CV OKI KASAJIMA PRODUCT DESIGN GRAPHIC DESIGN SPACE DESIGN PHOTOGRAPHY FILM MAKING 笠嶋 大樹 OKI KASAJIMA プロダクト、グラフィック、空間などのデザインや写真・映像作品のディ I am a Freelance Designer specializing in Product Design, Graphic Design as well as Space Design. I am also an experienced photographer and a camera director in video production. While techniques and results are important, I focus more on delivering the stories behind the scene in precise and r espect ful m a nner . By sha r ing such st o r ies, peo ple ca n understand each other better and by having deeper sympathy for one another, I believe everyday life can be richer and more fun. I believe that design element can be a powerful tool to support and change our current life and our future for the better. レクション・撮影を手掛けています。手法や結論に捕われることなく、裏 にあるストーリーをきちんと丁寧に伝えることを心がけています。ストー リーを共有することにより人は互いをよりよく理解することができ、より 深い共感を生むことによって毎日の暮らしはもっと楽しく、もっと豊かな も の に な る。そ ん な 暮 ら し の 手 助 け を す る 力 が デ ザ イ ン に は あ る と 信 じ 日々取り組んでいます。 BIOGRAPHY PROFILE Website Email Birth place Nationality : : : : [email protected] Yokohama Japanese Skills : Photoshop Illustrator Premiere Aftereffects Lightroom Rhinoceros 3Dmax Cinema4D Keynote Model Making Languages : Japanese - native English - intermediate Turkish - beginner 1996 1999 2001 2004 2005 2013 Kanagawa University Highschool Brighton College National Diploma in Design Manchester Metropolitan University BA in 3D Design Designlabor Bremerhaven Freelance Designer in Tokyo Freelance Designer in Istanbul EXHIBITION 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 MACEF Design Award in Milan New British Design Exhibition in Milan New British Design Exhibition in London New Designers in London Pier der Wissenschaft in Bremerhaven Pier der Wissenschaft in Berlin Tokyo Designers Market in Tokyo Washi + in Tokyo Washi + in Nagoya Yupina Brand Opening Show in Tokyo 100% Design in Tokyo AWARD 2004 2005 2006 Salford quays “Keys” Design Competition ,First Prize MACEF Design Awards, Honorable mention Selected for New British Design Exhibition Recieved Scholarship at Designlabor Bremerhaven IF communication Design award Pre Good Design Award MUSIC BALL Category Client : Product Design : Yupina llc. オルゴールの最大の要素である響きと回転運動を最大限に生かし たデザインとなっています。オルゴールの機構を木工の球体に取 り込んでいるので、手の上で鳴らすとその振動が手に伝わり、テー ブルの上で鳴らすとオルゴールの回転により、MUSIC BALL 自体が 回転します。また内部には巻き過ぎによるゼンマイの破損を防ぐ ための構造を施してあります。 I created this design in order to maximize the sound acoustics and rotational motions, which are the two most attractive factors of music box. Mechanism of music box is buried inside spherical wooden structure, so you can feel the vibration if you hold it in your hand. When placed on a table, MUSIC BALL itself starts to spin by the rotation of the music box. It also has a structural device inside, which is designed to prevent damages on the spring from overwinding. SOUND PENDANT Category Client : Product Design : Yupina llc. SOUND PENDANT は「心地よい和音を身に纏う」、というコンセプ トのジュエリーです。オルゴールの 歯を調律し、アルミの本体 に組み込みました。耳元で弾けば、自分だけに聞こえる音量で和 音が鳴り、テーブルなど平面の上に置いて奏でれば、部屋中に響 く楽器になります。 SOUND PENDANT is a jewelry designed under the concept of “a musical chord that you can wear.” A tuned comb of a music box is built inside the aluminum body. If you pluck it by your ear, it’ s just loud enough for you to hear. If you place it on a flat surface like a table and play it, it turns into “a musical instrument” that can produce enough volume for everyone in the room to enjoy. Projector MG-850 Category Client Director : Product Design : SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION : MIE DESIGN p r od uc t p h oto p r op os a l Projector MG-850 はセイコーエプソンと共にデザイン開発を行っ たスピーカー・iPhone ドック付プロジェクターです。 