Concentration Guide For CJSP Students [AY 2014] Research Concentrations (specialized research) 1. What is a ‘Concentration’? “Concentration” is a program of courses, transcending the boarders of specific fields of study, which makes the most of the multidisciplinary characteristics of the School of Social Sciences. 2. Characteristics By establishing a set list of courses from multiple fields of study, each Concentration provides multidisciplinary content transcending the framework of each field and comprehensive/specialized contents. The Concentrations will provide students with a systematized course registration model and serve as guidelines when creating their study plan. Each Concentration requires 10 to 14 credits, which makes it possible to complete in one or two years. This enables students to register for multiple Concentrations while enrolled. By completing multiple Concentrations, students will acquire a broad spectrum of knowledge, fulfilling the objectives of the Academic Degree policy of the School of Social Sciences: “nurturing human resources to be qualified as both generalist and specialist.” 3. Credits needed for Completion Each Concentration requires 10 to 14 credits. In addition to “Concentration Required Courses,” students have “Concentration Required Electives.” Consult the outline of each Concentration in the “Course Registration Guide” to plan your schedule. Credits needed to complete the Concentration do not relate to the credits counted towards graduation. Once you have earned credits, they will be counted as credits to complete the Concentration regardless of whether or not they are countable towards graduation. Depending on the Concentration, students might need to submit other reports in addition to meeting the credit requirements. Credits earned after 2009 will be counted as credits to complete the Concentration. For the completion of concentrations, CJSP students are required to earn at least 2 credits from the prescribed courses of General Program taught in Japanese. Therefore, only students with Japanese proficiency equivalent to J-CAT 6 level or higher can meet the credit requirements. 4. Certificate of Completion Students who have met the demands of each Concentration can be issued a “Certificate of Completion” through the designated process. They should apply for the certificate after the announcement of grades in the Spring or Fall semester. The university will post notification about the process on the School of Social Sciences bulletin board and website. ※The office will issue the certificate after the announcement of the 2014 Fall Semester grades. CONCENTRATION 日本の社会と公共政策 / Japanese Society and Public Policies 1. Abstract This concentration aims to provide students with an understanding rooted in multiple points of view of the problems (economy, family, welfare, environment, ways of working, etc.) facing contemporary Japan, both in terms of activities and public policy. Then the course explores efforts implemented to solve these problems. By enrolling in both English and Japanese courses, general program students will improve English skills and CJSP students will improve Japanese skills to the point that they will be able to explain the key issues facing contemporary Japanese society. 