聾 皿】噴/hりJ」 nー! J 、 m mm閣 m」雌」」「 Monte Carlo Analysis for On-board Experiment of the LLW Shipping Vessel Seiei Maru Toshimitsu Sanui and Kohtaro Ucki, Atsuto Ohashi and Nobuteru Nariyama Tadasm Sasao, Takayoshi Fhsc Ship Research Institute 6-38-1 Shinkawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 1St, Japan 81一 422-4 1-31 37 Nuclear Fuel Transport Co.,uci. 1-1-3 Shiba Dainion, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 1lJ5, Japan 81-3-3 43 8-324 1 ABSTRACT On-board experiments were carried out in the LLW shipping vessel Seiei Maru, in 声ch 360 corrtahiers were loaded m six ho犀s, and the gamma-ray cIose-eqIllvaleflt rates were incasurca mainay on the hatch covers of 血 holds, in the accommodation rooms, and a10 on the -quay at Mutsu Ogawara Fm. The Monte Carlo code MCNP 4A with t加 Next Event Surface Crossing estimator was employed to reduce t加丘ad血d standard dcviatio皿 C血div山 in the cakulations・ In order to briロg Out the characteristics of the Monte Carlo method, the gamma-ray source was g加en at every container 血 whith 8 LLW drums were contained, and 60 containers h a hold were modeled at every container. The homogenized mode of which 60 containers were homogenized throu帥 the ho届 of LLW source region was also taken up to compare the 丁esult with the heterogeneous model・ The Monte Carlo analysis with the heterogeneous model could produce fairiy good agreement as compared with the measured dose-equivalent rates 。ロ t加 hatch cover・ On the 0th巳Ihand, the an山sk 吐h the homogenized model overestimated the measured values 叶 a factor of 2.25 to 7.5. The mritribution of the g日mma-ray 血予St血ic was estimated "the Mmllc Carlo calculation・ In consequ。ロcc, it accounted approximately for 11% 血 the gamma-ray dose-門uiva lent rate under opening a hatch cover of the ship. I.INTRODUCnON On-board experiments were carried Out in a LLW (low level radioactive wastes) shipp叱 vessel, the Seici Mare, 加 whkh 360 contamci's were loaded m Six holds, aiia gamma-ray aose-eqUIValeflt rates were measured mainly on the hatch covers of the holds and in the accommodation rooms. Furthermore, the shine on the quay when the 「めution of the sky・ gamma-ray doses were measured to estimate the cont Seici Maru entered Mutsu Ogawara port. The continuous enerty Monte Carlo code MCNP 4A' with the NESX estimator was used to analyze the measured gamma-ray dose-eq u加ale口trates on the hatch covers ot the holds. 血計cad Or me 1-'Oint Detectol・est加atoLt加 NESx(Next Itvent Surtace し丁05510gJ estimator was emP10ra・ aria me subroutine TALLYD was revised to use the NESX estimator 血 the MCNP 4A code. In order to bring Out the characteristics of the Monte Carlo method, the gamma-ray source was given at every container in which 8 LLW drums were contained, and the 61) containers 血 a hold were modeled at every container IO37 in the present Monte Carlo ana恥is. On the other hands, the homogenized model of which 印 containers were homogenized through the hold of the LLW source rcgioロ,was also l 止en up to con甲are the result with the heterogeneous model. In the homogeロized ロlodeL the gamnia-raysources wm uniformly distributed in the homogenized region. According垣 the homogeneous model can be employed in the point kernel code QAD-CG2, the one-dinienioual liansport code ANISN3, and also the two-dimensional code DOT 3.54, However, the heterogcneous model is ditEcult to calculate exac町 