Projector MG-850 is a projector with built-in speakers and iPhone dock. This design was co-developed by a team of designers at SEIKO EPSON Corporation. JAR OPENER T Category Client : Product Design : umbrellatees 瓶のフタが開かない!そんな時おもむろにシャツの裾を掴み、シャ ツを使って開けたこと経験はありませんか? JAR OPENER T はそん なヒトの無意識的な行動を描いたデザインです。 What do you do when you cannot get the jar lid to open? Have you not tried to open it by using your T-shirt? Such unconscious human behavior is depicted on this JAR OPENER T. MUSICAL WINE GLASS Category Client : Product Design : Myself 音階を目盛りで示したワイングラスです。ワインを入れる量によっ て異なる音階を楽しむことができます。ディナーの席と友人や恋 人とハーモニーを奏でてみてください。 A set of wine glasses with scales that indicate different notes. Please enjoy the harmony at dinner table with your friends or your lover. ROSE MOTIVE CAFE Hospitality Distribution NIPPON FRUEHAUF ROSE MOTIVE CAFE Category Client Art Direction Catering Design Graphic Photo : : : : : : : Exhibition Design NIPPON FRUEHAUF CO, LTD Oki Kasajima Sayoshi Superplanners .inc Oki Kasajima Hiroshi Shibaizumi TOTO TOMMOROW Category Client Produce Art Direction Design Graphic Writtings Photo : : : : : : : : Exhibition Design TOTO LTD. KYUKO Oki Kasajima Superplanners .inc Oki Kasajima ENGINE Co.,Ltd Oki Kasajima TOTO の将来のヴィジョンを共有するための移動式展示セットの アートディレクションを行いました。日本各地に点在する 23 の工 場で展示され、働く社員の意思統一や地元住民とのヴィジョン共 有に活躍しました。 I was the art director for creating this movable exhibition booth, which was designed to share future visions of TOTO Ltd. This was exhibited at all 23 factories in various parts of Japan. Its objective was to give a sense of future direction for their employees as well as to share their future visions with local residents. It ended on a successful note. JAPAN DIY SHOW TOTO BOOTH 2011 Category Client Produce Art Direction Design Graphic Writtings Photo : : : : : : : : Exhibition Design TOTO LTD. KYUKO Oki Kasajima Superplanners .inc Oki Kasajima ENGINE Co.,Ltd Oki Kasajima TOTO 株式会社リテール本部の組織変更により、この展示会では新 たなコンセプト、そして新たな展示方法を構築することが必要で した。前年までのようなシンプルな商品展示ではなく、現在の商 品は TOTO がこれまでに積み重ねてきた数多くの困難な挑戦があっ てこそ、という歴史に着目した展示となりました。 Due to organizational changes in the retail division of TOTO Ltd, we were required to come up with a new exhibition method under a new concept for this exhibition Instead of simple product exhibition, which was the way up until the previous year, this exhibition focused on the fact that the current products were only made possible based on the many difficult challenges that TOTO workers overcame in the past years. JAPAN DIY SHOW TOTO BOOTH 2012 Category Client Produce Art Direction Design Graphic Writtings Photo : : : : : : : : Exhibition Design TOTO LTD. KYUKO Oki Kasajima Superplanners .inc Oki Kasajima ENGINE Co.,Ltd Oki Kasajima 「TOTO の品質」を表現するため、商品だけではなく、商品の生産 工程も合わせて紹介する構成の展示会になりました。多くの日本 企業が効率化・予算削減の名の下に工場を海外移転させる最中、 TOTO は日本の職人技にこだわりと誇りを持ち、高い商品水準を 保っています。 In order to actualize “TOTO Quality” , we decided to show not only the products, but also the manufacturing processes of the products in this exhibition. While many Japanese corporation move their factories to overseas under the name of efficiency and cost cut, TOTO is very particular about and is highly proud of the skills of Japanese craftsmen. This is how they maintain their high quality standards for their products. JAPAN DIY SHOW TOTO BOOTH 2013 Category Client Produce Art Direction Design Graphic Writtings Photo : : : : : : : : Exhibition Design TOTO LTD. KYUKO Oki Kasajima Superplanners .inc Oki Kasajima ENGINE Co.,Ltd Hiroshi Shibaizumi 水まわりを得意とする TOTO はいわば水の専門家。水の不思議な 特性は多くの商品で活用され、我々の日常生活の役に立っていま す。