Last updated:2014.12.22 12/22/2014 2:06 PM [Reference] AY2015-16 University-wide Student Exchange Program (USTEP) (Additional Call) - Basic Information on Partner Universities [Reference] 【参考情報】2015-16 年期 交換留学(国際本部担当)(追加募集) 協定校基本情報一覧【参考情報】 ※Information on this page is provided for reference. ※The information is subject to change without advance notice for reasons pertaining to the partner university. So check the latest information by yourself on the website of each partner university. Be particularly careful about the language requirements. ※Universities with programs that have been greyed out are not available for application on this additional call. The programs have been left in for reference purposes only. ※本ページに記載の情報は、参考情報として掲載しております。 ※協定校の都合により予告なく変更される場合があります。最新情報は各自で必ず各協定校のウェブサイト等を確認してください。特に語学条件等にはご注意ください。 ※下記の一覧表の中で、灰色で塗りつぶされている協定校は今回の募集対象協定校ではありません。参考までに掲載しています。 Country/ Region 国・地域 University name (English/Japanese) 大学名(英語名/日本 語名) Student-exchange website 交換留学ウェブサイト Academic calendar 学年暦 Exchange period 留学期間 Exchange start 留学開始時期 Language requirements and relevant information 語学条件等 Taiwan National Chiao Tung University /files/11-1000-291.php ・Fall Semester: (September~ January) September or February 国立交通大学 http://pre2010.ia.nctu.ed p?ID=pro02 One academic year or one semester Taiwan National Taiwan University 国立台湾大学 /oia/index.php/doc/view/s n/210/block/84/lang/en ・Spring Semester: (February~July) ・1st Semester: Fall semester (mid-September~ mid-January) ・2nd Semester: Spring semester (late February~late June) Target 対象等 Available courses at partner university and other relevant information 履修可能な授業など (Reference) Deadline for application documents to partner university after internal screening (参考)学内選考後の東 京大学から協定校への申 請書類締切 Submit the score of TOEFL or IELTS. (a minimum score Undergraduate/ requirement is not set.) Graduate See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. Chinese ability is not required. etAY2014-2015%282015Spring%29.pdf September admission: Nomination deadline:April 15 Application deadline: April 30 * Exchange students will take courses in English. If they have Chinese ability, they can take the courses in Chinese, too. One academic year or one semester September or February In order to follow NTU courses taught in English or Chinese, students should have B1 level for English or Chinese Language Proficiency according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). *Chinese language courses: All incoming exchange students are eligible to take the NTU General Chinese Course, which is a regular course with credits. For more details, please refer to the website of “Center for International Education” at block/444/lang/en. *Note 1; Students of UTokyo must have scores of at least TOEFL iBT 57 or IELTS 5.5 (for English) or B1 level (for Chinese) to be nominated to National Taiwan University as exchange students. February admission: Nomination deadline: Oct 15 Application deadline: Oct 30 Undergraduate/ Graduate See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. ※Students with Taiwanese nationality cannot be accepted; however, students with dual-nationality can apply. Restricted Courses plication%20procedure%201415_0220.pdf See section 4. Study at NTU * Students with Chinese nationality can apply for the oneyear course, though there are some visa restrictions. See the URL below. .tw/oia/index.php/doc/ view/sn/39/block/88/la ng/zh_TW September admission: March 31 (Online student application period and deadlines: March 1~ March 30) February admission: October 31 (Online student application period and deadlines: October 1~ October 31) 1 Last updated: 12/22/2014 2:06 PM Country/ Region 国・地域 University name (English/Japanese) 大学名(英語名/日本 語名) Student-exchange website 交換留学ウェブサイト Academic calendar 学年暦 Exchange period 留学期間 Exchange start 留学開始時期 Language requirements and relevant information 語学条件等 Target 対象等 Available courses at partner university and other relevant information 履修可能な授業など (Reference) Deadline for application documents to partner university after internal screening (参考)学内選考後の東 京大学から協定校への申 請書類締切 China Shanghai Jiao Tong University N/A ・Fall Semester (September~late January) One academic year or one semester September・ February (If students take courses taught in Chinese) ・Chinese language ability equal to the HSK level 5. ・No requirement for the English language ability. Undergraduate/ Graduate ・Restricted programme or courses (not open to exchange students) : The courses in School of Medicine, MIB/MBA/EMBA/IMBA programs of Antai College of Economics and Business management ・Most courses are in Chinese. ・Exchange students can take courses taught in English which are designed for different year students. Also, exchange students can take courses taught in English offered by different departments from they are applying for. However, it should be approved by all the departments in advance. September admission: April 30 See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. September admission: April 30th (On-line application open date:March 15) 上海交通大学 ・Spring Semester (late February~late June) (If students take courses taught in English) No requirement for the English language ability. (non-Chinese nationals only) (If students want to apply for school of international education there are 2 choices.) 1. Studying Chinese, Chinese literature, culture, etc., with other undergraduate students at School of International Education. The courses will be mainly in Chinese. - This type requires HSK 3 or above 2. Studying Chinese language training program. This program has 10 levels. Students will take a test to see their level on registration day, and then be arranged into the corresponding courses. This program only offers Chinese language courses. For lower-level students, the course will be taught in English. - This type does not required HSK. However, this program is a non-degree program from school of international education (SIE). The transcript will be offered by SIE. For low-level learners, the course will be mainly in Chinese, but will explain in English when necessary. February admission: November 30 *If exchange students want to take Chinese courses at schools other than school of international education, they are required to have HSK 5 or above. China Tsinghua University 清華大学 EN/non-degreeprograms/exchange.html ※Students in the Faculty of Engineering/ Graduate School of Engineering who are planning to apply for Tsuinghua Univ. should first contact the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange (OICE), School of Engineering. China Nankai University 南開大学 ・Fall Term: (September~ January) One academic year or one semester September・ February ・Spring Term: (February~June) ・Autumn semester: (September – January) ・Spring semester: (February – June) Undergraduate/ Graduate (If students take the courses taught in English) For students taking courses instructed in English, they need to be fluent in English. * Actual semester dates vary at each department Website for International Students: http://international.nankai lt.aspx (If students take the courses taught in Chinese) For students taking courses instructed in Chinese mandarin, they shall pass HSK Band Six (old) or Five (new) as the minimum entry requirement. One academic year or one semester September・ February HSK level 5, if the candidates would like to follow courses in other colleges other than the College of Chinese Language and Culture (besides some College which opens English courses) February admission: November 30th (On-line application open date:October 15) Undergraduate/ Graduate (non-Chinese nationals only) See the Information Sheet for details. Nankai Univ. will open several English courses in Business and Economics. Autumn semester: April 30th Spring semester: November 30th No requirements for English language. 