
Parent’s Curriculum
12 th Restaurant レストランでのフレーズ
I like/ I don’t like…
Expressing likes and dislikes and
What would you like?
ordering food.
I would like…
13 th Time and Daily routine
Practice telling the time and to
What time is it?
encourage your children to practice at
What time do you get up?
home with you.
14 th Daily routine review 復習
Present simple/ third person.
Practice talking about your routine and
e.g. I get up, I go to bed, have lunch.
your family’s routine.
He/she goes to bed.
15 th Suggesting activities.
アクティビティの提案 ~するのはどう?
Practice suggesting activities to do with
your children.
Feelings e.g. I’m bored!
Shall we bake a cake?
Why don’t we go swimming?