2. Credits Needed for Completion:At least 12 credits from Required Electives (At least 2 credits from courses in English and 2 credits from courses in Japanese are required.) <Concentration Required Electives> Course title Instructor Credits 日常生活の社会学 隔年休講 2 社会問題の社会学1 隔年休講 2 社会問題の社会学2 成富 正信 2 現代家族論Ⅰ 白井 千晶 2 現代家族論Ⅱ 白井 千晶 2 ソシオダイナミクス1 篠田 徹 2 ソシオダイナミクス2 篠田 徹 2 比較福祉論1 久塚 純一 2 比較福祉論2 久塚 純一 2 社会科学総合研究(公共空間から見た市民活動)1 休講 2 社会科学総合研究(公共空間から見た市民活動)2 休講 2 小室 輝久 KOMURO, Teruhisa 2 Japan in the Age of Globalization 本多 美樹 HONDA, Miki 2 Politics in Modern Japan 本多 美樹 HONDA, Miki 2 Understanding the Japanese Economy : Macroeconomic Perspectives 弦間 正彦 GEMMA, Masahiko 2 Understanding the Japanese Economy : Microeconomic Perspectives 弦間 正彦 GEMMA, Masahiko 2 The Japanese of the 20th Century : The Immigrant Experience 隔年休講 No Lecture biyearly 2 The Japanese of the 20th Century : Work, Culture, and Society 篠田 徹 SHINODA, Toru 2 隔年休講 No Lecture biyearly 2 篠田 徹 SHINODA, Toru 2 黒川 哲志 KUROKAWA, Satoshi 2 Women in Modern Japan : Contemporary Japanese Women ホートン ウィリアム ブラッドリー HORTON, William Bradley 2 Social Issues in Modern Japan 皆川 友香 MINAGAWA, Yuka 2 Law in Japanese Society (Fall) Trans-Pacific Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity, and Migration Trans-Pacific Perspectives on Work, Culture, and Society Environmental Law in Japan CONCENTRATION 平和研究/ Peace Studies 1. Abstract By thinking of peace as a broad concept that includes human rights, disparity concerns, and the environment, and by studying the activities of NGOs, government and other actors, this course aims to consider the possibility of how and what kind of peace-building efforts Japan should or can contribute. By enrolling in both English and Japanese courses, general program students will improve English skills and CJSP students will improve Japanese skills in a joint aim to acquire the ability to discuss and explain the nature of peace-building in both languages. 2. Credits Needed for Completion:At least 12 credits from Required Electives (At least 2 credits from courses in English and 2 credits from courses in Japanese are required.) <Concentration Required Electives> Course title Instructor Credits 平和学Ⅰ 休講 2 平和学Ⅱ-1(平和と戦争) 休講 2 平和学Ⅱ-2(貧困・格差・人権・環境と平和) 休講 2 平和構築論 山田 満 2 紛争解決論実習1 山田 満 2 紛争解決論実習2 奥迫 元 2 国際NGO協力論 山田 満 2 第三世界論 佐藤 幸男 2 国際開発制度論 笹岡 雄一 2 山田 満 YAMADA, Mitsuru 2 隔年休講 No Lecture biyearly 2 Japan in East Asia: Basic Studies 井上 浩子 INOUE, Hiroko 2 Japan in East Asia : Contemporary Social Issues 井上 浩子 INOUE, Hiroko 2 隔年休講 No Lecture biyearly 2 本多 美樹 HONDA, Miki 2 奥迫 元 OKUSAKO, Hajime 2 Japan and Peacebuilding : UN Policies Japan and Peacebuilding : Asian Policies Development Assistance by Japan: ODA and NGOs Contemporary Japanese Foreign Policy War and Japan CONCENTRATION 日本の歴史と文化/ Japanese History and Culture 1. Abstract Those of us studying in Japan have access to Japanese history and culture at our fingertips, but this also means that we do not have many opportunities to engage in academic learning. However, in our ever-globalizing world, there is a great demand for a broad knowledge and understanding of history. We should voice our thoughts on these matters. We also need to acquire the ability to interact meaningfully with people whose cultural backgrounds are different from our own. By enrolling in both English and Japanese courses, general program students will improve English skills and CJSP students will improve Japanese skills to the point that they will gain the ability to explain Japanese history and culture in both languages. 