2 Last updated: 12/22/2014 2:06 PM Country/ Region 国・地域 University name (English/Japanese) 大学名(英語名/日本 語名) Student-exchange website 交換留学ウェブサイト Academic calendar 学年暦 Exchange period 留学期間 Exchange start 留学開始時期 Language requirements and relevant information 語学条件等 Target 対象等 Available courses at partner university and other relevant information 履修可能な授業など (Reference) Deadline for application documents to partner university after internal screening (参考)学内選考後の東 京大学から協定校への申 請書類締切 China Peking University n/html/english/ ・Autumn Semester: (September~ January) One academic year or one semester September・ February If students are planning to take courses taught in Chinese, they are expected to have the Chinese language proficiency of the HSK level 7 or new HSK level 6 or above. If they don’t have these certificates, they are required to take the Chinese language proficiency exam after their registration at PKU. Only students whose results meet the required standards are allowed to take courses taught in Chinese, all others are suggested to study Chinese in the International College for Chinese Language Studies for one or two semesters. Undergraduate/ Graduate See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. (non-Chinese nationals only) ・For undergraduate and master students, you are supposed to participate in the General Visiting Student Program. how&catid=121&id=142 Provided that graduate students can only take the courses for undergraduate students. Online application by students: September admission: around March 北京大学 ・Spring Semester: (February~June) ・For Ph.D. and Postdoc students, you are supposed to participate in the Senior Visiting Student Program. A senior visiting student is normally supervised by a professor of the host school/department to conduct research. You are suggested to contact your target school/department first and find a professor who would like to be your academic advisor. how&catid=121&id=143 If students are planning to take courses taught in English, there are no official language requirements for English. However, please note that the courses in English which exchange students are able to take are limited and there is no guarantee that students will be able to take courses only taught in English. Hong Kong The University of Hong Kong mission/exchange/incomi ng ・First Semester (September~ December) 香港大学 One academic year or one semester ・Second Semester (January~May) ※Actual semester dates vary at each department Republic of Korea Korea University 高麗大学校 _2_1 - Semester 1 (Spring) (Mar-Jun) - Semester 2 (Fall) (Sep-Dec) Republic of Korea Seoul National University dy_snu/0302_01.html -Fall Semester (September to December) ソウル大学校 -Spring Semester (March to June) September・ January * Actual semester dates vary at each department One academic year or one semester March/ September Full academic year or one term September/ March If your first language is NOT English: Undergraduate/ Graduate 80 in TOEFL (iBT) (97 for Faculty of Law), or 6.5 in IELTS (7.0 with no subtest below 6.5 for Faculty of Law) Fluency in either Korean or English language Undergraduate / Graduate February admission: around November Application Deadline For the fall semester: March 31 For the spring semester: November 30 Course information: September admission: May 15 student-programme-offered (Nomination deadline: March 31) *Courses offered by the Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Dentistry, and Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine are not open to January admission: exchange students October 31 (Nomination deadline: Notes to graduate students: September 1s)) UHK has taught graduate and research graduate program. And usually exchange students for taught graduate program ※Faculty of Law should apply and register through the undergraduate September admission: exchange program and study at least one course from the March 31 undergraduate scheme. And research students will need to (Nomination deadline: identify a supervisor before making application. March 15) See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. January admission: September 30 (Nomination deadline: September 1) See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. Semester 1 (Spring) : November 15 Semester 2 (Fall) : May 15 Language proficiency of either English or Korean is highly recommended, but not compulsory English TOEFL iBT: 88 or above IELTS: 6.0 or above Undergraduate / Graduate See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. September admission: April 20 March admission: October 20 Korean KLPT: Level 5 or above TOPIC: Level 5 or above Note: Applicants, who apply for the Korean History major, must provide a proof of Korean language ability. 3 Last updated: 12/22/2014 2:06 PM Country/ Region 国・地域 University name (English/Japanese) 大学名(英語名/日本 語名) Student-exchange website 交換留学ウェブサイト Academic calendar 学年暦 Exchange period 留学期間 Exchange start 留学開始時期 Language requirements and relevant information 語学条件等 Target 対象等 Available courses at partner university and other relevant information 履修可能な授業など (Reference) Deadline for application documents to partner university after internal screening (参考)学内選考後の東 京大学から協定校への申 請書類締切 Republic of Korea Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) http://international.postec (Study > Exchange Program) ・Fall Semester (September~ December) One academic year or one semester September・ March TOEFL (IELTS) score of 213(CBT), 80(IBT), (6.0) or higher for students from non-English-speaking countries Undergraduate/ Graduate The three programs below are available. ・Exchange Program Coursework only for one or two semesters. Generally, students take 3 to 9 credits per semester. Students applying to this program must exhibit fluency in English. Many courses are available in English at the graduate level. ・Research Program: Research participation for a period determined by the student and the advising professor at POSTECH. Maximum period of research is 12 months.