開講科目名 担当教員 International Business Litigation (A) Yun Zhao 開講区分 単位数 後期 1単位 授業のテーマと到達目標 Dispute resolution is an important issue in international business transactions. Litigation is a major dispute resolution mechanism. Lectures in Part A will first of all examine the legal framework for litigation in mainland China. Through several rounds of judicial reforms, China has introduced several important mechanisms to improve and complement the litigation mechanism. The lectures will introduce to the various dispute resolution mechanisms, covering the principles, processes, practice and relevant legal issues related to these mechanisms in China. The lectures will also examine similar mechanisms in Hong Kong and examine the underlying values, models and stages of dispute resolution mechanisms. By the end of the lectures, students will have gained an understanding of basic dispute resolution theory and skills, and their applications in mainland China and Hong Kong. 授業の概要と計画 Part A of the lectures covering the concept of dispute; development of dispute resolution; important functions of dispute resolution; concept and types of negotiation; mediation theory; different modes of mediation; skills and experience of negotiation and mediation practice; civil justice reform; civil litigation; trend of dispute resolution development worldwide. 成績評価と基準 Negotiation and Mediation Simulations; Course participation; term paper/presentation 履修上の注意(準備学習・復習、関連科目情報等を含む) Read the assigned materials before each lecture. オフィスアワー・連絡先 20-25 January 2016 学生へのメッセージ Teaching devices in lectures: teaching, discussion, simulations and presentation. 今年度の工夫 This lecture is to be understandable for the GMAPs students 2015. 教科書 (Sample) Dispute Processes, 2nd edition / Simon Roberts and Michael Palmer : Cambridge University Press ,2005 ,ISBN: 参考書・参考資料等 Civil Justice Reform - What has it Achieved? / Gary Meggitt (ed.) : Sweet & Maxwell ,2010 ,ISBN: Mediation in Hong Kong / Sala Sihombing, Christopher To and James Chiu : Kluwer Law International ,2014 ,ISBN: Mediation Law and Practice / David Spencer and Michael Brogan : Cambridge University Press ,2006 ,ISBN: 授業における使用言語 English キーワード Litigation; Arbitration; Mediation; Negotiation; Civil Justice Reform
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