Mini exhibition ミニ展示 糕点 과자 Sweets お菓子 Take a break and read about something sweet to eat! 県立熊谷図書館3階閲覧室入口にて展示中 October~November 2012 No. title and subtitle 書名とサブタイトル author/editor 著者/編者 手创饼干112道 廖敏云 2 不用烤箱做点心 方芍尧 3 스파게티•샌드위치 빵•과자•피자 김덕성 1 4 language call number 言語 請求記号 title code タイトルコード Chinese 596.65/Sh 1000001574272 고소한 맛이 솔솔~ 사먹는 것보다 더~ 맛있다 빵•쿠키•케이크 곽은욱 Chinese 596.6/Bu 1000001591697 Korean 596.6/Se 1000001133634 Korean 596.65/Sa 1000001133624 5 Hunar-i shirini'pazi-yi mihr 6 Wagashi the graphics of Japanese Confection 7 The perfect finish special desserts for every occasion Akram 'Azimiyan Rabi' / Sitad Sawad'amuzi Persian Kazuya Takaoka / Mutsuo Takahashi English Bill Yosses / Melissa Clark English ― 8 Wagashi 9 La cocina dulce 10 Famosas sobremesas francesas ― 11 Il libro d'oro del cioccolato ― Paco Torreblanca 1000001745544 Website: Cell phone: 588.36/Wa 1000001576258 596.65/Pe 1000001746284 French 588.36/Wa 1000001390929 Spanish 596.65/Co 1000001669581 Portuguese 596.65/Fa 1000001747191 Italian Section in charge of Foreign Language Materials Tel:048-523-6291 Fax:048-523-6468 596.6/Hu 596.65/Li 1000001671512 新到图书 신간 도서 New titles No. 1 2 3 新着図書 title and subtitle 書名とサブタイトル 마크로비오틱 아이밥상 + 간식 우리 아이 자연으로 키우는 고사기 상 신화와 사실의 접속으로 구현된 고대 일본의 기록 키진 埼玉県立熊谷図書館 海外資料コーナー language call number 言語 請求記号 title code タイトルコード author/editor 著者/編者 Korean 이와사키 유카 596/Ma 1000001681329 Korean 오오노 야스마로 913.2/Ko 1000001681377 Korean 요시모토 바나나 913.6/Yob 1000001682596 4 Thinking, fast and slow English Daniel Kahneman 331/Th 1000001755971 5 6 The ninja ancient shadow warriors of Japan Breaking dawn English Kacem Zoughari 789.8/Ni 1000001541173 English Stephenie Meyer 933.7/Me 1000001815751 7 8 Buenos aires com criancas aventurinhas na terra do dulce de leche Nihonjin Fernanda Paraguassu Portuguese 296.2/Bu 1000001732836 Oscar Nakasato Portuguese 969.3/Na 1000001732837 9 10 365 idee in cucina una buona ricetta al giorno La citta` e la casa ― Italian 596.23/Tr 1000001671511 Natalia Ginzburg Italian 973/Gi 1000001671510 You can reserve materials through our home page on the Internet (PC or cell phone). Password registration is necessary for Internet Reserve. You can borrow books from the public libraries in Saitama through inter-library loans. Please feel free to ask the library in your neighborhood. インターネット(パソコンと携帯電話)で予約ができます。 インターネット予約にはパスワードの登録が必要です。 お近くの図書館へ埼玉県立熊谷図書館の本をお取り寄せできます。 Saitama Prefectural Kumgaya Library Section in charge of Foreign Language Materials 埼玉県立熊谷図書館 海外資料担当 Tel:048-523-6291 Fax:048-523-6468 Website: Cell phone:
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