Record - 公益社団法人Knots

毎 年 ど こ か で 台 風・ 地 震・ 噴 火 等 の 自 然 災
害 に 見 舞 わ れ て い る 日 本。 そ の た び に 人 も 動
物 も 右 往 左 往 し て き ま し た。 飼 い 主 は 家 族 の
思 っ て も、 避 難 所 で 受 け 入 れ ら れ な か っ た り 、
て き た の で す が、 神 戸 と い う 大 都 会 及 び そ の
け に、 動 物 を 助 け る こ と は 人 を 助 け る こ と に
上 げ、 動 物 の 保 護 に 乗 り 出 し ま し た 。 以 後 、
そ の 形 が 受 け 継 が れ、 新 た な 緊 急 災 害 ご と に
少 し ず つ 進 ん で き ま し た。 今 で は、 動 物 の 緊
も あ り、 や っ と 、 動 物 救 援 シ ス テ ム の 立 ち 上
げ に 地 方 自 治 体 も 動 き 始 め ま し た。 し か し、
の 一 つ、 人 と 動 物 の 共 通 感 染 症 の 蔓 延 問 題 に
ついては未だ に 意 識 が 低 い よ う に 思 い ま す 。
そ こ で、 こ の ワ ー ク シ ョ ッ プ で は 、 ア メ リ
カ の ハ リ ケ ー ン・ カ ト リ ー ナ 被 災 地 お よ び 日
課 題、 そ し て 、 早 急 に 立 て る 必 要 の あ る 人 と
し、 効 果 的 な 防 災 対 策 に 寄 与 す る こ と を 目 的
Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
Every year Japan experiences a number of natural disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions which cause panic and suffering among both people and animals. Among victims wishing to be
rescued, those pet owners wanting to bring their pets along, have often been refused transportation or shelter.
However, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, which struck Kobe, a major city, and its surroundings,
represented a turning point away from this thinking. There was a cooperative effort between local authorities,
veterinary associations, animal-loving organizations and volunteers to set up an animal rescue headquarters to
protect animals. They recognized that rescuing animals is a way to rescue people. Ever since the Kobe quake,
this system has been repeated and improved following each new disaster. Furthermore, the national
government has now set policy for establishing measures to protect animals in times of emergency. Therefore,
local authorities in general have at last begun to establish animal rescue systems. Despite the progress, social
awareness about one of the key issues within crisis management, namely the outbreak of infectious diseases
common to humans and animals, still remains alarmingly low.
The aim of this workshop, therefore, is to learn from case-studies related to the Hurricane Katrina disaster in
the USA, and to emergency crises in Japan. Participants will discuss the circumstances of these disasters, their
specific issues and about the urgency of having people and resources ready to combat the dangers of common
human / animal infectious diseases (zoonosis). Ultimately this workshop aims to contribute to the creation of
more effective crises prevention.
■ワークショップ Ⅰ 「緊急災害時の危機管理」
日時及び会場:12 月 12 日 ( 土 ) 13:00 ~ 16:00 メインホール
司会・座長:植村 興氏/四條畷学園大学教授
レベッカ・ローデアス氏(カウアイヒューメインソサエティー エグゼクティブディレクター)
市田成勝氏(大震災動物救護メモリアル協議会 会長) 3.「日本における過去 20 年余りに起こった緊急災害時の動物救援活動の変遷」
(社)日本動物福祉協会 獣医師調査員) 4. 「人と動物の共通感染症対策について」
森田剛史氏(厚生労働省健康局結核感染症課 課長補佐 )
5. 「災害時における人と動物の共通感染症等の問題」
佐藤 克氏 (( 社 ) 東京都獣医師会 危機管理室 感染対策セクション長 )
■ Workshop Ⅰ "Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes"
Dates : Saturday 12th December 13:00 ~ 16:00
Venue : Main Hall
Organizer : Secretariat
MC/Chairperson : Prof. Takashi UEMURA, Shijonawate Gakuen University
Cooperation : Headquarters for the Relief of Animals in Emergencies
Speakers :
1. ‘Animal Rescue Activities in Stricken Areas after Hurricane Katrina’
Dr. Rebecca RHOADES, D.V.M. (Executive Director, Kauai Humane Society )
2. ‘Looking Back on Animal Rescue Activities in the Wake of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake’
Dr. Shigekatsu ICHIDA (Chairman, The Great Earthquake Animal Rescue Memorial Association)
3. ‘Changes in Japan’s Animal Rescue Activities during Crises over the Past 20 Years’
Dr. Chizuko YAMAGUCHI, (Veterinary Inspector, Japan Animal Welfare Society)
4. ‘Measures Against Zoonosis’
Dr. Takeshi MORITA, D.V.M. (Deputy Director, Tuberculosis and Infectious Disease Division,
Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
5.‘The Problem of Zoonosis, etc during Emergency Crises’
Dr. Masaru SATO (Head of Tokyo Veterinary Medical Association, Infections Counter-Measures
Section, Crisis Management Group)
*‘Zoonosis’ = ‘Diseases that can be transmitted between animals and human beings’ 2
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
Workshop Ⅰ "Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes" Contents
Abstract Chairperson's Message Takashi UEMURA
(Professor,Shijonawate Gakuen University)
Rebecca RHOADES, D.V.M. (Executive Director, Kauai Humane Society )
─ 5 Shigekatsu ICHIDA
(Chairman, The Great Earthquake Animal Rescue Memorial Association)── 5 Chizuko YAMAGUCHI, (Veterinary Inspector, Japan Animal Welfare Society) ── 7 Takeshi MORITA, D.V.M. (Deputy Director, Tuberculosis and Infectious Disease Division,
Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) ─ ─ 8 Masaru SATO (Head of Tokyo Veterinary Medical Association, Infections Counter- Measures Section, Crisis Management Group)─ ─ 9 Record ・‘Animal Rescue Activities in Stricken Areas after Hurricane Katrina’
Dr. Rebecca RHOADES, D.V.M. (Executive Director, Kauai Humane Society )
──────────────── 11 ・ ‘Looking Back on Animal Rescue Activities in the Wake of
the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake’
22 Dr. Shigekatsu ICHIDA (Chairman, The Great Earthquake
Animal Rescue Memorial Association) ・‘Changes in Japan’s Animal Rescue Activities during Crises over the Past 20 Years’
Dr. Chizuko YAMAGUCHI, (Veterinary Inspector, Japan Animal Welfare Society)
─ ──────────────── 28 ・‘Measures Against Zoonosis’
Dr. Takeshi MORITA, D.V.M. (Deputy Director, Tuberculosis and Infectious
Disease Division,Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
─ ──────────────── 48 ・‘The Problem of Zoonosis, etc during Emergency Crises’
Dr. Masaru SATO (Head of Tokyo Veterinary Medical Association, Infections
Counter- Measures Section, Crisis Management Group)
─ ────────────────── 52 Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
Chairperson's Message
植村 興 Takashi UEMURA
Professor, Shijonawate Gakuen University
理屈は単純明快、しかし現実はどうなっているのでしょう? 本セッションでは、まず、過去に国内外で起こった代表
“Even if the sky collapses, and the ground cracks open, I won’t
be afraid….I’ll do anything for you…” Just as I listen to this
song by Yoko Kishi, I am tapping on my keyboard,
our strengths together to help and protect our families and
communities. Well controlled behavior can produce incredible
power. Of course, that is easy to say. How is it in reality?
Earthquake, thunder, wind and rain, epidemic, fire…there are
many kinds of disaster and most of them come suddenly. One
may come tomorrow, or in a thousand years, but certainly, one
of them will come one day.
Humans and all other animals are designed to guard and
protect the precious ‘lives’ given to them. This sense is
instinctive. There are many reports of animals fleeing to protect
themselves when sensing something abnormal before disasters
strike. It is pitiful to see those who take no emergency
precautions as they panic wildly when a disaster actually
At this workshop, we will first introduce some typical past case
studies from within and outside Japan. They record the sweat
and tears of actual animal rescue. Such experiences and tales of
endurance can provide some essential tips and insights to us
all. After that we will introduce the most up-to-date discoveries
relating to ‘Zoonosis’. This is one of our most important issues
in relation to preventing disease outbreaks and epidemics.
Then we will hear opinions from the audience, and summarize
the session with all our thoughts on crisis management during
times of emergency.
‘Wisdom’ is about being prepared for disasters and training for
them to protect lives. An excellent leader has such wisdom and
can thereby minimize the damage to his / her group when a
disaster hits them. This theory can be applied at all levels - to
homes, whole villages or towns, and to the entire nation.
Humans are now conscious that they have leadership
responsibilities towards the lives of their valued fellow
creatures whatever their species. Humans must now use the
benefits of their wisdom in matters of self-preservation to
protect the whole world of Nature and all living creatures. We,
the general public, are not individually superhuman but we join
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
I sincerely hope that the dream held by the Knots organization,
which aims to strengthen ties between people and animals, and
improve the welfare of both, will expand across the whole
world reaching the hearts of as many people as possible.
‘I will do anything for you…’ ♪
* ‘zoonosis’ ; ‘diseases that can be transmitted between animals
and human beings’
Animal Rescue Activities in Stricken Areas after Hurricane Katrina
Rebecca RHOADES, D.V.M. Executive Director, Kauai Humane Society
レベッカ・ローアデス カウアイヒューメインソサエティー エグゼクティブ ディレクター
There were many lessons learned
following Hurricane Katrina. Most
important was the fact that people
During this workshop we will share with you how
refused to evacuate to safety if their
Hawaii is planning for pets in the event of a disaster,
pets had to be left behind. As a result,
including a written plan for a community pet emergency
the United States Federal Government
shelter. In addition, we will discuss how private and
passed the PETS Act, to ensure that
national animal welfare organizations have formed a
States and local emergency preparedness operational
coalition to assist communities in preparation, training
plans address the needs of individuals with household
and response following a catastrophic event.
pets and services animals following a major disaster or
実です。その結果、アメリカ連邦政府は PETS 法の施行
Looking Back on Animal Rescue Activities in the Wake of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
市田 成勝 大震災動物救護メモリアル協議会 会長
Shigekatsu ICHIDA Chairman, The Great Earthquake Animal Rescue Memorial Association
いし、突然やって来ます。1 年 4 カ月
活動として 1)動物救援本部の組織づ
宿泊する人、日帰りの人等多いときは 1 日 70 ~ 80 人
くり 2)サポート体制の確立 3)活動
資金と里親探し 4)飼い主教育等が考
バーとして兵庫県、神戸市が加わり、此の 5 団体によっ
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
Nobody knows when an earthquake is going to strike.
management, it is necessary to secure paid volunteers,
They hit suddenly without warning. When I look back
and local authority support is essential too.
on the animal rescue activities we carried out over 16
months following the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, I
Moving onto item (3), at the end of the day, nothing can
can identify four particular items that can be considered
be done without adequate funding. And in particular,
as the main activities: (1) organizing an Animal Rescue
funding is indispensable to initial activity. I can speak
Headquarters, (2) establishing a support system, (3)
about this based on my experience following the
raising funds to finance the activities, and (4) carrying
earthquake, a time when our activities were reported by
out animal owner or keeper education.
the mass media. Public donations eventually came in but
this took a little time. However, in the event of a disaster,
Regarding item (1), five animal welfare-related
money is needed urgently. When a disaster strikes, once
organizations, namely, the Veterinary Association of
it becomes possible to draw on funds managed by the
Hyogo Prefecture, the Veterinary Association of Kobe
Animal Rescue Headquarters, the situation becomes so
City, and the Hanshin branch of the Japan Animal
much easier. Also, the search for foster owners for
Welfare Society (JAWS), together with Hyogo Prefecture
animals proceeded favorably, but in the case of cats and
and Kobe City, which joined as observers, established
dogs with diseases, our only option was to ask
the Kobe Animal Rescue Center and the Sanda Animal
veterinarians to take them in. I am deeply grateful for
Rescue Center.
the cooperation given by so many people.
Regarding item (2), a support system was established to
Concerning item (4), still there are many things we can
back up those who were engaged in Animal Rescue
do on an everyday basis, such as addressing the
Center operations and make their work easier. During
problems of owners keeping large numbers of animals
the busiest period, as many as 70 to 80 ordinary
and training problems, carrying out spaying and
volunteers and veterinarian volunteers, including both
neutering, rabies vaccinations, attaching of license tags
stay-over and day-trip visitors cane to the Rescue
and ID tags, etc.
Centers each day. Given this situation, as the time period
of the operations grew longer, management of these
As I mentioned above, when I look back on the Great
volunteers became more difficult. For example, there
Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, I see that a great variety of
was a need to organize meals, sleeping places, bathing
problems came up. These problems can be gradually
facilities, handing over of duties, schedule adjustment,
solved over time, but still, my fondest wish is that a
coping with injuries, etc. In order to ensure stable
disaster of this magnitude won’t happen again.
