Time to start lining up... JCCC Bazaar is just around the corner! 今年も盛りだくさんJCCCバザー April Movie Night: Throne of Blood 4月映画鑑賞会:蜘蛛巣城 April 2014 2014年4月 Vol.40 Issue 4 1 In This Issue... 2013-14 JCCC Board of Directors President Gary Kawaguchi Past President/Advisor Marty Kobayashi VP, Heritage Peter Wakayama VP, Management Ann Ashley Secretary Sharon Marubashi Treasurer Chris Reid Directors Ken Fukushima Anzu Hara Chris Hope Shari Hosaki Warren Kawaguchi Lorene Nagata Christine Nakamura Jan Nobuto Cary Rothbart Ross Saito Nao Seko Takato Yamashita Advisors Mackenzie Clugston (Ambassador of Canada to Japan) Sid Ikeda Miki Kobayashi Mickey Matsubayashi Steve Oikawa Fred Sasaki Connie Sugiyama Foundation Chair Shari Hosaki JCCC Staff James Heron Executive Director [email protected] 416-441-2345 ext.224 Kathy Tazumi Accounting/General Administration Manager [email protected] 416-441-2345 ext.229 Christine Takasaki Community Events/Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] 416-441-2345 ext.221 日 系 文 化 会 館 2 JCCC Annual Bazaar 3 Toronto Japanese Film Festival 4-5 Upcoming Events 6 Spring/Summer Workshops 7-9 Community Events 11 Donations 12-13 Nikkei Heritage Musuem Inscriptions 15-16 日本語紙面 役 員 及 Calendar of Events April び Sat 5 Karaoke Club Sun 6 Asahi Book Reading ス Thurs 17 Origami Workshop Fri 18 JCCC closed –Good Friday Sat 19 Karaoke Club Thurs 24 Movie Night: Throne of Blood Sun 27 Bazaar Manju Bee Mon 28 Japanese Cooking class Haruko Ishihara Community Rentals [email protected] 416-441-2345 ext.228 タ Christine Seki Corporate Rentals/Programming and Business Development [email protected] 416-441-2345 ext.231 ッ Sally Kumagawa Membership/Database Administrator [email protected] 416-441-2345 ext.223 フ Toshiko Yamashita Heritage/Newsletter Coordinator [email protected] [email protected] 416-441-2345 ext.227 May Fri 2 Bazaar Preparation Day Yuki Hipsh Community Liaison [email protected] 416-441-2345 ext.235 Sat 3 JCCC Annual Bazaar Sat 10 Karaoke Club Sandy Chan Administrative Assistant [email protected] 416-441-2345 ext.226 Thurs 15 Movie Night: Like Father, Like Son Mon JCCC closed –Victoria Day Thurs 22 Origami Workshop Sat Karaoke Club Mon 26 Japanese Cooking Class Sat Karaoke Club Thurs 12 TJFF Opening Sat 21 Karaoke Club Mon 23 JCCC AGM Fri 27 TJFF Closing Constantin Dutescu Operations and Technical Coordinator [email protected] 416-460-3522 Maki Klotz Receptionist/Giftshop [email protected] 24 416-441-2345 ext.222 The Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre Newsletter Editors: James Heron, Kathy Tazumi, Terry Takashima, Toshiko Yamashita Japanese Section: Toshiko Yamashita, Haruko Ishihara, Maki Klotz Cover Picture: Photo by Toby Simes Your news is welcome! Please send articles to: [email protected] or Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre 6 Garamond Court, Toronto, ON M3C 1Z5 tel 416-441-2345 fax 416-441-2347 [email protected] The submission deadline for the May issue is Thursday April 10, 2014. 日本語の記事も受け付けています。5月号の締め切りは2014年4月10日(木) です。 2 19 June 7 JCCC Annual Bazaar Bazaar Volunteering Opportunities The JCCC Annual Bazaar committee is busy organizing our biggest one-day fundraiser of the year! So mark your calendar for Saturday May 3, 2014 from 12:00pm to 4:00pm. Please note the new starting time of noon this year as we are opening a half hour earlier. You don’t want to arrive and find that all the best bargains are gone!! As usual, the Annual Bazaar is a shopping extravaganza with great deals on Noritake tableware, logoware, lawn accessories, gardening items, baked goods, etc., plus lots of white/pink elephant treasures and, of course, our Silent Auction with some great products to bid on. There will also be lots of food for sale such as sushi, udon, tempura - for take home or dining in while you take a break from your shopping spree. Please come and support your JCCC! We welcome donations of all kinds – baked goods (including cakes, pies, cookies, squares, etc), Japanese food (including manju, sekihan, chirashi, bento, etc), white elephant, new products, etc. Non-perishable donations can be dropped off at the JCCC reception desk anytime. Perishable donations that can be refrigerated can be accepted on May 2nd and of course on the 3rd. While we appreciate everyone’s generosity, we ask that you please DO NOT donate clothing. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Christine Takasaki at 416-441-2345 ext. 221 or christinet@ jccc.on.ca. From now to the day of the event, a lot of work is needed to ensure that our annual Bazaar is a success! We have many opportunities for volunteers. NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY! There are jobs for everyone, from those who need high school volunteer hours to those of us who are “young at heart” (over Grade 10). Time commitments can be tailored according to your availability. Types of work in need of volunteer help are as follows: Date: Time: Admission: Manju Bee: Sunday April 27, 2014 • Making Manju and packaging (10:00am - afternoon) Preparation Day: Friday, May 2, 2014 • Setting up the areas for all JCCC sales (Anytime between 9:30am to 4:00pm) • Making Inarizushi and food prep (12:30pm to 5:00pm) On the day of the Bazaar: Saturday, May 3, 2014 Sushi Bee: before the doors open (7:00am-11:30am) • Making Maki sushi During the Bazaar: Saturday May 3, 2014 • Parking Attendant (10:00am-1:00pm, 12:00pm-3:00pm) • Crowd Control at the door (11:00am-3:00pm) • Gift Shop (11:00am-4:30pm) • Food Booth (10:00am-5:00pm) • Kitchen Help (9:00am-2:00pm, 11:00am-5:00pm) • Food Service (11:00am-5:00pm) • Clean-up (3:00pm-7:00pm) And many more! To sign up for any volunteer work, please contact Yuki Hipsh at [email protected] or 416-441-2345 ext.235 Saturday May 3, 2014 12:00pm - 4:00pm Free April Movie: Throne of Blood JCCC LIBRARY SCHEDULE TUE/THURS/FRI 10am – 2pm (non-lending hours) WED 1pm – 5pm (lending hours) SAT 1pm – 5pm (lending hours) SUN/MON closed Library Closing Days Fri. Apr. 18, Sat. May 3, Sat. May 19 Kurosawa’a 1957 masterpiece comes to the Kobayashi Hall A vivid, visceral masterpiece, Throne of Blood, directed by Akira Kurosawa, sets Shakespeare’s Macbeth in a ghostly, fog-enshrouded landscape in feudal Japan. As a hardened warrior who rises savagely to power, Toshiro Mifune gives a remarkable, animalistic performance, as does Isuzu Yamada as his ruthless wife. Throne of Blood fuses classical Western tragedy with formal elements taken from Noh theater to create an unforgettable cinematic experience. Date: Thursday April 24, 2014 Time: 7:00pm Admission: $8 JCCC members, $10 non- members 3 The Toronto Japanese Film Festival is Back and Bigger for 2014! The Toronto Japanese Film Festival is dedicated to showcasing the finest Japanese films that have been recognized for excellence by Japanese audiences and critics, international film festival audiences and the Japanese Film Academy. Our 2012 and 2013 festivals attracted large crowds, a broad demographic from all over the city and exit surveys indicating that audiences genuinely enjoyed the films. For our 2014 festival, we have worked hard to find a wide range of films that represent the broad spectrum of great film created in Japan. We have an exciting line-up of films this year; we invite you to enjoy yourselves and thank you for being part of this year’s festival. The 2014 festival will be held from June 12 to 27 and will feature 18 films including many North American and Canadian premieres. Some highlights include: • The Canadian premiere of Yuzo Asahara’s A TALE OF SAMURAI COOKING starring Aya Ueto and Kengo Kora and featuring an opening reception catered by Kaiseki Yuzen Hashimoto. • The North American premiere of Yoshihiro Nakamura’s fast paced thriller THE SNOW WHITE MURDER CASE, one of the most anticipated movies of 2014, starring Mao Inoue and Go Ayano. Director Nakamura will be joining us at the festival to introduce his film and meet his Toronto fans. • The North American premiere of Takashi Yamazaki’s (Always: Sunset on 3rd Street) THE ETERNAL ZERO, still in Japanese theatres and one of 10 most popular films in Japanese cinema history! Starring Jun’ichi Okada and Mao Inoue. • Canadian premiere of Yoji Yamada’s 2014 adaptation of Kiyoko Nakajima’s Naoki Prize-winning novel, THE LITTLE HOUSE. Haru Kuroki won for the