except りthe Monte Carlo method. In the QAD-CG code, the source geometry is able to model as precis山 as the MCNP 4A, but the QAD-CU cannot give the source strength and energy speetnirn at every container like the MCNP 4A. II. ON-BOARD EXPERIMENT IN THE SEIE1 MARU 1. Outline of the Seici Maru hm The LLW shipp叱 vessel Scici Maru has the following outlines. Construction 】 Sept. 1991 Total length lOOm ・ l m Width : 16m : 8UI DCpth 8 l Deadweight : 3,000 tons Service Speed : 13 knots Holds : 7 holds LLW ama血era:Total 384 amainers, 血 which 8 LLW drums arc contained (No. 2, No. 3・・・・ No. 7 holds load 60 containers, No. I ho日 loads 24). The LLW ship has been plying between each nuclear power station and Mutsu Ogawara port where the nuclear-fuel-cycle facilities are located. The on-board experiment was carried out to measure the gamma-ray dose-equivalent rates m and out of the ship 血 Dec. 1993. 2. On-Board Experiment The gamma-ray dose-equivalent rates were measured mainly on the hatch covers of the holds, 血 the accommodation area of the ship, and also on the quay m Mutsu Ogawans port when the Seici Marc entered there. The measured dose points on the center line of the Seiei Maru are shown 血 Fig. 1, a加 the corresponding measured dose-equivalent rates are surmuarized 加 Tablel. In Tablel,the values at the dose point 7 to 30 are the maximum ones on each measured Une. There are 5 meatured points ' the port side to the starboard on the measured line. The dose point 31 is located under t加 No.3,~ー hatch cover and the dose was measured when the hatch cover was opened 血 Mutsu Ogawara port. so that the measured vame was much higher than the other points. In all the measurements, the scintillation survey meter of the ALOKA was employed. maccordance with the manu叫 the survey meter has a measurement error of 士 15% in the measured values. According与 the measurement error is indicated 血 tables and gurcs. In Table l,the maximum dose point on the hatch cover is at No. 17 of No. 5 hold, and the corresponding dose-equivalent rate is 1.17 U Sv/h. The maximum dose-equivalent rate on the hatch coverof the No. 3 hold is 1.00pSv/h at No. 23 p0血,and the dose on the back side of 血 hatch cover is 193 U Sv/h at No. 31. The dose attenuation ratio of 1/20(LOU Sv/h ! 19.7 U Sv/h)is due to the 】038 J 的 Hい ・試mけ (ii) The dimension of each container is 320 X 176 H 107h cm and it is covered with 0.16 emE of steel In the heterogeneous mode! of a hold, the 60 containers are modeled individually, and air 血 and around the container k not homogeロized. Accordingly, the gammaー「ay streaming through the air is takeロ into account in the Monte Carlo ariaかsis. 2. Compa山on and Discussion of Exぎriment and Monte Carlo Anal蝉S As decdbed before, the measurements of the dose-equivalent rates were carried out mainly on the hat血 covers. Accordingly, Monte Carlo calculations were concentrated upon the hatch covers. ,ure 3 shows the comparison of the gamma-ray dose-equivalent rates between the measurements and 、一一.」e Monte Carlo calculations on the hatch cover of the No. 4 hold. The fsd's (fractional standard deviation) of all the calcutations were within 10%,and the calcu tat ion time in each model, i. e., the het cr0geneous model and the homo即nized model, was set iロ 500 mm. 