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
日本における過去 20 年余りに起こった緊急災害時の動物救援活動の変遷
Changes in Japan’s Animal Rescue Activities during Crises over the Past 20 Years
山口 千津子 (社)日本動物福祉協会 獣医師調査員
Chizuko YAMAGUCHI Veterinary Inspector, Japan Animal Welfare Society
1986 年の大島三原山の噴火の時は全島避難の際にイ
職員がフードを運んでいました。しかし、2000 年の同
Every year, Japan suffers various forms of natural
However, in 1986, when Mt. Mihara on Japan’s Oshima
disaster, such as earthquakes, floods, typhoons and
Island erupted, all the people had to be evacuated but
volcanic eruptions, to differing degrees of severity. As a
dogs were not allowed to board the rescue vessels.
nation, Japan has worked very hard to rescue people
There were many tearful farewells and until the owners
when disaster strikes. Until recently, however, these
c o u l d r e t u r n t o t h e i s l a n d , t h e s t a f f o f To k y o
efforts were not extended to animal rescue. It was only
Metropolitan Office had to go and feed those animals.
the warm-hearted owners who made the effort to rescue
However, in 2000, when Miyakejima Island (also on the
pets – their valued family members - despite their own
Izu Islands) erupted, Tokyo Metropolitan Office and
Tokyo Veterinary Medical Association sent cages to the
island and encouraged people to evacuate with their
I think it can be said that the first genuine animal rescue
pets. So the animal rescue situation has changed thanks
activities, as performed through the cooperation of
to a change in people’s consciousness. This goes back to
official and private groups, started with the 1995 Great
the animal rescue activities jointly performed by official
Hanshin-Awaji (Kobe) Earthquake. However, even before
and private teams at the time of the Kobe Earthquake.
that, I had been involved in other disaster situations in
At that time it was understood that ‘rescuing suffering
which this kind of arrangement at least had some
pets, leads to the rescue of suffering people’. This spirit
beginnings. The animal rescue activities, though not
has continued in crises ever since.
official, were performed with some cooperation from
self-governing authorities.
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
Measures Against Zoonosis
森田剛史 厚生労働省健康局結核感染症課 課長補佐
Takeshi MORITA, D.V.M. Deputy Director, Tuberculosis and Infectious Disease Division,
Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
In the background of problems related to zoonosis*, lie
environments. For this reason it is critical that the health
changes within human society and the increased
condition of animals kept by people such as pets be
diversification of human behavior. For example, these
constantly checked and maintained. In the case of dogs,
include: the vast movement of people and goods (which
it is important that they have a rabies vaccination and
has come with the development of different means of
that they are registered.
transportation), the greater concentration of human
populations in big cities, the changes in the natural
Ways to prevent zoonosis include
environment and land development, greater numbers of
that is too close such as feeding through mouth,
elderly people, and more wild animals being kept as
washing hands after touching animals,
pets. Within such changed circumstances, previously
contact with wild animals. These basic preventive
unknown infectious diseases may appear, or previously
measures should also be followed in times of
defeated diseases may make a comeback. So the
① avoiding contact
③ avoiding
importance of taking measures to combat zoonosis is
increasing. Many of the disease pathogens can be traced
Furthermore, it is important to have knowledge about
originally to animals in the wild (nature). So while it is
zoonosis. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is
important to be aware of pets, farm animals, school
disseminating such information by printing and
animals, and others which have relatively close and daily
distributing hand books and through their website. So
proximity to humans we must also be aware of wild
please refer to them.
animals including mice, pigeons, raccoon dogs, and wild
boars. Especially in times of emergency, the risk of
* ‘zoonosis’ ; ‘diseases that can be transmitted between
encountering such pathogens increases due to the
animals and human beings’
difficulty of maintaining hygiene within all
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
The Problem of Zoonosis, etc during Emergency Crises
佐藤 克 社団法人東京都獣医師会危機管理室 感染症対策セクション長
Masaru SATO Head of Tokyo Veterinary Medical Association,
Infections Counter-Measures Section, Crisis Management Group
平成 12 年 9 月 22 日、板橋区獣医師
On 2nd September 2000, Itabashi-ku Veterinary Association and
issues needing attention include anti-social barking, molting or
Itabashi-ku District Office made an agreement concerning animal
shedding of fur, and unpleasant odors from excrement.
rescue during times of emergency. Under this agreement,
Furthermore, because animals are likely to be nervous in such
‘refugees accompanied by animal-companions’ was one of the
situations, incidences of biting may occur more easily.
issues referred to. This attracted much attention because it was
Even when some animals do carry infectious disease pathogens,
the first case of a local authority deciding to allow animals to
the symptoms are not always obvious. It is therefore impossible
accompany their owners when seeking refuge. Under this
to eliminate all pathogens to eradicate these dangers. However,
agreement, the animal’s safety is assured to a certain extent.
efforts can be made by regular brushing to control fleas and
However, a new problem of how to maintain adequate public
mites, good discipline to control frequent barking, and a full
hygiene within shelters became an added issue.
range of vaccinations against infectious diseases. All these
Hygiene within shelters during times of crisis is likely to decline.
measures should be undertaken during normal times of non-
It is said that there are about 200 kinds of Zoonosis. About 50 of
crisis anyway, but they are also extremely important from the
these are listed within the law on infectious diseases. Of course,
point of view of risk management.
not all home-dwelling animals carry such pathogens and
We can say that the keys to success in taking measures to
therefore pose no threat to people. However, when hygiene
prevent Zoonosis during times of emergency is the awareness
conditions deteriorate, or when human immunity levels decline
among individual animal owners, having the understanding of
due to stress there is a real concern that infection likelihoods
citizens in general, and being well prepared in advance.
increase. As well as unusual infectious diseases, parasitic fleas,
ticks and mites can spread from animals to people in refuge
* ‘zoonosis’ ; ‘diseases that can be transmitted between animals
shelters and this too can soon become a big problem. Other
and human beings’
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
"Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes"
Date:12th Dec (Sat) 13:00 ~ 16:00 Venue:International Conference Center Kobe
「Main Hall」
Animal Rescue Activities in Stricken Areas after Hurricane Katrina
Rebecca RHOADES, D.V.M. Executive Director, Kauai Humane Society
レベッカ・ローアデス カウアイヒューメインソサエティー エグゼクティブ ディレクター
I want to first thank you all for inviting
attention to the No Pets Left Behind movement and the
me to come back to Kobe to speak
public demand that followed. There were many scenes
with you. I was lucky enough to be
on TV of the horrors of Hurricane Katrina and the lack of
here a couple years ago and I’m very
planning and response afterwards. My slide shows
happy to come back again.
some people standing in line waiting for transport, and
Specifically I will speak about what’s
this was a dog left behind after the transport had left.
been going on in the US since
Hurricane Katrina. It turned our world upside down
Unfortunately I could not find a picture of one particular
which is something I think has also happened to Japan
boy who appeared on TV around the world. He had
due to your earthquake. So many things have changed
been forced to get on a bus and leave his little white
and I would like to tell you a little story and point out
dog called Snowball behind. It was a very tragic scene
why this all happened. It is very similar to the story in
and one that changed the world for animals in the US.
There is a quote from a congressman about how, as he
and the rest of the world, watched images of the
Following Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005,
heartbreaking choices the Gulf residents had to make,
millions of Americans saw the suffering of families and
he was moved to find a way to prevent this from every
their pets on TV. How many of you saw any of that TV
happening again.
here in Japan? It must have been millions and I’m sure
the images were shown all around the world, images of
Unfortunately the little dog Snowball was never
the rescue efforts for both people and animals. But
reunited with the family which was a very sad situation.
Hurricane Katrina also started a movement called ‘No
However the story of Snowball and the little boy did
Pets Left Behind’. The significant thing about this
help precipitate a change in the law called the ‘PETS
movement was that it was a conglomeration of nine
Act’, which is a new federal law in the US.
national animal welfare organizations in the US, all of
which spoke the same voice together - something we
The PETS Act stands for ‘The Pet’s Evacuation and
don’t usually do. But a new coalition was also formed at
Transportation Standards’ Act. This was a major change
the time of Katrina to work together in response to
in the US, and it became federal law in just over a year
disasters. The name of that coalition is ‘The National
after Hurricane Katrina. Never before in the US had we
Animal Rescue and Sheltering Coalition’. Coalition
been concerned for companion animals at the national
members include the Humane Society of the United
level. The only national level efforts were towards
States, American Humane Association, The ASPCA, The
controlling diseases, helping protect public health and
National Animal Control Association, Best Friends
safety regarding livestock, zoonotic and disease
Animal Sanctuary, United Animal Nations, Code Three
controls. We had never seen much activity or legislation
Associates, and Society of Animal Welfare
relating to companion animal welfare. It became a
Administrators which I represent.
whole new field of activity at the national level.
Very large organizations on a national scale got
The law that received the amendment was the Stafford
together and all worked together. We were able to
Act. This is the law that helps provide resources
move the community forward thanks to the media
following a disaster. It allows the US Government to
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
actually prevent, mitigate and then respond after a
Department of Agriculture, (USDA) which has taken a
very significant role regarding work with pets, and the
Health and Human Services Agency of the United
There were many changes made to national laws as a
result of Katrina and this PETS Act declared FEMA (The
Federal Emergency Management Agency) to be the
This was unbelievably historic for the US, and at this
primary agency to deal with animals along with a
conference I have sensed that the same thing is
couple of partners following a disaster.
happening in Japan. I have been working with a couple
of national committees to help our governments make
Nowadays in the US, if an individual state has no plan in
definitions and define these plans for companion
place to help protect household pets and service
animals, because we had nothing before. This has also
animals in a disaster, if the disaster is so big that it’s
been very good because it has helped raise the status of
called a Federal scale disaster (that’s a level at which the
people working in animal control, animal shelters and
US government comes in to help), and the disaster is
animal rescue, as well as the veterinary world that
too big for the county or state to handle by itself, then
relates to companion animals.
they will not receive any money from the US
government. They will also receive no reimbursement
It is a huge project - we’re now creating definitions for
later for anything that they did. This is the reason that
these professions working with companion animals that
this law has been so significant, and why, all across the
are going to be consistent across the United States. Just
country, all states have been actively preparing and
like when, years ago, we defined firefighters, police
creating disaster plans for the pets in all of our
officers and even medical personnel. We’re now
communities. If they don’t do this they will not be
creating some very good definitions and giving status
eligible to be reimbursed for all the equipment,
to the people dealing with companion animals that
supplies, time, staff hours, needed to address a disaster
work side by side with our emergency responders such
in their community.
as firefighters, police officers. They are gaining a lot of
respect as we build these relationships from the federal
Here are a couple of things about this law - the
level all the way down to the local community.
Government had to define what animals this legislation
pertained to. It pertains to household pets, defined as
So, I have talked about the law as a lot has been
dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, rodents, or turtles that are kept
happening on that. But let me tell you a few stories
for pleasure. They’re not kept for business or for food or
about what has happened since Hurricane Katrina and
anything like that. They are household pets kept for
how much better we are with our responses, although
we still have a long way to go.
And then there was a new definition added into federal
The first story goes back to 2007 with the California
law for the definition of service animals. Again, if a state
wildfires. They had to evacuate a million people out of
has a disaster but does not have a plan in place and
the San Diego area and the process went very because
needs to call for resources from beyond their state, they
people were encouraged to bring all their animals with
will have to pay for them. So all the states across the US
are now working very hard and fast to create
emergency plans for pets.
In the slide you can see a building that looks like a big
coliseum. They kept horses in this coliseum. In fact they
FEMA (The Federal Emergency Management Agency) is
had all kinds of animals, both people and the pets. It
the key agency that we’re working with to help develop
was managed by an NGO, not the government but they
these plans. Their partners are The United States
worked side by side. But an NGO had acted as the
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
manager, or lead agency, for the ‘pets and people area’
Gustav storm was not so bad and not everybody had to
in which people and their animals were allowed to be
be evacuated. Although it did not cause much damage,
together. It was very unique and the first time we had
it did serve as a very good lesson.
practiced some of the plans we had been working on
after Hurricane Katrina.
I have something else I want to share with you. The
veterinary school in Louisiana, the local veterinary
The wildfires were declared a federal disaster, which is
community, the national animal shelters, NGO shelters,
huge for the United States. That is, they asked for, and
and animal rescue people all joined together to form a
were declared, a federal disaster. As such, California was
team called ‘L-S-A-R-T’. Most of the states in the US are
afterwards able to submit the expenses for the
working to form these teams, and bring all these
evacuation and for people care to FEMA for
partners together to create their plans. The slide shows
reimbursement. They were able to ask for overtime,
the website for This is a very valuable
salaries, fuel, equipment and supplies. If the disaster is a
website for anybody anywhere to get training, plans,
federally declared disaster then anything needed for an
and find out what they’re doing to help these mass
e v a c u a t i o n a n d s h e l t e r, a n y t h i n g f o r r e s c u i n g
evacuations, as well as how to set up a shelter with your
household pets - can be submitted for reimbursement
veterinary partners and everything. This shows very
to the federal government.
good cooperation between government, universities,
and the private sector.