そんな水の力を活用するための知恵をふんだんに盛り込んだ 展示となりました。 TOTO Ltd. knows a great deal about water-related areas in the house. TOTO is undoubtedly a water expert. Very unique characteristics of water are utilized in many products and put into practical uses. Their wisdoms on how to use the magical power of water were a huge part of this exhibition. JAPAN DIY SHOW TOTO BOOTH 2014 Category Client Produce Art Direction Design Graphic Writtings Photo : : : : : : : : Exhibition Design TOTO LTD. KYUKO Oki Kasajima Superplanners .inc Oki Kasajima ENGINE Co.,Ltd Hiroshi Shibaizumi Pier der Wissenschaft in Bremerhaven Category Client Produce Direction Designer : : : : : Exhibition Design Bremen/Bremerhaven City Council Designlabor Bremerhaven Wilfreid Kühn / Chris Rehberger Oki Kasajima , Tina Hage Verena Kern , Britta Knüppel Nadja Riedel , Christophe Vaillant Melanie Thron , Susana Soares かつて漁港の町として栄えたドイツ北部の町ブレマーハーフェン も近年では研究所や大学、歴史博物館などが建ち並ぶアカデミッ クで近代的な町として生まれ変わり、ドイツ政府から「科学の桟橋」 というタイトルを受け取りました。ブレマーハーフェンの生まれ 変わりの歴史のきっかけとなった活動を町や国全体に広めるため のプロモーションイベントをデザインラボ・ブレマーハーフェン が行っていたのですが、そのデザインチームの一員として企画・ デザインを行いました。展示は町の一カ所だけではなく町の至る 所で行われていました。 Bremerhaven is a city located in the North of Germany and used to be one of the most important fishing port. The city has turned itself into an academic and modern city with research labs, universities and history museums and they were named as “Pier of Science” by the German Government. Designlabor Bremerhaven was in charge of promoting those activities that triggered the changes to the city and to the rest of the country. I was a member of their design team and I was involved in planning and designing. Exhibition was not limited to just one place, there were exhibition spaces all over the city. 磁器作家と和紙花作家による二人展のポスターをデザインしまし た。扱う素材が全く違う二人の作家が付かず離れずの絶妙な距離 を保ちつつも刺激し合う様子を象徴的に表現しました。 Designed this poster for an exhibition by artists; one was a ceramic artist and the other was a paper flower artist. This poster symbolized how those two artists, who use completely different materials, maintained an impeccable distance with each other while stimulating one another. 磁器と Design Photo : Graphic Design : Maki Ishiwata Yumie Saito : Oki Kasajima : Oki Kasajima 和紙花 Category Client 斉藤友美恵 石渡 真紀 Porcelain and Paper Flower Exhibition Poster Bridal Paper Set Category Client Design : Graphic Design : MYPRINT CO.,LTD. : Oki Kasajima バラや草木や鳥を象った結婚式用のペーパーアイテムをデザイン しました。お客様用の席次表も一輪のバラの形をしており、結婚 する二人からのささやかな感謝の気持ちを表しています。 I designed this paper item in shapes of roses, grasses, trees and birds for wedding. The seating chart for the guests is in shape of a rose, which symbolizes the couple's appreciation for attending their ceremony. IILA Catalogue Category Client Design Photo : : : : Graphic Design MOKI LTD. Oki Kasajima Oki Kasajima 株式会社モキ製作所の新型まきストーブ「IILA」のグラフィックワー クを担当しました。商品撮影のディレクションから実際の撮影、 カタログ制作までヴィジュアルに関わるもの全てを一任して頂け たおかげで、一貫したプロデュースを行うことができました。 I was in charge of graphic works of new log heater “IILA” by K.K. Moki Seisakusho. I was able to provide consistent service to the client since I was able to produce all visual materials including direction on the product shoot, conducting the actual shoot, catalog making, etc. ITS JAPAN WORLD CONFERENCE 2012 ILLUSTRATION Category Client Direction Design : : : : Graphic Design ITS JAPAN Kazumi Uchida Oki Kasajima ITS JAPAN が考える車社会の未来予想図を制作。60 余りある新規 技術の説明を取り込みつつ、マクロな視点での社会構成も感じら れるにデザインにしました。実際のプレゼンテーションでは全体 図から各技術のアップへのスムーズな流れで説明を行いました。 