加 the HP 755 workstation・ As compared with the experiment, the Monte Carlo results are overestimated 計組 the dose po血s in ・ 5 to 取. 3. The Monte(コ arlo results with the heterogeneous model 日m Overestiロlatedりa factor of 1 2.5 and 句 a factor of 2.25 to 7.5 with the homogenized model・ However, the calculated profiles of the dose-equivalent me distributions are almost the same as t加 experiment・ The reasons of the overes山nat加n are as 加llows【 肥terogeneous model. (2) The gamma-ray sources are distributed uniformly in the source region. According加 Some of the Sources are generated 丘om nearer locations than that of the real source ones and also than that of the "eterogeneous model. As a result, the homogenized model also leads to more large doses than that both the measurements and the heterogeneous model. ⑤ The data on the gamma-ray source strength and radioisotopes of the LLW drums are offered by the nuclear power plant, and the data are also utilized to the saf七 ty assessmm of the LLW disposal. Therefore, some safety margin was to be taken into the source data. Accordingly, the Monte Carlo results were overestimated the measurements. 3. Contribution of Sky-Shine The dose-equivalent rates were measured when the hatch cover was opening and closing at 50 al一 distance from the side surface of 山e Seiei Maru on the quay. The natural background subtracted doses were between 0.01 and 0.03 ft Sv/h 血 which the gamma-rays con血g from the LLW source, the ship shine were included. According恥 it is di価cult to take out the ロet contnljution structures, and the sky・ of the sky-shine from the present measured d叶 a, so that the contribution of it was estimated from the 1O]9 紺隠 刊乱) 1油 刊細掃側側』 (1) In the homogenized mod叫山e gamma-ray source regioロ of the LLW was homogenized oyer the 面 containers with air in and around them. Then the density of the source region is 0.612 glcm2. On the other hand, as shown in Fig. 2, 曲e 4 LLW drums are homogenized 血 each block, however the conliguration of the 60 containers m whichlmwo blocks arc contained m each 【 c m血ロer, and ak 血 and around the containers are taken into the calculations without being homogenized. The dens抑 of each block is 1.69 g/cm3. Consequent与 even though the gamma-ray streaming through the air gap in and 紅ouロd the containers, due to the difference of the den町血 the sou丁 Ce re'on, the Monte Carlo results with the homogeiiized model are to produce more large dose-equ加alent rates than that of the shie旧hgeffect of the hatch cover, which is constrilcted with l cm-thick steel 十 16cm-thick concrete 十I cm-thick steel. The maximum dose point m the accommodation area k at No.lon t加 wheel house deck, and the conespond叱 value is 0.05"Sv/h. The controlled dose-equivalent rate in the accommodat加n area k l・8"Sv/b 加 the J叩ariese sea・ transport に“ g 肌ion. Accom叱妬 the magnitude of 0.05 ii SvIh is 1/36 of the regulation. The measured dose-equivalent rates were 曳tween 0.04 a耐 0.06 ftSv/h at 5Dm-distance from the side sudhce of the Seiri Maru in Mutsu Ogawara port, and those measured values were not affected 町 the hatch cover opening or cbs叱.Accordingly, the contribution of the sky-shine could not be cleared 毎 the measurement, so it was estimated 叶 the Monte(証In calculation. The net dose-equivalent rates were between 0.01 and 0.03)2 Sv/h at the dose point. Each container contains 8 LLW drt」ロ]a, which are made of concrete. The most of the 2 amin sources in a LLW drum are 加Co and 】’7 CS. There is a little source of s8 Co in the LLW. Hふeye' magnitude of the'8 Co is 10% of the 'Co at the most, and its half-life is 7(L8 days. The LLW drums transported"the present shipment are more than 5 years passed. Accordinuly. the eamma.rav 剖mrces were recognized [0 be ーし0 and ー【ー‘肌 sinpment・ The m昭nitude of the gamma-my sourcesk indicated 血 Tablez There was no containermthe No. 1 血 hold 血 the present shipment. 