While it was not the same scale of incident as the
Katrina floods and hurricane, it was a very successful
Within a week later, we had Hurricane Ike. Once again
evacuation of millions of people.
the area was getting hit hard. I must show you a picture
on this slide. You can see this little house here? This was
In 2008, we had our biggest scare in Louisiana since
Galveston Island and there is only one house left. I don’
Hurricane Katrina. A large storm hit us named Hurricane
t know if any of you saw this here on the news. This
Gustav. The State had thoroughly practiced how they
house had just been built, and built to be hurricane
would move people from the New Orleans area up to
proof. I bet the guy who built it later made millions of
safety in the north beyond the threatened area. Their
dollars, because it’s the only one standing. The whole
practices were so thorough that they had even done
island was horribly wiped out, yet this house remained
studies through the USDA to show how many animal
and to me this is an amazing picture.
crates they could put in a refrigerated semi-truck. They
knew how high they could stack them, and they even
So we had Hurricane Gustav and Hurricane Ike in 2008.
tested to see how the animals would cope. They had
We had practiced, had done some planning, and we
many large semi-trucks all loading up the pets, and
had a very good response with the national groups. We
busses to take the people up to the mega-shelter in the
have worked with them and together created trainings.
north. It was a very successful evacuation of the
We have worked with our federal government partners
Louisiana area.
and created best practices for sheltering animals,
handling them, vaccinations, disease-control, and
The photo in my slide shows the big mega-shelter set-
everything, to assure a safe response and be able to
up for pets being evacuated from the Louisiana area.
save the animals. We try to get them reunited with their
This was a partnership between the state of Louisiana’s
families or to re-home them if there is no family, or if
government team (that developed this program) and
their families can’t return for them. So it was a very
the nine national animal welfare groups of the coalition.
successful response for Hurricane Ike. This photo shows
We all worked together to help set it up, manage it and
a group of about a nine different organizations that
safely evacuate the New Orleans area. Many lessons
responded down there for the Houston SPCA, which
were learned and it was very successful. Fortunately the
was the lead NGO agency in the area. The SPCA
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
responded as part of the state Texas SART (State Animal
different county. There’s Hawaii Island, and then Maui
Resource Team), and they all worked very well together.
(which actually has Maui County, Lanai, Molokai). There
is also Oahu with Honolulu (where all the people live),
So now in the US, we are not just surviving off people’s
and then Kauai where I am. We have four major
generosity or donations from the public to help pay for
humane societies in the state, and each one of us, in our
all of this work. It’s now being paid for by the
respective counties, performs the county’s animal
government, and that is a huge change. We can send
control work, or we contract government work. That is
out our people or provide resources and later get
in addition to being an NGO, (which can seem
reimbursed. Now we don’t risk going broke if we don’t
confusing). So each of us contracts the government
get the public donations to support our work.
work for animal control in each of our counties.
Together we have created a coalition (agency) to act as
This goes back to many of the messages said here today
lead agency for ESF19 to take care of pet sheltering,
that “protecting animals is protecting people”, and “it’s
transportation, and rescue in the event of a disaster in
about the whole family”. We have really succeeded to
make that clear in the US. We still struggle a little but,
for the most part, the message has been made clear. If
In most cases, our storms only hit one part of the
communities don’t carry out emergency planning
islands, or just a part of an island. They don’t usually hit
measures, they’re going to suffer financially. Disaster
the state as a whole, so we can assist each other. If
planning for pets is now happening at all levels, local,
something happens on Oahu, we can all come from the
state, and federal. And in Hawaii in May 6, 2008, our
other islands. If it happens on Kauai those islands will
governor signed into law that pets needed to be
come over and assist me. Just like here in Japan, there
included into the ‘Hawaii Plan’. No longer is it just
is a challenge on the islands. We cannot just simply
private charities providing all of the services or the
drive to the far north. We’re stuck. So we try to create a
resources for pets. It is now a government responsibility.
lot of hurricane-proof shelters (government buildings)
which are places we evacuate people to if they don’t
In Hawaii, as for all US, the States define their
have safe homes. Now they can bring their pets to those
emergency functions as ‘Emergency Support Functions’
shame shelters.
or ‘ESFs’ (as we call them). And we had one ESF
established in Hawaii just for pets. Many ESFs are
Again if an event is bigger than Hawaii can handle, and
combined with other ones, but we made it “Number
declared a federal disaster, the federal government will
19”, and it’s specifically for pets. This is recognition by
provide support and help respond to the incident. And,
the government that pets are to be included. This was
with the passage of the PETS Act, and now with ESF19
hard to achieve because our governments, and people
planning, Hawaii can be reimbursed for the state all the
working in the government, don’t think there’s enough
way down to local level. The Kauai Humane Society can
resources for humans. They question how we can start
be reimbursed from the federal government for our
to establish things for pets? But, as said before, if you
work to help with a disaster.
don’t protect the pets, you’re not protecting the
families. People will not leave their home in disaster
What actually happens is that, if the disaster is beyond
situations or seek shelter if they can’t take their pets. So
Hawaii’s capability, the fed’s come in and contact our
it goes hand in hand.
closest states – Arizona and California - who send the
resources to assist us. In addition, we have this over-
I will explain how it works in Hawaii. We established a
arching partnership or support from the nine national
state organization of animal welfare agencies called
organizations – animal welfare organizations that will
HAAWA which stands for ‘the Hawaii Association of
also assist us as well as the national or the American
Animal Welfare Agencies’. In Hawaii, each island is a
Veterinary Medical Association and American Animal
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
Hospital Association. A lot of the agreements are made
emergency responders (firefighters, police officers,
in advance to help pre-storm or pre-incident for
emergency personnel) have all used this language for
resources to assist with rescue sheltering or post-storm
many years, we are now also trained and using it. We
activities. If you create these beforehand agreements,
receive much better cooperation and respect as a result
and everybody knows them, and has signed off on
and the status of our profession - people working with
them, they will be reimbursable because they are
companion animals, sheltering and animal control – has
functioning to help support the local area.
been elevated.
So planning and preparing is critical, and it is now
I will explain the procedures quickly, because they are
required by law. We’ve created working agreements
not part of my presentation slides. If anybody’s
with the other humane organizations as well as the
interested I have made a copy of them available. So if
state Red Cross and the State Departments of
you contact Knots, I’m sure we can get it to you.
Education, Agriculture, and the Hawaii Medical Hawaii
Basically the way it works is for us to go in and set up
Veterinary Medical Association.
what we call an ‘emergency pet shelter’. We just
practiced doing this last weekend when we had to
Humane Societies working with school districts or the
evacuate many people from the North Shore on several
Department of Education never happened before. They
islands, because of high surf. We had 50 foot waves
were not very happy to work with us when the
coming into Hawaii so we evacuated many families,
Governor told them that dogs, cats, turtles and rabbits
opened shelters, and sent our people from the humane
can now come into the schools if we have to evacuate
societies to manage the pets with the people. It went
and protect families. They said “no way” because they
really well but we had practiced our plan.
thought flees etc would affect their classrooms. But we
sat down at the table and really started working on this
So you have one person acting as the lead. Perhaps you
together. The idea is not to have people and their pets
just have one person for the whole shelter, but ideally
all in the same room. It is about having a very
you get enough people trained, both volunteers and
controlled environment where the people are in one
staff. You need lots of volunteers. You need one person
room, and the pets in another room, where the people
in charge of people, one person in charge of dogs, one
are still required to take care of their own pet. Next I
for cats, and then a veterinary section to help with any
will try and take you through that system briefly so you
injured animals. In this plan we have our volunteers (or
gain an idea of what we’re trying to do in Hawaii to help
staff ) color-coded based on their level of experience.
with emergency sheltering for families if there is a need
Purple is the weakest and means they have no animal
for an evacuation.
experience. They are assigned to be with people and
not to do anything with the animals. Green coded
Statewide – that is, with everyone from the different
individuals can work with friendly animals only. Those
other islands, we trained together so that we all use the
coded yellow can probably work with ‘caution animals’.
same plan and talk the same language. We’re actually
This coding goes all the way to ‘red’ for people with the
using the federal model. Everyone from the federal
most experience or the manager and the one that has
government downwards is supposed to be trained in
extensive animal experience. This goes hand in hand
the “ICS” or “Incident Command System”. (I wonder; is
with the animal behavior status which is also color-
there such a system in Japan?) In the United States the
coded. We have talked about these stressful situations.
system is part of the national response framework, and
The animals are away from home, are scared and will
we’re all trying to speak and learn the same incident
bite. If they are not very easy to manage, we need to
command language. Originally it came from military
have some experienced people. We have to color code
firefighters, but now we’re all using it. The result is that,
the animals as they come in. Green refers to a very
whereas other agencies in the community such as
friendly animal, one that is obviously easy for the less-
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
experienced volunteers to handle. But if an animal is
you don’t want to position cats right next to dogs, or
marked red then only a very experienced volunteer will
where you will be placing the food. There will be many
be able to handle it.
different things related to the shelter, but I will not go
into a lot of detail here. But the biggest point is the
Usually we don’t handle them just by ourselves. The
traffic flow and how this is going to work. If we get the
owners come in and take care of their pets under our
trainee volunteers to go through this process, it’s much
supervision. But we all know how difficult owners can
better when we give them a manual and review it. They
be in this stressful type of environment, so we do
get the sense of it. They should not be just handed a
sometimes have to handle the animals as well. That is
manual and nothing else. We also have them go
why we mark them – it’s a way to try and keep the place
through our regular two-hour volunteer training
session. In addition they have to do 12 hours of work at
the shelter with the dogs and cats, and other people,
There are basically eight stages for setting up the
before they can work at an emergency shelter. However,
system. Stage number one: Who activates or deploys
in an extreme situation, and a storm about to hit, we at
you? That cannot just be anybody. The order has to
least have some people that have some awareness. That
come through an identified person working for either
is something we are trying to build upon.
the Kauai Humane Society or the HAAWA partner in
Honolulu, or wherever. Next we make an opening
Then we have the check-in process and we promote
assessment. We go into and make a total assessment of
this. I don’t know how it works in Japan, but for
the school or shelter where we’re going to work. We
emergency sheltering all across the country in the US
have to document the condition the shelter is in as we
with the Red Cross, people have always been asked to
find it. Then we set it up and start the check-in process.
bring their own bedding, and a five-day supply of water
Now everybody has arrived, hunkered down for the
and food. Whatever it takes, you’re supposed to be
stay. Eventually we will need to release everybody,
before we do the clean up. Finally, we do the closing
assessment. It may seem simple but it’s not. But it
In Hawaii, we do the same thing but we have now
seems to work and this is how the plan is designed.
added animals or pets. So people need to have disaster
Again, deployment is only started through official
kits prepared for their pets. Some people show up and
means. It can’t just be some volunteer or staff person
they don’t have a kit for their pet. Number one point
announcing that “we’re opening up the shelter”. It won’
we emphasize is that every pet has to have a mobile
t work that way. Opening assessment is where our staff
home – either a crate or cage in which they can live for
members go in and walk through. We document the
a week. The home must be big enough for their animal
room conditions prior to setting up for the pets and we
to turn around, sit or lie down. That’s how we promote
talk to the school authority, shelter owner or whatever
it. We actually sell them in our shelters and talk about
building it is. We talk to them about any potential
them at our dog classes. At every opportunity we talk
problems. Next we do the EPS set up (the shelter set
about disaster kits for pets and the need for each pet to
up) and check our supplies. This is the part we actually
have a mobile home.
do once a month when we train our volunteers. We do
this the second Saturday of every month at our place by
So the evacuees arrive, all in line wanting to get into the
advertising and asking people to come in to do about 2
shelter. If they have a crate they can proceed directly. If
½ hour training. It is very simple. We show them how
they don’t have a crate, we check our supply. But if we
they are going to set up within a small space – for dogs
don’t have enough, that owner may have to keep their
and cats. We walk the volunteers through the basics
pet in the car. That is a last resort, but that is why we
and make them practice. The key is to draw a map of
really pushing people to understand that they need to
what the shelter room should look like. This means that
get prepared for their pets.
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
The pet owner in the shelter is responsible for their own
pet’s care, taking it out for walks, cleaning the cage,
feeding it, watering it, and medicating it. We have
established specific hours in the shelter so that we only
have the dog people working with their dogs at one
time. Then we have the cat people, rabbit people, bird
people or others working at different times.
That is what life in a shelter with pets is like. Everybody’
s hunkered down for several days (or maybe less), which
depends on what kind of event it is. After it is over, you
【Slide 1】
start the check-out, which you must have control over
at all times so that people don’t take other peoples
animals or abandon their animal. There are several such
issues so we have a check-out process where we can
verify ownership. That was a topic we were talking
about earlier in reference to your documents (and
photographs) used at the shelter you set up after the
earthquake. Our whole goal is to try and keep families
together, and not have to re-house an abandoned
animal or animal that cannot return home. Of course we
will also serve that purpose if needed.
【Slide 2】
Next is the cleanup which begins as quickly as the
animals begin to leave. Cleaning up is really key for this
to be successful, and finally the closing assessment.
These are vital key-points for us to continue our working
relationship with the government agencies now
obligated to accept pets into their schools or other
state-owned buildings. There has been a lot of
resistance so we’re working really closely with them to
do this in a way that will not impact their building.
Ultimately however, we would not be able to do any of
【Slide 3】
this without volunteers. And I know, from the last time I
was here, because I met some wonderful volunteers,
that it is the same in Japan. None of us have enough
staff to cover all the work that needs to be done for the
animals but we thankfully do have people who want to
help. Our volunteers need to be trained - something we
have to do it in a structured manner. But we always
want to thank the volunteers and recognize their efforts
in helping us protect the whole family.
Thank you very much.