Created a future car soceity map predicted by ITS JAPAN. It was designed, so that you can feel the structure of society from macro point of view while including explanations for more than 60 new technologies in the presentation. In the actual presentation, each technology was zoomed in from overview map, it was delivered in the smooth flow. LINK : 5mins NIPPON FRUEHAUF 50th ANNIVERSARY MOVIE “HANDS” Category Client Produce Direction Camera Music : : : : : Film Design NIPPON FRUEHAUF CO, LTD Kazumi Uchida Oki Kasajima Oki Kasajima Hiroshi Shibaizumi : Kai Kawasaki 日本フルハーフというトラックの荷台を制作する会社の 50 周年記 念映像です。一見、冷たく機械的な印象のトラックで すが、その 工場は 1000 本ものバラに囲われています。昭和 59 年の冬、雪の 降る中社員 8 名の有志でバラの植栽を始め たそうです。今では年 に一度の観賞会には全国からたくさん の訪問者で構内が賑わいま す。また従業員にとっては、将来トラックに載せられるであろう いろいろな人の想いを想像させる役割があるように感じました。 Created 50th anniversary video for NIPPON FRUEHAUF, which is a company that is manufacturing loading platform for trucks. At a first glance, the word “truck” may lead you to think about something cold and mechanical, however, their factory is surrounded by 1,000 roses. One day back in 1984, 8 employees voluntarily decided to plant roses in the snowing weather. They have a public viewing day once a year now and many people from all over Japan come to enjoy the view. For employees of the NIPPON FRUEHAUF, it seems to play this role to let the employees imagine about the feelings of the people, which may be loaded onto those trucks in the future. LINK : 5mins Pass : tomorrow TOTO TOMORROW MOVIE Category Client Produce Direction Camera Edit Music : : : : : Film Design TOTO LTD. KYUKO Oki Kasajima Oki Kasajima Hiroshi Shibaizumi : Oki Kasajima : Kai Kawasaki TOTO 株式会社はもうじき 100 周年。会社の思いを国内各地にあ る工場で働く人たちにも再確認してもらいたいという意向で TOTO TOMORROW という移動式の展示が企画され、その展示の一環とし て映像を作成しました。完成した映像は研究開発部門から生産、 販売部門まで多くの方々の想いを乗せて全国を旅して回りました。 TOTO Ltd. will be celebrating 100th anniversary soon. TOTO TOMORROW was a portable exhibition that was planned and executed, so that their factory workers who are in various parts of Japan can reconfirm the philosophy of the corporation. This video was a part of the exhibition. Finished video traveled to many factories all over the world and it contained the messages of people at Research & Development Division, Production and Sales, etc. LINK : 2.5mins Pass : water TOTO TOGETHER MOVIE Category Client Produce Direction Animation Edit Music : : : : : : : Film Design TOTO LTD. KYUKO Oki Kasajima Kachun Anders Chan Oki Kasajima Kai Kawasaki 現在の日本が直面している水の現状を分かりやすくまとめた映像 です。水まわりを専門とする会社として現状を伝え改善を促して いく責任を負う、というのも大切な仕事の一つです。 The video offers a brief explanation of current water situation in Japan. Since their expertise is water related, it is one of their most important duties to let people know about the current situation as well as prompting improvement. LINK : 1.5mins “Les amis d`Ami” PR MOVIE Category Client Camera : Film Design : Les amis d`Ami : Oki Kasajima 女性シェフが一人で営むとてもアットホームなレストラン「レゼ ミダミ」の PR 映像です。お客様に美味しくて楽しいひとときを提 供するために彼女が自ら一つ一つ丁寧に心を込めて調理している 様子を表現しました。 This is a PR video for “Les amis d`Ami” , which is a very personal restaurant, managed single handedly by a female chef. This video shows how the chef is going through the process of cooking carefully and heartfully just so she can provide some enjoyable moment full of delicious food to her customers. LINK : 7.5mins SETO Inland Sea TRAVEL MOVIE Category Camera : Film Design : Oki Kasajima 瀬戸内海近郊に旅行した三日間で撮影を行いました。瀬戸内海の 島、海、そして猫たちが織りなす情景はどことなく懐かしくもあり、 日本国内で最も美しい景色なのではないかと思っています。 This was shot during the 3 days trip to Seto inland sea. Islands, sea and cats really go well together to make this such a lovely sight. I think this place has the most beautiful landscape in Japan. PHOTOGRAPHS Category : Photography LINK :
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