(Credits cannot be obtained in the Research Program) ・Combined Program A combined program of coursework and research is also offered to qualified students. September admission: April 1 Average academic record above "B" prior to application ・Spring Semester (March~June) 浦項工科大学校 (POSTECH) March admission: October 1 See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. Republic of Korea Yonsei University 延世大学校 -Fall Semester (September to December) Full academic year or one term September/ March One academic year or one semester August・ January -Spring Semester (March to June) Singapore National University of Singapore シンガポール国立大 学 gistrar/edu/ng.html ・Semester 1 (early August~December) ・Semester 2 (midJanuary~early May) Courses in English: minimum CBT 213, IBT 79, PBT 550, IELTS 6, or Sufficient Proof of Equivalent English Proficiency Courses in Korean: Official Korean language proficiency proof (KLPT level 4 or assessment report by a professor/lecturer) Students must get permission from the professor on the 1st day of class. Undergraduate / Graduate student Exchange students from non-English medium institutions are required to submit either the TOEFL or IELTS result if they are applying to read modules from the NUS Faculty of Law. Undergraduate See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. September admission: Last week day of April Information on courses March admission: Last week day of October 2_01_12.asp Module search Modules offered for Non-Graduating Students Module Restrictions (“Academic Matters”) Business and Economics are extremely popular and usually over-subscribed. Applicants are recommended to consider business-related courses offered by other Faculties & Schools. Please note that Business courses are ONLY open to Business majors. Exchange students coming to NUS for full year, can apply for Business courses for one semester only. NUS Faculty of Law has very limited places for Law exchange students. Thus the chances of getting Law courses are very slim. August admission: March 15 (Nomination by home university) (Online Application: March 21~April 15) January admission: September 1 (Nomination by home university) (Online Application: September 1~ October1) NUS Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Institute of System Science and Singapore MIT Alliance are not open to exchange students See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. 4 Last updated: 12/22/2014 2:06 PM Country/ Region 国・地域 University name (English/Japanese) 大学名(英語名/日本 語名) Student-exchange website 交換留学ウェブサイト Academic calendar 学年暦 Brazil Universidade de São Paulo サンパウロ大学 Undergraduate: -1st Semester (February to June) tionaloffice/en/index.php/ admissions/undergraduat -2nd Semester e/exchange-student (August to December) Graduate: tionaloffice/en/index.php/ admissions/graduate/exc hange-student Exchange period 留学期間 Exchange start 留学開始時期 Language requirements and relevant information 語学条件等 Target 対象等 Available courses at partner university and other relevant information 履修可能な授業など (Reference) Deadline for application documents to partner university after internal screening (参考)学内選考後の東 京大学から協定校への申 請書類締切 Full academic year or one term August / February Nearly every course at USP is delivered in Portuguese. Undergraduate / Graduate student The students are allowed to enroll in disciplines offered by different Departments and Institutes, respecting their specific requirements (course pre-requisites, opening constraints, institutional agreement with USP, etc). A list of all USP courses is available at and a list of disciplines offered by each Institute is available at &codmnu=2214 (click on "[Unidades de Ensino]" and choose one of the listed Institutes) Undergraduate student A certificate from a professor attesting that the student is capable to attend classes in Portuguese is needed. Portuguese classes for foreign students are available in the central campus only at the Language Center (see . August admission: May 5 February admission: October 5 Graduate students (master and doctorate) must contact directly our graduate office (“Pós-Graduação”: of the Institute or School of their interest. The university webpage has a description of all graduate programs. Chile The University of Chile チリ大学 entacion/relacionesinternacionales/programa-demovilidad-estudiantil--pme/alumnos-libresinternacionales/6719/procesode-incorporacion-ypostulacion-en-linea ・1st Semester (March~July) ・2nd Semester (July~December) One academic year or one semester March・July Arrival dates: The week prior begin of each semester. (Spanish) Spanish language requirements: The equivalent of 6 semesters of Spanish courses or DELE B1 from Cervantes Institute Undergraduate/ Graduate Poseer un nivel adecuado de idioma español. Los cursos en la Universidad de Chile son dictados en este idioma , por lo que se requiere acreditar a lo menos 6 semestres cursados o estudios equivalentes (certificable con nivel B1 en el Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera DELE- del Instituto Cervantes). Inscripción de asignaturas: 64 (Spanish) March admission: November 30 July admission: May 30 See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. entacion/relacionesinternacionales/programa-demovilidad-estudiantil--pme/alumnos-libresinternacionales/englishversion/8682/admissionprocess-on-line (English) Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile チリ・カトリック大学 http://internationalrelation -First Semester (March to July) uc/como-postular -Second Semester (August to December) Full academic year or one term Second semester only (August to December 2015) March / August Students must be proficient in Spanish. Certificate of Spanish language proficiency at a university level (4 university level semesters passed or a certificate of equivalent studies, only for non-native Spanish speakers, as reference please use B2 according to CEFR, no high school certificate will be considered). Undergraduate / Graduate student Courses for foreign students Restrictions: See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. March Admission: October 30 August Admission: May 2 5 Last updated: 12/22/2014 2:06 PM Country/ Region 国・地域 University name (English/Japanese) 大学名(英語名/日本 語名) Student-exchange website 交換留学ウェブサイト Academic calendar 学年暦 Exchange period 留学期間 Exchange start 留学開始時期 Language requirements and relevant information 語学条件等 Target 対象等 Available courses at partner university and other relevant information 履修可能な授業など (Reference) Deadline for application documents to partner university after internal screening (参考)学内選考後の東 京大学から協定校への申 請書類締切 Canada University of Toronto hangePrograms/StudentsFrom-Abroad.htm ・First (Fall) Term (September~ December) One academic year or one semester September・ January Undergraduate Level Studies: TOEFL