【Slide 4】
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Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
Looking Back on Animal Rescue Activities in the Wake of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
Shigekatsu ICHIDA Chairman, The Great Earthquake Animal Rescue Memorial Association
Today, I would like to talk briefly
center in Kita Ward, so it was decided to set up the
about the Great Hanshin-Awaji
rescue center there. Actual construction work started
Earthquake. When the earthquake
from around January 22 or 23. On my slide, the location
struck, the first thing I thought about
is written as ‘Sanda City’, because it took time to find a
was organizing animal rescue. But in
suitable location in Kobe. As a result, this other rescue
the wake of a major earthquake, it is
center was constructed in Sanda, quite a way inland
difficult to take the first steps unless a
from Kobe. Now, in Hyogo Prefecture, we have the
rescue headquarters or some similar base of operations
Aigokan that stands beside the Muko River and there
has been set up close to the disaster site.
are also plans to build similar facilities in Awaji, Miki,
At the time of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the
Kasai, and even in the Tajima area. The ultimate lesson
three groups shown on this slide (#2) gathered and I
is that it is very important to have land area and facilities
heard that there was also an idea to establish a Tokyo
readily available. Unless we are routinely considering
headquarters to support these groups and their work in
where to construct such facilities, it will be difficult to
the field.
perform rescue work immediately following a major
Animal welfare organizations and veterinary medical
associations were involved. But even in the case of the
Kobe City’s animal control center is located rather far
veterinary associations, the Kobe City one and the
away from the central urban area on a mountain that
Hyogo Prefecture one are not totally the same. They are
has become one big cemetery. In one corner of that
similar organizations, but there are small differences
mountain stands the animal control center along, a
and some subtle gaps between them. The animal
disaster prevention center, a prison (detention center)
welfare organizations also differ in some respects from
and a welfare complex called ‘Shiawase no Mura’. The
the veterinary medical associations, but at the same
location is fairly distant from residential neighborhoods,
time all of these various organizations share some
and in that respect it was easy to establish the rescue
things in common. So, the focus was placed on in what
center there.
way the organizations could work together to perform
rescue activities based on the points they had in
The animal shelter in Sanda was constructed by
developing a valley at the rear of Sanda Golf Course.
In the end, the three groups, able to share certain things
This facility was also located at quite a distance from the
in common, did decide to work together. Then, joined
center of Sanda. I think it would be difficult to create
by Kobe City and Hyogo Prefecture in an advisory
such a facility in a city center and that is why it is
capacity, they held discussions on what they could do
important to secure land for facilities at the very least. In
and how to do it. Ultimately, the decision was made to
our case, we only had to deal with the after-effects of an
establish a relief center and participate in animal rescue.
earthquake. But, for example, in the case of a large Tokai
This organization was set up on January 21, which was
or Nansei earthquake in the future, the disaster area
just four days after the earthquake struck. So all in all I
would likely be struck by a powerful tsunami. Overseas,
think it was established rather quickly.
in parts of Indonesia and elsewhere, coastal areas were
Next came the establishment of the rescue center
deluged by a series of tsunamis over 10 meters high
facilities. In Kobe, there was an existing animal control
following the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. In such
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
places, the rescue centers need to be established in
the Veterinary Association of Kobe City performed the
locations at a safe distance away from potential tsunami
work. But in Sanda, where we were working alone, there
floods. However, in Kobe we were able to respond
were never enough staff on hand. At the beginning, we
without having to take the possibility of tsunamis into
were taking care of 50 to 60 animals a day. We were
only just able to get by despite treating the animals at
all hours from morning to evening. Although many
In my slide (#3) we can see the rescue center’s
veterinarians and veterinary students hurried to our
organization. We made various changes as we went
assistance, things did not go very well in practice. We
along, although they were not systematized at first. This
realized that we needed to give them instructions on
was the Administration Section, usually called
how different procedures should be done, and on when
“Reception”. This section undertook such tasks as liaison
to refer cases judged too much for the center to handle
with Headquarters, telephone reception, clerical work
to a veterinary hospital, etc. So we decided to appoint a
and reporting.
chief to decide such matters. However, even among the
members of the Veterinary Association of Kobe City, not
Regarding the reporting, Reception responded to the
everyone was qualified to play such a role. Some people
daily inquiries from the press, who would call up to ask,
were good at it while others were not. But in spite of
“How many animals are you taking care of?” Usually
everything, I think we managed the situation fairly well
these calls came at 4 or 5 pm, when we were very busy
and we were able to hold our ground.
taking care of the animals for the evening. At that time
of day, many volunteers and animals were entering or
Next, we come to the Rearing Section, which was in
leaving the center so it was very troublesome to have to
charge of rearing young animals, a task actually
deal with phone inquiries too. Looking back now, it
performed by volunteers. We needed the volunteers to
would have been best if there had been one person
cooperate closely and we had to coordinate the
specifically in charge of responding to inquiries from
schedule to ensure sufficient numbers of volunteers
the press, but I remember things didn’t go very
were available when needed. The volunteer side cannot
smoothly at that time.
carry out this kind of coordination alone.
Then there was the Accounting Section. It is an
At the beginning, we didn’t know if we would be able
important section that was charged with the tasks of
to gather enough volunteers or not, so we just kept on
handling and keeping track of money coming in and
asking people to join. Later, when we got used to the
going out. Naturally, when we closed down, we finished
situation, we were able to state clearly how many
off the accounting correctly by having a full
volunteers would be needed, and at what time, and
examination performed by a certified public
exactly what we wanted them to do. Depending on
accountant. In this kind of operation, it is easy to deal
what a given volunteer could do, we sometimes had to
with large items of expenditure, but the minor but daily
tell them that ‘we didn’t need their particular skill just
outgoings (such as meals, stationery supplies and the
now, so could they call us back again a month or so
like) can be very troublesome to keep a record of. For
later’. Thinking about it now, it would have been better
this too, we required frequent professional help in order
if we had clarified what we needed at the outset and
to prevent everything from becoming disorganized. In
then asked specifically for cooperation with that.
the absence of good organization and professional
help, it is impossible to carry out volunteer work
Incidentally, because the volunteers for the Rearing
Section had to always be on hand to take care of the
Moving on, the slide shows the Veterinary Section,
animals, they had to live on site. So it was important to
which was where medical treatment and health
support their daily lives by providing meals, installing
examinations of the animals took place. In Kobe’s case,
bathing areas, and providing daily-use items. It would
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
also have been far better if we had been more
organized in this respect. For example, we had
problems with dining. There was a volunteer group
Immediately after an earthquake, a great number of
based near the center, and they applied for permission
animals are brought to a rescue center. Most of them
to help us out. But the local public health department
are distressed, sick or both. But as time goes by, the
advised them to request the rescue center to ensure
numbers needing rescue center care decline as animals
that they not dine in the same place as animals were
are reunited with their owners or accepted by new
being treated, due to hygiene concerns. At the time our
owners, etc. Consequently the numbers of volunteers
actual dining place was an examination table that was
gradually decrease in line with the reduced demand for
always cleaned after treatment. We all used to eat there
their services. It seems that this number is the minimum
and none of our volunteers had any particular
number to keep the rescue center operating. In general,
complaints about it. But when this new group wanted
potential volunteers would be well advised to think in
to join our activities, it was no longer possible to
advance about what they can and cannot do on a daily
continue doing things in that way. We did have a large
basis, such as where they are prepared to work, what
tent that had been loaned to us by the SDF (army). The
their limits are, whether they can only help out during
new volunteer group suggested that we use that tent
the summer vacation, etc.
for dining but it was already filled with relief goods. So
we were unable to find a dining place, and as a result,
When the organization, place and manpower have all
we had to refuse the help of that volunteer group. My
been secured, the next thing required is money. In our
personal view is that it would have been better if they
case, we hadn’t made any prior preparations to obtain
had been a little more flexible. For instance, in an
funding so at the beginning we had a hard time. Of the
emergency, ordinary regulations can’t always be
money we raised from public donations, approx. \83
applied. Of course, the authorities handled things
million was left over after the rescue center was closed
flexibly to a certain extent. For example, people who
down, so our Tokyo headquarters asked five other
had lost their homes in the disaster were allowed to
organizations to set up a headquarters for animal rescue
take their pet animals to live with them in temporary
in times of disaster. In fact, that money went on to pay
housing or in public housing.
the initial expenses for several animal rescue operations
including the Nakhodka oil tanker disaster, the volcanic
In this way, we were at least able to run the rescue
eruptions of Mount Usu in Hokkaido and on Miyakejima
center without too many hitches, but I admit that there
Island, etc. I believe that it helped make these activities
were some matters of regret and things in need of
run more smoothly. Of course, if a major earthquake
improvement that should be reflected upon.
were to hit a major metropolis such as Tokyo, \80
million or so would only be a drop in the ocean. But still,
The next slide (#4) shows some statistics about the
our purpose has been achieved to a certain extent.
volunteer numbers over time. It shows the day
volunteers, the overnight volunteers, the veterinary
We also carried out a questionnaire survey about animal
students and the veterinarians. It also shows totals for
rescue. The first question asked who should perform
the Veterinary Association of Kobe City and for the
animal rescue activities (slide #6). The results showed
Japan Animal Welfare Society (JAWS). Roughly speaking,
that our respondents thought that the best method was
during the period from January to April, we ran the
for the three parties, namely government authorities,
rescue center on an emergency basis. From around May
veterinary associations and animal welfare
12, a proper prefabricated shelter was established. The
organizations, to work together, and the second best
number of volunteers declined naturally with the
method would be to establish a permanent
passage of time post-quake, but also because the need
organization to perform animal rescue activities.
for their services gradually declined, as the graph
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
The next question (slide #7) asked how rescue centers
absolutely right as well.
should deal with rescued animals after performing first
aid. Who should take care of the animals? Here,
The next slide (#8) shows the spaying and neutering
according to the respondents, the best method by far
ratios of the animals when they were brought into the
was that the original owners should take back their
facility. The ratios of spayed or neutered animals were
animals because the animals do not belong to the
3.8% for dogs and approx. 11% for cats. Probably such
rescue center. Since the animals have owners, their care
ratios are a little higher today than they were in 1995,
is the responsibility of their owners. Or if an owner
but unless owners take responsibility for the animals in
judges that they can no longer take care of their animal,
their care, unwanted animals will be born. We saw
then it is still their responsibility to find a new owner.
examples of this in the temporary housing. At the
beginning, people were not allowed to keep animals in
Following the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake, we
temporary housing facilities, but we asked the
informed the owners of the animals in our care that the
authorities to tell the temporary housing management
period we could take care of their animals would be
not to place strict conditions on animal keeping.
limited to one month, and even though this was
However, when people left the temporary housing
extended in special cases, the absolute maximum
accommodation, some animals remained behind and
would be two months. We asked the owners to please
continued to breed. So owners should definitely spay or
decide what they were going to do about the animals
neuter their animals as a matter of personal
within this period. At the beginning, we thought we
might be able to take care of the animals for a little
longer, such as until the time when the owners’ new
This question (in slide 9) reads, “Have you made
homes were constructed, etc. However, there were new
preparations for your pets in case of an emergency?”
problems that required consideration such as alpha
28% of respondents answered, “Yes”. That figure was
syndrome, etc. Since volunteers were taking care of the
unexpectedly high, so I checked the details, and
animals in the rescue center, from the animals’ point of
discovered that what most of the respondents meant
view, their ‘owners’ were changing every week or two,
by “preparations” was nothing special. It meant simply
and this made the animals act strangely. Animals exhibit
giving their pet a name card or something similar. That
subtle differences in behavior depending on how they
is acceptable at one level, but it is not nearly enough.
are taken care of, so it is best to return them to their
Today, we should microchip our pets, train them, spay
original owners as quickly as possible. I think owners
or neuter them, vaccinate them against rabies, filariasis,
should always have thought through how to deal with
etc., and keep them in a healthy condition. Also,
such a situation as part of their responsibility as owners.
preparations should not be limited to what we do to
In the case of owners who have only one animal, they
the animals but also to deciding how we can evacuate
should be able to find a new owner without too much
with them too. For example, an older person might find
problem. But if an owner is taking care of a large group
it difficult bring along a big Labrador when they
of animals, it can be very difficult to find new owners for
evacuate. Pet owners need to consider these things in
all of them. I am not against individuals taking care of
advance too.
large numbers of animals, but in such cases the owners
should decide in advance what they are going to do at
In all, we rescued 1,556 animals. From among their
a time of disaster or in some other eventuality. But it is
owners, we recovered 481 questionnaire answers. I
not good if people simply accumulate many animals
have been told that this roughly 30% response rate is a
without thinking.
good figure for this kind of questionnaire. I am reporting
The second most common answer was that the rescue
these figures as the denominators of this questionnaire.
center should take care of the animals for as long as
That concludes my talk.
possible regardless of the situation. I think this is
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
【Slide 1】
【Slide 5】
【Slide 2】
【Slide 6】
【Slide 3】
【Slide 7】
【Slide 4】
【Slide 8】
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
【Slide 9】
【Slide 10】
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
日本における過去 20 年余りに起こった緊急災害時の動物救援活動の変遷
Changes in Japan’s Animal Rescue Activities during Crises over the Past 20 Years
山口 千津子 (社)日本動物福祉協会 獣医師調査員
Chizuko YAMAGUCHI Veterinary Inspector, Japan Animal Welfare Society
[Slide 1] Hello, everybody. I am
were people who said they would not evacuate because
Chizuko Yamaguchi of the Japan
they had pet animals. I did not hear anyone say this
Animal Welfare Society (JAWS). It is 20
directly, but when some of the people took their dogs
years since I joined JAWS, and today I
to the wharf to evacuate together off the island, the
would like to talk a little about the
dogs were not allowed aboard the boats. These pets
rescue activities I have been involved
and owners therefore became separated. However,
in during various times of disaster and
some people challenged the rule, saying that their dog
about how things have changed slowly over the course
was a guide dog. Others carried smaller dogs on their
of those years.
backs and covered them with short coats. Some
brought their pet cats in cages, and these animals were
The Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1995, also known as
able to come to mainland Tokyo.
the Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake, marked the first time
we conducted animal rescue activities in a highly
After that I went around an evacuation center. At first,
organized way. However, even before that time, the
because all the people were still in a state of some
initial signs of this kind of organization had already
panic, they tolerated the presence of animals, saying,
begun to emerge. So I would like to start my talk from
“When we are in trouble, we should help each other.”
around that time. Ichida-sensei introduced the details
However, after five or ten days had passed, and since it
of the Great Hanshin Earthquake earlier on, so I will omit
was November, people began coughing and catching
that from my talk.
colds. Then some people started saying they were
catching colds because of the cats present, because of
[Slide 2] To begin with, I would like to talk about animal
the birds, because of the hamsters etc. So the animals
rescue activities in some of the major disasters that
were blamed for giving people coughs and colds even
have happened over the past few decades. In Japan,
though they were there with their owners. The
every year disasters of one sort or another, such as
evacuation center was a gymnasium where no privacy
flooding, etc., occur here and there. Each time such a
was possible, and people’s nerves were on edge. This
disaster occurs, JAWS dispatches food in small units and
difficult situation drove people to make such
provides other support. Today, however, I am going to
comments. When we became aware of the problem, we
limit my talk to major disasters.
recruited families to act as foster owners using the mass
media and we temporarily placed the pets in their care.
