
Focus! 2015
~世界で輝く城西生~ 2016 年 1 月 15 日 発行 vol.4
高校 2 年生 船橋 陸くん 【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校姉妹校)】
I thought that the way to celebrate Christmas was different from
how we celebrate Christmas in Japan. When I was in Japan, I
thought having a Christmas party with friends and having cake
were common all over the world, but I was not correct. Here, most
people spend time with their family and they do not have a cake
for Christmas. They have sweet potatoes and turkey and chicken;
something like we had on Thanksgiving day. I thought spending
time during the holidays with family is a good custom.
The week before Christmas was really busy. We went Christmas
shopping every day that week. Shopping before Christmas in the United States is crazy. There was a long
line to check out stuff. On Christmas day in the morning, we wait for everybody to wake up and then they
start to open presents. There are lots of presents under the tree that we went to cut down. I spent
Christmas eve with my first host family and Christmas day with my current host family. I got about 20
presents in total. I was really surprised about it. After opening presents, we had a relaxing family time.
We watched a movie and had dinner with a cousin’s family and grandparents. I had a really good time.
Four months have passed, and I was focusing on understanding what they were saying but I could
understand naturally most of the time and I can talk smoothly now. But I hear many words that I do not
know every day. I do not want to hear these words. And I want to say yes I can if I am asked if I can speak
English, not “maybe” I can. We are going on vacation to the snow mountain to do snowboarding or skiing
on New Year’s Day and we are also planning to go shoot the rabbits. So I am really excited about it
いるホストファミリーと過ごしました。プレゼントを 20 個ぐらいもらったので驚きました。夕食には親戚も
こちらに来てから 4 か月がたち、普段の会話にはあまり困らなくなってきて、ジョークなども少し言えたり
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
高校 1 年生 大陸 虹けい さん【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校姉妹校)】
I went to the movie theatre to watch a movie called “SPECTRE” and it was
pretty cool. After the movie, I went to my friend’s house and watched the
first movie of Harry Potter. It was the first time I watched that movie from
beginning to end without falling asleep. I was addicted to it! Now my
favorite movie is Harry Potter. Also, at my friends’ house she has at least
20 cats. Wherever I walk there was cat around me and it felt weird. The
friend’s house I went to is named Molly and she came to Japan (Josai) two
years ago and she will come to Japan (Josai) next year too.
December is the month of Christmas! Christmas is a very big event in
America. There are a lot of people who have Christmas trees in their house. Many people also decorate
their house, so when you walk around the houses at night, they are very beautiful. Recently I went
shopping a lot and bought some stuff for Christmas, like Christmas presents! My purse is crying! In my
house there is a big Christmas tree. Under that tree there are a lot of Christmas presents. Everyday, when
I walk by the tree I wonder what is inside the presents. I am very excited and can’t wait to open the
presents. On Christmas eve and Christmas day, we will eat a lot, the same as Thanksgiving so I will try to
not eat too much. On January 9th there is winter formal and I am very excited to go.
Everyone have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope everyone will have a super wonderful and
awesome year.
この前映画館で SPECTRE を見に行きました。その後友達の家でハリーポッターの賢者の石の映画を見て、
すっかりハリーポッターにはまりました。今では一番好きな映画です。その友達の家には子猫が 20 匹以上い
また、12 月といえばクリスマス。アメリカではすごく大きなイベントです。いろんな家がクリスマスツリー
はいろんなマーケットへ行きクリスマスプレゼントを買っています。友達の誕生日が 12 月 29 日と元旦なので
スイブとクリスマスは THANKS GIVING と同じぐらいのたくさんの食べ物が出るので食べ過ぎないように気
高校 1 年生 A さん 【アメリカ・Blanchet Catholic High School(本校提携校)】
December 3rd was my sixteenth birthday. On that day, we were walking around Blanchet for photography
class. I was talking with my senior and junior friends who are my good friends during that class time. Then,
I had a thought and said “Today is my birthday.” And then, she cried “Really!? Why didn’t you tell me that!?