Internet-based Test (IBT): minimum 89 overall + 19 on writing section The minimum IELTS score requirement is an overall band of 6.5, with no band below 6.0. Undergraduate/ Graduate Inbound Exchange Options: Feb 1 (Graduate students); トロント大学 ・Second (Winter) Term (January~ April) Apr 1 (All others) Restricted Courses Graduate Level Studies (Masters and PhD): TOEFL Internet-based Test (IBT): minimum 93 overall +22 on the writing/speaking section The minimum IELTS score requirement is an overall band of 7.0. See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. Faculty of Law: TOEFL Internet-based Test (IBT): minimum 100 overall + 25 on the reading and writing sections The minimum IELTS score requirement is an overall band of 7.0, with no band below 6.5. *Some graduate school departments may require scores higher than the above. For details of language requirements, see the website of each school. Canada University of British Columbia (UBC) http://www.students.ubc. ca/global/coming-to-ubc/ ブリティッシュ・コロン ビア大学(UBC) ・Term 1 (September~ December) One academic year or one semester September・ January ・Term 2 (January~ April/May) Undergraduate level studies: TOEFL (iBT) : Overall score: 90 (Reading: 22, Listening: 22, Writing: 21, Speaking: 21) IELTS: 6.5 with no part less than 6.0 Graduate level studies: Many graduate programs at UBC require higher TOEFL scores than those listed above. If you are applying for graduate studies, please ensure that you meet the TOEFL scores listed in UBC's Calendar. Undergraduate/ Graduate *Some graduate programs require submission of GRE. Course information/ restrictions: Many faculties, schools, and programs at UBC are available to visiting exchange students, however admission into some programs is limited. ※The Faculty of Law does not accepts exchange students. See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. September admission: March 15 (Nomination deadline: March 1) January admission: March 15 (Nomination deadline: March 1) English language requirements: Canada McGill University マギル大学 ents/international/incomi ng/exchange -Fall Semester (September to December) -Winter Semester (January to April) Full academic year or one term September / January * Note: Students of UTokyo must have TOEFL or IELTS scores which meets McGill’s minimum requirements (see above) to be nominated to McGill University as exchange students. Undergraduate Faculties not open to exchange students: Medicine, Dentistry, Continuing Studies September admission: April 15 Faculty Restrictions -Schulich School of Music: strongly recommends exchange students start in the Fall term -School of Nursing: applicants must be from a U21 partner institution -Architectural&Env. Sciences, Education, Law, Music, Management and Nursing students: must already be registered in the same degree program in their home university -Law: normally not open to general agreements unless space permitting -Engineering: limited spaces in Chemical, Civil and Mechanical disciplines January admission: September 15 Also, some have limitations such as Architecture, Music and Religious Studies is fairly small therefore spaces are limited. Law operates their own exchange agreements and are therefore not included in general agreements unless there are reserved spaces. See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. 6 Last updated: 12/22/2014 2:06 PM Country/ Region 国・地域 University name (English/Japanese) 大学名(英語名/日本 語名) Student-exchange website 交換留学ウェブサイト Academic calendar 学年暦 Exchange period 留学期間 Exchange start 留学開始時期 Language requirements and relevant information 語学条件等 Target 対象等 Available courses at partner university and other relevant information 履修可能な授業など (Reference) Deadline for application documents to partner university after internal screening (参考)学内選考後の東 京大学から協定校への申 請書類締切 USA Yale University (Fox International Fellowship Program) millan/fif/programdescript ion.html August~May (Fall Term AugustDecember, Spring Term January-May) One academic year only August TOEFL or IELTS scores are required. (TOEFL iBT score: 100 or above is preferable.) Graduate ※Research fields designated (see right.) Conduct research as a "Visiting Affiliated Research Student on the Division of Special Registration for non-degree study by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Yale University" As Fox Fellows they have full use of the resources of the host university, allowing them to undertake research, work with faculty, make use of archives and library resources as well as audit courses, take domestic professional development trips and interact with other students. Early February All program participants must demonstrate sufficient language proficiency to complete their research project at their host institution and to communicate directly with their hosts and peers. イェール大学 (フォックス・プログラ ム) * Yale University’s Fox International Fellowship Program is a program that comes with a scholarship. Under the agreement between the University of Tokyo and Yale University, the University of Tokyo nominates 8 to 25 students to Yale University, from which Yale University selects at least one student. Therefore, please be aware that unlike other student exchange programs, applicants to the Yale University program have a high probability of passing the internal screening but also a relatively high possibility of being rejected during the screening by Yale University. Selection Criteria specified by Yale University must be satisfied. (See the website.) ration/goglobal/program/excha nge.html#apply Fox Fellowship supports 10 months of independent research in the following fields: •Social Science •International Relations •Law •Medicine •Business and Finance •Management •Environmental analysis/policy •Modern History Stipend to cover living expenses, Housing, Airfare and Health Insurance will be provided. USA University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign イリノイ大学アーバ ナ・シャンペーン校 ・Fall Semester (August~ cgKN9X2p December) One academic year or one semester August・ January Undergraduate *According to the Office of International Admissions information (and to the Study Abroad website information) the applicants to the College of Media and the College of Engineering are required to have higher TOEFL/IELTS scores: cies.html ・Spring Semester (January~May) Unavailable and restricted courses See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. March 1 (Fall Semester or Academic Year), September 1 (Spring Semester) The College of Engineering currently allows the applicants who meet the minimum UIUC (Univ. of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign) admission requirements (which is now 80 for TOEFL ibt) but do not meet 100 TOEFL ibt requirement (for Engineering) to apply to the international exchange program. The admission decisions are made by the College of Engineering after the detailed review of