[Slide 3] As my first example, I will talk about the
volcanic eruption of Mount Mihara on the island of Izu
Also, for the pet animals left on the wharf at Izu Oshima,
Oshima, which took place in 1986. This was the first
pet staff from the local Public Health Center and
time I was personally involved in animal rescue
members of the local fire company transported pet
food to the island and made sure that the animals were
given food and water. JAWS donated some food, and I
Izu Oshima is an island with a population of
remember that we were told that, if we were donating
approximately 10,000 people. At the time of the
food, wet food was preferred because there were
eruption an order was issued to evacuate the entire
problems with water.
population of the island. But despite the order, there
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
Earlier, Ichida-sensei talked about how local
general public. A lot of people had evacuated but only
government authorities, veterinary medical associations
taking a few or no belongings with them and leaving
and animal welfare organizations joined forces to make
their animals behind. However much they wanted to go
an organization and carry out rescue activities together.
back home to rescue their animals, they were told by
But at the time of the Izu-Oshima disaster, things did
Self Defense Forces, etc., that they were absolutely
not reach that stage. Basically, each group carried out
forbidden to return. Accordingly, local government
its own activities in its own way. For example, the local
officials handed out water and food to pet animals in
government conducted its activities independently,
designated places. During the previous Izu-Oshima
while Tokyo Veterinary Medical Association treated pet
disaster and on this occasion too, pet food companies
animals that were able to come to the mainland and
generously donated food for this purpose, while
JAWS looked after animals at the Evacuation Center and
pharmaceutical companies donated veterinary-use
organized temporary fostering, etc. But even so, the
drugs for treating sick and injured animals.
various players did not go as far as organizing their
efforts together. However, the evacuation itself only
A cooperative system began to be built between local
lasted about one month, and that was one reason why
government, veterinary medical associations and
we managed to get through the situation.
animal welfare organizations. Little by little, these
various organizations began to work together. For
Since the site of the disaster was a fairly small island, the
example, we took in money from donations gathered
animals that had been left behind remained on the
from the general public for use in animal rescue, and we
island. So when the evacuees returned everyone knew
handed it over to the Nagasaki Veterinary Medical
which animals belonged to which owner. Because it
Association to be used for taking care of animals. In
was an island, the animals did not escape into
addition, we provided a small amount of aid when
neighboring prefectures as would have happened in
members of the Veterinary Medical Association
Tokyo, and I think that’s why everything somehow
performed neutering operations on pets being adopted
worked out in this case. Currently, photos from that
by new owners. We also sent food to the Public Health
disaster can only be obtained from a booklet by special
Center in order to help secure food supplies there. In
arrangement and I have not been able to do that, so I
ways such as these, a tendency for various organizations
have no photos to show you now.
to work together was evident at Mount Unzen, but it
did not develop to the level of formally setting up a
[Slide 4] The next disaster I will talk about is the volcanic
joint Rescue Headquarters or working under an
eruption of Mount Unzen’s Fugen Peak, which took
integrated system like the one that took shape
place in 1991. In this disaster, 43 people died after being
following the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake.
caught in a pyroclastic flow during the eruption. At that
time also, the various animal welfare organizations took
[Slide 5] As I explained earlier, the Great Hanshin
care of pet animals independently. Likewise the
Earthquake marked the first time that local
veterinary hospitals kept affected animals
governments, veterinary medical associations and
independently. But when it became apparent that the
animal welfare organizations joined forces to rescue
evacuation was likely to be protracted, I remember that
affected animals in a systematic fashion by setting up
an animal shelter was made in an almost empty piggery
an Animal Rescue Headquarters. On this occasion, the
with a few pigs remaining at one end of the building.
local government staff participated only in an advisory
capacity, but they worked together by attending
Animals affected by the disaster were kept at the shelter
meetings and providing expert input.
for approximately one year. At that time, the areas
where pyroclastic flows had reached and their
[Slide 6] Also, until the Great Hanshin Earthquake,
surrounding areas were absolutely off limits to the
affected animals were usually taken in by ordinary
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
families or, in the case I mentioned, kept at a renovated
you saw earlier. [Slide 9 ~ Slide 14]
piggery. But in 1995, exclusive facilities for keeping
affected animals were constructed for the first time, as
[Slide 15] Although there were some other disasters
Ichida-sensei’s slides showed. In the beginning, a plastic
before this one, I would next like to talk about the
greenhouse was used. [Slide 7] Then a prefabricated
eruption of Mount Usu in Hokkaido, which took place in
facility was constructed to cope with the protracted
2000. The number of animals we rescued at that time
situation, and animals affected by the disaster were
was 348. We borrowed funds from the Emergency
kept there for about a year and four months. As we
Disaster Animal Rescue Headquarters established after
heard from Ichida-sensei, the number of rescued
the Great Hanshin Earthquake and we used this to set
animals dealt with at these facilities totaled 1,556.
up a Small Animal Rescue Headquarters that brought
Earlier, the figure was given as 1,548, but this was later
together the Hokkaido Government, veterinary medical
corrected to 1,556.
associations and animal welfare organizations. At the
Small Animal Rescue Headquarters we installed a rescue
[Slide 8] At that time, in the same way as previously, aid
facility with some prefab animal houses. For one of the
supplies for the animals donated by many companies
structures, we were allowed to use an existing building
and individuals were gathered and volunteers also
at a construction site, and we added several prefab
registered to take care of the animals. But for this
buildings alongside this one.
disaster both aid and volunteers were assembled on a
much greater scale than in the case of the two I
When the Rescue Center was being set up, I also went
previously talked about. Earlier, we heard about
there together with Baba-sensei, who has given talks on
volunteers helping other volunteers. Actually, I visited
many occasions. Under this situation, on my first visit,
both the Kobe Center and Sanda Center and, in the
we went there kitted out as mountain climbers to
Sanda Center, I saw volunteers making and distributing
provide assistance and during our stay we slept on the
meals to the animal care volunteers. In the end, they
floor in sleeping bags. This facility was closed down
were carrying out this work systematically.
after five months. Since this was in Hokkaido, many of
the animals had been kept either tied up outside or
After the Great Hanshin Earthquake, we received a huge
allowed to roam freely in natural surroundings. So when
amount of monetary donations, and some of this
they were put in cages, it became a major stress factor
money was left over. As Ichida-sensei told us earlier, the
for them. Quite a high ratio of these animals produced
remaining money was used to fund the establishment
blood in their stools or urine. As the Rescue Center
of the Emergency Disaster Animal Rescue Headquarters
would be operating for a short period we thought that,
as a permanent organization to help cope with
if we could create an environment for the animals to be
subsequent disasters. Since Japan is subject to a great
outside, their stress would be smaller. So we decided to
many natural disasters, virtually anything can happen
build a second facility in a more open style in order to
anywhere at any time. So after the Great Hanshin
reduce stress.
Earthquake, we began to prepare for future emergency
disaster situations by planning a way to cover the
As for the cats, when one cat infected with feline herpes
expenses of setting up an Animal Rescue Headquarters
virus (also known as Feline Rhinotracheitis) was brought
and dispatching volunteers. Likewise we planned for
to us, even though we paid close attention, the virus
stockpiling equipment such as cages, etc., that could be
soon spread and we quickly had to set up an isolation
sent to the sites of disasters as needed.
Since other presenters have already shown us a lot of
Unlike in the case of the Mount Usu eruption, there was
photographs of the Great Hanshin Earthquake, I will
no pyroclastic flow. However a mudflow did come
only show you a few now, as they are similar to those
down the mountain so the people living nearby
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
temporarily evacuated by themselves. In some cases
the country, the people have their own ways of living
they left their animals behind. These places included
with pet animals, so it is necessary to consider regional
some dangerous spots, so the Hokkaido Veterinary
Medical Association asked the Self-Defense Forces,
“Please let us rescue the animals left behind; we will
[Slide 16] This is the eruption of Mount Usu. The photo
follow the SDF vehicles and if suddenly ordered to get
shows a view towards the crater from a park in Toyako
out we will leave immediately.” However, this request
Onsen Town. While looking around the Evacuation
was refused. Instead, the Police, Fire Department and
Centers, we came across a person who was lodging in a
Local Government staff provided the dogs and cats left
wagon-type private van together with two Shih Tzu
behind in the general restricted areas with food and
dogs. We asked, “Why aren’t you staying inside the
evacuation center?” Their reply was, “There is a lot of
information there so I am staying in the car park of the
At this time, we received many relief supplies and
evacuation center so I can get that information. But, on
donations from corporations and members of the
the other hand, I don’t want other people to be upset
general public. Volunteers also gradually arrived at the
by my dogs barking. If I stay inside the center, that is
site. Earlier we heard a story that in Kobe there were
bound to happen. That’s why I’m staying in the car
numerous calls to the Rescue Center every day from
newspaper reporters always asking the same questions,
and the staff had trouble dealing with them. But in
[Slide 17] This is a simple doghouse made from a
Hokkaido, we had one person who was good with
cardboard box standing next to the gymnasium. Several
computers, and this person acted as a sort of
dogs were kept tied up outside and their owners took
communications officer by trying to send out as much
care of them. [Slide 18] Cats were also housed in
information as possible from our side, including daily
cardboard boxes. [Slide 19] This prefab was part of the
information about the animals at the Rescue Center.
Animal Rescue Center. Only this building was preexisting at the site. The other prefabs were newly
Around this time, we also built a rescue facility in Date
erected surrounding it.
City, on the opposite side of the mudflow from the
Rescue Headquarters. No earthquakes had shaken Date
[Slide 20] This photo shows the inside of a kennel
at the time of the eruption so the people of the city
building. Since it was the first building to open, we were
were able to go about their lives quite normally. But as a
only able to carry out rearing management in cages.
result, they were unable to imagine how bad things
There were more medium-size dogs than small dogs,
were in the area that had been stuck by the disaster.
and they became stressed in their cages.
Also, because Hokkaido is so spacious, in contrast to
cities such as Tokyo and Kobe, when dogs are taken for
[Slide 21] This is a cat. The cats were kept in cages
walks in Hokkaido, their droppings tend to be left where
placed on the top and middle shelves. Towards the end
they fall. When we asked the volunteers to walk the
of the period the volunteers were coming in on a day-
dogs, they also left the dog droppings on the ground.
to-day rotating basis. Although the cages were a little
When it is only a single dog being walked, even if
small, the volunteers tried hard to make it possible for
droppings are left behind, the mess is not very
the cats to live as close as possible to their normal
conspicuous and can be ignored. However, when many
lifestyle. For example, they joined three dog cages
dogs are walked along the same roads and all leave
together so that the cats had enough space to perform
their droppings behind, the amount grows to the point
up and down movements, etc. Everyone worked very
where local people will begin to complain and this is
what happened. In response, we organized a dropping
cleanup group to gather up the mess. In each region of
[Slide 22] This photo shows some people coming to the
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
Rescue Center to pick up food for delivery to the
belonging to the various Tokyo Veterinary Medical
animals remaining inside the designated evacuation
Association members. But unlike the one-month
area. [Slide 23] Moreover, veterinarians treated animals
emergency period of Izu Oshima, at Miyake-jima there
that were sick or injured.
was continuous venting of dangerous gasses, so people
were unable to return home for an extended period. As
[Slide 24] This is the second Rescue Center. Originally,
the evacuation became more prolonged, we had a
this was a ground for carrying out competitive
prefab facility built on land belonging to the Tokyo
exhibitions of cattle, etc., but we were given permission
Metropolitan Government, which also carried out the
to use it following the disaster. We decided to arrange
construction of the facility. A form of dog’s playground
things in this style as we considered it would be less
was also created using public donations. The Animal
stressful for the dogs than being placed in cages. [Slide
Rescue Headquarters operated for about one year.
25] We also looked for new owners for those dogs
whose owners we were unable to trace.