Best Actress Award at the Berlin Film Festival 2104 for her role. Also with Takako Matsu, Hidetaka Yoshioka, Chieko Baisho, Satoshi Tsumabuki. • The Canadian premiere of Shin Togashi’s OSHIN the new film version the beloved NHK drama. • The Canadian premiere of Yasuo Furuhata’s SHONEN H based on the huge best seller and nominated for the Japanese Academy Award for Best Film of the Year. • The North American premiere of Miki Takahiro’s romantic fantasy GIRL IN THE SUNNY PLACE starring Arashi’s Jun Matsumoto and Juri Ueno. • The Canadian premiere of Satoshi Nagai’s hilarious advertising industry comedy JUDGE! starring Satoshi Tsumabuki and Keiko Kitagawa • The Toronto premiere of Nobu Mizuta’s (Maiko Haaaan!) wild comedy on Japanese manners, THE APOLOGY KING with Sadao Abe and Mao Inoue. And that’s just the tip of the cinematic iceberg. Please check our website torontojff.com for more details. Tickets go on sale May 1 at 10:00am. Per screening, JCCC members are $10 ($40 for a 5 film pass, $80 for 10 film pass) and non-members are $12 ($45 for a 5 film pass, $90 for 10 film pass). Five-film pass buyers receive a $38 SHISEIDO beauty package + evening bag (150 available). Ten-film pass purchasers receive a $94 SHISEIDO cosmetic pouch and beauty package (50 passes available). Tickets for individual screening also available. In the 51 years since the opening of the JCCC, film has been an important tool in creating friendship, understanding and exchange between the Japanese and broader Canadian communities. We look forward to seeing you at the festival! 4 Kamp Kodomo Summer Sessions Play Ball! Calling Asahi Baseball Fans! Mark your calendars and don’t miss out on the all the summer fun at the JCCC!!! Kamp Kodomo’s summer session has started registration. Join us for a busy week filled with sessions covering a wide range of activities including martial arts, ikebana, origami, folklore, language, and so much more! The camp operates from 9:00am to 4:30pm from Monday to Friday. Photo courtesy of Jerome Sessions will run on July 7 – 11, July 14 – 18, and July 21 – 25. 2014. Fees Geronimo. for this program are $200 per child for a 5-day session. A 10 % discount will be applied for JCCC family members and additional children from the same family will receive a 5% discount. If you register before April 30th, you get the earlybird pricing of just $180 per child! Extended camp care is available from 8:00am to 9:00am and from 4:30pm to 6:00pm with an additional cost of $35 per session. Camp fees cover all materials, two nutritious snacks per day, and a special activity each week. Campers are required to bring a lunch and drink. Registration has already begun and the registration deadline is June 27, 2014 and Kamp Kodomo’s maximum attendance is 20 children per session. For more information or to register, please consult the enclosed flyer, call 416-441-2345 or check the website at www.jccc.on.ca. It's the 100th Anniversary of the legendary Asahi Baseball Team -- Canadian Baseball Hall of Famers Join us in celebrating their amazing history by attending the book launch and reading of DIAMOND GODS OF THE MORNING SUN by author Ron Hotchkiss, on Sunday April 6, 2014 at 2:00pm in the JCCC Heritage Lounge. Reading will be followed by refreshments and book signing. Free admission. Preregistration will be appreciated. Please call 416-441-2345 to register. Now Hiring Kamp Kodomo at the JCCC is looking for an energetic, fun-loving individual to lead this summer’s series of day camp sessions. The candidate’s main responsibilities are the planning, organization and leadership of all Kamp Kodomo activities, and the supervision of children between the ages of 6 and 12. In addition, the candidate will ensure that the necessary equipment and supplies are available and the supervise student volunteers. They will also perform administrative duties to support the program. Candidates should have excellent organizational and communication skill with fluency in English (some Japanese language skill is preferred but not essential). Preference will be given to candidates with a post secondary certificate/degree in education or recreation (ECE, ECA, B.Ed.) or equivalent, and a valid First Aid certificate. The successful applicant will need to complete a Criminal Reference Check. The eligibile candidate will be available from July 7 – 25, 2014. This is a contract position and remuneration is commensurate with skills. Please send resume by April 21, 2014. By mail to: Christine Takasaki JCCC 6 Garamond Court Toronto ON M3C 1Z5 By email to [email protected] or by fax to 416-441-2347. Mark Saturday, July 5th on Calendars for Nostalgia Night your Nostalgia Night is a night for....nostalgia!! It’s a time to meet up and re-connect with friends both current and past, see displays of the groups being honoured, catch up with club members and share memories built over the years. And, of course, it is a time to enjoy great Japanese Canadian cuisine with family, friends, and people from our community. This year, we are extremely pleased to be honouring four groups who continue to support and further the Japanese cultural arts at the JCCC - Bunka Shishu, Ikebana (Ikenobo and Sogetsu), Shodo, and Sumi-e. We are really looking forward to everyone joining us at Nostalgia Night to honour these four groups. Nostalgia Night is on Saturday July 5, 2014 from 3:00pm to 8:00pm, and you definitely won’t want to miss out on this event. After such an overwhelmingly positive and encouraging response from last year’s function, we are continuing with an early bird registration special. For JCCC members who register prior to Friday June 6, the cost is $15 and $20 for non-members. After June 6 the price will be $20 for JCCC members and $25 for non-members. Children under the age of six, $5. The final registration deadline for this event is Friday June 27. New this year, registrants may reserve tables of ten (10). Tables reserved prior to the June 6 early bird deadline may be reserved for $150, and after June 6 the cost will be $200. To reserve a table for 10 you will need to confirm your full payment and provide the list of people who will be at your table. For those who do not wish to reserve a table of 10, we will be providing table cards so that you can place your name at an unreserved table allowing you to reserve your seat and still be able to enjoy the activities in Shokokai Court. Don’t miss out on this great event - register early!! EISA by Karakoro back in August 2014 Following the success of a spectacular Eisa show performed at the JCCC in summer 2013, Okinawan dance and music performer group Karakoro will be back again on Sunday August 10, 2014. Karakoro has become even more Photo courtesy of David Ohashi. powerful and dynamic, and they will perform a different repertoire of Eisa, including the world of Kenji Miyazawa, on the stage this year. Please see details in the May newsletter. 5 6 Sakura Gala Celebrates the Best of Canadian and Japanese Culture The Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre will host the Sixth Annual Sakura Gala on Saturday November 22, 2014. The Sakura Gala is the JCCC’s highest profile fundraising event of the year. It is the only fundraiser that brings together the best of Canadian and Japanese entertainment, cuisine, art, business and style, and honours exceptional individuals for their promotion or contribution to Japanese culture. The Sakura Gala is a highly anticipated event on the Toronto calendar and the JCCC is looking forward to another exciting and successful gala. The 2014 Sakura Gala will posthumously honour Japanese diplomat, Chiune Sugihara, and will also honour the Jewish community in Toronto. All proceeds raised through the Sakura Gala will be directed to the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre’s Legacy Campaign, which exists to raise funds in support of the JCCC’s capital expansion, on-going cultural and heritage programming, and the JCCC Foundation. Please visit the gala website: www.sakuragala.com. If you have any questions, we welcome them and look forward to hearing from you. To receive information about ticket/table sales, sponsorship opportunities, how to donate an auction item or to purchase an ad in the Gala programme, please call or email Sarah Burd at 416249-0788 or [email protected] Keep checking the JCCC newsletter for updates on the Sixth Annual Sakura Gala. Be sure to save the date – November 22, 2014! Spring & Summer Ukulele Class Ukulele is a Hawaiian instrument that has also gained much popularity in Japan. In this popular class, students will learn to play and sing lots of Hawaiian as well as Japanese and English folk songs. There are 2 classes running at the JCCC – high beginner and low beginner. If you are interested in joining one of these classes, please contact our instructor, Harry Kawabe at [email protected] or 905791-2057 before you register. 