JUNBA 2015 Symposium & Summit January 8‐9, 2015 Hilton San Francisco Airport Bayfront 教育の質を保証するためのガバナンス改⾰: 公⽴⼤学世界トップレベルのカリフォルニア⼤学(UC)に聞く Governance as a Major Leverage Tool for Improving Quality in Higher Education 主催: 共催: 後援: サンフランシスコ・ベイエリア大学間連携ネットワーク(JUNBA) 在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事館 独立行政法人日本学術振興会 文部科学省 独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)サンフランシスコ事務所 Organized by: Co‐Organized by: Supported by: Japanese University Network in the Bay Area (JUNBA) Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) JETRO San Francisco 1.ご挨拶 | Foreword JUNBA会長 松尾正人 Masato Matsuo, JUNBA President この度は、JUNBA2015にご参加いただきありがとうございます。JUNBAシンポジウム・サ ミットも今回で9回目となり、本年もまた米国と日本の大学のリーダーが一堂に会し、議論す る機会を作ることができたことを大変嬉しく存じております。 グローバル化が急速に進展する中で、我が国では日本の大学が国際的な教育の質を保 証し、真のグローバル人材を育成していくための、大学のガバナンス改革が求められてい ます。先般、学校教育法等が改正され、副学長及び教授会の役割が明確化されるなどの 制度改正も行われたところです。このような背景を踏まえて今回のJUNBA2015では、「教育 の質を保証するためのガバナンス改革:公立大学世界トップレベルのカリフォルニア大学 (UC)に聞く」をテーマとして、学長のリーダーシップ発揮を中心にした、大学ガバナンスの 実践上の取組や課題を議論することとしました。 1日目シンポジウムでは、UCから2名の講演者をお招きし、UCにおけるプロボストの役割 や理事会・執行部・教員による共同統治(Shared Governance)など、UCシステムの特徴的 なガバナンスについてご講演いただきます。2日目サミットでは、文部科学省からの基調講 演と前日のUCの講演をベースにして、参加大学間での白熱した討論を行うこととしており ます。ぜひご期待ください。 JUNBAは2006年に発足以来、メンバーは9大学に達しています。各メンバーの優れた取 組や課題について情報交換することはもちろん、プログラムの協働や切磋琢磨により、大 学の現実的な国際化に向けて努力を続けております。特に、JUNBAメンバー大学は、でき る限り多くの日本人学生に対して、充実した米国研修プログラムを提供することに力を注い でおります。2014年の1年間だけでも、メンバー大学より1,300名を超える学生が、長期又は 短期の米国研修を受講しております。また、学生への研修だけではなく、シリコンバレーか らの遠隔授業や教員・職員研修などの取組も推進しています。 JUNBAのミッションは、米国内に拠点を持つ日本の大学間の連携を図り、日本の大学の 国際化、国際的人材の養成等の諸活動を支援し、日本及び米国における教育・研究の発 展と、産業創出に寄与する事です。JUNBAとしては、今回のシンポジウム・サミットで得られ る知見を最大活用して今後の日本の大学の変革と国際化に一層貢献したいと考えます。 ますますのご指導、ご支援を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。 2.プログラム | Program JUNBA 2015 Symposium Thursday, January 8, 2015 [Reflection I & II] Language: English 11:00 AM ‐ 1:25 PM Registration 11:00 AM ‐ 12:00 PM Poster Session by JUNBA Core Member Universities Opening Remarks 1:25 PM ‐ 1:30 PM Masato Matsuo, President of JUNBA and Kyushu University California Office, Inc. Lecture I: “Higher Education Leadership and the Role of Provosts at the University of California” 1:30 PM ‐ 2:30 PM Dr. Aimée Dorr, Provost and Executive Vice President, University of California Office of the President *Moderator: Maria Domoto, Vice President of JUNBA and Executive Director of Obirin Gakuen Foundation of America 2:30 PM ‐ 2:45 PM Break Lecture II: “The Distribution of Governance Functions within the University of California and the Roles of the Faculty in Them” 2:45 PM ‐ 3:45 PM Dr. C. Judson King, Provost and Senior Vice President – Academic Affairs, Emeritus, University of California *Moderator: Masato Matsuo 3:45 PM ‐ 4:00 PM 4:00 PM ‐ 4:45 PM Break Q&A and Discussion Session with Speakers *Moderators: Masato Matsuo and Maria Domoto 4:45 PM ‐ 5:15 PM Symposium Closing and Commemorative Group Photo 7:00 PM ‐ 9:00 PM Reception for Academic Exchange between Japanese and U.S. Universities at the Official Residence of the Consul General of Japan in San Francisco (Invitation Only) Co‐organized by the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) JUNBA 2015 Summit [Reflection I & II] Language: Japanese Friday, January 9, 2015 9:00 AM ‐ 10:00 AM 受付 10:00 AM ‐ 10:30 AM 開会・挨拶 JUNBA会長 松尾正人(九州大学カリフォルニアオフィス代表) 在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事 渡邉正人 独立行政法人日本学術振興会理事 渡邊淳平 10:30 AM ‐ 12:00 PM 基調講演及び質疑応答 「大学におけるガバナンス機能の強化」 文部科学省高等教育局高等教育企画課国際戦略分析官 太田和良幸 12:00 PM ‐ 1:30 PM 休憩(昼食は各自でおとりください。) 12:00 PM ‐ 1:15 PM ポスターセッション 米国内に拠点を持つJUNBA正会員大学等が、各拠点で実施するプロ グラムにおける取り組み、及び課題などについて紹介いたします。 