入試問題解説【英語】 江戸川学園取手高等学校入試問題の概要 【 英 語 】 〈問題構成〉 平成25年度は、1 文法問題、2正誤問題、3語彙問題、4長文語彙補充問題、5長 文読解、6英作文という構成になっています。毎年大問は5~6題出題されており、文法 問題、正誤問題、語彙問題、長文問題、英作文問題の5種類の出題は必須となっています。 1 文法問題は10問で、全て選択式問題となっています。毎年必ずこの形式で出題さ れます。2正誤問題は10問で、全て選択式問題となっています。出題内容は、正しい文 章を選ぶ場合と、謝っている文章を選ぶ場合に分かれますが、毎年10問中、5問を選択 するという傾向です。3の語彙問題は5問です。記述式で、語彙力を問う問題となってお ります。単語の定義が英文で示されており、それを読んで、どの単語のことを説明してい るのかを見極める問題となっています。語彙問題に関しては、毎年同じ出題傾向ではなく、 派生語を問われる場合や、短い英文の中で文脈上最適な語を当てはめる場合などがありま す。4長文語彙補充問題は5問です。記述式で、長文の中で文脈上・文法上最適な単語を 当てはめる問題となっております。毎年必ず出題されるとは限りません。語彙問題や、長 文問題に含まれたりすることがあります。5の長文読解問題は10問で、ジャンルはさま ざまです。選択式問題と記述式問題で構成されています。設問は、語彙問題、抜き出し問 題、内容理解問題、語句整序問題など、多岐に渡ります。6の英作文問題は5問で、出題 数は毎年同じです。記述式で、語句指定や語数指定がされている場合があります。 〈出題傾向と対策〉 文法問題は、中学既習分野だけではなく、高校初級レベルの文法問題まで出題されます。 例えば、第五文型、関係代名詞と関係副詞、可算名詞と不可算名詞、代名詞、動名詞、助 動詞、前置詞、接続詞など、幅広い文法分野からの出題となっていますので、高校初級レ ベルの文法問題にまで学習範囲を広げ、数多くの問題演習を行っておくことが望まれます。 ただ、暗記するのではなく、なぜこの答えに導かれるのかということをしっかりと意識し て、何を問われているのかを自分で分類できることが大切です。 正誤問題は、文法問題と同じように、中学既習分野だけではなく、高校初級レベルの文 法問題まで出題されます。学習方法は、文法問題対策と同じです。その上で、いかに正し い英文に目に向け、しっかりと意識して解釈しているか、その上で音読しているか、とい うレベルにまで昇華させた学習方法が望まれます。 語彙問題及び、長文語彙補充問題のレベルも、文法問題や正誤問題と同じように、中学 既習分野だけではなく、高校初級レベルまで出題されます。語彙が自分の中に知識として 定着しているか、そして覚えたものを正しく英語で綴ることができるかということを測り ます。しっかり時間をかけて学習しているかどうかが問われることになります。 長文読解問題は、英文を大まかに把握できているかを問う問題となっています。設問形 式は毎年さまざまですが、部分ではなく、英文の全体の流れを把握できているかどうかを 問う設問が中心となっています。いかに速く正確に内容を把握できるかが鍵です。問題形 式は、選択式問題を多く含みます。中には語彙問題も含む場合もあります。全体の流れの 中で、語彙を連想させる問題などが出題されます。記述式問題は、英文を日本語訳させる 問題はあまり出題されない傾向であり、単語を抜き出す形式などがほとんどです。内容一 致の問題は何らかの形で出題されますが、ほとんどが選択式の問題となっています。まれ に、英語の記述式で解答する場合もあります。対策としては、教科書レベルの英文を速読 速解できるように、数多くの長文問題に取り組んでおくことが望まれます。 英作文問題は、基本的な英文が正しく綴ることができるかを測る問題となっています。 出題される日本語は、日常的な表現が多く、分野としては、中学校で既習のものがほとん どです。時制、関係詞、比較、現在完了、助動詞、疑問文などといった文法事項が問われ ます。対策としては、基本的な英文で良いので、文法問題の学習で目に触れた英文を何度 も書いて覚え、暗唱できるくらいにまでに自分のものとする学習姿勢が大切です。日常的 な簡単な日本語表現を、英語に書き換え、先生に添削してもらいましょう。 -1- 〈問題と解答例〉 1 次の各文の空所に入る最も適切な語(句)をそれぞれ①~④の中から選び,その番号 を記しなさい。 (1) ① (2) ① (3) ① (4) ① (5) ① (6) ① (7) ① (8) ① (9) ① (10) ① My mother ( ) in India for 5 years. lives ② lived ③ is living ④ was lived 答. ② She ( ) be over fifty. She must still be in her forties. can't ② may ③ must ④ mustn't 答. ① I'm reading a book ( )I borrowed from the library. who ② whom ③ which ④ whose 答. ③ He left Japan ( ) the morning of January 26th. in ② on ③ at ④ to 答. ② You must go home ( ) it gets dark. while ② before ③ and ④ though 答. ② The girl ( ) soccer over there is my daughter. play ② plays ③ playing ④ played 答. ③ There are a lot of places ( ) in our city. visit ② visited ③ to visit ④ visiting 答. ③ He stopped ( ) for the sake of health. smoke ② smoking ③ smoked ④ to smoke 答. ② My mother bought a book yesterday and gave ( ) to me. another ② other ③ it ④ one 答. ③ She looks ( )in that dress. at ② like ③ beautiful ④ forward 答. ③ 時制 助動詞 関係詞 前置詞 接続詞 現在分詞 不定詞 動名詞 代名詞 形容詞 2 次の英文の中には,文法上,誤りを含むものが5つある。誤りを含む英文を選び,そ の番号を記しなさい。 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ My father gave me good advices. × → advice l was very excited at the news. This knife is used to cut various things. She is well spoken by her friends. × → spoken of She married with a Frenchman. × → with 不要 It has been raining since last Monday. The house which he used to live was very big. × → in which / where Would you mind opening the window ? I saw the man just a few years ago. Children are dangerous to go out alone at night. × → It is dangerous for children -2- 3 次の意味を表す英単語1語をそれぞれ( )内の条件に従い,大文字で記しなさい。 なお,( )内の左のアルファベットは頭文字・右の数字は字数とする。 