8 classes. 2014 Spring-Summer Class Schedule* Hoaloha (low beginner): 7:00 – 8:00pm Thursdays, May 1, 15, 29, June 12, 26, July 10, 24, August 7 Pilialoha (high beginner):8:00 – 9:00pm Thursdays, May 1, 15, 29, June 12, 26, July 10, 24, August 7 Fee: $60 (plus HST), JCCC membership required *Classes run every other week. Etegami – Picture Letter Class Are you interested in drawing and watercolour painting but have never tried it before? Etegami (Picture Letter) is a perfect thing to try for someone like you! Previous art experience is not required. Etegami is a communication tool to send your feelings to someone for whom you care about. Why not make an original postcard? Family participation welcome. JCCC membership is required to take this class. Please feel free to drop-in! Spring 2014 Classes (Beginner & Advanced) Thursdays: April 24, May 22, June 5 10:30am -12:30pm Saturdays: April 12, May 10, June 14 3:00pm -5:00pm Please bring your Etegami painting supplies if you have them. Age: From children** to adults **Children have to be able to write the alphabet and/or Hiragana. Parental supervision required for children under age 13. Any 4 sessions: $60 (plus HST), JCCC membership required Drop-in*: $18 + HST . Material fee included. How to Wear a Yukata A yukata is a casual kimono worn in the summer. In this 3 session workshop, you’ll learn how to wear yukata including 2 styles of obi tying and practise basic skills such as walking and sitting while wearing yukata. You will have the opportunity to return in June, after the workshop has finished, for a reunion session to review and practise your yukata wearing skills, and learn some bon odori leading up to JCCC’s Natsu Matsuri in July. Date & Time: Monday course: Sunday course: Fee: May 12, 26, June 2, 2014 12:00pm – 2:00pm May 18, 25, June 1, 20141:00pm – 3:00pm $45(plus HST) for JCCC members $53(plus HST) for non-members $10(plus HST) for reunion session in June Please bring your yukata, obi, 2 long kimono ties and wear a light colour t-shirt or tank top. If you don’t have yukata, rental will be available for class ($15/course. Payable to instructors on the first class). Please reserve yukata set (set include yukata, obi) rental at registration. 7 Sedai Corner Spring “Cleaning” Memories At last, we welcome spring at the end of a dreadful winter! As many of us turn to cleaning and organization with the changing of the seasons, Sedai and the archives of the JCCC hope that you will consider contributing your memories as you consider what to keep and what to “clean up”. Old photos and mementos can stir old memories, and what better way to preserve them for the future than to record them through storytelling. A lifetime’s worth of memories need not take up much space when digitally recorded – and will be that much more accessible for younger generations as technology continues to change. Sedai would like to thank our newest interviewees and contributors to the Sedai archives – George Toyama and Louise Masuda. The contribution of your time, your thoughts, your stories, and your memories of days gone by will not only help our inclusive community record, but leave a legacy that can be shared with family and friends for generations to come. Also, Sedai would like to thank our first mini-interview vignette participant Keo Shibatani, in sitting down with Sedai to briefly record some thoughts and memories on the connections between the Jewish Canadian and Japanese Canadian communities in Toronto, following the war years. The JCCC continues its gear up for the annual Sakura Gala this fall, and aims to highlight and honour the countless Jewish Canadians who displayed strength of character in the respect they showed to many Japanese Canadians resettling east of the Rockies following the war. We hope that in paying tribute and recording these stories, we might be able to pay homage and say thanks to the many property owners, business owners, and individuals who lent a helping hand to those in need – many of whom have now passed on. If you would like to join in our efforts to say thanks, and have anecdotes or memories of those community connections recorded, we eagerly invite you to step forward and contact us. And as always, if you or a loved one have stories (however many or few!) which you feel could be recorded and preserved, please contact Elizabeth Fujita, Sedai Project Coordinator, at elizabeth.fujita@ jccc.on.ca or 416-441-2345 ext 303. Third Annual Estate Planning Seminar Back by Popular Demand! Planning your estate and not sure where to start? Looking to update your estate and need more information? Attend the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre’s Estate Planning Seminar on Wednesday May 28, 2014 from 9:30am to 1:30pm at the JCCC to learn the answers to these questions and more. This Estate Planning Seminar will be hosted by Bill Petruck of FUNDING matters Inc. and will feature a panel discussion with experts in the fields of estate planning, tax and law. Panelists include Marty Kobayashi, Financial Advisor, HollisWealth Advisory Services Inc.; Rachel Gervais, CPA, CA, BDO Canada LLP; Zoe Smith, J.D. and LL.M; and Julie Sagara, LL.B. Attendees will learn the tools to plan and manage their estate; minimize or even eliminate estate taxes; and build a lasting legacy through incorporating charitable giving into their estate plan. This seminar will be offered in both English and Japanese. Everyone is welcome so come and explore this important topic. Seating is limited. For more information and to register, contact Sarah at [email protected] or 416-249-0788. Bon Odori 2014 by the Toronto Buddhist Church After a long, cold winter, welcome spring with some dancing - Bon Odori dancing at the Toronto Buddhist Church. Get some exercise learning Japanese folk dances. Newcomers are welcome as stepby-step instructions are given. Practices are held Tuesday and Fridays evenings, 8:00pm to 9:30pm, beginning Tuesday April 22, 2014. They run until early July when all of the dancers, dressed in yukata or happi coats, perform the dances at the Obon festival. The Obon festival will be held at the JCCC on Saturday July 12, 2014, starting at 7:00pm. Bon Odori is for all ages, any gender, the young and the young at heart. So come out to the TBC to learn odori, see old friends, make new ones, and have some fun! The Toronto Buddhist Church is located at 1011 Sheppard Ave. West (just east of Allen Rd.), North York, ON, 416-534-4302 44th Sogetsu Ikebana Show by Kyoko Abe JC Community Picnic Save the Date! by the Kristin Kobayashi, on behalf of the JCCP Committee Don’t know what you’re doing for Canada Day this year? Not to worry, the Japanese Canadian Community Picnic will be back again following an unforeseen cancellation of the 2013 event. (The location is still to be confirmed.) With a vibrant and enthusiastic committee and our many dedicated volunteers, this year’s picnic will be back with renewed vigor and energy. There will be some small changes to the traditional format; For example, we’re going green! Patrons will be asked to carry their garbage and recyclables with them off the property when they leave. But more details on that to follow in the coming months. Stay tuned for updates and we hope to see all of you there on July 1st! 8 Sogetsu Ikebana Toronto East Branch presents its 44th Sogetsu Ikebana Show on Sunday May 25, 2014 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm at the JCCC. Opening ceremony at 1:30pm, followed by Ikebana demonstration. Sogetsu Ikebana brings expression of beauty and peace of mind by placing plant material in different kinds of spaces, which includes contemporary living architectural spaces such as shop windows, streets and stages. Handmade pottery will be sold and a tea room will also be available. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the show all afternoon. Admission: $5, children under 12 are free For more information, contact Mrs. Abe at 416-491-7705. From Kimonos to Comme des Garçons: An Evening with Fashion Historian Akiko Fukai by The Textile Museum of Canada Join the Textile Museum of Canada for a special lecture followed by a reception with Akiko Fukai, Director and Chief Curator of the Kyoto Costume Institute and one of Japan’s most respected fashion historians. In her presentation From Kimonos to Comme des Garçons, Ms. Fukai will address the relationships between historical and cutting-edge Japanese fashion and Western haute couture, popular culture and global fashion. “Ms. Fukai’s longstanding engagement with Japanese fashion history and the dynamics of tradition and innovation speak to the heart of our activities at the Textile Museum of Canada,” says Shauna McCabe, the TMC’s Executive Director. “We are excited to present this important curator and thinker to Canadians who have a passion for design and culture or simply love fashion.” This event with the acclaimed author and curator of exhibitions – most recently Future Beauty: 30 Years of Japanese Fashion – is presented in partnership with the Japan Foundation. Date: Tuesday April 22, 2014 Time: 6:30 pm Location:Textile Museum of Canada 55 Centre Avenue, Toronto ON, M5G 2H5 www.textilemuseum.ca General admission $45, TMC Patrons/Members $35. Visit akikofukai.eventbrite.com or call 416-599-5321 x2246 to purchase. Space is limited; advance tickets are required. Have you entered your team yet? The 9th Annual Momiji Bowlathon for 2014 by Momiji Bowlathon Commitee It’s not too late to start recruiting your friends and family to join us for this annual Momiji fundraiser. Saturday May 10 - mark it on your calendar! We welcome league bowlers, recreational bowlers, first-time bowlers, families and friends to come out for an enjoyable day of camaraderie, family fun, and maybe a little friendly competition. We begin by bowling three games of 5-pin or 10-pin at Thorncliffe Bowlerama starting at 2:00pm and then join us at the Momiji Seniors Residence for a delicious bento dinner, featuring prizes galore - sponsorship prizes, blind scores, raffle and door prizes! And again this year, youth prizes, for bowlers 16 years of age and under. Also, back by popular demand, we offer hot dogs and chips alternative for those who prefer a non-Japanese meal. Sponsors from past Bowlathons have helped pay for several capital projects, and we are excited to show you what has been most recently completed, from the proceeds of previous Bowlathons. Last year was one of the most successful years, in terms of turn-out and amount of funds raised! We hope to continue the trend, with more teams, and sponsorship funds to support the Momiji Centre! If you wish to form a team, or join a team, please call Scott at 416-261-6683 for a registration package, or get it on the link to our Bowlathon www.momiji.on.ca/bowlathon/ or visit our website, www.momiji.on.ca. Spaces are limited, so register today and start rounding up sponsors! Registrations must be submitted by April 21! Report from CMC-Asian in Ontario (Canadian Multicultural Council) by Sid and Marie Ikeda CMC-Asians in Ontario is an organization of 21 Asian countries started in 1998 to help and promote our cultural heritage . The month of May has been designated as the time to celebrate our Asian Heritage by the federal government. This year the JCCC will join with other CMC members in the following activities. We hope that you will consider participating in them. • BEAUTIES OF ASIA are searching for candidates to participate in their 5th Annual Beauties of Asia Contest. It is an opportunity to prepare yourself for your career in public relations and personal development for your future endeavours. Please visit website:www. beautiesofasia.ca or email: [email protected] • CMC GALA AWARDS DINNER – we have chosen Frank Moritsugu to receive outstanding Asian Canadian in our Japanese community. Presentation will take place on Sunday May 4, 2014 at Premiere Ballroom & Convention Centre. Please join us in celebration of Frank’s award. Please contact Sid Ikeda at 416-447-0986 or email: [email protected] • POSTER PROJECT – ASIAN HEROES in NEWS MEDIA – we have chosen Mary Ito to be our Hero in News Media. She has accepted to represent Japanese Canadian. Posters will be displayed in all public areas throughout Toronto, Peel & York regions • ASIAN COMMUNITY GAMES 10th Anniversary – official opening will be held on Saturday June 21, 2014 at Tait McKenzie Centre, York University at 9:00am. Everyone is welcome. We are in search for athletes to take part in track & field, badminton, basketball, cricket, fencing, golf, soccer, swimming, table tennis, Taekwondo, and volleyball. All sports activities will be held on the last weekend in May and on weekends in June. For details, please visit www.singfaisports.ca or www.acgames.ca 9 Ball Players Needed for Sunday JC 3-PITCH League Rotman Institute for International Business Speaker Series. The Japanese Canadian 3-Pitch Baseball League begins its 28th season of play at the end of May and we are looking for additional players. Our non-profit league, founded in 1987, is co-ed, with women and men, between the ages of 18 - 60+ and skill levels from beginner to intermediate. Our main objective is to provide a social, yet competitive environment for persons or families of Japanese ancestry to participate and integrate together, to meet others sharing similar culture, heritage and interests, to have fun and to make friends. Games are on Sunday (excluding July and August long weekends) mornings (9:30-12:00) from Mid-May to the end of August in the Warden and Steeles Avenue area (Scarborough/ Markham border). We host post-game BBQ’s during the season and provide a subsidized banquet in September. Each team pitches to their own players (players hit every inning) in a slow pitch/lob ball format with each player receiving 3 (men) or 4 (women) pitches. You and your guests are invited to register to attend this next session of our ongoing Rotman Institute for International Business Speaker Series, to be held at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, 105 St. George Street, Toronto (MBA Classroom 1065, south building) on Thursday April 3, 2014. Registration check-in and light lunch will available from 11:15am to 11:59am. At 12:00pm sharp, we will welcome our guest speaker, Eiji Yamamoto, Consul-General, Consulate-General of Japan. For approximately 40 minutes, Mr. Yamamoto will give a presentation titled, “Japan is Back – Abenomics and a Roadmap for a Resurgent Japan.” by Bob Doi Membership Deadline: May 9, 2014 Membership Fee: $75 (no increase in 12 years!) Includes team sweater, team photograph, refreshments at all games, league BBQs, subsidized banquet with trophies & door prizes, all bases, bats, balls and other equipment, (players are asked to supply their own glove) First Day of Play: Sunday May 18, 2014 If you would like additional information about the J.C. 3-Pitch League or would like to register to play, please call or email one of the following committee members or check out our website: www. jc3pitch.com or email us at: [email protected]. Glen Kawaguchi 416-755-6421 Rob Takimoto 416-569-8147 Bob Doi email: [email protected] JC3-Pitch Committee Members (left to right): Back Row: Michael Ogino, Glen Kawaguchi, Bob Doi, Paul Takasaki, Front Row: Tod Nagamatsu, Jon Nagamatsu, Rob Takimoto 10 by Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto SYNOPSIS: Japan is at a critical moment in its history. For years the country has suffered from a malaise of deflation and slow economic growth. Now new strong leadership from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has reversed the country’s fortunes, introducing bold new stimulus and much-needed structural reforms. Eiji Yamamoto, Consul-General of Japan in Toronto, will present on Japan’s changing position in the dynamic Asia-Pacific Region, the potential for boosting trade with other countries, as well as the implications of new reforms for relations with Canada. If time permits, audience Q&A will follow. The session will