the application. We only can say that these applicants are allowed to apply and will not be automatically denied because they do not have TOEFL 100 ibt. These applicants should also be advised that if they are admitted, they will need to take the EPT upon arrival on campus: USA Princeton University *Graduates only Undergraduate: ・Fall Term (September~ oip/sap/exchange/ January) プリンストン大学 (大学院のみ) Graduate: ・Spring Term http://gradschool.princeto (February~June) ships-exchanges-andcrossregistration/universitytokyo-todai One academic year or one semester only September・ February Undergraduate: A minimum score of 600 on the paper-based TOEFL, 100 on the Internet-based TOEFL, or a 7 on the IELTS is required. Graduate: lp/ Undergraduate/ Graduate Course Search: For graduate students: Students should not contact Princeton faculty directly unless their adviser at UTokyo has already been in touch with a particular faculty member and is expecting to hear from the student. It is preferable if they are coming based on an already established faculty collaboration. If this is not possible, the student should mention in their study plan, the name(s) of faculty they are interested in working with and then our office will reach out to the department. Undergraduate: September admission: March 31 February admission: October 15 Graduate: September admission: April 1, February admission:October 1 7 Last updated: 12/22/2014 2:06 PM Country/ Region 国・地域 University name (English/Japanese) 大学名(英語名/日本 語名) Student-exchange website 交換留学ウェブサイト Academic calendar 学年暦 Exchange period 留学期間 Exchange start 留学開始時期 Language requirements and relevant information 語学条件等 Target 対象等 Available courses at partner university and other relevant information 履修可能な授業など (Reference) Deadline for application documents to partner university after internal screening (参考)学内選考後の東 京大学から協定校への申 請書類締切 Australia The University of Adelaide coming/ ・Semester 1 (February -June) One academic year or one semester July・ February Entry Requirements Undergraduate/ Graduate Course information, course restrictions s/ (See the Information Sheet as well) Online application deadlines: July admission:15 May February admission: 1 November (nomination by home university is required in advance) アデレード大学 Student Exchange Program Australia The Australian National University (ANU) u/applications/exchange/ ・Semester2 (July- November) *For graduate students who wish to conduct research (not taking courses) at the University of Adelaide: The student or their superviser would contact the academic at the host university and confirm that the student would be welcome to work with that academic and for how long. The exchange period should coincide with the semester dates of the University of Adelaide. ・Semester 1 (February~June) ・Semester 2 (July~November) オーストラリア国立大 学(ANU) One academic year or one semester July・ February (except for Faculty of Law) TOEFL-iBT A score of 80 minimum; and Writing and Reading: 20 Speaking and Listening: 18 IELTS An overall score of 6.5 with at least 6 in each component of the test Undergraduate Study Guide: Course specific requirements: (Faculty of Law) TOEFL-iBT A score of 100, with a minimum of 22 in all four sections of IELTS An overall score of 7 with at least 6 in each component July admission: (Nomination deadline) February 1st (Online application deadline) March 1st February admission: (Nomination deadline) September 1st (Online application deadline) October 1st Please see the website for the details: Australia The University of Queensland (UQ) dyabroad/incomingexchange クィーンズランド大学 (UQ) Australia The University of New South Wales (UNSW) ・Semester2 (July~November) d-exchanges/formalstudent-exchange/ ・First Semester (February~June) http://www.mobility.unime - Semester 1 (February – June) ニューサウスウェール ズ大学 (UNSW) Australia The University of Melbourne メルボルン大学 ・Semester 1 (February~June) ・Second Semester (July~November) - Semester 2 (July – December) One academic year or one semester July・ February One academic year or one semester July・ February One academic year or one semester July・ February Language Requirements English Language Requirements Please note that the language requirements for undergraduate students and graduate students are not the same and graduate students should ensure they meet the minimum requirements for the school from which they are taking a majority of subjects. Undergraduate/ Graduate Undergraduate/ Graduate Undergraduate/ Graduate “What can I study?” July admission: February 28 * University of Queensland does not accept research students as part of the exchange program. Exchange students need to be enrolled in a full-time course load while they are here. February admission: September30 See the Information Sheet for the course information and course restrictions. July admission: April 1 For graduate students who wish to conduct research (not coursework) at UNSW: →Further information on the Practicum (research) Exchange Program is available here: February admission: October 15 See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. July Admission: 1 April 2014 February admission: 1 November 8 Last updated: 12/22/2014 2:06 PM Country/ Region 国・地域 University name (English/Japanese) 大学名(英語名/日本 語名) Student-exchange website 交換留学ウェブサイト Academic calendar 学年暦 Exchange period 留学期間 Exchange start 留学開始時期 Language requirements and relevant information 語学条件等 Target 対象等 Available courses at partner university and other relevant information 履修可能な授業など (Reference) Deadline for application documents to partner university after internal screening (参考)学内選考後の東 京大学から協定校への申 請書類締切 Australia Monash University - Semester one (Feb – Jun) One academic year or one semester July・ February English language requirements Undergraduate/ Graduate It is very important students check all academic considerations/extra information that may be required of them at the point of application July Admission: March 1 モナシュ大学 - Semester two (Jul – Nov) February Admission: October 1 To search for courses (units) please see and search by ‘undergraduate’ or ‘postgraduate’, ‘campus’ (select Clayton and Caulfield, they can study at both in the same semester, or any other stand-alone campus such as Berwick or Peninsula), ‘faculty’, ‘day’, ‘second semester’ (for July entry, 2015, although currently only the 2014 handbook is available). This will give all relevant options. They may only take units numbered 1000-3000 level for undergraduates (Law is different, please see the academic considerations above). The 2015 handbook will only be available in the first week of October. Students must select at least 6 units for their study plan however we encourage up to 10. * Monash University can only accept students who undertake exchange as part of coursework and not research at the postgraduate level. Denmark University of Copenhagen ange コペンハーゲン大学 -Autumn Semester (SeptemberJanuary) (classes typically end in December) Full academic year or one term only September / January -Spring semester (February–June) (classes typically end in May/early June) Proof of English language proficiency – for non-native English speakers For studies in English/American Language and Culture: We require one of the following tests: Toefl Internet-based: minimum score: 80 IELTS: minimum score: 6.0 Undergraduate / Graduate Course Information September Admission: May 1 See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. January Admission: October 1 See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. September admission: April 15 For studies in Film & Media Studies, Education, Rhetoric, Philosophy and Library and Information Science: We require one of the above mentioned tests. However, the departments are also willing to consider institutional tests or statements regarding the students’ English proficiency issued by the home university. All other subjects For all other subjects there is no requirement for proof of English language proficiency for exchange students. Finland University of Helsinki hange/ ・Autumn Semester (September~ December) ヘルシンキ大学 ・Spring Semester (January~May) One academic year or one semester September・ January TOEFL score of 79 (IBT) or IELTS score of 6 or the Language Certificate available on proving that the language level is CEFR B2 at minimum Undergraduate/ Graduate January admission: September 30 9 Last updated: 12/22/2014 2:06 PM Country/ Region 国・地域 University name (English/Japanese) 大学名(英語名/日本 語名) Student-exchange website 交換留学ウェブサイト Academic calendar 学年暦 Exchange period 留学期間 Exchange start 留学開始時期 Language requirements and relevant information 語学条件等 Target 対象等 Available courses at partner university and other relevant information 履修可能な授業など (Reference) Deadline for application documents to partner university after internal screening (参考)学内選考後の東 京大学から協定校への申 請書類締切 France École polytechnique http://www.admission.pol change-programs/ [International Exchange Program] Undergraduate level: Year 2 of the curriculum: ・First Semester (August-January) ・Second Semester (January-July) One academic year or one semester August/ September・ January International Exchange Program: Since all courses and tests are provided in French, excellent French language ability is necessary. International Exchange Program: Main applications (September・January admission): April 1 For Internship Program, admission date varies at each lab/ adviser at École polytechniqu e. Submit “a certificate from a French teacher confirming the student's oral and written level in the language” (can be downloaded from the website below) International Exchange Program: Students under 26 and majoring in Science (including economics) and Engineering, who satisfy the conditions below: ・Have completed 2 to 3 years of undergraduate education ・Have excellent performance in science fields (mathematics is important in all fields.) ・Have excellent knowledge of the French language (See “The Partner Universities program”) Additional applications (January admission): October 31 Course list Undergraduate: ue=EN Graduate: ue=EN We strongly encourage all applicants to meet the main application deadline. エコール・ポリテクニ ーク Internship Program: 3 to 6 months Graduate level: Year 3 of the curriculum: ・1st term (Fall): (SeptemberDecember) ・2nd term (Winter): (January-April) ・3rd term (Spring Internship): (April-July) Internship Program: French language ability is not required. [Internship Program] (Research internship): 3 to 6 months France EHESS (École des hautes études en sciences sociales) EHESS(社会科学高 等研究院) France University of Strasbourg diant/mobilites/ 2- Autres programmes de mobilités , Hors Erasmus, sur accords de coopérations signés avec nos partenaires internationaux: x.php?id=20883 1st Semester: October/November ~February/March Internship Program: Undergraduate: Bachelor's students in their 3 rd or 4th year Graduate : Master's students in their 1st or 2nd year PhD students One academic year or one semester October /November・ February/Mar ch 2nd Semester: February//March~ May/June ストラスブール大学 2nd Semester/ Term: January - June If students enroll in master and if they need to get ECTS, it is important for them to have an intermediate level of French. However, a simple letter from a French teacher confirming the student’s level in French is accepted. Graduate - Enroll in master but not need to get ECTS - Enroll in PhD and not need to get ECTS (EHESS does not give ECTS to students enrolled in PhD. It is only for students enrolled in Master.) There is no requirement in term of French language ability but we strongly advise a good command of English. *Actual semester dates vary at each major. 1st Semester/ Term: September – January Internship Program: (List of Internship Subjects) One academic year or one semester September・ January French B1 level required, B2 level highly recommended (DELF-DALF, TCF, TEF degree Together with the application documents) See below for the details of available courses. For Master: May 1 for 1st and full year enrollment October 1 for 2nd semester enrollment For PHD: ale/ Students can also look at the global teaching program on this other link, and see the title of the courses in the discipline of their choice tion/ Undergraduate/ Graduate See the Information Sheet for details. 1st Semester/ Term and full academic year: May 11 2nd Semester/ Term: October 1 10 Last updated: 12/22/2014 2:06 PM Country/ Region 国・地域 University name (English/Japanese) 大学名(英語名/日本 語名) Student-exchange website 交換留学ウェブサイト Academic calendar 学年暦 Exchange period 留学期間 Exchange start 留学開始時期 Language requirements and relevant information 語学条件等 Target 対象等 Available courses at partner university and other relevant information 履修可能な授業など (Reference) Deadline for application documents to partner university after internal screening (参考)学内選考後の東 京大学から協定校への申 請書類締切 France Sciences Po パリ政治学院(シアン スポ) Autumn Semester (September to December) One academic year or one semester September・ January All exchange students whose language of instruction in their home university is neither French nor English are required to provide evidence of an official test in either French or in English for admission to Sciences Po’s exchange programme. Undergraduate/ Graduate Undergraduate students. Courses at Sciences Po at the undergraduate level cover six academic disciplines: Economics, History, Humanities, International Relations, Law and Political Science. The 7 campuses of the undergraduate college are open to exchange students: Students are highly encouraged to take a French language class. Students wishing to take a language class in another foreign language must have previously studied the language. There are no imposed majors or degree programmes specifically associated with exchange students. Therefore, incoming