台北医学大学選択臨床実習受入 学生研修レポート Chang Wen-Chu (Vincent) 君 (台北医学大学 7 年生) 〈抄訳〉 大阪医科大学の留学プログラムは他の大学のプログラムと大分違っていて、留学前は毎日違う 診療科や医学教室に行くなんて余り勉強にならないのではないかと思っていました。しかし蓋を 開けてみると優秀な専門家の先生方と短期間にたくさん出会えるという滅多にない機会だとい うことがわかりました。特に小児心臓手術に立ち会わせていただいた根本慎太郎先生には感謝で す。1 歳の女の子の心房中隔欠損、心室中隔欠損の手術でした。稀なケースなので母校では見学 する機会はまずありません。僕の興味があるのは循環器内科なのですが、この手術見学が留学中 に一番自分に影響を与えたと思います。外科と内科の違いがあっても自分の患者がこういう手術 を必要としていた場合に参考になると思います。 正直に言えば、時に台湾で医師になることが果たしてよいのかわからなくなったことがありま した。医師の職場環境が最近あまり良くないからです。医療ミスを訴える裁判が増えてきており、 その道の人の脅迫や患者の家族による暴力、時には普通のルーティン通りに医療行為を行ってい てもこれらが避けられない場合があるのです。高等教育を受けた議員なのに機嫌が悪いという理 由だけでスタッフ全員の前で看護師の顔を叩くといった事件がこれを書いている前日にも起こ ったばかり。大阪医科大学の学生さんに話すと「テレビドラマでしかそんなこと起こらないと思 っていた」と驚いていました。日本の医療現場では医師と患者の関係が良くて羨ましいです。仕 事がたとえずっと大変でも、そういう社会で医師になりたい。患者さんは医師を信頼し、医師も 余計なプレッシャーなく仕事ができる、そんな環境を将来台湾で作りたいです。 話題として現在の日本医療における問題点、国民健康保険の良し悪しなどが出たのですが、日 本語が理解できたらもっと得るべきものが多かったのかなと勉強してこなかったことを後悔し ています。大体において医療システムは日本も台湾も同じなので、日本の抱えている医療問題は 台湾でも起こりうる話です。日本から学べることは多いと思います。 この留学では専門を学ぶだけではなくて日本の文化と親しむチャンスも頂きました。茶道や弓 道に始まってたこ焼きやお好み焼きや抹茶の体験など心に残る貴重な経験でした。 花房俊昭教授、林道廣先生をはじめとしたご指導いただいた先生方、大阪医科大学の学生並び にスタッフの皆様に大変親切にしていただいて心より感謝しています。 もし留学が再びできるなら、是非又大阪医科大学を選びたいです。ありがとうございました。 Elective Course in Osaka Medical College Chang Wen-Chu (Vincent) 7th year student Taipei Medical University This is really a special chance for me to visit Japan for studying instead of traveling. At Osaka Medical College, I learn the difference of physician-patient relationship, medical system and culture between Taiwan and Japan. I´m regretting now that I should learn more Japanese so as to gain more knowledge there. Not only for the basic medical knowledge, the current predicament of Japanese medication, but also the pros and cons of National Insurance System between Taiwan and Japan. Generally speaking, the medical system is quite similar between Japan and Taiwan, and the experience from Japan would be a great help to the problem we will certainly meet in the future. This exchange experience has broadened my view and gave me the chance to exchange mutual experience. This is not my first time to Japan, but this is my first time to stay a long time in Japan, less like a traveler, instead, more like a resident of Japan. I experienced not only the life of Japanese doctor, but also the Japanese traditional culture like Tea Ceremony, Archery and tried Japanese food like Takoyaki, Okonomiyaki and my favorite, Matcha! I think this exchange program not only help us learn in our specialty, but also a chance to get along with Japanese culture. Besides, we also feel the enthusiasm from the Osaka Medical College's doctors and students. I deeply appreciated with the hospitality of Osaka Medical College and Nakayama Center. If I had the chance to choose one more time, I definitely choose Osaka Medical College! The course in Osaka Medical College is quite different from other hospitals. We went to a department a day. Before coming to Japan, I wondered if it is a good idea because we were not able to learn deeper in each department. But after I arrived in Osaka Medical College, I realized that it's a rare experience to see so many excellent departments and meet so many experts in a short time. And I really want to show my appreciation to Professor Shintaro Nemoto that he gave me the chance to scrub in a pediatric cardiovascular surgery. The patient was a 1-year-old female, scheduled for ASD, VSD closure. Since there are only few cases in Taiwan, it almost impossible to observe this operation in our hospital. It was definitely the most influencing experience to me this time. I was interested in internal medicine, cardiology. Although it was a cardiovascular surgery field, it is still a good experience for my future career as there are some patient may need that kind of operation and I need to catch up with the patient´s condition. When I was in Taiwan, it's ashamed to confess but it's true that sometimes I was confused whether it's a good idea to be a doctor in Taiwan. No doubt that deep in my mind, I want to be a doctor, but the environment is not so friendly in Taiwan recently. More and more cases without and wrong management just end up being sued in court. Threatened by gangsters is sometimes seen in Taiwan. Furthermore, it's not uncommon that doctors or nurse was beaten up by the family of the patient only because they doubt the assessment or management even these are matched with the routine work-up. This May, an actor just beated the doctors because he thought the doctor didn’t care about his mother in the Emergency department. Another case is just happened yesterday that an elected representative who received higher education, slapped on a nurse´s face in front of all the other stuff and patients because she was not in a good mood. I shared these bad experience with OMC´s students and they are extremely shocked. “I thought it would only happened on TV series!” One of the OMC students said. I envy the good relationship between physicians and patients in Japan. Even if the work were much more heavy, I am willing to be a doctor in that kind of society. I have a dream that in the future when I am already become a real doctor, I can spread this concept to all Taiwanese and make this society improving, every doctor will get rid of the pressure from the patient and every patient can trust the doctors. At last, I really want to say thank you to many people in Japan. Professor Toshiaki Hanafusa is a brilliant talker, and a violinist. He is amiable and teach us many things. I wish I could play the violin together with him in the future. Professor Nemoto gave me the chance to scrub in and I really enjoyed during the operation. Doctor Michihiro Hayashi spent so much time with us, treated us with sumptuous feast and sang happily together in Karaoke, just like our family in Japan. But the one I admired the most is Ms. Matsumoto. Early before we went to Japan, she already contacted with us often, asking what course we wanted, what Japanese culture we want to experience and kept reminding us many detail about the learning and living in Japan. I really appreciate that she took good care of me. This is the best exchange experience I have ever had!Like I just mentioned above, I want to say it again that if I had the chance to choose again, I definitely will choose Osaka Medical College again!
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