例題:the fifth month of the year, between April and June (M・3) 答え:MAY (1)a road vehicle with two wheels that you ride by pushing the pedals with your feet (B・7) (2) a large building where people who are sick or injured are given medical treatment and care (H・8) (3) the season of the year between summer and winter (A・6) (4) a book in which you can write down the experiences you have each day (D・ 5) (5) the direction that is on your right when you watch the sun rise (S・5) 答. (1) BICYCLE (2) HOSPITAL (3) AUTUMN (4) DIARY (5) SOUTH 4 次の文の内容に一貫性をもたせるように,空所(1)~(5)にそれぞれ適当な1語を補 充しなさい。但し,与えられた頭文字を用いること。 I don't like birthday. I grow older and I always get presents. But I can't use them. I have received many clocks, umbrellas, blouses, gloves. I have these presents in my closet. One day, my Uncle Fred called me. "Hello, Jessica." he said. "We're going to have 3 birthday party for my (1)(w ), Jane. Will you be able to come to my house next Sunday at (2)(t ) in the afternoon?" "Hold on a minute. I'll look at my calendar,"I said.“Yes, that day looks O.K. to me. I'll be there. Should I bring anything for the party?" "No," answered Uncle Fred, “just bring (3) (y )." The day of the party arrived. After I thought for some time, I decided to bring a little present for my aunt. Then I looked at my watch. I said to myself, "I'll not be there by two o'clock."So I went into the closet, took out the first box I saw, and left home quickly. My relatives were all there when I arrived at my uncle's house. They were glad to see me. Aunt Jane looked very happy. She said to me. "Hello, Jessica. I (4) (h ) seen you for a long time. How are you?" "I'm fine. Happy birthday, Aunt Jane. Here you are. A little something for you," I said. "Oh, how kind!" said my aunt, and she opened the present. Then she found a card in the box and began to read it. I was surprised. "A card?" I thought. "Dear (5)(J )," she read, "Happy birthday. I hope you enjoy these gloves. Your fingers will always be warm in the winter. Your aunt, Jane." 答. (1) wife (2) two (3) yourself (4) -3- haven't (5) Jessica 5 次の英文を読んで,あとの設問に答えなさい。 Puanani Wilhelm is an assistant language teacher from Hawaii. Today she is talking ( 1 ) her students about Hawaiian history and language. Aloha, everyone! As you know, I am from Hawaii. If you have been there, maybe you noticed that there are many different kinds of people in Hawaii. Some people call our islands “the melting pot of the Pacific. "The first people came to Hawaii over 1,000 years ago from other Polynesian islands. Their descendants, like myself, are called “Hawaiians," but we are a ( 2 ). There are also many people from different parts of the world: Japan, Korea, China, the Philippines, Europe, and other American states. ( 3 ) there are many different races and nationalities, we seem to be getting along very well. There are lots of different languages too. Of course English is our main language, but did you know that Hawaiian is also an official language? I'd like to tell you a little about it. Have you heard people ( 4 ) Hawaiian before? You all know that aloha means 'hello,' but it also means 'welcome' and 'love.' Do you know how to say "Thank you" in Hawaiian? We say "Mahalo !" Hawaiian is a very musical language. We have only forty syllables in our language, and the sound is very soft. In the old times, we had no writing system, so our history and our stories were passed on from parents to children by ( 5 ). In the nineteenth century Europeans and Americans came to our islands and set our language into the Roman alphabet. By the late nineteenth century, more than ninety percent of the population could read and write ( 6a ). In 1896, however, ( 6b ) was declared the official language, and Hawaiian was no longer taught in schools. By 1902 they had closed all the Hawaiian language schools. It seemed that the Hawaiian language