On this occasion as well, before the evacuees could
return to the island, various construction projects had
[Slide 26] The next rescue effort I would like to tell you
to be completed. So there was a steady flow of
about was the volcanic eruption on Miyake-jima Island
construction industry workers and administrators
in 2000. This was the disaster I was personally most
traveling between the mainland and Miyake-jima. They
deeply involved in. Like Izu Oshima, Miyake-jima is part
also fed and watered the animals that had been left
of the Izu Group. In the case of Miyake-jima, the
behind on the island, which were cats for the most part.
population was in the order of 3,000 people. The
There was also one case where they rescued a dog that
number of rescued animals was 253. There were people
had been left behind and we took care of it.
who evacuated voluntarily at the very beginning but,
according to my memory, the full evacuation of the
By the time the evacuees were able to return to the
island was ordered in September. Just as before, as with
island, because the Miyake-jima climate is warm and
Izu Oshima, when the full evacuation took place,
cats have considerable reproductive power, the cats
animals would not be allowed to be carried on board
that had been left behind had produced kittens. So
the evacuation vessels. But on this occasion the Tokyo
before the residents returned, staff of Tokyo
Metropolitan Government and the Tokyo Veterinary
Metropolitan Government caught as many of the cats
Medical Association told us to collect animal cages and
as possible and had them spayed or neutered.
send them to the island so that residents could
evacuate together with their pet animals. This time, all
Needless to say, following the volcanic eruption on
the evacuation vessels were able to take on animals.
Miyake-jima, corporations and individuals donated
Just by witnessing this incident, I could see that things
large amounts of relief supplies and many volunteers
had really changed in the time between the Izu Oshima
gathered to help out. Because I was working as an
and Miyake-jima disasters.
assistant manager of the Rescue Center in charge of
volunteers, I was acutely aware that the concentration
This time as well, the Tokyo Veterinary Medical
of volunteers arrived only on holidays, but not many
Association, animal welfare organizations and the Tokyo
would come to the Rescue Center on ordinary working
Metropolitan Government got together to set up and
days. So if we had tried to operate the Rescue Center
operate an Animal Rescue Headquarters. I heard that by
using only volunteers, we would have faced a
this time, animal rescue was included the Tokyo
manpower shortage most of the time. The animals of
Metropolitan Government’s regional disaster
course need care 365 days a year so this meant we
prevention plan, so the lending out of cages was in
would be unable to provide them with sufficient care.
keeping with the plan. In the beginning, the rescued
So I keenly felt the importance of securing enough
animals were taken care of separately at the facilities
volunteers and their training.
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
Another thing was that, when owners who had
entrusted us with their pets came to visit the Rescue
Center to see their pets, especially in the case of dogs,
[Slide 33] This photo shows the inside of the kennel
the animals’ attention would be focused exclusively on
house. [Slide 34] The dogs here go for walks too.
their owners. However kind the volunteers may have
Veterinarians who were members of Tokyo Veterinary
been to an animal, or however joyfully the animals
Medical Association visited the center to check up on
played with the volunteers, as soon as the pets
the animals on a day-to-day basis.
recognized their owners, they took no further interest in
the volunteers. Furthermore, after the owners had spent
[Slide 35] As for the cattery, at first the cats were kept in
time with their pets and departed again, the dogs
the cages you saw earlier. But if they remain constantly
would be very reluctant to enter the kennel no matter
in cages, cats become progressively more stressed.
how hard we tried to persuade them. After witnessing
Many of the veterinarians who came to the Rescue
such scenes, I thought it would be better if we could
Center were skillful, so guided by Sato-sensei, who will
realize an animal evacuation center in a style allowing
be speaking later, they built a cats’ playground where
owners to take care of their pets on their own. The
the cats could associate together and play around.
veterinary medical associations or animal welfare
Some cats however did have a tendency to fight and
organizations would then act as support by providing
consequently had a tough time. These cats had to be
medical treatment, offering consultation on animal
excluded from the playground. But gradually more and
care, etc., or looking for new owners for those pets
more cats returned to their owners’ homes so the
without an identified owner. I believe such a system
number at the Rescue Center decreased and the
would be better mentally for dogs and cats as well as
remaining cats were able to stay in the playground for a
for their owners too.
longer time.
[Slide 27] The evacuated animals were initially entrusted
[Slide 36] When we built this playground, the volunteers
to veterinary hospitals and to the Tokyo Metropolitan
helped us a lot. In order to make the various facilities,
Government’s Center. [Slide 28] After that, they were
we used waste materials. As the Rescue Center was next
moved to the prefab Rescue Center, which was
door to a garbage incineration plant, we had access to a
designed to provide long-term accommodation. [Slide
lot of discarded items including some totally brand-new
29] This Center was constructed with a dog kennel on
and usable products. We acquired many things in this
the first floor and a cattery on the second floor. This was
way. The carpeting for these shelves and other things
very similar in style to the Rescue Centers operated at
seen here all came from the garbage plant.
the time of the Great Hanshin Earthquake.
[Slide 37] The next disaster rescue I was involved in was
[Slide 30] This photo shows a dog in our charge looking
the 2006 Chuetsu Earthquake, also known as the Mid-
out from inside the paddock. [Slide 31] Cats such as this
Niigata Prefecture Earthquake. This was also quite a
one were kept in lofts built over dog cages that were
large earthquake, and because a major flood disaster
handmade by volunteers. They went to a store selling
had also occurred not long before, which had weakened
wood board, bought the materials and made
the ground in many places, the damage was
everything by hand. In the case of the cat cages,
correspondingly greater. A total of 67 people were killed
although the lofts were narrow, cats could go up there
in this disaster, and the number of rescued animals was
to sleep. We wanted to allow the cats to be able enjoy
267. Here, again, the Niigata Veterinary Medical
their own original lifestyles as much as possible.
Association and several animal welfare organizations
set up an Animal Rescue Headquarters with support
[Slide 32] Volunteers carried out all kinds of work
from the Emergency Disaster Animal Rescue
including washing, walking the dogs, preparing meals,
Headquarters. This Headquarters took care of animals
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
evacuated with their owners at Niigata Prefecture’s
with which permission was given did differ from one
Animal Control Center and at gymnasiums. The animals
local authority to another. Some cities gave the OK
were placed in cages installed at these locations and
faster than others. In return, the Animal Rescue
their owners took care of them there, while
Headquarters supported the appropriate keeping of
veterinarians made their rounds and food and other
pets by drawing up a set of keeping roles. Of course,
things were donated.
spaying and neutering operations were conducted
using public donations. Also, in and around the disaster
Also, of the tents set up by the SDF, some tents were set
area, most people had been living in stand-alone
up for use by disaster victims accompanied by their
housing rather than collective housing. So Niigata
Prefecture, the Niigata Veterinary Medical Association
and the animal welfare organizations performed these
At this site, there was one tragedy. When I was talking
support activities in order to prevent pet owners from
earlier about Hokkaido, I mentioned the case of an
causing trouble to their neighbors due to their lack of
owner who lodged in his own vehicle together with his
experience at living in collective housing such as
two Shih Tzu dogs. In Niigata, as Yamazaki-sensei told
temporary housing facilities.
you this morning, another dog owner who was lodging
in his car together with his dog died of what is popularly
[Slide 39] This photograph shows a prefectural highway
known as “economy class syndrome”. A small car is a
in Uonuma City. The road has collapsed and the surface
very cramped space in which to sleep and, as happened
has been broken apart and riddled with long cracks.
in this case, can result in a tragic death. When we think
about it, we can see that such things are apt to occur
[Slides 40 ~ 44] The Evacuation Center in Nagaoka City
when there aren’t any places where owners can entrust
was housed in a gymnasium. These photos show a pet
their pets. So if we don’t rescue such animals, it adds up
house built beside the Evacuation Center. This was the
to the same thing as not rescuing people. Earlier, it was
scene inside the pet house. Cats were kept in cages and
said that “to save pet animals is to save people”.
their owners took care of them. The food was donated
Keeping in mind the incident I just noted, I think we can
and the Niigata Veterinary Medical Association took
all realize that if pet animals are not saved, their owners
consultations concerning the treatment, illness and
could also die.
health management of these animals.
[Slide 38] In the context of the Chuetsu Earthquake, you
[Slide 45] This person evacuated with their dog, called
may remember Yamakoshi Village, which became
Dai-chan, by putting the dog house on the back of a
submerged after landslides, so that the only access to
truck and transporting it to a school playground. [Slide
the village was by helicopter. As a result, Niigata
46] This is Dai-chan.
Prefectural Government staff traveled in SDF helicopters
to rescue some animals and provide others with food
[Slide 47] When people evacuate in vehicles, the entire
and water.
family including their pets can evacuate together. This
shows a scene of a family that has evacuated together
There was also one new development in Niigata relating
with their pet living in an SDF tent.
to the keeping of pets in temporary housing. At the
time of the Great Hanshin Earthquake, when people
This shows Niigata Prefecture staff delivering food to
moved into temporary housing they were not informed
animals left behind in Yamakoshi Village in cooperation
officially or clearly that it was OK to keep their pet
with the SDF. Even when visiting Yamakoshi by
animals with them. But at the time of the Chuetsu
helicopter, people had to walk a considerable distance
Earthquake, people were told it was OK to keep pet
from the heliport. I also joined them after it became
animals in all temporary housing, although the timing
possible to make the journey half way to the site by car.
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
We had to walk along a steep mountain trail. I could
handed out questionnaires to the affected pet owners.
imagine it must have been really hard work to walk that
According to the responses, and in answer to the
trail carrying heavy things.
question, “What did you do about your pet?” 59.0% of
respondents answered, “Took them to the Evacuation
[Slide 48] In Yamakoshi Village there were a lot of cats.
Center without question,” 6.6% answered, “Took them
They were fed on food carried in by volunteers. As for
to the Evacuation Center after checking the situation
water, Yamakoshi has plenty of clean spring water, so
there,” and 23.0% answered, “Left them at home.” So,
the cats could easily find a drink anywhere. Due to the
well over half of all owners took their pets to the
abundance of spring water, Yamakoshi had a thriving
Evacuation Center without hesitation.
Nishikigoi (ornamental “brocaded” carp) breeding
industry. Niigata Prefectural Government staff also
To the question, “How is your pet living at the
rescued cats when they found them, brought them
Evacuation Center?” the most common response was “it
down from the mountains and searched for their
is being kept in an outside tent,” followed by “being
owners. This photo shows one of the rescued cats being
kept outside the Evacuation Center,” “living together
kept in the Rescue Center. There were many pet owners
with owner,” and “being kept in a cage.” Moreover, as
whose houses were destroyed, and these people asked
well as in tents, some animals were kept in their owners’
us to take care of their cats and dogs.
cars or in corridors, etc.
[Slide 49] This photograph shows the interior of a prefab
To the question, “How would you like to live with your
house set up behind a veterinary clinic to keep rescued
pet in future?” the most popular answer was, “We wish
pet animals.
to live together in the Evacuation Center.” As was
expected, owners did not want to be separated from
[Slide 50] Because in this rural area, most cats are
their pets.
allowed to come and go in and out of their owners
homes freely, when the earthquake struck many of the
[Slide 57] Moving on to look at the current situation
cats were not at home. This led to an organized effort to
regarding government policy, the Regional Disaster
search for those cats. [Slide 51] When winter set in, the
Prevention Plan (as based on the Disaster
Yamakoshi area has a lot of snow, and so the police also
Countermeasures Basic Act) stipulates items concerning
helped with the search. Even in the snow, in order to
animal protection and control measures in times of
capture cats and get them to their owners, it was
disaster, such as installing an Animal Rescue
necessary to set traps.
Headquarters, rescuing injured animals, searching for
lost animals, etc. At present, 79 local government
[Slide 53] Support for keeping animals in temporary
authorities have such measures in place.
housing was carried out in this way. The animals were
kept inside, vaccinations were given, breeding was
[Slide 58] As another measure to help in times of
prevented, each animal was tagged with its owner’s
disaster, the government also promotes the clear
address, and the owners formed an association. In
identification of pet owners by means of pet micro-
addition, experts provided support.
chipping, etc.
[Slide 54] This photo shows some temporary housing
[Slide 59~61] Tokyo Metropolitan Government also
includes animal rescue in the Tokyo Regional Disaster
Prevention Plan. In the case of Tokyo, the plan is divided
[Slide 55] Also, a “handover” meeting was held.
into an ‘earthquake disaster’ volume and ‘other
disasters’ volume.
[Slide 56] After the Chuetsu Earthquake disaster, we
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
[Slide 62] This slide shows Tokyo Metropolitan
we also need to engage in cooperation with those
Government’s animal protection system. The Animal
specialized departments that have responsibility for
Rescue Headquarters, Tokyo Veterinary Medical
both people and animals, such as those that provide
Association, animal welfare organizations, the Japan Pet
medical treatment for people, medical treatment for
Food Association, volunteers, and the Tokyo
animals, public health, human and animal welfare and
Metropolitan Government Bureau of Social Welfare and
epidemic prevention, as well as the Fire Department,
Public Health cooperate in performing animal rescue
Police Department, Red Cross, etc. In my opinion, unless
activities. In addition, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police
we cooperate with these various parties and set up
Department, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency,
teams, we cannot respond appropriately in disaster
the Construction Bureau, the Ministry of the
situations in ways that allow us to save people and
Environment and the Ministry of Health, Labour and
Welfare provide assistance. The layout of the system is
shown in this flow chart.