adjourn no later than 1:00pm. Pre-registration is mandatory. Please visit www.rotman. utoronto.ca/events to register. Space is limited so if you have not already registered, please do so online by 5:00pm on April 2. Registration fee is $25 per person (includes HST, light lunch and session) Dress code is business casual. We hope to see you on April 3, 2014. BIO: Mr. Yamamoto is entering his 33rd year of foreign service, spending the majority of his assignments at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo. His assignments abroad include 7.5 years in America, where he was posted once in Boston and twice in New York. He also spent 5 years stationed in Korea and almost 2 years in Cambodia. Mr. Yamamoto is fluent in Korean. During these 30-plus years of service, Mr. Yamamoto has developed areas of his expertise that include Asia (as exemplified by his postings to Korea and Cambodia and assignment in Tokyo) and multinational diplomacy (with involvement in the UN, Security Council, G8 Summit and APEC). Before his arrival in Toronto on September 28, 2011, part of Mr. Yamamoto’s portfolio included acting as Assistant Vice Minister for crisis management during the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, and the ensuing nuclear crisis. Mr. Yamamoto is a graduate in law from Soka University in Japan (1980) and has his Masters of Arts degree from Harvard (1983). He now happily resides in Toronto with his wife, Yoshiko. Spring Festival 2014 This has been an especially difficult winter with lots of snow and extreme cold weather. Nothing would be more welcome than warm weather to welcome the JCCC’s annual Spring Festival. While the weather didn’t really cooperate, the community and its friends certainly did, showing up in droves on March 1 & 2 for what was one of the biggest Spring Festival in years. Upon entering the building, visitors were awed by the impressive Hina Ningyo doll display and stopped for a quick photo. Some visitors came already dressed for the occasion, but members of the Toronto Kimono Club and the Discover Japan program offered the opportunity to wear traditional clothing so that you could capture the beauty with a picture. In Kobayashi Hall visitors found a variety of vendors, and cultural crafts as well as live entertainment. Performances included all of the favourites, but saw many changes to make them new and exciting. The Sakura Kai, the Ayame Kai and the Himawari Buyo Kai all showcased their new repertoires. The koto and shamisen performances by the Canada Chikushi Kai and York University Japanese Music Ensemble were still as impressive as ever. Yakudo Traditonal drummers included performances by the young students in their program. We also saw performances by Ohana Hula. Of course, there were also the demonstrations of martial arts in the dojos, tea ceremonies, Japanese food in the Shokokai Court and more vendors throughout the building. At the western end of our building, we had a bustling room of activities for children, including many enthusiastic Toronto Kite Fliers volunteers helping to make kites to take home. There was also a tissue paper Sakura art activity and the Thumbprint Sakura poster to go with our Flower theme. With all that there was to see and do, it was no wonder why everyone had a great day! The JCCC thanks the individuals, groups and organizations that provide the entertainment and demonstrations. We also thank all the great volunteers and staff, that have all helped raise this great community tradition to new and greater heights! Photos by Shinichi Nakano. 11 DONATIONS TO THE JCCC As of February 9, 2014 The JCCC gratefully acknowledges the following donations: JCCC Mrs. Kiyomi Kay Asada 50 Mrs. Marie T. Baba 25 Mrs. Agnes Carroll 77 Ms Jennifer Dan 100 Mrs. Gale Durocher 25 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Eto 50 Dr. and Mrs. David Gotlib 50 Mrs. Barbara Hagino 30 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hikida 60 Mr. Bill Hobbs 20 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ikeda 100 Mrs. Teruko Inouye 100 Mr. and Mrs. Hideyuki Ioi 20 Mr. Takashi Iwata 30 Mrs. Betty Kagayama 15 Ms. Lily Kai 100 Mrs. Mits Kameoka 100 Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kawaguchi 100 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kikuta 20 Mrs. Mary Kobayakawa 35 Mr. Martin Kobayashi 100 Mr Steve Kuwahara 300 Mr. David Lepofsky 2 Display sets of Hina Ningyo Dolls Mr. David Lepofsky 282 Mr Duncan MacCallum 50 Ms. Mayumi Maemura 100 Thank you – supporting Momiji Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marubashi 150 Mrs. Sachie Matsushita 25 Mrs. May Mitsui 150 Mr. and Mrs. Yoji Murase 25 Mr. and Mrs. Tadashi Muromoto 20 Ms. Alice Nagami 50 Ms. Phyllis Nakagawa 25 Ms. Dale Nakamura 166 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nishimura 15 Mr. and Mrs. Shizuhiko Nishisato 200 Mr. and Mrs. Mack Oikawa 60 Ms. Nobuko Oikawa 200 Miss Toshi Oikawa 300 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oiye 60 Ms. Christine Okawara 100 Thank you - supporting Momiji Mr. Timothy O'Mara 50 Mr. and Mrs. Tsuneo Omotani 25 Ms. Sono Sugie 15 Ms. Tamiko Sugie 20 Mr. and Mrs. George Suzuki 100 Mrs. Kazuko Kay Takata 30 12 Mr. Regan Takenaka Ms. Mary Tokiwa Mrs. Irene T. Wakayama Mrs. Masako Wani Mr Takato Yamashita Mr. and Mrs. Satoshi Yano 100 30 25 50 100 60 Corporate, Foundation & Government Donations & Sponsorships Canadian Museums Association Heritage In Memoriam In memory of Donna Takagi Cultraro Mr. Joe Cultraro 250 Ms. Yoko Kobayashi 25 Mrs. Toshiko Usami 50 In memory of Frank Shimada Garry Kotack & Sandra Tateishi-Kotack & Tamiko Kotack 25 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Oyagi 100 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wakayama 50 In memory of Fred Sasaki Mrs. Ann Ashley 25 Mr. and Mrs. William Hatanaka 500 Mr. and Mrs. Toru Idenouye 25 Mr. and Mrs. Miki Kobayashi 50 Mrs. Hisako Kondo 20 Mrs. Toshiko Murakami 100 Mr. Mitsuru M. Nagata 50 Mrs. Kathryn Okawara 50 Ms. Carole Ono 50 Mr. George Takahashi 25 Mr. and Mrs. George Takata 100 Mrs. Susan Towle 150 Mr. and Mrs. George Uyeyama 25 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wakayama 50 In memory of Hope Kohara Mrs. Shirley Peterson 25 In memory of Hope Kohara & Ayako Kohara Anonymous 40 In memory of Jim Ura Mrs. Betty M. Ura 200 In memory of Mary Midori Murai Mrs. Ruby Y. Puls 20 In memory of Mary Shikatani Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Booth 30 Mr. Herbert Sakaguchi 100 In memory of Michiko Ayukawa Mrs. Kazuko Kumamoto 200 In memory of Mr & Mrs Seitaro Tsumura Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shigetomi 100 In memory of Samuel Akihara Kuwahara Ms. Nancy Chapelle 60 Mr. Ronald & Mrs. Mitzi Gale 25 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ishii 25 Mr. Mas Mori 25 In memory of Yoshio Hayashi Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kaji 25 In memory of Sam Oishi Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ohori In memory of Yukiye Tsukamoto Mrs. Dorothy Higaki 50 Mrs. Doreen Nakashima 50 Sedai Ms Alana Takaki Supporting Members Ambassador Mr. Thomas Takashima Partner Mr. Brent Borgundvaag Mr. Takashi Iwata Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kawabe Mr. Glen Kawaguchi Ms. Yoko Kobayashi Mr. Scott Kusano Mrs. Kay Mori Mrs. Mary Morita Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nakamura Mr. and Mrs. Shizuhiko Nishisato Ms. Nobuko Oikawa Miss Toshi Oikawa Mrs. Kathryn Okawara Ms. Fumi Sasaki Dr. David Tabuchi & Ms. Erin Jones Mr. Russell Takashima Mr. Noriyuki Tanahashi Mr. Steven Tazumi 25 977 116 150 110 166 150 116 150 150 150 110 150 150 127 150 93 116 116 150 Friends of the Nikkei Heritage Centre Mr. Mark Matsumoto 500 Friends of the Nikkei Heritage Centre Inscriptions You can purchase a Friends of the Nikkei Heritage Centre inscription for yourself, a friend, or a loved one, for a donation of $500. Corporate and Group inscriptions are also available at the $2,000 giving level. To make your dedication, call the JCCC or visit us online at www.jccc.on.ca. Proceeds will support the Nikkei Heritage Centre's ongoing operation and programming. INDIVIDUALS / COUPLES Yasuhiko & Kyoko Abe Harry and Pat Adachi Terry and Koto Adachi Rose (Kato) Aihoshi - In Gratitude Scottie and Iso Amemori