皿 . MONTE CARLO ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Modeling of Source Tenn and Structures in Vessel In order to bring out the best of the Monte Carlo method, as illustrated 血 Fig. 2, 8 LLW drums in a container were d加M “血o two blocks, ・ i 。.,each block has 4 drums. Cons門uc血. gamma-I可 source interis抑, and energy spectrum of the LLW could m given in each block. This detailed model h called the "heterogeneous model" 血 this pape丁・ The homogenized model of the LLW storage ho届 was also analyzed"the Monte Carlo method to compare l 加 result with the heterogeneous model. The homogenized model can be calculated りthe point kernel code QAD-CG, the one-dimensional cod: ANIS凡 ad 司so the two-dimensional code DOT 3.5. The homogenized and the heterogeneous models are summarized as follows. (1) Homogenized Model (1)The gamma-ray sources in a hold are distributed in a homogenized region of 660 X 880 Xw cm. (il) Even though concrete density of the solidified LLW is 2.2 g/cmm, due to homogenized be叫 concrete of the LLW, steel of Ihe LLW drum and the container, air h and around the container, the density of the homogenized region is reduced to 0.612 g/cmm. (2) Heterogeneous Model 〔 i) As ifiustrated in Fig. 2, each container consists of two blocks of 270X 51 X 89h cm. Each block has homogenized the 4 LLW drums, and the density is 1.69 g/cm3. In the present calculation, the source condition of the two blocks is the same. 1040 Monte carlo calculations with the homogenized model of the LLW source re'OTt. Iロ the fit訊 calculation, air was considered up to 1,500 m around the shhand it was up to 50 m around the sh加 in the second calculation. In the Monte Carlo calculations, the hatch cover of the Seiei Maru was opened. The result of the first calculation was 5.24 Hlr(島d 】 0.035)/.tSv/Ji and the second was 4.64X1(12 輿:0.036 ) /4 Sv/h at the detector Pロhl.The calculated dose-equivalent mc of 5.24 X t0ユ t Sv/h お overestimated " a factor 吐 1.7 to 5.2 as corn四red with the measured values, and the contribution of the sky-shine is estimated to be approximateWll%of the total dose at the measured point. The tendency of the overes山nation h the Monte carlo results is the same as the results on the hatch cover. W.ONCLUSIONS 、一,The follow叱 remarks were ohtained as compa丁ed with the on-hoard experiments and the Monte αrio mis"is. 1. The Monte Carlo analysis with the heterogeneous model of the LLW source region could produce isfrly good agreement as compared with the measured dose-equivalent rates on the hatch cover. On I血 ot加「 hand, the Mo口te Carlo mis恥is with the homo即nized model overestimated the lllmsured values 句a factor of 2.25 to 7ふ 2. Estimating from the present study, the dose-equivalent rate on the hatch cover is to be kas than 2.5 "Sv/h 吐 the ilユ aximum dose point, wlユ ercas l加 I 昭旧吐ion 血iit k 2,000"Sv/h. According, the safaty 1actor (regulation liniit/ measured or calculated valuりis more than 80(1. On the shielding point of view, it is confirmed t加t 山e shie亙lag des加n