Happy birthday!!!!” and gave me a hug. It made me very happy. After that class, we went to the school
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
chapel during Religion class time to hear a gospel reading. When we came back to the classroom, my friend
said “Today is your birthday? Happy birthday!” I was surprised because it was really sudden and I didn’t
tell anyone who is a sophomore about my birthday. In addition, I asked her how she knew it was my
birthday? She said “someone lol” and she didn’t tell me about it. After everyone got seated, at this time, my
teacher said “today is someone’s birthday!!” and my friends created clatter. I didn’t think anyone knew it
was my birthday except her, because when she told me happy birthday, there weren’t any students in the
classroom. However, everyone sang a birthday song and prayed for me. I felt like my face was on fire. After
school, I stayed, studied, and talked with my friend who is senior girl at
the cafeteria. At that time, I told her about what happened during
religion time. Then, she stood up suddenly and gave me a hug. After I
came back home, my host family gave me presents. One of them was a
blanket that had the face of kaonashi from studio Ghibli so I was
laughed. On that day, I was so busy because I was sometimes very
happy, and sometimes so shy. But actually, I had really, really great day.
12 月 3 日は、私の誕生日でした。その日の photography のクラスで写真を撮って校内をまわる授業で仲良し
高校 1 年生 杉田 美波さん
【アメリカ・Salem Academy High School(本校提携校)】
This month there was Christmas. Christmas is my most favorite event. My host family has a huge
Christmas tree. The morning of Christmas day, I looked under the tree. There were a lot of presents. My
host parents gave me many presents. And also relatives gave me some presents too. They are very kind to
me. I was so lucky to meet them. I had many parties. There was a party called “Christmas Gala” at my
school. Everyone dressed up, and we had a “Talent Show”. I have never been to a party like that, and it
was so much fun. We also did the annual Christmas party for only international students at the house
of our teacher. We brought a “White elephant gift”, which is
an unnecessary thing. That was so exciting. And we made a
gingerbread house as a group. It was the first time for me to
make a gingerbread house. At the end, we sang some
Christmas songs. I made a gingerbread house at my house,
too. I could make it very well. I was able to experience the
Christmas of American culture at Christmas this year.
This year, it will finish soon. I think I want to cherish the day by day of 2016.
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
えてよかったです。今月はパーティーが多かったです。学校でも「Christmas Gala」というパーティーがあ
「White Elephant Gift」といって、いらないものをプレゼントにする
高校 1 年生 小野 朱梨華さん 【スペイン・I.E.S.COMUNEROS DE CASTILLA】
I will talk about my birthday and Christmas in Spain in English. First, My
birthday was December 9th. I forgot my birthday until the day. It was my
birthday for the first time in Spain. I had school. My friends said “Feliz
cumpleaños.”. I didn't know what it meant. It means“Happy birthday” in
Spanish. I was surprised, because they didn't know it was my birthday. So I
was so happy. In the afternoon, my host family gave me some presents. One
was a teddy bear. I love bears. I was very happy. I ate SUSHI at night. It
had been a long time since I ate sushi, and it was delicious.
Finally, Christmas in Spain was different from Japan. In Spain, I ate
dinner with many family members. There were many kinds of foods. I ate paella, tortilla, and lasagna for
Christmas. They were very delicious. My favorite food is tortilla. It's made from egg and potato. I want to
eat it many times. I went to church on Christmas morning. Spain is a Catholic country. The Spanish
people kissed the toy of the baby at church. They take good care of the baby in Spain. I watched an old
Spanish movie. I didn't understand the words, but the movie made me cry. When I understand Spanish, I
want to see it once again. I met a Japanese women at a shop on Christmas. She was married. She has a
child. The child was the same age as me. I asked her many questions. She answered my questions kindly.
I felt relieved.
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26