Dr. Arnold Tsuneo and Sadako Arai Thomas and Betty Lou Arai John Armstrong Bryan and Maiko Asa Roy and Yukie Asa Ann and David Ashley Donna (Sakaguchi) and Bob Davis Eiji and Sharon Doi Manabu and Tsuyuko Doi Dennis and Lorraine Ebata Tsuneo Eguchi Masatomo (Mike) & Aiko Endo - In memory Yasuko Endo Yasuteru Endo Benjamin and Shirley Eto Gerald Fowlie - In memory Masanori and Yukie Fuchigami Reverend Tomofumi and Naoko Fujii Yosh and Doris Fujioka Alan and Patricia Fujiwara Kazumi and Ken Fukushima Koji and Tosh Goto Uncle Dave Tsutomu Hanada - In memory Tats & Eileen Harada - In memory Ted and Michiko Harada Tom and Shay (Iwasaki) Hashimoto Masanori & Natsuno Hayakawa - In memory Shirley Fumiye Hayakawa - In memory Andrew Hayden In memory of Gerald Hayden In memory of Senator Salter Hayden Eddy Hendra James and Masayo Heron Lawrence and Dorothy Heron Irene "Auntie Rene" Whiteside - In memory Kunio and Susan Hidaka Kimi Hiraishi - In memory Mary and Tomi Hiraishi Teru and Jimmy Hiraishi - In memory Toyoshi and Kazuko Hiramatsu - In memory Masajiro and Ume Honkawa Dr Noble and Amy Hori - In memory Dr Tatsuo Hori and Penny Abernethy Hori Shari Hosaki and Darren Gani Wayne and Cheryl Hosaki In memory of George and Kay Hosaki Henry and Dianne Hotta Hisae & Seichi Willie Ichiyen - In memory Elsie and Katsu Iguchi Masuko and Hideyo Iguchi - In memory Arthur & Mariko Ikeda Sid and Marie Ikeda Teruko Ikeda Junji and Toshiko Ikeno Glenn R Inamoto - In loving memory Sanaye Inouye Arthur Asao and Tomo Ishii Shirley S Isojima Arthur Shinji Ito Chusaburo and Lily Ito - In memory Denjiro Ito - In memory James & Eiko Ito Jukichi and Suga Ito - In memory Kinue Ito - In memory Mark and Miyo Ito Mitsuyoshi Ito Dr Richard Ito Shigemi Ito - In memory Yoshimi Ito - In memory Ken & Elaine Iwai George and Barbara Iwata Tak Iwata Roy James Shizuko Kadoguchi Shoichi & Yoshiko Kaneko - In gratitude Yoichi and Miyo (Hirota) Kato Gary Kawaguchi and Gayle Taguchi Goro and Takako Kawaguchi Hiro and Terrie Kawaguchi Dr. and Mrs. John Kawaguchi Kameo and Mariko Kawaguchi Iwaichi & Ryu Kawashiri - In memory Masajiro and Katsuko Kimura Mr. & Mrs. Kinoshita Spencer Frank Masaki and Dianne Kitazaki Don & Eiko Kiyonaga 古林Art & Misako Kobayashi nee Fukatsu深津 Coby and Yone Kobayashi - In memory Hajime and Kyoko Kobayashi Kazuo and Chiyono Kobayashi - In memory Kevin Kobayashi Koby Kobayashi Kristin Kobayashi Miki and Shoko Kobayashi KOBO Isao Hisako Kondo Katsu and Kanekichi Kosaka - In memory Kensuke Kosaka Volunteer Kiyoshi and Aiko Koyanagi - In memory Masayuki Kumabe - In memory Morio and Fumiko Kumagawa Taeko Kumamoto - In memory Fumio and Kimiko Kuramoto Noreen Kuroyama & Nao Seko Fred and Pat Kusano Ken and Rose Kutsukake - In memory Ken and Barbara Kuwahara - In memory Mariko Liliefeldt Toshio Harry and Umeno Doreen Machida George Hiroshi and Mary Tsuruko Maeda Bob & Kay Marubashi Paul and Sharon Marubashi Mike and Eleanor Maruno Bruce and Ruth Matsuda Mary and Roy Matsui Tom and Shizuye Matsui Arthur Asa Matsumoto Carmen and Martha Matsunaga Shizuo & Sawaye Matsunaga - In Memory Naomi Matsushita and Scott Dobson Tom and Sachie Matsushita Adam and Nicole Michelakos Koei and May Mitsui Osamu Sam and Michiko Mizoguchi Shimizu Carolynne Mori and Greig Nishio Koji and Kay Morishita Hirokichi and Fujino Morita - In memory Jim Morita - In memory Frank and Elisabeth (Betty) Moritsugu Aiko S Morton nee Nakamura Kevin and Brenda Murai Kinsuke and Kaworu Muranaka Kikue and Harry T Muraoka - In memory Min and Lil Nagahara Yoichi and Asano Nagai - In memory Roy and Chiyoko Nagamatsu Tokiko and Yoshikatsu Nagami - In memory K. Nagao Yoshimatsu and Hanako Nagao - In memory Lorene Nagata and Steven Turnbull Shichitaro and Naka Nagata - In memory Tony and Eva Nagata Bill and Phyllis Nakagawa Ichiro and Setsuko Nakagawa Kazuo"Curly" and Kyoko"Kay" Nakagawa George and Terry Nakamura Joe.D.Ichizo and Miyo Nakamura Mikio and Yukiko Nakamura Shigeru Bill & Frances Yaeki Nakamura Sumiko Jane and Tadashi Ronald Nakamura Takeo Ujo and Yukie Nakano - In memory Linda and Mas Nakao Akira Namba - In memoriam Molly Nishikawa - In memory Denise Yae Nishimura Jutaro and Shige Nishimura - In memory Tomi and Nana Nishimura Kaz and Sachi Nishio Eijiro Thomas and Kogiku Margaret Nishioka Shizuhiko and Lorraine Nishisato Jack M Nishiyama - In memory Sam Hisao Nishiyama & Sumiko Nishiyama Shozo and Kei Nishiyama - In memory Yoshiko A. and Senyo J. Nonoyama Frank and Kazue Kaye Oda Yukio and Faye (Sugimoto) Ode Joe and Fumi Ohori Frank & Miyoko Kadoguchi Ohtake -In memory Haruo Oikawa Naka and Kimiye Oikawa - In memory Stephen and Linda Oikawa Tetsuo Oikawa - In memory Toshi and Nobuko Oikawa Yoemon and Yoshiye Oikawa - In memory Tsuyoshi and Masae Okamoto Christine Okawara Harvey and Kathy Okawara Louise Okawara Koichiro and Hisa Okihiro Fred Yutaka and Gerald Noboru Okimura Mr and Mrs Fusanosuke Okubo - In memory Tosh & Grace Omoto Eiji and Kikuko Otani - In memory George and Rose Oyagi Tad and Jenny Oyagi Tom and Doreen Oyagi William and Lorraine Petruck George&Florence Hanako Saito nee Naruse Naotoshi and Fumiko Ruth(Tateishi) Saito Shizue Saito Yasushi Saito - In memory Ruth Hiroye Sakamoto nee Nakamura Ihei & Misao (Kodama) Sasaguchi Mitsuru and Grace Sasaki Naka and Fred Sasaki 13 Friends of the Nikkei Heritage Centre Inscriptions (Cont.) Joy Sato Mickey and Satoko Sato - In memory Takashi and Yoshiko Sawa Kenzo and Evelyn Sekiya Sam and Masako (Kosaka) Seto Keo and Eiko Shibatani Kaz and Ruby Shikaze Yoko Shimanuki Hide Hyodo Shimizu - In memory Kaide Barbara Joy Gail Shimizu Ron Shimizu & Edy Goto Clara and Joe Shimoda Henry Masakazu and Helen Yasuko Shimoda Brenda Shin Michael Shin - In memory Roy and Kay Shin - In memory David and Emiko Shiozaki - In memory Patrick and Hanna Suen Miyeko & Kenichi Sugamori - In memory Connie Sugiyama and Kate Fish Dr. Henry and Joanne Sugiyama Mits and Gloria Sumiya Walter and Yoshiko Sunahara Kunio and Yoshiye Suyama Shig and Marge Suyama Tokusaburo & Yoshio Taira - In memory Toyoko Taira - In memory Hideo & Fumiko Ruth (Miyazaki) Takahashi Hideo and Naomi Takasaki Tom and Sumie Takashima Ray & Mizue Takeuchi Ronald Takeshi Tamaki - In memory Kiyoshi and Chii Tamane - In memory Masaru and Tomoko Tanaka Ayaka Tazumi Ted and Ikuko Teshima James and Setsuko Thurlow Tony and Mary Tonegawa Kazuharu and Mieko Tsuchida Teresa Tsuji and David Lamb Akiko Tsujimoto Morito and Yae Tsumura George & Ayako Tsushima Grace Tucker & Peggy Foster - In memory Callum Turnbull Cora Turnbull Dr Irene Uchida Dr. and Mrs. Paul & Susan Uchikata Carl and Christine Fumi Uchikura Dr. Koji Victor & Mutsuko Ujimoto Jim and Betty Ura Frank and Toshiko Usami Etsusaburo Mitsuye George Toshiko Uyeyama Dale and Joe Vaillancourt Alan and Paul Wakayama Peter and Ethel Wakayama Frank Yamada - In memory Hugo and Sumi Yamamoto - In Loving Memory Kameichi and Umeko Yamane - In memory George Kaoru Kikue Kay Yamashita Kumiko Kay Yamamoto Yamashita Kumiko and Masuo Yamashita Tsutomu Tom and Masae Muraki Yamashita Min and Lydia Yatabe Rev. Stan and Aileen Yokota Patricia and Harold Yoneyama Charles Masato Yoshida, in memory Shige and Sue Yoshida Tak and Fumi Yoshida Tetsuya and Takako Yoshimoto Dr John M and Josie Yoshioka GROUPS Asahi Baseball Ichigun Ayame-Kai Odori Group Chado Urasenke Tankokai Toronto Association DundeeWealth Inc. - Marty Kobayashi Endow Dental Arts Studio Inc Ghost Town Teachers Historical Society 学校法人山口学園 global.ecc.ac.jp ECC JAPAN 華やぎエッセイグループHanayagi Essay Group Ikenobo Ikebana Society of Toronto JCCC Judo Kai JCCC Kendo Nelson Arthur Hyland Foundation New Japanese Canadian Association Ontario Tottori Ken Jin Kai SHODO CANADA Salden Foundation The Frank H. Hori Charitable Foundation Toronto Japanese Garden Club Toronto Kohaku Utagassen Wynford Seniors Club Haiku Corner 俳句コーナー 春立つや 静に鶴の 一歩より haru tatsu ya shizuka ni tsuru no ippo yori 召波 Shoha Spring begins, Quietly, From the storks one pace. 鐘一つ 売れぬ日はなし 江戸の春 kane hitotsu urenu hi ha nashi edo no haru 其角 Kikaku These great temple bells- 14 There is no day when one's not sold: Springtime in Edo. 15 JCCCバザー 今後の行事予定 4月 5日 (土) カラオケクラブ会合 6日 (日) アサヒ野球本の紹介、朗読 17日 (木) 折り紙ワークショップ 18日 (金) JCCC休館ーGood Friday 19日 (土) カラオケクラブ会合 24日 (木) 映画鑑賞会:蜘蛛巣城 27日 (日) バザー用饅頭作り 28日 (月) 和食ワークショップ 5月 2日 (金) バザー準備 3日 (土) JCCCバザー 10日 (土) カラオケクラブ会合 15日 (木) 映画鑑賞会:そして父になる 19日 (月) JCCC休館日ーVictoria Day 22日 (木) 折り紙ワークショップ 24日 (土) カラオケクラブ会合 26日 (月) 和食ワークショップ 6月 7日(土) カラオケクラブ会合 12日 (木) トロント日本映画祭開幕 21日 (土) カラオケクラブ会合 23日 (月) JCCC総会 27日 (金) トロント日本映画祭閉幕 2014年トロント日本映画祭6月開幕! 