS Fall Festival Speech Contest 2011 Presenter at Joint Faculty Development Workshop 10/17/2011 Kanagawa Education Center Teacher Training 8/3/11 "Computer-Assisted Instruction in University Courses" Faculty Development Joint Workshop, Tama University -- School of Global Studies and Lakeland College, Japan. University and high school tuition sponsorship for economically disadvantaged youth in Cebu, Philippines This is a personal project that I started in 2007 with the assistance of the Coastal Conservation and Education Fund (CCEF). However, since getting married, my wife and I are solely managing this initiative. Currently, we are sponsoring the education of 3 students -- 1 student to attend Cebu Institute of Technology, 1 student to attend a community college in Cebu and 1 student to attend high school. Two interactive English lessons for high school students I wrote an article entitled "Train Kanji for Beginners – Learn to Read Kanji Station-to-Station" Presentation on "Synergism: Teachers Can Bank on It!" The presentation described how to build a lesson materials resource bank of communicative language learning activities to share among faculty. This was part of a workshop for Fujisawa high school and junior high school teachers.
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