2. Credits Needed for Completion:At least 12 credits from Required Electives (At least 2 credits from courses in English and 2 credits from courses in Japanese are required.) <Concentration Required Electives> Course title Instructor Credits 歴史学(日本史)1 島 善高 2 歴史学(日本史)2 島 善高 2 歴史学(日中関係史)1 劉 傑 2 歴史学(日中関係史)2 劉 傑 2 日本文学1〔古典と近代〕 内藤 明 2 日本文学2〔近代と現代〕 内藤 明 2 日本文化論 内藤 明 2 日本文化研究 内藤 明 2 漢字文化圏論1 笹原 宏之 2 漢字文化圏論2 笹原 宏之 2 社会科学総合研究(近代化の比較研究)1 古賀 勝次郎・浜田 泉 2 社会科学総合研究(近代化の比較研究)2 古賀 勝次郎・劉 傑 2 隔年休講 No Lecture biyearly 2 Western Images of Japan : Early 20th Century to the Present コーガン トーマス COGAN, Thomas 2 Japanese Literature : Classical コーガン トーマス COGAN, Thomas 2 隔年休講 No Lecture biyearly 2 Japanese Cultural History: Ancient Times to 1600 コーガン トーマス COGAN, Thomas 2 Japanese Cultural History : 1600 to the Present コーガン トーマス COGAN, Thomas 2 A Cultural History of Tea コーガン トーマス COGAN, Thomas 2 佐藤 洋一 SATO, Yoichi 2 ホートン ウィリアム ブラッドリー HORTON, William Bradley ホートン ウィリアム ブラッドリー HORTON, William Bradley 2 Western Images of Japan: Mid 16th Century to Late 19th Century Japanese Literature: Modern Urban History of Tokyo Women in Modern Japan: Outside Encounters and Early Changes Japan and World War II: Historical Controversies 2 CONCENTRATION サスティナビリティ学 / Sustainability Study 1. Abstract The goal of this concentration is to understand the significance of sustainability efforts in the regional and global environment, and to study the related field comprehensively, so that students might understand how best to realize sustainability goals. Regional ecosystems are inseparable from local industries, such as agriculture and forestry. They are also deeply related to industrialization, in that they both provide and consume resources on a global scale. By offering a package of sustainability-related studies, students will be made aware of the relevance of the issue and provided with a framework to capture the structure of the notion, and its related problems, comprehensively. This concentration requires students to enroll in economics, politics, law, etc. which relates to the environment. Finally, by preparing and submitting a final report upon completion of the program, students are expected to have acquired the knowledge related to the framework of sustainability studies. 2. Credits Needed for Completion:At least 14 credits (Required courses: 8 credits, Required electives: 6 credits) <Concentration Required Courses> Course title Instructor Credits 地球環境論 赤尾 健一 4 環境の産業連関分析 鷲津 明由 2 環境法1 黒川 哲志 2 Course title Instructor Credits Global Food Security : Climate Change, Food, and Agriculture 弦間 正彦 GEMMA, Masahiko 2 生態学1 赤尾 健一 2 生態学2 赤尾 健一 2 食料と農業の経済学Ⅰ 弦間 正彦 2 食料と農業の経済学Ⅱ 弦間 正彦 2 環境法2 黒川 哲志 2 環境社会論1 休講 2 環境社会論2 休講 2 <Concentration Required Electives> CONCENTRATION 社会デザイン / Social Design 1. Abstract Social Design is the attempt to solve social problems based on a specific proposal. This concentration is aimed at cultivating students who will take on such projects during their careers. By tackling the three phases described below, students will acquire the skills, methods, and the mindset needed to approach these projects. 1) Engage with others based on an acquired set of original thought processes or expressions; 2) Uncover the tasks or problems facing a local region and community and propose counter-measures to correct them; and, 3) Summarize the results using academic skills and then present them to the group. 