students can enroll in any of the numerous classes offered at Sciences Po, according to their personal interests and their home university’s requirements. Online nominations and applications for the Autumn semester: from mid-March to end of April (Expected;募集予 定) Spring Semester : (January to May) French language requirements for undergraduate exchange students TCF minimum score 400 or DELF/DALF minimum score B2 English language requirements for undergraduate exchange students IELTS minimum score 6 or TOEFL minimum score 87 French language requirements for graduate exchange students TCF minimum score 500 or DELF/DALF minimum score C1 Graduate students. Please be aware that graduate exchange students must be attached to a specific Masters programme and may not take courses in different Masters programmes. Some graduate courses are not open to exchange students and some others may demand academic or language prerequisites. English language requirements for graduate exchange students IELTS minimum score 6,5 or TOEFL minimum score 100 Please see the website below for details: df Germany University of Cologne ケルン大学 ntent/index_eng.html ・Winter Term (October~March) Pre-Semester Language Course: September~ ・Summer Term (April~September) Pre-Semester Language Course: March~ One academic year or one semester October・April German, CEF B2.1 recommended, ZMP Goethe (equivalent to current Goethe-Zertifikat C1), or German language proficiency test by home professor ※Please note that we (Univ. of Cologne) offer German as a foreign language course for beginners only during the pre-semester Online nominations and applications for the Spring semester: from beginning of September until mid-October Undergraduate/ Graduate Medicine, Law and Business have some restrictions. October admission:July 15 See the Information Sheet for details. April admission:January 15 *Note: Students of UTokyo must meet at least B2 level (German) to be nominated to University of Cologne as exchange students. 11 Last updated: 12/22/2014 2:06 PM Country/ Region 国・地域 University name (English/Japanese) 大学名(英語名/日本 語名) Student-exchange website 交換留学ウェブサイト Academic calendar 学年暦 Exchange period 留学期間 Exchange start 留学開始時期 Language requirements and relevant information 語学条件等 Target 対象等 Available courses at partner university and other relevant information 履修可能な授業など (Reference) Deadline for application documents to partner university after internal screening (参考)学内選考後の東 京大学から協定校への申 請書類締切 Germany Free University of Berlin national/studium_fu/ausl andssemester/direktaust ausch_in/index.html ・Winter Term (October~March) One academic year or one semester October・April Direct exchange students are exempt from a German language exam (DSH or TestDaF), which is otherwise required for international degree-seeking students studying at a German university. Undergraduate/ Graduate Lecture and Course Catalog October admission:April 30 See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. April admission:October 30 tudying/index.html October admission: June 15 (Nomination from home university: May 15) ベルリン自由大学 ・Summer Term (April~September) However, we expect language skills equivalent to level B2 of CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) in the humanities and the social science departments and B1 at the John F Kennedy Institute for North American Studies and natural sciences. A language certificate is not necessary, because we expect that our partner universities guarantee the required language skills. * Note: Students of UTokyo must meet the language requirements stated above to be nominated to Free University of Berlin as exchange students. Almost all subjects are taught in German. Please note that subjects taught in English outside the Departments of English and North American Studies are very limited in number. Availability may vary and cannot be guaranteed. An overview of subjects taught in English is available at Please use the “advanced search option” to find courses in English. Germany Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich ミュンヘン・ルートヴィ ヒ=マクシミリ アン大学 The Netherlands University of Groningen http://www.en.uni・Winter Semester (September~ xchange/incomings/index February) .html ・Summer Semester (April~July) One academic year or one semester on/exchangeprogrammes/ One academic year or one semester Semester 1 (September~ January) フローニンゲン大学 Semester 2 (February~June) October・April Language Requirements: ngl/application/index.html Undergraduate/ Graduate See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. September・ February Faculty of Arts: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Undergraduate/ Graduate Faculties accepting exchange students and their details - Faculty of Arts: April admission: December 15 (Nomination from home university: November 15) September admission: May 1 February admission: October 15 - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Guide for International Student: 12 Last updated: 12/22/2014 2:06 PM Country/ Region 国・地域 University name (English/Japanese) 大学名(英語名/日本 語名) Student-exchange website 交換留学ウェブサイト Academic calendar 学年暦 Exchange period 留学期間 Exchange start 留学開始時期 Language requirements and relevant information 語学条件等 Target 対象等 Available courses at partner university and other relevant information 履修可能な授業など (Reference) Deadline for application documents to partner university after internal screening (参考)学内選考後の東 京大学から協定校への申 請書類締切 Russia Saint Petersburg State University ・Fall Semester (September~ January) One academic year or one semester only September・ February (Students taking courses taught in Russian) Submit either of the following: Undergraduate/ Graduate See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. September admission: May 15 サンクトペテルブルク 大学 ・Spring Semester (February~June) (1) Certificate of "Russian as a Foreign Language" Test (TRFL) Undergraduate: 1st level or above, Graduate: 2nd level necessary February admission: November 1 (2) A letter signed by Applicant's Home University Russian language teacher indicating Applicant's current language proficiency in accordance with the European Language Level Self Assessment Grid B1 or above (both undergraduate and graduate) (B2 necessary for courses on Philology) Also, if the student takes only practical Russian language course, he/she doesn't have to hand in the language certificate at all. (Students taking courses taught in English) Submit either of the following: - TOEFL(iBT) 79 or above, (PBT)550 or above - IELTS 6.0 or above Sweden Uppsala University ssions/exchange/ ウプサラ大学 ・Autumn semester (September~ January) One academic year or one semester September・ January ・Spring semester (January~June) Applicants will be asked to evaluate their level of English (or Swedish for those planning on taking courses taught in Swedish) in the application form. We request that partner coordinators discuss