Of course, in order to cooperate effectively, a manual is
necessary. In addition, volunteer registration and
[Slide 63] As for the response when a disaster strikes,
education and training for volunteers are needed. As I
Tokyo Metropolitan Government has created a
said earlier, the numbers of volunteers that gather can
framework to protect animals by responding to
vary enormously on different days. When there are too
requests from evacuation centers to accept animals
many, they form a crowd. Also, people who keep dogs
whose owners are as yet unknown by setting up
at home have a tendency to approach other dogs
evacuation places for animals while animal protection
without proper caution which can result in them
groups, medical treatment groups and the Animal
getting bitten during their volunteer activities. We have
rescue Headquarters are exchanging information. In
had such cases. So we need to get volunteers to register
order for this to be effective, the cooperation and
and then give them education and training.
support of animal welfare promoters and concerned
organizations is indispensible. [Slide 64] In Tokyo, the
Earlier, a color-coded system was in use, and when I
wards are designated as independent districts. Since
encountered it, I thought it was a very good system.
each ward, city, town and village manages its own
evacuation centers, the approach to taking in pets and
In the interest of coping in times of emergency, it is
conducting appropriate management will differ
important to implement measures from normal times.
according to the local authority concerned. There are
Earlier, Ichida-sensei mentioned about securing land,
places where measures are still at the study stage, as
which is important, and storing equipment and food
shown in this slide.
are important considerations too.
[Slide 65~66] In the case of Shinjuku Ward, a written
Owners should keep their pets in daily life with some
agreement has already been made. [Slide 67~68]This is
consciousness for the possibility that they might need
a pamphlet for ordinary residents of the ward produced
to make an evacuation one day. They should carry out
for use in times of emergency. [Slide 69]These efforts
proper health management and training of their pets.
are also being introduced gradually in the press.
The problem of people keeping large numbers of pet
animals was mentioned earlier. In this context, I would
[Slide 70] Considering from my own personal
like to ask owners to only keep as many pets as they
experience up to now, naturally, I believe that it is an
could evacuate with together and only keep the kinds
absolute requirement that animal rescue be included in
of pet that can accompany.
regional disaster prevention plans. But since this is both
an animal and a human problem, in addition to setting
A while ago in Tokyo, somebody was discovered
up an Animal Rescue Headquarters in times of disaster,
keeping about 50 poisonous snakes secretly. Imagining
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
what might happen if these snakes were to escape from
In times of emergency and disaster, animals and people
their containers, I would really like to urge people not to
gather in one place. If by some mischance, a zoonotic
keep such animals. I am particularly concerned that
disease breaks out it will spread. If infectious diseases of
some people may be keeping poisonous snakes that
animals occur, although they may not be infectious to
produce venom for which no antidote is available.
people - for example, feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR),
which I mentioned earlier - they will spread among
We must educate people about such thing on a routine
animals quickly. So it is important to carry out health
basis. I would like people to raise and manage their pets
management on a routine basis, and of course, training
while always bearing in mind how they might take care
is important too, as are spaying and neutering. When
of these family members in times of emergency or
these things are not done, if a non-neutered male
disaster, and whether or not they will be able to protect
animal is close to a female emitting an attractive smell,
their pets.
the male can become jumpy and may bite the
volunteers. Such cases have occurred. Even in the case
[Slide 71] This is a checklist for pet owners compiled by
of cats, this kind of thing occurs, so it is very important
JAWS. It stresses that it is better for owners to evacuate
to carry out these kinds of operations.
accompanied by their pets. In the same way as we make
emergency kits for people, pet owners should prepare
I appear to have gone a little over my time, but this
emergency kits for their animals. In the first place, it says
completes my talk. Thank you very much for listening.
you should insert a photograph of your pet. This is
made as a transparent bag. If your pet is a puppy, its
face will change after a year has passed, so use a photo
as recent as possible. Also, it is nice if you can use a
photo showing you and your pet together. This can be
of help in case a search needs to be made if you
become separated from your pet.
[Slide 72] This is the rear of the checklist. It lists the
things you should prepare for your pet, such as food
and water for five days, toilet processing equipment, a
lead, and various other things.
On the right side there is a space for listing information
on your pet. This health information can be extremely
useful. For example, what kind of diseases does your pet
have? Even if it is currently cured, if your pet has had
urethral calculus in the past the condition may return
when your pet is exposed to stress. So if we have such
information, we can take care of the animal with
reference to its medical history while it is in our keeping.
Also, information about vaccinations is important. When
was your dog vaccinated against filariasis? Was your cat
checked for viruses or not? When this information is
given, the party keeping the pet feels easier and the
owners too are able to rest assured that their pets are
being well cared for.
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
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Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
Measures Against Zoonosis
森田剛史 厚生労働省健康局結核感染症課 課長補佐
Takeshi MORITA, D.V.M. Deputy Director, Tuberculosis and Infectious Disease Division,
Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
The Ministry of Health, Labor and
disease (or ‘green monkey disease’). Pathogens such as
Welfare takes preventive measures to
these and other new ones are being discovered.
protect people from infectious
diseases as stated in the Law
The occurrence of zoonosis depends on the distribution
Concerning Prevention of Infectious
of the pathogen carriers.
Diseases and Medical Care for Patients
If we look at the numbers of H5N1 Avian flu A virus
of Infections (the Infectious Diseases
subtype patients worldwide, [slide 5], the orange
Control Law) I would like to talk about zoonosis,
numbers are the human cases reported at the
diseases transmitted between humans and animals, in
respective locations since November 2003. The rest is
relation to human health and also touch on crisis
the number and areas where it was reported among
management during disasters.
livestock. There have been a large number of cases in
Asian countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia, China, and
Let us consider the background of zoonosis, [Slide 2].
Thailand and there have been many cases in Egypt as
With the development of transportation systems,
well. Although there have been cases of avian flu
people, as well as products are being carried around the
among livestock and wild birds, there have been no
world with increasing speed. On an annual basis, there
human cases in Japan. It could be said that this disease
are approximately 16 million travelers going overseas
is rarely transmitted to humans, only occurring in cases
from Japan. Of the items imported into Japan each year,
where there was extremely close contact with birds
food products alone account for about 30 million tons.
carrying the pathogen.
Likewise, with the development of mass media, the
increasingly speedy delivery of information is affecting
In this slide [slide 6] we see the occurrences of rabies
human behavior and the distribution of products and
around the world. (The data is from two years ago).
items. Increasing population and urbanization have
There have been no cases in Japan for almost 50 years
pushed people into areas that were previously
and many of us in Japan think rabies is a distant disease
uninhabited. But while the dramatic changes in society
of the past. However, as the map shows, there are only
have brought us some amazing developments,
a limited number of countries colored in blue, which
infectious diseases can spread worldwide rapidly.
refers to a so-called ‘clean’ country. We need to be
aware that rabies is reported annually in many other
You may all recall the SARS (severe acute respiratory
countries such as China and India as well as in
syndrome) corona virus which frightened the world in
neighboring Asian countries. Although we have a
2003, [slide 3]. Fortunately, there were no patients in
quarantine system here, there is still a risk of rabies
Japan. However, news of an exposed traveler passing
entering Japan due to the large influx of people and
through Japan caused us great concern. There is also
products. This is why there is a need to immunize dogs
the well-known E. coli 0-157, bacteria which causes food
with rabies vaccination as a preventive measure.
poisoning. There are also pathogens that can cause
serious or fatal infection, all of which are kept in P4
There are other diseases transmitted by mosquitoes
secure facilities, [slide 4]. I am referring to pathogens
[slide 7] such as malaria, dengue fever, West Nile fever,
such as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Lassa fever, Marburg
chikungunya fever. The chikugunya fever is transmitted
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
between monkeys and mosquitoes. Although most
Now I will talk about crisis management in order to
human cases are seldom fatal, the symptoms include
prevent spread of diseases when disasters occur, [slide
high fever and body pains that last for some time. The
12]. When a strong earthquake strikes, utilities such as
mosquito (Aedes albopictus) is a carrier, a common
water and electricity fail. In many cases, it will not be
species found throughout Japan anywhere south of
safe for people to stay at home so they may have to stay
Tohoku. If someone is exposed to the disease overseas
at refuge centers. It will take some time before life can
and returns to Japan and is bitten by a mosquito in
return to normal. The stressful conditions will result in a
Japan, it is likely the disease will spread. This is why
lowering of people’s natural immune systems, making
preventive measures are important. There are posters
them more susceptible to illnesses. Also, sanitary
and flyers alerting travelers at airport immigration
conditions, such as the disposal of garbage and proper
counters, [Slide 8].
sewage, are difficult to maintain. Those with pets will
find that their animals also feel stress in such situations,
In the case of zoonosis in Japan, the Infectious Diseases
by not being able to be with their owners. Under
Control Law states that physicians who treat cases of
normal circumstances, animals have the ability to fight
the mentioned diseases are required to notify the
infections or illnesses. However their immunity could
district health center. The information is then relayed to
become lowered due to stressful conditions, so pets
the national government via each prefectural
may fall sick. This can result in them transmitting illness
government. The data shown [slide 9] is for 2005
to each other. So measures to prevent pathogens being
through 2009 (up to Nov. 23). The blue numbers show
introduced into the human environment need to be
patients who were exposed mainly overseas and
taken. First of all, animals’ health must be always
developed symptoms after returning. Anywhere
maintained. It is also important to be careful when
between 50 to over 100 cases of dengue fever and
handling animals.
malaria are reported annually in Japan. The numbers in
black are those cases mainly originating in Japan. For
Here are some examples, [slide 13]. It is required by law
example, there are roughly 3,000 to 4,000 cases of EHEC
to register dogs and have them inoculated with anti-
(enterohemorrhagic E. coli) reported every year. There
rabies vaccines. Other vaccinations are also needed to
are other diseases, such as echinococcosis, that tend to
keep the dog healthy and their environment should be
occur only in certain areas of Japan.
kept clean. Plus, regular check-ups at the vet will help
early detection of illnesses whereby early treatment can
People can be exposed to infectious diseases in a
be provided. If you have any concerns or questions
number of ways. There are diseases like
about your pet’s health, always consult your vet.
enterohemorrhagic E.coli or hepatitis E [slide 10] which
can be contracted orally by eating contaminated meats
Next, it is important to be aware that, just as with
that are under cooked. Drinking water contaminated by
people, even though an animal may appear to be
echinococcosis is another source of exposure.
perfectly healthy, it may still be a pathogen carrier, [slide
Pathogens of parrot fever and Q fever are said to be
14]. Close contact should be avoided and be sure to
found in the excretions and wastes of infected animals.
wash your hands after touching animals. In the case of
If these wastes dry out to be carried in dust, the inhaling
wild animals, needless to say, nobody knows what kind
of such dust could cause contraction of the disease. Bug
of pathogens they might be carrying so it is better to
bites are another cause. Carriers like ticks could transfer
avoid contact as much as possible. In crisis situations,
diseases like scrub typhus, Japanese spotted fever, and
refuge centers must be kept as hygienic as possible so
lime disease. Mosquitoes are known to carry Japanese
that pests such as rodents, mosquitoes are not
encephalitis. Leptospirosis is spread through contact
attracted. Of course, everyday hygiene is important for
with rodent urine. One could be exposed unknowingly
ordinary life.
by touching contaminated water or soil.
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
Another way to prevent spread of infectious diseases is
to be well-informed. There are books that offer
information but websites also have information on
infectious diseases, [slide 15]. Our ministry has a
webpage on infectious diseases and the National
Institute of Infectious Diseases has a page where you
can retrieve information about illnesses, listed in
hiragana order. Quarantine and the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs provide information for travelers. We are
distributing a handbook today at the reception so
please take this opportunity to use it as reference
【Slide 1】
material, [slide 16].
That concludes my talk, thank you.
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Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
The Problem of Zoonosis, etc during Emergency Crises
佐藤 克 社団法人東京都獣医師会危機管理室 感染症対策セクション長
Masaru SATO Head of Tokyo Veterinary Medical Association,
Infections Counter-Measures Section, Crisis Management Group
[Slide 1] My name is Masaru Sato. I am
outbreaks of zoonoses. There are people who attempt
a veterinarian and I have my own
to incite public anxiety by spreading pathogenic
established animal hospital in Tokyo’s
(disease-causing) agents.
Itabashi Ward.
[Slide 5] For instance, we can all imagine a biohazard
In September 2000, Itabashi Ward and
situation occurring in which a pathogenic agent
the Itabashi Ward Veterinary Medical
accidentally leaks from a laboratory. But today, I would
Association exchanged an agreement on animal rescue
like to talk specifically about zoonoses associated with
in times of disaster. Within this agreement it clearly
natural disasters.
states that, in the event of a disaster occurring, pet
owners will be evacuated accompanied by their pets.
Firstly, there are three factors that must come together
This provides a certain guarantee of physical safety for
in order for zoonoses to break out. These are sources of
pet owners and their pets as well as safeguarding the
infection, infection routes, and human problems. When
ties between them. But it has been pointed out that this
all three of these conditions are present, Zoonoses can
has also created a new problem.
break out and spread.