2. Credits Needed for Completion:At least 14 credits (Required courses: 4 credits, Required electives: 10 credits) <Concentration Required Courses> Course title Instructor Credits 社会デザイン実習1A 土方 正夫 他 2 社会デザイン実習1B 土方 正夫 他 2 社会デザイン論入門A 早田 宰 他 2 社会デザイン論入門B 早田 宰 他 2 社会デザイン論入門C 休講 ※末尾に「A,B…」が付されている科目は同一科目とみなされるため、いずれか1クラスの履修となります。 2 <Concentration Required Electives> Course title Instructor Credits 社会デザイン実習2〔メディアコミュニケーション〕 佐藤 洋一 4 コミュニティデザイン 卯月 盛夫 2 参加のデザイン技術 A 卯月 盛夫 4 参加のデザイン技術 B 百武 ひろ子 4 情報科学論Ⅰ 隔年休講 2 情報科学論Ⅱ 土方 正夫 2 居住環境論1 早田 宰 2 居住環境論2 隔年休講 2 環境表現論ⅠA 佐藤 洋一 2 環境表現論ⅠB 佐藤 洋一 2 環境表現論Ⅱ 佐藤 洋一 2 篠田 徹 2 卯月 盛夫 2 大場 亨 2 ソシオダイナミクス1 公共事業論 地理情報システム論Ⅰ ※末尾に「A,B…」が付されている科目は同一科目とみなされるため、いずれか1クラスの履修となります。 CONCENTRATION リーガルマインド―法的なものの考え方と議論の技法/ Legal Mind: legal thinking and discussion skills 1. Abstract For students pursuing a specific study in the field of law, it is not overstating it to say that it is extremely important to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of the basics of law, such as Constitutional, civil and criminal law. In addition, for students studying other fields, learning the skills used to interpret provisions and becoming familiar with the style of legal discussion will contribute greatly to their efforts to facilitate legal knowledge of their specific fields of study and deepen their research therein. This concentration course aims to help students to grasp the legal thought process and enhance their discussion skills through a comprehensive study of the basics in the field of law. 2. Credits Needed for Completion:At least 10 credits (Required courses: 2 credits, Required electives: 8 credits) <Concentration Required Courses> Course title Instructor Credits 憲法ⅠA 西原 博史 2 憲法ⅠB 西原 博史 2 公法入門(国家と法)A 後藤 光男 2 公法入門(国家と法)B 黒川 哲志 2 公法入門(国家と法)C 仲道 祐樹 2 公法入門(国家と法)D 隔年休講 2 私法入門(市民と法)A 大西 泰博 2 私法入門(市民と法)B 吉田 和夫 2 私法入門(市民と法)C 大西 泰博 2 私法入門(市民と法)D 休講 2 ※必須科目のうち、2単位を超えて修得した単位は、選択科目の単位として取り扱います。 ※末尾に「A,B…」が付されている科目は同一科目とみなされるため、いずれか1クラスの履修となります。 <Concentration Required Electives> Course title Instructor Credits 憲法ⅡA 西原 博史 2 民法概論A 吉田 和夫 2 民法概論B 大木 満 2 刑法総論Ⅰ 仲道 祐樹 2 刑法総論Ⅱ 仲道 祐樹 2 ※末尾に「A,B…」が付されている科目は同一科目とみなされるため、いずれか1クラスの履修となります。 CONCENTRATION 法と経済学/ Law and Economics 1. Abstract This course addresses contemporary social phenomenon, mostly consisting of both legal and economic issues. For instance, international trade is a part of economics, in the sense that it deals with economic activities, but if you consider how to include customs clearance procedures, and domestic and international laws and agreements, it is also a part of law. It is necessary to understand both economics and law if one hopes to grasp corporate behavior. Even human behaviors that were originally understood to fall under the category of pure law and be subject to fields such as civil or criminal law, are now known to be substantiated by an analysis of economic motivation. In this context, the purpose of this concentration is to cultivate a comprehensive view of both economic and legal knowledge with such topics in mind. 2. Credits Needed for Completion:At least 14 credits (Required courses: 6 credits, Required electives: 8 credits) <Concentration Required Courses> Course title Instructor Credits 法と経済学 土門 晃二 2 民法概論A 吉田 和夫 2 民法概論B 大木 満 2 ゲーム理論の基礎A 戸田 学 2 ゲーム理論の基礎B 戸田 学 2 ※末尾に「A,B…」が付されている科目は同一科目とみなされるため、いずれか1クラスの履修となります。 <Concentration Required Electives> Course title Instructor Credits 会社法1〔会社のガバナンス〕 川島 いづみ 2 会社法2〔会社のファイナンス〕 隔年休講 2 川島 いづみ 2 刑法各論1 仲道 祐樹 2 刑法各論2 仲道 祐樹 2 国際経済法1 福永 有夏 2 国際経済法2 福永 有夏 2 会社法3〔組織再編・M&A〕
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