of the Seiri Maru is safe enough. The maximum dosc -equivaleロtrate at 50 rn-distance from th巳 ship on the quay is no more than 0.05"Sv/h. This value corTesponds to 0・438 mSv/y・ AccordinglL radiation exposure to 山e public is also safe enough mthe ship. 3. The contribution oft加 gamma-ray sky-shine was obtained w皿 and without air around the detector located on the quay at the port りthe Monte(ユrio calculation. In consequence, it accounted approx加ately 血『 11% 血 the gamma-ray dose-equivalent rate under opening a hatch cover of the ship. REFERENCES LF. Brietrneisteら Editor, UMCNPThI・ A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version 14A", Los Alamos National Laborato与LA-]2625-M (1993). 2. 晒LC. Hopkins, et al., "QAD-CGa(加mbinatorial Geometry Version of QAD-P5A, a Point Kernel (加de for N巳mro口 and OatmnョRay Shfeld叱 Calculations二 Oak Ridgc Natiロロal Laboratory, CCC-307 (July, 1977). 3. W.W. Eagle, Jr., et al., "A Users Manual for ANISN, a One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code with Anisofropic Scattering'二 K-1963 (1967). 4. W.k Rhodes, and F.R. Mynatt, 'The DOT皿 Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code", ORNL-TM-4280 (1973). 1041 fh) Sv ( 』 / 上〕 〕に 【 h J 叩 引 39 卵昭 75 .7 55 】 I0 L7 昭 53 16 花」 舶>1 7 63 59 叩 81 帖一叫 叩叩 叩 加 P船 1. 叫山 0. 0叫 1 叫 山 19 Dl 0.1 似 0. 旧 司 山 a 叫; 山似 Ii 1. 似 似 1叫 : 仁」 山 叫 ‘ 叫 5 ales 55$5 5 111l S55 S 5 5 5 55 55 I 7 R6 633 353548a I775 584 419 5 6& 7' 256 5 十 00 00 0 0 09 12 2 11 00 en叩叩 0叩 0 叩叩 00 07 1 08 15 12 08 08 16 17 13 09 14 11 09 06 叫 15 13 05 08 12 11 95 00 alC00000 00 一0 00 LI CU000000000U000000 2U0 uc士 ' 士 ‘一 ! 土 '+ !! + +】 士 士 土 土 士 土土 士 土 ま 士 ま 土 士 土 ● 4 士 ‘! 士 士 ‘‘止土 土 Eq - 0 0 。 U D が 0101かか 0 D U 。 , 0 0 0' 0 V 0 0 × x x x × x 2 . 4 4 4 4 6 4 0 0 x x xx v 【 x 622982加 7422 9 8 I 《 』‘2 2 1042 os山 e D 一 7 一 一 6 d ー 5 easwe ー 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ie 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ーー→ 4 .I ー 3 ~ ー 0 n 123456789 s e P 0 口 ーF No, 2 ' Co{ph 0 tonS/S 〕 1''C●( pho1on's) Ho!d Measureci dose『 equiva!ent rates. Ilie varues al d凸 s. pロin' 7 k30 are the pmaxiirwrn ones on each rneaure0 line. Tablel Tab'e 2 Total gamma-ray source s trerigLh(13?Gs anti Eo Go 〕ol LLW r n a hold 驚帯難・輿維轟~ ・ ● 」’・. ・置・・・ . 司書と 加 ( 一 」 ョ 「O 一 甘」 u 】 !!己 l J ●., 主d ■」ロ一召E。 ョピ お“ 一 ● 幸一 一 い 「・ “・ 止 い認 ・ . 山 一・ ・ ・・ 中中山・ ・・ … … …・・ ・ . rv . ・『・【 " . ・ ・ g r 三8 , ー ザ」 . ・ 「一叫・ー』 雲ー一 ・ f、 ・ 一 ・ 。 a! 併・一 … 『 春 ・一 七 山 一 ? ・ 一 。。。 E 。。工 m 。 」 ‘ 。 に 一亡 。 山 > 《 一 n cロ話 一●。 .mIEE是 8 . … し、 IO43 ロら t 59' 。熟 七、エ . m一 一一 」ミプ ニ 。 一」早 工「 亡・ 。 】 “亡 ・ 」。ユ白い “。ロ「‘ 」コ) 月【 」 ・、 」 一 刈ョI崎 り 一 三」麟I ● ●● ... . . 」」一 註 . ● … ● 資】‘血加撫剛PLL] 【【 」 」」 ロ。 【 『 h 一 「 】「 石一 工ち、ミ 「「占〕も ・与工山石。・一 . ● … に . ・ し 麟『「I F叫2. A L1..W rontainer model used iti the hetaro9. neous model 凸「 L.LW re9Ion In a hotd. Dimensions are all nentirneires SelelMaru :ロn No,4 Hold Hatch Coven a Mea.tzrem.nt 1が : ・→-- Monte Cerlo fH (eroge.meaus Model of LLW Rcglor 〕 : →ー一 Mロ'II・ c耳 tic (hoinog・ dIeed Mod・ I 耐 LLW Rralermi 《ミ>切ュ〕 m ●「司 」 げ 芭三ロ>【 nb山ー●o ”口 T ,m 器 “日ョ,り iouun. 5lar"" 0mm Ite!nh Cmrr % 1o a ロ(stance From Port Side (m} Figユ 10 co'np・「 I君ロri of g日mienー my dose-equivalent m畑 s between rneanurornnnrn and Monte Carlo salt 川atlOrme on No.4 hold hatch sever of time SdelM,『剖 , Meneured poInts are 51 3 rn-diStance from the bow side. 1044
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