1:30 PM ‐ 1:45 PM JUNBA理事による1日目シンポジウムの総括 JUNBA理事 樺澤哲(大阪大学北米センター長) 1:45 PM ‐ 3:15 PM 大学間討論 セッション1 進行: JUNBA理事 神山知久(名古屋大学ノースカロライナ事務所所長) JUNBA理事 服部令(早稲田大学サンフランシスコオフィス リージョナル・マネージャー) 3:15 PM‐ 3:30 PM 休憩 3:30 PM ‐ 4:45 PM 大学間討論 セッション2 進行:JUNBA理事 神山知久・服部令 4:45 PM ‐ 5:00 PM 5:30 PM‐ 7:30 PM 大学間討論総括 JUNBA理事 竹之内浩光(福岡工業大学カリフォルニア事務所所長) 閉会 JUNBA会長 松尾正人 JUNBAネットワーキングレセプション 主催:日本学術振興会 [Windows on the Bay] 司会:JUNBA事務局長 井筒雅之(日本学術振興会サンフランシスコ研究連絡センター長) 3.シンポジウム講演者紹介 | Symposium Presenters AIMÉE DORR Provost and Executive Vice President University of California Office of the President Aimée Dorr was appointed provost and executive vice president for academic affairs of the University of California on July 1, 2012. As UC provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, she directs the development of academic and research policies; provides administrative oversight of the University’s academic planning efforts and associated budget matters; serves as liaison with the University‐wide Academic Senate, executive vice chancellors/provosts of the 10 campuses, student governments, and academic leaders of other segments of California higher education, and directs planning, policy development, and strategy in such areas as K‐12 academic preparation, international academic activities, library planning, University Press, research, and student affairs. Her efforts are organized around the vision of UC as a pre‐eminent research public university, with each campus in its time and its own way achieving this status. The provost is authorized to act on behalf of the president in his or her absence or inability to act. Dorr, a professor of education at UCLA since 1981, became dean of the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies (GSE&IS) in 1999. Among the leadership positions she has held within the UC system are chair and vice chair of the UC Academic Senate and faculty representative to the UC Board of Regents. Before joining the faculty at UCLA, Dorr was a faculty member at Stanford University, Harvard University and the University of Southern California, where she served as associate dean of the Annenberg School of Communications. At Stanford, she also served one year as special adviser to the president for childcare policy. At the same time that she became the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies dean, she became co‐chair of UCLA's Academic Preparation and Educational Partnership Programs, formerly known as Outreach Programs. Dorr is a fellow of the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Science. Her research has focused on electronic media and the processes by which young people make sense of, utilize and are affected by electronic media. Her expertise also includes policy analysis and the role of research in policy decision making. She has advised on national policy for children's television for the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission and on food marketing to children and youth for the Institute of Medicine. Dorr received her B.S. in mathematics from Stanford University, where she also earned her M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology. C. JUDSON KING Provost and Senior Vice President – Academic Affairs, Emeritus University of California C. Judson King is Provost and Senior Vice President – Academic Affairs, Emeritus of the University of California system, having served as Provost from 1995 until 2004. He has also been Provost, Professional Schools and Colleges (1987‐1994), Dean of the College of Chemistry (1981‐1987) and Director the Center for Studies in Higher Education (2004‐2014), with which he remains affiliated. He is also Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering, having joined the Berkeley faculty in 1963 and researched and published extensively in that field during his 52‐year Berkeley career, including authoring a text book, “Separation Processes” and having carried out research on spray drying, freeze‐drying, solvent extraction, adsorption, and other methods of separation. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and has received awards from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, the American Society for Engineering Education, the American Chemical Society, the Council for Chemical Research and the Yale Science and Engineering Association. 4.サミット基調講演者紹介 | Keynote Speaker YOSHIYUKI OHTAWA Analyst Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) 1978.4 Entered Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (Monbusho) 1997.11 Director, Private Education Institution Management Division, Private Education Institution Department, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture 1999.7 Director, Social Education Division, Lifelong Learning Policy Bureau, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture 2000.4 Secretary General, Aichi University of Education 2003.4 Secretary General, Tokyo University of the Arts 2004.4 Trustee, Vice President, Secretary General, Tokyo University of the Arts 2007.1 Executive Vice President, Director General, Kobe University 2009.4 Deputy Director, Kyoto National Museum 2012.4 Analyst, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) 5.会場地図 | Floor Map Hotel Entrance and Lobby Networking Reception Restaurant “Windows on the Bay” Front Desk Spectrum I Spectrum II Prism Glimmer Registration JUNBA 2015 Symposium, Summit and Poster Session Reflection III Reflection II Reflection I 6.会場・交通案内 | Venue and Access Information Venue Hilton San Francisco Airport Bayfront 600 Airport Blvd., Burlingame, CA 94010 Tel: 1‐650‐340‐8500 | Fax: 1‐650‐343‐1546 http://www3.hilton.com/en/hotels/california/hilton‐san‐francisco‐airport‐bayfront‐ SFOAPHF/index.html Map San Francisco International Airport (SFO) From the North: Proceed southbound on US Highway 101. Travel past San Francisco Airport to the Broadway/Burlingame Exit. From the South: Travel northbound on US Highway 101. Exit onto Anza Boulevard. Hilton San Francisco Airport Bayfront (SFOから約8km、車で10分程度) Access ホテル駐車場 | Hotel Parking • JUNBA2015参加の方は、宿泊者、非宿泊者とも無料(Self-Parking)です。 • 宿泊者の方は、駐車場を出る際に、ルームキーを使用してください。使用後は、駐車料 金支払い機の隣にあるDrop Boxへルームキーを返却してください。 • 非宿泊者の方は、JUNBA会場受付にてスタッフにお申し付けください。無料パスをお渡 しいたします。 Complimentary covered and secure self‐parking is available for JUNBA 2015 attendees. • For attendees who are staying at the hotel: Please exit the parking lot using your room key. After the gate opens, please return your key to the drop box next to the payment machine. • For attendees who are not staying at the hotel: We will provide you with a free parking pass at the JUNBA registration desk. Please notify JUNBA staff if you need a pass. 無料空港シャトルバス | Complimentary Shuttle Service サンフランシスコ国際空港(SFO)と会場(ホテル)間を結ぶ無料シャトルバスが20分間隔 で午前4時から午前1時の間、運行されます。詳細は下記ウェブサイトにてご確認ください。 The Hilton San Francisco Airport Bayfront offers complimentary scheduled shuttle service for San Francisco International Airport (SFO). Please see the following website for details. http://www.hilton.com/en/hi/hotels/hotelpromo.jhtml?ctyhocn=SFOAPHF&promo=SFOAPHF _Service_shuttle 【シャトルバス利用方法】 1. 国際線ターミナル到着ロビー一階上の 出発ロビーの外にHotel Courtesy Shuttlesの案内があります。 2. 国際線ターミナル外にあるシャトルバス 乗り場。 3. シャトルバスに乗り、10分程度でホテルに到着します。 JUNBA Office c/o JSPS San Francisco Office 2001 Addison St., Suite 260, Berkeley, CA 94704 E‐mail: [email protected] | Website: www.junba.org
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