with their applicants that at least a B2 level on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is the level the students can manage. Undergraduate/ Graduate *Note; Students of UTokyo must have scores of at least TOEFL iBT 87or IELTS 6.5 (for English) or B2 level (for Swedish) to be nominated to Uppsala University as exchange students. Sweden KTH Royal Institute of Technology (In Swedish) Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) スウェーデン王立工 科大学 (KTH) ies/exchange ・Autumn Term (August/September ~January) ・Spring Term (January~June) One academic year or one semester September・ January (Students taking courses taught in English) No language requirements as a partner university Arrival Days for exchange students (AY 20142015) (When taking courses in Swedish) Have sufficient Swedish language ability to achieve significant learning. Autumn term 2014: August 1, 2014 (students attending Intensive Swedish language course) Undergraduate/ Graduate All courses listed on are open to exchange students, provided that they fulfil the prerequisites and have the following comments in mind: • Business courses – N.B. Prerequisites vary considerably (Please note the early application deadline) • Law courses – At least two years of prior Law studies (fulltime) • Medicine – As clinical courses in Medicine require knowledge of fluent Swedish and are very competitive these courses rarely accept exchange students. Places on courses taught in Swedish for those with enough Swedish language skills, can be offered if places are available and there are no waiting lists. September admission: April 15 Details of the courses for exchange students: (There are courses provided in English.) August/September admission:April 15 January admission: October 15 * Students that wish to study Business modules must submit their applications no later than April 1 and October 1. January admission: October 15 The Language Unit at KTH offers Swedish language courses free of charge for exchange students. See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. Spring term 2015: Mid-January, 2015 13 Last updated: 12/22/2014 2:06 PM Country/ Region 国・地域 University name (English/Japanese) 大学名(英語名/日本 語名) Student-exchange website 交換留学ウェブサイト Academic calendar 学年暦 Exchange period 留学期間 Exchange start 留学開始時期 Language requirements and relevant information 語学条件等 Target 対象等 Available courses at partner university and other relevant information 履修可能な授業など Sweden Stockholm University study/applicationadmissions/step-by-stepguide-for-exchange ・Autumn semester (end of August to mid-January of the following year) One academic year or one semester end of August・ January Students whose mother tongue is not English must provide evidence that their English language ability meets the minimum requirements for admission. IELTS: 6.0 overall with at least 5.5 in each of the four components, TOEFL: PBT550, iBT 79. Undergraduate / Graduate See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. Full academic year or one term September / February To be active in an academic context, you will need at least a B2 language level as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; however, we strongly recommend that you have a C1 level. Depending on the language of instruction of your choice of courses, you must have these language skills in English and/or German. You are NOT required to upload a confirmation/certificate of your language skills, though you may do so if you have one. By submitting your application, you confirm that you have the necessary language skills to study in English and/or German. degree/mobilitaet/PDF_englisch/Worldwide_Incomings_a pplication_guidelines.pdf “Language skills” Undergraduate / Graduate ストックホルム大学 ・Spring semester (January to the beginning of June) Switzerland ETH Zurich スイス連邦工科大学 チューリッヒ (ETH Zurich) udies/non-degreecourses/exchange-andvisiting-studies.html - Fall Semester (September to December *Examination session: January to February) - Spring Semester (February to May *Examination session: in August) (Reference) Deadline for application documents to partner university after internal screening (参考)学内選考後の東 京大学から協定校への申 請書類締切 See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. ation_guidelines.pdf September admission: April 1 Spring admission: September 1 Note: As the focus of ETH Zurich is on science and engineering, students need a well-grounded science or engineering background in order to be accepted as exchange students. (Please see the Information Sheet for the restrictions and other relevant information.) *Note 1; Students of UTokyo must have scores of at least TOEFL iBT 87 or IELTS 6.5 (for English) or B2 level (for German) to be nominated to ETH Zurich as exchange students. *Note 2; In some departments courses taught in English are limited at undergraduate level. Undergraduate exchange students might also take courses from graduate level if they meet the requirements for these courses even if they have not completed their bachelor degree. United Kingdom University of Southampton サウサンプトン大学 United Kingdom The University of Sheffield http://www.southampton. Semester 1 (Late September to late _exchange/studyabroad_ January) exchange_home.shtml Semester 2 (Late January to mid-June) Autumn Semester /studyabroad/overseas/p (September~ rospective February) シェフィールド大学 Spring Semester (February~June) Full academic year or one semester September / January - IELTS 6.5 overall with at least 5.5 in each competency Undergraduate University of Southampton does NOT accept TOEFL scores. Faculties open to exchange students: - Faculty of Humanities - Faculty of Social and Human Sciences Updated and equivalent scores between IELTS accepted by the University of Southampton can be found on the following webpage: dmissionspolicies/language/ (Band C level of each test is required.) One academic year or one semester September・ February nglish-lang-req *Download the “English Language Factsheet” from “Downloads” on the right-hand side of the website above. Exchange Student will be enrolled as non-degree/visiting students) Application deadlines : Full year/Semester 1 applications - 15 May Semester 2 applications - 15 October See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. Undergraduate/ Graduate Departments open/closed to exchange students sing ※Department of Law doesn’t accept exchange students The University of Sheffield does NOT accept TOEFL scores. ※Application by graduate students is acceptable. However, they can only take the courses for undergraduate students. * Students who pass the internal screening at UTokyo are required to submit their IELTS test results when sending applications to Univ. of Sheffield. See the Information Sheet and the partner university’s website for details. September admission: May 1 February admission: October 1 14
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