幅広いジャンルから旬な映画をお届け するトロント日本映画祭が今年も6月 12日から27日にかけて開催されま す。今年は18作品の上映を予定して おり、その多くが北米またはカナダプレ ミアとなります。 チケットは5月1日午前10時より 販売開始です。1本の映画につきJCC C会員$10(5本映画パス$40、 10本映画パス$80)、非会員$12 (5本映画パス$45、10本映画パ ス$90) です。 また、 メインスポンサー である資生堂からパスを購入された方 へ特別なギフトが用意されています。数 量限定ですので、お早めにパスをお求め下さい。チケット、映画パス はJCCC受付416-441-2345またはチケットウェブで ご購入いただけます。 上映予定作品(順不同) :武士の献立、白雪姫殺人事件、永遠のゼロ、 おしん 、少年H、陽だまりの彼女、魔女っ子姉妹の ヨヨとネネ、Judge!、 四十九日のレシピ、ペコロスの母に会いに行く、愛の渦、地獄でなぜ わるい、謝罪の王様、さよなら渓谷、清洲会議、土竜の唄、小さいおうち、 黒執事 16 毎年恒例のJCCCバザーが今年も 5月3日(土) 午後12時から午後4時 まで開催されます。 バザーはJCCCにとって一番大 きなファンドレイジングイベントです。 キッチン用品やガーデニング用品な どの日用品から、サイレントオークシ ョン、 日本食の販売などたくさんの催しを予定しています。 バザーへのご寄付も受け付けています。焼き菓子、大福、饅頭、お 赤飯、 ちらし寿司などの食品類はバザー当日にお持ちになって下さ い。そのほか中古品でまだ使用できるもの、新品のもののご寄付など は4月1日から受け付けます。ただし服や本のご寄付はご遠慮してお りますのであらかじめご了承下さい。 また高校生の皆さんでボランティアアワーが必要な方、沢山の仕 事があります! 毎年開場前から長蛇の列ができる人気イベントです。お友達、 ご家 族とお誘いあわせのうえ、ぜひお越し下さい。 バザーボランティア大募集! JCCCバザーは 開場前は長蛇の列ができるほどのビッグイベント なので大勢のボランティアの皆さんにご協力頂いています。 高校生の皆さん(Grade10から) でボランティアアワーが必要 な方もぜひご参加下さい。 ボランティア仕事内容とスケジュールは 下記の通りです: お饅頭作り 2014年4月27日(日) (10am-4pmくらいまで) 長年JCCCバザーでお餅を販売していましたが、今年は趣向を変え、 お饅頭を皆で作り、バザーで販売することになりました!。お饅頭作り のノウハウも習えます。 • バザーで販売するお饅頭作りとそのパッケージング。 バザー前日の準備 2014年5月2日(金) • 販売ブースのセットアップや館内の地図やサインを貼る仕事など (9:30am-4pmの間で可能な時間帯) • いなり寿司作りと軽食の下ごしらえなど (12:30pm-5pm) バザー当日 開場前の7am-11:30amくらいまで • のり巻き作り (沢山作ります。) バザー当日の寿司作り以外の主な仕事 • パーキング誘導 (10am-1pm, 12pm-3pm) • 入口付近の整備 (11am-3pm) • ギフトショップ販売 (11am-4:30pm) • フードブースでの販売 (10am-5pm) • キッチンヘルプ (9:00am-2:00pm、11:00am-5:00pm) • フードサービス (11am-4:30pm) • 片付け (4:00pm-7pm) 等。他にも沢山あります! ボランティアお申し込みは、担当ヒプシュ由希まで。追って詳細をご 連絡いたします。 Email: [email protected] Tel: 416-441-2345 ext.235 絵てがみクラスとワークショップ 4月の映画:蜘蛛巣城 絵てがみとは。。。大好きな人、気にかかる人、励ましたい人、感謝した い人への直筆の絵入りの手紙です。だから、ヘタでいい。ヘタがいい。 気持ちが伝わればいい。書道筆を用いて、絵を描く。下書きなしの一 発真剣勝負。色は日本画用の顔彩を用い、透明感のある明るい彩色。 あとは、気持ちを伝える素直な言葉でてがみを書き、仕上げは宛先。 ポストイン。あなたの心を届けましょう。 初めての方、親子参加、絵てがみ上級者、 どんな方も気軽に参加 できるワークショップです。 スケジュールは以下の通りです。 今月は季節の絵てがみを描いてみましょう。 移り行く季節の中で、今あなたの廻りにある物を良く見て感じて描き 写し、季節に相応しい言葉を探して書き進むと、今の自分の心が見え てきます。 4月の映画鑑賞会は黒澤明監督作品、三船敏郎主演「蜘蛛巣城」 で す。上映日時は2014年4月24日 (木)午後7時、入場料はJC CC会員$8、非会員$10です。 木曜日:2014年4月24日、5月22日、6月5日 午前10時半—午後12時半、初心者から上級者 土曜日:2014年4月12日、5月10日、6月14日 午後3時—午後5時、初心者から上級者 受講費:* 4回分:$60+HST(JCCCメンバーシップ要) 初めての方、 ドロップ・イン大歓迎! 一回につき$18 + HST *材料費込み。 あらすじ: シェイクスピアの『マクベス』を日本の戦国時代に置き換え 様式美に拘り描いた戦国武将の一大悲劇。鷲津武時は謀反を起こし た敵を討ち、その帰途の森で出会った老婆から不思議な予言を聞く。 やがて予言通り事が運び始めると、欲望に取り憑かれた妻にそその かされて主を殺し、 自ら城主の地位につくのだったが……。 (Yahoo! 映画より) JCCCライブラリーシッターお奨めの一冊 一人では着物を着られないと思っている貴女、 まずは浴衣から始め てみませんか?この3回のワークショップでは、浴衣の着方と2種類の 帯結びを学びます。 コース修了生には、JCCCの夏祭りに備えて、着付 けのおさらいと浴衣を着ての盆踊りの講習会を、6月に予定しています。 読み始めたら止まらない感動作,「永遠のゼロ」著、百田尚樹 これは単なる戦記ものではない。 人の命の大切さ、その事にこだわりつ ついかに生きていくべきか、ゼロ戦のパ イロットとその家族を通して読者に強く 訴えかけた作品である。 ベストセラーなるものを余り信用して いない私は、久しぶりに感動させられた。 この本はかつて軍国少年であった私は 当然であるとしても、若者達、 とりわけ私 にしてみれば孫のような若い女性達にも 随分読まれているようである。そうした母 国の社会現象にも感動した。暗い話題が 多く混迷状態の続きがちな日本も捨てたものではない。 ノンフィクションではないからフィクショナルな作為がところどころ に散見されるが、そのために返って目頭が潤むのは著者、百田氏杞 憂の才能によるもの。特に予想外のエピローグではさわやかな涙の 流れを止めることができなかった。 沢田はじめ 日時: 月曜日クラス:5月12日、26日、6月2日 午後12時ー午後2時 日曜日クラス:5月18日、25日、6月1日 午後1時ー午後3時 映画化され話題となっている 「永遠のゼロ」は、JCCCで6月に開催さ れるトロント映画祭で上映されます。本を読んでから映画を観ます か?映画を観てから本を読みますか? 受講料: JCC会員 $45(+HST) , 非会員$53(+ HST) 6月に行われる復習講習会 $10(+ HST) 用意する物:浴衣、半幅帯、腰紐2本、色の薄いTシャツかタンクトップ 浴衣をお持ちでない方には$15で浴衣と半幅帯をお貸しします。 コース申込みの際にレンタルの旨、お申し出下さい(レンタル料は コース初日にインストラクターに直接お支払いください)。 カラコロによるエイサーの感動を再び 年齢対象:小人はアルファベット又はひらがな、 カタカナが書けるこ と。13歳以下は保護者同伴。 筆、梅皿、硯などの絵てがみ道具をお持ちの方はご持参下さい。 浴衣着付けワークショップ キッズ&ユース ミュージカル ワークショップ 公演 「ロンの花園」 2014年8月15日 昨夏、多くの人に感動を与えてくれた日本のパフォーマンスグループ、 「カラコロ」が今年も魅力新たに沖縄の演舞、エイサーを披露してく れます。今年は伝統エイサー、創作エイサーの他、宮沢賢治世界をエ イサーに融合させた演舞を披露してくださいます。 公演日は2014年 8月10日 (日) です。公演の詳細は5月号をご覧下さい。 第44回目、草月生け花展 by 草月生け花トロント東支部 個々の想像力を基調にあらゆる植物を空間に取り入れ無限の自己表 現の生け花展が来る2014年5月25日(日)にトロント日系文化会館 に於いて午後1時から5時まで開催されます。 当日は開会式に続きデモンストレーションが予定されており、お 茶室の用意もあり、好評の手作り花器なども即売されます。 ご家族、友人をお誘い合わせの上春のひとときをエンジョイして頂き たいと当会では希望しております。 入場料は大人$5 12才以下無料 お問合せは416-491-7705 阿部まで 17 5% discount for JCCC members DAVID IKEDA Sales Representative 416-234-2424 www.ikedasells.com 18 Sutton Group Old Mill Realty Inc., Brokerage 19 20 JCCC 2014 BAZAAR Saturday May 3 12:00pm - 4:00pm New Time! Featuring: Baked Goods, Toys, Books, Pink/White Elephant, Noritake Tableware, Plastic Accessories, Garden Ware, Logo Wear, Japanese Tableware, Silent Auction and a Cornucopia of Bargains!! Dining Room and Snack Bar featuring delicious Sushi, Udon, Manju, and much, much more! Help the JCCC help the environment. Please bring your reusable bags. For more information, call JCCC at 416. 441. 2345 delicous Enjoy our foods!! Japanese 6 Garamond Court, Toronto Don Mills and Eglinton, off Wynford Dr. www.jccc.on.ca 21 Kamp Kodomo Summer 2014 Our Mission To provide a stimulating and educational Japanese and Japanese Canadian cultural experience for young children. Who can register? Children ages 6 (as of December 31, 2013) to 12 Years Dates Session 1 – July 7 – 11 Session 2 – July 14 – 18 Session 3 – July 21 – 25 Times Camp Hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Extended camp care is available daily from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. and from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. Fee $ 200/week Early bird discount $180/week if paid in full by April 30, 2014 10% discount for JCCC Members 5% discount for additional siblings attending the same session (not available with an early bird registration) Extended care is $ 35/week per child. What is included? Children get to participate in a variety of hands-on sessions including: Drama Martial Arts Music Cooking Dance Language History Arts and Crafts Geography And More!!! There are two snacks each day and one special activity day per week that may include an offsite trip. Children must bring a nutritious lunch and drink each day. Why register? Kamp Kodomo is run by a head instructor as well as many dedicated volunteers. This team knows that exposure to culture is the best way to ignite interest and to hand over tradition to the next generation. Together, they work to ensure that the children have a wonderful time in a safe environment. How to register Submit one (1) Registration Form for each child (see reverse). Return to the JCCC via mail, in person or via fax. Enrollment is limited to 20 children per week. Registrations will not be accepted until after March 17, 2014 Early bird registration deadline is April 30, 2014 (additional sibling discount is not available for early bird registrations) Registration deadline June 27, 2014 6 Garamond Court, Toronto, ON M3C 1Z5 Tel: 416-441-2345 Fax: 416-441-2347 Email: [email protected] Website: www.jccc.on.ca 22 Kamp Kodomo Registration Form July 7 – 25, 2014 Please Print Clearly Child’s Name: One Form for Each Child Last Child’s Home Address: First Number City Street Apt/Suite Postal Code Birth Date: Date Telephone, include area code Month Sex: [ ] Male Year Ontario Health Insurance Number [ ] Female Doctor’s Name Name of Parent or Guardian: Relationship to Child: [ ] Mother Contact During the Day: Phone No. Last [ ] Father Age: First [ ] Other, please specify: Work Telephone Number Cellular Phone/Pager Number Email Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is there other important information about your child that you would like us to know? For example, friends at the program, special interests, sports, musical instruments or arts and crafts: Medical Conditions/Food & Other Allergies: Program Fees No. of weeks Sub-total Deduct 10% if you have JCCC Family Membership nd rd Deduct 5% for 2 or 3 child from the same family (not available with an early bird registration) Additional Extended Program Fee Total = = = = = ($180.00 per week th before April 30 ) ($200.00 per week th after April 30 ) = ($35.00 per week) Specify week: ( ( ( ) Week 1: Jul 8 - 12 ) Week 2: Jul 15 - 19 ) Week 3: Jul 22 - 26 = Payment is included by: [ ] Cheque (Payable to JCCC) (Debit Card payment accepted at JCCC reception desk) [ ] MasterCard [ ] VISA [ ] AMEX_________________________________ Number _______/_________ Expiry Date _______________ V-Code Payment and Withdrawal information: Fees can be made by current dated cheques, VISA, MasterCard, AMEX