[Slide 2] This new problem is zoonosis, a word that
[Slide 6] Because many of these problems derive from
refers to any disease that can be transmitted from
animals, I will speak of animals as sources of infection.
animals to humans or vice versa. In general, infectious
However, zoonoses are diseases that can come and go,
diseases do not cross the barriers between species. For
and they do not necessarily spread only from animals to
example, most human diseases only circulate among
people. For example, monkey dysentery was originally a
people, while most canine diseases only circulate
human disease, but now it is a disease that can spread
among dogs. But there are some diseases that pass
from humans to monkeys and vice versa. Naturally,
across the barriers between species. These diseases are
there are diseases that can be transmitted from humans
called zoonoses. As Morita-sensei introduced earlier,
to animals.
one definition of zoonosis is a disease or infection that
can be naturally transmitted between humans and
Regarding measures to counter the sources of infection,
other vertebrates. Synonyms that mean much the same
the first requirement is to ensure animal health. This
thing include zoonitic diseases, zoonitic infections, and
was emphasized by Morita-sensei also. It is difficult to
animal-derived infectious diseases. [Slide 2]
identify which individuals are carrying pathogenic
agents. In almost all cases of zoonoses, the animals do
[Slide 3] I think that in times of disaster, zoonosis will
not exhibit visible symptoms. So, while there are
emerge as a secondary problem associated with the
sometimes visible symptoms to allow us to diagnose a
deterioration of the public health environment that
disease, it is usually very difficult to grasp the situation.
occurs at such times.
In addition, animals should be vaccinated so that they
[Slide 4] Also, as a manmade problem, terrorism can be
considered to be a contributing factor in generating
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
do not contract diseases unnecessarily.
Moreover, it is important to maintain a certain degree of
the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. It is essential to
distance from animals. Morita-sensei also told us earlier
reduce the risk of receiving such wounds by taking
that people should avoid excessive contact with
adequate precautions. Also, people should strictly
animals. Some people bring their pets into the
observe a routine of gargling and washing their hands
bedroom. As well as sleeping side by side, some people
after being in contact with animals or cleaning their
even bathe with their pets. Such excessive contact
living areas. In this way, it is possible to shut off infection
should be avoided.
As for security measures we can take regarding animals,
It is also important to keep the general environment in
their nails should be trimmed when necessary. Only
good condition. We can avoid animal-keeping places
animals that are normally gentle should be selected for
becoming sources of infection by never leaving animal
keeping. I think it is better not to keep an animal that
waste or mess around and never permitting
has a tendency to bite deliberately.
contaminated situations to persist. Maintaining proper
food management is also vitally important.
Next, animal waste must be disposed of properly,
quickly and hygienically. There may be pathogenic
Morita-sensei told us earlier about the importance of
agents in the waste.
countermeasures against disease vectors such as
mosquitoes. We refer to those living organisms that
Also, animals should always be given safe food. For
transmit pathogenic agents as ‘vectors’.
example, when animals eat food contaminated by
Countermeasures against vectors include eliminating
bacteria such as Salmonella enterica or Escherichia coli,
water puddles in which mosquito larva can generate.
these bacteria can propagate inside the animals’ bodies
Also, they include installing mesh-screen doors or
and then go on to infect and harm humans. This can be
mosquito nets that prevent mosquitoes from entering
avoided by only feeding animals with food that is safe.
rooms, using expellants and repellents, etc. Also, it is
For example, there is a disease called toxoplasma, which
very important to provide people with information
can be transmitted to humans by cats that have eaten
about these things and thereby educate the public.
raw pork.
[Slide 8] On the human side, we all want to try to live
This is something that Yamaguchi-san also told us
healthily in order to enhance our resistance to disease.
about earlier, there have been cases of infected cats
We need to be vaccinated on occasion, and we should
brought into shelters that have soon spread diseases
try to avoid unnecessary stress which can cause a
(such as colds) to the other cats. So when a new cat is
lowering in our resistance to disease.
brought in, it should be placed in isolation for a certain
period in order to check if it is carrying a disease that
Stronger countermeasures are required to protect
may be infectious to humans or other animals.
people with an increased susceptibility to infection.
These include infants, the elderly, people whose
[Slide 7] Moving on to infection paths, direct routes
immunity level is lower (such as those with diabetes
include wounds such as bites and scratches. To
and alcohol dependency), who can very easily succumb
minimize the chance of receiving such wounds (and
to diseases and who are more prone to infection than
thereby closing off these infection routes) it is important
more healthy adults.
to wear long-sleeved tops, long trousers and gloves.
This way, such wounds can be avoided.
More than that, it is important to carry out public
relations. We need to give the public more information
Earlier, cases were introduced of volunteers who had
about infectious diseases through publicity campaigns,
been bitten by animals at the Rescue Centers following
so that people will acquire this knowledge.
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
[Slide 9] When a major disaster happens, people
of maintaining public hygiene.
evacuate to shelters, but there are various kinds of
shelter. For example, there are wide-area evacuation
Also, the mouths of dogs and cats commonly contain
centers, temporary shelters, accommodation shelters,
extremely high levels of Pasteurella bacteria. When
and temporary housing. There are also other styles of
volunteers taking care of animals are bitten by canine or
evacuation, such as when individuals continue to live at
feline carriers of the bacterium the wounds are prone to
home but go to a shelter to obtain water which they
festering. So this infection, called pasteurellosis, is a
then take home.
problem that we cannot afford to ignore.
[Slide 10] In every kind of evacuation, zoonosis can
Apart from this, echinococcosis is listed at the bottom.
occur to some degree. Firstly, in the case of wide-area
In the case of the Mount Usu eruption event in
evacuation centers and temporary shelters, while they
Hokkaido, echinococcus parasites were detected in two
only tend to be short-period facilities they are likely to
dogs at a shelter, which were probably feral dogs. When
have a variety of animals present as they are located
the parasites infect humans, the result is
‘echinococcosis’, a highly virulent and chronic parasitic
[Slide 11 and 12] Of course, there will be pet animals
brought there by their evacuated owners, but there
[Slide 14] Next, we come to cat problems. Although it
may also be contact with wild animals such as raccoon
doesn’t happen in Japan, cats in Thailand can become
dogs, rats, crows, or feral dogs and cats. Moreover, there
infected with a highly pathogenic strain of avian
is a possibility that arthropods such as mosquitoes, flies,
influenza, which often kills them. In addition, there are
fleas and mites will function as vectors in spreading
infections such as toxoplasma, etc. Also, with avian
disease. And although the following animals have little
species, there are mycotic fungal diseases such as
relation to spreading infectious diseases, in some places
cryptococcosis and the chlamydial disease parrot fever.
there are snakes and snapping turtles.
As was introduced earlier, when bird droppings become
dry and turn to dust, the people looking after the birds
Next, accommodation shelters and temporary housing
can inhale the pathogen with this dust and become
are facilities with roofs and walls in which people are
infected with psittacosis.
accommodated indoors. Earlier, we were told about an
instruction issued after the Chuetsu (Niigata)
Furthermore, in the case of rabbits, problems include
Earthquake to keep pet animals indoors. But when
pasteurellosis, mold and dermatophytosis or ringworm.
animals and people live together in closed room
conditions various problems may occur.
[Slide 15] Now, when it comes to wild animals, in the
case of wild rabbits and other rodents, etc., there is a
[Slide 13] Different zoonoses can break out depending
zoonosis called tularemia. This can be infectious to
on the environment. Let me give you a list of the
rabbits raised as pets, but I think its occurrence is rare.
specific kinds of diseases that may occur.
In addition, raccoon dogs and raccoons can spread
zoonoses, not necessarily if they are only pets in
Firstly, there are problems that are common to dogs
shelters, but also if they are living wild in the vicinity of
and cats. As Morita-sensei introduced earlier, one of
a shelter. [Slide 14]
these is rabies. Strictly speaking, flea bites and tick bites
are not infections, but when animals are infested with
Then again, turtles, which are reptiles, can cause
fleas, etc., they can cross over to people and bite them
problems with salmonellosis and mold, and venomous
also. Because such bites are so itchy, such infestations
snakes, although they don’t cause infections, can poison
can be a major problem in shelters from the standpoint
people with toxins. That itself is another problem that
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
needs consideration.
the sequestration site to look after them.
[Slide 16] So, in times of disaster, how should we carry
Regarding infection-route countermeasures, let me
out zoonosis countermeasures? All in all, I think that
repeat what I said before. Those working with or
taking precautions on a routine basis is very important.
treating animals should take measures to ensure that
As for measures that should be applied to animals as
they will not be bitten or scratched. That means wearing
infection sources, keeping animal bodies clean should
long-sleeved clothes and gloves. As I said earlier, in
be normal practice as well as efforts to maintain their
order to reduce the stress placed on the animals, we
health. This includes, for example, eradicating fleas and
need to be skillful in handling animals too.
mites. When roundworm parasites living in dogs, cats
and raccoons infect humans they can cause a disease
[Slide 17] When dealing with animal waste products in
known as toxocariasis. Such gastrointestinal parasites
shelters, sometimes water is in short supply, so latrine
should therefore be expelled as well. Also, we should
facilities should be contrived in such a way that there is
inject animals with as many vaccines as possible. As
little need to perform cleaning. For instance, use pet
there is a vaccine for leptospirosis I recommend
sheets and place waste, sheets, etc., in plastic bags for
vaccinating animals if working in areas where it occurs.
My next point does not directly concern zoonosis but,
Also, if the preference is for dogs to defecate or urinate
when a disaster occurs, even if people evacuate
outside when taking them for walks, they should be
together with their pets to a shelter, it is virtually
allowed to relieve themselves but within a limited area.
impossible for them to shelter in exactly the same spot.
Alternatively, they should be kept within the grounds of
Usually, a place or space for keeping pet animals will be
the shelter in order to minimize any public health
designated and the pets are kept in cages there. So it is
necessary for people to train their pets to be able to
remain in a cage quietly and not become stressed by
P e o p l e w h o l o o k a f t e r a n i m a l s s h o u l d p rotect
the experience.
themselves by strictly observing a protocol of washing
their hands and gargling after taking care of animals,
Also, general contact between people and animals is
usually banned within shelters except between the pets
and their owners, and the people who are taking care of
Moreover, uneaten food can become very unsanitary,
the animals. This is because evacuation into a shelter is
attracting flies and wild animals, which creates
an unusual situation for the animals and it is very likely
additional problems. So it is necessary to dispose of
that they will become upset. So contact is prevented in
uneaten food in a timely fashion after putting it into
order to avoid accidents such as biting, etc. Also, in
plastic bags, etc.
order to avoid unnecessary wounds, it is best to prevent
different animals from coming into contact with each
It is also necessary to take measures to prevent
o u t b r e a k s o f r a t s , f l i e s a n d m o s q u i t o e s in the
environment, and to prevent such animals from getting
Furthermore, not all dogs and cats placed in shelters
into the shelter.
will necessarily have been cleared of fleas and mites. So
when such animals are sheltered they need to be
[Slide 18] With regard to human countermeasures,
checked for fleas and mites. These should be eradicated
people need to pay attention to their own health on a
as necessary. Also, shelter workers need to figure out
routine basis. Also, when a disaster occurs, consider that
good ways and control methods so that pet owners do
animals are likely to be in an abnormal psychological
not cause unnecessary stress to their pets when visiting
state, so people should not try to protect or carelessly
Workshop Ⅰ Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes
touch an unknown animal on a whim just because it is
is conducted as part of the overall evacuation exercise.
in a sorry state. That is also important.
In this exercise, a temporary animal rescue center is set
up to accept the animals. In the picture, we can see a
Also, it is necessary for vaccination to be performed on
dog and a volunteer holding its lead. And at the
any pets being kept by owners. We have to more
reception point, the rescue center exchanges
intensively consider the issue of people who are more
documents with the owners and then takes in the
susceptible to infection, as I have just described, and to
animals. In this case, the shelter was set up in the corner
deal with this appropriately.
of a local school. The animals taken in were placed in
cages and managed separately. Among them, there
[Slide 19] Finally, what I have said can be summarized as
were dogs that had been separated from their owners
follows. In times of disaster, sanitary conditions
for the first time. A considerable number of these dogs
deteriorate due to the collapse of infrastructure.
were pining, yelping or barking. Even now, volunteers
Zoonoses occur more readily under poorer sanitary
are continuing to train to look after such animals in
conditions. In order to avoid the occurrence of
ways that minimize the chance of accidents while
infectious diseases, routine advance preparations are
providing mental support for their charges.
very important - for example, training our animals,
vaccination, etc., and measures aimed at individual
My explanation may have been a little patchy, but I will
dogs and cats such as eradicating fleas and ticks.
end my talk here. Thank you very much for listening.
Moreover, if we pro-actively seek out places where we
can keep animals during times of evacuation, and areas
for walks and exercise, we can reduce some of the
confusion that occurs when disaster strikes.
Since we have a little more time, I will explain briefly
about the agreement we have made in Itabashi Ward,
which I mentioned at the beginning.
This agreement clarifies the roles played by Itabashi
Ward and the Itabashi Ward Veterinary Medical
Association concerning animal rescue and protection. It
states that, at the time of a major disaster, the Itabashi
Ward Veterinary Medical Association will rescue pets
and that Itabashi Ward will cooperate with this activity.
In the agreement, it also clearly states that, “pet owners
will be evacuated accompanied by their pets.” But
regarding animals that are impossible to bring along
with their evacuating owners, Itabashi Ward will
establish a rescue center where it will keep these
animals. This agreement was concluded in September
2000. Since then, Itabashi Ward has carried out animalaccompanied evacuation disaster prevention exercises
periodically. The comprehensive disaster prevention
priority district system divides the ward into 18 districts,
and each year an exercise is carried out in designated
districts. The animal-accompanied evacuation exercise
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