would die out. Then in the early 1970s, we began a movement to revive our native Hawaiian culture and language. As part of the movement to revive the Hawaiian language, a nursery school called Punαna Leo was set up in 1984. The word Punana means 'nest' and leo means 'voice' or 'language.' This school is for children from the age of two to five. Just as little birds in their nests learn from their mothers, children are taught to use Hawaiian all day long. I also went to Punana Leo, and then, when it was time to enter, public school, I went to Kaiapuni. All subjects there are taught in Hawaiian. I started to study English as a second language in the fifth grade, so now I can speak both Hawaiian and English. (7)The number of young people who can not speak Hawaiian is increasing rapidly, and more and more families speak Hawaiian at home. Less than a generation ago, no one thought that would be possible. You may wonder why Hawaiians are so eager to maintain their native language. (8)ithinktheansweristhatlanguageismorethanjustameansofexchanginginformation. We see the world around us through the window of our language. It enables us to share the history and culture of our people, and so it helps us find our identity. If we lose our language, we lose something of ourselves. ( 9 ) here in Japan. What happens to your culture and identity? English is useful for communication in many parts of the world, but your mother tongue is an important part of your identity. In Japan, too, there is a minority language, just as in Hawaii. The Ainu people have lost much of their language and culture. Today, they are trying to revive their traditions. In this class we are going to study English of course, but I want you to remember that your mother tongue is the most important language in the world. Mahalo for listening. -4- 問1 問2 問3 空所(1)に入る前置詞を文中から抜き出しなさい。 空所(2)に入る1語を本文中から抜き出しなさい。 空所(3)に入る語として最も適切なものを次の中から選び,その番号を記しなさい。 ① But ② Until ③ Though ④ When 問4 空所(4)に入る語として最も適切なものを次の中から選び,その番号を記しなさい。 ① spoken ② to speak ③ speak ④ speaks 問5 空所(5)に入る語として最も適切なものを次の中から選び,その番号を記しなさい。 ① nature ② mouth ③ telegram ④ writing 問6 空所(6a),(6b)を埋めるのに,最も適切な単語の組み合わせを次の中から選び,その 番号を記しなさい。 ① (a) English (b) Hawaiian ② (a) Hawaiian (b) English ③ (a) Hawaiian (b) Hawaiian ④ (a) English (b) English 問7 下線部(7)には,文法上あるいは文脈上,取り除かなければならない語が1語あ る。該当する語を抜き出しなさい。 問8 下線部(8)は何語で構成された文なのか,算用数字を記しなさい。但し, don't の ような短縮語句は1語として数え,コンマ,ピリオド,疑問符などは1語に数えない。文 頭に来る語も小文字で表記してある。 問9 下に与えられた語(句)を適切な順に並べ替えて空所(9)を埋め,その3番目と5 番目に来る語(句)を選び,番号を記しなさい。但し,文頭に来る語も小文字で表記して ある。 ① the Japanese language ② English ③ has taken ④ imagine ⑤ of ⑥ that ⑦ the place 問 10 次の各文が本文の内容と合っていれば○,間違っていれば × を記しなさい。 1. The only language spoken in Hawaii is English. 2. Native Hawaiians had no writing system before Europeans and Americans came to Hawaii. 3. At Punanα Leo and Kaiapuni, children are taught in Hawaiian, not in English. 4. Hawaiians are reluctant to maintain their native language. 5. Puanani Wilhelm can speak English as well as Hawaiian. 6. Puanani Wilhelm thinks English is most important language in the world. 答. 問 1 to 問 2 minority 問 3 ③ 問4 ③ 問5 ② 問6 ② 問 7 not 問 8 16 問 9 3番目 … ② 5番目 … ⑦ 問 10 1 × 2 ○ 3 ○ 4 × 5 ○ 6 × 6 次の日本語を英文にしなさい。但し,( )内の指示に従うこと。 (1)あの女の子達はテニス選手かもしれない。(may を使って) (2)あなたの辞書は私のよりも重い。(6語で) (3)私達の国では英語が話されている。(6語で) (4)彼はカナダに3回行ったことがあります。 (5)私は,あなたが先週の土曜どこに行ったのか知りたい。(to 不定詞を使って) 答. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Those girls may be tennis players. Your dictionary is heavier than mine. English is spoken in our country. He has been to Canada three times. I want to know where you went last Saturday. -5- 江戸川学園取手高等学校
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