Recruitment Information for Program Assistant (PA) for Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Open Education Center is looking for Program Assistants (PA) who have an international background and participate actively in discussions and activities during the following Cross-Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) classes. The PA will answer and ask questions, express opinions and exchange thoughts with the students taking the course about intercultural issues and concepts. The PA will be paid ¥900 for undergraduate student, ¥1,100 for graduate student per hour and will be required to attend an 1-hour orientation prior to the classes. ■ Dates and Time: Class 1: Monday 4th period (14:45-16:15), June 17th, June 24th, July 1st Class 2: Tuesday 2nd period (10:40-12:10), June 11th, June 18th, June 25th Class 3: Tuesday 3rd period (13:00-14:30), June 11th, June 18th, June 25th Class 4: Tuesday 4th period (14:45-16:15), June 11th, June 18th, June 25th Class 5: Wednesday 2nd period (10:40-12:10), June 12th, June 19th, June 26th Class 6: Thursday 3rd period (13:00-14:30), June 13th, June 20th, June 27th Class 7: Thursday 4th period (14:45-16:15), June 13th, June 20th, June 27th Class 8: Friday 2nd period (10:40-12:10), June 14th, June 21th, June 28th Class 9: Friday 3rd period (13:00-14:30), June 14th, June 21th, June 28th Class 10: Friday 4th period (14:45-16:15), June 14th, June 21th, June 28th ■ Place: Building 120-3-205 ■ Number of Program Assistants recruiting: approximately 30 students ■ Discussion Topics Class1, 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9 Facilitation Skills, Intercultural Translation, Switching Perspectives, Communication Styles, High- and Low-context Communication Styles, Different Preferences for Communication Styles, Country Images, Stereotypes, Agreement Styles Class3, 4, 6, and 10 Body Language, Context, High-context versus Low-context Styles of Communication, Intercultural Translation (Trendy Terms), Review of Facilitation Skills, Description and Interpretation, Review: D.I.E. (Description, Interpretation, Evaluation) and O.D.I.S. (Observation, Description, Interpretation, Suspending ethnocentric evaluation), Interpretation and Evaluation, Emotions and Facial Expressions, Value Orientation (Masculinity and Femininity) ■ Conditions: Applicant must 1. be a Waseda University student (Graduate students welcome) 2. have English proficiency of at least TOEIC 800, TOEFL PBT 500, TOEFL iBT 75 (equivalent to Tutorial English Advanced level) ※Holders of a Bachelor’s Degree or students exchanged from an university in an English speaking country are exempt from English proficiency requirement above. 3. have 5 years or more experience living overseas if applicant is a Japanese national 4. be able to attend ALL lesson days for your class 5. be able to attend a interview which we indicated. 6. be able to attend an orientation (approximately 1 hour) prior to the first class 7. have taken CCDL class(es) is desirable but not essential. ■ How to apply If you are interested in applying, access Waseda-net portal and click “Application” under “System Services” that is under the top page (Figure 1). Then find “Program Assistant for CCDL” among the list (Figure 2) and fill out necessary information. After completing the form, click “登録”(Register). Application deadline is Thursday, May 9, 2013. The result of the application will be sent via email by May 15, 2013. Applicants selected will be notified for an interview which will be held on May 21 or 24, 2013. <Inquiry> Open Education Center Email:[email protected] Staff: Akinori Kikuchi, Chisa Hattori Cross Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL) Program Assistant (PA)募集 オープン教育センターは、Cross Cultural Distance Learning (CCDL)の授業において、国際的なバックグラウンドを持ち、ディ スカッションやアクティビティ能力を備えた Program Assistant (PA)を募集しています。 PA は、CCDL を受講している学生と一緒に、異文化交流の意見や考えについて、質問に答えたり相談したり、明確な意見を述べた りして考えを言い合います。PA は、学部生に時給 900 円、大学院生に時給 1,100 円が支払われ、授業開始前に、1 時間のオリエ ンテーションに出席することが必要です。 ■授業日: Class 1:月曜日 4時限(14:45-16:15) 6/17、6/24、7/1 Class 2:火曜日 2時限(10:40-12:10) 6/11、6/18、6/25 Class 3:火曜日 3時限(13:00-14:30) 6/11、6/18、6/25 Class 4:火曜日 4時限(14:45-16:15) 6/11、6/18、6/25 Class 5:水曜日 2時限(10:40-12:10) 6/12、6/19、6/26 Class 6:木曜日 3時限(13:00-14:30) 6/13、6/20、6/27 Class 7:木曜日 4時限(14:45-16:15) 6/13、6/20、6/27 Class 8:金曜日 2時限(10:40-12:10) 6/14、6/21、6/28 Class 9:金曜日 3時限(13:00-14:30) 6/14、6/21、6/28 Class 10:金曜日 ■場所: 4時限(14:45-16:15) 6/14、6/21、6/28 120-3-205 ■PA採用予定者数: 30名程度 ■ディスカッションの内容: Class1, 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9 Facilitation Skills, Intercultural Translation, Switching Perspectives, Communication Styles, High- and Low-context Communication Styles, Different Preferences for Communication Styles, Country Images, Stereotypes, Agreement Styles Class3, 4, 6, and 10 Body Language, Context, High-context versus Low-context Styles of Communication, Intercultural Translation (Trendy Terms), Review of Facilitation Skills, Description and Interpretation, Review: D.I.E. (Description, Interpretation, Evaluation) and O.D.I.S. (Observation, Description, Interpretation, Suspending ethnocentric evaluation), Interpretation and Evaluation, Emotions and Facial Expressions, Value Orientation (Masculinity and Femininity) ■募集要件: 1.早稲田大学の学生であること(大学院生歓迎)。 2.少なくともTOEIC 800, TOEFL PBT 500, TOEFL iBT 75 (またはTutorial English Advanced level)の英語力を有する こと。 ※英語を母国語とする国の大学の学士取得者や交流学生は、上記の英語力を問わない。 3.日本国籍の方の場合は、5年以上の海外居住経験があること。 4.担当する授業にすべて出席可能なこと。 5.提示した面接日程に出席可能なこと。 6.初回授業の前のオリエンテーション(1時間程度)に出席可能なこと。 7.CCDL受講経験が望ましいが必須ではない。 ■申込み方法 お申込みいただける場合は、Waseda-net portal にアクセスして、Top ページ (図1) の ‘’Application’’にある ’’ System Services’’ をクリックしてください。 リストの中から ‘’Program Assistant for CCDL’’ を探して、必要な情報を入力してください。フォームをすべて入力したら、“登 録”(Register)’’ をクリックしてください。 申込み期限は、2013年5月9日(木)です。 申請結果は、2013年5月15日までにメールが送られます。選考に通った方は、2013年5月21日、24日に行われる面接のお知らせ をいたします。 <お問い合わせ> オープン教育センター Email:[email protected] Staff: 菊池、服部
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