or debit card. Indicate the children’s names on the reverse side of all cheques. Include your VISA, MasterCard or AMEX information on this registration form if you wish to pay by credit card or if you are faxing your forms. Please note there is a $10.00 administrative charge for all NSF Cheques returned or for VISA, MasterCard or AMEX declines. Debit card payment in person only. Full payment must be made prior to session start date. Refund Policy: Refunds, less a $25.00 administrative charge per registrant, will be issued for all program session cancellation received in writing. Refunds are not available within one week prior to the program start date. Medical & Emergency Information: Please ensure that you provide all information requested on the registration form. A minimum of one program supervisor, coordinator or assistant is certified in Emergency First Aid Care and CPR. Special needs: Please contact the JCCC office and we will endeavor to accommodate them. Release: I hereby agree to the terms and conditions outlined above and hereby release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, its directors and officers, its staff, employees and volunteers from any liability concerning our child(ren)'s involvement in JCCC’s Kamp Kodomo and further agree that the use of all JCCC facilities is made at the risk of the applicant. The child(ren) & parent(s) agree, that any pictures taken during the program can be used in any promotion or advertisement by the JCCC. By signing below, parents/guardians and child (ren) agree to abide by all rules, regulations & standards of conduct as required by the program staff for the session for the enjoyment & benefit of all participants. Date Parent/Guardian Signature If you are registering more than one child, submit one (1) Registration Form for each child. Return to the JCCC via mail, in person or via fax. Enrollment is limited to 20 children per week. Registrations will be accepted after March 17, 2014. Early Bird deadline April 30, 2014. Registration deadline June 27, 2014. JCCC, 6 Garamond Court, Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Z5 Phone: (416)441-2345 Fax: (416)441-2347 www.jccc.on.ca For Office Use only Receipt Number___________________________ Amount__________________ Date___________________________ 23 Nostalgia Night Saturday July 5, 2014 3pm to 8pm Honouring Japanese Cultural Arts at the JCCC Bunka Shishu Ikebana (Ikenobo & Sogetsu) Shodo Sumi-e Share memories built over the years, and enjoy great Japanese Canadian cuisine with family and friends. Everyone is welcome to attend! Admission (early bird fee until June 6, 2014) $15 JCCC members, $20 non-members, $5 children 5 and under $150 tables of 10 (names must be provided at the time of registration) * After June 6, the fee would be $20 JCCC members, $25 non-members, $5 children 5 and under, $200 tables of 10 Registration deadline June 27, 2014 6 Garamond Court, Toronto, ON M3C 1Z5 416.441.2345 www.jccc.on.ca [email protected] 24 Nostalgia Night Registration Form (Early Bird registration until June 6, 2014) Name: _____________________________________________________ JCCC Membership: yes / no Contact email or phone#:______________________________________________ JCCC members $15 x _____ = ______ Non-members $20 x _____ = ______ Child (6-13) $5 x _____ = ______ Table (10 people) $150 x _____ table(s) = ______ Children 5 and under free Total # of people: _____ Total fee: $ ______ Please provide the names of those whom you are paying for: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Prices include tax. After June 6, late registrations for adults will be $20 for JCCC members, $25 for non-members, tables will be $200. Final deadline to register is Friday June 27, 2014. For office use only Receipt #: ____________________ 25 26 Nikkei Voice Subscription, Donation and Renewal Form ID# (on mailing label, if applicable): ________________________ Name: _________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ City: ____________________________ Province: ____________ Postal Code: ____________ Telephone: (_____)______ - _______ Email address: __________________________________________ Please send gift subscription to: Name: _________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ City: ____________________________ Province: ____________ Postal Code: ____________ Telephone: (_____)______ - _______ Annual subscription rates: Canada: $40/CDN U.S.A.: $45/U.S. Overseas: $60/CDN *Special student rate (25 years old and under): $25/CDN (valid within Canada only) Please enclose payment: Subscription rate: ___________ Donation (optional): ___________ Total payment: $___________ Please forward to Nikkei Voice Business Office: 6 Garamond Court, Toronto, ON M3C 1Z5, Canada * To be eligible for the student rate, a copy of a document or an item indicating the subscriber’s birth date and year must be provided. 27 THIRD ANNUAL ESTATE PLANNING SEMINAR 60% of Canadians do not have a current estate plan. If you are thinking about planning your estate and not quite sure where to start, or you are looking to update your estate plan and need more information, this seminar is for you. This Estate Planning Seminar will be hosted by William Petruck of FUNDING matters Inc. and will feature panel discussions in English and Japanese with experts in the fields of estate planning, tax and law. PANELISTS • Marty Kobayashi, Financial Advisor, HollisWealth Advisory Services Inc. • • • Rachel Gervais, CPA, CA, Partner, BDO Canada LLP Nozomi (Zoe) Smith, J.D. and LL.M., Dermody Law Julie Sagara, LL.B., Lewin & Sagara LLP PANELIST FACILITATORS • William Petruck, President and CEO, FUNDING matters Inc. (Panel Discussion in English) • THIS IS A FREE EVENT In this Estate Planning Seminar, you will learn: • • • Japanese) The tools to plan and manage your estate How to minimize or even eliminate estate taxes How to build a lasting legacy through incorporating charitable giving into your estate plan AGENDA • • • Yaeko Tong, Campaign Director and Philanthropic Associate, FUNDING matters Inc. (Panel Discussion in 28 DATE: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 TIME: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM LOCATION: Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre 6 Garamond Court, Toronto • 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM Registration for Panel Discussion in English and Complimentary Breakfast 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Panel Discussion in English and Audience Q & A with Panelists 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Registration for Panel Discussion in Japanese, Break and Complimentary Lunch 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Panel Discussion in Japanese and Audience Q & A with Panelists REGISTRATION Everyone is welcome so come and explore this important topic. Seating is limited! To register, contact Sarah at [email protected] / 416-249-0788 第3回 個人財産管理 & 遺産相続計画セミナー 約60%のカナダ人は個人財産管理, および遺産相続計画が未対策 財産管理、遺産相続対策をお考えの方、 でも何処から始めればいいのかとお悩みの方、 また、 すでに対策をされていて、 最 新情報のもと更新することをお考えの方々に最適のセミナーです。 このセミナーはFUNDING matters Inc.のWilliam Petruckに より主催され、個人財産対策、税金そして法律の専門家を パネリストにお迎えし、 日本語・英語でパネルディスカッショ ンが行われます。 パネリスト • Marty Kobayashi, Financial Advisor, HollisWealth Advisory Services Inc. • • • Rachel Gervais, CPA, CA, Partner, BDO Canada LLP Nozomi (Zoe) Smith, J.D. and LL.M., Dermody Law Julie Sagara, LL.B., Lewin & Sagara LLP 司会進行 • William Petruck, President and CEO, FUNDING matters Inc. (Panel Discussion in English) • 日時: 2014年5月28日 (水) 午前: 午前9時30分∼午後1時 場所: 日系文化会館, 6 Garamond Court, Toronto 参加費: 無料 財産管理、遺産相続計画セミナー • • 個人財産の計画管理ツール 遺産にかかる税金の削減対策 • 非営利団体への慈善寄付 セミナー進行予定 • • Yaeko Tong, Campaign Director and Philanthropic • Associate, FUNDING matters Inc. (Panel Discussion in • Japanese) 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM パネルディスカッション (英語) 登録、 朝食のサービス (無料) 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM パネルディスカッション (英語) とパネリストとのQ & A 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM パネルディスカッション (日本語) とランチのサービス(無料) 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM パネルディスカッション (日本語) とパネリストとのQ & A 参加登録 ご興味のある方はどうぞふるってご参加ください。 ご登録はサラ・バードSarah at [email protected] or 416-249-0788までご連絡ください。 お席に限りがございますので、お早めにご登録ください。 29
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